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MFP Copier Blog

Temporary Growth

Growth through acquisition will always underestimate the need for innovation, and participants will determine that growth by acquiring more of the past is time based, and never leads to the future.

Over the last decade, most that pay attention to disruptions and the fallouts they cause will recognize a commonality. That commonality is: organizations of dying industries or deliverables believe acquisitions, over innovation, will save them. The fact is, acquisitions made during a market shift are merely a false sense of growth, what I call delusional growth. When organizations spend money on the past without a clear directive of bringing the future to it, they pay a heavy tax for being stubborn and misunderstanding the relevance.

 Disruption starts when users of current technologies can visualize future technologies. This happens when what currently exists around the means of delivery begins to change. Think of Blockbuster; they were the biggest video rental store in the world. They wiped out the status quo competition through acquisitions.

Where they failed was not innovating. They kept bringing the past to the future, instead of bringing the future to the present. They suffered from “Delusional Growth; buying your competitors during market shifts, believing this increase in market share is sustainable without innovation.”

Most of us would relish in the opportunity to go back in time and sit in the boardroom of Blockbuster and fight for their future, when they decided that acquisitions were the way to growth rather than innovation. We’d explain to them the word ‘digital’ is not heretical. We’d explain to the tired status quo leaders, who thought their market share size made them indestructible, exactly how foolish that thinking is; we’d tell them that those innovators’ imaginations should not be underestimated, simply because those tired leaders lack in their own imagination.

We’d explain to these past leaders how their vast brick and mortar footprint would soon become useless in delivering what their customers wanted. We’d tell them competition in the future will come from places only those with imagination will truly comprehend.

However, the best meeting to attend with Blockbuster would be the one where Netflix was first mentioned. I can very clearly imagine the dismissive tone of the stubborn leaders whose lack of imagination fuels their arrogance to status quo.  

Organizations of disrupted industries rarely say, ‘I wish I saw that coming’; sadly, they end up saying, ‘why did we ignore the signs of innovations all around us, and why did we believe our customers cared more about us then what they wanted?’ Those who fight this never win. Customers want a result - the means in getting that result will always change and has always changed.

No one has a crystal ball – however, everyone has the ability to think of a better way. Those who cannot think past what they do today will never have the capacity to think why it should be better and how to make it better tomorrow. Organizations who become too stubborn will find themselves trapped behind the door to the future.

The question to ask yourself is this: will, one day, someone wonder why or how your stubbornness    affected you or your organization? Will the ghost wandering the empty space of a successful past business be saying, why did we ignore the signs?

So, welcome the challenges of innovation and do not fear the direction innovation may take you. Today, leaders must not only welcome challenges to their thinking, they must seek it out.  

R.J. Stasieczko 

It is the 21st Century… Are you integrating social into the sales process?

Throughout my career as a copier sales rep, I was always frustrated by the perspective that copier sales reps were not viewed upon positively like other professionals — accountants, engineers, financial planners, marketers – and instead they were viewed as lone wolves, undisciplined rebels, spoiled brats, used car sales reps, who functioned independently of the rest of the organization.

I believe most of my own success inside the office equipment world was deeply rooted inside one word… TRANSFORMATION. Those close to me know every three to four years as a sales rep I would completely transform my sales approach, my sales methodologies and business acumen in order to stay one step ahead of my competitors. I acknowledged continual education, self-learning, seeking mentors and asking for advice was the norm in order to achieve my personal set of goals.

It’s 2016! It is time for transformation inside most sales departments. Sales reps are contending with an increasingly competitive marketplace, an ever-expanding range of products and services, new channels of customer engagement and an expanding list of competitors. The power has shifted from sellers to buyers, who are better informed, better educated and always connected to a world of opinion, advice and information, all thanks to Google, mobile and social technologies. Now the customer controls the conversation. As sales professionals we now must adopt a 21st century approach to the sales profession.

As much as technology continues to change, the sales process and tools we use as sales reps have seen massive changes. In my opinion, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter and all the B2B social platforms have forever impacted the sales profession like no other piece of technology or software over the past 25 years. Whether you believe it or not meet your new best sales friends… Google, Twitter and LinkedIn.

