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MFP Copier Blog

The High Cost of Noncompliance in Health Care

Health care IT security has been lackluster of late, to say the least, as countless breaches of patient data have taken place hcbannerin a relatively short period of time with no signs of a changing tide rolling in soon. This is one of the many reasons why regulators and law enforcement officials have started to come down hard on hospitals and other medical firms that are not doing everything in their power to maintain compliance and protect information from the grasp of hackers and other threats.

Although the cost of breach has reached millions of dollars, the fines associated with Health Information Portability and Accountability Act noncompliance can also be enormous, with an annual maximum of $1.5 million. When hospitals are struck by a data breach, fines can often occur as a result, providing the clearest sign that they are not following the guidelines of regulatory compliance closely enough to make a difference in their security programs.

Big fines
Healthcare IT News recently reported that one Massachusetts-based health care system has been fined more than $200,000 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Civil Rights. Interestingly, this development was actually the product of an investigation that began three years ago, when complaints regarding the use of insecure and noncompliant data storage systems were believed to have put patients in harm's way.

According to the news provider, the OCR has thus far fined medical firms more than $26 million for noncompliance since beginning to have a say in these matters, and the largest penalty came in the form of a $4.8 million settlement. This should make it clear that not maintaining compliance with HIPAA, as well as other relevant standards such as the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, can come with grave consequences.

"Organizations must pay particular attention to HIPAA's requirements when using Internet-based document sharing applications," the source asserted, citing a statement by OCR director Jocelyn Samuel in the wake of the penalty's finalization. "In order to reduce potential risks and vulnerabilities, all workforce members must follow all policies and procedures, and entities must ensure that incidents are reported and mitigated in a timely manner."

Preemptive work needed
Simply put, heath care providers will continue to suffer from a financial standpoint should they not begin to take more proactive steps toward protecting their patient data. Considering the massive economic damages of identity theft and data breach that have plagued the U.S. and other nations of late, these types of struggles and setbacks will only continue to intensify as time goes on, with government agencies getting more involved in oversight and investigations.

With secure cloud, email encryption and other helpful solutions provided by a seasoned and trustworthy vendor, medical firms can begin to turn the tides on hackers and avoid the heavy penalties that would otherwise accompany noncompliance with laws or victimization in a data breach event.


How One Simple (Smart Phone/Tablet) Print App Can Help You Close More Orders!

In advance of our Print Analyze App (smart phones & tablets) that is scheduled for February 9th & February 15th, I asked Jean Francois LE BRIZE to provide me with the same story that he told me at my first webinar a few months ago. 

Below is the blog from Jean:

There is not a lot of software aimed at the salesman in the Imaging business.

Among them, PrintAnalyze Full.

PrintAnalyze Full is a cloud solution: the Salesman can perform audits, retrieve meters, calculate a TCO, and make a first proposition. All this from a smartphone or tablet.

One day, a female District Manager I know was in pure prospection. Just as the rest of her team, she was assigned randomly some accounts with little information from the corporate CRM.

All she knew: she had to visit a little factory in the countryside, in the middle of nowhere. An ice cream factory.  She had the name and address of the Company. In the corporate CRM: 2 little printing devices.  Information probably outdated.

When she arrived, she asked the manager.  She was received by the owner who said:

“I won’t have much time. I just bought this factory one month ago. In the same time, I also bought a similar plant 10 miles away. Plus the one I already have near the Coast. We want to be the ice cream leaders in the whole area. I have a lot of work to do… So, please, be quick.”

The real situation was completely different from what she thought.  This company had changed in size and now, has 3 factories.  Furthermore, not a big amount of time to convince the decision maker.

paliteShe saw a printer, opened PrintAnalyze Full and noted the cost per page for that printer from the embedded Database. Then she asked the owner “Sir, how many pages do you print in your 3 factories?”   Our owner stated. "strictly no idea", the owner then call the accountant.

Five mins later, the accountant came in and said: “last year, we bought "x" reams of paper”.

For a seasoned sales rep, that was enough to make an assessment. Easy to multiply by the costs per page.

The District Manager said: “Sir, last year, you spent "x" amount of money in printing” to that printer I pointed out earlier.  To say the least the owner was astonished that he spent that much!

She carried on, “I understand you have a lot of work right now but can we discuss it next week?” The owner agreed for another appointment.

She closed the deal some weeks later.

How She Used the Software

When she told me the way she used our software, it was exactly as in the comics, a bell rang in my head!

She used it as a pure prospection software! No audit, no proposition, just prospection.

Well, it all began with that sales call.

Technically speaking, we had already a lot of pieces of the jigsaw puzzle: Database, Cloud, Android, Apple, customized report sent by email...

We just added Text To Speech and presentations with the touchscreen to accentuate the Wow effect.

And some months later, we are able to present to you PrintAnalyze Lite.

I would like to thank this District Manager. Thank you Elizabeth!

Note from Art:

I've seen the App, I'm using the App and the App has already turned heads as to how quick I can assess printers & mfp's in the field.  Pretty much, I had a distinct advantage over my competitors when engaging clients in the field.  I like that!

-=Good Selling=-

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Third Week of January 2006

It's Super Bowl Week!  Denver or North Carolina? I'm picking Denver because of experience and their awesome defense.   Take some time and review the threads from ten years ago.


Re: NCPG gets DMAP6 Cost

Boston Mike ·
Worked on my end at work and home. How does one sign up for this and are Jewish Temples allowed? Thanks -=Boston Mike=- Theo's back and you are all in BIG Trouble!

Re: NCPG gets DMAP6 Cost

Old Glory ·
The customer needs to be registered and I don't know how much they (NCPG) are going to care. For them, the more members, the better.

Re: SR90/GBC Streampunch

Jay ·
I had a lots of problems with the GBC unit when it first came out. LOTS of problems. But after we got it all ironed out it has been running great. The GBC rep at vision admitted there we some problems but he said the latest version has eliminated the problems. He was willing to give us one to test for 30 days to prove it. We have an SR90 on the same system it has been great. We have a number of SR90s out in the field without any major issues. If your customer is going to run a lot of...

Re: FM Audit and other USB discovery devices

Old Glory ·
I may be opening a can of worms here but I got a call from Polek&Polek. I can't remember which one they have but whichever one they have, they were willing to send me one for 30 days no risk/no cost. I don't know if that offer is open to anyone or just people who do business with them.

Re: Stamp Board for the 240W

jswinberlin ·
On most of the products you can program something into Program 10 and then go in and have the machine auto start in program 10 mode. I'd check into that.

Re: Scanning to MAC environment

glnsk8ter ·
look up info on sharing files with pcs. osX path \\ipaddress\username\public\scans in authentication user name may need computername/username make sure that you set permisions on folders (cmd I on folder to bring up permissions) sharing pane of system preferences put a check on windows file sharing the window will also show info at bottem relating to path to use

Re: Scanning to MAC environment

JasonR ·
I've done this, it works as Glnk8ster indicated. Setup the OSX machine to do windows sharing, point the copier to the OSX machine. TADA!

Re: Super Bowl Pick the Winner!

Shaja ·
Although I live here in the strange world that is inhabited by both Bears fans and Packers fans (southeast Wisconsin), if I didn't vote for the Steelers my fiance would kill me!

Re: Super Bowl Pick the Winner!

Old Glory ·
Maybe you need to rethink your decision to marry her...I mean, this is important stuff.

Re: Super Bowl Pick the Winner!

Neal ·
somehow a phrase with the word "whipped" comes to mind.

Re: New Xerox (Fuji) Wide Format

bandit41076 ·
pdf from XES brochure - made by fuji of japan. you can also go to digital for an interesting veiwpoint.... The aatched XES 6294 brochure.pdf has been moved to accountname: art_post username: p4pusers passcode: goodpals select the p4p user cabinet, then the wideformat folder, then Xerox Folder.

