David Clearman and I chat about recent Print Shops placements along with reasons why print shops are moving forward with color label presses. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to get instant notications when a new "Better Call Art" drops!
Muratec America
Better Call Art with Muratec America Independent Program for Color Label Presses
Become an Independent Agent for Color Label Presses
Come and listen about salesperson named Ted
A grizzled veteran that always kept his family fed,
The one day he was shopping for some food,
And into his eyes he saw the glimmering light.
Label press that is, color labels presses, high margins
Just a little take off from the Beverly Hillbillies lyrics and many of us remember that Jed was out hunting for some food, missed the shot but hit the mark because the bubbling crude spouted from the ground.
On June 7th at 4PM EST David Clearman (Director of Marketing and PLS Sales at Muratec America) and I will be hosting a Zoom chat the benefits of becoming and independent agent for Color Label Presses. We'll do about 15 minutes of chatting and then open up the mics for questions.
For me and a lot of our members it's a very interesting option since we are in the print technology space. We can see the opportunities and the opportunities are out there. One of our Print4Pay Hotel members is already working an opportunity with mega Gross Profit. Can you say 50K or more?
I don't want to skin the cat here, but I think for all of us that are in sales this is a great opportunity to diversify.
BTW, one lucky attendee will also receive a genuine bottle of Davids finest bourbon.
Here's the link, and please RVSP so I can capture everyone's name for the raffle.
-=Good Selling=-
What's Hot With Color Labels!
Chat with David Clearman with Muratec AMERICA "What's Hot With Color Labels" I missed the first three minutes, but overall a great session.
What's Hot With Color Labels!
I'm a huge fan of color label presses and that's because it's about putting ink on paper and it's so simple. Heck we've been putting ink (toner) on paper for the last forty years. Yes, there are some nuances with different substrates and laminates but it still comes down to putting ink on paper.
If you can sell digital color presses you can sell digital color label presses with a heck of a lot more GP for each device. The market potential is enormous especially since many states are now legalizing the use of weed.
Consider This Your Invite
David Clearman (Director of Marketing and PLS Sales at Muratec America) and I will be hosting and informal ZOOM chat on May 3rd at 4PM Est. Our talk track will be "What's Hot With Color Labels". Our chat should be about 30 minutes and we'll open up the mic for the last 15 minutes for everyone.
In addition David will raffle off a bottle of his famous bourbon for one lucky attendee. If you've been curious about digital color labels presses or you may think color labels presses offer a viable way to capture more dough and vast amounts of clicks then by all means tune in for our chat!
We're asking that everyone hit the RSVP button here (that's how we're keeping track of attendees). In addition once you hit the link you will see the ZOOM meeting link.
-=Good Selling-=
Color Label Press University "Glossary of Terms" Part Sixteen, Course One
Over the last few years I've blogged about the importance for dealers to diversify to other avenues of print. Especially if they want to stay in the "break and fix" model for servicing and selling devices that print. One of those opportunities is color label printing.
The list of the types of color labels is enormous. Bumper stickers, political stickers, custom groceries, branding, safety, food labels, CBD, beer & wine, cannabis, the list goes on and on. Post COVID19 recovery will require many companies to purchase, print labels and signs.
Post COVID19 will also see a drop in printed pages across the world, we have all learned to do more with less. That less means printers and copiers. What is your Post COVID19 recovery plan? Keep doing what you've always been doing or forge a new path where print still matters.
Label Press University
At the top of each blog you'll see . Clicking that link which is at the top of each blog will then bring you the collection of blogs for Color Label Press University. It's pretty neat, you'll see all of the blogs that we've posted for an easier read and simple way to toggle from blog to blog.
Color Label Presses can be used as seeding devices in larger Print4Pay opportunities, or help that dealer or rep get a conversation going with an account where they have never had any traction with MFP's or IT services. In addition, the competition is ripe for takeover. Let us not forget about the GP!
The market for full color digital labels in huge and the potential to make some serious commissions is enormous. BTW, isn't that why we're in this crazy business?
Color Label Press University "Glossary for Pressure Sensitive Labels" Course One (Sponsored by Muratec a Konica Minolta Company)
Application of a clear film to a label stock for the purpose of protection or to enhance graphic quality, usually done in-line on the press.
Overlap In applying a label around a bottle or container, one end extends over the other and adheres to itself.
