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ESG Responsibility Regarding e-Waste


In today’s business environment, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) objectives are critical. As companies strive to meet these goals, the management of electronic waste, or e-waste, has become a key component of corporate responsibility and sustainability efforts. Proper IT asset disposal (ITAD) practices are essential for reducing environmental impact, protecting data security, supporting social causes, and enhancing a company’s reputation.

The Rising Challenge and Opportunity of E-Waste Disposal

The rapid advancement of technology has led to a significant increase in the use of electronic devices, which in turn has created a growing challenge: the disposal of old or obsolete IT assets. This surge in electronic consumption results in massive amounts of e-waste, a category of waste that contains toxic elements such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and brominated flame retardants. These substances can harm both human health and the environment if not managed properly, leading to soil contamination, water pollution, and adverse health effects on communities exposed to hazardous waste.

Efficient e-waste disposal procedures are essential to mitigating these risks. By adopting proper IT asset disposal (ITAD) practices, businesses can ensure that harmful materials are safely managed and that valuable resources are recovered and reused. This approach not only addresses the environmental impact of e-waste but also aligns with broader ESG objectives, providing businesses with a unique opportunity to positively impact their environmental, social, and governance goals.

The Environmental Impact of E-Waste

E-waste poses significant environmental hazards if not managed properly. When electronic devices are disposed of in landfills or incinerated, toxic substances can leach into the soil, water, and air, leading to pollution and environmental degradation. Additionally, the improper disposal of e-waste contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, further exacerbating the impact of climate change.

Recycling e-waste is essential for reducing its environmental footprint. Through responsible recycling practices, valuable materials such as metals, plastics, and glass can be recovered and reused in the manufacturing of new products. This not only conserves natural resources but also reduces the energy consumption and emissions associated with the production of new materials.

Social Responsibility in E-Waste Management

Beyond its environmental impact, e-waste management also raises important social responsibility considerations. The recycling and disposal of e-waste often involve manual labor, which can expose workers to hazardous materials if not handled properly. Ethical disposal practices prioritize the health and safety of these workers, ensuring that they are provided with the necessary protective equipment and training.

By choosing certified e-waste recyclers who adhere to ethical labor standards, businesses can help protect workers’ health and safety while supporting fair labor practices. This commitment to social responsibility extends beyond the workplace to the communities where e-waste is processed, fostering positive social impacts and building trust with stakeholders.

Economic Opportunities and Governance

In addition to its environmental and social implications, e-waste management also presents economic opportunities for businesses. Recycling e-waste allows for the recovery of valuable materials, such as gold, silver, and rare earth metals, which can be reintroduced into the supply chain. This not only reduces the cost of sourcing new materials but also generates revenue from the sale of recovered materials.

Governance and regulatory compliance are also crucial aspects of e-waste management. Adhering to national and international regulations ensures that e-waste is disposed of properly and that data security is maintained during the disposal process. By implementing robust governance processes, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to responsible e-waste management and avoid potential legal liabilities.

Aligning ITAD with ESG Goals

Integrating IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) practices with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals is essential for businesses looking to enhance their sustainability efforts. ITAD encompasses the secure and environmentally friendly disposal of electronic equipment at the end of its lifecycle, ensuring that sensitive data is erased and that valuable materials are recycled or reused.

Environmental Sustainability

ITAD plays a crucial role in environmental sustainability by reducing the environmental impact of e-waste. Proper disposal and recycling of electronic equipment help conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and minimize pollution. By partnering with reputable ITAD providers, businesses can ensure that their e-waste is handled responsibly, supporting their ESG objectives related to environmental stewardship.

Social Responsibility

Ethical ITAD practices also contribute to social responsibility by prioritizing the health and safety of workers involved in the disposal process. By choosing ITAD providers that adhere to ethical labor standards, businesses can ensure that workers are protected from hazardous materials and that their rights are respected. This commitment to social responsibility enhances the company’s reputation and demonstrates its commitment to fair labor practices.

Governance and Data Security

From a governance perspective, ITAD is essential for ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. Secure data erasure and disposal processes help businesses protect sensitive information and avoid potential data breaches. By implementing robust ITAD policies and procedures, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to data security and governance, enhancing their overall ESG performance.2024-06-12_20-53-01

Practical Tips for Aligning ITAD with ESG Goals

  1. Partner with Certified ITAD Providers: Choose ITAD providers that have certifications and adhere to industry standards for environmental management and data security, such as e-Stewards or R2 (Responsible Recycling).
  2. Implement Data Security Measures: Ensure that all data on retired IT assets is securely erased to protect sensitive information from data breaches. Consider using certified data erasure software and physical destruction methods when necessary.
  3. Adopt Circular Economy Principles: Embrace the principles of a circular economy by refurbishing and reusing IT assets whenever possible. This not only reduces e-waste but also extends the life cycle of electronic devices.
  4. Educate Employees: Educate employees about the importance of proper e-waste disposal and data security. Encourage them to participate in e-waste recycling programs and adhere to company policies regarding IT asset disposal.
  5. Monitor and Measure Performance: Regularly monitor and measure the performance of your ITAD practices to ensure they align with your ESG goals. Track metrics such as e-waste recycled, data security incidents avoided, and cost savings from IT asset reuse.
  6. Engage with Suppliers and Customers: Collaborate with your suppliers and customers to promote responsible ITAD practices throughout your supply chain. Encourage them to adopt similar practices and support initiatives that promote e-waste recycling and data security.
  7. Stay Informed and Adapt: Stay informed about regulatory changes and industry best practices related to ITAD and ESG. Adapt your ITAD practices accordingly to ensure compliance and continuous improvement.

By following these practical tips, businesses can improve their ITAD practices and align them with their ESG goals, contributing to a more sustainable and responsible approach to IT asset disposal.

Embracing a Sustainable Future Through ITAD

Incorporating responsible e-waste management and ITAD practices into an organization’s ESG strategy is not just a compliance requirement; it’s a commitment to a sustainable future. By prioritizing environmental protection, social responsibility, and strong governance, businesses can minimize their ecological footprint, protect sensitive data, and positively impact the communities they operate in.

As the demand for electronics continues to rise, the need for responsible e-waste disposal practices becomes increasingly critical. By embracing a circular economy approach and partnering with certified ITAD providers, businesses can reduce waste, conserve resources, and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world.

Partner with ARCOA for a Sustainable Future

It’s time for businesses to recognize the value of their electronic waste and take proactive steps to manage it responsibly. By aligning ITAD practices with ESG goals, companies can not only mitigate risks and enhance their reputation but also drive meaningful change towards a greener, more sustainable future for all.

ARCOA is dedicated to environmental stewardship and responsible IT asset disposal. Our certified processes ensure that your e-waste is recycled responsibly and securely, aligning with your ESG objectives. Partner with ARCOA to ensure your ITAD practices meet the highest standards of environmental and social responsibility.

Contact ARCOA today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your ESG goals. Together, we can make a significant impact on reducing e-waste and protecting our planet for future generations.

What Gets Recycled in My Electronic Devices?

Posted By Arcoa

Cell phones, tablets, and laptops are integral parts of our lives yet have a finite lifespan. When they reach the end of their usefulness, it falls on each of us to consider their environmental impact and pave the way to a sustainable future. Recycling these devices is not only a responsible choice but also a crucial step towards reducing electronic waste. There are specific components to these gadgets that can be broken down, recycled, and repurposed for future devices.

The Anatomy of Electronic Devices

Before we dive into the recycling process and what it entails, let’s break down the key components of cell phones, tablets, and laptops.

Batteries: The heart of any mobile device, lithium-ion batteries are the most essential component to cell phones, tablets, and laptops. They contain valuable materials such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel.

