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Reply to "AS400 Connectivity"

From: Lee Sent: 8/27/2002 9:41 PM
I'll try to help here if I can: Ricoh has an excellent white paper on AS/400 printer setup located here (under white papers).

You can also look on Aficio League, as they have some information on the OMS400 software located in the Info Center under Sales Information Guides and Output Management Software.

Your contact for AS/400 connectivity at Ricoh should be Mike DeBenedetto at 1-973-882-2000 ext 3173. He is the AS/400 and Host Connectivity Product Manager. He seems to be a good guy to work with and will conference in with you on your sales call to help you determine the needs of the customer.

Have I been 100% successful in connecting to AS/400's? The answer to that is no. There are some things (and this is hard for me to admit!) that I just have not been able to accomplish. The main issue that you run in to sometimes is that the AS/400 folks just won't work with you. In many instances, the AS/400 is not even in the same state as you are. It's really hard to get buy-in from someone that you can't look straight in the eye.

By the way, in the AS/400 world, you don't need to be concerned with how much the OMS software costs if you have the need to sell it. Those guys pay more for a utility that they use one time and then throw away.
