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MFP Copier Blog

Achieving Maximum Sales Results in 2024: It's About The Basics.

"Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals."
Jim Rohn

As we kick off our time off together, I must ask... How much internal fortitude and discipline do you have to soar to new sales heights in 2024?

Could you significantly increase your sales results and become even more successful, if with radical consistency you mastered the basics?

In referring to the basics, I believe it's about allowing yourself the grace too reset.

Without a shadow of a doubt, the basics are ultimately the foundation for disciplines and initiatives. Without the basics, how could you hope to accomplish anything requiring greater attention and energy?

You must become a master at the basics first to cultivate what you have now and then for any amounts of sustainable improvement.

In every discipline there is a starting position. And in sales there is a starting position.

Getting back to the basics serves as your starting point and quite possibly your reset point.

The Urban Dictionary defines, Getting Back to the Basics as,

"If you talk about getting back to basics, you are suggesting that people have become too concerned with complicated details or new theories, and that they should concentrate on simple, important ideas or activities."

In this crazy technology driven, app driven, hack driven and microwaved driven society, I would like for you to reread the above definition and then ask yourself...

Have I overcomplicated my approach to sales?


"I wasn't real quick, and I wasn't real strong. Some guys will just take off and it's like, whoa. So I beat them with my mind and my fundamentals."
Larry Bird

Basic skills are ultimately the foundation for most disciplines. The same applies to the sales world.

Learning the fundamentals becomes the key to sales mastery.

Right now, some of you might be saying to yourself that it's boring to practice the basics, or why should I bother learning the fundamentals when there are so many advanced techniques to explore?

My friends, the answer is quite simple, mastering the fundamentals provide a strong foundation that'll support your future learning.

If you struggle to do the foundational things correctly, you'll struggle to do the bigger things correctly.

Fundamentals as defined by is: a basic principle, rule, law, or the like, that serves as the groundwork of a system; essential part.

Therefore, fundamentals become the building blocks upon which more advanced knowledge is built.

Improving the fundamentals is essential to your sales success. It's the difference between stagnating and thriving in 2024.

Without mastery of the basics, how could you hope to do anything which requires greater attention, energy and effort?

When you snub your nose to the basics, you've turned your back on yourself.

Check out this quote courtesy of Idowu Koyenikan,

"Opportunity does not waste time with those who are unprepared."

How prepared are you for what 2024 has in store for you?

How prepared are you for what your clients may have in store for you in 2024?

How prepared are you to grow your sales in 2024?

Success in 2024, it's about embracing the basics and the fundamentals.

Being a sports junkie, I would be remiss in not sharing a story with you to drive home the importance of fundamentals.

Sixty-three years ago, Vince Lombardi, the legendary Green Bay Packers coach, walked into training camp and stood before 36 athletes who, just months prior, had watched their championship dreams slip through their fingers in 1960 to the Philadelphia Eagles.

It was the summer of 1961, coach Lombardi started training camp holding something that needed no explanation and as he said these infamous words,

“Gentlemen, this is a football.”

With those five words, he drove home his point, "If you want to be successful, we’re going to remember the basics and make sure we’re executing the fundamentals. You never graduate past the basics. Yes, you build on them but you never move past them."

To continue, coach Lombardi, uttered these famous words, "Football comes down to only two things: Blocking on offense and tackling on defense.", and those were the basics his team spent 80% of their time on in practice.

What soon followed was the systematic compliance to those fundamentals. The Green Bay Packers learned to block and tackle. They studied the entire playbook, no exceptions and no excuses. All of this culminated in 1961, as Green Bay defeated the New York Giants 37-0 to win the National Football League championship.

Question for all of you...

"How many of you spend 80% of your time practicing the basics?"


We live in a society that worships big wins, the overnight success, and the rags to riches story.

The attraction of instant success often overshadows the power of consistent effort along with small, meaningful actions. It's about the daily habits, the steady grind, and the choices made consistently over time that truly shapes your lives.

The bright lights might shine on the big moments, but it's the foundation built by the small steps that supports those grand achievements.

Fundamentals require consistent effort and dedication, and they might not yield immediate or flashy results. It can be challenging to stick to routines when the outcomes aren't immediately apparent.

Salespeople who commit to the fundamentals will create long-term sales sustainability.


The legendary UCLA men's basketball coach, John Wooden once said,

“Champions are brilliant at the basics.”

It concerns me that the sales world is full of impatient, short-sighted and all about me people. Way too many of you love chasing shortcuts, automation magic and excuses; before mastering the fundamentals.

Does anyone teach, preach and hold salespeople accountable to the basics?

Coach Wooden had a trio of rules,

"Don't whine, don't complain, and don't make excuses. Do your best. And when things go wrong: don't whine or complain or look for blame, just keep moving forward."

In 2024, the greatest skill you can master is simple... just do the work. And it is for this reason, most of you don't need more time, tips, or tactical strategies. You just need to do the real work and master the basics.

Time for some stone-cold truth...

Most of you will avoid the fundamentals just like the plague because you don't have the guts to become great at them.

This requires you to check your ego at the door, set aside your fear, turn a deaf ear to what is being said inside the sales bullpen, and for that matter, stop listening to all the social guru noise.

Amazing things start to happen in your life when you eliminate the unnecessary crapola and excuses.

I encourage you to stop the magical mystery sales tour in 2024. Stop letting your ego and excuse making get in the way of what must be done.

I know how hard it is for you to say,

“I’m focusing on the basics, but guess what, I haven't made much progress on them yet.”

How many of you will commit to doing the foundational things necessary to overachieve in 2024?


I want all of you to stop for just a moment, look into the mirror, and recite... I will make the basics nonnegotiable in 2024.

Regardless of the sales language of your company, the company culture, the products, or the industry; mastering the basics becomes the key to your sales success.

Hold yourself radically accountable to the basics.

Basics, the universal language of businesspeople and language many in sales must comprehend.

Basics provide the foundation for all sales success.

I believe applying the basics in 2024, will allow ordinary salespeople to achieve extraordinary results. It paves the way for sales reps to become sales professionals.

Believe in the basics, execute the basics, and succeed with the basics.


In last week's newsletter, I posed the question... Can harnessing the power of reading enhance your conversational competency?

Reading is one of the most important habits you could possess. Reading plays a pivotal role in one's life.

Reading impacts your ability to learn new things, think in a different manner and enhances your knowledge. It expands your mind with facts and informational pieces.

  • Reading is essential.
  • Reading strengthens your brain.
  • Reading improves your vocabulary.

Imagine what you can learn through reading.

As you read, your mind becomes engaged. What you read can influence your conversations.

Think about how this can help you drive better business conversations with your clients and advance new opportunities.

I'm a simple math kind of person...

Let's say you read 30 pages a day, now follow along with me... This equates to...

210 pages per week - Let's say each book is 225 pages.

People... Do the math! This a book a week. By the end of the year this is an astonishing 48 books.

