Thought this paragraph in an RFP in the leads section here was interesting...
B. Automobile If the Proposer or its employees use motor vehicles in conducting activities under this Contract, liability insurance covering bodily injury and property damage shall be provided by the Proposer through a commercial automobile insurance policy. The policy shall cover all owned and non-owned vehicles. Such insurance shall have minimum limits of $500,000 per occurrence, combined single limit for bodily injury liability and property damage liability with a $1,000,000 annual aggregate limit. If the Proposer does not use motor vehicles in conducting activities under this Contract, then written confirmation to that effect on Proposer letterhead shall be submitted by the Proposer.
First of all... How would you "not use motor vehicles" while servicing an entire county government?
Secondly... My company requires higher insurance limits on our vehicles, but the limits listed here seem really high to me.