I was in my junior year of college and upon return from my 5:30am workout with the rest of my college baseball team, I laid down for a nap in my apartment until 7:45am Central time. After getting dressed and grabbing my things for my morning classes, I walked out to the living room and my brother was laying on the couch and told me a plane hit one of the towers of the World Trade Center in NYC. Of course, we were under the assumption that it was an accident until a little later when the 2nd plane hit the other tower.
Since I was at a Christian university, a special chapel service was called to pray for the victims, first responders & the USA in general, and then classes were cancelled for the day. Once it was confirmed that this was a terrorist attack, the lines at the gas stations became increasingly long for fear that there would be a gas shortage. Everyone I knew was calling for revenge, and several of my friends enlisted in the various branches of our military in the coming days.