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Can You Close A Sale in 5 Questions?

Questions breed sales. Using Power Quations to find facts is critical to creating an atmosphere in which a sale can be made. Ray Leone, probabaly as good a customer as exits in selling, has issued this challenge: CAN YOU CLOSE A SALE IN 5 QUESTIONS? Here's a mixture of his technique.

QUESTION #1: "Mr. Prospect, HOW DO YOU select a copier?

Prospect says, "Quality, Delivery and Price."

QUESTION #2: "HOW DO YOU DEFINE quality?" or "WHAT DOES quality MEAN TO YOU?" (Ask the same "How do you define....?" question for all three responses of the "how do you choose...?" question.)

The prospect will give you thoughtful answers. Many prospects have never been asked questions like these, and he will be forced to think in new patterns. You may even want to ask a follow up questions or create a tie-down question before going onto questions #3. For example, the prospect says he defines quality as crisp, clear copies. You ask, "oh, you mean coping reflects the image of the quality of your company?"

How can a prospectpossibly say no to that question.
Part 2 later

Sales solutions are easy once you identify the prospects problems. This only accomplished by well crafted questions. Questions that exact information, needs, and concerns. THE SALE IS MOST EASILYMADE ONCE YOU IDENTIFY THE PROSPECTS REAL NEEDS AND HARMONIZE WITH HIS CONCERNS.

This questioning technique can be used to qualify, identify true needs, and close the sale in 5 question steps. For exapmle , let's say I'm selling copiers.

(Have a notepad out and use it as the prospect responds.)
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