Re: New Xerox (Fuji) Wide Format

Since the only version of this brochure is European, here are a few specs so we can crush this system also. Xerox specs (mindful this is the euro specs), however I have converted the mm to inches. Width 55", Depth 22", Height 43" Weight 535LBS (this thing is a beast, trying getting this thing up a flight of stairs!) Recommended Installation: Width 99" and Depth 76" (I have double checked and this seems what they are calling for). Long Plots: need to max memory to 1.25GB Embedded Controller:...

Re: Super Bowl Pick the Winner!

Shaja ·
Hey, boys, take it easy, I'm a woman! Do I get points for being the understanding type????! LOL Go Cubs!

Re: Super Bowl Pick the Winner!

Neal ·
female and a sports fan? will you marry me?

Re: FM Audit and other USB discovery devices

Neal ·
I've had the opportunity to use FM Audit. While it is nice to have the info collected it doesn't take the place of a true site survey. It does and has missed printers. But that could be because it is an appliance that you really need to have a good handle on to use.

Re: Sold My first Print Mail!!

Neal ·
Art..does your client have Print Mail working now and how was the install? Is it all is said?

Re: CFG & SSL Reader problem with Plotbase

v-tec ·
I have seen the same thing and called tech support but no one has an answer. I’ve leave e-mails with Ratio, and then I get a call from Ricoh telling me not to talk to them. With over 60 units in the field, it would make me to get an answer to this minor problem.

Re: Sold My first Print Mail!!

We are finally installing next week! We have been waiting for three weeks for the saddlestitch finsiher. We are going to deliver with out, and Ricoh says we should have one by the third week of Feb! I'll keep you posted on the customers thoughts of Print Mail. Art Post

Re: FM Audit and other USB discovery devices

Michael ·
We have been using Print Audit "Print Key" and it works great. Plug it in, provide the IP Range for what devices you want scanned (most IT support people know this off the top of their heads) and then let the "Key" search. With in just a minute or two the results are downloaded to the key and you return to the office. At the office you can get some nice reporting informatation on the environment and then position your offering. FYI - we aren't using it as much as I would like, but where we...

Re: CFG & SSL Reader problem with Plotbase

chops ·
Re-installing the software seems to work for a permanent fix. Sometimes it's just a matter of checking the Reader on in the Properties tab...An IT guy at a company where this occured told me a "de-bugging" program they run on weekends throughout their network may cause the readers to turn off.

Re: Cost Savings for Document Managament

Neal ·
Art, you are right on! soft costs are a huge factor that many companies do not look at. the question then becomes, how do you get to the point where you are finding those soft costs? frankly, purchasing agents don't care, department heads...maybe. who is it that will focus on "big picture" items? who are the innovators in a company? the out of the box thiners? And can make your finding out about everything possible? High end assessments,like Printwise/Pagetelligence, are invaluable to...

Re: Cost Savings for Document Managament

Neal, thanx for the vote! However, I cut and pasted this paragraph from web article I saw a few days ago. I thought it would be a good to keep it and share it with others!~ Art Post

Re: Feature Article for February " Friend or Foe"?

Neal ·
In reading the article one thing came to mind. What is different? By that I mean that I am convinced that what so many sales reps and their dealerships are doing little more than that already. It amazes me when I am involved with my reps in deals today where the other companies and their reps have done little homework and simply ask two much you spending and when you want it? So many today are simply "Walmarting" their product. Going in with the lowest price and hoping for...

Re: Super Bowl Pick the Winner!

Shaja ·
Thanks for the smile. It's genetic: my mother is a ferocious Bears fan! (So I leave town when the Steelers and Bears play....)

Re: CFG & SSL Reader problem with Plotbase

jswinberlin ·
Okay. I found that when adequate time was allowed for Plot Base to close before reopening the readers opened 100% of the time. However, when insufficient time was allowed I received an error saying that Plot Base was already running and the CFG & SSL readers failed to open 100% of the time. So, it's necessary to allow ample time for Plot Base to shut down before opening again. Also, if the reader is closed when shut down it will not open when reopened. I talked with Mike from Ratio (the...

Re: Feature Article for February " Friend or Foe"?

Investment to include: Canon Color image Runner i.R. 2620 Auto duplexing document handler Finisher-M1 Network Multi-PDL Print Kit A-2 Cabinet/Pedestal Manufactures list pricing $16,655 Offered Price $13,195 Canon Financial leasing rates $0 security deposit required Fair Market Value optional buy out at lease term 36 Months $362.87 48 months $304.81 60 months $254.66 Service .085 color prints ( up to 12x18), Black&white prints 0.014 ( up to 12x18) This agreement includes all parts, labor,...

Re: CFG & SSL Reader problem with Plotbase

chops ·
GREAT INFORMATION, jswinberlin...thanks for the follow up !

Re: 480W 3rd roll paper in a 470W

chops ·
There's no way it will work...different electrical connections being one of many reasons.

Re: 480W 3rd roll paper in a 470W

Does anyone have the paper roll option for the 470W that they would like to sell? Thanx Art Post

Re: CFG & SSL Reader problem with Plotbase

v-tec ·
J I also spoke to Ratio and got the smae response. I think some customers or shuting down the PC before closing Plotbase.

Re: CFG & SSL Reader problem with Plotbase

JasonR ·
quote: I talked with Mike from Ratio (the software developer) today and he said to also check in the C:Spool directory for the cfg and ssl readers. There should be only two files in them; in.use and default.ssl If there are others such as prn or other unsupported files this may jam things up. This is why reinstalling the software may correct the problem. FYI reinstalling the software won't delete unsupported files in this path. I was fighting this issue, Uninstalled and reinstalled the...

Re: 480W 3rd roll paper in a 470W

Old Glory ·
I looked. I really thought we had one but no go...sorry.

Re: Sharp Introduces 8 New MFP's

Neal · doesn't work


Update, I meet with BERTL today and have secured IT chat for all of our members at no cost. I realize some of you already receive this for free. However, that means you must navigate to another site. I hope to have the up and running within a week or so! Art Post

Re: Novell and Ricoh MFP's

Our technicians are Novell Certified. I'll forward your question to them and see what transpires. In fact, I will be installing a 3025 SPF as soon as it arrives from Ricoh, and it will be on a Novell network. We placed the order Monday; so, it will probably be here one day next week. When is your meeting?

FM Audit and other USB discovery devices

Boston Mike ·
Has any got them?Are you using them?How are they working for you?Who is the top maker of these?Any other things I should know?

Ricoh and nQueue!

WEST CALDWELL, N.J., Jan. 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Ricoh Corporation, a leadingprovider of digital office equipment, announced today that nQueue, a Phoenix-based information accountability solutions provider for law firms, has joined Ricoh's Alliance...

Ricoh Aficio CL3500N

Ricoh is pleased to announce the launch of the Ricoh Aficio CL3500N Color Laser Printer. The CL3500N replaces the CL3000e color printer and delivers significant performance enhancements over its predecessor. This 22 ppm full-color laser printer...

Richo Aficio 4006 powering off

I've been puzzling over this one a almost a month now -- a client has a Aficio Color 4006, along with the Fiery module for allowing the system to be used as printer. The machine has been (what appears to be) powering off totally - the fans die, the...

Tip on the iR 7200 from Canon

If you have a printer in your territory with this system, most of them are not happy with the halftone reproduction. Just ask them and they will tell you.Of course if you are selling against this unit, focus on the halftone quality!Godd SellingArt Post

Re: AF1224 fuser problems

Savin gives us a discount, something like 2-3% in lieu of warranty claims. Thanks for the input tho.

Re: AF1224 fuser problems

Old Glory ·
Are there any Ricoh dealers out there that are getting a discount in lieu of warranty claims?

Re: Driver Installation Problem

v-tec ·
On the server you need to install the inf file for other operating systems. The D2 board is the interface PCI on the server that the Ricoh connects to. From the workstation browse for the “tools” folder on the server and you should see the winprint driver. SNMP only needs to be turned on at the server.

