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MFP Copier Blog

Copier Industry "The Big Race to ZERO"

It's always great to get an email response from a blog you've written.  Whether they are good, bad or ugly! 


Just this week I received the email below from a Print4Pay Hotel member that responded to My Top Three Sales Quotes "part 2" Prospect by Day and ....  We'll start with the email and they gave me permission to post and also keep the Print4Pay Hotel member anonymous.


"I love your blog and all your posts every week. I have been reading for years. This is my 23rd year in copier sales and my last year also. I'm 45 years old and started when most businesses only had a typewriter. In my opinion this industry is now nothing more than a big race to zero.  I'm still selling but looking at everything else as something to do. I came to this conclusion only a month ago when my family doctor (and client) had me sign a form on an ipad for a visit and the form I signed showed up in my email as they promised. We are going to loose this client soon and they already cancelled their service agreement. I asked the office manager about their system and they love it... best of all no paper needed... then I all i could think about was the direction of our industry. Scan to your ipad... mobile print from mobile devices and the silly game of MPS, and how cutthroat it has become, competitors selling out and so forth. The question is this ... is it worth it? Should I stay? I read your post on prospecting during the day and quote deals at night, really? I have a family and responsibilities after 5 too! I don't feel I owe this industry every waking hour... if that's the case it will soon be over for all of us copier guys. It goes like this... do you know what the best job was before they invented the automobile? It was making horse shoes. I believe this is the end of copier-paper-multifunction era.

Sorry Art just had to let that fly! There is nobody else to talk to in this crazy business and sales mangers and owners don't give a ****."


I did send this P4P member a personal email with some of my thoughts, but I'd like to dig deeper about our industry.


It's no secret that digital workflows, email, tablets and scanning is reducing page volumes for certain vertical markets. It's also no secret that dealerships and manufacturers are diversifying into new products and services that they can offer to their customers and prospects. 


The future of our business will still include imaging hardware, but will center on helping businesses improve their business process to make them more competitive in the market place and to reduce costs.  The growth in printed pages is in the very high end (production), niche imaging systems (specialized digital print devices for different media), and the low end systems. 


None of us can make a living in the low end.  For those of us that just sold 35-50 page a minute copiers, we need to change.  We can still make a living by prospecting for companies that still have a paper intensive process, or expand our horizons to include production system. 


Better yet, we need to be on the look out for how to take a mundane labor intensive process and turn it into a solution!  Case in point, last week I was able to meet with a prospect that hated, hated the copier that they had leased a year ago.  They were only 12 months into a 36 month lease and there was nothing I could do to generate a hardware sale, thus I started asking questions.

  • Is there any process in your business that you wish you had a better alternative?
  • What is the worst process you hate to do each day?
  • Is there something you do on a daily basis that grinds your gears?

Well, none of these worked with the CEO, however the CEO directed me to Sally and stated that I ask her.  I went over to Sally and before I could ask her anyone of these questions I noticed she was inputting data from a piece of paper into an excel spreadsheet.  BANG!  I knew we could automate this process for her and I asked if we could automate this process would that save you.....but before I could finish the CEO blurted out. "I WANT THAT" WOW!  that was great to hear, but I knew that I still needed to do a quick ROI. I then asked how many hours she worked on that project each week and then asked the CEO later what his overhead cost per employee is per hour.


The end result is I have a lead to sell a business process that will include software, professional hours and may or may not include a new piece of imaging equipment.


We NEED to change, if we as sales people state woe is me and all is lost, then ALL is lost. We can still prospect for imaging equipment but we need to keep a sharp eye to see what is going on around of us while we're in the field.  The traditional line of copier and MPS questioning know need to include additional questions that may help us uncover additional opportunities.


Special thanx to the P4P Hotel member that sent me the email. BTW, I received another email from a disgruntled rep about the company that he works for hired back someone that left the company almost two years ago. I'll share that email and their thoughts next week.


-=Good Selling=-

Selling Copiers & MFP's "First Contact"

A Star Trek flick from 1996 had the crew of the Enterprsie travel back in time to undermine the Borg attempt to stop Earthlings from making "First Contact" with the Vulcans. 

The last few days I've been busy on the phone prospecting for new accounts, new opportunities, new upgrades and what else... initiating the "first contact". 

