see attached file
MFP Copier Blog
This Week in the Copier Industry Twenty Years Ago
This Week in Copiers Twenty Years Ago
Third Week of August 2003
Real Copier Sales
Great threads from twenty years ago this week
Kyocera Mita Introduces
Xerox Advances
"The Best High Volume Printers"
Fuji-Xerox merges
Imagistics Introduces Departmental
Re: Aficio 700 Needed!
Re: XES?
Re: Aficio League Points
Auditor-General’s Office of Victoria
Street Pricing Konica ColorFORCE 8050
Street Pricing" Xerox 2045
Ricoh IS450DE VRS
"Street Pricing" iR Canon C3200
Re: "Street Pricing" iR Canon C3200
Re: Post from the "A" League
Re: Around The World with Ricoh
University of Wollongong
Re: "Street Pricing" iR Canon C3200
Re: VCGL Format...HELP!!!
Re: Aficio 700 Needed!
Re: IKON's $2,500 Trade-up Bonus that we don't get
Re: IKON's $2,500 Trade-up Bonus that we don't get
Re: DocuColor 3535
Re: Mailbox Unit on 1075
Re: I need a leasing company for a new customer
Mike N
Re: You Saw It Here First!!!!!! Aficio 400N
Re: Bates Stamping
Re: Bates Stamping
DocuColor 3535
"Street Pricing" iR 105
Post from the "A" League
Avery #5884 Gloss Stock & the Aficio 1224SP
This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago
This Week in Copiers Fifteen Years Ago
Third Week of September 2008
Real Copier Sales
I just think of Print Management (or Managed Print Services) as the extension of copier programs into the print environment...all service and supplies for a set cost per copy (or in this case print). Sometimes it includes hardware, sometimes not. The other aspect we bring to the table is the establishment of...... more here
Enjoy These awesome copiers threads from 15 Years Ago
Weekend Copier Notes from 09/14/08
Weekend Copier Notes from 09/21/08
Ricoh Production Products Get High Marks
X Woman
Okidata 3641 Color MFP "Print Shop in A Box"
Océ North America Introduces Desktop Color Printing Performance
Ricoh Introduces Wide Format Color Scanner for Rapid and Accurate Scanning
Print Management "Truth and Lies"
Re: Another RBS proposal with loss!
Five Printing and Imaging Trends to Watch
Re: Canon & Ikon
Canon & Ikon
Town of Argos to get new Copiers
Re: MFP Wars "Death of the Independent Dealer"
Re: MFP Wars "Death of the Independent Dealer"
Re: TCRU and the MP9000,
Re: Print Management "Truth and Lies"
Re: Print Management "Truth and Lies"
Re: Ricoh 2075 - Printing Custom Size Paper
Re: Envelope Printing
China to demand digital secrets-Japanese paper
Re: Weekend Copier Notes from 09/14/08
Re: Print Management "Truth and Lies"
Re: Print Management "Truth and Lies"
Re: Print Management "Truth and Lies"
Re: Print Management "Truth and Lies"
Re: Print Management "Truth and Lies"
Re: Ricoh Introduces Wide Format Color Scanner for Rapid and Accurate Scanning
Re: Ricoh to purchase IKON Office Solutions
Triumph-Adler Cuts Forecast After Staff Try to Set Up Rival
Strange message on MP2000
Océ launches affordable high resolution wide format color scanner
Deep Meaningful Connection Requires Honest, Healthy And Heartfelt Conversation.
“Connection is why we’re here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives."
Brené Brown
I believe it’s the quality of your connections that so heavily influences your long- term sales sustainability.
Superficial interactions and empty conversations get you nowhere.
If your desire is to build meaningful connections with your clients, then you must be willing to get past surface-level conversations to forge deeper bonds.
Those sales professionals who unify at the heart level and not the wallet level are able to connect with the emotional needs of their clients. They understand people crave to be valued, respected, seen, heard and acknowledged.
By acknowledging and not forgetting the human element, heart-centered professionals maintain the wisdom to positively transform their client's business lives.
"Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open heart."
