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Ten Tips to get the DM to Take Your Call "Selling Multifunctional Copiers"

I noticed this blog was stuck on the on out old site, however there is still some great information.

Ten Tips to get the DM to Take Your Call "Selling Multifunctional Copiers"

Digging up leads for multi-functional devices can be trying at times, especially if you're new to the business.

I'm sure if you've just landed a position with a company that sells multi-functional copiers, you've been given a list of accounts to call on. These accounts will consist of existing accounts and named accounts (accounts that you'll need to crack). With the existing accounts, it will be pretty easy to book an appointment, but how about those "named accounts"? How the heck can you get past the gatekeeper to speak to Mr. or Mrs. Right? You could make phone call after phone call... and this isn't a bad idea. My personal approach is if you can't get them on the phone for reasons such as "just stepped out", "in a meeting", or "out to lunch at 4 PM", it's obvious they don't want to speak to you. Here are some of my favorite tips for constant contact:

  1. Put them on a bi-monthly call; sooner or later, you'll catch up with them.

  2. Vary the times that you call: early (before 9 AM), midday, and then between the hours of 4:30 and 5:30 PM.

  3. After you've made your first call to the DM and left a message, send them a letter referencing why you are calling and a letter of introduction. Make sure to mention mutual accounts that they know or do business with.

  4. See if you can get the email address of the DM. If so, send one email and don't become a pain in the ass with multiple emails. Here's a little trick I learned: it won't work for every account. After a few phone calls (not a large account), I couldn't get the name of the DM. I checked the website and all there was a fill-in box for the contact us page. In Windows Explorer, I right-clicked on the webpage and then selected the "view source" code. I checked the code, and wouldn't you know it, there on the contact page was an email address that I could use. Later that day, I found out this was the email address for the DM.

  5. Send something different; be creative. Instead of sending a letter via regular mail, send it via 2nd-day delivery. It will get opened, and plan a phone call for the day after the letter arrives.

  6. If you have some promotional items, pack them up in a box and UPS them along with a letter. Make sure you call them the day they get the package or a day later. I once sent a box of drinking glasses to an account, and a few days later, I was able to secure an appointment.

  7. Go to LinkedIn and see if they have a page. If so, look through their contacts to see who might be able to introduce you to them.

  8. Schedule a drop-off of some kind; here, I'd just stick with dropping off a business card. Do this early or late in the day!

  9. Ask the gatekeeper what is the best time to call Mr. or Mrs. so-and-so.

  10. If this is truly an account you need to crack, get there early and drop off a box of Joe and doughnuts. Sooner or later, the DM will see the treats and ask where they came from. Is $15 too much to spend to have the DM pick up the phone? I think not!

The key is to be persistent; try to be the turtle. Slow and steady will get you your appointment. Fast and furious will only turn the potential client off.

-=Good Selling=-

Chasing GOLD: A Journey from Childhood Adventures to Sales Prospecting

So, what the heck is a 'head full of hope'? Caught wind of this phrase while binge-watching the 'Klondike' miniseries. Yep, guilty as charged – I'm a GOLD Rush freak!

I get a kick out of watching these guys prospect, and it hits close to home because, well, prospecting is my daily grind. But let's be real, stumbling upon GOLD beats making 50 calls and scoring a lead any day.

Back in the day, as a kid, I'd venture solo into the woods of Iselin, NJ, exploring like it was my job. There was this mystical place called Fossil Rock, nestled next to the Parkway. The rumor mill swore that if you found this rock, you'd strike fossil gold. Spoiler alert: never found the rock, never found the fossils. What I did discover were smaller rocks, perfect hideouts for critters – mainly snakes. Hand-turning rocks got me in trouble when, one day, a colossal snake nearly gave me a heart attack! Switched to a big stick after that, I mean, come on, I was 10 or 11, on a mission to find whatever I could.

Back then, I guess you could say I had a 'head full of hope.' Each morning, I'd set out believing I'd uncover old coins, treasure, snakes, or critters. Most days, I'd return with good-looking rocks that I thought might be worth something. Yup, I was operating with a 'head full of hope.'

Even today, that 'head full of hope' vibe still kicks in when I'm prospecting. Looking back, prospecting has always been my thing. Turn over enough metaphorical rocks, and you're bound to find something valuable, cool, or downright scary (had a few prospects scarier than that snake).

Same principle applies to hunting for new customers – make those calls, send emails, throw in some mailers, and boom, you've got prospects. Sure, some won't pan out, others will vanish off the face of the earth (we know the drill), but there's always a few who'll buy from you!

Today in the office, I threw the title of this blog at Ricky and gave him the lowdown. His response? 'When you think about it, I was always prospecting before I got into sales.' 'How's that?' I asked. Turns out, in his pre-marriage days, he'd hit up clubs to meet new women. Classic prospecting move, right? Goes to show, all of us have some sales traits, unknowingly.