It seems every year it gets somewhat tougher to get a hold of Mr. or Mrs. Right. For those of us that consider ourselves Professional Prospectors we get used to these types of responses when we know the name of Mr. or Mrs Right.

"Sorry so and so just left for lunch", "He just stepped out", "So and so is on the phone right now", "He or she is busy", "We're not interested", "So and so just stepped into a meeting", "she just went to lunch (it's 4PM!!!)" and the list goes on and on.

So what are we to do, well as one Print4Pay Hotel member stated many years ago, that we need to be "smarter than the average bear". We've all heard these before but here's a few for a refresher:

  • Vary the time that you call on that account
  • Call from your cell phone
  • Call early in the AM before 8AM
  • Call late in the afternoon 4-6PM
  • Call on a Saturday
  • Call on another employee in the company and ask to be transfered to the person that takes care of the office equipment

It used to be that on-site cold calling used to work well, however at least here in the NY metro area it's hard to gain access to buildings since 9/11.  Doors are locked, security cameras are in place and sales people are left other means to find out who the DM is.  By the way, why is it that when you make the call and ask who the DM is, it's seems like you're sentencing that person to ten or twenty lashes??

One such person got so nasty with me when I asked for the name of the DM.  I really was on my best behavior. I ended up telling her that I wished that a camel would walk through her bed at night. It just came out....I should have been more professional, yup... however sometimes you get so fed up.  We're just trying to do our job and feed our families. I also understand that the gatekeepers are also doing their job.  But, can't we be nice about it?

The web is a wonderful place and I've found creative ways to seek out those first contacts when the gatekeeper does not want to give any information.

Below is a few of resources I use on the web, if you'd like to know how I use each one to my advantage then send me an email, become a member of the p4photel.



Contact Us

Box Approach



-=Good Selling=-

31 Ways to Close More Sales (#4 of 31)

Over the years, every now and then I've stumbled across some great way to new way to prospect.  Whether it was to perform dual prospecting or in my latest find I found out something that you can do with the FREE version of linkedin to get you connected with those prospects that you can never get a hold of. We'll save that for later in this blog.


Got a customer who is only busy for four to 8 months out of the year?


4. Seasonal Lease to Close:  You can close additional business by offering a seasonal lease, six months of payments and six months of no payments is one example.  Call your leasing company for details on how to structure a program that can result in you closing the deal with a creative financial solution for the customer.


LinkedIn Tip:  Start following those companies on linked in where you can't get any traffic with a phone call, mailer or stop in.  Next week I'll tell you how to get them to check your profile first!


-=Good Selling=-



This Week in the Copier Industry (Ten Years Ago) 2003

I've been doing this for so long it's scaring me! BOO!  I had a thought today that since the Print4Pay Hotel has been around for more than 10 years, wouldn't it be awesome to see some of the press releases and threads from a decade ago?  


Well here they are, and enjoy a trip down memory lane of the copier industry!!