Leaders are Readers, Readers are Leaders, Readers take action on what they read.

How well are you leading your clients and future clients into business betterment?

Feeding your brain will kick start conversations.

Let's take this one step farther... Start reading the books that the people you want to communicate with read. How do you find this out? You simply ask!

An educated mind brings ideas to the forefront and thus gets invited to the business table, isn't this what you want?

Sales reps sell products. Sales professionals deliver ideas. Ideas come from reading.

Imagine the conversations you could start with your clients... Imagine the knowledge you could impart on them... Imagine how they would view you. Imagine the additional opportunities you could uncover?

A mirror moment for you...

  • Are you driving engaging conversations with your clients?
  • Are you reading to learn? Or reading to brag?
  • Are you sharing what you're reading?
Reading provides sales professionals the fuel they need to engage in competent conversations.

Give your clients a gift in 2024. Give them your knowledge and insights based upon the books you read. Watch what starts to happen next. Will you commit?


The legendary American author, Stephen King, once said,

“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”

Why is writing essential? It’s the fuel that drives communication. Writing is the framework of communication. Clear communication combined with good writing facilitates how we connect with others.

Good writing enables you to express yourself effectively, conveying your emotions, and opinions.

Writing becomes a vehicle through which you share your ideas, connect with others, and contribute to the broader conversation with your clients and future clients.

How well you communicate becomes critical to your sales success. How well you write about catapults your success.

A few years ago, Josh Bernoff, author of "Writing Without Bull****" published this article on the internet, "Bad Writing Costs Businesses Billions" -

"I emphasize the importance of writing by quantifying the annual cost of poor writing to U.S. businesses at $396 billion—and that could be an understatement of the effects of poor writing skills."

Need I say anything else about writing?

Here's an idea that you could put into practice immediately...

Gather the top questions you're asked, or you hear from your clients during your meetings and answer them in short format social posts or create short articles.

Lastly, think about all the notes you take during conversations (I sure hope you're taking notes)... Turn these into short bite-size stories as you enter them into your CRM.

Potential opportunities could open as those doing research online could end up engaging with your content.

There is power in reading, when combined with writing, this becomes a 1-2 growth catalyst.

Rise above the noise. Rise above mediocrity. Rise above all those unwilling to do the work. And most of all, rise above the empty suits.


My promise to you, this foundation will all start to make sense as we apply the Merriam-Webster definition of attraction:

  1. : the act, process, or power of attracting: personal charm
  2. : the action or power of drawing forth a response : an attractive quality
  3. : a force acting mutually between particles of matter, tending to draw them together, and resisting their separation
  4. : something that attracts or is intended to attract people by appealing to their desires and tastes

Questions become...

How are you going to attract the attention of crazy busy executives and key decision makers as you appeal to their business desires and tastes?

How are you going to leverage the foundations of reading and writing to attract executives and key decisions makers into conversations with you?

I know what some of you might still be saying, Larry... How the heck is attraction a foundational and basic skill?

Well, let's all pause for a moment and think... Where does trust and credibility sit inside the sales world today? People, it is anemically low. Your reputation and how you carry yourself with congruency, both online and face to face becomes a magnet, a true attractor.

As my dear friend, Mark Hunter (The Sales Hunter) in his bestselling book, A Mind For Sales so eloquently shares, "Your reputation arrives before you do".

I would like for all you to think about the following - inside a digitally driven, highly connected and socially networked business world...

  • How well are you leveraging attraction and influence to assist you in kick starting business conversations?
  • What are you doing to attract people into conversations with you?

You must leverage content as conversation bait to help facilitate business conversations.

How well you reel in conversations will determine what happens to your sales funnel.

All this content comes from the ideas you get through reading, then sharing the ideas through writing.

What can you do with the law of attraction? How does this fit into your prospecting approach? Position yourself and leverage the power of social to kick start conversations.

Gandhi once said,

"A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes."

As you connect and engage with your community; share with them what you're reading, educate them through your writing and guide them in the right direction. And this would be towards you!

Point them to your LinkedIn profile. This is where you can share your story, how you have helped your clients and what somebody can expect when they engage with you.

The transition to fruitful conversations blossoms.

Are you willing to do the work?


Mastering the fundamentals forms a solid foundation for your success in 2024. It takes humility to acknowledge the importance of basics, dedication to consistently work on them, and discipline to keep refining those skills.

It's like building a house, you need a rock-solid foundation before you can construct something amazing on top of it.

Practicing the basics, it is easier said than done. Quite often, the basics are, well basic.

Chasing shiny bullets, short cuts and get rich sales schemes on LinkedIn with the least amount of work, doesn't pan out in the long run.

Reframe your attention in 2024, get back to the basics.

I will leave all of you with this quote from Garrison Wynn,

"Most of us forget the basics and wonder why the specifics don't work."

My challenge to all of you... will you be willing to refocus your effort? There's work to do and it starts with sales 101.

Diana Kander revolutionizes the way businesses look at innovation and curiosity. A New York Times best-selling author, innovation consultant and keynote speaker, she asks some big questions. What kind of culture needs to exist in an organization to ensure innovative ideas and practices? How has Snoop Dogg continued to innovate decade after decade to stay relevant to the next generation? What causes name brands to lose relevance with their customers and go out of business? Can organizational decline be prevented?

Diana has spent her career challenging assumptions and asking thought-provoking questions. A serial entrepreneur who entered the United States as a refugee at the age of 8, she has launched and sold millions of dollars worth of products and services. She outlined her biggest lessons learned for launching new products in her first book, All In Startup, which has been used by over 100 universities in their innovation courses and countless large organizations to help their employees think more like entrepreneurs. A former MBA professor at Mizzou, she has served as an entrepreneur in residence at H&R Block, Commerce Bank and several government agencies.


In this episode of Selling From the Heart , we kick off 2024 with a big announcement - a new book is on the horizon! We're joined by the incredible Diana Kander, author of "Go Big or Go Home" and an expert in creating transformative sales experiences. Diana shares the essential elements of sales presentations that resonate, emphasizes the importance of emotional connections, and provides actionable strategies to stand out in a world of sameness.


Sales Experience as a Hero's Journey: Transform your sales process into a memorable story with impactful scenes that surprise and engage prospects, setting you apart.

Magic Elements in Sales: Utilize the "MAGIC" formula - Make it surprising, Analyze on a deeper level, Give the pitch in the right order, Include three-dimensional objects, and Co-create together to make your presentation unforgettable.

Tie-in with Stand-Up Comedy: Incorporate surprise elements from comedy into your sales interactions, making experiences more enjoyable and memorable.


"Selling from the heart means showing them just how much you care and being able to translate those feelings into actions."

"Salespeople and sales leaders, you've got to create what I call Disneyland-esque experiences for your clients."

"Your customers are having an experience, whether you're doing anything on purpose or not, and to think about their experience as a movie and make adjustments can make a huge difference in your closing rate."