Screens: A device’s display screen often contains glass and other materials that can be recycled. For example, there are three parts of a cell phone screen—the glass, LED, and digitizer—which can be replaced or reused.

Circuit Boards: Cell phones, tablets, and laptops house intricate circuitry on their boards, composed of metals that are both ferrous (containing iron) and non-ferrous (not containing iron) such as copper, gold, silver, steel, and aluminum. Tablets contain more extensive circuitry than cell phones, and laptops have the most complex circuit boards of them all.

Plastics: The outer casing of many cell phones, tablets, or laptops is typically made of plastic, which is recyclable.

Rare Earth Metals: Small quantities of rare earth metals are used in various components like device speakers, screens, magnets, phone or tablet vibration motors, and laptop hard drives.

Now that we understand what’s inside our electronic devices, let’s explore how these components are recycled and repurposed.

The Recycling Process for Electronic Devices

Recycling electronic devices involves a multi-step process designed to recover and reuse valuable materials while minimizing environmental impact. The typical steps are as follows:

Collection: Devices are first collected from various sources, including consumers, businesses, and electronics manufacturers. Recycling centers, as well as some electronic retailers, offer collection services.

Sorting and Dismantling: At recycling facilities, the devices are disassembled into their various components. This includes removing batteries, screens, circuit boards, and plastics. The components are sorted based on material type and can be diverted for reuse.

Shredding: Some devices may go through a shredding process to break them down into smaller pieces. This helps to further separate the materials.

Material Recovery: After dismantling and shredding, valuable materials such as metals (gold, silver, copper, and rare earth elements), glass, and plastics are recovered through various techniques. These materials are then prepared for reuse, and the high-quality outputs are turned into raw materials for manufacturing.

Safe Disposal: Components that can’t be recycled, such as hazardous materials, are disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner to prevent contamination.

How Recycling Repurposes—and Preserves—Our Resources

Recycling electronic devices not only conserves valuable resources but also reduces the environmental impact of electronic waste. The recycled materials from our old devices are repurposed for future devices and other applications.

Metals: The metals recovered from electronic devices, including gold, silver, copper, and rare earth elements, are used in the manufacturing of new electronic components. These materials are highly sought after in the electronics industry due to their superior conductivity and durability.

Plastics: Recycled plastic from old devices can be used in the production of new casings and components, reducing the demand for new plastic materials and, subsequently, the carbon footprint associated with plastic production.

Glass: The glass from old screens can be melted down and used to make new screens or glass components for other devices.

Batteries: The lithium-ion batteries from old devices can be reconditioned and reused in less demanding applications, such as backup power systems or energy storage solutions.

Rare Earth Elements: The recovery of rare earth elements, although relatively small in quantity, is crucial, as these elements are essential for various high-tech applications. They can be reintegrated into the production of new devices.

Circuit Boards: Recovered circuit boards may be refurbished and used in various electronics, or the metals within them can be extracted and recycled.

By reusing these materials, manufacturers can reduce the need for extracting and processing virgin resources, which conserves energy and reduces the environmental impact associated with mining and manufacturing. This not only makes economic sense but also contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible electronics industry.

The Global Impact of Electronics Recycling

Recycling electronic devices has global significance. Electronic waste, or e-waste, is a growing concern due to the rapid pace of technological advancement and the increasing use of electronic devices worldwide. E-waste often contains hazardous materials that can harm both human health and the environment. Therefore, the responsible disposal and recycling of electronic devices is vital.

In addition to reducing the demand for raw materials, recycling lessens the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing new devices, as it consumes less energy and resources compared to creating new materials from scratch.

The Role of Consumers

As consumers, we play a crucial role in the electronics recycling process. There are several steps we should all take to contribute to a more sustainable electronic ecosystem:

Responsible Disposal: When you no longer need a device, don’t throw it in the trash. Instead, find a certified electronics recycling center or drop-off location.

Erase Personal Data: Before recycling your device, ensure that you’ve wiped all personal data from it or work with a recycler, like ARCOA, that is certified AAA by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID). This helps protect your privacy.

Upcycling: Consider repurposing your old devices for other uses, such as converting a tablet into a digital photo frame or using an old laptop as a media server.

Support Eco-Friendly Manufacturers: When purchasing new devices, consider companies that prioritize eco-friendly and recyclable materials in their products.

Ready to Recycle? ARCOA Can Help

Understanding what gets recycled in our devices is a crucial step towards promoting responsible e-waste management. As consumers, we have the power to make eco-conscious choices, support recycling initiatives, and contribute to a more sustainable electronic ecosystem. In doing so, we can play a significant role in preserving our planet for future generations.

If you are ready to move toward greater sustainability and start recycling your company’s devices, contact usto get started today. Our team of experts can make the process simple, easy, and secure.

Learn more about how ITAD services can be an added profit center for your company

MSP & MSSP & IT Industry Notes

Sponsored by

February 18th, 2024

Arcoa Group

Why partnering with ARCOA makes sense
Electronics Recycling is an important and profitable part of the IT asset lifecycle, but it can be overwhelming with all you already do, varying state regulations, and the limited resources at hand. That’s where ARCOA comes in. When you partner with ARCOA, you get all the benefits of a big company without any of the capital investment. We’ve been doing this since 1989 and have the expertise, certifications, and nationwide resources to get the most for all your clients’ retired IT assets. Plus, positioning your clients as environmental stewards not only elevates their appeal to consumers, it meets government requirements and avoids fines.

What partnering with ARCOA looks like
Our role is to make it easy for you to bring more value to your clients. We work with you to help stretch your clients’ IT budget by reducing the total cost of ownership of their electronics. We’re experts at identifying and implementing the solutions your clients need for the end-of-use re-marketing, recovery, and recycling of their technology assets. The sooner you involve ARCOA, the sooner you and your client.

AI Growth And Acquisitions Ahead: Fulcrum IT Partners Aims To Hit $2B Sales Target In 2024

  • Reported on
  • Fulcrum IT Partners targeting $2 billion in sales in 2024
  • Plans to grow through acquisitions and organic expansion
  • Focus on artificial intelligence (AI) solutions and services
  • Emphasis on cybersecurity, cloud computing, and managed services
  • Aims to become a top player in the IT channel industry
  • Anticipates strong demand for AI-driven technologies
  • Strategy involves identifying complementary companies for acquisition
  • Plans to leverage expertise in AI to drive growth and innovation
  • Commitment to delivering value-added solutions to customers
  • Confidence in achieving ambitious sales target through strategic initiatives

TeamLogic IT Selects NinjaOne to Manage More Than 100,000 Endpoints

  • NinjaOne selected as endpoint management platform for TeamLogic IT
  • TeamLogic IT to streamline remote management of over 100,000 endpoints
  • NinjaOne automates critical tasks including patch management, software deployment, monitoring, alerting, proactive remediation, and secure remote access
  • NinjaOne serves over 17,000 customers, including dozens of enterprise organizations managing more than 50,000 endpoints each
  • TeamLogic IT provides advanced technology solutions including managed IT services, cybersecurity, business continuity, cloud services, data/voice/connectivity, and consulting/support to companies of all sizes
  • With nearly 300 locations across North America, TeamLogic IT helps companies minimize downtime, improve productivity, and secure their IT infrastructure

Buchanan Technologies Recognized on CRN's 2024 MSP 500 List

  • Buchanan Technologies named to CRN's MSP 500 list in the Elite 150 category for 2024
  • CRN's MSP 500 list recognizes top Managed Service Providers in North America
  • Divided into three sections: MSP Pioneer 250, MSP Elite 150, and Managed Security 100
  • Aimed at showcasing MSPs driving growth and innovation in the industry
  • Buchanan Technologies serves midsize, enterprise, and Fortune 100 companies worldwide with comprehensive IT solutions
  • MSP 500 list will be featured in the February 2024 issue of CRN and online
  • Established in 1988, Buchanan Technologies offers innovative IT services to organizations across the United States, Canada, and Europe
  • Channel Company enables breakthrough IT channel performance through media, events, consulting, education, and marketing services

What are Managed Security Services (MSS)?