Ricoh Corporation And T/R Systems

September 8, 2003 10:21 AM
Topic by Guest
September 4, 2003 -Ricoh Corporation And T/R Systems Offer New Digital Document Production Solution Introduction of Black and White Digital Multifunction Devices with MicroPress® X Series Increases POD OptionsWest Caldwell, NJ, September 4, 2003 -...
September 5, 2003 5:46 PM
Reply by Darren ....
I have a 1232 (C3210 Savin) in a clients since beginning of June.  So far they have averaged 13,000 B&W per month ... so far so good (I have nighmares about it though) ... I have told them several times to move the B&W volume to the Aficio 551, they...
September 5, 2003 5:13 PM
Reply by Ted
Canon Leasing!  They will take any machine.  I will get you the info.  We had a new startup company and DLL, Fleet, and Ricoh Leasing said no.  We sent the info into Canon Leasing and they said OK.  Go figure.  We are leasing a Ricoh Machine through...
September 5, 2003 2:34 PM
Reply by Boston Mike
Thanks Brad...but They are the same as DLL aka Ricoh Leasing
September 5, 2003 10:07 AM
Reply by Guest
I have seen a picture of it, it is hush, hush at Ricoh about this product for some reason. We need to put pressure on our DSM's about this product. Call them and email them, they need to sell just like us.I hope it gets released soon.Art
September 4, 2003 11:54 AM
Reply by Guest
Thanks for your help on this...Kim and I work together.  Unfortunately, we can't get a solution that doesn't involve a costly solution from Ricoh.  Anyone know of converters that would convert the VCGL to a HPGL format?
Anders And offline
Docusultant P4P'er
September 3, 2003 6:18 PM
Reply by Old Glory
KIP manufactures Wide Format copiers and printers (Plotters) typically used by engineers and Architects to print and/or reproduce larger documents (commonly 24"x36" in size).  They are competition for the Ricoh FW470.
September 3, 2003 1:51 AM
Reply by Guest
DigiPath is Xerox's software for editing and controlling (scanned) jobs for the DocuTech platform, much like the recent Job-Q-editor software from ATI/Ricoh is for the 2090/2105 family.Docushare is a (simple) knowledge sharing software, which holds...
September 2, 2003 1:39 PM
Topic by kim mann
For the 470w, I have come across a client who needs to use the VCGL format which is a Xerox based format for drawings. Has anyone encountered this before or even better yet, solved how to print this format?!?Any help would be appreciated. I have been...
September 2, 2003 8:26 AM
Topic by Jay
New(new to me anyway) trade in program for printers/desktops/notbooks/servers/ ect.http://ricoh.tradeups.comDear Ricoh Printer Partner,Here is an additional tool to help close Ricoh printer deals.Please use with discretion as Ricoh's Printing...
-=Good Selling=-
BTW, I think I'll make this a weekly blog!!

My Top Three Sales Quotes "part 2" Prospect by Day and ...

Decreased margins, introduction of A4 MFPs aka MFD, lower MSRPs, increased competition for net new business equals a whole heck of a lot of work!! 


Years ago you could sell four or five 40 & 50 page per minute multifunctional devices and the average selling price with accessories would be in the $13-$18k range.  Over the years I've pretty much tracked about 6 systems per month, thus it was easier to hit your total revenue number and or your GP number than it is now.  Continued pressure from Direct, introduction of A4's, lower MSRPs and the pressure to win net new business has lowered revenue and profits.


So, what is one to do?  For starters one needs to prospect more, and some will say that I have no time left to add for additional prospecting. By the time I've made my calls, updated my CRM, did the appointments and created the proposals there is NO MORE time left in the week!


Yoda, would then tell you "Luke, it's time management, if you want to play with the big dogs, hit the revenue for each month and quarter, then you'll need to....."PROSEPCT BY DAY AND QUOTE BY NIGHT", and may the force be with you!


Prospect by Day and Quote by Night is one of the other sales quotes that I try to live by. Ours is not a 9 to 5 job, and if you need to add more prospecting time then you need to move one of your tasks out of prime prospecting time.  Those who can't quote at night (family time), can maybe approach it by getting to the office an hour earlier and leaving 30-45 minutes later.  Using this type of time management you can have an additional 7.5 hours of prospecting by moving your quote time!!


Newbies in the industry are probably not generating as many quotes and proposals, thus most of their time will be spent prospecting.  Usually within to 3-4 weeks they have generated enough interest or gathered leads that they too will need to find the time to quote and prepare proposals.  Point of the matter is that newbies will then sacrifice prospecting time to generate proposals and quotes, which then takes them on that downward spiral because there're not prospecting as much.


For instance this month (for me), is already 25% over, I have the next 3 weeks or 14 selling days to hit my number. Thus, I've already made a plan to be in by 7AM and leave by 5PM, and I'll save all of the quotes and proposal work for when I get to my home office.  Don't have a home office?  The I suggest you start one...NOW.


So from 7AM to 9AM, I will update my CRM, send emails, read emails, and prepare a few mailers. If I have no appointments for the day I will prospect all day long, since this is a short week in the US, I've got Wednesday and Thursday booked with half the day Tuesday and all day Friday ready for prospecting. 


Prospect by Day and Quote by Night works, and I hope you'll be giving it a go!


-=Good Selling=-



31 Ways to Close more Business (3 of 31)!

Whether you're selling MFP's, Document Management, and even Managed IT, there is always a time to close.  A good sales person is an excellent listener, and if you listen well enough in most cases, you'll know when to ask for the order. Asking for the order can be as simple as......