Learn more about Diana Kander:


Learn more about Darrell and Larry:

Darrell's LinkedIn:

Larry's LinkedIn:


Got a video about how you sell from the heart? Share it by texting VIDEO to 21000.

Please visit to pre order your copy of the rerelease of the Selling from the Heart book.


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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago

This Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago

First Week of January 2014

Kodak-Alaris_See-the-Diffreence-500x100Real Copier Sales

The copier tech thing didn't work out, however I was offered a job to sell copiers.....and I never stopped, never was a slacker and had this thought that I was never really good at anything however I could be great at selling copiers.  Many years later I had this silly notion that I wanted to make my name synonymous with the copier industry as xerox is to a copy.  What a pipe dream eh? more here

Check These Great Copier Threads from Ten Years Ago This Week

Best Black & White MFP for 10k/month yeild. Suggestions?

the resources to R D like Ricoh, Canon, Xerox and KonicaMInolta. With Toshiba also, you maybe limited with the amount of service providers that may be in your area. If you need more information you can always go here , if I can be of service please let me know with a PM or a reply post. What is the best product out there? Top four and not in any order are : Ricoh, Xerox, Canon and KonicaMinolta Hope this helps!!
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31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales (#22 of 31)

For all of you newbies......, when was the last time you had a copier delivered to a customers office to do a demonstration of how the copier can help their business improve their paper intensive workflow? For the life of me I can't remember if anyone in our office has offered up a demo and then tried to close on the spot. Trial Close: What’s better to put the copier/MFP in a for a trial, in advance of the trial you will already have agreed on term of trial, the price of the system and a
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My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

thought that I was never really good at anything however I could be great at selling copiers. Many years later I had this silly notion that I wanted to make my name synonymouswith the copier industry as xerox is to a copy. What a pipe dream eh? Thus now that I'm on the downward trend of my career there are still some things that I'd like to accomplish and maybe somethings that I'd like to see happen before I exit (not saying that's going to happen any time soon). But here's my list: I'd like to
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Selling Copiers "Ten Tips to Keep the Pipeline Flowing"

Gosh, I wrote this almost 6 years ago! Where does the time go.... thought I would re-post here and update a few items along the way. ENJOY! What does it take to be successful in the copier industry for a long period of time? Some might say it's product knowledge; some may say closing skills; some may also tell you it’s about hard work. All of these are true, but the most successful people in the copier industry have a huge pipeline of potential customers! My rule of thumb is that I always need

Re: Best Black & White MFP for 10k/month yeild. Suggestions?

First is this your actual reply to the account looking at those Toshiba products listed (455 305)? If yes and they have a great history with the Toshiba product, telling them there a "bottom dweller" would make anyone think that you're only wanting to sell them what YOU'RE offering. The models they requested are older models of Toshiba and who knows if they've worked well for them or not. Also if you research the Okidata product, most of their MFP's are based on the Toshiba platform now and the

Padmasri Digital Prints opts for its third KM C8000

to install three production printers within a timespan of merely three years.” The digital print house, Padmasri Digital Prints, was started by Ramamurthy in the year 2008 who ventured into his printing journey in the mid-80s with a letterpress. Owning an entry-level production printer with a monthly volume of approximately 15,000 pages, Padmasri Digital Printers moved in to a complete digital setup in the year 2008 and got associated with Konica Minolta in the year 2009 by installing C6501. ”We

Ricoh Announces Availability of Ricoh Pro L4100 Large Format Printer Series

Ink Supply System (UISS) adds to the productivity of the printer. “When one CMYK ink cartridge runs out of ink, the system switches automatically to the second cartridge of the same colour for unattended printing,” says Moore. “In a busy print production environment, this ensures that the operation runs as smoothly and productively as possible with minimal operator intervention.” Intuitive Color GATE RIP for more productivity The Ricoh Pro L4100 is available with the ColorGATE RIP. “We are

Pacific Office Automation Helps Local Children by Matching Donations in the Fox 12 Holiday Toy Drive

Pacific Office Automation Pacific Office Automation ( ) is a leader in managed printing solutions and document management software. Since 1976, Pacific has grown to become the industry’s largest independent dealership with 18 locations throughout Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. The company is also one of the largest independent distributors, carrying brands such as Sharp, Konica Minolta, Toshiba, Ricoh, Lexmark, Xerox, Canon and HP copiers

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

experienced at low figure sales. Some of his general advice might just be relevant to selling vacuums, low cost service or sub-$1000 telephone systems, but will not travel beyond to larger enterprise sales. One can cite his advice to include one's telephone number and e-mail address in fax-back forms on page 59 as one example. Who is this book aimed at? Furthermore, miscellaneous advice, like pretending to be in a prospect's area (naturally while calling the person on the phone as described on page

Canon U.S.A. Launches Updated Managed Document Services Program to Support Clients' Current and Future Print, Document & Content Management Needs

the heart of the Canon MDS program. Designed to help clients stay focused on their core business while removing the resources and time required to manage their print infrastructure, Canon's available service delivery offerings include: -- MDS Remote Monitoring Service through the MDS Cloud. MDS Cloud is a new, cloud-based offering hosted at Canon Business Imaging Online that helps reduce internal IT resources by automating many functions that have typically required multiple systems or manual

OKI Data Americas to Demonstrate End-to-End Customized Retail Printing Solutions at the National Retail Federation’s 103rd Annual Convention and EXPO

Industry Marketing at OKI Data Americas. “OKI Data Americas is excited to participate in the retail industry’s largest and most influential event to demonstrate our end-to-end customized retail printing solutions.” The printers and solutions to be demonstrated within the OKI booth (516) include: Hardware: C941dn – The revolutionary new C941dn digital LED A3 color printer is designed and priced for in-house applications, and is part of OKI’s new Multimedia Production Platform, which go far beyond the

Buyer’s Laboratory accolade for Canon’s imagePROGRAF series praise in

Canon has scooped the Buyer’s Laboratory LLC (BLI) award for "2014 Wide-Format Graphic Arts Printer Line of the Year" thanks to the overall strength of its imagePROGRAF series of printers. Furthermore, Canon’s imagePROGRAF iPF6400S, iPF8400S and iPF765 MFP M40 printers were recognized with three BLI Winter 2014 "Pick" awards in the wide-format category. The BLI Wide-format Graphics Printer Line of the Year accolade is awarded to vendors whose product lines are judged to be the best overall in

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

Art, this is your best post yet. Just goes to show that even the best of the best have to work hard for their sales!!

