Just a follow up for Buyer Zone, a few more things that irked me. When you register you are told that you are one of six preferred vendors. I double check and yes, we were one of six. They sent me a list of the six vendors that would contact me. After a week, I received a call from Xerox and another dealer and they were not on the original lease.
I can only assume that 6-9 dealers or manufacturers are contacting the end users. What a way to start a price WAR!!!
In recent recent weeks, I have received four leads, out of the four, none I repeat none returned my phone calls or my messages! How can you sell a solution if these people will not call you back. Buyer Zone is advantage towards the client and Buyer Zone.
Seems to me all they want is a number and no interaction for any type pf solution.
I'm going to keep on doing what I've been doing and find my own leads for solutions and hardware.
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