  • Managed security services include 24/7 monitoring, threat detection, incident response, and remediation
  • CrowdStrike's managed security services leverage the Falcon platform, powered by artificial intelligence and threat intelligence, to identify and stop threats in real-time
  • Managed security services help organizations enhance their cybersecurity posture, reduce risk, and improve overall security resilience.
  • CrowdStrike's team of experts provides proactive threat hunting and analysis to identify and mitigate potential security breaches
  • Managed security services are tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of each organization, providing customized protection against evolving cyber threats
  • CrowdStrike's managed security services, organizations can focus on their core business activities while having confidence in their cybersecurity defenses

Cybersecurity Notes

  • Northern Light Health System of Maine notified an unknown number of patients that their PHI may have been exposed after cyber attack
  • Equilend Holdings Corp. of New York City, NY notified an unknown number of clients that their info may have been exposed after ransomware attack.
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise, headquartered in Houston, TX, notified an unknown number of customers that their info may have been exposed after another ransomware attack.
  • US Fertility LLC, the operator of more than 100 fertility clinics across the United States, has proposed a $5.75 million settlement to resolve a class action lawsuit that was filed in response to a data breach that exposed the data of around 900,000 patients.
  • Verizon notified 63,000 employees that their info was exposed after a recent cyber attack
  • Adena Health of Chillicothe, Ohio, was hit by a lawsuit alleging negligence after a cyber attack that exposed PHI of a number of patients.
  • Maricopa Community Colleges of Arizona reported yet another cyber attack breach that exposed an unknown number of students identities

Lock in on Cyber Security with ARCOA

  • IT Asset Disposition (ITAD): Manages the secure disposition of end-of-life IT equipment
  • Data Destruction: Ensures sensitive data is completely erased from devices before disposal
  • Asset Remarketing: Resells refurbished IT assets to maximize value recovery
  • Recycling Services: Provides environmentally responsible recycling of electronics
  • Compliance & Reporting: Offers documentation and reporting to meet regulatory standards
  • Secure Logistics: Handles the safe transport of IT assets throughout the disposal process

Managed print services to grow

  • Report from Reliable Research Reports
  • Expected to reach $61.4 billion by 2026
  • CAGR (cumulative annual growth rate) of 8%

ChatGPT vs. Copilot: Which AI chatbot is better for you?

  • CoPilot: CoPilot is an AI model designed to assist developers in writing code
  • ChatGPT: ChatGPT, on the other hand, is an AI model primarily focused on generating human-like text based on the input it receives

Konica Minolta Launches Next Evolution of Workflow Automation with Dispatcher Stratus

  • launches Dispatcher Stratus, a new cloud service offering people-based document processing for businesses of all sizes.
  • integrates powerful automation capabilities with intelligent collaboration features to streamline workflows and increase interactivity.
  • Features include scan capture, automated document processing, and people-to-people collaboration, reducing errors and improving efficiency.
  • Manuel Couceiro, Vice President of Solutions Engineering Center at Konica Minolta, emphasizes the importance of automating and streamlining communication processes
  • utilizes robotic process automation (RPA), machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI) to grant organizations flexibility in implementing total process automation

Small businesses lack printer/MFP security

  • Survey published by Sharp, a division of Foxconn
  • 33% of small business owners admit to have no security measures at all for printers/MFPs
  • 16% admit to being impacted by a printer/MFP breach
  • 23% educate employees about printer/MFP security

C-suite Guide to Responsible AI: Navigating Ethics for Success

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) revolutionizes businesses by analyzing data, making predictions, and automating processes.
  • Increasing AI usage brings ethical concerns, requiring chief information officers (CIOs) to be vigilant and address biases.
  • IT professionals must adopt a process-driven approach to develop unbiased AI systems.
  • article provides an overview of AI ethics, highlighting its impact on CIOs and their role in the business landscape.
  • Companies aim to drive automation and data-driven decision-making but may face unintended consequences without proper rules and regulations.
  • New guidelines, backed by primary research, address ethical concerns in AI implementation.
  • Leading IT companies and industries using AI take interest in shaping ethical standards to uphold integrity.
  • Neglecting ethical considerations in AI can lead to legal, regulatory, reputational, and financial repercussions.

CrowdStrike and Ignition Technology Partner to Address UK Market Cybersecurity Demand

  • partners with Ignition Technology as a strategic distribution partner in the UK to increase availability of the CrowdStrike XDR Falcon platform
  • Ignition Technology's SaaS cybersecurity focus and market-leading partner network complement CrowdStrike's industry-leading Falcon platform to address growing cybersecurity demand in the UK
  • aims to provide customers and partners access to the industry's best security platform, stopping breaches and accelerating sales
  • emphasizes commitment to working with strategic partners like Ignition Technology to deliver differentiated customer success and market expertise

TPx Recognized on CRN's 2024 Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 List

  • TPx, named to CRN's Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 list in the Elite 150 category for 2024.
  • marks the seventh consecutive year TPx has been recognized in the Elite 150 category.
  • Elite 150 category acknowledges large MSPs with a focus on data centers and a strong mix of on- and off-premises services.
  • MSP 500 list aims to recognize MSPs driving growth and innovation in the industry, enabling businesses to focus on core goals without stretching financial resources.
  • TPx, founded in 1998, offers comprehensive managed IT services including internet, networks, cybersecurity, and cloud communications.
  • Channel Company, which compiles the MSP 500 list, aims to empower technology suppliers, solution providers, and end-users through media, events, consulting, education, and marketing services.

IT Weapons Secures Coveted Spot Among Canada's Top 50 Best-Managed IT Companies

  • secures a coveted spot among Canada's Top 50 Best-Managed IT Companies
  • recognition highlights IT Weapons' commitment to excellence and innovation in delivering IT solutions and services
  • one of Canada's top managed IT services providers, IT Weapons offers a wide range of services, including cybersecurity, cloud solutions, managed infrastructure, and consulting services
  • company's dedication to providing exceptional service and value to its clients has contributed to its success and recognition in the industry
  • IT Weapons' inclusion in the Top 50 Best-Managed IT Companies list underscores its reputation for delivering high-quality IT solutions and services to businesses across Canada

Align Recognized on CRN's 2024 MSP 500 List in the Pioneer 250 Category

  • named to CRN's Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 list in the Pioneer 250 category for 2024.
  • CRN's MSP 500 list recognizes leading North American solution providers demonstrating innovative and forward-thinking approaches to managed services.
  • MSP 500 list is divided into three sections: MSP Pioneer 250, MSP Elite 150, and Managed Security 100, acknowledging companies with different business models and focuses
  • recognized on the MSP 500 list every year since 2014, marking its 11th consecutive list feature
  • Channel Company, compiles the MSP 500 list, aims to enable breakthrough IT channel performance through media, events, consulting, education, and marketing services

PaperCut attains ISO 27001 certification

  • announced its attainment of the respected ISO 27001 Certification, confirming compliance with internationally recognized standards for information security best practices.
  • ISO 27001 standard defines requirements that an Information Security Management System (ISMS) must meet, providing guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an information security management system
  • Conformity with ISO 27001 indicates that an organization has implemented a system to manage risks related to the security of data owned or handled by the company, adhering to best practices and principles outlined in the International Standard

ARCOA Expands West to Denver

ARCOA Expands West to Denver

Waukegan, IL. January 8, 2024 ARCOA announces they have opened a facility in Denver,Colorado. ARCOA’s commitment to expansion takes them West to the Rockies, providing remarketing services of off-lease and dealer traded-in office equipment. In addition, ARCOA provides an electronics recycling program to dealers known as eRaas (Electronics Recycling as a Service). This program allows dealers’ customers a safe and secure way to recycle their end-of-
use IT assets, while ensuring their data is properly destroyed.