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

Originally Posted by Art Post: I've never read it, do you have a link to it or something you can email me? Along with I am sure thousands of others, I receive a daily email asking me to signup for his Never Cold Calling System. I am surprised you don't know of him. He reckons that cold calling is an abject waste of good selling time. In fact he reckons we are all nutters, if we go out cold calling. Here's a link to his site. And please keep me posted on what you think of his "theories" ? https

Ricoh Co Ltd : Patent Issued for Image Forming Apparatus, User Restriction Method and Use History Generation Method

printer, a copier, a facsimile, a scanner and the like in a cabinet is generally known. The compound machine includes a display part, a printing part and an image pickup part and the like in a cabinet. In the compound machine, three pieces of software corresponding to the printer, copier and facsimile respectively are provided, so that the compound machine functions as the printer, the copier, the scanner and the facsimile respectively by switching the software. "Since the conventional compound

Xerox DocuMate 5445 Named Best Small Office Document Scanner of 2013 by

75 years ago, the people of Xerox (NYSE: XRX) have helped businesses simplify the way work gets done. Today, we are the global leader in business process and document management, helping organizations of any size be more efficient so they can focus on their real business. Headquartered in Norwalk, Conn., more than 140,000 Xerox employees serve clients in 160 countries, providing business services, printing equipment and software for commercial and government organizations. Learn more at

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

Hey what do you guys think of the Frank Rumbauskas and Never Cold Call theories.

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

I've never read it, do you have a link to it or something you can email me?

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

Hi Art, after 33 years in the business you have caputered what many of us we would like say. But I have 5 years to go so I iwll hold onto your list. Thanks for the great read.

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

thanx, I've seen the ads on linkedin however never checked it out. I will and get back to you

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

the reviews of this book are horrible!!! I won't even bother with it.

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

I have obviously been looking at the Authors own written reviews then Art, but I will take your word for it, that the reviews are horrible. In fact I would like to read some of them, if you can kindly tell me where to look. Like you, I still do a lot of cold calling, and every time I make a sale, I try to visit as many businesses near to the company I have just sold to, as there should be no better referral than a neighbouring business who has just bought from me. It is a habit I have had,...

Re: Why I Still Cold Call for Copiers after 33 Years

Pardon my ignorance, but what is a VITO ?

Re: Ricoh unveils A3 color printer with industry's lowest cost of ownership and ultra-compact footprint

I wasn't selling Ricoh 25 years ago, bit you're right the 1224 was a pig, but guess they had nothing else to replace it that's why they did not pull the unit.

Canon Canada to amalgamate Océ-Canada Inc. as a division

Canada NewsWire MISSISSAUGA, ON, Jan. 2, 2014 Canada's leader in digital imaging technology amalgamates OcÉ- Canada as a division MISSISSAUGA, ON , Jan. 2, 2014 /CNW/ - Canon Canada Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, announced Thursday that OcÉ-Canada Inc., its wholly-owned subsidiary since January 2013 , has been amalgamated as a division of the company and will operate under the name Professional Printing Solutions Group , effective immediately. As the leading provider of document

3D Systems Completes Acquisition of Xerox's Oregon Based Solid Ink Engineering and Development Teams

results to differ materially from those reflected or predicted in forward-looking statements. About 3D Systems Corporation 3D Systems is a leading provider of 3D printing centric design-to-manufacturing solutions including 3D printers, print materials and cloud sourced on-demand custom parts for professionals and consumers alike in materials including plastics, metals, ceramics and edibles. The company also provides integrated 3D scan-based design, freeform modeling and inspection tools. Its

Xerox Corporation : Patent Application Titled "Method an Apparatus for Reducing Release Agent Transfer to a Pressure Member in a Fuser" Published Online

application isXerox Corporation. Reporters obtained the following quote from the background information supplied by the inventors: "Conventional print systems that incorporate a fuser portion often have image related defects that occur when subjecting a substrate to duplex printing. In duplex printing, a substrate having a first surface and a second surface has one or more images applied to each of the first surface and the second surface by one or more photoreceptors. "In a conventional print
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business (1 of 31)

accomplished). Of course ask to met and if that's not possible ask them how often would be a great time to follow up. Keep in mind that these are warm references and keep in mind that time is on your side. It's not uncommon that many of these could take under years to develop, but we are in this for the long haul, correct? -=Good Selling=-

Re: Ricoh Announces Availability of Ricoh Pro L4100 Large Format Printer Series

It took so long for this release I hope all the bugs are out, every show it was at I asked for samples and they couldn't print any, time will tell...

Re: HP & Sharp "What is Canon Thinking"

I don't think that anyone who bought an Edgeline, or further back the HP rebadged Konica MFD's, will be keen to give HP another go.

Re: Ricoh unveils A3 color printer with industry's lowest cost of ownership and ultra-compact footprint

Finally got a response from Ricoh regarding the SP C730DN: The product has been suspended. There were reports of poor image quality and failure of the PCUs to reach published yield in other regions so RCL decided to suspend shipments. There is a fix planned but we were not happy with the schedule. We want to minimize the disruption to our end-users and to our business. We have been working with Service, Supply Chain and Finance to manage the issue. Service is contacting Dealers who

Epson America Launches App-Enabled Label Printer for Smartphones and Tablets

LONG BEACH, Calif., Jan. 3, 2014 -- /PRNewswire/ -- Epson America today announced the Epson ® LabelWorks ™ LW-600P, a new one-of-a-kind label printer for smartphones and tablets that gives users the ability to make an endless variety of both practical and creative labels for the home or workplace. (Logo: ) The LabelWorks LW-600P is one of the smallest and lightest 24mm (~1") label printers on the market today with a powerful set of

Seiko Epson Corporation : Patent Issued for Print Method, Print Device, and Program

obtained the inventors' summary information for this patent: "Problems to Be Solved by the Invention "However, in a printing method for the color printer described in Patent Citation 1, a difference in the order in which the black ink and the respectively colored inks overlap arises between a print surface on an outgoing path and the print surface on a return path in a case where bidirectional printing is to be carried out during color printing, and as a result, a problem has emerged in that an

Toshiba Launches 5-Watt Chipset For Fast Wireless Charging

Worldwide Semiconductor Revenue, April, 2013). Toshiba Corporation was founded in 1875 and today has over 554 subsidiaries and affiliates, with 210,000 employees worldwide. Visit Toshiba's web site at . Information in this press release, including product pricing and specifications, content of services and contact information, is current and believed to be accurate on the date of the announcement, but is subject to change without prior notice. Technical and

Re: What Happened with the RICOH Pro L4000

I hope Ricoh can bring back the magic they had when Linda ran the division. Plotworks has been a great product with great support once you learn the capabilities. It is an excellent PlotBase replacement product. I cannot think of a better time to be selling Wide Format- here in the SE, industry is back on it's feet and growing.

Re: Sharp M904 check copy demo using feeder HD

That is a very nimble doc feeder that can do that on a high volume system. Question, can it scan both front and back with both images on one page? I know the card function feature which outputs both sides this way is impressive.

Re: Sharp M904 check copy demo using feeder HD

It would seem that from looking at the size of the feeder it could do two sided scanning in a single pass. Can anyone verify this?

Re: Ricoh unveils A3 color printer with industry's lowest cost of ownership and ultra-compact footprint

WOW, that's terrible, I don;t think I can ever remember them pulling a product from the market before!