3.      Lease or Buy Close (either or):  When you’re asking the questions, save this one for last.  “Were you planning on leasing of buying the system?” If leasing, bring out the lease form and start filling in the blanks for them, if buying fill out the price and see how far you’ll go.  I’ve had customers that bought that way.  You don’t know until you try it.


Better yet, have the forms filled out before you meet with them. Do your homework, have a system, solution and price in mind.  In some cases I;ve brought out two leases, two order forms, two maintenance agreements for different systems.  Also bring a blank for this "just in case" scenario's.


-=Good Selling=-

Selling "When is the Right Time to Take A Vacation"

If you asked my sales manager, he would probably say NEVER! 


Many of us know that only the strong (tough minded) will survive more than three years when it comes to selling copiers, printers, and managed print services.  Those who survive more than 20 years of selling (not managing) to commercial accounts should be viewed as Olympians and those of us that have been selling 30 plus years should be viewed as Titans.


So, every year I struggle with when to take my vacation time. Do I take the time in December right after Christmas, or maybe in August for the week before Labor day, or maybe the week that leads up to Easter?  I've been fortunate to be at the same dealership for the last 15 years, thus I've been able to acquire some extra vacation time. But, when is the right time to take vacation when my sales won't suffer. I've also considered taking a week during the first week of the new quarter.


But, is a vacation really a vacation when you still have to hit your monthly and quarterly sales quotas.  My answer would be NO! It's never a true vacation, because if it was a true vacation then my quota should be reduced for the month that I took a weeks vacation, right? If I'm not working for a week then why can't my quota drop by 25%? WTF, I'm not working!!!!


If you ask your sales managers of Veeps of Sales about reducing your quota most of them will stare at you for a few seconds and then give you some smart ass answer why your quota shouldn't drop.  So, the real answer is even though we get vacations in our industry we really never get that much of the mental break that is needed from time to time.  Thus, this is one of the reasons why there aren't that many Olympians and Titans in the field or in the business anymore.


Ok, I've had my rant, I try to take time during the last week of the year from Christmas to New Years.  Thus, it's a mad dash to try and get all of my business finished by the 22nd or 23rd of the month.  The next time I will try and book is the week before Labor Day, there's just too many people on vacation already during the month of August and the week leading up to Labor Day over the years has usually been a dud.  If you're allowed to take two weeks in a row then I would suggest that you take the week of Christmas and the week after leading into New Years.  Past experience has proved that taking two weeks at this time of the year can really recharge your batteries.


One of my other thoughts was to take every Friday in the summer and turn the summer into a four day work week.  I haven't done this yet because I'm afraid that losing 4 selling days each month for three months would create too much stress with trying to hit the monthly and quarterly quota.  Hmmmm, if they would only reduce my quota when I'M NOT WORKING, this could be doable right?


When it comes right down to it, we really never get a vacation that we can never think about selling.  Why?, I think for most of us that have been doing this for so many years that we just can't turn the switch off.  The switch is always on, even when we're away.


With vacation time I always come back to a saying I heard and I can't remember from who, that selling is not a horse race for who is the fasted to the finishing line, but it's more like turtle that keeps on going and going and never gives UP!


-=Good Selling=-



BTA EAST Event "5 Reasons Why You Gotta Attend"

Figured I would use some Jersey slang for the "gotta attend" part.  I was able to attend the BTA event last year in White Plains, NY and was impressed. This years event is  Thursday & Friday in late September at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore.


The Inner Harbor of Baltimore: I've heard so much about it and I've never been there. The harbor is within walking distance of Camden Yards and M&T Bank Stadium. A water taxi connects passengers to Fells Point, Canton, and Fort McHenry.  If you're a sports fan, there's the Orioles and the Ravens. If you're patriotic then you can also visit Fort McHenry where Francis Scott Key was inspired to write our National Anthem the Star Spangled Banner!


Tod Pike of Samsung will give the keynote presentation. I've heard more good things about their equipment and dealer programs that I'm making this one of my top choices for the event!


Frank Cannata will moderate on the dealer panel for "Our Industry is Changing! Where Do We Go From Here". In my thirty plus years in the industry I've never been able to met him. I for one will be in attendance and also be fortunate to hear from other industry veterans.


Baseball with the Baltimore Orioles, here's another first for me!! I'm an avid baseball fan and I've never been to Camden Yards.  The home of Ripken!  The Orioles against the Red Sox with both teams in contention for the playoffs, what could be better, the house will be rockin!