In talking with copier dealers in this part of the country we saw a real need for regional support.” said Ed Spriegel, CEO of ARCOA. “A big thank you to our dealer and leasing partners for their help in making this expansion possible. We appreciate the ongoing support in this exciting endeavor.

ARCOA’s history began in 1989 with selling used copiers out of a garage in Beach Park, Illinois. Today they are a leader in the asset remarketing and electronics recycling industry with four locations including ARCOA’s headquarters and 100,000 square-foot operations hub in Waukegan, Illinois. We serve some of the country’s largest financial institutions, schools, and
corporations while continuing to be a resource to the local businesses, neighbors, and friends that made us who we are today.

Contact Information:
Brett Apold
(608) 719-7969

MSP & MSSP & IT Industry Notes

Sponsored by

December 10th, 2023

Arcoa Group

Why partnering with ARCOA makes sense
Electronics Recycling is an important and profitable part of the IT asset lifecycle, but it can be overwhelming with all you already do, varying state regulations, and the limited resources at hand. That’s where ARCOA comes in. When you partner with ARCOA, you get all the benefits of a big company without any of the capital investment. We’ve been doing this since 1989 and have the expertise, certifications, and nationwide resources to get the most for all your clients’ retired IT assets. Plus, positioning your clients as environmental stewards not only elevates their appeal to consumers, it meets government requirements and avoids fines.

What partnering with ARCOA looks like
Our role is to make it easy for you to bring more value to your clients. We work with you to help stretch your clients’ IT budget by reducing the total cost of ownership of their electronics. We’re experts at identifying and implementing the solutions your clients need for the end-of-use re-marketing, recovery, and recycling of their technology assets. The sooner you involve ARCOA, the sooner you and your client.

Barracuda Networks Advances Partner Program

  • launches Barracuda Partner Success Program
    • Recognizes sales across resale, MSP, and marketplaces, providing benefits based on total sales
    • Rewards aligned with Land, Adoption, Expansion, and Retention/Renewal model for customer success
    • Aimed at enhancing customer loyalty and sales
    • Designed for growth in resale, managed services, or cloud marketplace partnerships
  • Program accommodates various partnership models, essential for IT professionals managing collaborations
  • Aligns incentives with customer success phases, reflecting the IT team's focus on ensuring customer satisfaction and retention
  • Relevant for IT professionals to enhance service quality and maintain strong client relationships

Iteris Introduces Multi-Level Cloud-Enabled Managed Services to Optimize Traffic Detection

  • introduces an upgraded VantageCare® program for optimized traffic detection tech at intersections
  • cloud-managed service to maximize traffic detection investments
  • Three-tiered Plans: Standard, Maintenance Assist, and Performance Assist plans for varied agency need
  • Advanced analytics and support in higher-tier plans for proactive maintenance and operations
  • Works seamlessly with Vantage detection systems in Iteris’ ClearMobility® Platform
  • Essential component for safer, efficient, and sustainable mobility solutions

Packet Fusion Announces Its IT Advisory Practice: Empowering Businesses to Accelerate Business Outcomes

  • Strategic Guidance: Emphasizing strategy over technology in IT decisions
  • Expert Team: Dedicated researchers, architects, and vendor partnerships
  • Technology Focus: Unified Communication, Cybersecurity, Cloud, AI, and more
    • Continuous Value: Providing ongoing support, insights, and innovation
    • About Packet Fusion: Trusted IT advisor with a focus on technology change4-Step Approach: Evaluation, Implementation, Optimization, Transformation

Wildcat Launches Platform with Corey Weiner to Pursue Managed Services and Digital ...

  • partners with Corey Weiner to establish Wink Tech, targeting acquisitions in managed IT services and digital transformation sectors
  • Aims to acquire tech companies with loyal customer bases and unique services to drive growth in a changing industry landscape
  • Acknowledges pivotal role of managed IT services in modern business operations and the significance of digital transformation
  • Approach offers a flexible, long-term investment approach, valuing innovation and growth potential

First Focus buys Melbourne-based MSP Rock IT, looking for more acquisitions

  • Reported on
  • First Focus will absorb Rock IT's Victorian and Philippines teams
  • This is First Focus's sixth acquisition in three years
  • CEO Ross Sardi emphasizes the desire to continue seeking opportunities for further acquisitions that complement organic growth

SaaS Alerts Extends Protection Beyond Core SaaS Business Apps with App Wizard, Pushes for Industry Change

  • introduces App Wizard, extending security monitoring to more SaaS apps for MSPs
  • App Wizard enables integration with SaaS apps through viable APIs, boosting cybersecurity
  • MSPs gain a new revenue stream by monitoring and highlighting user behavior in diverse apps
  • Potential financial impact: increased monthly and annual recurring revenue per app
  • CEO emphasizes the need for software developers to enhance security for MSPs globally
  • MSPs encouraged to support the campaign by signing the petition for stronger API security

Rhodian Group Partners with Applied Systems to Provide Hosted Email Solutions

  • Rhodian Group and Applied Systems collaborate to offer upgraded email services
  • Rhodian Group provides managed IT, cybersecurity, and Microsoft-based email solutions
  • Applied's agents shift from Hosted Exchange to Rhodian's Microsoft technologies
  • Goals: Enhanced security, scalability, and value for mutual customers
  • Rhodian Group: Expertise in IT, cybersecurity, and compliance services.
  • Applied Systems: Global leader in cloud-based insurance software solutions.

Secureworks Named A Leader In Managed Detection and Response Services In Europe By ...

  • acclaimed as a Leader in The Forrester Wave™ for Managed Detection and Response Services in Europe, Q4 2023
  • commends Secureworks for "quick time to value," "strong investigative capabilities," and streamlined onboarding
  • earns highest ratings in 22 evaluation criteria, notably excelling in time efficiency, investigations, dashboards, and pricing transparency
  • aids European organizations in responding to cyber challenges and reducing ransomware impact while enhancing cyber resilience
  • Secureworks: A global cybersecurity leader leveraging Taegis™, an XDR platform, to empower customers in detecting advanced threats and enhancing cybersecurity operations

A Bold Claim - Printers are better with PaperCut | director's cut

  • PaperCut brings order to printing chaos, streamlining the process and ensuring smooth operations
  • Administrators wield powerful tools to manage print queues, track usage, and set rules, ensuring better control over resources
  • offers user-friendly interfaces, mobile printing, secure release queues, and cost allocation features, empowering users to print smarter and more efficiently
  • reducing wasted paper and toner, PaperCut champions sustainability, making the printing process more eco-friendly.