Re: Ricoh unveils A3 color printer with industry's lowest cost of ownership and ultra-compact footprint

Originally Posted by Art Post: WOW, that's terrible, I don;t think I can ever remember them pulling a product from the market before! Me either and its not like you and I don't go back aways...think of all the products that maybe should have been pulled like the 1224C and what was that interchangeable color machine from about 25 years ago...was it the 460?

Re: What Happened with the RICOH Pro L4000

Over the years I've had the opportunity to interact with many product managers at Ricoh. This guy never returned a call, actually I'm glad he's gone.


New Office Photography Machine to Debut at CES 2014

a camera to photograph objects, not only can the results be communicated in the same manner as documents, but new communication methods such as 360/3D product views and 3D modeling become a reality, opening a new avenue for increased communication efficiency." Perfect for business photography needs, the 3D MFP produces content ideal for web, print and daily business communication. Resulting images can be immediately edited, annotated, printed, saved, sent by email and much more. Ortery's 3D MFP

Some Top Ranking Copier Sites for Rent!

Hello fellow forum members - We have a few sites that are ranking well and could build a site easily if there is an owner that wants to improve their search engine ranking in their city. Here are a few cities where we have a top ranking site for rent: Fort Worth, TX San Jose, CA Richmond, VA Boston, MA Spokane, WA Boise, ID Miami, FL (Newer doing OK) Sacramento, CA (Doing OK, not great) Richmond (OK not great) Oklahoma City (New) If you are interested in renting or having a top ranked copier

IDC MarketScape names Lexmark an industry leader in smart MFPs

. -- In addition, the report notes that "Lexmark holds a leadership position in managed print services as well as extensive software ecosystem1." -- The report also notes, "More than most vendors, Lexmark prides itself on having an ownership stake in technology. The company has internally-developed or acquired not only hardware technologies, but also several software solutions targeting mobility, cloud, capture, content/process management as well as managed
-=Good Selling=-

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago

First Week of January 2019

Purple Modern Professional Web Designer LinkedIn Banner

Real Copier Sales

The year is 2039.  It's hard to believe that it's been 15 years since the mighty Xerox Corporation folded.  One remembers that statement in December of 2018 that touted Xerox "Unable to Adjust". My how the mighty have fallen.....more here

View These Awesome Copier Threads Below

The Copier Industry Fast Forward Twenty Years

licensing every year.In addition the cost to maintain and supply the device was billed at a flat rate per month. High speed licenses equaled a higher monthly cost and low speed licenses usually cost less. Soon after Canon announced the demise of A3 multi-functional devices other copier manufacturers followed their lead. Ricoh, Konica Minolta, Kyoceraand Xerox did the same. TOSHIBA SHARP Right, you're thinking why is there no mention of Sharp or Toshiba? In late 2018, a prominent share holder of
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The First Week in January 2009

expensive option - Optional PostScript driver does not support booklet maker - No possible upgrade to EFI Fiery print server - Only a 40GB hard drive Topic Ricoh MP7000 KM 920 Contract 1/1/0910:45 PM overall cost, price of excess copies and speed of the one copier: Make 5-Year Lease Annual Excess Over Qty. Model to Purchase $1 Svce. $’s 2,250,000 Copier Cost 3 Ricoh -MP7000 $10,307.40 a Yr. $12,375 $0.0045 per sheet 1 Konica -Bizhub 920 Each of the four new copiers will have a 3-hole punch feature

Sherbrooke company buys ­Quebec City copier

strategy,” said company President Claude Roussel. The clients of both entities will now benefit from an expanded portfolio of well-known brand name products and solutions such as Konica-Minolta, Sharp, Lexmark, Kyocera, Hewlett Packard and Square-9.
Blog Post

5 Tips to Help You Increase Your Sales in 2019

find a way to get to where you want to be at the end of the year. August of this year will be the start of my 39th year of office technology (copiers, fax, printers, wide format, IT, content) and this year I plan to change a few things to try and get me to where I want to be at the end of the 2019. 1. I'm going to write more blogs for my this year. I was a little lax last year, however this year I plan to post one a week. I'm thinking this should gain me an additional 2-3

Sharp Expands Managed Network Services In Southern California Market

solutions company in the Los Angeles area, which made this asset acquisition a logical choice for us." Since its first branch opening in Arizona in 2006, SIICA has established 16 local Sharp Business Systems branches in 52 locations through growth initiatives within the organization. About Sharp Business Systems Sharp Business Systems is the direct sales division of Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America, which markets Sharp's full line of multifunction printers (MFPs)/Copiers, Network

Ricoh further extends IT Services capabilities in Brussels and the Flemish market

2018, Ricoh Group had worldwide sales of 2,063 billion yen (approx. 19.4 billion USD). For further information, please visit For further information, please contact: Ricoh Europe PLC Jack Gibson Tel: +44 (0) 203 033 3766 E-mail: Homepage: Join us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on LinkedIn: Visit the Ricoh media

Xerox Ousts Channel Chief Amid Big Reorganization

Xerox is in the midst of a massive internal reorganization to start the new year, and has forced out Pete Peterson, president of Xerox Channels, and moved other high-ranking execs, according to two internal memos obtained by CRN. In his memo, Xerox CEO John Visentin wished Peterson well as he left to “pursue other interests.” Xerox did not respond to requests for comment this morning. Peterson, a former Tech Data executive, had been with Xerox since March 2017. Peterson confirmed his departure

OKI Europe makes professional-standard in-house printing even more affordable by offering free mono printing for a year

banner printing capability, customers can really experience the superb colour quality and media flexibility OKI’s digital LED devices offer helping them take their business printing to the next level.” Colour printers and MFPs included in the offer: The C612n/dn combines flexible media handling with low cost of ownership, making it ideal for in-house printing on demand The C712n/dn capably delivers everyday documents and high-quality marketing at high print speeds and a low cost per page The

Toshiba Develops DNN Hardware IP for Image Recognition AI Processor ViscontiTM5 for Automotive Driver Assistance Systems

customers to promote co-creation of value and new markets. We look forward to building on annual sales now surpassing 800-billion yen (US$7 billion) and to contributing to a better future for people everywhere. Find out more about us at Media Inquiries: Toshiba Electronic Devices Storage Corporation Public Relations Investor Relations Group Motohiro Ajioka Tel: +81-3-3457-3576

Toshiba Memory America Points to the Future of Technology Fueled by BiCS FLASH 3D Flash Memory at CES 2019

in areas such as virtual reality, automotive infotainment, artificial intelligence, technology, and more.” Demonstrations are located in Toshiba Memory America’s private demo suite at The Venetian ® Resort (Toscana 3704) from January 8 – 11, and include: BG4 series of ultra-compact, single-package NVMe SSDs Enterprise , Client and Data Center SSDs KumoScale ™ software Qualcomm ® Snapdragon™ 845 Mobile Development Platform with Toshiba UFS Qualcomm Snapdragon 820A Automotive Development
Blog Post

