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MFP Copier Blog

My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

Let's see I entered the industry in 1980 via a State Sponsored program to put people to work in the technology industry.

I went to copier training school for a good 12 weeks to learn how to become a copier technician and was paid $3.50 per hour!

In 12 weeks I graduated and was assisted with getting a job at a local copier dealer as a copier technician.

The copier tech thing didn't work out, however I was offered a job to sell copiers.....and I never stopped, never was a slacker and had this thought that I was never really good at anything however I could be great at selling copiers.  Many years later I had this silly notion that I wanted to make my name synonymous with the copier industry as xerox is to a copy.  What a pipe dream eh?

Thus now that I'm on the downward trend of my career there are still some things that I'd like to accomplish and maybe somethings that I'd like to see happen before I exit (not saying that's going to happen any time soon).  But here's my list:

  • I'd like to have one day of door to door cold calling with out seeing a "no soliciting sign" or dealing with a rude gatekeeper.
  • I'd like a prospect to tell me this, "we like you, we like your product but we think your price is to low, how about we increase the lease payments by a hundred dollars a month if we sign the deal today"!
  • I'd like to get a lead a day for the next 30 days, with no prospecting involved.
  • I'd like to go an entire year where I've reached my monthly quota by the second week of every month.
  • I'd like to nail my yearly quota by the end of the second quarter every year.
  • I'd like every prospect to call me back after the first message I left for them.
  • It would be awesome to tell at least one cheap, tight ass prospect that I don't want to do business with you.
  • For one week, I'd like to make an appointment with every cold call I made that day.  Heck, I could have a months worth of appointments in one day.
  • I'd like to have one month were all my commission reports were correct in my favor.
  • Last but not least, I'd like to be able to get an order for 100 systems in one order, heck I'd even take 50 but then I'd want a hundred.

Enough said. Actually one more item, when I was let go with the copier tech position the owner of the company asked me a parting question, "let me ask you one question", he reached into his pocket and pull out a c note and stated "which would you rather do, work two days for this $100 dollars or would you rather try to talk me out of it"?  Now I thought to my self that my mamma did not raise a fool and I answered with, "I'd like to try and talk you out of it", with that I was offered the job in sales....hmmmm, maybe this should happen more often on interviews???

-=Good Selling=-

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business

Finally!!! I've put the master piece togther.  31 Ways to Garner Net New Business, and I'll be posting one of these per week as Premium Content once the New Year of 2014 kicks in.  


But in the mean time I've started a topic on the P4P Hotel forms titled "Net New Business How Do We Do it".  


I'm hoping that many Print4Pay Hotel members can chime in so we can SHARE our success stories and what's worked and what hasn't worked.  Since my comp plan pays me more for net new business it's been a  necessary evil that I need to re kindle the hunting aspect of obtaining new business.


I'll be sharing how I interact with Linkedin, Twitter, Youtube, my Blog, and how using these simple tasks has enabled prospects to find ME.  In addition I've created an additional short list of other action items that I've done over the years to help generate additional new accounts.


To, kick off the new blog series, I'll be posted the first two below.  Enjoy and thank you for being a member of the Largest Social Group of Imaging Professionals in the World!!


All of these points below will establish yourself as a person who is knowledgeable with the industry that you work in.  Thus over time you will be considered by your customers and prospects as the resident expert or guru, this then establishes trust with them that you have the knowledge and expertise to help them attain their business needs.


  1. Prepare your online profile with Linkedin. Be specific about the “summary” portion of your profile, be sure to include statements that will tell prospects how you can help them with the products and services that you provide.  When you’ve wrapped up and order or have gone above and beyond to secure someone’s business.  Ask them for the names and phone numbers of three of their contacts that they think may have a need for your services.  I know it sounds kinda funky but it works.

  2. When you’ve wrapped up and order or have gone above and beyond          to secure someone’s business.  Ask them for the names, phone                    numbers and or email addresses of three of their contacts that they        think may have a need  for your services.  Sounds funky but it works.


-=Good Selling=-

31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales (#21 of 31)

Some of the best closes are the ones that sound out right dumb that you don't dare to use them right?  

I learned along time ago that you always have to ask for the order in one way or another. It's a shame that I don't remember most of them when I need to.  

But, by reading and writing these closes it brings back the basics!!1 Enjoy!!!

  1. 21.     The Columbo Close: Have you ever watched the show Columbo? He was a master of the just one more thing. Right before he left, he would turn around and say, "just one more thing". This would allow him to probe deeper and he always got his man…. or woman. Thus when our prospect gets up and is about to leave (take into mind that you have not signed the order and it seems all is lost),  you share your goodbyes and shake hands. Then right before they leave, you say, just one more thing. I’m just curious, was it my company? Was it my company’s integrity? Was it my integrity? I’m just curious to satisfy my own mind, was it me?
  2. The answer is usually the objection. Then ANSWERING the objection is what you need to answer in order to close the deal. Here is an example of what you might hear: No, it’s not you, I just have bad credit and I don’t think I will qualify. OH, is that all? Then you can say:  You see we have a special department that specializes in credit challenges. In fact, there’s a discount program that we can get you qualified for that will help with interest rates, let’s try it, it can‘t hurt. Then you can close them.  Find the objection right?

-=Good Selling=-


This is a "blast from the past" blog that Scott Cullen ran almost ten years ago.  Scott and I have known each other for many years and I'm a big fan of how he covers the imaging industry.   Scott is now the Editor of  "The Week in Imaging" and if you have a chance check out his awesome stuff!!

By Scott Cullen

The old ways of selling just don’t cut it anymore in the age of connectivity. While a good salesman can sell just about anything, the general consensus in the industry is that additional knowledge and strategies are necessary when it comes to selling more than a box. Dealers, industry analysts and manufacturers were asked about the ten things every digital equipment salesperson needs to know. Their answers yield some interesting insights. 

