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GBC ProClick Pronto 3000

Does anyone have any experience with this automated binding product?


I need to quote a law firm that is currently using a Ricoh MP6001 with a GBC StreamPunch III and a seperate standalone spiral wire binding unit. I do not have access to similar product. The ProClick 3000 looks like a possible solution although it only punches 15 pages at one time. Like the binding unit it can combine documents up to 100 pages.


Binding is a common daily task for this law firm and they are willing to pay more for the time saving convenience.  The ProClick 3000 is a much less costly solution but more labour intensive.

Also, do you know, when you buy a StreamPunch is the binding unit included in the price?  Is this binding unit only capable of spiral wire bound or can it do plastic Cerlox bound as well?


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