Jason...there are a number of reasons as to why we don't just move "boxes" at cost to get the service/supply dollars. From a dealership standpoint the margins on those dollars are decreasing every year and we need to look at ways to be able to get better margins on the equipment. From the standpoint of the customer there are even more reasons not to buy from companies like buyerzone and work with a true professional.
When conducted properly and with the right person (CEO,CFO) then a high-end assessment can be of great value to them. Looking at not only what they are paying for equipment and related costs like service and supplies, but also conducted executive and end user surveys will give you a tremendous amount of information that you can then use to help that client out with recommendations that will not only help them contain or even reduce costs, but help them with workflow productivity. There are soft cost invovled that customers do not think about or look at that when presented in a "consultative" format can provide them with information for them to make a completely informed decision when it comes to document management and production.
When done right, the consultative approach can provide an increible amount of value and allow us to not only build value but get paid for it.