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BTA Marketing Workshop

Katun Corp.'s headquarters

May 6-7, 2015 Katun Corp. - Minneapolis, Minnesota
For more information or to register, click here.

According to a recent article in the Harvard Business Review, business decision makers are, on average, 57 percent of the way through the buying process before they contact a vendor or sales rep. The buying process has changed. More of the initial research is done online. If you are not involved in this online research, you may not even get a shot at the deal. Has your dealership adapted to this new buying process? Or, are you confused by the many local seminars and Internet articles from online marketing people that make big promises but do not understand the office technology industry? It is time to get serious about online marketing. The BTA Marketing Workshop, led by Darrell Amy, Lindsay Kelley and Jon Mitchell of Dealer Marketing, makes sure your dealership is ready to implement best practices in online marketing. You will see real-world examples of how dealers use the Internet to generate leads, cross-sell current clients and position themselves as local experts.


Attendees of this workshop receive free registration to Cruise to Success, hosted by BTA Mid-America.


10951 Bush Lake Road, Minneapolis, MN 55438

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I am out of the office until 08/04/2015.

I am away if you need to talk to someone please contact Darren Downey our
GM Office 633-9264 X 226 Cell 204.229.7231
My Cell is 204.890.8570

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