The 21st century sales team needs to rethink its selling process and align it to that of the buying process. In order to do this, there must be a fundamental and renewed focus on driving tighter alignment between people, process and available technologies.

I say take the old school foundations deeply rooted inside most sales departments and modernize them to align with today’s modern buyer’s journey. Integrate a “social” sales playbook infusing social networks to engage, educate and promote others as part of the traditional sales process.

Why has this happened – The Changing of the Buying Process

Over the past 10-12 years, we have seen a dramatic transformation in the buyer’s journey. More dramatic changes have occurred in recent years. Buyers are in control of when and how they access information during the sales process. According to Sales Benchmark index, “Today, buyers are 69% of the way through their journey before they contact a salesperson.”

Attention to all sales departments… If the executive buyer is 69% of the way through their journey before they contact a sales rep, then as sales professionals we must place and position ourselves in the world they are now living in. Adapting to social selling platforms such as LinkedIn allows sales professionals to gain the attention of the new buyer in a competitive market. Social selling is the method in which sales reps identify prospects, nurture them, share relevant information and generate a sales pipeline. This pipeline I like to refer to as the relationship funnel. According to Forrester,“100% of B2B decision-makers are on social media for business purposes.”

With the buying world rapidly changing, sales reps MUST position themselves to be able to tell their story in a digital world.

"In the future, your digital footprint will carry far more weight than anything you might include on a resume"
Chris Betcher

Here are a few things to give thought to…. according to OgilvyOne from The Future of Selling, “The buying process is changing faster than sales organizations are responding”

According to Forbes, “78% of salespeople using social media outsell their peers” 

Sales reps must adapt to modern techniques to help build their sales funnels. The concept of developing warm calls through being social and engaging prospects with relevant information is a critical step in building net new business opportunities to help solve business problems.

I stress, LinkedIn and all other social platforms is a tool not the “magic pill.” Sales departments must transform as well. Adopt and adapt is critical in creating a new mindset and skill-set to maneuver through the ever-changing sales journey.

Integrate “SOCIAL” into the sales process

Effective use of LinkedIn before, during and after the sales process is critical in growing new business opportunities. Here are some simple ideas to help you stay focused:

  • Before the Sales Process: Build your relationship funnel, communicate and engage with your connections, start to become a resource to take from online conversations to offline conversations which result in sales meetings.
  • During the Sales Process: Connect with key stakeholders, decision makers, influencers and end users; engage with industry resources to stay top of mind and relevant.
  • After the Sales Process: Go deep and wide within accounts to expand and nurture relationships, set the stage to cross-sell your services, grow your referral base. Most importantly, build a social fortress around your current clients.

Let’s all keep an open-mind and accept the fact selling today has changed. Adapt and adopt will be the key to future success as a sales professional.

What does this mean for management?

First of all, we must not lose sight of what it means to practice. Where would professional athletes be today without their managers and coaches incorporating practices to perfect their skill sets?

Sales Managers... Learn New Ways to use LinkedIn to Recruit and Prospect

Sales managers must foster a culture of practice as well. Sales reps must not lose sight of:

  • How to prospect and set appointments in order to generate new business opportunities
  • How to overcome objections when speaking with executives
  • How to create differentiation to set themselves apart from the competition
  • How to think like a business person
  • How to develop their business acumen
  • How to tell their story in a digital business world

Building your sales core around prospecting and the phone will greatly aide in your ability to kick start conversations online, build relationships online, position yourself as a subject matter expert online and how you drive these to offline meetings in order to drive sales revenue; will be the keys to sales success in today’s modern business world.

If you would like some inspiration I welcome the conversation or send me a message to Your comments are greatly appreciated.

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, “The Difference Maker” as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

Look for more information within the Social Sales Academy blog site.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform and coach B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy 

This post originally appeared in Peoplelinx

'Make a Difference' or 'Make a Profit' with Copier Accessories

A little more than three months ago, I posted up a survey titled "Copier Options & Accessories Survey"

I've been selling copiers for 36 years, and in those 36 years I've always looked for something that would give me a leg up on the competition, or something unique and different that will allow me to stand out from my competitors.

Tomorrow, I'll be adding something new to my arsenal.  I'll be bringing one of these new devices to every appointment, and I'm going to incorporate this device when I have a conversation about their copier security.