3 Things Sales Reps Need To Ditch To Smash Their Sales In 2019

sabotaging productivity, performance and more importantly, pipeline? 3 THINGS SALES REPS MUST DITCH IMMEDIATELY In my last blog, 3 Things Sales Reps Need to Do To Help Smash Their Sales In 2019 , I encouraged salespeople to get back to the basics. Applying the basics in 2019, will allow ordinary sales reps to do extraordinary things. I urge all those in sales to become serious about your work and put in the time it takes to become a true sales professional. Ditch these bad habits in 2019... EXCUSES I

Re: HP Dealer Rep

No, I don’t mind sharing. Sometimes I’ve been told we are in the minority with how our experience has been. We were a SAMSUNG dealer and we did not want to commit to 50 machines a year with them, which I’ve been told is their minimum level. We have only been marginally impressed over the years with the SAMSUNG mfp line. We were one of their first dealers and also helped them sign on some other dealers the first few years. We are predominantly canon and Konica in one office and the other is 100

HP Opens CES 2019 with Stunning Displays, PCs, and Security Innovations

life better for everyone, everywhere. Through our product and service portfolio of personal systems, printers and 3D printing solutions, we engineer experiences that amaze. More information about HP Inc. is available at . 1 Based on 15-inch laptops shipped with Samsung’s AMOLED display technology as of 01/07/2019. 2 Based on Samsung's Quantum Dot technology as of 1/7/2019, currently available in-market. 3 Based on 8th Gen Intel® based business
Blog Post

The Death of Global Imaging Systems is Confirmed

On the 30th of October we posted this topic on the Print4Pay Hotel forums The Death of Global Imaging Systems? Just a few minutes we were notified that indeed Global Imaging Systems is no more. Xerox has announced a name change along with many other changes that have been posted on It was also posted that the name for Imaging will be XBS (maybe Xerox Business Solutions or Systems). Here's a snipped from a recent thread: Name change announced Health care plan combined 401k reduced

Lexmark Honored with BLI PaceSetter Award for Manufacturing

their sales. For over 50 years, Buyers Lab has been the global document imaging industry's resource for unbiased and reliable information, test data, and competitive selling tools. What started out as a consumer-based publication about office equipment has become an all-encompassing industry resource. In a landscape that's ever evolving, we change with it. BLI PaceSetter Awards Based on exhaustive questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and a proprietary rating scale, the Keypoint Intelligence/BLI

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

I find it interesting that if you go to and search their website for "investor relations" or "financial statements" you get no response. If you search the NYSE or NASDAQ you will not find Lexmark except in the past tense. In the USA, Lexmark's Chief Financial Officer came from Huawei in 2017 and was first educated in Shanghai, China. To be fair, most of Lexmark USA's Senior Executives and Board of Directors seem to be of the highest quality and American descent. One has to...

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

If I was a Lexmark dealer I'd be a cheerleader for A4 too.

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

Fisher give them a call I am sure they would welcome you to the team. A4 will be the future for an extremely large portion of the current A3 population.

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Anders And posted: Will somebody please explain to me how you can offer unlimited prints at a fixed price, when your cost varies with the actual volume of prints? The only way flat rate is possible is the fact that print is declining, and you use that as a smoke screen. Flat rate is, as I understand it, like leasing or selling a car to a customer with free limitless gas and miles at a fixed monthly price. Obviosly you have to have escape doors in your tc's - my customers will find out right

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Art Post posted: Anders And posted: Will somebody please explain to me how you can offer unlimited prints at a fixed price, when your cost varies with the actual volume of prints? The only way flat rate is possible is the fact that print is declining, and you use that as a smoke screen. Flat rate is, as I understand it, like leasing or selling a car to a customer with free limitless gas and miles at a fixed monthly price. Obviosly you have to have escape doors in your tc's - my customers will
Blog Post

Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Well, it happened some pioneers in the print industry are delivering an as a Service model. The Participates of the Imaging Channel must respond and deliver print equipment, its supplies, it’s parts, and its labor to repair in this as a Service model. A fixed cost for a product which eats consumables. Some in the industry are beside themselves and will more than likely lose control in how they proceed unless of course, they move forward timely based on knowledge over desperation caused by

DAS Health Announces Milestone 10th Acquisition With Purchase of Altex Business Solutions

clients and employees, selling to DAS Health was the obvious choice.” DAS Health has hired all Altex employees except Mr. Orsag, who is retiring. Altex clients will now have a substantially improved value proposition, as DAS Health’s award-winning offerings are robust, including practice management and EHR software sales, support and hosting, revenue cycle management (RCM), managed IT services, security risk assessments (SRA), MIPS/MACRA reporting consulting, mental behavioral health

SpeedPro Imaging Announces Franchise Development Team Executive Promotions

Jarrett serving as VP, Sarah Brown and Nicole Yates promoted January 07, 2019 // // DENVER, Colo. - SpeedPro Imaging, the national industry leader in large-format printing, has tapped Pat Jarrett as the company’s next Vice President of Franchise Development, along with two other high-level promotions among the team. Jarrett is an experienced leader, specializing in franchise management and advising. He began his SpeedPro Imaging career in 2010 as a franchisee in Omaha, where he


Re: Xerox "Unable to Adjust"

Happy new year keep up the good work

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Wes also stated that early adopters will see greater profits with flat rate billing. Laggards will get in last and see the least amount of profit. Your statement about flat rate billing on RFPs will be more frequent in 2019. I receive many copier RF's Ill have to read them more closely to see if the flat rate is in the t's c's

Bankruptcy judge awards $1.7M to Executex in photocopier scam

Eastchester salesman Joseph Holzberg has been ordered to pay Executex, a Hawthorne company, nearly $1.7 million for pocketing commissions on photocopier scam leases. Federal bankruptcy Judge Robert D. Drain issued a default judgment against Holzberg on Dec. 26, in favor of Executex Inc. Holzberg Whether Executex can actually collect on the judgment is questionable, in that Holzberg has filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, declaring $732,080 in assets and $836,400 in liabilities. Chapter 13 allows

Complete Technology Solutions, LLC Announces Partnership with Leading MSP Business Development Group, The 20

revolutionizing the IT industry with its standardized all-in-one approach. The 20's robust RMM, PSA, and documentation platform ensures superior service for its MSPs' clients utilizing their completely US-based Help Desk and Network Operations Center. Extending beyond tools and processes, The 20 touts a proven sales model, a community of industry-leaders, and ultimate scalability.

Dynamic Quest Acquires Carolina Networks

provide the ability to cross-sell some services to CNI's customer base that are not currently offered. Dynamic Quest will look to leverage its infrastructure including its data center, Philippines remote delivery team and sales and marketing initiatives to enhance service solutions for end clients and accelerate growth. Javier Gomez , CEO of Dynamic Quest relayed, "We are extremely excited about this new merging of Carolina Networks into our Dynamic Quest family. Carolina Networks has grown over
-=Good Selling=-

Today's Hacked!