1. The MIS/IT Manager. If you’re going to sell a connected solution, you’d better get to know this person, says Dick Norton, president of the Saratoga, California-based market research firm DocuTrends. After all, he or she is going to have a big say in the final decision regarding the hardware that will be hanging off their network. “If you can’t communicate with IT personnel, you’re dead before you start,” adds Jeff Smith, president of Pro Buyers LLC, an organization that assists businesses in acquiring equipment. 

2. The customer’s workflow. “The basic issue for sales reps is what’s going on here and how does my machine fit,” says Norton. Ultimately, this leads to what Rick Clayton, associate director for CAP Venture’s Converging Digital Peripherals Consulting Service calls, “consultative selling” where sales reps focus on things other than the box they’re selling. Echoing Norton’s thoughts, Clayton adds, “Sales reps need to understand the issues and make a recommendation.” 

3. Basic networking and connectivity issues. As Norton explains, it’s essential that sales reps not only know to use a network device but how to teach people how to use it. That’s not to say they need to become certified network engineers, but they should have a general understanding of networking buzzwords, types of networks (NT, Novell, etc.) and basic networking issues. Pro Buyers’ Smith believes it’s important for salespeople to intelligently discuss how the hardware and software solution can take a bitstream like UNIX, for example, on a mainframe and convert it to a PDL that the customer’s system can interpret and output.

4. Sales cycles will be longer. The more complex the solution being proposed and the more decision makers involved in that decision, the longer the sales cycle. In some instances, sales cycles can stretch on for months, so sales reps need to practice patience.

5. Practice what you preach. “Salespeople need to demonstrate in a practical way that they know how to use technology and present themselves in a digital document management way to customers,” opines Smith. What he means is using contact management programs such as ACT! Or Goldmine for communicating with customers and for targeted campaigns focused on getting their message across to those customers. “IT people respond to people who know how to use these tools,” says Smith. 

5. How the customer plans to use the product? “Before you talk benefits, you need to find out how the customer will be using the product,” says Russ Jacketti, vice-president of sales for WJS Enterprises, a Metairie, Louisiana-based office equipment dealership. “Once you find out their main objectives, then you can put the components together.” For example, he notes that many businesses may only want the digital device to function as a network printer and knowing this up front is critical especially when a manufacturer offers multiple controllers. 

6. Who to bring with you. Because a sales rep may not have all the answers, especially when dealing with IT personnel, Steve Santucci, regional digital sales manager, for Ricoh Corp., emphasizes the importance of bringing a friend, such as a network specialist. “If you’re not an expert make sure you bring someone who does,” says Santucci. 

7. Where to read all about it. Both CAP’s Clayton and Pro Buyers’ Smith emphasize the importance of keeping up with the newest technology and trends. Smith contends that reps who are selling digital products need a lot of knowledge. “It’s not like the old days when you could get by on limited knowledge and still be successful,” says Smith. Not only does Smith recommend reading manufacturer’s materials, he emphasizes the importance of reading PC publications, industry trade journals, such Office Dealer as well as market research materials from any or all of the many market research and testing companies that focus on the digital world. 

8. Where color fits in. “I think we’ve finally arrived at the year of color,” maintains DocuTrend’s Norton. “I’d look for color on the network.” Assuming he’s correct, then the time is right for placing a color device where it may never have been before. With lower-priced color copiers that produce anywhere from 21-28 ppm available in the neighborhood of $5,000, customers may be a whole lot more receptive to one of these devices than they had been way back in the 20th century. Similarly, Ricoh’s Santucci says reps need to know not only about color but color RIPs. 

9. How to use the Web to find prospects. CAP’s Clayton emphasizes the importance of the Internet for hunting down prospects for connected solutions. He suggests reviewing the Web pages and annual reports of not only the largest companies in a given territory but also identifying prospects by the types of products and services they offer. 

10. Vertical markets and applications. “Vertical markets have their own applications,” says Clayton, who again emphasizes the importance of moving beyond selling a box and focusing more on applications and return on investment. What better place to do this is in vertical markets that have their own unique applications. Similarly, Santucci emphasizes the importance of having the customer define their applications whenever possible primarily because they have that day-to-day understanding of what they’re doing.


Note from Art:


Seems most of this still holds true today, note that there was no mention of social media 10 years ago, look how fast social media has changed the way we work, the way we communication and the way we relaxe.  Amazing!


-=Good Selling=-

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (4th Week of December)

