Shizz I'm so revved up I'm going to answer my own post.
Do you know your comp plan inside out, backwards forwards and divided by PI?
If not start there.
Dissect your assignment/territory.
Then make a list of all potential customers, eliminate BS (i.e. gas stations, food marts, beauty salons, bike shops etc...) then look at whats left over make sure they can MAKE LOCAL DECISIONS, don't call a Proctor and Gamble office in your territory just because they are big (they cant buy from you even if it was free)
Then call the ones that are left and find out where they are in the buying cycle and who makes the decisions. Enter into a database of some sort. Call and get an initial introductory appoint and wallah! you've got a prospect.
Now get about 20 into your pipeline and start selling! (The selling part I'll leave to another day but prospecting and getting prospects is easy.)
On top of it all you have Kyocera printers (the lowest CPC in the industry)
Now quit whining and start working 10-12 hour days to begin with, when you get going you can cut back, learn about how businesses work and what their issues are and how you can help them, learn paper intensive vertical markets.
Who the Heck do you know that makes $100k Plus and doesn't work there AZZ off and are experts at what they do?