Sorry, just saw this. I am not walking around with a face mask! There are 11.1 million people in Wuhan, China. Eighty K has contracting COVID 19, lets do the math. 10% is 1.1 million people, 1% is 110,000 people. Thus the 80K infected is less than one percent. Of those 80K, 3,800 poor souls have perished. Today China only reported 44 new cases.
China may be on the down curve while other countries like Italy, and Iran are still increasing.
As far as interacting with clients, handshaking should be a no no, but carry on with your regular meeting. I keep Purel in the car and a few extra before I went to Aruba (just in case). Funny today, I left my ezpass in my wife's car by accident. Thus I had to pay with cash for the tolls. Thus after every exchange of cash I cleaned my hands with Purel.
Things not to do anymore:
- Handle cash
- Pick up nose
- Put your hands in your face
- Shake hands
Take the same precautions as you would with the Flu. I did hear today that one client refused to meet with a rep because of COVID19. @Jason H
I'm thinking there will be more of those in the future and especially those that are watching MSDNC and CNN.
Other than that I'm going to do what I always do and it GOD wants me he can have me, but I will take precautions so I don't give it to anyone else.