Don't Become Sales Settlers

I applaud DirecTV with their diversity. Not only are they continuing to make an impact within the cable TV wars; but they have also made a substantial impact within the sales world (more in a bit).

Their recent campaign plays on one single phrase, showcasing a frontier-era family in a suburban neighborhood who stick to antiquated ways such as a horse-and-buggy and, by the way, cable.

“We’re settlers son, we settle for things,” explains the father in “Neighbors” when his son politely asks why they can’t have DirecTV like their modern neighbors. In another spot, “Satisfaction” boasts of DirecTV’s and their outperformance of cable in customer satisfaction, highlighting the family’s own means of satisfaction: a stick and hoop, a faceless doll, cabbages and foot-stomping.

"Status quo, you know, is Latin for the mess we are in" Ronald Reagan

Settlers, complacency, content, relaxed, peaceful; it is out there right now within the closet of sales teams. Lurking in the dark shadows of their success. Hiding where you least expect to find it, a great balancing act of excuses. It is the silent business killer, lurking and striking sales teams without warning. It can bring even the biggest and brightest teams to their knees. What is this hidden terror, Settling!

Don't think it can happen to you? It strikes, every day. Settling, it happens to small sales teams even to the big and almighty. Settling is a ruthless disease. It cares not of the size of your sales team, length in business, or what day of the week it is. It cares only of the cold and timid, the hard reality behind this is while your sales team became content some other sales team was not. With extreme precision they rewrote the playbook.

They remodeled, retooled and engineered your sales business model turning it over making it better, leaner, rebranding it to resonate with today's modern business executive and KABOOM your customer has become their appetite for destruction. You welcomed them right into your sales jungle and your client base has become their paradise city. 

Allow me to address a few elephants in the room. Unguarded, they have been lurking within the sales broom closets for quite some time.

Lack of Sales Team Goals

A monthly quota, sure it is a goal, however; salespeople tend not to set personal goals, even if they do, these tend to be a wish list or a hope list rather than a must have list. Where is the burning desire?

No Pressure from Management

There may be some disagreement as some salespeople will bitch regarding their sales manager constantly riding their backs. Yet most sales managers tend to focus on the underperformers, and spend less and less of their time focusing on the top performers. As a recovering copier sales rep, I’ve been in bullpens and heard mutterings of “I don’t care what they’re doing if they’re hitting their numbers”. Coach, coach and coach my friends. This is why sports dynasties exist. 

Salespeople within Sales Teams are Tired and Jaded

Often times this radiates in salespeople who have been in the same company for decades or in the same industry for eons, particularly if their sales role hasn’t progressed much.

They’ve been seeing the same clients and prospects for years. Day after day, month over month talking about the same products, same services to the same people, monotony of their activity shows up in their attitude towards pushing themselves to the next level; leading to apathy, complacency and taking clients for granted.

Unless these salespeople find a way to invigorate more energy and interest back into their role, they’ll just mutter along in mediocrity until something shakes them out of the state they are in. Unfortunately, this translates into losing a client or the threat of losing their job.  Coach them out of this state before you lose them.

The Settler Signs within Sales Teams

  • One or two top performers without any close challengers
  • Same set of prospect and client names appearing on the 30, 60, 90 day sales funnel reports. 
  • Some of your sales team not responding well to your questions. Displaying  an "I know what I’m doing" mentality. 
  • Some of your sales team trying to divert the conversation from prospecting and new business development to how busy they are with existing clients or paperwork.
"Salespeople have hypnotized themselves into believing what they aren't doing doesn't work"

Sales Management I challenge you! Ignite the fire within your sales teams and help them kick the nasty settlers habit. 

There is a great quote within Jim Keenan's book, Not Taught...

"There isn't the luxury of time. We used to say, wait until this crisis is over and we'll get back to normal, but that never happens. We have to be change animals" Michelle McKenzie, President & CEO, Canadian Tourism Commission

The luxury of time no longer exists. Settling has become a rampant epidemic within sales departments. Time is of the essence, as Michelle states, "we have to be change animals"

Do not Settle, Create the Change

Speaking of change animals, I have been inspired by the friendship I have developed with Jim Keenan, known to most as Keenan.  He smacks change right across the top of the head and strongly challenges the status quo. Keenan brings an acute awareness and understanding that acceptance of change is critical within the information age we live in. This applies directly to the settler's mentality.

We have only three responses to change --- resist it, accept it or create it. A change resistor likes things just the way they are. A change acceptor will wait to see what is happening. While change creators have become today's problem solvers. 

Attention to all sales teams out there... become the change creators in your industry. Take charge of the buyer's journey. The reason why the buyers are so far along in their journey is your fault. 

"95 % of B2B decision makers expect new or different insights from sales professionals."
LinkedIn SalesConnect Conference 2014

Change creators pull organizations forward.

Change creators take action! 

Change creators identify new processes, look for new opportunities, bringing new and different insights into businesses with the goal of helping corporate executives solve problems or challenges. 

Adopting a change creators mentality your sales team will become true professionals focused on helping their prospects and clients for all the right reasons versus closing the "big deal" for their personal benefit.

Time to plow the fields with a combine as opposed to a horse drawn plough.

Stop playing with sticks and hoops. Let's foot stomp the wollering and complacency attitudes. As a sales team, adjust and stop settling.

If you enjoyed please share your comments. Look forward to connecting and starting a conversation.

Check out more at the Social Sales Academy blog site.

Please enjoy my other posts on LinkedIn Publisher and on SlideShare

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform and coach copier sales professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help independent office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy 

Does Your Copier Dealership Offer A Bakers Dozen?

It was the Eighties, we were in New Jersey, and I was leading the pack of six copier sales people.  We were all in our twenties, single and making oodels and oodles of cash selling plain paper copiers! 

Station wagons, hatch backs, pickup trucks, copier guerney's, rolodex's, change for pay telephone calls, yellow page books, business street directory books, mucho phones, mucho demonstrations, delivering your own copiers, and training end users were the staple of the copier sales person in the Eighties!

Minolta EP 450Z BetaNow, I could tell you some off the wall stories from my days of the twenty something's, but I'd rather reserve those stories over a drink.  What I can say is that the Eighties was an incredible time to be young, selling copiers and making lot's of dough. Just maybe, I'll get to meet all of you one day and share some stories.

January 1984

It was a day similar to today (cold, snow, dark) January of 1984, the reason I remember this date is because I found an old appointment book while throwing out some trash over the week.  Thus, there I sat in my office (at home), going through all of the pages of the appointments, notes, curse words and the amounts of cash I made on each order (kinda felt like Chevy Chase sitting in his attic in the Christmas Vacation movie)

That day in January, me and the rest of the team of twenty something's met with Dennis Gordon (awesome leasing rep) from Hertz Commercial Leasing.  Dennis was there to train us on how to present leasing, and the different programs that were offered. Back then, there was no FMV (Fair Market Value) lease, it was either a "Dollar Out" or a "10% Purchase Option".   Dennis also shared with us the "Rule of 72", the step lease and my favorite lease program of all time.  That my friends is the "Bakers Dozen" Lease!

Bakers Dozen Lease

To this day I still use the Bakers Dozen when needed.  The Bakers Dozen lease is simple, you take the purchase price, divide by twelve and then write the lease for 13 payments.  The 13th payment is the interest, you collect that payment upfront and at the end of the term the equipment is owned by the client. 

The Bakers Dozen lease was used as a closing tool for those clients who stated, "I will never lease equipment", those that asked your dealership to finance the copier over time with payments, and those clients that raised and objection because they did not have the funds to buy the equipment and were skeptical of leasing.

I say, bring back the Bakers Dozen lease!  Keep it as a closing tool, the old saying is that if you don't ask you don't get, right?

For those of you that want to ad this to your arsenal, click here for the brochure.

-=Good Selling=-

What is a Simple Workflow That Can Benefit Attorneys? "Part V for Print Audit LAW"

About a week ago I reached out to my friends at Print Audit for some advise for a PA6 LAW installation that I was working on.  While speaking with Paul Giorgi at Print Audit, I stated that if we can automate paper based billing for copies and prints with software, then that's a workflow right? 