"The American Soldier" is named as Time magazine's "Person of the Year". The periodical's editors chose the anonymous soldier to represent the 1.4 million men and women serving in the United States Armed Forces.
Yikes!!   One of these threads is when Rick Taylor was with Toshiba.  
Last few days of 2013 left, Hope everyone was able to make their quota, stay healthy and family and friends are safe!!
12/31/03 9:25 PM
Source I have said any graphics color in the next 2-3 years will be toshiba OEM. I post questions on the league and the silence is deafing. Some posted a rumor about ricoh relableing konica or something like that a Dave jump all over that and said the...
12/31/03 6:46 PM
Reply by Guest
Sources told me the 50ppm color laser printer is Ricoh's OEM product. I was not aware of a 50ppm copier to be released by Ricoh. I was aware of the 32ppm copier printer (toshiba OEM).We'll have to do some more checking!
12/31/03 5:42 PM
Reply by Guest
The 50ppm color system is Toshiba OEM. Other rumor is the trade off will be that Ricoh offers to Toshiba the 2090, 2105 for resale. Uh-Oh...
12/31/03 2:20 PM
Reply by Graham
Just looked at it on the Ricoh Japan web site, all I can see is pictures since I can't read Japanese . Looks very similar to the CL7000CMF but I did see a saddle stitch pic.Attached is the Japanese brochure, it has the pics of the saddle stitch...
12/31/03 9:47 AM
Topic by Mike N
Does anyone have an LCT adapter for a 6513. I have had one on backorder from Ricoh for over a month now.
12/31/03 9:10 AM
Reply by Guest
quoteriginally posted by Rick Rivera:sold a gbc streampunch in November. Removed it in December.A) "hanging chads" not falling into "bucket", falling into the unit itself jamming the entire system.B) during our "launch"...'it's really cool and it...
12/30/03 7:03 PM
Reply by Guest
12/30/03 6:40 PM
Art,The 50PPM you speak of, is it Ricoh OEM or Toshiba?JG
12/30/03 6:22 PM
Reply by Guest
Pete just called me and spoke about this. Finally we will have our bookletmaker for the CMF and the AP versions!!!!!!!! Watch out Canon!Plus rumor has it, we will have our 50PPM color printer sometime in 04. Rumor also has it that the system will be...
12/30/03 6:00 PM
anyone have any info? Pete?JG
12/30/03 1:44 PM
I hope ricoh will update firmware so the 2035's will do scan to file also. I have customers who would pay for that update. JG
12/29/03 8:35 PM
Reply by Guest
Toshiba America Business Solutions Inc.Rick Taylor Senior Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Business OperationsIn challenging economic times, companies look for cost-cutting, profit-saving solutions that demonstrate tangible, traceable benefits...
12/29/03 8:35 PM
Reply by Guest
Sharp Electronics Corp.Ed McLaughlin PresidentSharp Document Solutions Company of AmericaJust as information and the speed of its communication grows and changes each day, the evolution of the imaging marketplace is dynamic. Sharp and its dealers are...
12/29/03 8:34 PM
Reply by Guest
Kyocera MitaMichael Pietrunti Vice President of MarketingKyocera Mita and its network of independent dealers are poised to capitalize on strong economic growth prospects for the U.S. economy in 2004. Kyocera Mita's market share will continue to...
12/29/03 8:32 PM
Reply by Guest
Xerox Corp. John P. (Jack) LaffertyVice President and General ManagerNorth American Dealer ChannelOne of the trends leading the office market today is the continued shift from standalone machines to connected systems. One in five office workers spends...
12/29/03 8:30 PM
Reply by Guest
Ricoh Corp. Tom SaliernoPresidentRicoh U.S.One of the most significant changes we at Ricoh see in the workplace is clearly a demand for increased workflow efficiency through the management of documents with software solutions. (For example, more and...
12/29/03 8:28 PM
Reply by Guest
Canon U.S.A. Tod PikeSenior Vice President and General Manager of Sales, Marketing and AdministrationImaging Systems GroupTechnology has fundamentally changed the way businesses create, move, store and use information. To fully leverage these advances...
12/28/03 8:08 PM
Topic by Guest
Ricoh number 1 for 6th year runningFor the 6th consecutive year, Nashua's principal supplier, Ricoh, has managed to reach No.1 position in the European market - this according to Infosource figures for 2002.Looking at the Black and White market,...
12/28/03 8:00 PM
Reply by Guest
KudosRicoh should be rolling something like this out for the end users. Even though we have a few user from here. I think Ricoh marketing to the end users through sales people can do a better job and its a killer add on, closing tool...
12/28/03 7:54 PM
Topic by Guest
Believe it or not it’s more than just quotas.By Scott CullenWhether office equipment manufacturers and dealers want to admit it or not, there is sometimes tension, mistrust and miscommunication in their relationships with each other. As I noted...
12/25/03 8:28 AM
Reply by Boston Mike
Sometime is you were close like as in you misssed DMAP 3 by like 2 machines the would waive the chrageback. Especially if you are knocking out Xerox or Cannon.
12/24/03 1:05 PM
Reply by Old Glory
We have always been charged back From Ricoh's perspective, why wouldn't everyone be signed up DMAP6 if there was no consequence to not reaching the commitment.
12/24/03 11:16 AM
Reply by Darren ....
It was my understanding that the chargeback was always a feature of DMAP but not usually done... unless that was up to the discretion of the DSM, or it has changed since I was with a Ricoh dealer.
12/23/03 5:15 PM
Topic by Guest
This is a great email to send to your clients from this siteMonday December 22, 9:00 am ET ROCHESTER, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 22, 2003--Small changes in your office can translate into big gains in personal and office productivity - as well as make...
12/23/03 5:05 PM
Topic by Guest
December 22, 2003 -Hummingbird And Ricoh Corporation Form Technology Alliance Relationship introduces two distinct applications extending Hummingbird Enterprise™ solutions to help customers simplify business processes, improve productivity and...
12/23/03 12:27 PM
Topic by Old Glory
This four page bulletin describes the complex criteria Ricoh uses to determine who gets units shipped into their territories.Savins go to Gestetner and Gestetner to Savin ahead of Ricoh Dealers.Ricoh Direct operations get priority over everyoneSend me...
12/23/03 12:22 PM
Topic by Guest
TEN THINGS EVERY DIGITAL EQUIPMENTSALESPERSON NEEDS TO KNOWBy Scott CullenThe old ways of selling just don’t cut it anymore in the age of connectivity. While a good salesman can sell just about anything, the general consensus in the industry is...
12/23/03 10:57 AM
Reply by Guest
What does everyone think of this? I am very agressive in finding new accounts, this enables my competition to walk in sell them DMAP also. Combined with the new RMAP policy, it seems Ricoh has created a FREE for all!I for one have in my territory...
12/23/03 9:56 AM
Topic by Old Glory
"Ricoh Commercial Major Accounts is now focused on a new directive of pursuing only "true" Major Account opportunities...Due to this new direction we are discontinuing the distribution of the RMAP Pricing Portfolio effective 3/31/04.
12/22/03 7:50 PM
Topic by Guest
FACSIMILE FAX4410NF and FAX5510NFDecember 15th, 2003 - February 28th, 2004BUY 2 (mix/match) OR MORE AND RECEIVE UP TO A $2500 REBATEFAX4410NF / FAX5510NF Rebate OfferThe FAX4410NF and the FAX5510NF are two powerful mid/high-volume document...
-=Good Selling=-

Copier Leasing "Who is Stealing the Cheese"

I posted this almost three years ago on the old site and thought I would re-post for everyone.

