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Green fingers get down and dirty on Schools Tree Day

Ricoh representatives, recently traded their laptops and personal computers for spades, trowels and watering cans.

Continuing Ricoh’s support of the Environment Education project at Warrimoo Public School, Ricoh representatives from its Office Automation and Environment Divisions participated in Schools Tree Day, a national initiative promoted by Planet Ark. Ricoh Australia funded the purchase of equipment and indigenous species for the day.

The school enlisted the help of well-known local botanist, Wyn Jones to plan where each species should be planted to ensure the regeneration of the area was as close to nature as possible.

After a brief demonstration of how to plant a tree by Joe Banffy, school principal, 100 children dispersed into small groups of 6 to 8 which were led by Ricoh representatives, teachers, parents and members of the local Landcare group. The children under the guidance of their team leaders, worked together to plant all the species. For some children, this was their first experience at planting a tree!

The school’s Landcare group plans to clear another area of similar size over the coming months with another planting day scheduled for 2004.

Neville Cooper, Quality and Environment Manager Ricoh Australia comments: “The work that is being undertaken here at Warrimoo has captured the interest of Ricoh Japan. An article on the Earthkeepers™ program has been published in the corporate newsletter "Ricoh Family", which is circulated to Ricoh companies worldwide. Ricoh Australia is proud to sponsor this program which teaches children to learn to live in harmony with their surroundings and develop awareness about their connection with nature. Today's tree planting which will regenerate the natural bushland surrounds of the school reinforces these concepts."

Pictured right is Gerrard Rugg, Digital Solutions Consultant of the Sydney Branch with students from Warrimoo Public School.