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MFP Copier Blog

First Half of 2024 Draws to a Close

I have a love-hate relationship with summer. I yearn for the longest day of sunlight each year, and when the summer solstice finally arrives, I realize that from here on, the days of sunlight will get shorter and shorter.

Thus, it's kind of like getting to the end of the sales quarter; all of the hard work, hope, and winning will come to an end.

I'll end my first half of the year on Monday the 24th. The first quarter of this year went well, with a decent finish at 133% of quota. The start of the second quarter was not so good, with a mere $4.7K in revenue for April. All it takes is one bad month to turn into one bad quarter. I had a bounce back in May with $60K in revenue, but still needed a BIG number for June.

June started well with a large order early in the month. By the second week of the month, $65K of my Q2 pipeline moved to the last quarter of this year. That, my friends, was a hard pill to swallow, especially when I needed to put up strong numbers in June. It would have been easy to give in to "oh well, looks like a bad month." However, I don't give up easily and keep pushing forward.

June is not finished yet, and I'm sitting somewhere in the $89K range. With two days left, which means there's still 10% of the month and quarter left, I have the opportunity to add another $40K or so if all goes well.

I've been around long enough to know that the $40K that's still out there is a 50/50 shot to close all four of the opportunities. I'm also aware that there's a good chance that none of them will close in the two remaining days.

I've learned throughout the years that as long as you work hard, a.k.a. put the effort in, you never know what tomorrow will bring you.

Tomorrow is still in question, however I'll be making the effort to make things happen!

-=Good Selling=-

ERP Systems: The Key to Business Efficiency

Understanding the impact of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems on business efficiency is crucial. It has become an indispensable part of the operational strategy for many organizations worldwide. According to a report by Allied Market Research, the global ERP software market is projected to reach $78.40 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 10.2% from 2018 to 2026.

To begin with, ERP systems are comprehensive software solutions designed to manage and integrate all the processes and information flowing through a company. They combine all the functions of a business, including product development, manufacturing, sales, and marketing, into a single, streamlined system. Consequently, they eliminate data silos and improve information flow across the organization.

Improving Business Processes

The principal aim of ERP systems is to augment business efficiency. These systems are meticulously designed to streamline workflows and simplify complex processes. ERP systems eliminate the need for manual and time-consuming tasks, offering automation of routine operations.

As substantiated by a study from Panorama Consulting Solutions, a striking 95% of businesses reported an improvement in their processes post the implementation of an ERP system. The systems’ ability to save employees’ time and enable them to concentrate on strategic tasks, underscores its pivotal role in enhancing business processes.

In addition to automation, ERP systems provide real-time, actionable insights into business operations. This facilitates rapid decision-making, further bolstering the overall efficiency of businesses. In essence, an ERP system serves as the backbone of an organization, significantly boosting process efficiencies.

Boosting Productivity

ERP systems significantly contribute to the enhancement of organizational productivity. A key feature of ERP systems is their ability to automate manual and repetitive tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more critical, high-level functions.

According to a report by the Aberdeen Group, companies implementing ERP systems have witnessed an impressive 11% reduction in operational costs. By streamlining business operations and minimizing time-intensive manual processes, these systems contribute directly to increased efficiency and productivity.

Moreover, ERP systems reduce the likelihood of errors, which are common in manual data entry processes. By providing accurate, real-time data, these systems facilitate more precise decision-making and task execution, further boosting productivity levels.

ERP systems offer multifaceted benefits, including time savings, error reduction, and process optimization. All these factors converge to boost productivity, enabling businesses to accomplish more with fewer resources. The results are not just improved bottom-line performance, but also a more engaged and motivated workforce.

Enhancing Collaboration and Communication

ERP systems can significantly improve collaboration and communication across various departments within an organization. The integration of multiple business processes and departments into a single, unified platform fosters a cooperative environment where information flows freely and efficiently.

Seamless communication is critical to business success, and ERP systems aid in facilitating this by providing a central repository for all business data. Every department has access to the same accurate, up-to-date information, eliminating misunderstandings and communication barriers that can arise from using different data sources.

Furthermore, ERP systems enable team members to share and collaborate on documents, projects, and other tasks within the same system. This not only improves productivity but also enhances the quality of work as team members can provide immediate feedback and make real-time changes.

In essence, ERP systems act as a bridge that connects different departments, ensuring they work cohesively. The robust collaboration and communication tools these systems offer not only streamline workflows but also promote a more harmonious and efficient working environment, driving overall business efficiency.

Improving Data Accuracy and Accessibility

ERP systems markedly increase data accuracy and accessibility, acting as a reliable source for all business data. This helps mitigate the chances of errors and discrepancies, contributing to a more precise business model. A study from the Aberdeen Group emphasized that companies employing ERP systems saw a significant 33% decrease in the time required to make decisions.

The automation offered by ERP systems minimizes manual data input, reducing human errors and increasing data accuracy. This level of accuracy is crucial in driving data-supported decision-making and strategic planning, an integral part of modern business operations.

The accessibility provided by ERP systems allows for real-time data access for authorized personnel, irrespective of their location. This improved access accelerates decision-making processes, boosts departmental collaboration, and enhances overall business efficiency.

By acting as a consolidated, automated platform with real-time access, ERP systems significantly enhance data accuracy and accessibility. They act as a driving force behind efficient, data-driven decision-making, playing an essential role in modern business operations.

Streamlining Supply Chain Management

ERP systems play a crucial role in streamlining supply chain management. By integrating data from different functions, they provide a comprehensive overview of the entire supply chain. This transparency enables businesses to monitor and manage their supply chain more efficiently, reducing delays and enhancing productivity.

Moreover, ERP systems automate numerous supply chain processes, eliminating manual tasks and reducing the risk of errors. They also facilitate real-time tracking of inventory, orders, and deliveries. As a result, businesses can maintain optimal inventory levels, prevent stockouts or overstocks, and ensure timely delivery to customers.

ERP systems significantly streamline supply chain management. Through integration, automation, and real-time tracking, they enhance the supply chain operations’ efficiency, accuracy, and timeliness. Thus, ERP systems are essential for businesses seeking to optimize their supply chain and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Enhancing Customer Service

ERP systems significantly enhance customer service, a critical aspect of maintaining a competitive edge in today’s business environment. With a centralized database, ERP systems ensure all customer data is stored in one place. This data consolidation improves access to customer information, facilitating timely and informed responses to customer queries or issues. ERP systems, thus, equip customer service representatives with a 360-degree view of the customer, enabling them to provide personalized service.

In addition, ERP systems provide real-time insights into customer behavior and preferences. Businesses can predict future buying patterns and trends by analyzing purchase history and interactions. Consequently, companies can anticipate customer needs and tailor their offerings accordingly, creating personalized customer experiences. This deep understanding of the customer, enabled by ERP systems, elevates the customer service experience, resulting in increased customer satisfaction.