While going through my emails the other day, I had an email from a client in the South. The email was in reference to "what is really the interest rate for a Fair Market Value lease for a copier."

The email stated that for the life of them they could not figure out the interest rate and was asking for help and advice. Well, asking me to figure out the interest rate is like asking me to get my dog to stop sniffing every pole or fire hydrate he passes. Not going to happen!

What I did enlighten them on is how copier companies figure out the monthly lease payment.

First, there has to be a rate factor that the salesperson gets from either the leasing company or the copier companies management. There are many different rates from many leasing companies and the rate factors change with the term of the lease (12,24,36,39,48,60,63 months), also the dollar amount of the lease would also change the rate factor along with the option at the end of the term (buy out).

There are primarily two different types of leases used: 

Fair Market Value: Leasing company gives you the option to purchase for a percentage of the purchase price. This type of lease has the least amount of interest. True lease, tax deductible and write off every month

Dollar Out: You own the equipment at the end of the term for one dollar. This lease will have a higher interest rate than Fair Market Value. This is a finance lease and may not be depreciated like a true Fair Market Value Lease.

What's more popular?

The Fair Market Value lease, basically has four options at the end of the term. A) Ship back to leasing company at your expense at the end of the terms. B) Renew the payments at the end of term for 30 days, 90 days, or longer, check the lease that was signed. C) Trade the equipment back to the dealer and start a new lease, the dealer will then return the system for you. D)Buy the equipment from the leasing company for Fair Market Value.

How was the Cheese Stolen?

So, who is stealing the cheese? Well in this particular email, the customer wanted to find out the interest rate, which I couldn't help with, however I asked them to send me a copy of the quotes and I would tell them how much interest they were paying over the term of the lease. The next day I received five quotes.

For you newbie’s out there, as long as you have the monthly lease amount you can figure out the lease purchase price of the system or at least come close. You take the monthly dollar amount of the system and divide by the rate factor. In this case the customer was quoted $762 per month for a 60 month lease. They were also quoted a purchase price of $26,375 and they had a buyout of $9,142. This made the lease base according to the Direct Branch $35,517.

Now using an average rate factor of .0200 we take the lease price of $762 per month and divide by .0200 which equals $38,100 that would be funded to the Direct Branch for the system that had a purchase price with buyout of $35,517. Well...., we can see that someone has "stolen the cheese".


If you now take the purchase price with buyout that was quoted at $35,517 and multiply it by the fair (60 month) rate factor of .0200 (fair for over $20k), the customers payments should have been $710.34. Hence the customer is getting ripped for $52 per month on a 60 month lease, thus paying an additional $3,120 over the term of the lease.

What's a rate factor?

Rate factors are given from the leasing company to the dealer or direct branch. A rate factor of .0200 means that the cost to borrow is $20.00 per thousand dollars. Thus if you wanted to prove the above numbers you would multiply $20.00 x 35.517 which would equal the payment of $710.34.

This was not a cost per copy lease, nor was service and supplies built into the lease, it's basically a game that has been played in the industry for years. Not only are they making money on the hardware but also "padding" the lease for additional profit!

To be fair, there are many different rate factors from different leasing companies, in this example I used an average rate factor. There are lower rates and higher rates that could either increase or decrease the amount to the dealer or direct branch. Most dealers and direct branches are in the average that I quoted.

Don't Blame the Salesperson

Don't blame the salesperson, most of the time the salesperson is not even aware of the average rates, there is a finance department at the dealer or direct branch that "pad" the rates to the sales person and or dictate that they HAVE to use these rates or ELSE! The salesperson is not getting the extra dollars for the unit.

In the instance above, the salesperson probably quoted the right purchase price, however they had to use a "padded rate" which increased the lease price per month. The branch received the additional profit from the lease.

Word to the wise, always when leasing ask for a purchase price for the equipment or the total amount of the order. Do some homework; ask what rate factor they are using and how they arrived at the price per month for the lease. If you think you're paying too much, you probably are.

How can you find fair rate factors? Well, that's probably the hardest part of the equation. You can always send me an email and I can give you the average for any dollar amount or term. Then you can do the math!

Oh, by the way, there are many dealers and branches that pass along rates without padding the rates, I think there are more of these than those who pad. I also think that this "padding" is much more common with direct operations than dealers. Just my thoughts!!

31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales (#20 of 31)

Have I done this, yes!  Did in work in my favor?.......well no, however I did get the order.  In a previous blog titles "What Type of Day Is It", I made mention that "business will not close by it self", yes there may be some strays that come in from time to time, but for the most part you've got to move the sales process along.


  1. 20.      Flip Em Close:  Try this, the customer wants to buy for “x” price and you want to sell for “x” price you really don’t want to come down and he or she does not want to come up.  Offer to flip a coin and have the customer call heads or tails.  If he wins you have to sell for the price he wanted and if he loses well you get your price.  This is a unique close!

-=Good Selling=-

New Vertical Market for A3 Color Printers

Dang, picking up a solid lead on a Saturday is a wonderful thing, right?  


So, I was out to do my Saturday AM ritual of dropping off and picking up my dry cleaning.  By the way, why is it that we sales people can't claim dry cleaning as an expense?  


