This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago
First Week of March 2020
Real Copier Sales...
I was at Presidents Club in Aruba, I know I was watching the news everyday about COVID. Hard to believe it will be 5 years!
I was at Presidents Club in Aruba, I know I was watching the news everyday about COVID. Hard to believe it will be 5 years!
Art - love the article, and I totally agree with you. I have been saying for the past 10 years that the "SMART" manufacturer will build two models: Seg 1-4 model and Seg 5-6 model. Then all the customer has to do is buy the "speed" chip that determine's the speed. It's the perfect scenario from a production side: Manufacturers only have to build two models and can increase production.....more here
Years ago and I'm talking before the dawn of the internet. There were only a few ways you could get information on other manufacturers copiers.
BI (before internet)
1) Call your competitor and ask to speak to a sales person and fib about who you are, your company, and give a BS call back number. We did this many times in order to get answers to those speed, feed and feature questions. In many cases we got snagged and had to hang up....more here
Everybody's market strategy is different and a lot of it is driven by pay-plan. I have both a revenue quota and a GP quota and little happens if I don't meet both. Our commission plan sets the sales cost on renewals at the buy-out so the GP opportunity is great. My talk track suggests that an alternative to being stuck for 60 months is to consider a 36 month term and evaluate at expiration. If the needs haven't changed and the service history is stellar we can consider a renewal with a payment....more here
I'm going to make a long story short, however that may not be the case with this blog. I figure it out as I continue to write.
A few days ago I had a lead come in for a production copier. When I opened the lead I saw that the person requesting information was from my home town.
Since my home town is small I knew exactly where he lived or worked. It was a town house complex and I thought he might be running the business from that location, but production print? Thinking that was not possible....more her
Real copier sales go beyond just moving hardware; they focus on understanding the unique needs of each business and tailoring solutions that optimize workflows, reduce costs, and enhance productivity. Successful sales reps analyze a client’s print environment, identify inefficiencies, and propose devices that align with their goals—whether it's upgrading technology, lowering operational expenses, or improving security. Building relationships, offering ongoing support, and delivering measurable value are what truly drive sustainable copier sales in today’s competitive market.
As I walked in the building the smell of fresh iron, virgin plastic and ozone told me I was in copier heaven! I told David Clearman (Director of Marketing and PLS Sales for Muratec Amercia) that the smell of copiers was in the air! more here
Hello All,
Interested in your opinion. In 10 years do you think there will be outside Sales Reps doing what we do? I suspect a more educated buyer will source via web and soon an ecommrce platform will replace us. Am I paranoid? more here
HI Ray and Happy New Year! The A4 Revolution will not happen until those A4 manufacturers provide A4 print devices with the A3 cost per page model along with advanced scanning and finishing. You're right that's there's only a small percentage of users that need 11x17. more here
It's been a few years since I blogged about how are Print4Pay Hotel partners give back to their community or to their charitable cause.
Thus for the next few days we'll be posting a paragraph or two from our sponsors. Please hit up the like button and please share, it's wonderful that these companies take the time and effort to give back to others in more here
always like to start these Christmas blogs with a small story about Christmas tradition in other countries. What I Want from Ricoh 2019
On Christmas Eve, children, especially boys, often go out singing 'kalanda' (carols) in the streets. They play drums and triangles as they sing. Sometimes they will also carry model boats decorated with nuts which are painted gold. Carrying a boat is a very old custom in the Greek more here
I was in the field today and was helping one of my clients figure out an issue with his desktop MFP. This client is also on the board of a non-profit organization that has a seven year old color A3 MFP. Yes Ray, they need 11x17!
Why do some clients have seven year old MFPs? read more here
How will it be possible to get rid of DSM's. Does this mean all or some of them. I wonder what else is going to happen Jan.1st and am curious what the final Ricoh will consist of. With all of thier subsidaries they could really consolidate a ton. Infoprint also becomes wholly owned on March 31st 2010. Another interesting six months I guess! read more here
MY last two months have been dreadful. Everything that I was ahead for the year I've given back!
I haven't stuck my head in the sand and said "woe is me" and please feel bad for me. I've continued to prospect.
A few days ago I developed an opportunity for a wide format and a color A3 mfp for an existing account......more here
Just want I needed today was some blockbuster news about Xerox, Fuji Film, Fugi Xerox and HP. Don't these people know I have a quota to reach by the end of the year! If you've been hiding all day and not staying in touch with industry events, today was one of those days that has everyone talking.....more here
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