Today's Hacked!

Ukraine alleges that Russia breached web cameras to conduct surveillance on targets in Kyiv.

  • Russian intelligence allegedly hacked into residential surveillance cameras in Kyiv, changing their angles and streaming sensitive footage on YouTube.
  • This footage possibly aided Russian missile strikes in Kyiv and Kharkiv, resulting in casualties and injuries.
  • Ukraine's SBU has taken steps to block thousands of potentially compromised cameras and urges the public to stop online broadcasts from street surveillance devices.
  • Investigation suggests Russian software, Trassir, was used in Ukrainian cameras, allowing Moscow access to sensitive data.
  • Ukrainian laws forbid sharing photos or videos of attacked buildings or critical infrastructure, as it aids enemy targeting. The penalty for sharing such content can be severe, up to 12 years in prison.

The Australian Court Service has experienced a cyber intrusion, potentially jeopardizing the integrity of hearing recordings

  • Cybersecurity incident affecting Australian court cases and tribunals disclosed by Court Services Victoria (CSV) on January 2, 2024, following an initial alert on December 21, 2023.
  • Unauthorized access disrupted the audio visual in-court technology network, potentially compromising video recordings, audio recordings, and transcription services from November 1 to December 21, 2023, including cases in the Supreme Court of Victoria.
  • Compromised recordings may involve protected identities under court orders or legislation, leading to apologies from CSV CEO Louise Anderson for potential distress caused.
  • No specifics on the incident's nature or released recordings disclosed. The courts continue to operate securely while CSV addresses the issue.
  • No access reported to other court systems, employee, or financial data. Authorities, including Victoria Police, notified for investigation.
  • CSV is working on notifying affected individuals and has established a Contact Centre for assistance. Efforts underway to enhance security across the broader court and tribunal-wide technology environment.

-=Stay Safe=-

Five Things I Like About the New KIP C740 Wide Format MFP

I believe it was the late spring of this year when KIP released their new C700 series color wide format devices.  The release was massive with the launch of 12 new color models.  The models consisted of five print only color devices, five color MFPs and two color production devices. Indeed it was quite the roll out and I'm still trying to get familiar with each device.

Tonight I'll focus on what I like with the KIP C740 when compared to other wide format devices.

The KIP C740 is a multifunctional device that will print, scan and copy in color.

1) Print Speed- Six "D" size pages per minute in black or 6 "D" size color per minute.  Hourly print for color or black at 360 "D" size pages a minute.

LED (Light Emitting Diodes) print technology.

LED printers have several advantages over inkjet printers. They are faster, more energy-efficient, and have a lower cost per page. LED printers also have fewer moving parts, which makes them more durable and less prone to breakdowns

2) Dry Toner- Four color process Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black.  What I like best is that our clients can mark up drawings with highlighters and they don't have to worry about smearing the image (the use of highlighters with ink based prints will cause the image to smear).

3) Quality Prints When You Need Them- In some cases our clients don't always need to print drawings or bid sets everyday.  LED print engines allow you to get a perfect print even if the device has not been used in days or weeks.  COVID 19 taught us a lesson that ink jet devices can't go un-used.  When ink jet devices are un-used for periods of time users will experience streaks on the images and users will need to clean and or purge the print heads (terrible waste of ink and money). In many cases we also saw the failure of print heads that resulting in thousands of dollars in repairs.

4) Driverless Printing- Driverless printing is a cool technology that simplifies the printing process for users by allowing any device to print to any printer without requiring special software. This standardization of the printing experience across printers eliminates the need for users to learn how to print to a new printer.

For businesses, driverless printing can help save money on print budgets and significantly improve efficiency for maintaining hardware fleets and software.

5) Operating Cost- Without a doubt the KIP C740 offers the lowest cost for toner (consumable) in the industry for wide format print devices.

  We all know how expensive ink is.....whether it's HP, Canon or Epson....

Special thanx to KIP CCtechnology which improves toner yields.

Bonus Likes-

  • System holds 2 rolls of paper up to 36" inches wide
  • KIP’s Area of Interest on-screen editing let’s you quickly print only the section of information you need
  • KIP ImagePro 
    • Driverless PC Printing App
    • High Definition view (view before your print)

I could list another ten or twenty features that I like about the new KIP C740, however it's good to save some for my next blog.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, concerns or need help.

-=Good Selling=-

Harnessing the Power of Reading Books to Enhance Conversational Competency.

"Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary."
Jim Rohn

A 2021 survey courtesy of the Pew Research Center found that 23% of American adults have not read a book in any form in the last year; reading for pleasure is becoming less popular among American adults, despite all its benefits.

Statistics provided by Golden Steps ABA:

  • The average reading level of American adults is eighth grade.
  • 42% of college graduates read books for personal growth and development.
  • 70% of adults have not been in a bookstore in the past five years.

Reading broadens your vocabulary, reading enhances your conversations, and applying what you read spurns growth.

Research conducted at the University of California, Berkeley found that reading strengthens brain activity, therefore delaying cognitive decline.

In their research, they also found out, with an overwhelming majority of college students living stressful lives, reading can be a new, conducive method to curb stress.

Beyond this, reading improves concentration, critical thinking skills, memory skills and vocabulary.

All being said, can all of this be applied to the sales community... I believe it can.

Reading improves your conversational competence.

Reading creates alignment with executives and key decision makers.

Reading builds your sales confidence.

“Reading is a very necessary habit for every successful businessperson,” said Ellen Parry Lewis, a fiction author. “It broadens your mind, helps with your written and verbal communication skills, and gives you a certain level of understanding and empathy.”

Here are some ways reading can benefit your sales career:

  1. It increases intelligence - As Dr. Seuss once wrote, "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." Reading helps to continually develop your brain.
  2. Expands vocabulary - Reading regularly exposes you to new words, phrases, and sentence structures, helping you enhance your vocabulary.
  3. Reading increases knowledge - Filling your mind with new facts, new information, and new ideas will make you a better conversationalist as you’ll always have something interesting to talk about.

Mark Twain once said,

“The man who does not read good books is no better than the man who can’t.”

The question I'd like all of you to think about... Can reading enhance your conversational competency? I believe it can.


I love what Mark Cuban has to say about reading,

“I would continuously search for new ideas. I read every book and magazine I could. Heck, 3 bucks for a magazine, 20 bucks for a book. One good idea that led to a customer or solution and it paid for itself many times over.”

In an interview with The New York Times back in 2016, Bill Gates shared that he reads around 50 books per year. Reading is, he said, “the main way that I both learn new things and test my understanding”.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg started his own book club in 2015 to challenge himself and others to read a book every two weeks.

In his book, Change Your Habits, Change Your Life, Tom Corley writes about the 5-year study in which he interviewed a host of self-made millionaires about their daily habits. He concluded that reading was a key factor in their success.

Check this out... He found out that...