Anyway, I needed to get a cup of coffee and I had been wanting to stop in at a new coffee roaster in the area for a few months, but just never had the time.


But I made time because I was jonesing for some caffeine.


I love the smell of coffee, however what I loved even more was seeing full color labels on the bags of coffee that were for sale, in fact there was a full color label for every product in the joint.  If you're a lead dog like me, well you just can't wait to get to the front of the line, get your coffee and then pummel 'em with a few questions!  


I was in luck, because both people that were working the joint were the owners.  They were so nice to help answer my questions, I started with, "do you print these labels",  and when the answer was yes, well lets say I was off to the races.  They were able to show me the printer (which is a Primera LX400), claimed that they are spending more than $200 per month in ink, and close to $200 in labels, along with the fact that the printer was so, so SLOW. I saw it printing was about 30 seconds for one lablel.   I thought,  it's a gosh darn GOLD mine!


I've already found out that just one label is .0455 cents and since the Primera is using a tri color ink cartridge that has a yield of 82-100 labels on average color (according to one site I found on the web). With the cartridge price at $44, and the full color labels that I saw printed, I'll be conservative and say the cartridge will yield 80 labels.  The cost per label is then calculated at .55 cents a label OMG!  (I will probably have to do some additional investigating with the customer to see if the yield of the cartridges that I found on the web is indeed the yield that they are getting our of each cartridge).


The labels are 4x3, thus we could get four gloss labels up on label media for our color printer.  The cost is $199 for 4,000 labels, so the cost per label is down to .04975. The label cost is higher, however the cost to print four labels in full color would be around .09 cents for my color laser printer.  I could really save them about .52 cents per label and we would be able to print 220 labels per minute instead of one every 30 seconds or so!!!


What's even more exciting is that they also have a need for waterproof labels and I've already scouted some interesting products.


I'll be promoting one of my A3 color laser printers from Ricoh, yes it's not a big sale however it will probably have a decent margin and if the business continues to take off, well you never know maybe they'll need three or four of these.


If you're always looking for applications, asking how they do this, or that, at least you have chance to present.  Many say that printing is going away,  I've always thought that print is not going away, it's just migrated from one vertical market to another. You've just got to find those markets.


I'll let you all know how I made out with this in a few weeks.


-=Good Selling=-

Selling MFP's & Copiers "What Type of Day is it"?

Where oh where has the year gone?  


With a mere 12 hours left of selling time for the month, the quarter and the year I was left with the daunting task of trying to enable another 20K of revenue to him my mark of 80k or more for the month.


While in the office today I yelled "What type of day is it"?, after no response I asked again "What type of day is it"? and from the cubical close to mine I heard the right answer......., "It's a GREAT day to SELL something"!  Darn tootin it is, every day is a great day to sell something. 


If you're keeping up with the "sales guru's" that are a dime a dozen on the internet, most are touting, "you need to be more of a consultant", "know more about your client", "become a valued business asset", "listen more", "build trust", "know more about how your client does business", "understand your clients pain", "discover your clients pain", and while doing all of this don't "become a pain in the ass"!  Don't get me wrong I agree with many of these tips for selling but many of these internet "sales guru's" are missing the mark.  YOU need to close business and the business will NOT close by it self!!


Would you agree or disagree that the amount of answering questions about your products and services by email is just about equal or maybe even a little more than the time you spend on the phone with answering the same type of questions?  I'm in the camp that believes I really do spend more time answering questions and products about my services more by email than by the phone.  


Let's take a simple question that was posed to me the other day by a prospect (we had already met, there is an interest for your product and service), you then receive and email that asks this question? 


Hi Art:


We're now thinking about financing the equipment instead of leasing it, do you offer financing or have some that you use?  How would you answer that in an email?  


1)  You could just answer, YES, we offer financing.

2)  Or, YES, we offer financing and what term are you interested in?

3)  Or, YES, we offer financing and I would recommend a 36 month lease for "x" amount where you own the equipment at the end of the lease for $1.00, would this work for you?


The first answer leads you nowhere, the prospect does not owe you anything else, however with 2 & 3 you are asking for an answer and are moving the conversation forward to a possible order. By far, answer number 3) may get you there quicker than number 2).


Treat the emailed question the same way you would treat the conversation in a face to face meeting.  


One other item I'd like to note there are some prospects and clients that would rather converse by email, you need to accept this behavior and make it work to your advantage. You can do this by giving them prompt replies, including links for additional information (you tube links are really awesome), attaching documents, and respect that they just may want to do business by email, I can tell you that there are many accounts that I never stepped a foot in their office until after the equipment was delivered!


It's always a Great day to sell something!


-=Good Selling=-


Copiers & MFP's "The Hidden Cost of Staples"

Copiers & MFP's "The Hidden Cost of Staples"

Have you recently bought a new multifunctional copier with a finisher/stapler? 
If so, can you remember if the staples were included in the cost per page or not included in the cost per page.  

Very rarely have I ever seen staples included, and I never though much about the cost of staples and to tell you the truth neither did any of my customers.  I tell em staples are NOT included and they say OK!  No BIG deal right?
Heck what does a box of staples cost, I know it's cheap and you know it's cheap but how cheap are staples when you buy em at STAPLES.  A generic box of 25,000 staples will set you back a whopping $4.99.  Let's dig a little deeper, what is the actual cost per staple, well based on the yield and the cost, the price of each staple would be .0001996, let me see that's.......ah...ah well its not that much.  When we think staples we're thinking "I could toss em in the garbage and it's no big loss".

Tonight was a lot like any other night and I needed to get some new information on the print4pay hotel forums for the members.  I make sure there is new information posted daily that is related to the industry. So, I decided to investigate the REAL cost of staples for copy machines.  To say the least I was amazed at the cost per staple when I did the math.

