BuyerZone is a pain in the butt resource, but it is a resource that produces sales for us. In 2005, BZ represented approximately 150K in sales. I average approximately 5 - 8 leads per month.
We don't play the internet "quote" game. I use a follow up call to the internet notification to "sell" an appointment! If they won't see me, half the time I don't even send a quote. Our business is done and won "face to face" - use BZ to get into the customers office. I will screen any segment 3 or higher system and attempt to get the appointment set for one of my sales team. The leads I have found to be the biggest waste of time are the document managment leads - most we have talked to are so early in the sales process that they haven't even determined how a solution like this might help their business. They are just curious! We see them, work with them, and help see what could be.....based on what we learn about their business. Bottom line...none of the 5 - 6 leads we have follow up have been ready to purchase.
Bottom line...BZ is a foot in the door if you want to take it. Sending quotes via the internet "per BZ policies" is a waste of time. Go get the business....make something happen.