Thus, with PA6 we would be eliminating the countless hours that are required to capture the pages, and cost the appropriate pages to the correct billing account.  In addition, we can have PA6 automatically create a billing report for a specific day of each month.  Time is money right?

In recent visits to trial attorneys, I've found some pain that is centered around faxing.  That's the same thought I had, faxing?  I'll post more on the pain of fax with trial attorneys in my next workflow blog

Here's some information that I wasn't aware of:

According to the 2014 ILTA (International legal Technology Association) tech survey, respondents 82% of law firms in North America charge for copies. however only 42% of printing to MFP’s are charges and 35% of printing for local devices are charges and finally less than 1% of law firms charge for scanning. Now remember these numbers because it’s important. we know in law firms that copying has fallen by 42% but Print has increased by as much as 65%.

This means that usage and paper are not actually gone down in the legal sector. The workflow has shifted from copy to print and not as many Law firms try to recover printing costs.  For many of today’s law firms, printing remains an unnecessary cost center and traditional copt recovery applications for Print/Copy can be antiquated, and expensive to maintain.

Does this mean that law firms are moving to a flat disbursement fee?  The Ilta Survey also states that Less than 3% of law firms in North America have created a flat disbursement fee to cover office supplies like Print/Copy/Scan/Fax. For an office equipment salesperson, this is a great opportunity to discuss a bundled hardware & software program.   

Did you know the 5 tech purchases in 2015 for law firms were Laptops/notebooks, desktop hardware, network upgrades  printers/MFDs, antivirus/antispam software? and only 49% law firms who responded outsource their printer repair/maintenance (Managed Device Service).

Since law firms are looking to buy printers and MFP’s and want to outsource the maintenance of those devices to an expert, why not include a workflow tool like Print Audit 6 into your proposal and come up with a comprehensive solution where you the office equipment dealer manages the hardware and the software.

Geesh, the majority of law firms are charging for copying, however half of them are not charging for prints.  I'll bet if I asked. "Have you seen a reduction in the amount of copies you are billing clients?", I would get a big FAT yes!  I would also bet the law firm doesn't even know why that copy number has plummeted.  We do!  It's because the firms are printing more and not capturing those prints.  WoW, do we have a story to tell!

If you're an Attorney and you're reading this, you can access the Print Audit Law brochure here.

-=Good Selling=-

What is Business Workflow? "Part One"

Workflow is Nice and Provides a Ton of Business Benefits "Part II"

Optimize document-based company processes by defining clear rules with DocuWare Workflow Manager "Part III"

What is Unstructured Document Scanning? Workflow Part IV

Why We Love B2B (And You Should, Too!)

Social selling and marketing gurus are firing loaded machine guns directed right at sales departments.

1.47 billion--The amount of active users that are on social media right now! (reported by emarketer (eMarketer)

2 out of 3 - That’s how many companies do not have a real social media strategy for their sales teams. Haven’t you ever wondered why so many businesses fail every year? (Sales Management Association)

We’ve all heard this popularly-quoted statistic:

that 70% of the buyer’s journey is complete before a buyer even reaches out to sales (SiriusDecisions)


In the past, I admit salespeople had it easy.  Access to information was limited and buyers had to rely on salespeople to make decisions. 

BOOM! Along comes the internet and immediately screwed things up for the sales profession. The internet immediately altered the customer journey or buyer’s journey. Search engines amplified and accelerated this journey allowing them to find answers to questions at alarming rates.

Gone are the days when the salesperson owned the prospect relationship; guiding or serving the buyer through the journey by discussing requirements, demonstrating capabilities, quoting price, all leading to closing the sale.

That was then, and this is now! PC, MAC, iPhone or Android, it doesn't matter as we are all tethered to some kind of device. All of us have instant access to information.

Today, buyers are more empowered than they ever were as their journey takes place online. They are digitally driven, socially connected, mobile empowered with unlimited access to real-time information.

Doesn't this sound just like what we do in our personal lives? 

Social selling advocates are taking aim and firing on all cylinders right at sales departments. I have stopped counting how many times I hear or read them touting

"Cold Calling is Dead" "Cold Calling is Old-Fashioned" "Cold Calling is not Cool"  "The Internet and Email has Replaced the Phone"


Stop the madness people! I will be the first to admit there is legitimacy behind some of their messaging. The power of social transformed my sales career and revolutionized my sales results. Social selling enables salespeople to connect, communicate and build relationships with prospects at a stage where traditional tactics are just not effective or have diminishing returns. I do believe social can help to create more top of funnel opportunities and accelerate the sales funnel to drive more sales revenue.

However, everything old is new again. My message to social selling gurus, business executives and sales management meet the new B2B.

"Back 2 Basics"


Often times I refer to myself as an "old school" sales guy with a modern twist. Yes, I grew up "old school" and I am proud of it. 

"Growing up with training in old school sales methodology has made the integration of social into selling much easier" Me, Larry Levine


This old school sales methodology my friends is cold calling and the phone. Just as the surgeon general uses scare tactics to sway tobacco use, social selling pundits are using scare tactics to sway salespeople right into social selling.

My message to all sales teams,"Focus on getting back to the basics!" 

As a recovering copier sales rep, I admit I have old school DNA running throughout my blood. I have fond memories of 50 cold calls per day, feet on the street and phone to the ear. The skills I developed over 25 years ago formed the building blocks of successfully integrating social selling.

Building relationships, driving conversation and building brand awareness was all done in a different manner. The core foundation of social selling in essence is no different just accomplished in a different manner. 

Please allow me to reintroduce your long lost friends, Mr. Prospecting and Mr. Phone. Getting reacquainted with prospecting and the phone will greatly assist as you step into your social selling journey. Equally important, abandonment of both will surely lead to social selling disaster.

"Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect." Vince Lombardi


Back to the basics my sales friends, back to the basics. The book Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount is the bridge back to getting reacquainted with prospecting and the phone.

"The brutal fact is the number one reason for failure in sales is an empty pipe, and, the root cause of any empty pipeline is the failure to prospect." Jeb Blount


Building your sales core around prospecting and the phone will greatly aide in your ability to kick start conversations online, build relationships online, position yourself as a subject matter expert online and how you drive these to offline meetings in order to drive sales revenue; will be the keys to sales success in today's modern business world.

"The pipeline always reveals the truth. Salespeople who gravitate to a single prospecting methodology seriously sub-optimize their productivity." Jeb Blount


Whether you are old school or new school, if you enjoyed please share your comments. Look forward to connecting and starting a conversation.

If you enjoyed reading please check out more at the Social Sales Academy blog site.

Please enjoy my other posts on LinkedIn Publisher and on SlideShare

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform and coach copier sales professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help independent office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy 

Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

First, let me state that what I'm about to post came from a long time P4P member.  He emailed me a few minutes ago, in reference to a Ricoh America's Direct sales person that contacted one of his accounts via email and sent pricing via email.  Our P4P member is a Ricoh dealer and has had this client for 7 years, in addition the entire MIF is owned by the dealer.

"This is our account for the past 7 years and we have all the MIF.
This guy knows better and I want his rear end in a sling.
Plus he sent pricing and alluded to special programs which could make our client think we are not giving him the best contract pricing."

What I can tell you is that the account is a higher education account.  What alarms me, is that this price was emailed to someone that the sales person thought was the buyer. See the note on the bottom that states if you are not the correct person to email this to, then please forward to the correct person.

Was this salesperson just fishing?

In any case, the most alarming is the trade-in rebates being offered to the client for a higher education contract.  Our dealer has no knowledge of this rebate, thus the client assumes that the rebate is something offered by Ricoh since it is an additional heavy discount from the contract pricing. 

What ever happened with "Rules of Engagement"?  If I'm aware an account has devices from Ricoh America's, I won't even waste my time providing a quote. I move on to the next potential prospect. 

