In one of my previous blogs about "31 Ways to Garner Net New Business", I mentioned the use of Linkedin.
With Linkedin we have the ability to research the CFO, CIO, CEO and just about anyone else as long as they are a member.
Today, I was in a meeting for setting up a couple of NSI workflows for my client. While I was waiting for NSI to configure I asked about name dropping other companies with a phone call, email or letter. The CFO told me that if he receives anyone of those communications from a vendor mentioning other companies that he knows. He would be more likely to continue the call, or take the call when it comes in. On to #12!
12. Use web forums to increase your knowledge about the industry and to answer questions that users have posted. When answering questions make sure that you leave your blog url, this way readers can check out who you are. Over the years I’ve received a many leads from people who have reached out to me after they read one of my responses on a web forum.
I use Quora and Print Planet. I got one of my biggest leads from a user who read threads that answered about duplicators on Print Planet.
-=Good Selling=-