The silver bullet me be the new gWare Software that Ricoh is about to launch. gWare in conjuction with PCSM not only allows the law firm to track all prints but allows copies also to be tracked by a central print server and apply a cost factor to the copies/prints for billing purposes. You can even set it up to automatically email the data at a prescribed time.
With this embedded software, they will no longer have to go to each copier and retrieve client code data and combine it with print data. The labor savings should easily offset costs and no one else can do this as far as I know.
Call Vince Hanson @ 405-475-9182 or his cell # is 321-662-4895. He used to be the PCSM Product Specialist for Ricoh until the cut-backs. He then went to work for Equitrac which is who developed gWare.