Lock in on Cyber Security with ARCOA

  • IT Asset Disposition (ITAD): Manages the secure disposition of end-of-life IT equipment
  • Data Destruction: Ensures sensitive data is completely erased from devices before disposal
  • Asset Remarketing: Resells refurbished IT assets to maximize value recovery
  • Recycling Services: Provides environmentally responsible recycling of electronics
  • Compliance & Reporting: Offers documentation and reporting to meet regulatory standards
  • Secure Logistics: Handles the safe transport of IT assets throughout the disposal proces

TWAIN Working Group Announces TWAIN Direct Cloud Scanning with Searer Business Technology

  • TWAIN Working Group (TWG), a not-for-profit organization providing and fostering a universal public standard for image acquisition devices
  • announced today that Searer Business Technology (SBT) has deployed their SBT Executive Series accounting/ERP application, with their scanning component now powered by TWAIN Direct
  • TWAIN Direct is a free, open-source standard that eliminates the need for users to install vendor-specific device drivers to communicate between TWAIN Direct enabled scanning devices and image-capture applications

No1 App Co. Ltd Launches GemScan AI: Scanner & PDF Editor

  • Converts images to editable documents, preserving original layouts
  • Supports PDF, JPG, TXT, and editable formats
  • PDF Viewer Annotator & Editor for on-the-go edits
  • AI-driven Magic Erase removes unwanted elements intelligently
  • Comprehensive Doc Editor & File Manager included

Brother eyes printer data security amid digital revolution

  • reported on
  • Print Significance: Despite the digital shift, 70% of businesses print daily, highlighting its continued importance
  • Printer Security Oversight: Cybersecurity concerns often ignore office printer vulnerabilities
  • Brother's Emphasis: Stephen Nicholls stresses comprehensive printer security within document management
  • Security Challenges: 27% of IT security incidents are linked to print-related issues
  • Brother's Solutions: Developed secure printing products to address security gaps
  • Advanced Printer Range: Brother unveils A4 color laser printers with robust security features
  • Enhanced Security Measures: Includes encrypted USB keys, cloud data encryption, and job control capabilities
  • Security Focus: Password protection, disabling unnecessary features, and data encryption are paramount
  • Market Expansion: Brother targets the high-volume 'workhorse enterprise market' with secure printers.

Sharp Business Systems Supercharges Showroom Displays... Here's How They Did It

  • reported on
  • Sharp Business Systems showcases modern hybrid workforce solutions
  • Mersive Solstice Platform optimizes Sharp and NEC displays for varied showroom settings
  • Solstice integration boosts collaboration and digital signage for a more informed workplace
  • Mersive Solstice enables seamless wireless presentations and conferencing
  • Innovative setups encourage impactful collaborations and connections
  • Solstice Cloud provides detailed room usage data for better space optimization
  • Solstice Pods reinforce corporate messaging for remote and in-office workers
  • Visual communication enhances inclusivity among remote workers

Square 9 Ends 2023 with 16 Major Customer-Backed Awards

  • Square 9 Softworks: Leading AI-powered Information Management provider in 2023
  • Earned 16 excellence awards across G2, Capterra, TrustRadiu
  • Recognized for customer-centric services and 11 major titles from G2
  • Acknowledged for Best Support, Relationships, Usability, and more
  • President Stephen Young emphasizes commitment to value, service, innovation

CrowdStrike Named a Leader in MDR by Forrester in Europe, Q4 2023

  • leads in European MDR (Q4 2023), scoring highest in key areas
  • Advanced XDR, deep expertise in threat intel, incident response
  • Top detection among 16 vendors, effective against adversaries
  • Falcon Complete for Service Providers expands global MDR, EU hosting for data privacy in Europe

What Gets Recycled in My Electronic Devices?

Cell phones, tablets, and laptops are integral parts of our lives yet have a finite lifespan. When they reach the end of their usefulness, it falls on each of us to consider their environmental impact and pave the way to a sustainable future. Recycling these devices is not only a responsible choice but also a crucial step towards reducing electronic waste. There are specific components to these gadgets that can be broken down, recycled, and repurposed for future devices.

The Anatomy of Electronic Devices

Before we dive into the recycling process and what it entails, let’s break down the key components of cell phones, tablets, and laptops.

Batteries: The heart of any mobile device, lithium-ion batteries are the most essential component to cell phones, tablets, and laptops. They contain valuable materials such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel.

Screens: A device’s display screen often contains glass and other materials that can be recycled. For example, there are three parts of a cell phone screen—the glass, LED, and digitizer—which can be replaced or reused.

Circuit Boards: Cell phones, tablets, and laptops house intricate circuitry on their boards, composed of metals that are both ferrous (containing iron) and non-ferrous (not containing iron) such as copper, gold, silver, steel, and aluminum. Tablets contain more extensive circuitry than cell phones, and laptops have the most complex circuit boards of them all.

Plastics: The outer casing of many cell phones, tablets, or laptops is typically made of plastic, which is recyclable.

Rare Earth Metals: Small quantities of rare earth metals are used in various components like device speakers, screens, magnets, phone or tablet vibration motors, and laptop hard drives.

Now that we understand what’s inside our electronic devices, let’s explore how these components are recycled and repurposed.

The Recycling Process for Electronic Devices

Recycling electronic devices involves a multi-step process designed to recover and reuse valuable materials while minimizing environmental impact. The typical steps are as follows:

Collection: Devices are first collected from various sources, including consumers, businesses, and electronics manufacturers. Recycling centers, as well as some electronic retailers, offer collection services.

Sorting and Dismantling: At recycling facilities, the devices are disassembled into their various components. This includes removing batteries, screens, circuit boards, and plastics. The components are sorted based on material type and can be diverted for reuse.

Shredding: Some devices may go through a shredding process to break them down into smaller pieces. This helps to further separate the materials.

Material Recovery: After dismantling and shredding, valuable materials such as metals (gold, silver, copper, and rare earth elements), glass, and plastics are recovered through various techniques. These materials are then prepared for reuse, and the high-quality outputs are turned into raw materials for manufacturing.

Safe Disposal: Components that can’t be recycled, such as hazardous materials, are disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner to prevent contamination.

How Recycling Repurposes—and Preserves—Our Resources

Recycling electronic devices not only conserves valuable resources but also reduces the environmental impact of electronic waste. The recycled materials from our old devices are repurposed for future devices and other applications.

Metals: The metals recovered from electronic devices, including gold, silver, copper, and rare earth elements, are used in the manufacturing of new electronic components. These materials are highly sought after in the electronics industry due to their superior conductivity and durability.

Plastics: Recycled plastic from old devices can be used in the production of new casings and components, reducing the demand for new plastic materials and, subsequently, the carbon footprint associated with plastic production.

Glass: The glass from old screens can be melted down and used to make new screens or glass components for other devices.

Batteries: The lithium-ion batteries from old devices can be reconditioned and reused in less demanding applications, such as backup power systems or energy storage solutions.

Rare Earth Elements: The recovery of rare earth elements, although relatively small in quantity, is crucial, as these elements are essential for various high-tech applications. They can be reintegrated into the production of new devices.

Circuit Boards: Recovered circuit boards may be refurbished and used in various electronics, or the metals within them can be extracted and recycled.

By reusing these materials, manufacturers can reduce the need for extracting and processing virgin resources, which conserves energy and reduces the environmental impact associated with mining and manufacturing. This not only makes economic sense but also contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible electronics industry.

The Global Impact of Electronics Recycling

Recycling electronic devices has global significance. Electronic waste, or e-waste, is a growing concern due to the rapid pace of technological advancement and the increasing use of electronic devices worldwide. E-waste often contains hazardous materials that can harm both human health and the environment. Therefore, the responsible disposal and recycling of electronic devices is vital.

In addition to reducing the demand for raw materials, recycling lessens the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing new devices, as it consumes less energy and resources compared to creating new materials from scratch.

The Role of Consumers

As consumers, we play a crucial role in the electronics recycling process. There are several steps we should all take to contribute to a more sustainable electronic ecosystem:

Responsible Disposal: When you no longer need a device, don’t throw it in the trash. Instead, find a certified electronics recycling center or drop-off location.

Erase Personal Data: Before recycling your device, ensure that you’ve wiped all personal data from it or work with a recycler, like ARCOA, that is certified AAA by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID). This helps protect your privacy.