  • 88% of his wealthy respondents reported that they spent at least 30 minutes every day on reading and self-education.
  • 85% read two or more self-improvement books per month.
  • 86% said they had a passion for learning new things.
"Many successful people don’t read for entertainment; they read to acquire better knowledge to make informed and intelligent decisions."
Tom Corley

So, here's something for all of you in sales to think about... If successful CEOs are reading to acquire better knowledge to make informed and intelligent decisions, then what prevents you from reading to do the same?

Sales professionals who commit themselves to reading find themselves sitting more frequently at the executive business table.

Just have to ask... What are you reading right now?

We can make excuses, or we can have growth, you can't have both when it comes to reading.

Successful people have time to read because they choose to.

Successful people self-educate by reading.

Successful people are voracious readers because that’s what they want to do. They love to read, and they make time for books.


"Conversational competence is the single most overlooked skill we fail to teach. Kids spend hours each day engaging with ideas and each other through screens, but rarely do they have an opportunity to hone their interpersonal communications skills…… Is there any 21st-century skill more important than being able to sustain coherent, confident conversation?"

This quote applies directly to the sales world.

Think about the following:

  • Are you having coherent and confident conversations with your clients and future clients?
  • Are your conversations full of conversational competence or conversational uncertainty?
  • Has technology combined with lack of reading killed our ability to truly converse with people?

Let's flip this around for a moment...

Reading has a profound impact on your conversational growth. It expands your vocabulary, exposes you to various writing styles, and introduces you to diverse perspectives and ideas.

Reading allows you to encounter different ways of expressing thoughts, which can inspire your own communication style. Reading also exposes you to varied content providing you with interesting topics to discuss, making conversations more engaging and informative.

Reading books strengthens your conversational aptitude.

Reading fosters your critical thinking along with your comprehension skills. This becomes vital in understanding conversations and effectively contributing to them.

Reading not only enriches your vocabulary but also broadens your knowledge base, enhancing your ability to engage in meaningful conversations.

Imagine for a moment...

What would happen to your sales results if you brought meaningful conversations to executives and key decision makers?

As you think about your sales growth and conversational strength over the next year, can reading catapult you to new levels?

Check this out... Read 20 pages per day (average book 200 pages) one will read between 2-3 books per month, 24-36 books in one year.


Part of my morning routine is to set aside 20-30 minutes to read. In doing so, this has allowed me to read the following books:

1.     Deep Work – Cal Newport

2.     The Game of Life and How to Play It – Florence Scovel Shinn

3.     Friction – Soon Yu & Dave Birss

4.     Napoleon Hill My Mentor – Don Green

5.     Your Leadership Legacy – Oakland McCulloch

6.     The Comfort Crisis – Michael Easter

7.     Believe and Achieve – W. Clement Stone and the Napoleon Hill Foundation

8.     The Power to Change – Craig Groeschel

9.     Hello Head, Meet Heart – Hannah Morgan Austin

10.  Positive Influence – Napoleon Hill Foundation, Napoleon Hill

11.  Freedom From Your Fears – Napoleon Hill Foundation, Napoleon Hill

12.  Adversity & Advantage – Napoleon Hill Foundation, Napoleon Hill

13.  Chase the Lion – Mark Batterson

14.  Acres of Diamonds – Russell H. Conwell

15.  Napoleon Hill’s Secret – Don Green, Napoleon Hill Foundation

16.  Please Sorry Thanks – Mark Batterson

17.  Lead The Field – Earl Nightingale

18.  Dear Napoleon – Jim Stovall & Napoleon Hill Foundation

19.  Pathways To Peace Of Mind – Napoleon Hill Foundation

20.  How to do the Work – Dr. Nicole LePera

21.  Wired for Authenticity – Henna Inam

22.  Go Big Or Go Home – Diana Kander & Tucker Trotter

23.  Shift And Disrupt – Bernadette McClelland

24.  Consciously Connecting – Holland Haiis

25.  Love Your Team – Helen Fanucci

26.  Uncopyable Sales Secrets – Kay Miller

27.  The Power Of Now – Eckhart Tolle

28.  Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

29.  Man’s Search For Meaning – Viktor Frankel

30.  Living Untethered – Michael Singer

31.  The Greatness Mindset – Lewis Howes

32.  Every Conversation Counts – Riaz Meghji

33.  How To Own Your Own Mind – Napoleon Hill Foundation

34.  Belonging, Overcoming Your Inner Critic and Reclaim Your Joy – Catherine Wood

35.  How To Sell Your Way Through Life – Napoleon Hill/Napoleon Hill Foundation

36.  You Owe You – Eric Thomas

I found that reading has built my conversational muscle.

Reading has become part of my morning workout for my mind and soul.

Just like exercise strengthens our body, reading strengthens our ability to communicate effectively. It exposes us to a multitude of language patterns, new words, and different ways of expressing ideas.

Reading will introduce you to various topics and viewpoints, providing you with a wealth of information to draw upon during your conversations. It's like having a vast library of knowledge that you can tap into whenever you engage in conversations, enabling you to contribute thoughtfully and confidently.

Just as athletes practice to enhance their performance, regularly reading and engaging with different types of content can significantly improve your conversational skills over time. It's a great way to continually challenge and strengthen your ability to communicate effectively with others.

Now think of your clients and future clients... What are you leaving on the table by coming up with all the excuses on why you have no time or desire to read?

Conversational competency occurs through reading!

Chris Schembra is the best-selling author of "Gratitude Imposta: The Secret Sauce for Human Connection." He is known as the Gratitude Guru and has used the principles of gratitude to spark over 500,000 relationships around the dinner table. Chris is dedicated to helping companies connect in meaningful ways and has worked with clients such as Microsoft, Google, Dell, and SAP.


In this episode of Selling From the Heart , we discuss the importance of authenticity and meaningful connections in sales. Chris explains how gratitude can transform relationships and drive sales results. He emphasizes the need to shift from a focus on oneself to a focus on others and shares practical tips for expressing authentic gratitude. Chris also discusses the power of spontaneous gratitude and how it can positively impact both the giver and the recipient.


Gratitude helps shift the focus from oneself to others, leading to more meaningful connections.

Authenticity is crucial in building relationships and establishing trust with clients.

Giving gratitude in the language that the recipient prefers can have a greater impact.

Spontaneous gratitude can be a powerful tool for personal growth and relationship building.


"Gratitude is the acknowledgment that you've received something of value from others."

"Gratitude doesn't have to be returned. Gratitude is the gift in itself."

"Giving gratitude in the language the recipient likes to receive, it is the key."

"Spontaneous gratitude, when done from the heart, can be a game changer."

Learn more about Chris Schembra:


Learn more about Darrell and Larry:

Darrell's LinkedIn:

Larry's LinkedIn:


Got a video about how you sell from the heart? Share it by texting VIDEO to 21000.

Please visit BarnesandNobles to order your copy of the rerelease of the Selling from the Heart book.


/ sellingfromtheheart

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