Moreover, ERP systems automate many customer service tasks, reducing response times and enhancing customer experience. They can manage multiple customer service channels, track customer interactions, and automate responses to common queries. This high level of automation enhances the efficiency of customer service operations and ensures a consistent and high-quality customer experience.

ERP systems play a pivotal role in enhancing customer service. By consolidating customer data, providing real-time customer insights, and automating customer service operations, businesses can deliver personalized, timely, and efficient customer service. As a result, they contribute to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, underlining the significance of ERP systems in today’s customer-centric business landscape.

The Pivotal Increasing Role of ERP Systems

ERP systems are the linchpin of modern business efficiency, seamlessly integrating multiple functions to streamline operations and enhance productivity. They not only simplify business processes but also augment collaboration, improve data accuracy, and deliver an unparalleled boost in productivity. From augmenting customer service to streamlining supply chain management, ERP systems offer myriad benefits that translate into tangible business growth.

As the global ERP software market continues its robust growth trajectory, understanding and leveraging the full potential of ERP systems will be vital for businesses seeking sustainable success in a highly competitive landscape.

Today' Hacked!



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Recent Hacking Incidents and Cybersecurity Concerns

Company and System Hacks

  • After Being Hacked, Maui Broadcast Company Creates New Facebook Page
    Nearly a month after the incident, the company has established a new social media presence......Read more

  • CDK Global Cyberattack: Car Dealerships Software Down | Nationwide Hack
    A cyberattack on CDK Global has disrupted auto dealerships across the U.S., causing significant operational challenges......Read more

  • AMD Working with Law Enforcement After Reports of Massive Data Breach
    Following reports of a data breach, AMD collaborates with authorities to investigate the extent and impact of the hack......Read more

  • Olympia Gaming Has Casino Operations Hacked
    The casino operations of Olympia Gaming have been disrupted by a cyberattack......Read more

  • Amtrak Says Guest Rewards Accounts Hacked in Credential Stuffing Attacks
    Attackers accessed and altered profile information of users' accounts in a credential stuffing attack......Read more

Violent Incidents and Cybercrimes

  • Creeps Admit They Hacked into Law Enforcement Portal for Doxxing Scheme
    Nicholas Ceraolo and Sagar Singh confessed to hacking a law enforcement database to threaten individuals by posting their private information......Read more

Data Breaches and Their Consequences

  • Officials Query if Any Deaths Directly Linked to UK Hospital Hack
    Authorities investigate whether recent fatalities are connected to a cyberattack on a UK hospital......Read more

  • Massachusetts 911 Outage Triggered by Firewall, Not a Hack, Officials Say
    Preliminary investigation indicates the recent 911 outage was caused by firewall issues, not a cyberattack......Read more

High-Value Theft and Security Breaches

  • Pricey Mercedes-Benz Maybach Swiped in Miami After System Hacked
    A high-end vehicle was stolen following a system hack at a South Florida delivery service......Read more

Expert Advice and Prevention

  • Man Shares What to Do If a PC Gets Hacked
    Practical steps and advice on how to respond if your computer is compromised......Read more

-=Stay Safe=-

Today's Hacked!



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Recent Hacking Incidents and Debates: Elon Musk, EVMs, and More

Controversies and Debates

  • Elon Musk Attacks Electronic Voting Machines As He Wades Into Sensitive Indian Debate
    Musk's assertion that electronic voting machines are vulnerable to hacking has sparked significant debate in India.......Read more

  • EVM Row: 'So Tesla Can Be Hacked', Says Rajeev Chandrasekhar on Elon Musk's 'Anything Can Be Hacked' Remark
    BJP leader disputes Musk's claim about EVM vulnerabilities, arguing that Indian EVMs have limited intelligence design......Read more

  • 'Can Tesla Cars Be Hacked?' Ex-Indian Minister Dares Musk with Bold Question After EVM Controversy
    The debate around Musk's comments on EVMs continues, with challenges from Indian political figures......Read more

Security Breaches and Cyber Incidents

  • More Than 200K Have Information Compromised After L.A. County Health Dept. Targeted by Hacker
    A cyberattack on the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health compromised the personal information of over 200,000 individuals......Read more

  • A Company's System Was Hacked. Car Valued at $200K Now Missing
    A South Florida company's system was hacked, resulting in the theft of an SUV valued at $200,000......Read more

  • Hackers Demand as Much as $5 Million From Snowflake Clients
    Cybercriminals are demanding ransom payments from companies breached in a campaign targeting Snowflake clients......Read more

Legal and Criminal Cases

  • Findlay Auto Group Being Sued by Customers After Cyberattack
    Customers have filed a lawsuit against Findlay Auto Group, claiming their personal information was not adequately protected......Read more

Healthcare and Cybersecurity Concerns

  • CMS Extends Dispute Process Amid Change Hack
    CMS introduces special measures to assist organizations affected by the Change Healthcare ransomware attack......Read more

  • NHS Hack Warning Issued to Everyone in Dumfries and Galloway
    The health board is issuing warnings and informational leaflets to residents about the hacking incident......Read more

Consumer Advice and Miscellaneous Hacks

  • 7 Warning Signs Your Computer Has Been Hacked — And What to Do
    Tips on identifying and responding to potential computer hacks......Read more
    -=Stay Safe=-

Hackers Targeting Edge Devices: A Growing Cybersecurity Concern

Hackers Targeting Edge Devices: A Growing Cybersecurity Concern

In a recent study published by Security Week magazine, researchers have uncovered a troubling trend: hackers are increasingly setting their sights on network endpoints and edge devices, such as printers and multifunction peripherals (MFPs). These devices, once considered low-risk, are now prime targets for cybercriminals. Here’s why.

Why Hackers Are Interested in Edge Devices

1. Ubiquitous Internet Connectivity Edge devices are almost always connected to the internet. This constant connection makes them easily accessible to hackers looking for entry points into a network.

2. Stealth and Persistence Once compromised, these devices provide hackers with a stealthy foothold. They are rarely shut off, ensuring continuous access and reducing the risk of detection.

3. Lack of Activity Logging Many edge devices do not have robust activity logging capabilities. This means suspicious activities often go unnoticed by IT departments, allowing hackers to operate undetected for extended periods.

4. Evasion of Security Solutions Traditional Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions frequently overlook these devices. This oversight provides a significant blind spot in network security, which hackers are eager to exploit.

5. Absence of Remote Security Monitoring Unlike servers and critical infrastructure, edge devices typically lack remote security monitoring. This absence means potential breaches can go unnoticed, giving hackers free rein.