OMG, this guy has seventeen years of experience and he is fishing via emails and sending pricing?  How can this be allowed to happen in the channel?

Take a look at the pricing you decide for your self, is this fair business practice?

Here's the email from the Ricoh America's Direct Salesperson:

Please review the attached promo pricing for New Ricoh Clients.  In my seventeen years with Ricoh, I have never seen pricing like this!

$3,180.00 for MPC4503 / 45 PPM BW and Color / 110-180 IPM Scanning / 3,300 Sheet Paper Supply / Stapling / Etc. (Outfitted Nicely)

$6,675.00 for MPC8002 / 80 PPM BW and Color / 120-220 IPM Scanning / 4,300 Sheet Paper Supply / Stapling & Hole Punch / Etc. (Outfitted Nicely) 

Note from Art: (I omitted the body of this email since it had no bearing on the talk track)

If this is not an area of your responsibility, may I respectfully ask for a reference to the correct person within your organization.
I'm hoping to hear more on this and also hoping that the Print4Pay Hotel member will post a response and tell us more about this.

-=Good Selling=-

Can I Print from My Digital Camera to My Color Copier with PictBridge?

Two recent appointments with clients actually tested my knowledge of one of the obscure features of our multi-functional copiers.  On one appointment with a tech saving client, he wanted me to tell him about every option that was listed for the Ricoh MP 3003SP.  It was the old Feature, Advantage and Benefit for each of those options that were listed, until I arrived at the PictBridge option for the Ricoh.

It was my understanding that with the PictBridge option installed that would allow you to put take the SD card from the digital camera, insert into the copier and thus you would be able to print the pictures.  However, the camera has t be PictBridge compatible.  With that, I asked what kind of digital camera he owned, my client stated the camera was and Canon Rebel.  He then stated he had the camera in his car, and dashed out of the office to retrieve the camera. 

When he arrived back, he gave me the camera bag and stated, "theirs an owners manual in the bag, see what you can figure out."  Thus, I retrieved the manual, navigated to the index and saw a reference for PictBridge.  After reading the page I was surprised that you could actually plug the camera into the MFP (using a USB cable) and then from the camera's LCD display you could pick what pictures to print and send them to the MFP aka copier. Well, that's pretty cool, and the client ordered the PictBridge option.

It was not until the next appointment did I realize another benefit to a certain vertical market for the PictBridge option. 

While at another appointment with an existing Police Department, the Chief and I went over the features of a new color MFP.  When I explained the PictBridge feature, he stated, "are you telling me that I can plug my camera into the copier and print the pictures?", I stated "yup". The Chief then proceeded to tell me that the department has digital cameras and they use them for parking violations.  They take a picture of the parking violation,  then print the picture and then bring the pictures to court if needed.  "A picture paints a thousand words." in the courtroom he stated. 

Thus the advantage of having the Pictbridge option installed was that anyone could connect the camera to the color copier and print the pictures as needed, instead of removing the SD card from the camera, loading the pictures on the PC and then printing those pictures.  It's much easier to lose the SD card than the camera.

So, there you have it, an inexpensive option that saves countless hours of labor in the right vertical market and helped to close a few additional copier orders!

-=Good Selling=-



5 Reasons Why I'm Going to Spring Break BTA in New Orleans in March!

I'm about to make my first ever trip to New Orleans for BTA's Spring Break event.  A few memories come to mind when thinking about New Orleans, The Super Bowl (many of them, in fact the first ten), Mardi Gras, NOMDA Show, and Katrina.

Since I'm going to be a newbie in New Orleans for March 18th & March 19th, I'll be staying at the BTA recommended Intercontinental New Orleans. 

Similar to last years event at the Grand Floridian,  IBPI is hosting their event on March 16th - 18th, thus you can count on having a well attended event.


Spring Break will start at 7AM on the 18th with breakfast, and at 8AM we'll from Dr. Steven Shepard of Shepard Communications with his key note address, "The Dance of Generations: Leading the Multigenerational Workplace." 

There's going to be some awesome education sessions also. I'll be looking forward to these sessions on the 18th:

  • "Why Revenue/Profit Diversification is Essential in the Evolving Office Technology Industry," led by Jerry Newberry
  • "Building a Managed IT Services Division," led by Mat Wolfgram
  •  "Managed IT Services: Build or Partner?," led by Chip Miceli
  • "How to Build a Practice Selling Cloud & Hybrid Solutions," led by Mike Fleetwood
  • The dealer panel, "Emerging Technologies — Impact on Sales & Service Operations," moderated by David Ramos

Reason Two: Welcoming Session (5-7PM) Networking, Drinks, Food

Reason Three:  Time to Go to Tipitina's one of the most famous New Orleans live music clubs, is a quintessential bayou juke joint featuring the best in local music.

The second day of Spring Break also starts at 7AM with breakfast (hoping I don't sleep through it after going to Tipitina's).  Educational Sessions start at 8AM with:

  • "Don't Just Move Forward — Accelerate With Managed IT," led by Britt Siedentopf
  • "Managed IT Lead Generation & Onboarding Best Practices," led by Lindsay Dick
  • "Reaching New Heights Through Social Media," led by Andy Slawetsky   



Reason Four: From 2 until 9 p.m., attendees will travel to the National World War II Museum for a tour, dinner and entertainment.


Reason Five:  Spending the rest of the Saturday night and Sunday with my wife in charming New Orleans!!

Just one more note,  my day job is still selling office technology, been doing that for 35 years this May. When it comes to the educational sessions, what I'd really like to see is more sales people attending these events. I realize the event is more for dealer principals, but over the years, I've learned more from these types of events.  Kinda gives you a chance to take a short break, still work, and creates a stronger relationship between sales and principals.

Now to the sponsors of the event!

The Spring Break exhibiting sponsors: ACDI, AgentDealer, Balboa Capital, BEI Services, Buyers Lab, Brother, Carolina Wholesale, Compass Sales Solutions, ConnectWise, Crawford Thomas, DCS, Digitek, ECi FMAudit, EDA, ESP/SurgeX, Evolved Office, GreatAmerica Financial Services, Gwentaa (March 18-19 Breaks Sponsor), Hytec, Image Star, Impression Solutions, Katun, Laserfiche, Laser Pros International, Lease Corporation of America, MSE, Muratec, NA Trading and Technology, Nuance, OKI, OnePak, Panasonic (March 18-19 Breakfast Sponsor), Parts Now, PHSI, Polek & Polek, Q2, Supplies Network, SYNNEX, Tesseract, TonerCycle/InkCycle, Toshiba, TSAWorld, Wells Fargo and Xerox (March 18 Reception Sponsor).

-=Good Selling=-

Polek & Polek Delivers Excellent Customer Support and Imaging Supplies by Sled

A couple of years ago I wrote a blog this titled, "Polek & Polek Delivers Toner Supplies to Dealers by Sled".   With an impending snow storm forecasted for the North East.  I thought the snippet below would be appropriate!

"I think about back to our early days of being in business when we still operated out of my father’s house.  There was a long, steep driveway to get to the house.  When heavy snowstorms were forecast, it was impossible to get a car up and down the driveway.  We were a very small company then, and did not qualify to have packages picked up from UPS.  We had to bring our own packages to the UPS hub in Newark, New Jersey.  We had this really bad blizzard in the winter of 1977.  Mark Ruggieri, who still works with us today, was in high school and packed orders in the afternoon and got them delivered to UPS.  Mark is one of our most dedicated employees, and he showed it early on that day.  With nearly a foot of snow already on the ground, Mark went and got my brother’s sled out of the garage, and got all the boxes on the sled.  He got the packages all the way down the hill, loaded into the car, and got them off to UPS, so they would be delivered to our customers on time!"

The above paragraph is a testament to excellent customer service.  Back in the mid eighties when I had my own dealership, we did business with Polek & Polek for supplies and parts. Back then it was Mita toner, exposure lamps, fuser lamps, wipes and now it's just about every toner that you can think of.