The Six Education Seminars are always informative and can have a dramatic impact on what's new, what's changed, and what's happening in our industry!


Personally, I'm looking forward to see the many vendors, many Print4Pay Hotel members and writing about some of the new products and services!


BTA East will host its annual district event, open to BTA members and non-members from across the country, on Sept. 26-27, 2013, at the Hyatt Regency Baltimore in Baltimore, Md. This event will be a great setting to learn from industry leaders, gather new ideas and network with your peers. Register here!


See you in Baltimore!!!


-=Good Selling=-


Who Makes the Best Multifunctional Copy Machine?

I had posted this a few years ago and thought it would be good to get up on the new site.  While I was on the old site I was amazed that the site received 13,000 page views last month. ( Thus I added some additional information to the blog for everyone.


Since I started blogging about multifunctional copiers a few years ago, this question is at top of everyone’s list in the emails I receive.

Who Makes the Best Multifunctional Copy Machine?

To me it's not a question of who makes the best, the question that should be asked is "Who gives the best support and service?"

It's my general belief that most multifunctional copiers are equal when it comes to performance, quality, features and reliability. When leasing or buying a multifunctional copier you need to pay attention to the people that stand behind the piece of equipment. There's a saying in our industry, "that the lowest priced copier (equipment) is long forgotten after poor service", isn’t that the truth!

It's the people, the guy or gal next store, the cousin, the uncle or the friend. When you select good professional sales people and dealers even the worst machine ever manufactured could be the best system you ever purchased or leased.

How do you find these professionals?

Well there’re out there, and they’re usually not the companies that have the lowest price. Dealers and Direct Branches that excel have additional layers of support that are designed to support the customer at a moment’s notice, by either repairing the equipment right the first time, having a large inventory of parts and having experienced expert professionals to help with the complexity of these systems. Many of your local sales people can be found on linkedin, search for their company or you can search for them by name.

In essence when shopping for a multifunctional copier system, do yourself a few favors. Check out the people in the organization. Ask them how long they've been doing this and how long they've been with the company. If there is tenure, odds are the company that they work for are true professionals and experts with multifunctional systems. Also, do a credit check on that company, see if they are paying their bills, a so credit report could mean that you'll get so so support/service and may be indicative that they may soon be out of business. I can't stress how important the credit check is!!!

Ok, so some of you may still be asking what's the best? I believe there are three tiers of manufacturers for multifunctional copiers. Here they are in the tiers.

Tier I: Canon (includes Oce), Ricoh (includes Savin and Lanier), Xerox and KonicaMinolta (all are equal in my eyes, it will come down what features work best for you)

Tier II: Kyocera, Toshiba, Sharp (market share is lower than the above group)

Tier III: Muratec, Samsung, Okidata, HP, Lexmark

Did I leave anyone out?

5 Tips for newbie Copier MFP Sales Reps

In one week I had two emails from reps asking for help. I thought I would do a blog on it, FYI the "Distance Yourself from the Pack" (I can't believe that I wrote this almost four years ago), the last resource is reserved for Print4Pay Hotel members.


Go here and join for free, and then send me and email and I'll send you the last resource.

Hello Art,

I recently stumbled upon your blog and think it's great. I'm brand new to the industry and have been given a sales territory with no existing customer base and have been asked to grow it. I'm about 3 months in the field and have had few wins so far. I was wondering if you had any tips for me that could help me get set on the path to success.

I'd also like to know that last resource from the article "Distance Yourself From the Pack".


First things first in order to get more wins you need to have countless opportunities that can be closed in any given month!  Let me give you an example.  Our month ended on the 23rd of July (dam bean counters), moving into August 6th, I've already closed four deals and have two closes scheduled of this coming week.  But, I have another 10 accounts listed that I feel will order/close (with me or someone else) and then another 8 accounts that I consider are long shots to order/close this month. In total I have 22 opportunities that I have a shot at closing. 

It's all about prospecting, more potential buyers in sales funnel will equal additional sales per month.  The really tough part to get to this point is that you need to prospect your ass off.  Someone once stated that 50 calls a week is a "hobby", and that's true you'll need to make at least 120 cold calls per week  (since you're new and have no book of accounts), plus you'll have to get out in your territory and do a few meet and greets. 