Brené Brown
Simply put, your relationship funnel is fueled by the connections that you make.
When you give people (your clients) an authentic, one-on-one view of yourself, you’re giving them a reason to reciprocate and show themselves to you in turn.
This creates a familiar bond that, over time, can grow into something healthy, helpful, and above all, meaningful.
A meaningful connection is a two-way street. Both parties are getting something from the relationship.
Here's the mirror moment...
What are your clients getting out of their relationship with you?
Honest conversations yield honest relationships.
To quote William Shakespeare,
"No legacy is so rich as honesty."
In a business world starving for truthfulness and honesty, what do you wish your legacy to be?
Are you leading your sales life with confident and direct conversation?
I enjoyed reading, "The Business of Honor" by Bob Hasson along with Danny Silk.
There is a style of communication they refer to as being healthy and aligned with the core beliefs and commitments of honor, and this is called assertive conversation.
Key in on this especially in a business world where trust is extremely low... "I'm going to tell you the truth about my thoughts, feelings and needs."
In doing so, they go onto to say this demonstrates trust, "I'm not going to do anything to try and manipulate or control the way you see me or respond to me."
What do you think about that statement?
Healthy conversation is mission critical to have which causes the people who really want to know you to trust you.
Let this one sink in from "The Business of Honor",
"Assertive communication fosters trust, safety and belonging. Telling the truth especially difficult truths is one of the main things that causes the people who really want to know us to trust us."
Think about your clients, now reread the quote above.
Assertive conversations require connection.
As we think about connection, let's refer to Brené Brown,
“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”
I'm going to ask you to think about your clients... Do you believe in your heart that you're creating a space for your clients to feel seen, heard and valued?
In building authentic connections, you hold the key to long-lasting and meaningful client relationships.
Client relationships will become stronger as you learn to open up.
Without healthy conversations, where do you believe the relationship really sits?
The dilemma or struggle for salespeople is when you rely upon scripted questions, you will usually get scripted answers.
Real conversations require complete and active participation. It requires you to be present. Genuine healthy conversations are invitations, an invitation to "what's really going on" starts to unfold, deepening the conversation.
How do you achieve authentic, meaningful, genuine and real conversations with your clients? Quite simple, you let your guard down and you stop acting like a salesperson.
To quote, John 8:32,
"The truth will set you free".
How many times have you felt hesitant about speaking ‘your’ truth because of the way you think it will be perceived, or simply, to avoid confrontation?
Spend any amount of time in sales and you will have been faced with moments of... "Do I really share what's going on or do I sugar-coat it to avoid a difficult situation arising?"
No matter the situation, truthful becomes your savior as opposed to avoiding uncomfortable conversations. Yet, how many in sales avoid these types of conversations?
Honesty leads to consistency in your communication. When you consistently speak the truth, others can rely on your words and actions.
Does your conversational walk match your conversational talk?
Brad Blanton, author of Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Life by Telling the Truth, writes:
"When we reveal more, we have less to hide. When we have less to hide, we are less worried about being found out. When we are less worried about being found out, we can pay better attention to someone else. In this way, telling the truth makes intimacy and freedom possible."
Think about this for a moment...
Are you brave enough to start healthy and assertive conversations that matter?
Are you and your clients having break through moments with your conversations?
Honoring and connecting at a heart level is not a sign of weakness.
Allow this quote by Judith Orloff to sink in,
"Connection is an energy exchange between people who are paying attention to one another."
Simply put, are you really paying attention to your clients when engaging in conversation? I will let you think about this one for a moment.
Connecting conversations require intentional listening. This happens by being fully present, maintaining eye contact, summarizing what you are hearing, and then asking questions about what has been said.
Deep listening builds trust and safety in relationships.
When you fail or even struggle to have connecting type conversations, you lose out on opportunities to foster meaningful connections that in turn, will improve your client relationships.
Here are some examples of connecting type conversations:
- Goals and Aspirations: Be willing to go first... Share your long-term goals, dreams, and aspirations as this can lead to a meaningful conversation. You can share what you hope to achieve in your career and ask the other person about their goals and ambitions.