In early fall of 2015, as the Mets were on the road to the World Series and the Yankees were stumbling in the standings, I had the chance to schedule some time with Chris Polek @ his facility in Pinebrook, NJ.  The reason I mention the Mets and the Yankees, is that Chris is an avid Yankee fan and I was a suffering Mets fan. 

Putting our sports teams aside, Chris was able to give the tour of his new facility (new to me since I had never been there). My first stop was to meet Mark Ruggieri, he was my rep back in the eighties and it was great to reminisce some of the past glory days in the industry.

View of the LabSomething I didn't know is that Polek & Polek has their own testing lab. Their lab allows them to test imaging supplies in a number of different manufacturers copiers and printers such as Ricoh, Kyocera, HP, Brother, Konica Minolta, you name it and the systems were there.   That's us off to the left of this paragraph.

The last stop in my tour was the automated warehouse, here orders are picked, shipped,  and palletized (yes, they sell pallets of supplies). When entering the warehouse, I was wowed!  Since I'm always seeing just the end user toner bottle or the end user carton, I ad no clue that dealers are ordering pallets upon pallets of toner at one shot.

I emailed Chris and asked him if there was anything else I could add to the blog.  He sent me the below paragraph. 

“Since Polek & Polek’s beginnings, our company has maintained the attitude to be Freedom Fighters for the Independent Dealer.  Polek & Polek is in the Independent Dealer’s corner fighting for them.  When companies buy from Polek & Polek, you will feel like you are getting additional employees on your payroll for free!” 

“Polek & Polek wears the customers hat!”

-=Good Selling=-

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Third Week of January 2006

Ten years ago this week KonicaMinolta exiting the camera business, and boy oh boy did they make the right move.  A recent thread here on the Print4Pay Hotel forums mentioned KonicaMinolta's jump into the robotics industry.  I believe the article stated KonicaMinolta needed to move towards "more fertile" ground as the imaging industry continues to contract.  It's all about the consumables and I'm sure "bots" and robots will need plenty of those!  Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week!


Get Ready for Konica/Minolta!!!!

said he does not hold Konica shares and was not looking to buy them on the news. Konica Minolta still faces tough competition in the office equipment market with players such as Canon Inc. (7751.T: Quote, Profile, Research) and Ricoh Co. Ltd. (7752.T: Quote, Profile, Research), he said. "We just think this whole area is extraordinarily competitive and very tough for companies. But we might want to take another look at Fuji Photo Film," Desmidt said, noting the possibility Fuji might follow with

Konica/Minolta C450

C450 w/Fiery/Finisher $14,602 color cpc .0671 black .0121

Ploymerized Toner

quess this is a big plus for the Konica Minoltas high end system (the 1050). I would hope that in the new Katana series from Ricoh they will be using thier new PXP toner (ricohs ploymerized toner). I have added some press releases below from Tomegawa, KonicaMinolt and Ricoh for your reading. Konica Minolta is very honored to be a recipient of BERTLs 2005 Readers Choice Awards, especially since they represent the voices of the End User and Reseller communities, said William H. Brewster, Jr., vice

What Ricoh needs to do with Color.......

& OKI will not have. These would be fully feature staple finsihers, dedicated fax trays, additional paper banks (HP & OKI will have these), and maybe LCT's that accept a max size of legal paper. Printer companies are starting to make inroads in the MFP market place and it will not be long before buyers fiqure out that they do not need 11x17 and opt for the savings from the other manufacturers, however developing a system that will scan the larger documents maybe just what the doctor ordered. Ricoh

Kyocera Mita America Earns BERTL Readers'

long-life consumables with a lower total cost per print, Kyocera products maintain high productivity levels and exceptional image quality. Kyocera's cartridge-free ECOSYS(R) printer technology, which virtually eliminates the need to replace the print drum and other cartridge components, which is typically performed many times over the life of a conventional printer. This not only cuts down on the amount of waste, but also reduces toner replacement costs by two thirds compared to other printers

Canon Ir 8070

Canon Ir 8070 $27,801 (LCT & Bookletmaker) cpc .0045

Ricoh CL7300DT2

The Ricoh CL7300DT2 was selected by "Better Buys for Business" as their Editor's Choice for Issue 178/2006. It's in their "Independent Consumer Guides to Document Imaging Equipment". It's pictured on the cover, and it's listed on pages 36-37. The last paragraph reads "This is an outstanding printer family with top-of-the-line features. If you need a combination of top speed and a booklet maker, it is the best choice on the market, so it naturally gets our Editor's Choice Award." It's published

Ricoh 6513 or equivalent

Guys, If anyone has any 6513's, or their Ricoh family equivalent, new and in the box, we may be interested in purchasing them. Please respond to Thanks, Brad

Xerox Docucolor250

Xerox Docucolor250 $35,999 color cpc .0691 black .01291 ledger billed as one

Xerox 4110

Xerox 4110 $42,199 (feeder/saddlestitcher/Zfold) color cpc .061


LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., January 3, 2006Helping corporations go beyond traditional paper-based document production and experience full-color capabilities and Canon innovation, Canon U.S.A., Inc., the nation's market share brand leader in black-and-white and color copier solutions, today leverages Canon's latest Color imagePlatform architecture to deliver exceptional performance and advanced system features with the introduction of the color-enabled imageRUNNER C6870U and imageRUNNER C5870U. With


LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., January 3, 2006Helping corporations go beyond traditional paper-based document production and experience full-color capabilities and Canon innovation, Canon U.S.A., Inc., the nation's market share brand leader in black-and-white and color copier solutions, today leverages Canon's latest Color imagePlatform architecture to deliver exceptional performance and advanced system features with the introduction of the color-enabled imageRUNNER C6870U and imageRUNNER C5870U. With

Ricoh reposition AC204!

The Ricoh AC204 has been aggressively price repositioned and I think you will want to spend a few moments review the brief Powerpoint presentation to bring you up to speed. The AC204 provides some unique opportunities: 1. Great low end price performer 2. Good low end product for newer reps to be able to cut their teeth on. 3. Solid alternative to stand alone faxes that allows you to get extra copy clicks too

New Xerox (Fuji) Wide Format

Wallin Team ·
Does anyone know anthing about the new Xerox? It's supposed to be competition for the 240W and KIP 3000. I am about to lose a deal to this unit. The prospect has a brochure but the rep told him not to show it to anyone. He does not know the price but thinks it will be lower or better than mine. They cannont even deliver until end of February but he is willing to wait. I need info, or pricing or something!

Two Forsyth Copier salesmen arrested on theft charges

100-plus machines I ordered, but luckily I got my money back after he himself became confused by his own trickery and blew his cover." Others were not so fortunate, authorities said. A Brooklyn, N.Y., company ordered 80 Minolta and Konica-brand copy machines from Hawkins for shipment to Pakistan and Singapore, but instead ended up with boxes containing what Roe termed "junk." Another company paid $193,000 for three Hiedelberg Quickmaster printing presses so large they require two tractor-trailers to

Mike Sat


Re: New Xerox (Fuji) Wide Format

Wideformatguy ·
The aatched XES info0002.tif has been moved to accountname: art_post username: p4pusers passcode: goodpals select the p4p user cabinet, then the wideformat folder, then Xerox Folder.

Re: New Xerox (Fuji) Wide Format

Wideformatguy ·
The aatched XES info0002.tif has been moved to accountname: art_post username: p4pusers passcode: goodpals select the p4p user cabinet, then the wideformat folder, then Xerox Folder.

Re: New Xerox (Fuji) Wide Format

Wideformatguy ·
The aatched XES info0003.tif has been moved to accountname: art_post username: p4pusers passcode: goodpals select the p4p user cabinet, then the wideformat folder, then Xerox Folder.