Upcycling: Consider repurposing your old devices for other uses, such as converting a tablet into a digital photo frame or using an old laptop as a media server.

Support Eco-Friendly Manufacturers: When purchasing new devices, consider companies that prioritize eco-friendly and recyclable materials in their products.

Ready to Recycle? ARCOA Can Help

Understanding what gets recycled in our devices is a crucial step towards promoting responsible e-waste management. As consumers, we have the power to make eco-conscious choices, support recycling initiatives, and contribute to a more sustainable electronic ecosystem. In doing so, we can play a significant role in preserving our planet for future generations.

If you are ready to move toward greater sustainability and start recycling your company’s devices, contact usto get started today. Our team of experts can make the process simple, easy, and secure.

Chromebook Expirations: What You Need to Know

Chromebook Expirations: What You Need to Know

In recent years, Chromebooks have become an indispensable tool in educational institutions, providing students and teachers with a cost-effective and efficient means to engage with educational content and applications. However, there’s a critical aspect that users need to be aware of—the Automatic Update Expiration (AUE) date. Understanding this date is essential to ensure that your Chromebook remains secure and functional. In this article, we will delve into the specifics of AUE dates, why Chromebooks have expiration dates, how to stay informed about your device’s AUE, and the proper way to recycle Chromebooks.

Automatic Update Expiration (AUE) Date: What Is It?

The Automatic Update Expiration (AUE) date is a crucial piece of information regarding the lifespan of a Chromebook. It marks the point at which the manufacturer will no longer provide automatic updates for the device’s operating system. Chrome OS, the operating system that powers Chromebooks, receives regular updates to enhance security, add features, and improve performance. However, just like any software, these updates can’t continue indefinitely.

The AUE date is determined by the hardware components and the manufacturer’s policy. Once a Chromebook reaches its AUE date, it will no longer receive automatic updates, including security patches. This implies that the device may become more vulnerable to security threats as time goes on, making it less suitable for secure use.

Why Do Chromebooks Expire?

Chromebooks expire primarily due to hardware limitations and the need to maintain a high level of security and performance. As technology advances, older hardware may struggle to keep up with the demands of the latest software updates. The AUE date ensures that users are not left with a device that becomes progressively inefficient, potentially exposing them to security risks.

Manufacturers set AUE dates to provide a reasonable support window during which users can utilize the Chromebook with confidence, knowing that it’s receiving necessary updates. Beyond this point, users are encouraged to upgrade to newer hardware to continue benefiting from the latest security measures and features.

Staying Informed About Your AUE Date

Being informed about your Chromebook’s AUE date is crucial for planning and making informed decisions regarding the device’s usage.

To check your AUE date, follow these steps:

Open Your Chromebook: Turn on your Chromebook and log in.

Click on the Clock: In the bottom right corner of the screen, click on the clock to open the system menu.

Click on the Settings Gear: Click on the gear icon to access the settings menu.

Find “About Chrome OS”: In the left menu, select “About Chrome OS.”

View AUE Date: The AUE date for your Chromebook will be displayed.

Make it a habit to periodically check your Chromebook’s AUE date to stay informed about when it will stop receiving automatic updates. This knowledge will help you plan ahead and consider your options for continued secure usage.

To learn about the automatic updates of Chromebooks released since 2021, check out this article from Gizmodo.

Properly Recycling School Chromebooks

As Chromebooks reach their AUE date and need replacement, proper recycling is essential to minimize environmental impact and ensure data security. Educational institutions often have a significant number of Chromebooks, making responsible disposal even more critical.

Here are steps to properly recycle school Chromebooks:

Data Wiping: Before recycling, ensure all data on the Chromebooks is wiped securely. This may involve a factory reset or using specialized software to erase data completely.

Contact a Certified E-Waste Recycler: Reach out to certified e-waste recycling organizations or local authorities to arrange for the proper disposal and recycling of the Chromebooks.

Compliance with Regulations: Ensure compliance with all applicable regulations and laws regarding electronic waste disposal. These regulations are designed to protect the environment and public health.

Reuse or Donation: Consider options for reusing or donating Chromebooks to other organizations or individuals who can still benefit from them, especially if the devices are in good working condition.

Responsible recycling of school Chromebooks is not only an environmental necessity but a step toward safeguarding sensitive data. By following proper recycling protocols and considering reusability options, we contribute to a sustainable tech ecosystem while respecting privacy and security concerns.

Chromebook Confusion? ARCOA Can Help!

Understanding the Automatic Update Expiration (AUE) date of your Chromebook is paramount to ensure a secure and efficient computing experience. With the rapid evolution of technology, hardware limitations necessitate these expiration dates to maintain security and performance standards. Regularly checking your Chromebook’s AUE date and responsibly recycling expired devices are essential steps in utilizing this technology responsibly.

If you have any questions regarding Chromebook AUE dates, recycling, or upgrading your devices, feel free to contact us. Stay informed, stay secure, and make eco-conscious choices when it comes to Chromebook usage and disposal.

ARCOA Achieves e-Stewards® Certification

ARCOA Achieves e-Stewards® Certification

Waukegan, IL. July 20, 2023 ARCOA announces they have achieved e-Stewards® certification. Since 1989, ARCOA has been providing clients worldwide with streamlined solutions for the recovery, remarketing, and recycling of technology assets. Adding e-Stewards allows our clients’ to not only meet their sustainability standards, but also helps their businesses with overall Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) efforts. e-Stewards’ focus on reuse of working devices whenever feasible and to only perform materials recovery for end-of-life electronics when reuse is not an option.

"The changing needs and expectations of our clients were the primary reason we chose to move from R2 to e-Stewards and NAID certifications,” said George Hinkle, President of ARCOA. “Data security, environmental impacts, the social aspects of business policies and business governance are critical points when corporations choose to work with an ITAD vendor. Corporations need to be confident that the vendor they choose is able to meet their goals and can be trusted. e-Stewards Certification gives our clients the transparency, trust, and assurances they demand. We are proud to have achieved what truly is the gold standard of electronics recycling certifications."

e-Stewards Certification requires the highest standard for ethical and responsible processing, including NAID AAA data destruction, safe and proper reuse of used electronic equipment, employee safety and assurance that hazardous materials and non-working equipment are not exported to developing countries. As an e-Stewards company, ARCOA serves its partners with world-class, complete IT asset management services while at its core operating to the highest socially and environmentally responsible practices.

Contact Information:

Brett Apold

VP of Sales


(608) 719-7969

Why It’s So Important For Schools To Properly Dispose Of Old IT Assets

When educational institutions purchase new IT equipment, they often overlook the importance of data residing on the old equipment. Federal laws have been enacted to protect student data, and proper disposal and erasure of retired IT assets is vital.

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) are federal laws that protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable information of students attending any educational institution receiving funds from a program of the Department of Education. In part, these laws generally prohibit disclosure of information without the consent of the subject or their parent guardian and mandate prevention of unauthorized releases of information. These requirements still apply when information is no longer necessary to retain and assets containing such information are retired.

To comply, educational institutions need to use vendors that have appropriate controls in place to prevent unauthorized disclosures, they should get proof that data bearing assets have been sanitized as planned and, above all, use vendors who they can trust. It is important to understand what NAID AAA Certification is and to use a vendor who adheres to the standard. There are many non-certified recyclers in the educational space who are not following proper data security protocols.

Educational institutions in violation of these laws can lose government funding, and while the institutions themselves are not always held liable for disclosure by a third party, the failure to perform proper due diligence, use a trusted vendor, and maintain records of sanitization can be viewed as a failure to prevent unauthorized disclosures.

