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Reply to "240W & 480W w/Ecopy"

Here are some more points to hammer home;

  • FPOT 24 seconds
  • warmup 5 minutes
  • Rear exit only, looks the same as the 240W, if thats the case the customer will have continous misfeed problems with long paper
  • No preview of scans
  • No editing of scans
  • Spindle load for paper, KIP outlines 15 steps to replace the paper roll! (ouch), Plus you must have a flat surface available to replace the roll, well that means an empty table or the floor (ouch)
  • Toner replacement, 10 steps to repalce the toner! Plus the cartridges are 1/2 the size of the Ricoh ( I am double checking this )
  • No Paper Tray
  • Before using the by-pass you must first configure the paper size (ouch)
  • No clamshell access for misfeeds, bad jams may need a tech on-site (ouch)
  • No program modes, I have found that msot companies will pre-program reductions and enlargements and other time saving steps with the Ricohs. After reading the OP manual, I did not see any program modes for the KIP.
  • Space (WxDxH) 49x24x44, unit is wider than the 240W, plus with only having rear access the system must be spaced further away from the wall than the 240W. Most of my customers use the top exit tray

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