Re: OKI Offers Signage Solution to Retailers

According to "The Color Laser Printer and Business Inkjet Printer Guides" put out by "Better Buys for Business" (Progressive Business Publications) In issue 178/2006 the biggest threat to this is the Ricoh CL7300 series (see pages 30 to 30). Our cost-per-copy is lower and we have more finishing options, but we are a little slower. Good Book, good article. Call 800-247-2185 or visit

Re: New Xerox (Fuji) Wide Format



LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., January 3, 2006Addressing the needs of high-volume corporate departments and production environments, Canon U.S.A., Inc., the nation's market share brand leader in black-and-white and color copier solutionsi, today unveiled the imageRUNNER 7105, imageRUNNER 7095, imageRUNNER 7095 Printer, and imageRUNNER 7086. Powered by Canon's fourth-generation imagePlatform architecture, these new imageRUNNER devices feature dual Canon custom processor technology for faster, more robust

Re: FYI - KIP3000

Wallin Team ·
his 9400, it takes 15 MINUTES to print the same file. Obviously, it he were to upgrade to a new system with an embedded controller, he would see about the same speed as the Ricoh. But again, over time, he would see the same degradation as before. I tell "his story" on every sales call I go on. It's pretty powerful!

Re: Mac OS.X Document Server

Jay ·
Here you go. It needs to be loaded along with the regular ppd. Function Specifications: 1. Target Models: Aficio 1022/1027, Aficio 1035/1045, Aficio 2035/2045, Aficio 1224C/1232C, Aficio 1060/1075, Aficio 2090/2105 2. Driver: PS3 3. OS: Mac OS X 4. Brand: Ricoh 5. Language: English 6. Modifications: To support a selection of the following job type and ON/OFF control of User Code for PS driver on Mac OS X. - Job Type: Normal, Sample Print, Locked Print and Document Server - User Code

Re: What Ricoh needs to do with Color.......

Shaja ·
My wish is for better handling of thick paper on color units. Doesn't seem to matter how I tweak the settings in the drivers or if I use the bypass, the toner doesn't stick well to the paper. A Konica color bizhub can handle it without a problem. I've tried fairly standard stock from various manufacturers such as Hammermill and Wausau, but I always end up going back to the Konica.

Re: What Ricoh needs to do with Color.......

Jay ·
More flexibility in paper stocks is exactly why we picked up the Oki line also. Reliable sources indicate that this summer Ricoh will introduce a whole new line of B2C MFPs with a new engine capable of 110 index through the trays and 140 index from the bypass.

Re: selling external vs embedded controllers

Wideformatguy ·
External Windows PC over embedded controller in general: Ricoh's standard Windows PC can be repaired or updated by the customer, dealer technician or PC dealer in case of PC issue. Faster repair or swap with a standard PC in case of PC failure. If the Ricoh's PC has an issue, offline copying capability is not affected. Internal controllers will typically be fully incapacitated until the issue is repaired. User controllable virus protection User controllable Operating System updates Convenient

Re: selling external vs embedded controllers

Wideformatguy ·
Ooops: Should read.... If the Ricoh's PC has an issue, offline copying capability is not affected. An internal controller will typically incapacitate everything, including offline copying, until the internal PC issue is repaired

OKI Offers Signage Solution to Retailers

. 17, 2006 - OKI Printing Solutions today launched the most versatile on-demand color signage printing system for retailers: the C9600 Color Signage Solution. The solution delivers superior color signage printing on a wide variety of media that goes unmatched in the industry. Vibrant color signage is now a cost-effective and immediate possibility for retailers looking to improve merchandising efforts at each of their store locations. Cost Savings Claimed From department stores and grocery stores to specialty

NJ Transit Puts Purchasing on an Express Track

drawings, specifications and proposals. Experiments with low-cost flat-bed scanners proved far too slow, says Price, and developers also rejected a network-based scanning system built on digital copiers that was too difficult for IT to support. Ikon Office Solutions, which provided NJ Transits fleet of leased Ricoh copiers, recommended eCopy ScanStation OP, a package that integrates a touch-panel screen, keypad and dedicated PC to a digital copier for easy, high-speed scanning. An scan-enabled


Guys, If anyone has any 6513's, or their Ricoh family equivalent, new and in the box, we may be interested in purchasing them. Please respond to Thanks, Brad
-=Good Selling=-

Flying High Using Digital Processes

Flying High Using Digital Processes

Aviation giant Mercury Air Group integrated DocuWare with two of its accounting systems, creating a mission critical solution for accounting information and documentation. The company reduced billing time by 6 days, increased cash flow, and gained workflow processing efficiencies.

Privately held, Los Angeles-based Mercury Air Group provides jet fuel, air cargo services and transportation, as well as support services for international and U.S. commercial airlines, general aviation and the U.S. government.

MercFuel, a division of Mercury Air, provides fuel services for planes and airport gas stations known as FBOs by purchasing and reselling over 400 million gallons of jet fuel annually. With a network of over 1,000 third-party fuel suppliers MercFuel needed to move to a digital system in order to better process over 12,000 invoices a month.


In the aviation industry, MercFuel is considered a contract fuel provider and is able to leverage its buying power to provide its customers with better fuel pricing at more than 2,000 airports all over the world.

Accounting transactions can become very complex in the aviation industry because one fuel ticket may turn into multiple payable and receivable invoices between various vendors acting in different capacities. MercFuel may get an invoice from one vendor, but not from another before it needs to invoice its own customers. One challenge was to implement a system flexible enough to centrally store all types of documents received at all different times during a billing cycle, as well as be able to integrate with Merc’s accounting software, MAS 500 and their in-house Fuel Sales Processing software named Solar.


After evaluating over 10 different document management programs, Mercury choose to implement DocuWare because of its workflow capabilities, flexibility, and ability to integrate with other systems the company considers vital. They worked with Authorized DocuWare Partner, eGennaker, to implement the solution.

Fueling transaction details such as location, number of gallons and date, electronically flow from airport gas stations directly into the company’s accounting program through Solar. Solar vastly improves the fuel transaction data collection process, providing quick, easy, and accurate invoicing. To help the accounting team answer questions about these invoices, the data is also electronically printed to PDF and automatically stored in DocuWare, acting as a document backup to what was purely electronic information.

Other payable invoices are scanned when received and the index terms are automatically “read” from the document using Optical Character Recognition from third-party software vendor ABBYY

DocuWare and MAS 500 are tightly integrated. Information like payment document numbers, vendor names and status are pulled directly out of the accounting system and automatically added as index fields to the appropriate documents in DocuWare, Updates made in MAS 500 are automatically reflected in the DocuWare index fields, keeping the systems in sync. Mercury’s DocuWare solution quickly expanded to the Human Resource Department where valuable personnel files were digitized, indexed and stored in DocuWare.


With DocuWare in place and supporting documentation available within seconds, MercFuel is now able to bill their customers 6 days faster, increasing cash flow. Regardless if an invoice is a receivable or payable or if it originated in the California, Nevada or Texas office, any staff member can look up the status in seconds due to the transparent nature of DocuWare. Today, accounts payable invoices are approved utilizing DocuWare’s electronic stamp feature, ensuring nothing is lost or delayed. With hundreds of users in multiple locations, the system became crucial to the staff after just two weeks of use because of the new efficiencies in document retrieval and approval processes.

“We integrated DocuWare with our existing accounting systems. The integrated solution mimics our physical workflows and has made keeping up with our growing accounting workload much easier. Utilizing a digital solution that is flexible and customizable allows us to continue to find more efficiencies. It just makes sense,” said Rob Lovejoy, Chief Information Officer at Mercury Air Group.

Due to the complexities of the aviation fuel business, the company was printing and storing 3-4 copies of each invoice. Today, with DocuWare in place, the company has eliminated 12 cases of paper a month in unnecessary printing and repurposed 2,500 square feet of storage space into office space.


Two weeks after implementation, DocuWare became a mission critical system for MercFuel. DocuWare has expanded from their Los Angeles location to Houston and Atlanta and has also expanded into 6 other divisions. It is a key part of Mercury’s IT infrastructure.