Now, I'm harboring a 'head full of hope' for the Imaging Business. Convinced paper won't vanish into thin air, but I'll admit, prints from printers and copiers are on the decline. There, I said it out loud!

Yet, my 'head full of hope' is banking on new technologies keeping us relevant in the Office Technology game. Essentially, we're still prospecting for hardware, software, and tech that'll help our clients and prospects do more with less, save time, amp up efficiency, and cut down costs.

-=Good Selling=-

This Week in the Copier Industry 20 Years Ago

This Week in Copiers Twenty Years Ago

First  Week of January 2004


Real Copier Sales

Never Every Stop!

All of these are true, but the most successful people in the copier industry have a huge pipeline of potential customers!

My rule of thumb is that I always need to have 30 or more potential sales every month with a GP potential of the very minimum of $200,000 to meet a 60K quota. It ain't easy!!  You can never ever stop prospecting!!!! ... go here for rest of article

Enjoy These awesome copiers threads from 15 Years Ago

Konica Minolta Unveils DiALTA Color CF5001

Art Post (Guest) ·
Konica Minolta Unveils DiALTA Color CF5001 Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A. Inc. has introduced a 50-page-per-minute (ppm) color printer/copier/scanner, the Minolta DiALTA Color CF5001, designed specifically for environments with high volume output needs such as commercial printers, print shops and corporate in-house design centers. The model provides a wide range of capabilities such as booklet making, folding and handling oversized-paper and thick paper. "We know the demands of high

IKON Reaches $1 Billion

Art Post (Guest) ·
. Inc. "With IKON's strong multi-national sales and service organization, consultative approach and technological expertise, we look forward to growing this relationship and meeting the increasingly complex needs of our customers." IKON distributes Canon copiers, printers, fax machines and multifunctional products (MFPs) and provides service support for its extensive family of document management equipment and products. Additionally, IKON provides related document assessment and workflow

Re: Ricoh 2232/38 sometime in Feb?

Art Post (Guest) ·
Greg: Thanx, I will make the comment. Lets see, Ricoh Dealers, RBS, Savin, Savin Dealers, Lanier, Lanier Dealers, IBM and now Toshiba. When the competition is down, do you lend them a hand to get back in the ring? Do you offer them technology that they don't have? I for one think not! If Ricoh is doing this just to get thier hands on a decent graphics color device they are making a mistake. I have given up in the color grahics arena (except where a customer is open to the AP3850C). I believe

Death of a Xerox 425

Art Post (Guest) ·
Can't believe the customer got me on this one, said they had been getting pricing on similar units. They mentioned the Xerox 425, Sharp 277 and the iR2200. Xerox was so low it was a crime! However, I did not realize that this unit was introduced in Sept of 2001!!!! When I saw the picture, I thought...."gee am I dumb"! Well for the heck of it I put together an excel spreadsheet for the good, the bad and the ugly on all three of these products. Please download and add any ideas or other systems

Re: Ricoh 2232/38 sometime in Feb?

First, what 50cpm Toshiba color are y'all talking about? I can't find a 50cpm Toshiba color on their website or in the books. The only 50cpm colors I can find are Canon and Konica. Second, Toshiba makes SHARP's 55-65-80 cpm B/W, not the other way around.

Re: Ricoh 2232/38 sometime in Feb?

Art Post (Guest) ·
Jayson has it right, we will have a 50ppm copier/printer from Toshiba and a new 32 and 28 ppm copier/printer (ricoh OEM) with saddle stitcher. Rumor has it Ricoh is going to drop the 1224 and 1232 from the line up as soon as inventory has been depleted. This is due to the excessive cycling of the equipment (there is no fix).

Re: Ricoh 2232/38 sometime in Feb?

So let me get this strait....Sharp is Making the Toshiba 55-65-80 ppm machines and Ricoh is going to make their 90 and 105 ppm machines? Am I right here???

Re: GBC Stream Punch jamming

Rick Rivera (Guest) ·
Had streampunch installed on our demo room machine for "2 days" ran about 1,000 punches worked great! Customer is running 2-2105 tandem and each machine runs approximately 350-450,000/month; approx. 10-15% 19 hole punched. I think they are still finding "chads" on the floor even though we have removed it from the unit. Still no word from Ricoh nor GBC on "the fix". Hoping for the latter part of the week for a reply. Side note: does Canon IR105 offer same GBC unit or none at all?

New 2015/2018

Art Post (Guest) ·
New from Ricoh, due to be launched in Feb 2004. Copy, Print, Fax and Scan thats all I have.

OKI Growing into Color Leader

Art Post (Guest) ·
, President and CEO, Oki Data Americas. ?Our company is in the midst of an outstanding year and we are looking forward to the future. Oki Data?s unmatched technology and dedication to delivering reliable printing solutions has helped us substantially grow our share of the color printer market. Our industry gold standard Single Pass Color technology allows our customers to print a variety of solutions from colorful 4? long banners to customized POP signage to dynamic day-to-day business documents just to

Ricoh Web Address for Samples?

