Are you looking for a trendy topic to talk about with your prospects and customers? Get a conversation starting by asking if they can scan to any folder. Take Art’s talk track of last month for example:
"Wouldn't you want to be able to search your "scan to" folders from the MFP, rather than scanning to a folder or an email address and then going back to your desk to access the file, name the file and then move the file to your desired location?"
Their pain: If you're not solving this issue then your competition will. Dig deep, find out what kind of documents they are scanning, to which destinations, even ask to see the whole process. Most prospects and customers take minutes to get a single file to the destination it needs to be.
Scan to any folder: Save your customers lots of time by connecting their device to not just some, but all applications they use for document storage. Whether they want to scan to Microsoft SharePoint, Microsft Office 365, Google Drive, Dropbox or another application, you can help them with a single solution.
Sell solutions not hardware: With Udocx you can sell MFPs from brands like HP, Ricoh and Sharp that connect directly to applications such as SharePoint, Google Drive, Dropbox and many more. The solution is cloud based, easy to install on MFPs with internet browser and can be easily deployed across the organization. When signing the lease, your customer will not only be buying the MFP, but will improve the document flows throughout his company.
Free trial: Get yourself, your prospects and your customers a free trial and experience the amount of time that can be saved using Udocx. Visit or email and see what reseller opportunities there are for you!