6. Inadequate Security Features Edge devices often come with minimal security features. This lack of protection makes them easy targets for attackers who are skilled at exploiting vulnerabilities.

7. Older MFPs and Printers should not be on the network due to significant security vulnerabilities and performance issues. These outdated devices often lack the latest firmware updates and security patches, making them susceptible to cyber attacks and data breaches. Additionally, older MFPs may not support modern encryption standards, leaving sensitive information exposed.

The Implications for Businesses

The increased targeting of edge devices by hackers poses a serious threat to business security. Companies must reassess their cybersecurity strategies to include these often-overlooked devices. Implementing better security practices, ensuring regular updates, and incorporating these endpoints into existing monitoring frameworks are essential steps in mitigating this risk.

Hackers continue to adapt and find new vulnerabilities, businesses must stay vigilant. Protecting edge devices is no longer optional; it’s a critical component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.

What Can You do?

Replacing old MFPs with updated models ensures better security, reliability, and compatibility with current technologies.

-=Good Selling=-

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago

This Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago

Third Week of June 2014

Kodak-Alaris_See-the-Diffreence-500x100Real Copier Sales (10 Years Ago)

Some dealerships forbid their reps from selling into other territories. Maybe they don't have the coverage, maybe they don't like selling out of more here

Check These Great Copier Threads from Ten Years Ago This Week

Konica Minolta Launches New Color Printers

RAMSEY, NJ, Jun 18, 2014 (Marketwired via COMTEX) -- Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. (Konica Minolta) today announces the availability of two new color printers: the bizhubâ® C3110 all-in-one and bizhub C3100P single function unit. Featuring support for user authentication and enhanced energy efficiency, the new bizhub models are ideal for small- to medium-sized print environments seeking high-speed, high-quality performance without compromising space. Similar to Konica Minolta's
Blog Post

Samsung to Acquire Nuance?

a major solution provider for MFP's or they could spin off those divisions to the likes of Ricoh, Canon, Xerox or KonicaMinolta. I believe it's a good deal for Samsung, and will ask around to see what else I can find out. ere's that link: -=Good Selling=-
Blog Post

Selling Copiers "Opportunities Abound to Make a Few Extra Bucks"

... but the point of this blog is to let you know we have Nationwide copier, printer and document management coverage available and would like to work with you to ensure you get paid well for out of region leads rather than hoping for the best. If your dealership won't let you take money this way, we can certainly pay them instead. We get that we are all trying to make a buck here. We want to be a trusted resource to get copiers sold anywhere in the USA that is a mutually beneficial relationship to

School board debates copier leases

the Administration Building. AE Business submitted two lease proposals, one for Toshiba products and another for Ricoh, while Century sent in a proposal for Kyocera copiers. Kelsie Dietrich of AE and Steve Cogdill of Century were at the meeting, to tout their respective proposals and answer any questions. The Toshiba proposal from AE is for $1,927.25 per month while the Kyocera proposal from Century was for $2,415.04 per month. The administration had recommended approving a contract for Century

LRS Announces MFPsecure for Ricoh Product

John Runions, LRS Director of Worldwide Alliance Sales. "MFPsecure for Ricoh enhances our 'secure delivery' solutions and joins our existing clients for HP, Xerox, and Lexmark devices." The MFPsecure for Ricoh software leverages the touchscreen interface on most recent Ricoh devices to let users selectively print queued documents from the robust LRS® Enterprise Output Server. Instead of submitting print jobs directly to a printer, users print to a secure personal print queue. Users can retrieve
Blog Post

Riso Stops Offering Printed Brochures for Their Products?

Just about 18 months ago, Toshiba American Business Solutionsoffered up National No Print Day. Within a few days or weeks Toshiba cancelled the campaign.I heard they cancelled due to a not so good response from the printing industry. Ok a flub, everyone is allowed one every now and then. Today, I get an email from my people that Riso (a company that lives and dies with putting ink on paper) is no longer offering full color printed brochures. If you want a full color brochure you'll have to

Ricoh Ireland and ReCreate partner to promote creativity, sustainability and cost savings

a whole host of other materials. Ricoh will divert surplus materials from its own production print facility in Park West, Dublin and will also encourage its partner network and customer base to do the same. In addition, Ricoh will be donating one of its Eco-line multi-functional print devices to ReCreate and will also take on the production and printing of promotional and educational collateral for ReCreate from its production print facility. This partnership coincides with Ricoh's Global Eco

Keynote Sponsor Canon Solutions America Honored at Inkjet Summit 2014

and help them shape their strategies for the future. "With inkjet printing expected to account for one-third of all digital print by 2016, the Inkjet Summit has become incredibly important for the industry," said Mal Baboyian, executive vice president, Production Print Solutions division of Canon Solutions America. "As an industry leader with 44 percent of the Continuous Feed Inkjet market share in the U.S., Canon Solutions America was proud to serve as one of the keynote sponsors of this

Fuji Xerox Launches New Digital Full Colour Press In Asia Pacific

SINGAPORE, June 20 (Bernama) -- To cater to the needs of print professionals, Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific Pte Ltd today launched a new digital full-color press, the VersantTM 2100 Press in the Asia Pacific region. The press, designed to boost productivity and enhance versatility for all digital businesses, is capable of printing up to 100 prints per minute (ppm). In a statement, Fuji Xerox said the VersantTM 2100 Press strengthens Fuji Xerox's production color portfolio with a new technology

Ricoh unveils new high-end projectors

choice of formats: WXGA (1280 x 800 resolution) in the RICOH PJ WX5361N and XGA (1024x768 resolution) in the RICOH PJ X5371N. Available this summer, the systems extend Ricoh's rapidly expanding audiovisual product line to provide greater flexibility to systems integrators. Ricoh will demonstrate both at InfoComm 2014 June 14-20 in Las Vegas at Booth #C5825. These two new high-end business-class projection systems are Ricoh's newest examples of information mobility – helping customers harness

Re: Samsung to Acquire Nuance?

Equitrac/Safecom/ecopy/ppdm its too small of a component of Nuance. I will bet you they split the document imaging division into a separate company.

Re: Samsung to Acquire Nuance?

I think buying Nuance would be a great opportunity for Samsung to get deeper in the solutions side of the industry. However, I 100% agree with Yeti that it's too small of a division of Nuance. Knowing that iPhone's Siri uses Nuance technology gives Samsung huge opportunities to work with or against Apple.

