Chris Polek with Polek and Polek and I discuss toner supplies and existing supply chain constraints
Better Call Art
Better Call Art "Introducing PowerMPS"
As we are all looking to diversify, wouldn't it be nice to have an e-commerce site?
Better Call Art "Let The Client Drive"
Demonstrations are still an important part of what we do and it's a great thing to get your client or potential client involved. I saw this potential client so enthralled with the screen that I gave him the pen and asked him "to drive".
Better Call Art "Cloud TWAIN Technology"
I gathered so much knowledge from this. In fact I need to listen to the track again so I can talk about the technology with my clients.
Better Call Art "The Columbo Close"
My first introduction to the Columbo Close and I had no clue what had happened
Better Call Art "Spies Like Xerox"
Soviet Union and a short story how copy machines played and important role in spying. Please like, and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Rule of 72, Rule of 78, Training is Missing from our Industry
So, what does it take to be a valued vendor?
It takes knowledge and that knowledge is not limited to just copiers, content and IT services. Many of us need to have a clue when it comes to financing. Thus when we're with a client talking about products, services and acquisition options it's a good thing to understand why financing options can help your client achieve their goals.
I was taught by one of the best leasing reps in the nation about leasing, the rule of 72, rule of 78 and the benefits of leasing for clients. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that 85% our reps could not explain more than one reason as to why leasing is beneficial to the client. I believe this knowledge helped my to close more deals just because I had that financing knowledge and the basic concept. It's still helping me close more deals than the average bear!
No one techs leasing anymore. It's a lost art and I'm going to change that. Look for more content in upcoming weeks that will train your reps to be experts with financing options.
-=Good Selling=-
Better call Art "We will be a full service provider"
No video. Executive Connection Summit Panel review with Doug Albregts , Doug Pitassi, Chris Taylor. Moderated by Rick Taylor and I have a question in for the panel at the end. #panelists #officetechnology #sales "We will be a full service provider"
Better call Art "The Grandmaster"
Not sure when I recorded this track. I believe it was at one of the sales training sessions I offered a few years ago. Short track but with some powerful tips. Enjoy!
Better Call Art "FAB with Ricoh IM C6000"
Short video with sample of FAB selling