QUESTION #5: Great! When could we begin? or Great! When is your next long copy run?
The object of the fifth question is to pin the prospect down to a begining date or time or quantity to start doing business. In many cases you can sell a trial demo. Where big ticket products are involved (copiers) a puppy dog approach will work best (leave your product for the customer to use for a couple of days), or take the prospect to visit a satisfied customer and see your product in action and get a live testimonial.
Use the questioning process early and often, If you are doing alot of talking and the prospect is not - you're boring the prospect and losing the sale. They don't care what you've got unless it serves their needs. The only way to identify those needs is to ask 'em.
Looking for a few additional Power Question lead-ins. Try these>
What do you look for...?
What have you found......?
How do you propose.......?
What has your experience been....?
How have you sucessfully used....?
How do you determine......?
Why is that a deciding factor.....
What makes you choose......?
What do you like about,......?
What is one thing you would improve about your present copier?
What would you change about your present copier?
Are there other factors for buying that we have not covered?
To use these questions successfully, they must be thought out and written down in advance. Develop a list of 15 to 25 questions that uncover needs, problems, pains, concerns and objections. Develop 15 to 25 more that create prospect committment as a result of the information that you have uncovered.