Ricoh enhances portable business-class videoconferencing

continues to increase. Ricoh is focused on information mobility – helping customers to make information accessible by those who need it when they need it to make critical business decisions. A sales manager, for example, can conduct regular videoconference calls with their salespeople in the field. The salespeople can call into the conference via the solution's iPhone®, iPad® or PC app, which activates their video cameras as it joins them to the call. The P3000 is available for an MSRP of $2,200

Canon U.S.A. Showcases New Imaging and Display Offerings at InfoComm 2014

highlighting the impressive picture quality and installation flexibility of its renowned REALiS projector models. Canon will be exhibiting a cost-effective, space-saving solution for conference rooms where a REALiS WX450ST ShortThrow Projector will be mounted under a standard conference room table,for wall-sized presentations without long-throw ceiling-mounted projection. A second short-throw application will showcase the extremelens shift capabilities of Canon’s Pro AV Short Throw Projectors, idealfor

Sharp Empowers InfoComm 2014 Attendees To Collaborate Your Way With New Display Solutions

® ovens and Plasmacluster® air purifiers. Sharp has been named one of the Most Admired Brands in America and one of the 20 Most Loved Companies globally. Sharp is the #1 selling brand in the U.S. for 55"+ Commercial Integrated Touch Displays through B2B Sales Channels*. Sharp's professional and commercial displays are specially engineered for business applications and are offered in a wide range of sizes. From high-impact displays for digital signage, to our award-winning ultra-thin bezel video

Worldwide Large Format Printer Market Posts Third Consecutive Quarter of Growth in Unit Shipments and Shipment Value, According to IDC

. Ricoh $52.78 6.6% $47.34 6.2% 11.5% Others $292.96 36.9% $278.70 36.4% 5.1% Total $794.58 100.0% $765.87 100.0% 3.7% Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Large Format Printer Tracker, June 2014 Notes: IDC tracks A2-A0+ devices in the LFP market The LFP market includes single-function printers, as well as multifunctional systems (MFPs). Data for all vendors are reported forcalendar periods. In addition to the table above, an interactive graphic illustrating worldwide unit shipment market


Ricoh’s Integrated Cloud Environment (ICE). Users can scan documents and files to popular Web services, transforming those documents into searchable PDF documents on the fly. The RICOH MP C401 and RICOH MP C401SR support today’s mobile workforce with the RICOH Smart Device PrintScan app, which enables smartphones and tablets (iOS and Android) to seamlessly operate with multifunction products and printers through the cloud. Optional Ricoh HotSpot printing similarly enables smartphone and tablet users

ColorNet’s EFI VUTEk UV Inkjet Printer Purchase Provides Versatility and Growth Opportunities

from its facility in Sterling, Va., and its sister company, Rockville Printing and Graphics, in Rockville, Md., installed the six-color, two-meter wide printer in its Virginia location to meet demand for high-end, wide-format graphics. The company had previously used roll-media aqueous inkjet printers for wide-format applications. The VUTEk QS2 Pro printer’s flatbed-printing capabilities give ColorNet direct-to-substrate printing on rigid media, eliminating the time and expense of mounting graphics

Re: Riso Stops Offering Printed Brochures for Their Products?

Rick: You are correct, brochures printed on the comcolor would be, well let's say not that impressive, unless they printed them on the "rice paper" which would probably cost more than buying a full color printed brochure!! Too funny!

Re: Selling Copiers "Opportunities Abound to Make a Few Extra Bucks"

Let me play devil's advocate here...First of all,usually it's not the dealers that forbid selling in other territories, it'sthe manufacturers, and dealers are bound by contract to uphold that obligation, which by the way is the only thing keeping us from having to compete with the internet. Secondly, if you receive any kind of salary and spend daytime hours selling a different product, that would be grounds for dismissal, regardless of brand or territory. If you question whether that is true

Sappi Fine Paper North America Announces Printer of the Year Winners in 17th Year of Competition

of Sappi paper and the opportunity to print a Sappi job. The Gold Award winners, each chosen for their dedication to craft and meticulous eye for detail, will receive 5,000 pounds of paper and a spot on the list of preferred Sappi printers. A panel of highly regarded print professionals selected the winning entries based on the overall impact of the piece, degree of difficulty in printing techniques, and technical excellence. The winners of Sappi's North American Printer of the Year award

Guest Author: Win – Win With Assessments: The Due Diligence of the MPS Consulting Process

revealed 1,300 devices – outnumbering the staff in their offices. NewField IT reports the average cost for office copying and printing is £400 per employee per annum; the average like-for-like cost saving once the environment is genuinely optimized is at least 25 percent. In its infancy, due diligence was similarly subject to instinct, unstructured, and fraught. Financial analysis, credit analysis, ratio analysis, technical, fundamental, and statistical analysis utilizing proven mathematical processes

Savin MPC2003 true multi-functionality

Just discovered on the Savin MPC2003 when you are in the Facsimile mode you now see tabs for Internet Fax, Email and Folder...thinking this might mean you can do multiple features from one place we tried to give it a shot. Looked in the Sales Information Guide everywhere including New and Different, nothing. Called the hotline, they said that isn't possible. Set it up anyway and it works fine. Called the hotline back and spoke with another guy and he said oh yeah, sure you can do that...might

Canon Europe acquiring Milestone Systems

LONDON, June 16 (UPI) -- Canon Europa N.V. and Milestone Systems A/S of Denmark are merging their technological expertise for the network video surveillance market. Canon said the combining of its image products and Milestone's open platform video management software is coming under acquisition of the Danish company. Financial and other terms of the transaction, however, were not disclosed but Milestone will remain a stand-alone entity within the Canon group. "Canon is aiming to take a
File Premium

Savin MP 3503SP Proposal.pdf


Re: Riso Stops Offering Printed Brochures for Their Products?

From what I remember I do not think I would want to hand out brochures from a ComColor device. Were they not more for communication than presentation? I know it has been awhile for me so perhaps they have evolved. Just sayin'.

Re: Selling Copiers "Opportunities Abound to Make a Few Extra Bucks"

Old Glory: Great comment, off hours would be the key. If you are salaried then you need to stick to working those hours for the company you work for, period! However, if you are a commissioned only rep, or looking to get out on your own, the opportunity stated above is a good way to get a start.

Re: Riso Stops Offering Printed Brochures for Their Products?

No, they look better on thier vendors full color MFP's

MPSA Announces Recipients of 2014 Recognition Awards

vision, definition and philosophy to the broader community and imaging industry. · Photizo Group · Ricoh · Xerox About the Managed Print Services Association The Managed Print Services Association (MPSA) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that serves the MPS industry. Its focus is on the development of standards, education and industry guidelines that unite the different segments of the industry that bring value to all those participating. For more information about benefits and

Re: New Ricoh MP C2003 & C2503

A few questions on this line and recent Ricoh technologies: 1) Any updates on adoption of the new stapleless finisher? Has anyone actually sold these and are Ricoh reps pushing them? 2) After a year on the market, how are you guys feeling about the optional 10.1" Smart panels? How often are you selling them and what are the likes/dislikes? 3) How do you feel about Ricoh ICE so far? How is the adoption and what are your likes/dislikes from the sales side? Thanks for any insights! - Jake

Re: When Does Your IT Provider Start to Care About Your Cost Per Page?