“DocuWare scalability really works well for us. With the efficiencies we’ve gained we can do a lot more work without more human resources,” said Lovejoy.

---------------------------------------Bulleted Lists-----------------

The Tasks

Streamline approval processes

Integrate the accounting program with accounting records

Eliminate unnecessary copies of information

Create one central archive for all documents


The Benefits

Reduced time to bill by 6 days, improved cash flow

Created electronic approval process

Gained new efficiencies with regard to accessing information

Reduced costs

Are Your Salespeople Providing a Reason to be Hired?

All human beings are entrepreneurs. When were in caves, we were all self- employed... finding our food, feeding ourselves. That's where human history began. As civilization came, we suppressed it. We became "labor" because they stamped us, "You are labor." We forgot that we are entrepreneurs. - Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner and microfinance pioneer

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As important as the earnings, a career also brings a source of pride and identity. Manage your career like your most important asset, not only will you maximize your financial return, but you will also achieve greater lifetime satisfaction.

Leaders Coach and Guide

Healthy corporate culture always starts at the top. A culture of investing in people, your employees will pay dividends. Invest in your people and help them manage their careers as you would your financial assets. Use the help of trusted advisors, your management staff and this strategy will pay long term dividends.

In the start-up of You, Start-ups and the entrepreneurs who run them are quite nimble. Entrepreneurs invest in themselves. They feverishly construct their professional networks. Often times they may take intelligent risks and block out all associated fear all in the name of betterment. 

These are some of the same attributes sales professionals need in order to get and stay ahead in today's highly competitive, networked business world.

So this had me thinking...

Time and time again in sales meetings, sales professionals are being told, "Run your sales territory as if it was your business. You are the CEO now go out there and make it happen!"

I am going to ask you all to stop and think about one word for a moment... 

As the CEO of your own business would you allow your company to operate without any web presence? Of course you wouldn't. Your corporate website is the window into your business portraying your brand in a business professional manner out into the community.

If you are encouraging your sales reps to be the CEO's of their own territory and you know how important your corporate website is to your brand then why on earth would you allow your sales reps to operate their business with incomplete, non-branding LinkedIn profiles? 

Immediate Action Item

I am going ask you all to open up your Google spyglass. Place yourself in your client's shoes or for that manner a prospect's shoes. Based on your first impression of their LinkedIn profiles or for that matter any aspect of their digital footprint would you hire and bring them into your company? Tough isn't it? 

The process of vetting out sales professionals based upon their digital first impression is alive and well. If you don't agree then I urge you to go face-to-face with some of your current clients and ask them what they think. Share with them your sales team's LinkedIn profiles and solicit their feedback. One word, ALARMING!

So lets all take a stroll down to the intersection of perception versus reality. When you get to this intersection, I am going to ask you to look both ways and ask yourself the following:

Five thought provoking internal questions to ask yourself

1. Does their headline statement promote how they can help solve business problems or challenges their clients or prospects might have? 

2. Does their summary section state the value they can bring to their clients or prospects? 

3. Does their experience section promote or add differentiation to how they serve their clients?

4. Does their entire LinkedIn profile promote value or trust to their clients or prospects?

5. Does their LinkedIn profile eliminate any risk factors associated with doing business with them?

I am quite confident as a business leader you can recite your corporate vision, mission, purpose, plan and goals for 2016.

With this in mind, I encourage you to coach and lead your sales team; guide them to create their professional brand by helping them build their credibility, trust and value through their website; their LinkedIn profile. 

Step 1

Vision - Guide and encourage them to share their story told throughout their LinkedIn profile

Step 2

Mission - Share with them the main objective of having a LinkedIn profile

Step 3

Purpose - Share with them the function their LinkedIn profile will provide in helping to build their professional brand

Step 4

Plan - Provide them the roadmap on how to construct their LinkedIn profile

If you would like some assistance please send me an email to The Sales Manager's Guide to LinkedIn may help.

Step 5

Goals - Share with them how they can integrate LinkedIn into their sales process to help grow their business. They are the CEO of their own business, correct?

Reid Hoffman in his book The Alliance speaks to as a business executive and manager you want your employees to help transform the company for the future. In addition, your employees want the company to help transform their careers for the long term. However, this win-win scenario will happen only if both sides trust each other enough to commit to mutual investment and mutual benefit.

One of the frequent discussions against investing in professional development

"What happens if I train my people and they leave? A better question is what happens if you don't train them and they stay?"

Your salespeople are front and center, the face of your corporation. You can help by fostering a sales environment full of skill set development, mindset building, self-development as well as a growth minded atmosphere. Provide to them the tools necessary to perform at their highest level.

Help your salespeople to create their professional brand. Think of their online and offline reputation in the same manner you think about your businesses brand. When a prospect is considering a purchase, the reputation of your sales team for delivering value and their social proof is mission critical.

"There is no professional or personal anymore. There's simply your brand. Everything you do affects your brand, and it's up to you to determine whether your brand is affected positively or negatively. That's it. Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong." Peter Shankman

If you enjoyed this post please share your comments. Lets connect and start a conversation.

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Please enjoy my other posts on LinkedIn Publisher and on SlideShare

I enjoy sharing my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform and coach copier sales professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help independent office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy 




Lou Stricklin          Jan. 15, 2016


Andrew Jones



PLANO, Texas—(Jan. 15, 2016)—Muratec America, Inc., manufacturer of multifunction office equipment and business productivity solutions, announces the Precision Label Series of digital presses, designed to produce short run, high-definition digital color labels.

“These products signal a new era for Muratec,” said Jim D’Emidio, president, Muratec America, Inc. “The label market is exploding year-over-year and the demand for short-run capabilities is one of the hottest growth areas. Most dealers we’ve approached with our label presses were able to quickly identify current customers who could benefit from a short-run digital label press. With a background in on-site service, customer support and professional sales approaches, the office equipment dealer channel is perfect to distribute these solutions.”

Organizations that rely on labels use Muratec’s Precision Label Series to bring label printing in-house and significantly reduce their label spend, waste and production time.

“It’s standard practice for a label converter to have a 2-3 week lead time,” said Lou Stricklin, director, marketing and sales support. “The PLS-series label presses can have labels printed, laminated, die-cut and ready for application in just hours, saving time and money. It’s also a huge competitive advantage for our customers to be able to instantly tweak packaging to address sudden changes in the market.”

Muratec’s PLS-2112 can print continuous-fed media or cut sheets, up to 8.5” wide, on a variety of media; the PLS-2112F, Muratec’s digital finishing system, creates true on-the shelf visual separation by giving labels unique shapes, styles and sizes.

“With the PLS-2112F, the only limit is your imagination,” Stricklin said. “In the past, organizations had to break the bank in order to produce die-cut labels; however, with the PLS-2112F, they can produce exceptional labels that deliver a competitive advantage and higher value perception on the shelf.”

The PLS-2112 digital label press features an MSRP of $24,995; the PLS-2112F features an MSRP of $39,995.

Muratec’s PLS-5150 can print continuous-fed media or cut sheets, up to 12.5” wide, on a variety of media at up to 30 feet-per-minute; the PLS-5150F, Muratec’s digital finishing system, delivers lamination, digital die-cutting, slitting and rewinding to create application-ready labels.

“The PLS-5150 addresses the needs of our customers who require higher throughput,” Stricklin said. “The PLS-5150, prints at up to 30 feet-per-minute, increasing the number of labels per roll. The multiple blade slitter, high-speed die-cutter and multiple exit rewinders enable our customers to get their labels ready for application faster.

The PLS-5150 digital label press features an MSRP of $52,995; the PLS-5150F features an MSRP of $74,995.

About Muratec America, Inc.

Muratec America, Inc. is a manufacturer of multifunction digital office equipment, business productivity solutions and provider of managed document services components. The company is a Plano, Texas-based subsidiary of Murata Machinery, Ltd., a privately held multinational corporation based in Kyoto, Japan. Visit for more information.