- Personal Growth and Self-Improvement: Share your journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and self-improvement as this can be both enlightening and inspiring. You can discuss books, practices and routines that have helped you grow as an individual.
- Hopes for the Future: Engage in conversations about the future and or your vision. You can discuss the hopes for a better business world, the legacy you all want to leave, and how you all plan to contribute to a brighter future.
Connecting and meaningful conversations are not limited to specific topics.
These conversations become meaningful because there has been a genuine exchange of thoughts and feelings. The key is to listen actively, be open to different perspectives, and allow the conversation to flow naturally.
In order build value, how many know the true meaning of value?
Why is this so important?
Inside a sea of sales sameness, VALUE; irrefutably becomes one the single biggest connection factors.
A true professional recognizes the value in both their sales-based tools and their heart-based tools.
They display kindness and concern. They understand these emotions demonstrate strength rather than weakness.
Heartfelt professionals are not afraid to use the most powerful tools which come from the heart.
Be different, think different and act different. It's imperative that you marry your value, your client's value and your company's value in complete harmony; one that's uniquely suited to promote growth and business betterment.
Honest, Healthy And Heartfelt Conversations Matter
It takes courage to have assertive, confident and healthy conversations. It also requires practice. The more you seek to connect with your clients in an authentic way, the more you will hone your skills of giving, inviting and releasing (detaching from the outcomes).
To quote Bob Hasson,
"Fostering healthy connection in our business relationships is critical to success, and for this reason, we must be committed to telling the truth, receiving well, and serving well."
Again, how well are you connecting with your clients? And why authentic connections are all about honest conversations, free from lies.
I will leave you all with one more quote from Brad Blanton in "Radical Honesty" as he says,
"We all lie like hell. It wears us out, it is the major source of all human stress… The kind of lying that is most deadly is withholding, or keeping back information from someone we think would be affected by it."
Now think of your conversations, now think of your clients, now think of how they view you.
To honor thy clients is to honor thyself.
Changing the conversations, changes the outcomes.
In this episode of Selling From the Heart , we are joined by Weldon Long as he shares his inspiring journey from homelessness and prison to success and prosperity. He emphasizes the importance of selling from the heart, extending oneself emotionally and professionally to prospects, and maintaining integrity in sales.
Weldon also discusses the power of consistency and the prosperity mindset, highlighting the role of expectations and imagination in achieving success. He explains how the reticular activating system filters our focus and the impact of cognitive dissonance on behavior.
Weldon emphasizes the need for a morning routine and a prosperity plan to condition the subconscious mind for success.
Weldon Long is a successful entrepreneur, mindset expert and author of the NY Times Bestseller, The Power of Consistency. From 13 years in a jail cell to running multimillion-dollar businesses...In 2003, Weldon walked out of a homeless shelter after serving over a decade in prison. A 9th-grade dropout and 3-time convicted felon, he found himself broke and unemployable. In just 5 short years he grew his company from $0 to $20 million and was selected by Inc Magazine as one of the fastest growing privately held companies in America. Weldon has since trained thousands of sales reps, and generated over $40 million across his 6 companies and over $480 million for his clients including Fortune 500 companies like FedEx, Home Depot, Wells Fargo, and Farmers Insurance.
He’s also a NY Times bestselling author of The Power of Consistency, Consistency Selling, and Upside of Fear. Today, Weldon is one of the nation’s most sought-after sales experts. KEY TAKEAWAYS Successful sales require extending oneself emotionally and professionally to prospects, regardless of the outcome. Consistency in executing small actions consistently is more important than the scope of what we do.
Expectations and imagination set the limit on our achievements. The reticular activating system filters our focus and determines what we notice and ignore. Cognitive dissonance drives behavior and can be used to align actions with goals. A morning routine and a prosperity plan help condition the subconscious mind for success.
"Successful sales is about extending ourselves emotionally and professionally to our prospects, whether or not we get the business."
"Sales performance doesn't tell me a man's character or a woman's character. Did they extend themselves emotionally and professionally?"