Here's a few things that may help you:

1. Join the local Chamber of Commerce and get involved with being on a committee or an officer and make sure when you go the the meeting you go alone, this forces you to talk to others.
2. Join a local network group if you have any in your area.
3. Chart how many calls you make every day, how many DM's you get on the phone and how many appointments you make, at the very minimum you will need 6 appointments per week.
4. Set a goal of 15 points each week. Use one point for appointments, 2 points for a demo and 3 points for an opportunity. An opportunity is a prospect that you've generated a quote/proposal and may order/close in the next 90 days.

5. Join the Premium Print4Pay Hotel forums, and collaborate with other industry sales professionals and see what they are doing on a daily basis to keep their sales funnel full! If you're really serious about your sales career you should access the Premium Membership here.

I also use my 5 Step Box approach, all of this works, even if it sounds corny, hard work will get results.  Always keep this in mind, "the harder I work, the luckier I get".


-=Good Selling=-

The Most Interesting Woman in the Copier Industry!

What started as a great head start for August sales turned into a crap show leading up to the last day of the month for me. 


I had 36K booked at the end of the first week, thus needing a minimum of $25K seemed like a no brainer, right?  Things happen, and I call these conditions and these would be items or happenings that are out of your control (I hate conditions).  One deal was pushed to September since the customer could not take delivery on time and every other deal did not move forward enough to make the deadline!


However, I always like to tell a good story and this story has a somewhat of a good ending.  Probably all of us or I hope most of us have that one special inside person that can help get things done for you.  Whether it's with lease approvals, maintenance, supply costs, meter reads, etc.. I am fortunate to have one of those people that I work with.  She has been with the company for probably 25 years, she can runs rings around most sales people, knows the leasing side for the business inside and out, has excellent rapport with the customers and pretty much knows the copier business inside and out.  I would call her "The Most Interesting Woman in the Copier Industry", actually I've never called her that until now, but she deserves the title.


Since we've both been with the company for many years, she is very familiar with most of my accounts.  Thus, while I was out trying to secure new business, keep up with appointments, proposals and all of the things that we need to do.  The Most Interesting Woman in the Copier Industry was working her magic with one of my accounts.  She had been keeping me in the loop with this current customer about two systems, and since she was already engaged with the customer on another front I was ok with her helping me out. 


The end result was that her efforts helped me close to additional sales for the month!  So, when all seemed it was lost, an awesome co-worked helped me out and also helped the company out.  I would hope that most of us would have a person like this on their staff, and if not I wish you did.  It's a pleasure to work with others that are just as knowledgeable about the industry, wants the company to do well and in general is a good person.


To the Most Interesting Woman is Copier Industry, kudos and thank you for your help a few days ago, but more importantly thanx for all of your help over the last 15 years!!!!


-=Good Selling=-

Android-Based MFPs & Copiers to the Rescue

Every now and then you may get something that you wished for.  A little birdy put me on the hunt today for additional information about the smart operation panel that is used on the new Ricoh MPC 03 color series aka Metis.


Sometimes you can find the information by reading between the lines, the new smart operation panel from Ricoh is available as an option. That option will set users back a cool $380.00  I thought, "that's a pretty steep price for an LCD screen that you allows you to pinch, swipe and flick an image. Just maybe there is more in the naming of the screen "operation", could it be that simple?


All of this leads me back to an article that was published by Photizo on August 6th of 2013 where Ann Priede reported that "Ricoh released multifunction printers (MFPs) running Google Inc.’s Android operating system", along with that statement Ricoh is also actively seeking to recruit developers to create commercial software applications for their MFP's.  A recent google search also showed a Ricoh article that was posted on the Nikkei.


When Sharp first introduced their swipe & wipe screen on their MFP's there were quite a few threads on the Print4Pay Hotel discussion forums about the need for the industry to move to a standardized OS (operating systems) for all MFP manufacturers. One of the threads made mention of the lower manufacturing and development costs.


Thinking forward, I've always been a big fan of having the ability to maybe plug my smart phone into the MFP and use my phone to do what I want with the MFP, whether it's to print documents and photo's that are stored on my cloud service (dropbox, box, google drive, etc) or to scan docs to my cloud service. I would also be able to print a web page or a document from that web page.  I don't think that I'll be able to plug my smart phone into an MFP in the near future. 