Clients have security for just about everything these days, right?  Card access to building, security cameras, network security, security guards, the list could go on and on.

However, for most of the clients that  I visit there is no security for their documents!

I'm not talking about their printed documents, but their blank documents.  Those blank documents can include  letter head paper, checks,  municipal permits, auto registration,  birth certificates, marriage certificates, prescription paper, and the list goes on and on.

But, what security measures are in place that prevents someone from snatching up these blank documents from the paper trays of the multifunctional copiers that they use?  Except for a few devices from a few manufacturers, our manufacturers do not offer "paper tray locks" as an option to their systems.

Thus, tomorrow I'll be taking my "paper tray lock"  to every appointment.  I don't expect to sell one to everyone, but I do want to have that document security conversation with them, because it's going to be a different conversation than all of my competitors that will talk speeds & feeds. 

If I show it, and have the conversation, there will be "x" amount of accounts that will want what I have.

I'm basically an SMB sales rep, no majors, no fortune, no schools, no hospitals, which leads me to what about all of the reps out there that support these types of accounts.  Could one little paper tray lock win you the deal against a competitor for 50, 100 or 500 systems?  After speaking with a few people in the industry, I'm convinced that the answer is YES!  Maybe that paper tray lock gets you one extra mega order, over your competition.

Too often, we as salespeople will take the path of least resistance, meaning we don't want to take the extra time to sell the extra's.  But, selling the extra's is what makes you the most amount of loot, right?  If you're the only one that has what they want or need, you can then name your price within reason.

The last time I bought a cell phone, I was pummeled by the sales person for the "extras", the car charger, the screen protector, the case. Hey, I give them a lot of credit because at least they ask the question.

I'm betting the ranch that if you have one of these paper tray locks and you ask the question that you'll be able to "lock" out the competition, get a few extra placements and make extra loot.  When it comes down to it, the reason we're in sales is because of the loot right?

Copier Solutions Shop is a Print4Pay Hotel sponsor, I urge you to click on the link and see the quality of the paper tray  locks and check out some of the awesome "extras" that they offer for copiers.

-=Good Selling=-

Ten Things You Need To Know Before you Lease or Buy a New Ricoh MP W6700SP

Ten Things You Need To Know Before you Lease or Buy a New Ricoh MP C3004 & MP C3504  was a blog I wrote about a week ago.  It was such a hit that I thought I would blog about my findings for the new Ricoh MP 6700SP wide format print/copier/scanner. 

Since these systems arrived about a month ago, I've been able to place three of the MP W6700SP's in the field. 

When thinking about the MP W6700SP, there are two words that come to mind,  reliability and performance.  When the Ricoh W6700SP is stacked against it's competitors, there's no doubt that the best bang for the buck is the MP W6700SP.

  • The Ricoh MP W6700SP is a beast!  Weighing in at a lofty 649lbs.  When comparing apples to apples with other wide format systems, ask your self, would you rather spend the same bucks for the system that weighs 397lbs or parlay that dough to the Ricoh weighing 649lbs? 

  • Need a knock out feature?  The MP W6700SP offers up to 1200 dpi scanning with the Ricoh TWAIN Scan driver. TWAIN scanning?  Yes, the TWAIN driver gives you the ability to connect to business lines of software that will "pull" scan documents to that software. Beats using scan to email and scan to folder!


  • Customizable Scan Workflow buttons dedicated to the home screen

RICOH_MP_W6700SP_Control_Panel_Straight_OnJust last Friday, I was visiting one of my wide format accounts that has an older W3600.  When they receive a set of plans to kick off a new job, they will email those plans to their lists of sub contractors. 

The old and slow way of scanning to email which included,  opening the email program, finding the email, opening the attachment, saving the attachment, open a new email, attaching that document and then searching/typing in the eight sub contractors is so cumbersome!

We can set up one button, titled "sub contractor bid",  the user can then select "sub contractor bid" button, scan the originals and the plans are then converted to a .pdf file, automatically sent to the eight sub contracts and sending a copy to the jobs folder on the server.  Such a time saver!!!