"Success in life is about doing ordinary things extraordinarily well." "Expectations are the ceiling on what you do, but your imagination sets the ceiling on expectations."
"Your self-consciousness has not been working on ways to make half a million. It's been working on ways to make a hundred thousand."
"Your life has to be outlined in a simple format that you can review on a daily basis to condition the subconscious to go out and find those things."
"The ultimate accountability is not about your family, it's about what you've decided you want and what you need to do every single day."
"The power of consistency is executing on the small things on a consistent basis." "The subconscious mind is 10,000 times more powerful than the conscious brain."
"Mindset and skillset together create incredible results."
Learn more about Weldon Long: LinkedIn:
Learn more about Darrell and Larry:
Darrell's LinkedIn:
Larry's LinkedIn:
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago
This Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago
Third Week of September 2013
Cash Back Bonus for Leasing to Close:
This can be easily accomplished by adding money to the initial lease cost and then rebating the cash back to the customer when the lease transaction is completed. Make sure you stay within lease guidelines for funding.
Check These Great Copier Threads from Ten Years Ago This Week
This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago
Polek & Polek Delivers Toner Supplies to Dealers by Sled
Konica Minolta bizhub 25e Offers Enhanced Desktop Performance
Smart Copier Sales Person or Not So Smart with Lost Deals
KOMORI OnDemand A Great Success at PRINT 13
Konica Minolta Named to Dow Jones Sustainability World Index
Konica Minolta Inc : CSR Report 2013: New Ideas for a Sustainable World
Ricoh unveils new cloud-based printing service
Re: Smart Copier Sales Person or Not So Smart with Lost Deals
Ricoh Europe First to Achieve ISO 16759 Certification
Major Managed Print Service Provider Reports 12 Million Stolen Pages!
Sharp Plans to Raise 166 Billion Yen From Share Sales
Six Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE-series multifunction office systems earn awards from Buyers Laboratory LLC, including Summer ’Pick’ awards
New Ricoh MP C6502SP
MP C6502 & wireless print
The Future of 3D Printing & Scanning at the Office Party
(CNW) Xerox Tackles Big Data Challenge: Social Media Analytics is Great, But What Should I Do with the Info?
Parascript Named Canon Image Capture Solutions Alliance Program Member
Xerox Awarded Five Year Tolling and Customer Service Contract with Texas Department of Transportation
Re: Adobe PostScript vs. Emulation
Xerox Releases 2013 Global Citizenship Report
Copier Advertising
New Epson Connect Features Extend Mobile Printing Capabilities for Home and Business
31 Ways to Close More Sales (#6 of 31)
Re: Sales, how is everyone doing?
Re: Adobe PostScript vs. Emulation
Re: MP C6502 & wireless print
Re: MP C6502 & wireless print
UK businesses could save up to 20 per cent of annual turnover by addressing ‘bigger data’
Adobe PostScript vs. Emulation
UniTWAIN to the rescue
Ricoh Co Ltd : Creating Art Using Two Interactive Whiteboards
PrintFleet focused on Exceptional Customer Experience
Xand Names John Holland Senior Vice President of Sales
Sales Recommendation Please
Re: Sales, how is everyone doing?
Re: Sales, how is everyone doing?
Re: Sales, how is everyone doing?
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago
This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago
Third Week of September 2018
Real Copier Sales
You probably don’t know me but I’ve been in the industry now for over 20 years and have been fortunate to be successful selling Canon, Ricoh and Kyocera products in both hardware and software sales.
I remember when I started it was all about hardware. I used to say “black and white paid the bills and color sent me on vacation”.
Enjoy These Awesome Copier Threads from 5 Years Ago
Konica Minolta and Memjet Form Strategic Partnership
Why a Copier Salesperson Loves to Sell DocuWare
Konica Minolta Expands Enterprise Content Management Portfolio with Acquisition of VeBridge Holdings, Inc.
