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Plastic Comb
GBC's plastic binding has been one of the world's favorite binding styles for years. Plastic comb binding offers unparalleled flexibility for updating materials.

Twin Loop Wire
GBC's Wire Binding Systems help you create upscale, professional materials that are sure to impress. Twin Loop allows you to conveniently wrap pages all the way around for compact handling.

Color Coil
GBC's Color Coil adds energy to business documents, demanding immediate attention. Color Coil allows documents to lay flat and can be used for documents up to an inch thick! Your pages conveniently wrap all the way around the spine.

Velobind/SureBind is the ultimate in sophistication. You can bind up to three inches of paper into a sleek, compelling document. No binding style is more secure, because VeloBind and SureBind strips literally lock pages in place.

GBC provides a complete line of punching systems from desktop to automated. Whether you’re punching one document or thousands, GBC has a punching system that will meet your needs!

Thermal Binding
Therm-A-Bind is not only the fastest binding system on the market, it's one of the most attractive. It takes just seconds to create reports and proposals because there is no punching involved!

Perfect Binding
Experience Perfect Binding - one of GBC’s most cost effective and secure binding styles available today! Create professional quality books, manuals and pads without punching any paper!