Overlay In artwork, a transparent film or tissue over copy on which color breaks, instructions or corrections are indicated. Also, transparent prints which, when combined or overlaid, form a composite picture.
Overrun Production manufactured in excess of the specified order quantity. (Industry standard +/-10%).
Oxidation The chemical reaction involving the process of combining with oxygen to form an oxide. The deterioration of an adhesive film due to atmospheric exposure. The breakdown of a hot melt adhesive due to prolonged heating and oxide formation.
Packaging A coordinated system for the preparation of goods for shipment, distribution and storage.
Padding Binding sheets of paper - blank, ruled, etc., together by applying flexible glue or adhesive to one edge of the stack.
Pass One trip for the material through a production piece of equipment. Certain constructions require additional passes to complete the production.
Pattern Coated Refers to the width and spacing arrangement of strips of adhesive laid down parallel to machine direction and across the
width of pressure sensitive label stock during its manufacture. Also refers to adhesive coating applied in a pattern which is not related to web direction.
Pattern Varnish Spot varnish applied to the printed surface in a desired pattern.

PCS Print Contrast Signal. A measurement of contract between the bars an dspaces of a symbol. A minimum PCS value is needed for a symbol to be scannable. PCS values can be calculated an displayed automatically on suitable instruments.
Pearlescent Pigments A class of pigments consisting of particles that are essentially transparent crystals of a high refractive index. The optical
effect is one of partial reflection from the two sides of each flake. When reflections from parallel plates reinforce each other, the result is a silvery luster. Effects possible range from brillant highlighting to moderate enhancement of the normal surface gloss.
Peel Adhesion Peel adhesion is the force required to remove a pressure sensitive label from a standard test panel at a specified angle and speed after the label has been applied to the test panel under specified conditions for a specific time period.
Peelback A method of separating a bond of two flexible materials or a flexible and a rigid material that have been bonded with an adhesive. The flexible material is pulled from the mating surface at a 90 or 180 degree angle to the plane in which it is adhered. The stress is concentrated only along the adhesive line of immediate separation.
Peeler Plate A sharp edged, flat piece of metal around which the backing or carrier material is threaded, the prime function being a
mechanical device which causes a pressure sensitive label to be dispensed from the backing material.
Penetration Change of appearance of the face material due to movement of one or more components from the adhesive or the labeled
surface. Bleed through, migration.
Perforated Refers to a series of small incisions made in laid-on labels and/or their release liner to facilitate tearing along a predetermined
line, or for fan folding.
Permanency A measure of an adhesive's ultimate holding power or bond strength. A permanent adhesive will develop a bond that makes label removal difficult or impossible without distorting the face stock.
Permanent Adhesive An adhesive characterized by having relatively high ultimate adhesion to a wide variety of surfaces.
Permeability The property of a material that allows or resists a substance to pass or flow through it; the rate of such passage.
Phosphorescent Face A face material coated with a phosphorescent ink, that emits light in a visible spectrum.
Photoinitiator In ultraviolet-curing systems, the chemical which, when expposed to UV light, breaks certain chemical bonds in the system
to start the chain reactions which cause polymer formation. This chemical is commonly referred to as a catalyst.

Photopolymer Plate material that is photosensitive and upon exposure, its compounds polymerize to form a tough, abrasion resistant surface which becomes the inking media.
Piecework Describes a payroll system generally used in production environments where employees are paid according to the actual
number of pieces produced in a given time period.
Piggyback Pressure sensitive constructions that have two release coated liners, two layers of adhesive and a face material which
allows a label to be applied, complete with backing, for future or further application.
Pigment Finely ground, solid particles used to give color or opacity to printing inks and coatings, and usually insoluble in such a
Pin Feed See feed slots.
Pin Register The use of accurately positioned holes and special pins or pin bars on copy, film, plates and presses to insure proper register of color.
Pinch Roll See nip roll or pull roll.
Pinhole A very small hole which may permit the passage of light, moisture or electrical current.
Pinholing Refers to the failure of a printed ink to form a complete film. This condition will become visible by the appearance of small
holes in the solid print area.
Muratec America at BTA East Grand Slam in NYC September 2019
I took these videos at BTA East last week. It was my first attempt and I know I need to get better. Some had lighting issues, another was the sound and another was me with not setting the camera at hi res. I apologize for the no9t so good video's. However these for the most part are from P4P Hotel Sponsors.
Listen closely, turn up the volume and I promise new video's will be much better.