But, what I do think is that with an Android OS I would be able to access any document or print any document from any cloud service that I desired.  There's also a lot of people out there that are much smarter than me and I'm sure there could be some awesome apps that would be developed that could change entire business processes for the better. In a recent blog I spoke about the ability of a KonicaMinolta mfp that had the ability to display a corporate message at the copier. Our members took it a step further and offered up, "why not have a sponsor ad running on the mfp that could generate revenue dollars for the dealer and lower costs for the customer".


Yes, it's somewhat farfetched but in reality copiers with an Android OS is the future, especially for authentication and security purposes. If I were a developer I would develop a biometric log in app and then that app would track all usage of all operators at the MFP. I would track what documents were copied, what was scanned, where it was scanned, what was faxed and have a timeline report for every user.  The vertical market applications are endless. I wonder if I just gave someone a million dollar idea?


As our industry continues to evolve, our ongoing revenue streams could become quite different than just getting revenue from the click stream. I'm looking forward to seeing the first smart operation panel from Ricoh and I'm looking forward to see who will be the next wave of creative thinkers and developers in our industry. 


-=Good Selling=-


To my "little birdy" egads I couldn't help myself!!

Top Ten Upcoming Copier RFP's for September & August 2013

We continue to work to bring you the latest Copier, Copy Machines RFP's & RFQ's that become available on a weekly basis. However it's always good to check in every day to see what's new.  A little game that's played by many is that the dates between the official start of the RFP to the close date may only be a few weeks, thus it's important to get notified ASAP.  If you're a premium member of the Print4Pay Hotel, you'll get immediate email notification when any RFP or RFQ is posted (within minutes).     Enjoy!


3 Coin Operated Copiers Needed in New Jersey


Production System (Color) and Monochrome needed in Illinois


15 Copiers required in Ontario (close 9/2013)


14 Copiers needed in Washington (Closes 9/10/2013)


Digital Copier Cost Per Copy Program (closes 9/16/2013)


Copiers Needed in Missouri


5 Copiers Needed in Washington, DC


Copier Needed in Michigan


84 Copier Needed in California


22 Copiers Needed in Kansas


In total there are more than 166 copiers that are up for grabs!!!  You can secure your Premium Membership here.


-=Good Selling=-


31 Ways to Close more Business (2 of 31)

Zero Interest Lease “Create Your Own” to Close:

That’s right, you’ll usually want to keep your price right around MSRP.

Offer ZERO percent to own with this strategy.  Purchase price is 10,000, divide the 10,000 by 60 months = $166.66 per month.  The take the @166.66 and back it into the $1.00 out rate factor. Here, I’ll use an aggressive .0210 (I’ve seen this), thus you’ll get funded from the leasing company $7.936.19.  Just like giving them a 20% discount, however it may just be enough to make someone move NOW.

ZERO percent interest to own the system!

-=Good Selling=-

Our Top Ten Copier Proposals/Quotes for July 2013

Yup, with the new site and still having to keep down my day job.....I've been a little busy.  But before I post these I just wanted to tell you that I received a call from a Print4Pay Hotel member that is quitting his job of selling MPS and Copiers after 20 years with that company.  Basically, it came down that a new manager was hired and that manager wanted to micro manage the sales people to death.  I call this type of Management "Ikonisum", which relates to the many managers that were let go and found themselves a position at a Dealer.  They took those over bearing rules, reports, meetings and stuck them right where you know where.  It's a dam shame.....but someone else will benefit from their loss and this guy will surely land on his feet!!!


Canon 2525 Monochrome.pdf


Konica Minolta BizHub 363 System.pdf


kyocera C250i proposal.pdf


Copystar CS2560 pricing.pdf


Multi Konica Minolta BizHub25,36,42.pdf


savin c9075_Savin c9065_Savin C5502 price quote one dollar.pdf


savin c9075_Savin c9065_Savin C5502 price quote FMV.pdf


xerox WC7775PC.pdf


konicaminolta bizhub c452 proposal.pdf


konicaminolts c654 proposal.pdf


Please keep in mind that you need to pay the piper in order to view these, but you'll also have a one year Premium Membership for the Greatest Imaging site for Imaging Professionals in the World!!!


-=Good Selling=-


