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31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales

What Happens When You Don't Ask?

Now that I'm old I can appreciate the things that Mom told me.  If I wanted something she told me to ask politely.  Whether that was at a store or at home I was always reminded to ask if I wanted something and do politely.

In our fast paced world of sames sometimes we find ourselves trying to figure out an angle that will help close the sale.  In most cases those angles will never work because it was all about us/me the sales person.

If we don't ask we don't get!

But how can we do this in a why that reflects that our offer is genuine for helping both parties?

I've stated this to client for years and it's rather simple.

"Hi Sandy, hope all is well with you and business.  I'm reaching to out to see if we can help each other.   Last time we spoke you were interested in that pre-owned wide format devices.  That unit has come and gone, however I have another one that will be available in a few weeks.  I'd like to include a maintenance agreement at no cost for the first year if you'd like to move forward with an order this week.  My month ends on the 23rd of this month and your order would help me in achieving my sales goal for the month.  Thus I'm hoping we can help each other.  Please let me know your thoughts."

Be genuine and state the reasons why this is good for both parties.  It doesn't work all of the time, but over the years this simple email got me to where I wanted to be.

-=Good Selling=-

31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales #25 of 31

Enough is enough, tired of the cold, the wind, the snow and hearing about the Super Bowl this week. Can't wait to get to the BTA Winter Break in a few weeks.  Please let me know if you'll be there!!

My Account Close:

Another unique close is to close the customer with the promise of marketing their business to my accounts.  With this I’ll tell them I’ll send out 50 letters to my best customers introducing “xyz” company. In the letter I’ll include their business cards and a flyer.

I've done it before, did any of the letters work?  Not sure, but I did send them out for three different accounts over the years.  I then turned over the list to my new customer!

-=Good Selling=-

31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales (#23 of 31)

Always keep in mind if you are doing something out of the ordinary with financing,  you'll need to clear it with the powers to be and the leasing company first. Double and triple check your numbers, and when you're finished leave no stone un- turned with your prospect. In fact have them sign and understand everything before securing the order.


24  Months of Payments w/Guaranteed Upgrade in 36 months w/4% Increase: 


This one is kind of funky and I use to be able to sell many of these before leasing companies went to max 125% funding.  The concept is to get someone off the fence and make them commit now. 

You need to position your system at list price plus 25%. Take a $20K unit and the 125% is $25,000. Offer them a 60 month lease and you’ll pay the first 12 months (you net $18,800 based on .0204; you’ll want to use the leasing company with the highest rate here).  You want to sell them on the fact that all they need to do is to make 24 payments (plus the 12 that you pay), this will bring them to the 36 month point of the lease.  You then give them a guaranteed upgrade of no more than 4% in their new lease. After 36 months there are 24 remaining payments at $510 for a total of $12,240. On your new sales price you will need to discount by 30% or more, thus the $20K MSRP will be discounted to $14,000, they owe $12,240 total of the new deal is $26,240.  This amount is now over the max 125%, however not much and I would ask for a $1,000 down on the new deal, thus you’re at $25,240.

Now you will use YOUR best 60 month lease rate. In this case I’ll use .0195. New payments to the customer would be $499.75 for 60 months. You will not offer them any payments on the new lease.  Take the $1,000 and spread it out over 60 months and the cost is $16.66 per month, add that to the $499.75 and you have a total of $516.41 which is less than a 2% increase.

You’re selling the customer on only making 24 payments for a total of $12,240 for a $20K system and having the benefit of low payments and only committing to that lease for 36 months.   I don’t normally do this, however this is more of an exercise on rates, payments and how you can structure a deal that may get that customer to move and then stay with you for many years. There are some other things to figure in like delivery of the new equipment and return of the old equipment.  I would only use this for deals above $20k.

-=Good Selling=-

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business (2 of 31)

Oh, was the weather brutal this AM, woke up to 6 degrees &  two dead batteries in two cars, got one started then went to an awesome appointment and then found out that the car wouldn't start when I was ready to leave!!!  The life of sales right?  

Socialize Yourself with Linkedin

All of these points below will establish yourself as a person who is knowledgeable with the industry that you work in.  Thus over time you will be considered by your customers and prospects as the resident expert or guru, this establishes trust that you have the knowledge and expertise to help them attain their business needs.

2.  Upload some of your corporate documents or documents that you developed to your Linkedin profile, then make sure your upload a picture of yourself.

For my Linkedin profile I've added a link where my documents can be found ( I elected to sell my document however you will want to list it as a free download).

Most important is that you'll want capture the email address of the person that is downloading the document.  The program that I use is SUMO.

Thus you are not giving away the document for free, well kinda, but you're capturing their email address and name.  That leads to a warm lead and a follow up call.

-=Good Selling=-

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business (1 of 31)

All of these points on our list of  31 Ways to Garner Net New Business will establish yourself as a person who is knowledgeable with the industry that you work in.

Thus over time you will be considered by your customers and prospects as the resident expert or guru, this establishes trust with them that you have the knowledge and expertise to help them attain their business needs.

Number One

Prepare your online profile with Linkedin. Be specific about the “summary” portion of your profile, be sure to include statements that will tell prospects how you can help them with the products and services that you provide.  

When you’ve wrapped up an order or have gone above and beyond to secure someone’s business.  Ask them for the names (phone numbers, email address)  of three of their contacts that they think may have a need for your services.  I know it sounds kinda funky but it works.

Mention to those new suspects to you just completed work for XYZ company with helping them to (tell them what was accomplished).  Of course ask to met and if that's not possible ask them how often would be a great time to follow up.  Keep in mind that these are warm references and keep in mind that time is on your side.

It's not uncommon that many of these could take under years to develop, but we are in this for the long haul, correct?

-=Good Selling=-

31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales (#21 of 31)

Some of the best closes are the ones that sound out right dumb that you don't dare to use them right?  

I learned along time ago that you always have to ask for the order in one way or another. It's a shame that I don't remember most of them when I need to.  

But, by reading and writing these closes it brings back the basics!!1 Enjoy!!!

  1. 21.     The Columbo Close: Have you ever watched the show Columbo? He was a master of the just one more thing. Right before he left, he would turn around and say, "just one more thing". This would allow him to probe deeper and he always got his man…. or woman. Thus when our prospect gets up and is about to leave (take into mind that you have not signed the order and it seems all is lost),  you share your goodbyes and shake hands. Then right before they leave, you say, just one more thing. I’m just curious, was it my company? Was it my company’s integrity? Was it my integrity? I’m just curious to satisfy my own mind, was it me?
  2. The answer is usually the objection. Then ANSWERING the objection is what you need to answer in order to close the deal. Here is an example of what you might hear: No, it’s not you, I just have bad credit and I don’t think I will qualify. OH, is that all? Then you can say:  You see we have a special department that specializes in credit challenges. In fact, there’s a discount program that we can get you qualified for that will help with interest rates, let’s try it, it can‘t hurt. Then you can close them.  Find the objection right?

-=Good Selling=-