Konica Minolta Named to MSSP Alert Top 100 Managed Services
Canon Unveils Latest imagePROGRAF Wide-Format Inkjet Printing Solution
Konica Minolta partners with Mobile Industrial Robots in Australia
Leading Commercial Print Service Provider Invests in the Netherlands’ First Ricoh Pro™ T7210
Konica Minolta brings cheer to the elderly this Mid-Autumn festival
Mercury Print Installs Xerox Trivor 2400 High Fusion Inkjet Press With Color Hike Technology
Toshiba Awards Seven Elite Resellers
Leading commercial print service provider invests in The Netherlands’ first Ricoh ProTM T7210
Wrexham copier company 'blessed' with contract for Chester Cathedral
Memjet Hires Arnaud Linquette as Senior Vice President of EMEA: Expanding the Value of Inkjet
Re: KonicaMinolta One Rate webinar Recording from 9/14/2018
A Selling From The Heart Professional Is Not A Sales Settler!
Xerox Letter 9/13/2018
Minuteman Press in Florida Finds Success With Xerox Iridesse Digital Press
Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"
Canon Business Process Services Announces Webcast: "The Role of Social Media Evidence in Product Liability Litigation"
Epson Launches All-New Print Academy YouTube Channel
Canon Americas Headquarters Voted "Best Office Building" On Long Island
MGI JETvarnish 3D Web to Receive Global Innovation Award Recognition at Labelexpo Americas Trade Show
NetEnrich Appoints David Dragonetti to VP of Global Sales
Re: Konica Minolta Expands Enterprise Content Management Portfolio with Acquisition of VeBridge Holdings, Inc.
Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"
Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"
Memjet Signs New DuraLink OEM Partners, Forms Strategic Alliances
AstroNova Product Identification to Demonstrate New QuickLabel® and TrojanLabel® Products at Labelexpo Americas
Managed Services & Hosting Summit 2018 demonstrates how innovation, efficiency and creativity wins with customers
Re: Konica Minolta partners with Mobile Industrial Robots in Australia
Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"
Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"
Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days
Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days
thINK 2018 / Dave Johannes insight
Re: A Selling From The Heart Sales Professional Doesn't Wreak Of Commission Breath!
Lexmark Introduces Training and Certication Solution for Manufacturing
Firmware, Security and Hedge Against Inflation
The above title was a talk track we had in the car today while we were traveling from account to account. Our topic was about how can we get some of these 5 year old plus MPFs out of the field. Let's face it, the feature set of most copiers today has not changed in the five years except for some cloud functionality.
For me one of the difference makers from copier to copier has been the print drivers. Alas Microsoft will kill off third party print drivers on 2027.
Thus the question becomes what will make the client trade in/upgrade that 5 year old clunker that has outdated security software?
One of my talk tracks is to tell the story of firmware in our industry. I'll lead off with explaining what firmware is an what is does.
I relate this to your existing smartphone and ask if they receive notices from Andriod OS or iOS to update their software. Keep in mind that at least with iOS they are not changing the firmware but updating the software. Those updates can help protect your smart device against malicious threats.
Updating the copier software (new intelligent copiers) and security settings is now something the client can access for download and install. Thus keeping your device up to date with the latest versions.
Tell the Story
It's also great to tell the story of how copier companies used to update firmware. The old story of "if it ain't broke don't fix it" was prevalent in our industry for many years. In the past firmware had to be installed by a technician. Of course sending a tech on site for a firmware update meant there was an additional cost to the copier dealer. Thus most firmware was not updated until their was an issue with the copier. Thus there are many copiers that have not had their firmware updated in years.
The latest state of the art MFP technology allows for auto updates that will help protect the client and keep the devices up to date. Do you want an unprotected MFP in your office and on your network?
Hedge against Inflation
Lease prices are going through the roof. We are now seeing the highest lease rates in 20 plus years. Back in the early eighties, the lease rate for 60 FMV month lease would be around .0272.
Putting off the upgrade of that 5 year old plus copier or clunker will only cost your client more money. The time is now to protect your profits with a lease.
I started in sales back in 1981. At that time we didn't have an FMV (Fair Market Value) lease, however the standard lease offered a $1.00 purchase option (finance lease) of a 10% purchase option. The talk track of using equipment leasing as a hedge against inflation was heavily used because interest rates were north of 18%.