Let's take one of the BIG 4 Copier Manufacturers (Xerox, Ricoh, KonicaMinolta & Canon), and look at the cost of the more popular staple cartridges.  In this case this one particular staple cartridge will fit most of the models from 40 pages per minute to 90 pages per minute.  The cost for 5 cartridges which have a yield of 25,000 staples is $210.  So with 25,000 staples the cost per staple is a whopping .008426 per staple. Which is almost 500% higher than the cost of the staple that you buy at the Office Super Store.  That's a pretty step increase for a staple, but I'll say that most of the manufacturers present a fancy delivery system for the staple.  When using staples to make booklets the cost can be as high as almost two cents to staple the booklet.

I understand we're talking about pennies and fractions of pennies. But what about the high volume users who are stapling 10,000 booklets, did anyone tell them that cost of the staples alone would cost almost $173 per month. How about the church or school that staples 5,000 tests or bulletins or reports, was there a mention the staples would cost an additional $42 per month?   Heck, that's almost $500 a year in staples.

In addition the finisher/staplers don't come cheap. You can expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $6,000 per unit.  True story I was in a Municipality looking at some old equipment, in particular one copier had a finisher/stapler unit.  The cost of the finisher/stapler unit when they made the purchase was some $2,300.  Over the course of 5 years they only used the stapler 476 times (true most systems will give you a report of how often the stapler was used). In this case the it cost the Municipality  $4.83 cents to produce 476 stapled reports, and lets not forget the cost of the staple at .008. I recommended getting a new system without the stapler and keeping one nearby the system.

Something as mundane as staples, who woulda thought that the cost was so high, I guess it's the price we pay for ease of use and technology. Geessh, I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel when I have to write about staples!
If you're a dealer and you're sick and tired of paying high prices for staples then make click here to see how Polek & Polek can increase your profit margins!!!

-=Good Selling=-

Ricoh MP C3003/3503/4503/5505 & 6003 Scanner Review

Scanning, scanning and more scanning, it seems that's all anyone wants to do with MFP's anymore.  Prospects want to know how they can print and copy less and scan more.


What this suggests to me is that it's just a matter of time before the entire industry will adopt a cost per page charge for scanning.  


We'll go over some of the key bullet points of some of the scanning features that we haven't mentioned with Ricoh's new 03 (Metis) color systems, and just an FYI it seems finally all of the scanning features that we mention here are now available with any 03 series MFP from Ricoh.


  • One of the most interesting and obscure features with the new 03 series that you can enable an "auto file naming" when you purchase the optional OCR module. I've been able to test this a few time with different documents and each test has given me different results and I'm not blaming this on the 03 series, but the blame will lie with the document. Documents that can be clearly marked with the file name at the top right of the document will have better success with the "auto name feature". Sometime in the next few weeks I'll take my brother p-touch label systems and print some file names and adhere them to the document to see what type of results it will produce.  As of right now unless someone has a better suggestion, I'm a little lost on how to get the bang for the buck out of this feature.
  • Preview before Transmission is worthy feature, and it allows you to preview the scanned pages on the color display before sending them off to your desired location. Just an FYI on this, if you're creating a searchable .pdf you will not be able to preview the scanned document on the MFP display.
  • Drop out color enhances scan functionality and increases comprehension enabling users to delete one-color descriptions (Red, Green, Blue, Chromatic Color) so that they may extract important information in other colors.
  • Fuser off mode, how awesome is this feature, no longer do you have to wait for the copier to warm up in order to scan documents! With multiple users that scan documents daily this can add up to quite a bit of time saved waiting at the copier.
  • Not only can you scan as a .pdf but you can also enable .jpeg and .tiff
  • MP C6003/5503 and 4503 will scan 110 ipm (impressions per minute) in simplex (single sided) originals and 220 ipm duplex (two sided) originals.  Color or black at 300dpi
  • MP C3503/3003 will scan 79 ipm (impressions per minute) in either color or black at 300dpi.

That's about it for now, after many months in the field I can say that I've been pleased with how these systems are performing as scanners.  If you 'd like to read more about the Ricoh Metis series of MFP's click here for additional links.


-=Good Selling=-


Copier and MFP side by side Reviews

Many years ago I learned that all copiers are not alike, and way back, when we were up against a competitor we were taught to present a side-by-side comparison.  


Back in the day we either used a typewriter or hand wrote a side-by-side comparison to show the prospect that we had the superior equipment! Us old timers remember these right? a


Or how about the old copier spec books, they were published by various companies and it was every six months or every year they would publish another book will all of the current models and most of the past models.  It was a day of excitement in the office when we received the new books, because other than running into a brochure from a customer about a competitors model there was no other way to get that information.  


As always there were some enterprising reps that did find out ways to get the information and believe it or not one of the ways was to call another dealer and pretend that you were a potential buyer, during that call you would pump them for info and then try to get them to either fax you a brochure (there was no called ID then) and or to mail a brochure to your home.  Many times it worked and many times we were flushed out, but come to think of it, I also answered many calls from other sales people pretending to be a buyer looking for info.  Some got over on me and some didn't, but it was the way we did business back in the 80's.


Just the other day in the office I developed one of these for the Ricoh CW2200SP vs the HP T2500 and like always I was proud of what I developed and showed it to one of the younger reps on the office.  He thought is was awesome, then asked where I got it, of course I explained that I had developed it and stated he needed to do more of these for his opportunities!


I explained that the beauty of developing theses your self allows you to customize each one so that you can zero in on the features and needs that are important to your prospect in a short, clean, concise review of the system you are selling and the other system that the prospect may be considering.