Maximizing ROI on decommissioned IT assets is often the biggest priority for educational institutions. However, the financial impact of an offsite data breach would far outweigh the monies gained from resale. By using a certified professional vendor, you can help make sure our educational institutions maintain funding and our future generations’ personal information is handled correctly.

ARCOA is a provider of IT services that encompass Cybersecurity, IT Asset Recovery and Disposition, and end-of-life recycling of electronics. We partner closely with clients to develop solid solutions around five architectural areas: cybersecurity and data destruction, specialized logistics and secure chain of custody, value recovery, asset tracking and control, and responsible recycling of end-of-life technology.

Learn more about ITAD and Arcoa

Sustainable IT Compliance

89% of organizations recycle less than 10% of their IT hardware1

It’s a shocking statistic in a world so desperate for businesses to take more action for the good of the environment. Capgemini Research Institute surveyed 1,000 organizations with annual revenues more than $1 billion to understand their outlook on sustainable IT implementation.

53% say they do not have the required expertise for sustainable IT implementation1

That’s where ARCOA can help!

At ARCOA, we’ve been doing this since 1989 and have the expertise, certifications, and nationwide resources to get the most for all your retired IT assets through our remarketing, recovering, and recycling services. By partnering with us and elevating your position as environmental stewards, you’ll not only meet government requirements and avoid fines, but also improve your appeal to consumers.

How ARCOA partners with you to improve your sustainable IT:

  • IT asset assessment & planning

We’ll talk about your resources and goals and work with you to plan the best strategy to get the most from your IT budget.

  • Remarket, recover & recycle services

Our experience and resources offer you the best total solution to maximize return on your technology investments while maintaining environmental compliance on recycled material.

  • Guaranteed data security

Our R2-certified data destruction techniques ensure your information is never compromised.

  • Secure transportation

We offer secure chain-of-custody logistics from pickup to final destination with our own vehicles and professionals, GPS tracking, insurance, and certified processes.

Hardware disposal poses a significant threat to the environment.

E-waste contains toxic substances that are hazardous to human health and the environment. In the survey, Capgemini Research Institute states that in 2019, 53.6 million tons of e-waste were generated worldwide—an increase of 21% in five years.2 The volume of e-waste is expected to grow to 74 million tons by 2030.3 Proper disposal of e-waste is therefore critical. However, current levels of e-waste recycling fall far short. Only 17.4% of global e-waste generated in 2019 was recycled.3

Want to be part of the solution?

Visit us at to learn more about our services or contact us to get started.

  1. Capgemini Research Institute, Sustainable IT survey, December 2020 – January 2021, N=1,000 organizations
  2. Global E-waste Statistics Partnership. (n.d.) Retrieved March 30, 2021 from
  3. United Nations institute for Training and Research, “GLOBAL E-WASTE SURGING: UP 21 PER CENT IN 5 YEARS,” July 2, 2020.

IT, MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for October 4th, 2021

Sponsored by

September 29th, 2021

Arcoa Group

Why partnering with ARCOA makes sense
Electronics Recycling is an important and profitable part of the IT asset lifecycle, but it can be overwhelming with all you already do, varying state regulations, and the limited resources at hand. That’s where ARCOA comes in. When you partner with ARCOA, you get all the benefits of a big company without any of the capital investment. We’ve been doing this since 1989 and have the expertise, certifications, and nationwide resources to get the most for all your clients’ retired IT assets. Plus, positioning your clients as environmental stewards not only elevates their appeal to consumers, it meets government requirements and avoids fines.

What partnering with ARCOA looks like
Our role is to make it easy for you to bring more value to your clients. We work with you to help stretch your clients’ IT budget by reducing the total cost of ownership of their electronics. We’re experts at identifying and implementing the solutions your clients need for the end-of-use remarketing, recovery, and recycling of their technology assets. The sooner you involve ARCOA, the sooner you and your clients will see better results.

Survey of use of eSignatures

  • Report published by DocuWare, a division of Ricoh
  • 6% rarely use electronic signature solutions
    • 7% sometimes use
    • 7% use often
  • 44% cite cybersecurity issues as biggest risk
  • 29% note legal requirements or compliance as a factor
  • 38% worry about unauthorized signatures

Cogent Growth Partners Advises HBK CPA in Acquisition of Leading MSP Vertical Solutions

  • announced the successful closing of HBK CPAs and Consultants’ acquisition of Vertical Solutions
  • HBK provides tax, accounting, assurance, business consulting and IT services to clients
  • Vertical Solutions, a Managed Services Provider (MSP) based in Pittsburgh

Nerds On Site Inc. Announces 2021 Fiscal Year-End Financial Results

  • announced its financial results for the fiscal year 2021, ended May 31
  • revenue of $10,121,480 in Canadian dollars
  • Gross Profit of $2,627,954
  • improvement in cash used in operations of $1,315,468
  • Net loss for the year ended May 31, 2021, was ($1,387,768)
  • NERD will host an investor webinar on Wednesday, September 29 at 1:30 pm ET, where CEO Charlie Regan will discuss the 2021 financial results and answer any questions

Recent highlights from the associated MSSP Alert research

  • MSSP revenue expects a 16% increase from 2020
  • MSSPs surveyed that 85% expect to be profitable
  • Frequent attacks targeting MSSP clients in 2021
  • Vulnerability exploits 87%
  • Phishing 96%
  • Ransomware 89%

Buchanan Technologies Named to MSSP Alert's Top 250 MSSPs List for 2021 - Yahoo Finance

  • After Nines Inc., names Buchanan Technologies to the Top 250 MSSPs list for 202
  • list & research identify& honor top MSSPs, managed detection & response (MDR) & Security Operations Center as a Service (SOCaaS) providers worldwide
  • “After Nines Inc. and MSSP Alert congratulate Buchanan Technologies on this year’s honor,” said Amy Katz, CEO of After Nines Inc.

Russian authorities arrest cybersecurity giant Group-IB's CEO on treason charges

  • arrested and detained Ilya Sachkov, the co-founder and chief executive of Group-IB
  • charges of treason
  • reported on Tech Crunch

Laserfiche Announces Launch of Cloud Document Management and Process Automation ...

  • Announced the availability of Laserfiche Cloud in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region
  • prebuilt solution templates and customisable e-forms and processes support digital resiliency and agility

etherFAX launches DirectFax Messenger

  • EtherFAX, headquartered in Fremont, CA, announced it has integrated Microsoft Teams, so that users can now send and receive faxes and other business documents using DirectFax Messenger
  • Allows users to send digital, high resolution documents to other etherFAX programs and regular fax machines
  • Uses the etherFAX Secure Exchange Network, a proprietary infrastructure-as-a-service technology
  • HITRUST and PCI DSS certified, as well as HIPAA compliant

HP Simplifies Managed Print Services with New Cloud-Based

HP Managed Print Flex is a new cloud-based managed print service subscription plan

  • Includes printer supplies, services, single-contract billing, centralized print
    management, HP Wolf security solutions and mobile printing
    • Base subscription includes:
    • Automatic supplies replenishment
    • 2 hour call back for service
    • Next business day onsite technical service
    • Optional “HP Roam” provides secure print release
    • Optional “page is a page” plan does not differentiate between b/w and color
    • HP Smart Pricing Plan automatically adjusts pricing month to month based on
      customer’s actual print volume
    • Launch in spring of 2022
  • HP Amplify Data Insights combines proprietary, 3rd party and HP partner data into one dashboard
  • Enables dealers to benchmark performance
  • Claims that 98% of its dealers have agreed to report customer data to HP
  • Allows dealer to access data analytics and use for customer segment strategies, anticipate purchasing, implement targeted campaigns, and influence customer buying process
  • Includes:
    • Revenue and unit sales by industry and company size
    • Rankings by industry and company size
    • Ratios to hardware by industry and company size
    • Inventory levels by HP product group, category and product line
    • Sales mix by customer industry
    • Compensation and rebate history
    • Product warranty and renewal heatmaps
    • Customer buying intent predictions
    • Customer engagement topic insights
    • Customer interest topics based on past 6 months
    • Customer installed base recommendations
    • Product recommendations for campaigns

