Try chosing a customer who is not in the market right now, and or create a need for your product or feature.
There are many features that are different from manufacturer to manufacturer. Try to hone in on a "lock out" feature, a feature which Minolta does not offer and Ricoh does. Then hammer you position.
Most of the time we can never win on price, but on sales skills, such as what the customer needs and what they do not think they need. Uncover through interviews the hidden pain or hidden costs associated with the way they are conducting business NOW!
When I was a new rep, I had to rely on giving boxes away, becuase I lacked the fundamentals of knowing the FAB Fature Advantage and Benefits of my product. As I learned the FAB's of each system I was able to close more deals with more profit. I also knew when I had a price priing and then switched to selling price along with FAB.
Get the boxes out on the street and repeat sales will follow. The Minolta/Konica is easy to beat as long as you command your customers attention that you can save them time and money with your system. When bringing these points to the forefront your potential client is less likley to look for a competetive price.
Hope this helps.
rt pot