Today, you don't have to develop these side by side reports yourself, many dealers and I'm sure many individuals subscribe to Buyers Lab.  Buyers Lab has been around forever and their information is always spot on.  You can run side by sides, environmental comparisons, total ownership, configure with options and the list goes on and on.  I've used Buys Lab off and on for the last 30 years, and not once did I ever question that one of their specs was wrong. I can't say that about a competitor that was in the same space with them a few years ago.  If you get the chance click this link and check out how Buyers Lab can help you.


-=Good Selling=-







31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales (#19 of 31)

It was many years ago that when it came to late December that I thought sales were done for the month.


I assumed this was due to the fact that I would be off a few days for Christmas and New Years and everyone else would too! 


I had no idea that there were companies that needed to make investments in technology to reduce their tax burden.  How dumb was I?  Fast forward, I'm now priming prospects and existing customers right after labor day about the end of year or asking them if they are interested in buying before the end of the year to reduce their tax burden.  Which leans me to #19



Section 179 of the IRS Tax Code to Close:  Look it up on google and you’ll see that there are still many advantages to a $1.00 out lease.


-=Good Selling=-

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (2nd Week of December)

Sir Michael Philip "Mick" Jagger (born 26 July 1943) is an English musician, singer, songwriter and actor, best known as the lead vocalist and a founder member of The Rolling Stones.  Jagger's career has spanned over 50 years, read more here or continue reading the popular P4P threads from ten years ago!



          12/15/03 6:50 PM
          Topic by Guest
          Xerox's Secret Weaponby Penny Lunt Content & Collaboration DocuShare, the document management software from hardware giant Xerox (, Rochester, NY, is a low-cost tool for sharing documents, scanning to a Web-accessible repository and...
          12/15/03 5:39 PM
          Reply by Guest
          With extreemly aggressive service rates and a duty cycle of 150k per month (and unlike other manufacturers Konica has a history of meeting their spec) this product is going to kick out a great deal of production units, as well as a few creative units....
          12/15/03 4:53 PM
          Topic by Guest
          December 15, 2003 -Konica's Colorforce(Tm) 8050 Named "Most Reliable Color Imaging Device In Its Class" In OPA 2003 Color Product Reliability StudyRAMSEY, N.J. -- December 15, 2003 -- Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. (Konica Minolta)...
          12/15/03 8:15 AM
          Topic by Guest
          Press Release Source: Xerox Corporation 'Selling Power' Magazine Ranks Xerox among Top 10 Sales Companies in the United StatesMonday December 15, 8:01 am ET ROCHESTER, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 15, 2003--Researchers at Selling Power magazine have...
          12/15/03 8:11 AM
          Reply by merlin
          We heard a few weeks ago from one of Ricoh Major Accounts Manager that Ricoh is at least a year away from replacing the 6513 with a new graphic color unit.
          12/14/03 10:27 PM
          Reply by Jayson Gilbertson
          The word I have heard is that ricoh has no plans to build any graphic color any time soon. Ricoh has let go one of the best graphic color people I have met, Bill Tiebo.JG
          12/13/03 11:46 AM
          Topic by Boston Mike
          Newly added features to PageScope Router v1.5 include:· Expanded Windows OS support including: Windows 2000 server, XP Pro, 2000 Professional and 2003 server · Ability to create and display log files with scan routing information·...
          12/13/03 11:41 AM
          Topic by Boston Mike
          NEW YORK, Dec 8 (Reuters) - Kodak Polychrome Graphics, an affiliate of Eastman Kodak Co.(EK), on Monday said they agreed to stop selling production printers made by Xerox Corp. (XRX), sparked by Kodak's strategic shift into commercial printing....
          12/12/03 8:25 PM
          Reply by Guest
          Oh my! I for one will stay away from this box, interim relabling will mean headaches and toshiba technology that RFG reps will have to learn in a short time. By the time the techs are proficient in the service and technology Ricoh will have their own...
          12/12/03 6:24 PM
          Reply by Graham
          I hate to be the bearer of bad news but....We sell the Kyocera Branded of this model. KMC2030 and it we have one in our showroom. I would have to agree that it has much better color than the CL7000CMF. I hate to say that, but from what I am looking at...
          12/12/03 6:10 PM
          Reply by Guest
          ReutersIkon Shares Soar on $1.5 Billion GE DealThursday December 11, 2:31 pm ET BOSTON (Reuters) - Shares of Ikon Office Solutions Inc. (NYSE:IKN - News), surged 26 percent on Thursday after a unit of General Electric Co. (NYSE:GE - News) agreed to...
          12/12/03 6:08 PM
          Topic by Guest
          BusinessWeek OnlineCan New Technology Recharge Xerox?Friday December 12, 4:58 pm ET For Xerox Corp. (NYSE:XRX - News), the millennium got off to a rocky start. Revenues have fallen every year since 2000, and Xerox doesn't expect to reverse that trend...
          12/12/03 6:00 PM
          Topic by dmurrah
          I heard from my Ricoh DSM yesterday that the negotiations are finished with Toshiba and we will see a relabled Toshiba color box first qtr.  This is a short term solution until Ricoh comes out with their own engine.
          12/12/03 2:24 PM
          Topic by Mike N
          I recently attempted to have Scanrouter Pro installed on a Windows 2003 server.  It appears that Scanrouter is not compatible with 2003 and would not complete the install.  Has anyone had this problem and if so is there a way around it.  Any ideas...
          12/12/03 10:17 AM
          Reply by Darren ....
          The 1055 controller is supposed to work on the 551. ... this according to Lee and our Ricoh area service manager guy.[This message was edited by dalsteen on Fri December 12 2003 at 08:33 AM.]
          12/11/03 5:29 PM
          Reply by Guest
          Sales, Service and Support people who sell Ricoh products. In the states there are Ricoh Dealers, Savin Dealers, Gestetner Dealers, Lanier Dealers, Lanier Direct, Savin Direct and Ricoh Business Systems (subsidiary of Ricoh USA), and Ikon.We are not...
          12/11/03 5:07 PM
          Reply by Anders And
          np I'll be glad to helpExactly who do you want to know about this site?Only Ricoh/OEM dealers/resellers? Or everyone in the business...
          12/11/03 12:07 PM
          Reply by Anders And
          Thanks to you all for info.Actually I'm working on the Danish market as a Ricoh Dealer, so my main competitor are IKON, at least when we're talking Ricoh.I agree with you, Ted; the color display is cool and it seems as if the Canon is much easier to...
          12/11/03 10:51 AM
          Reply by Ted
          I'm not a LDAP expert, but you can import address books from exchange servers etc into the Canon. Pretty cool as far as a time saver. You can have 10 different address books in the machine. One can be just email addresses if you want, one faxes, etc....
          12/10/03 8:57 PM
          Reply by Guest
          I am not the expert with LDAP.  We have members who sell the Canon line (dual products).  Can any of you Ikon guys help!  Ted,  can you help?
          12/10/03 8:22 PM
          Topic by Guest
          Press Release Source: Xerox Corp. Stephen Robert Elected to Xerox BoardWednesday December 10, 5:23 pm ET Board Declares Dividends on Preferred Stock STAMFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 10, 2003--Xerox Corporation's (NYSE:XRX - News) board of...
          12/10/03 11:13 AM
          Topic by Anders And
          Hi.Can anyone help me, i need some competitive info about Canon ir3320i (compared with Aficio 2035)Is there any difference in the way they handle LDAP information?Is it possible to use LDAP information when faxing from 2035?My customer is impressed by...
          12/9/03 6:51 PM
          Topic by Guest
          Question  What is included in the Network Printer Kit for the Di3510-2010 series?   Answer  10/100 BaseT support and USB Port.
          12/9/03 12:56 PM
          Topic by Mike N
          I am in a current bid against Minolta for 26 machines. From the Ricoh standpoint it is a mix of 2035S/P and 2045S/Ps.  Minolta is in with the Dialta 470 and the new Dialta 3510F.  Does anyone have any competitive information that might help in this...
          12/9/03 9:45 AM
          Topic by Guest
          Can anyone tell me who to call for used 7030D's or the Mita equivulant?Art
          12/9/03 8:04 AM
          Topic by Jay
          Anybody have their 2022/27 pulling info from their LDAP server, particularly from Active Directory? I can connect to the server but I don't seem to have the search context quite right and it does not find any user info. And of course Ricoh tech...