Tell the Stories
Go deeper and wider with your clients, when they tell you they want to wait or hold off then you need to ask why? Many of those answers will lead to the objection. It's then our job to answer the objection. I'm hoping these two stories can help others. Always feel free to reach out to me if you would like to chat or have any questions.
-=Good Selling=-
Lead for County Fleet of Copiers
see attached
How AI and Automation Can Save Your Business Money
How AI and Automation Can Save Your Business Money
Embracing artificial intelligence (AI) and automation is more than just a tech trend—it’s a strategic move that’s revolutionizing cost structures and resource allocation in businesses. As technologies advance, AI and automation demonstrate their potential to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and allow customization in novel ways.
Saving Time Through Process Streamlining
AI and automation can reap substantial time savings by streamlining repetitive manual processes. Consider service calls – AI-powered chatbots handle basic customer queries without human agents, allowing them to focus on complex issues. Similarly, back-office tasks like PO processing and OCR of paper payments that once sucked up valuable worker hours are now automated.
A 2020 PwC study found over 50% of large global enterprises reported significant time savings through back-office automation. These automated document workflows cut processing times from weeks to hours for many companies. One insurance provider reduced claim processing by digitizing paperwork from 12 days to just three.
Freed from tedious administrative busywork, employees have time for high-impact strategic duties. Automating such rote tasks boosts productivity across organizations—one marketing agency automated contract generation, paring the process from days to under an hour. Employees refocused on new business pitches and saw proposal win rates surge by 25%. Offloading grunt work through streamlined digital processes unleashes massive productivity gains and labor cost reductions.
Enhancing Efficiency Through Intelligent Automation
AI and automation enhance efficiency by performing tasks with superhuman capabilities. Advanced machine learning algorithms can rapidly analyze vast amounts of customer data, identifying patterns and trends that would be impossible for humans to detect. This augmented intelligence boosts marketing, customer service, and product development functions.
For example, algorithms can scan terabytes of customer purchase histories within seconds, uncovering purchasing habits and preferences. Marketers can leverage these insights to develop hyper-targeted campaigns. According to IBM, a single algorithm uncovered $300 million in additional annual revenue for one retailer.
Robotic process automation (RPA) provides another avenue for dramatic efficiency gains. RPAs emulate human actions to complete repetitive rules-based tasks around the clock. A survey by UI Path found RPA adoption cutting operation costs by over 30% on average in early adopting companies: Bots process invoices, data entry, and forms at superhuman speeds with perfect accuracy. One insurance company accelerated claims processing from weeks to days using RPA, improving the customer experience.
Allowing Flexible Process Customization
AI and automation also bring the advantage of adapting processes on the fly. With intelligent systems in place, workflows, and business logic can be tweaked easily through configuration instead of code. This allows non-technical staff to easily incorporate new rules, exceptions, and scenarios based on changing needs.
Consider how AI chatbots or RPA bots can be taught new responses, linked to different systems, or optimized to address atypical cases—all without reprogramming. The flexibility makes processes future-proof and continuously improving. As Robotic Process Automation Netherlands found, over 75% of responding enterprises report reductions in IT maintenance costs after deploying automation platforms for this reason[3].
Aligning AI with Business Strategy is Key
Appropriately directing AI initiatives requires aligning them with organizational goals and strategy. Leaders must thoughtfully determine how AI can augment competitive positioning and value propositions. Without this human element providing guidance, even the most advanced systems will lack focus.
The first step is assessing where AI can generate the most impact. A manufacturing firm aiming to cut costs and boost output might prioritize automating capital-intensive production processes. On the other hand, a consulting business focused on innovation could leverage AI for advanced data analytics and improving client-facing solutions. Performing a strategic review of core strengths and weaknesses helps identify optimal initial targets.
Equally important is establishing governance around AI projects. Clear ownership and oversight ensure technologies continually serve strategic objectives as they evolve. Periodic reviews check alignment and allow pivoting investments where needed. AI must flexibly support reshaping business models over time. Otherwise, there is a risk benefits fail to materialize or automation undermines human aspects critical for success. Strategic direction is what unlocks AI’s full potential value.
