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GBC Streampuncher "OOUCH"!

I was so excited when this product was launched. I saw this as a excellent feature for savings HV users time and money.

I have sold one to a 2090 user and two to a 2090 and 2105 user.

Well, the second customer cancelled the order becuase of several issues: Let me go over these issues:

1. There is no off feature to deactivate the hole punching. The user must wait 60 seconds or open and close the front cover.

2. When there is a jam in the hole puncher, the user has 60 seconds to clear the jam. If the jam is not cleared in 60 seconds the hole punch will turn off and the job will be run with out the holes being punched! The only way to stop the run is to cancel the job and start all over! (Rumor has it that Ricoh is working on a software fix, well it was not soon enough for my customer).

3. In the sample mode the GBC streampuncher will turn off after 30 seconds! So if you blow your nose or fill the paper tray or change a setting the GBC will turn off and the job will be run without the punching! (Rumor has it that Ricoh is working on a software fix, well not soon enough for my customer).

4. The GBC will jam in the "U" area, and not send the jam signal to the system. The copier will continue to run and the papers will by-pass the GBC and come out non punched! If the customer is not watching the entire job can be wasted! The customer explained to me that they should not have to "baby sit" the unit! (Ricoh was alerted to the problem and we are waiting for some type of answer, it has been over a week!)

5. Make sure you give the customer a vacuum.... the chads are dispersed all over the GBC unit and the SR finisher. This has and will cause jams inside both units. (Rumor has it, there is a mod on the way).

My first customer called the other day and stated that if he knew he has to vacuum the unit everyday he would have said "no thanks"!

My dealership will probably never order another unit. Even though the second generation devices may be better.

These units should have been tested throughly before being released! Hey, don't get me wrong I love the Ricoh products that I sell. However this seems to be a big bomb. How bout it anyone else having horror stories from the GBC?

I am going to the Print on Demand Show in NYC and I know that they will have these there.

[This message was edited by Docusultant on Mon March 01 2004 at 12:57 PM.]
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