First of all, from my experience, doctors seem to be notoriously cheap when it comes to office equipment. The thought of giving their staff decent office equipment is not on their radar. They'd rather invest in the latest medical equipment or gadget, Mercedes/BMW, or hobby. That being said, re: HP printers, depending on the model, some of those older printers (like any in the 4000's) print pretty darn cheaply. Divide, say, $125 or $150 by 20,000 and that's pretty darn cheap. They have a hard

Re: ECM and DM solutions

SharePoint(OnPrem. or Online), Docuware with PlanetPress, PDFShareForms. Both Kyocera and Xerox (NSI subset) have some great connectors for capture/print with these. SharePoint needs to be looked at as a platform for building apps for document management and BI with dash-boarding, workflow, collaboration and social capabilities. The ability to offer all of that functionality does come with a price which if deployed well is worth the investment.

Re: Air Print for Metis

I don't think AirPrint will ever be available for the 03 series. I think it came down to Apple wanting too much and Ricoh deciding to do their own thing with Smart Device Print Scan. We use the Lantronix xPrintserver and have had good success with it. It does suck that you can buy a printer for under $200 with wireless capability and some form of air printing whether it be Airprint or something from the manufacturer like send to an email address and it is printed and we're still a little

Re: Savin MPC2003 true multi-functionality

local G3 fax machine. Computer-based faxing [ edit ] As modems came into wider use with personal computers, the computer was used to send faxes directly. Instead of first printing a hard copy to be then sent via fax machine, a document could now be printed directly to the software fax, then sent via the computer's modem. Receiving faxes was accomplished similarly. Computer → Phone line → Fax machine Fax machine → Phone line → Computer A disadvantage of receiving faxes through the computer is that

Re: Savin MPC2003 true multi-functionality

I'm now trying to send a fax from one MFP to another over the internet using internet fax and have it receive and print the fax. Everything looks like it should work but I get an error when trying a manual receive that the email reception settings are incorrect. If anyone has a step by step I would love to get this working.



Re: Ricoh Interactive Whiteboard D5500

We will have one of these in our office soon, i will give a report after I see it in action

Re: Ricoh Interactive Whiteboard D5500

Nice, would like to learn more

Re: Ricoh Interactive Whiteboard D5500

This looks fantastic. Anybody else thinking that the private education sector would scoop this up?

Pepper Construction Integrates KNAACK® DataVault™ with StratusVue Software for Mobile Jobsite Technology Implementation

less than six months. Benefits included: Faster access to the data. By putting the information into the hands of the trades people working on the jobsite, the data could be viewed by several people on a large monitor and reports, specs, and drawing details could be printed as needed. This provided significant value versus a group of people huddled around a mobile device or traveling to the trailer every time there was a question. Increased confidence and reduced mistakes. Because

FlexPrint, Inc. Named to CRN's 2014 Solution Provider 500 List

PHOENIX, June 18, 2014 PHOENIX , June 18, 2014 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- FlexPrint, Inc., the nation's largest independent Managed Print Solutions provider, today announced it has been named to the 2014 Solution Provider 500 (SP500) list by The Channel Company's CRN . The list ranks the top revenue-generating technology integrators in the U.S. and Canada whose forward-thinking approach to the technology channel has helped them evolve and thrive in today's services-driven IT era. The list spans

Re: Savin MPC2003 true multi-functionality

Art, I don't know that you could create a program on the home screen for this because the end destinations would probably vary. It just seems weird that they are making scanning capabilities available under the Facsimile mode instead of faxing available under the scanning mode. Scanning comes standard on most systems and faxing remains an option...all documents are scanned (converted to digital images off of the platen or through the feeder) but not all are faxed. I guess it's semantics and

Self-Reflection: The Key to Success as a Sales Professional.

"Self-reflection entails asking yourself questions about your values, assessing your strengths and failures, thinking about your perceptions and interactions with others, and imagining where you want to take your life in the future.”
Robert L. Rosen

As we start thinking about this quote, self-reflection entails asking yourself questions about your values, assessing your strengths and failures, thinking about your perceptions and interactions with others, and imagining where you want to take your life in the future.

This becomes essential for personal growth and self-awareness, as it helps you gain an understanding of your core beliefs and motivations, recognize areas for improvement, and sets meaningful goals for your future.

Through self-reflection, you gain deeper insights into your behavior, enhance your relationships, and create a crystal-clear vision for the life you aspire to lead.

A few questions for you to reflect upon:

  • What are your values?
  • What are your strengths?
  • Where do you see your sales career 3 years down the road?

The nature of sales often creates mental turmoil (self-induced at times), craziness and chaos; creating a way to level-set and refocus on what’s important becomes extremely valuable.

Setting aside alone time through self-reflection is a powerful routine to help you become more successful.

You spend more time with yourself than anyone else. How well do you really know yourself?


"Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful."
Margaret J. Wheatley

Originally called ‘reflective consciousness’by William James, commonly known as the Father of American Psychology, the act of self-reflection is used to aid in survival through learning and adapting. The ability to self-reflect is what many believe to be a hallmark characteristic of being human.

As defined by the Berkeley Well-Being Institute, self-reflection is a mental process you can use to grow your understanding of who you are, what your values are, and why you think, feel, and act the way you do. When you self-reflect and become more conscious of what drives you, you can more easily make changes that help you more easily develop yourself or improve your life.

At its heart, self-reflection is a process of introspection and examination, where you take the time to sift through your thoughts, attitudes, motivations, desires, emotions, and behaviors.

It involves stepping back from your day-to-day activities to create a space for self-awareness and self-analysis.

Self-reflection relies on consistency, courage and discipline.

Self-reflecting encourages you to challenge assumptions, question your own perspectives, as you explore different viewpoints.

It enables you to examine your values, goals, and aspirations, as you reassess whether they align with who you truly are and what you desire to achieve in life.

Some of you might be thinking self-reflection is a daunting task. It's naught. It can be as easy as looking back at your behavior in any scenario, then asking yourself, why you behaved the way you did.

I ask you to think about all the scenarios you find yourself in daily... this provides you ample situations to self-reflect.

Self-reflection builds self-awareness, but only through intention and dedication.

I encourage you to consistently press “the pause button” on your life to create time and space to sit quietly, sifting through your thoughts and interactions, as you inspect them without judgment.

This quote courtesy of John Dewey is so spot on,

"We don't learn from experiences, we learn from reflecting on the experience."

Self-reflection routines:

  • Help you give you a fresh perspective.
  • Help you better understand yourself.
  • Help foster a sense of well-being.
  • Help provide you better decision-making skills.

