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Reply to "Cloud Poll"

Evernote is another example of an appealing consumer presence but will DM's ever buy their service in the developing Corporate business space regardless of price structure.

Not that EverNote/ Udocx prvides great levels of service, they are just not familiar and how long will they be in business before someone else bigger buys them?

The above players, based in the internet do not have the street boots on the ground to make the original B2B (Belly Button 2 Belly Button) sales solution work. That is why we as MFP professionals will, who call on actual end users and build relationship, will craft the solution.

As long as Corporate business data is 100% owned and transferrable from one Cloud Provider to another in a non proprietary format, I think we will enter an new era in Cloud Storage providers.

We, as MFP sales people, only have the industry knowledge to predict what might happen in the cloud in the next 24 monhts.
Last edited by SalesServiceGuy