Art Post (Guest) ·
What is the web address to submit files to Ricoh so we can receive samples from specific products?

Re: Ricoh 2232/38 sometime in Feb?

I heard we will have 2 new BW and color machines 1st qtr. They will be based on a" copier version of the CL7000 engine"(not the 1224/32) but have some new features and ACS(finally). Also heard we will have a 35ppm color and BW printer (no copier????) sometime around March. I was told the CL 7000 series will be repositioned.

Re: OKI Growing into Color Leader

Just an opinion but while their faxes are great low end machines, from what I see their color printers will not run as reliable as I think a printer should. their warranty for replacement boards is very good but you cannot even order parts from their web site. As for parts sometimes I wait for weeks for a common gear or motor. In a low volume enviroment say 200 prints a month there okay. I like their price point and their dot printers, their faxes and low end printers. Just one persons opinion

Re: Changing PDF's after scanning with Adobe Acrobat

I use ricoh copiers all the time and search and edit them. It is not perfect but works very well. Please check it out. It is a FREE addition. JG

Re: Ricoh Web Address for Samples?

Art Post (Guest) ·

Re: Ricoh 2232/38 sometime in Feb?

Gregory (Guest) ·
Art, I think that is accurate and I was confusing the topic with creative color. The temporary creative color solution will be Toshiba OEM. I'm surprised nobody commented on Toshiba having access to the 2090/2105.

Re: Aficio 2022/27 SMB SMB Scan to file!

Unfortunately my sources say the 2035/45 will not have an upgrade path for SMB. Ricoh will have a 2035e/2045e sometime in the second quarter that will have all the features of 2022/27.

Re: Ricoh 2232/38 sometime in Feb?

Ted, You are correct. This 50ppm color from Toshiba is a new box the will be releasing soon from what I have heard. JG

Re: GBC Stream Punch jamming

Art Post (Guest) ·
Rick: At this point in time the canon ir105 does not have the GBC solution. Canon had announced an accessory similar to this ib the fall of 03. I have not heard of a launch for them. Can any of you dual line dealers add anything from Canon? (Ted?) Art

Re: New 2015/2018

bmiller (Guest) ·
This will be intereresting...Does anyone know the site for RICOH JAPAN, I bet the specs are listed there already. Brian

Re: New 2015/2018

Art Post (Guest) ·
It probably is....if you can read Japanese or have interpreter software..... ricoh japan web page

Re: New 2015/2018

Gregory (Guest) ·
I'll be at Ricoh tomorrow for a dog and pony show, will share what I know when I get back.

Re: New 2015/2018

Ricoh has drivers on website for the new 2015/18. Here is the link. JG

Re: New 2015/2018

They have lan fax driver and scanner twain driver. It looks like they might be finally get some more "sizzle" as Art would put it. JG P.S. You cannot browse to above posted link unless you browse from the Hotel that is. I did a litte searching.

Re: IKON Reaches $1 Billion

Art Post (Guest) ·
I wonder if they paid there bills on time! hey maybe Ikon could buy Canon! [This message was edited by Docusultant on Wed January 07 2004 at 08:05 PM.]


Has anyone else been getting a series of "Relay calls" from someone claiming to be deaf and wanting to order fax machines, supplies etc to have shipped elsewhere in the country or to africa? If you have, be careful because a number of these are scams. Though the credit cards they use may go through, there is a good chance that you will eventually get charged back by the cc company. We have had a number of these calls which are for pretty big deals 10 fax machines, 5000 bucks worth of toner etc
-=Good Selling=-

Finding Suspects for Content Opportunities in Want Ads

Finding Suspects for Content Opportunities in Want Ads

I placed this comment on the forums section of this site a few minutes ago, however I wanted to get it on the blog so I could share with others.

Leads can be found almost anywhere.  Since a lot of my prospecting has changed from copiers to content I'm always on the lookout for opportunities and where the low hanging fruit is.  Going wider and deeper with your relationships can make a difference.

Below is from one of my clients that I follow on Linkedin.  These are additional responsibilities in the job requirement section

  • Research and resolve part related issues collaborating with Procurement and Operations.
  • Ensure compliance with established accounting policies and procedures related to daily operations.
  • Collaborate with Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable to ensure customer invoices and vendor purchase orders are accurate and up to date.
  • Process and apply expense reports to corresponding work orders for accurate billing.

Keywords for me:

  • policies and procedures
  • part issues and collaboration
  • AR, AP, invoices, purchase orders
  • Work orders, accurate billing

Not that I'm one for reading want ads, however after seeing this one, I'll be reading more want ads to see if they qualify as a suspect and warrant a call.

I'll be placing a call tomorrow to my contact and give him m thoughts @jdicarlo
-=Good Selling=-