Measuring Impact and Continued Optimization
To truly maximize ROI, it is important that companies establish clear metrics for tracking AI and automation impact over time. Key performance indicators could include labor hours saved per project, reduced error rates, customer satisfaction gains, or increased revenue from improved processes. Benchmarking baseline performance allows quantifying improvements and refining strategies based on data.
Leading organizations also view AI implementation as an ongoing optimization process rather than a one-time project. As technologies and use cases advance, so too must the alignment of these systems with evolving core capabilities and operational needs. A flexible, metrics-driven approach keeps automation working hardest for the business on a continuous basis.
When embedded thoughtfully into strategic planning and enabled by the human element, AI and automation fundamentally have immense potential to alter cost structures for forward-thinking companies fundamentally. Proper execution can deliver time savings, efficiency boosts, and process flexibility that few other innovations rival. At the same time, the journey requires investment and discipline; the payoffs of streamlining mundane tasks through intelligent systems open new growth opportunities.
Today's Hacked!
The U.S is getting hacked. So the Pentagon is overhauling its approach to cyber.....comes following attacks on critical U.S. companies and federal agencies, and as the Pentagon eyes Chinese hacking efforts with increasing concern.
MGM Resorts cybersecurity incident forces system outage....In 2020, the personal details of more than 10 million MGM visitors were published on a hacking forum. The information was exfiltrated in the ...
Hacked data from Cyberport released on dark web...........Apart from the personal data of staff, the hacked files also included lease agreements, receipts, audit reports, and a large number of documents ...
DEED's jobs website for unemployed Minnesotans hacked......The state's interactive jobs board was hacked this week, prompting Minnesota's employment officials to warn jobseekers their ...
'Go f*** yourself': Road sign in Montrose hijacked with profanity........An electronic construction sign on the corner of Montrose and Westheimer was hacked on Monday to show profanity.
Airbus hacked, as threat actor claims to have vendor details for sale......A hacker that goes by the moniker USDoD has claimed to have detailed information from an Airbus vendor database and is offering it all up for sale ...
Ethereum Name Service Allegedly Hacked by SiegedSec –...........Ethereum Name Service Allegedly Hacked by SiegedSec – Here's the Latest. Source: AdobeStock / Tomasz Bidermann. A tweet from Dominic Alvieri, a ...
-=Stay Safe=-
Lead for V900
see attached documents
Lead for Fleet of Copiers for K12
see attached document
Today's Hacked!
MGM Resorts Hit By Cyberattack; Hotels and Casinos Impacted .....Looks Like MGM Resorts Just Get Hacked. The hotel and casino giant says that it is suffering through a "cybersecurity incident.".....
Beau Rivage and other MGM casinos hit by cyberattack..........There's a good chance your computer's been hacked or infected with a virus. Here's what to do. By Federal Trade Commission.
Vitalik Buterin's X Account Hacked, Attacker Stole Over $690K........Vitalik Buterin's X-account Was Hacked. Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has become the latest victim of a Twitter hack, resulting in the theft ...
Mindef debunks claim that its systems were hacked by Singaporean hacker....The Ministry of Defence (Mindef) has refuted a claim by a Singaporean hacker who said he had hacked into the ministry’s systems. In a Facebook post on Monday, the ministry rebuffed...
Hinds County systems hacked - YouTube....Hinds County systems hacked Subscribe to WAPT on YouTube now for more:
Federal Judge Orders to Return $5.2 Million Bitcoin Hacked - ........The federal court ordered the teenager to return the $5.2 Million he stole in Bitcoin. He has to surrender the amount that he has hacked through sim ...
Dissecting the MOVEit breach: Lessons learned from the ransomware attack - SDxCentral....Business Computer Hacked. Security Breach. The attack on the popular MOVEit file transfer system — whose effects are as yet impossible to gauge ...
-=Stay Safe=-
Lead for Fleet of Copiers
see attached file. Extended to 9/22