Advice For Starting An Unauthorized Copier Dealership

I always enjoy answering emails and today I was able to send this reply to a Print4Pay Hotel Member that asked me this:


A friend of mine and myself are potentially looking to partner together to start an unauthorized copier dealership. We want to tap into the niche market of customers who prefer reliable, refurbished equipment for the cost savings.

Do you have any advice for us in terms of what we need, challenges we'll face, and anything else you can offer?


How does leasing the equipment through a 3rd party leasing company work?


My response:


I could probably write for a few days about the pitfalls of selling used and or refurbished equipment without technical support from a manufacturer!

I had an authorized dealership for Adler Royal, Towa and Copystar, and we were able to get support from the manufacturer when we couldn't figure out something.  What was the Imaging Industry then and what is is the Imaging Industry now offers many opportunities for the enterprising Entrepreneur.  
The web has changed the way we do business, and looking back the only resource we had for support was from the manufacturers in the middle 80's.  If you have the time to do the research who can get almost anything you want at Alice's Restaurant (the internet) .  Thus I would suppose that if you wanted to start a copier business without be "authorized" you would have an easier go of it now than if it was 30 years ago.
What I can tell you is that guys like me and you relish hearing that the competitor that we are selling against is not "Authorized" and is selling used, off lease or refurbished equipment.  That my friend can put you on the defense early and often.  I'll admit there is a niche market for used, off lease and refurbished, however my pitch line to customers that may be considering used, off lease and or refurbished is "you can never second guess your purchase is you purchased a new system, and you will always second guess your investment is the used, off lease or refurbished equipment does not perform properly.
If I was thinking of going out on my own and I wanted to capture that used, off lease and refurbished market, I would at least partner (get authorized) from one manufacturer that would not tie you down with a quarterly or yearly quota for hardware.  Doing this would enable me to back pedal to new hardware if needed and would also enable me to get support from that manufacturer for their hardware.  So, let's take someone like Muratec, they have various imaging systems from various manufacturers that they have relabeled with their brand name.  I believe in their A3 lineup they their system are OEM by Konica Minolta and has been for a few years ( I could be wrong, and do your own investigation here) , you could then concentrate on buying those used, off lease and refurbished systems that you would be able to get support on.  Doing something like this would probably make you sleep better at night and also gives you the opportunity to sell new and used.
Existing dealers are diversifying (because clicks are eroding) and I don't think anyone starting a copier business now can be successful with just selling used, off lease of refurbished copiers. Ask yourself, would you open up an ice cream store and just sell vanilla ice cream?  
Don't get me wrong I'm not telling you NOT TO DO IT, I'm telling you TO DO IT, but do it in a way that makes good business sense to acquire as many accounts as possible.  Those existing accounts will be your GOLD MINE, after the sale you can then go back to them and sell them additional services because they TRUST you.
Leasing, well you need to partner with a leasing company that will provide the financing options you are looking for, Keep in mind that most leasing companies will not offer FMV with used, off lease or refurbished imaging equipment.  You'll also want to read all of the T & C's of the lease contract and see if you can amend them to meet your needs for some of the end of lease clause.  I always recommend Lease Corporation of America since they are a valued partner here with the Print4Pay Hotel.
One other item, I know how good you are, don't limit yourself to just copiers!!
Hope this helps!