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Reply to "Duplicator and sorting ideas"

I have learned a ton while trying to sell duplicators to printers over the last 12 years and it's interesting how we have both independantly developed the same approach. Here are a few more tidbits for those of you trying to break into this tough but lucritive part of the business:
A.) You need to establish early on that 100% of his output does not need to be of the highest fact he has already conceeded that (although he may have trouble admitting it) when he put in that copier.
B.) When he turns away business that is not profitable for the press because the run-length is too short(but would be profitable on a duplicator) he is pushing those customers into a competitors door most likely never to return. I ask, "Wouldn't you agree that most people want just one printer for all of their printing needs?"
C.) My chance for success seems to be greater in environments where the press is kept busy all day. That means there is over-time being paid during peek times or the possibility that they were contemplating an additional press (and pressman). Since a duplicator does not have to be babysat, the same guy running the press can also keep the duplicator productive or the front desk personel can run it.