Time for a brief intermission. Please find a quiet spot and self-reflect. A little self-talk might refresh your mind, heart and body.

  • What were your biggest lessons from this last week/month/year? This can be personally and professionally.
  • What are your proudest moments from this last week/month/year? This can be personally or professionally.
  • If you continue doing what you’re doing right now, where will you be in three years’ time? This can be personally or professionally.
  • What areas of your life do you feel satisfied with? Which ones need attention?
  • What can you do to take better care of yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually?

If you desire to become more productive, impactful, and fulfilled, you must gain clarity on what makes you productive, impactful, and fulfilled.


"Look outside and you will see yourself. Look inside and you will find yourself."
Drew Gerard

Plain and simple, success doesn't happen overnight. It's achieved through daily improvement in small consistent increments over disciplined time periods.

In my book, Selling from the Heart, I write about the many differences between sales professionals and sales reps. I believe, sales professionals do the work that many sales reps find excuses not to do.

A true sales professional doesn't sleepwalk through the day nor their career. They work harder on themselves than all the other empty suits combined.

Sales professionals actively think about the things they do. They objectively evaluate themselves on a regular basis. They look at things through an unbiased and clear set of lenses.

I'm sure there are some of you right now saying to yourself, "Larry, are you serious about all of this self-reflection stuff?" Yes, I'm dead-on serious.

Simply view self-reflection as a mindfulness technique. This is where you place yourself in a quiet place and state of mind to recall events or experiences from the past, observe your current state, and then envision your future state.

What concerns me is how many salespeople struggle to allow themselves time to pause and reflect on where they are and where they would like to be.

All this excuse making around self-reflection, eventually leads to:

  • Failing to look for opportunities to improve.
  • Lackluster feelings and burning out.
  • High levels of stress combined with emotional and mental gymnastics.
  • Lower levels of excitement for a better future.

Think about this one... How can you perform at high levels month in and month out or year over year, if you struggle to become your best self?


Socrates famously said,

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

Looking inward is not an easy thing to practice. All of us live in this fast-paced, hyper-connected world.

Our mobile phones are constantly buzzing, social media is constantly vying for our attention, and Netflix always has something new to binge on.

Taking the time for reflection and inward thinking is tough. Unfortunately, many of us are living unexamined lives.

Looking inward offers us many benefits. It helps us by fostering self-awareness, enhances our emotional intelligence, creates personal growth, reduces stress, and helps us to become more fulfilled.

2 Corinthians 4:16 reinforces all of this,

"So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day."

The self-reflection journey to sales betterment starts with understanding who you are at your core. It's becoming in tune with your deeper self. It's the ability to recognize what makes you come alive, what makes you happy or sad.

As a sales society, we've become fixated on the outer work. We focus on the stack rankings, where we're at quarter or year to date, key performance indicators, and how many prospecting calls have you made... starting to the get the picture?

Let's all take a step back and realize that these are merely outer symbols. This does not reflect one's inner world, nor being.

The key to sales happiness lies in transforming yourself and your career through the inner work.

When you truly understand who you are, you can make the conscious effort to improve yourself and how you communicate better with others.

  • How do you deal with your emotions? Especially when deals go astray, and let's face it, this will happen.
  • How do you react when your clients become unhappy or concerned with their levels of service?
  • What areas do you need to work on in your personal growth and development?
Are you courageous enough to dig in and ask yourself deep questions?


Getting to know yourself allows you to tap into the road of happiness as this is critical to your success as a sales professional. Your beliefs, your attitude and your daily routines are mission critical.

At this time and in this moment...

  • What makes your heart sing?
  • How would you define yourself?

Understanding yourself can mean recognizing your shortcomings. It's about putting them on display for others to judge.

When you place your flaws on display for others to see, you expose your vulnerabilities, which can be daunting but also liberating.

It's important to balance this openness with sensitivity. Not everyone needs to know every flaw, and it's wise to share your vulnerabilities with those who will offer constructive feedback, as opposed to harsh judgment.

It's safe to say that elite sales professionals do more self-reflection than deflection.


This quote must be framed inside every sales bullpen or on the virtual walls,

"Deflection is about protecting one's self-image instead of taking responsibility. If one feels guilty or inadequate about something they did, deflection pushes that feeling away by shifting the focus on to something else."
Aimee Daramus, PSYD

Deflection is when someone communicates something to you that causes you to feel triggered and instead of taking it all in, you flip the conversation into a different direction.

Deflection is used as a shield to prevent the truth. This prevents one from coming face-to-face with themselves and accepting responsibility.

A sales deflector

  • Nitpicks
  • Blames others
  • Constantly make excuses
  • Plays the victim (Everyone and everything is the problem in their mind except themselves)
  • Avoids fixing the real problems

A sales reflector

  • Looks inward
  • Admits they might be the problem and takes personal accountability
  • Focuses on fixing the real problems at hand
  • Makes adjustments
A deflector will lie, while a reflector owns it and starts changing for the best.

Deflection is when you can’t or won’t accept full or partial responsibility for your actions and thus you place blame on someone else.

Galatians 6:5 further reinforces all of this,

"For we are each responsible for our own conduct."


The questions you ask yourself will ultimately affect the sales life you lead.

The questions you ask yourself will determine what your mind focuses on, which will trigger certain thoughts, actions, and inactions, ultimately affecting your sales results.

I encourage you to create a daily habit of self-reflection.

Set aside 15 minutes a day to practice self-reflection. Start focusing in on the important things in life, such as your emotional and mental well-being. Train yourself in practicing mindfulness.

Making this minor change will improve your well-being, strengthen your relationships (personal and professional), make you a better person, and help you gain strides in your personal and professional development.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from starting your self-reflection journey.

Go out and find the person you have often neglected and whose hand you have let go all too often. And folks, that hand would be yours.

I will leave you all with this... What questions will you ask yourself daily?

Rosie Ward, Ph.D. embarked on her career journey in 1994 within the fitness industry, initially as a group fitness instructor and personal trainer, with a lasting affection for Zumba. Her academic pursuits led her to earn a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and a master’s degree in Public Health, specializing in worksite health promotion.

However, a disillusionment with the conventional approach to employee wellness spurred her to seek a new direction. Experiencing firsthand the detrimental effects of a toxic work environment, she pursued a Ph.D. in Organization and Management, concentrating on organizational culture, leadership, and coaching.

Recognizing the intrinsic link between individual well-being and organizational health, Dr. Ward transitioned through various leadership and consulting roles. Co-founding Salveo Partners, she established a consulting and professional development firm committed to revitalizing workplaces, fostering environments where organizations and their employees can flourish.


In this episode of the Selling From the Heart podcast, we are joined by Dr. Rosie Ward, a leading expert in leadership and organizational well-being. Dr. Ward shares insights on embracing core values and authentic self to enhance personal well-being, drive success, and create positive impact in the sales environment.


