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Reply to "Copier life expectancy"

Originally posted by Old Glory:
It is actually the law that any manufacturer must maintain parts for 7 years after the last date that the product is sold new.

It appears that is a legend. I couldn't find any federal law covering that, but here are some state laws covering it...

Parts Availability Laws

Can your item be repaired? If parts are required, are they available to a servicer? In some states, the answer may be "no."

7 years after date of manufacture for goods with a wholesale value of $100 or more, 3 years for items valued at $50 to $99.99. This law covers functional parts only.

4 years after the date of final sale.

7 years after the date of final sale.

Rhode Island:
4 years after final sale.

New Hampshire:
For goods valued at over $100, parts and service info for the period of time covered by the warranty.

BTW, these are enforced on overseas manufacturers because they cover any product "sold within the state".