Checked out the new Xerox at a customer's site and this is what I found:
Meter reading displays separate meter read for each roll.
Need to slide doc feed forward and actually lift off the machine to clear jam in doc feed area.
Originals are right justified to scan or copy versus centering like the 240W.
To make copy, you need to use touch screen panel to select "Synchro". If you don't select, you will get a copy that is a standard size with lots of blank paper around the image.
Scan to mailbox looked pretty slick. Just select scan and pick your mailbox name. Go back to your desk and it's there - not mixed with other people's scans.
There was a Print from Memory button on the unit but he did not know what it was for.
Paper loading is pretty easy. Just set the paper roll in place. A sensor automatically senses the paper and pulls it into position. No turning wheels or pressing buttons. If the leading edge is not straight, you can then use the button to move forward and cut like we do on the 480W.
There is an optional stacker available to stack originals versus one at a time. Adds about 18" to back of machine.
Doc feed table is good size.
Machine is pretty quiet.
To clear misfeed from machine, there is a latch on the right and the upper half of the machine opens up and tilts back to expose the misfeed.
Toner is dumped in hopper like the 7030D but here are no screws to latch back down which was a problem with 7030D. Just flip the panel back and you are all set.
Machine is heavy but looks very sturdy and durable.
Bypass folds up and out of the way when not in use.
Price customer paid - approx. $16,500
Maintenance is $1,175 a year for 2,500 square feet per month. Toner extra.