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As Sales and Service professionals in the copier industry what should we be doing to protect ourselves against the Corona Virus?

As sales/ service people we are introducing ourselves to new people everyday in the hopes of making a sale and earning an income.

Our Sales Managers push us to make more cold calls every day to make quota.

... but are we putting our personal health at risk?

... should we be practising "social distancing"?

... should we just kind of float for a few months and hope this goes away?

... will potential customers seeing a new face (your face) coming though their door a health risk?

I do walk around with a face mask and hand sanitizer inside my laptop bag that I carry with myself all of the time.  Plus extras in the car.

Hand sanitizer is getting hard to source.  Purell is completely sold out across the USA until the end of March.

Last edited by SalesServiceGuy
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