Authentic selling means connecting genuinely with customers, being authentic, and serving rather than just selling.

Recognize and challenge self-limiting beliefs to close the gap between personal and professional selves.

Pausing is essential; it interrupts reactivity and allows for intentional actions.

Identifying and living by core values helps in making tough decisions and maintaining alignment.

Grounding oneself in core values enables facing difficult situations with integrity and authenticity.


"Selling from the heart is being authentic and true to who we are, coming from a place of serving and connecting."

"We live and work in a VUCA world—volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. Disruption is the norm."

"We're hardwired to avoid discomfort, but disruption is where we grow and evolve."

"Our childhood self is running the show, reacting to triggers from past experiences."

"Once you're grounded in your values, it's easier to face the cringiness of self-exploration."

Learn more about Rosie Ward, Ph.D.:


Learn more about Darrell and Larry:

Darrell's LinkedIn:

Larry's LinkedIn:


Get the New Book That Will Help You Sell More... Without Destroying Your Relationships and Reputation

Please visit Barnes & Nobles to order your copy of the rerelease of the Selling from the Heart book.


Click for your Daily Dose of Inspiration:

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago

Third Week of June 2019

Purple Modern Professional Web Designer LinkedIn Banner

Real Copier Sales

I caught one of Ray's video last week and I was surprised when Ray made mention of his copier career. Yup, Ray also slung copiers just like most of us. I reached out to Ray a few days ago and asked if he'd like to be give us some insight as to what it was like to sell copiers in the eighties....more here

View These Awesome Copier Threads Below

Konica Minolta to Exhibit at HPE Discover

KonicaMinolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. (KonicaMinolta) is pleased to announce it will again be part of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)'s leading partner event, Discover, at the Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, June 18 - 20. At Discover, IT professionals will have the opportunity to experience KonicaMinolta's innovative Workplace of the Future solutions that allow staff to stay connected and work from anywhere. The offerings include Workplace Hub, the industry's first solution

Konica Minolta’s ITS Division, All Covered, Awarded Sourcewell Contract for Managed Voice

Communications with Application Integrations Session Border Controllers Hosted Call Center Business Class IP Phones About KonicaMinoltaKonicaMinolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. is reshaping and revolutionizing the Workplace of the Future ™ ( ) with its expansive smart office product portfolio from IT Services ( All Covered ), ECM, Managed Print Services and industrial and commercial print solutions.Konica Minoltahas been recognized as the #1 Brand for Customer Loyalty in
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Selling Copiers in the Eighties with Ray Stasiezko

two coffin carts so I could leave the office with two machines and come back with none. The demo! Yes, we did Demos and lots of them. Every successful sales rep knew that it took twenty cold calls a day and ten demos a week just to survive. It was the copier industry that came up with the saying “if you show it, you will sell it.” With a loaded van, you headed out to your geographical territory, and keep in mind we used paper maps to navigate around neighborhoods, looking for that lonely church

Konica Minolta To Exhibit At ISTE 2019

, Managed Print Services and industrial and commercial print solutions. KonicaMinolta has been recognized as the #1 Brand for Customer Loyalty in the MFP Office Copier Market by Brand Keys for 12 consecutive years and is proud to be ranked on the Forbes 2017 America's Best Employers list. The World Technology Awards recently named the company a finalist in the IT Software category. KonicaMinolta, Inc. has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for seven consecutive years. It

Konica Minolta Renews Partnership with Mark Andy

press in this fast-growing segment of the market,” said PJ Desai, Chairman and CEO, Mark Andy Inc. “Mark Andy is excited to continue our partnership and develop new solutions that enable converter success and make digital technologies more accessible.” About KonicaMinoltaKonicaMinolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. is a leader in industrial and commercial printing and packaging solutions. With a comprehensive portfolio of production print offerings, it delivers the latest innovations in

United Copiers’ turns office printing green

needs”, says Candice Evans, Marketing Coordinator of United Copiers. All United Copier’s remanufactured devices are available for rental or cash purchase and come with a comprehensive Service Level Agreement, ensuring that clients print and copy environment runs seamlessly. To date, thousands of South African businesses have found cost savings and improved running costs through our remanufactured Office Printer program. Remanufactured Office Photocopiers are not the only revolution United Copiers
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Top Ten Copier Quotes & Proposals for May 2019

the order and get a copy of the other quote. Shoot me an email if interested Enjoy Ricoh IM C2000 Ricoh MP C307 pricing additional Ricoh IM C3500 pricing proposal Ricoh MP C307 pricing Ricoh Pro C5200s proposal Ricoh MP 4055SP proposal Multiple Canon MFP's with papercut 40 devices Ricoh IM C2000 Ricoh MP C307 pricing Ricoh Pro C7200SL Ricoh Pro C5210s Ricoh Pro C7200e Graphic Arts Edition -=Good Selling=-

iPrint Media Group the First in National Capital Region to Acquire MGI JETVarnish 3DS with iFoil S

leader in the Graphic Communications Industry. With our comprehensive portfolio, we provide award-winning production, industrial print and inkjet solutions. KonicaMinolta's IT Services Division offers a range of IT strategy, support and network security solutions across all verticals. KonicaMinolta has been recognized by Brand Keys as the #1 Brand for Customer Loyalty in the MFP Office Copier market for 12 consecutive years. KonicaMinolta, Inc. has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability

Canon upgrades Océ LabelStream 4000 series

Canon has added new print modes and performance upgrades for its Océ LabelStream 4000 series. Print resolutions of up to 1,080 DPI and print speeds of up to 75m/min ‘allow label converters to expand their application range while increasing throughput and minimizing turnaround times’ said the company. The new top speed in combination with a 16in digital print width result in what Canon claims to be an industry-leading productivity of up to 1,845sqm per hour. The Océ LabelStream 4000 series will

Epson Wins in Global 2019 Managed Print Services Association Leadership Awards

resellers selling to small and medium sized businesses. Through Cornerstone, resellers can instantly develop and sell a three-year print agreement for business class Epson WorkForce ® Pro inkjet printers with limited full-term warranty and automatic supply delivery that is integrated with reputable and industry leading partners including: Great America Financial Services for monthly billing and leasing services, ECI Software Solutions for device management, Synnex Corporation for device and

Epson to Showcase Advanced Education Technology Solutions at ISTE 2019

manufacturer websites and third-party industry sources as of Nov. 2016. 4 Compared with best-selling, single-function and multifunction color laser printers priced at $2,000 (USD) or less and with speeds of 40 ppm or less per industry available data as of June 2018. Calculation based on continuous printing with highest-capacity individual cartridges sold in retail. Actual savings will vary based on print task and use conditions 5 Replacement ink pack yields are estimated based on ISO/IEC 24711 test
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5 Reasons Why I'm Loving Perfect Copier Quoting Tool