Sectigo Partners with Thomas Peer to Drive Expansion in Australia and New Zealand

  • announced its partnership with Thomas Peer, an IT services and management consulting firm serving the Australia and New Zealand
  • Sectigo's digital identity/automated certificate lifecycle management solution & Sectigo Certificate Manager — will be available in the suite of solutions Thomas Peer offers its clients
  • Sectigo is a global cybersecurity provider of digital identity solutions, including TLS / SSL certificates, DevOps, IoT, and enterprise-grade PKI management, as well as multi-layered web security

centrexIT Welcomes Joseph Turso as Director of Operations

  • welcomes Joseph Turso as its new director of operations
  • also announces the promotions of Sean Ernst and Andy Albrecht to vice president of technology and director of technology, respectively

Unisys Named a Leader in Next-Gen Private and Hybrid Cloud Managed Services by..

FlexITy Acquires the Managed IT Business Services Division of Rally Enterprises

  • Announced its acquisition of the Managed IT Business Services division of Rally Enterprises
  • FlexITy, headquartered in Richmond Hill with offices in Toronto and Winnipeg
  • Based in Toronto, Rally brings people together by offering fair, flexible and affordable TV

Aunalytics Unveils Secure Managed Services with Integrated Security

  • Aunalytics, now announces the company’s Secure Managed Services offering
  • ew service stack combines mission critical IT services leveraging zero trust end-to-end security to ensure people and data are protected regardless
  • In 2020, malware attacks increased by 358% and ransomware attacks by 435% over attacks in 2019

Lexmark Reinvents How Manufacturers Use IoT with Launch of Optra IoT Solutions

  • Now offering the new Lexmark Optra IoT Platform
  • Enables customers to connect data from their devices with data from their other systems, such as their ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems and CRM (customer relation management) systems
  • Enables predictive service, flagging issues before they occur
  • Maximize device lifecycles based on device sensor information
  • Monitor devices through their lifecycle
  • Obtains performance and sensor data from Lexmark printers and MFPs
  • Reporting dashboards and business process templates
  • Lexmark has a team of dedicated consultants to assist in implementation


  • The VA Medical Center in Atlanta, Georgia notified an unknown number of patients that their PHI was apparently sitting on 10 pallets in the basement, have finally been scanned into the EHR.
  • Robert Lizaragga of Oregon pleaded guilty illegally using the identity of a child who died 30 years ago, after stealing the PHI.
  • The Port of Houston, TX announced it had successfully defended itself from a ransomware attack, which could have disrupted their operations.
  • UC San Diego Health of California was hit by a lawsuit regarding a breach caused by an email phishing attack that exposed PHI of just over 500,000 patients.
  • Coos County Family Medical Centers of New Hampshire notified an unknown number of patients that their PHI was exposed after ransomware attack.
  • The Department of Justice announced that its prosecutors will ramp their usage of HIPAA subpoenas in federal investigations of healthcare facilities
  • Family Medical Centers (FMC) of Michigan notified an unknown number of patients that their PHI was exposed after ransomware attack, where hackers demanded and FMC paid a total of $30,000.00 to regain access to EHR.
  • Censinet Risk Management published results of survey of affects of ransomware attack:22% reporting increased mortality rates
    • 61% lack confidence to combat ransomware
    • 67% have been victims
    • 33% have been hit at least twice
    • 71% say attacks cause patients to have longer lengths of stay
    • 71% say it causes delays in tests and procedures
    • 65% report increase in patients being diverted to other facilities
    • 36% report increase in complications from medical procedures

  • The Washington Post newspaper is reporting that the FBI held back the ransomware decryption key for 3 weeks, which could have helped hundreds of businesses who were hobbled by ransomware attacks this past summer.
  • Simon Eye Management, headquartered in Delaware, notified 144,000 patients that their PHI was exposed after email phishing attack.
  • USV Optical, headquartered in New Jersey, notified 180,000 patients that their PHI was exposed after email phishing attack.
  • The Bellevue Fire Department of New York was sued by a man who claims his PHI was illegally disclosed by a firefighter.
  • New Cooperative of Fort Dodge, Iowa notified customers that their info may have been exposed after ransomware attack.

What Exactly Is ITAD?

by Michael Vosnos, ITAD Consultant (CDIA+ and CITAD Certified)

IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) has been a burgeoning industry for the past two decades and with the continued proliferation of data bearing devices, its growth is expected to be exponential in coming years.  Yet outside the industry itself, there remains some uncertainty about what ITAD is and what it encompasses.  Moreover, most organizations only consider ITAD as an afterthought when they have to “get rid of stuff” rather than taking a proactive approach to their asset management. This is something to address given the growing and increasingly critical importance of ITAD within the greater IT field.

While different organizations and individuals have somewhat varying definitions of ITAD, at its core, ITAD is the management of decommissioning retired IT assets in a manner that ensures data security and environmental compliance while maximizing residual value.  ITAD vendors accomplish this through means of responsible recycling and remarketing, methods of data erasure that are NIST 800-88 compliant, and by partnering with certified downstream vendors.  The surest way for organizations to be certain that their retired assets are managed in a way that is both secure and ethical is to select an R2 certified ITAD vendor. Such vendors are rigorously and routinely audited by an independent third party to ensure compliance and implementation of best practices.  Among non-certified ITAD vendors and e-waste recyclers, standards and practices can vary greatly, often creating vulnerabilities for their customers.

As noted above, the quickening pace of technology has elevated the imperative of ITAD.  With tightening refresh cycles of traditional IT assets, cloud migration, and the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), this trajectory will continue into the foreseeable future.  It is therefore critical that organizations begin incorporating ITAD into their overall lifecycle management program now rather than later.  Unfortunately, the approach of most organizations to date has been of an ad hoc nature and to view ITAD as a “necessary evil.”  As a result, responsibility for ITAD is often delegated to a junior member of the IT staff with the seemingly cheapest, up front option selected.  This leads to un-recouped residual value of the retired assets, uncertainty of data security, and dubious environmental impact.

Conversely, organizations that have a robust asset lifecycle management program will plan their refresh cycles in a manner that optimizes the functionality of the devices while capturing the maximum residual value, making refreshes more fiscally sustainable.  The hidden costs of continued usage of less capable, mature or obsolete devices and their depreciation are significant.  In addition to CIO involvement, key stakeholders such as CFOs, COOs and other executive staff are included in the planning and decision making processes as a robust asset management program demands their involvement.  Finally, these organizations consult with a trusted, certified ITAD vendor.  A knowledgeable ITAD consultant will assist these organizations greatly in planning and optimizing their lifecycle management program, lending key industry insights.

While new technology is naturally more exciting to most people, end of use devices require an equal amount of planning and care as they exit an inventory.  The front end costs of proper planning and asset management are vastly outweighed by closing vulnerability gaps in data security, the costs associated with environmental compliance issues, and the loss of residual value of end of use devices.

At ARCOA Group, we provide quality asset retirement services designed to maximize data security and asset value. Being a leading certified company, we make it our duty to ensure our services meet our client’s exact needs. Contact us today or request a free quote.

Arcoa - Copy - Copy

Better Call Art with Brett Apold of Arcoa

Short chat with Brett Apold from Arcoa. What Arcoa does and how they can help office equipment dealers increase revenue with adding a new profit center for ITAD services. In addition we discuss what's required to start providing ITAD services (IT asset disposition)