, you'll be glad you did. If you're interesting in Prefect Copier, please email Jesse or follow this link. Make sure you tell him that you read this blog for the special Print4Pay Hotel experience! -=Good Selling=- 511c62058a7b4c0e97cc0d1f7325ee f4

It’s Amazing at ITMA: Innovation Trendsetting with the Game-Changing, 90-Meter/Minute EFI Reggiani BOLT Single-Pass Digital Printer and Complete Portfolio of Advanced Textile Solu

printing technology in the industry, emphasizing leading-edge innovations that make EFI customers successful in the global textile industry. The EFI exhibit in Hall 3, Booth B204 at ITMA also features: the EFI Reggiani COLORS printer, a high-quality, highly productive solution that prints with up to 12 colors and offers unmatched printing quality and uniformity with an extended color gamut, superior color depth and increased penetration into fabric; EFI Mezzera indigo dyeing and finishing

Re: This Copier Changed My Sales Life 15 Years Ago this Week!

Those were good times indeed. Big commissions and big points on the Ricoh credit card to boot.Very short lived though. I was doing one or two wide formats a month in addition to all of the mid-volume color machines that customers were buying.By 2008 it was over and the wide format market has never recovered. In the past 12 months I've sold4 wide formats and only one was a brand new unit.

Re: This Copier Changed My Sales Life 15 Years Ago this Week!

fisher posted: Those were good times indeed. Big commissions and big points on the Ricoh credit card to boot.Very short lived though. I was doing one or two wide formats a month in addition to all of the mid-volume color machines that customers were buying.By 2008 it was over and the wide format market has never recovered. In the past 12 months I've sold4 wide formats and only one was a brand new unit. I agree with you, by 2008 the big Aficio points and the big commissions were gone. All of the

Re: This Copier Changed My Sales Life 15 Years Ago this Week!

Art Post posted: fisher posted: Those were good times indeed. Big commissions and big points on the Ricoh credit card to boot.Very short lived though. I was doing one or two wide formats a month in addition to all of the mid-volume color machines that customers were buying.By 2008 it was over and the wide format market has never recovered. In the past 12 months I've sold4 wide formats and only one was a brand new unit. I agree with you, by 2008 the big Aficio points and the big commissions were

Ricoh MP 4055SP proposal



Printers, part of the SCREEN Graphic Solutions Group, is one of the world’s leading pioneers and manufacturers of flatbed inkjet printing technology. The Eagle and Columbia printers set the early standards in UV inkjet flatbed printing. Inca’s facility in Cambridge, UK, incorporates RD, customer support, machine assembly and commissioning, a dedicated training facility and a clean room for printhead assembly and refurbishment. With approximately 25% of staff involved in RD, a significant investment

Ricoh Announces Strategic Business Partnership with Elixirgen Scientific

TOKYO, Japan – June 19, 2019 – Ricoh Company, Ltd., (Tokyo, Japan) today announced it has entered into a strategic business partnership with Elixirgen Scientific, Inc., (Baltimore, Maryland, USA), to develop innovative biomedical products and services that support drug discovery based on cell differentiation *1 technology. Ricoh and Elixirgen Scientific plan to grow this biomedical business into a 20-billion-yen ($1.86 billion) business by 2025. Together the two companies will support drug

Star Tribune Names Loffler Companies a 2019 Minnesota Top Workplace

. Klingensmith said, “The companies in the Star Tribune Top 150 Workplaces deserve high praise for creating the very best work environments in the state of Minnesota. My congratulations to each of these exceptional companies.” As one of the top-sellingCanon and KonicaMinolta dealers in the country, Loffler Companies also provides IT Solutions , Unified Communications , Managed Print Services , Software and Workflow Consulting and On-Site Management of Copy Centers and Mailrooms . These wide

Sales Close Rate Industry Benchmarks: How Does Your Close Rate Compare?

Your sales close rate is a number you need to keepa close eye on -- out of all the deals in your pipeline, what percentage do you actually close? Sales close rates let you know how efficient and effective you are as a sales rep. And it's a good way for managers to measure sales rep and sales team performance. The higher the close rate, the better your rep and team are at converting opportunities in the pipeline into revenue. Download Our Free Sales Conversion Rate Calculator and Guide While
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A Servant Mindset Is Rocket Fuel For Sales Growth, Are You A Servant?

manage possible change by using their own values. Sales rep who lead with the heart are avid listeners of the... Selling From The Heart Podcast Those who lead with the heart seek out authentic and genuine ways to continually serve those that mean the most to them, their clients! A Servant Mindset Is Rocket Fuel For Sales Growth A SERVANT PLACES THEIR CLIENTS FIRST You must put your client's perspectives and needs far ahead of your own agenda, in order to give yourself any chance.Putting them first

Re: Kyocera to rebadge Ricoh MP Pro 8200EX?

Ricoh914 posted: Has anyone seen these placed yet? I have seen or heard nothing and was curious. I haven't seen one in the field nor I have I quoted against one.

Ricoh Pro C5200s proposal


Re: Konica Minolta Renews Partnership with Mark Andy

I've seen these Mark Andy devices up close and personal, the technology is incredible. Kudos to KM for making happen again.

Re: Kyocera to rebadge Ricoh MP Pro 8200EX?

Has anyone seen these placed yet? I have seen or heard nothing and was curious.

IT Weapons Recognized on CRN’s 2019 Solution Provider 500 List

follow us on social media for technology news and updates. Twitter @ITWeapons, YouTube , LinkedIn , and Facebook . About KonicaMinoltaKonicaMinolta Business Solutions (Canada) Ltd. is reshaping and revolutionizing the Workplace of the Future™ ( ). With our comprehensive portfolio, we deliver solutions to leverage mobility and cloud services and optimize business processes with workflow automation. KonicaMinolta's IT Services Division offers a range of IT strategy, support

Color-Logic Presents at Nilpeter Panorama Open House

managers, corporations, and their advertising agencies the ability to differentiate themselves and their clients with a simple print production process that yields dramatic results.Color-Logic decorative effects utilize the existing workflows of printers and designers, yielding dynamic results without the use of special equipment.Color-Logic supports the value of print and works with designers and printers to enhance their printed media.For more information, visit or call +1

Dr. Gillian Mandich talks with Ray (video)

Ray does have a lot of content! If you're a fan of Ray which I am, then this video is really awesome because you get to know Ray's background in industry. I never knew that Ray was also a copier guy like me and us.
-=Good Selling=-

Today's Hacked!



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Recent Hacking Incidents: School District, Tile, and More

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-=Stay Safe=-