  • It's a tight fit!  Space always seems to be an issue when placing wide format systems.  When compare to main competitors, the MP 6700SP will only take up 49.2" inches in width, compared with 53" and 60.1".

  • 2016-07-24_22-37-51Scanning, what's more efficient with multiple documents, inserting one original, waiting for the document to scan, removing that document and then inserting the next document (I call this one in and one out scanning) or inserting one document, waiting for document to scan and then inserting the next document?  That's silly right, it's the second one.  Just keep on feeding the documents.  The Ricoh 6700SP has the ability to stack 24x36 inch scanned documents by folding out the rear guide arms and removing the top exit tray.  Why does the rest of the industry think that one in and one out is a good thing? 

  • 2016-07-24_22-39-30Print & Copy stacking of 24x36 inch plans.  Our competitors are still using top and rear exit trays for printing and copying.  The top trays stink because they can only stack a limited amount of pages.  Our MP W6700 has a front exit path that flat stacks 100 documents for easy access and removal!

  • Residing and selling in and around the Jersey Shore for all of these years has exposed me to a few technical issues with paper.  Roll paper gets damp, especially near the shore or at job sites.  Another excellent feature that our systems enjoys is the Anti-Humidity Heating Elements, which keeps the paper dry, and prevents the printing of poor images!

  • Remember when we spoke about the 649lbs?  The MP W6700 has two sister models, the MP W5100 (10 "D" size) and MP W7100 (14 "D" size). All three of these system =s have the same print engine. Acquiring the MP 6700SP will give you the same volume and reliability of the faster devices!  Your only downfall is that the MP W6700 has a print speed of 6.7 "D" size pages per minute. Excellent value!!!

  • Speaking about speed, the Ricoh MP W6700SP is faster than both of it's competitors.  We'll print 6.7 "D" size pages per minute, while the competition slows to 6.0 & 5.7!  Thus with the MP W6700SP you'll reap the rewards of faster, heavier, and the ability to handle heavy print & copy volumes!

  • Scanning Speeds, I still get a chuckle when I see scanning speeds that are rated at feet instead of seconds.  WOW, 38.5' and 49.9' feet per minute must be really, really fast right?  When compared to what?  The Ricoh scans at 3.14 inches per second, thus when compared to the competitors that spec the scanning at feet per minute, our Ricoh MP W6700SP comes in at a blazing 188.4' feet per minute! 


There are many additional features, however those listed are my top ten.  For years Ricoh could not compete with it's two main competitors, at least I'll admit it.  We did not have the best system, the best bang for the buck, nor the awesome features and sizzle.  All of that has changed and if you're selling Ricoh wide format, you've got your swagger back!

-=Good Selling=-

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago The Last Week of July 2006

Geesh, it's been ten years since the release of the Ricoh MP C615 MFP!   The 615 was Ricoh's first and only foray into liquid ink technology for an A3 MFP.  We sold a few and everyone who had em, hated them!  I would have bet the ranch that Ricoh would have introduced more ink based products ten years ago.  Glad I did not bet the ranch! 

Enjoy the most popular threads from ten years ago this week in the copier industry!

Ricoh 615C

Here they come......

Ricoh AP3800C Color MFP Printing too slow

This AP3800C is the 38 black and 28 color printer with the scanner (on a big metal stand) sold a few years ago new. Just placed a used one at a company and it prints way slow on their brand new network with new PCs. Has max 384MB memory, firmware is upgraded. Tried RPCS and PCL5c and does not make a difference. When printing 10 copies from Excel it prints the first after 25 seconds, then the next 15 seconds later, next another 15 seconds and so forth. Seems it is ripping each page seperately

Savin CLP26DN with IS200e Scanner limitations

Just to let anyone know that did not already - this combination color printer with scanner system wil NOT sort. Also it takes 25 seconds for the first page to come out when using it as a copier. Way too slow. Also will not duplex 1:2 properly - user...

Network speed Ricoh 1013

I just installed a Ricoh 1013 but the orange light on the MFp was not coming on. Last time this happened to me, it was a network speed issue which I was able to resolve. But on this machine, I am unable to figure out how/where to change the speed (auto select; 10Mbps; 100Mbps) Does any know? the MFP is saying its running at 100Mbps. I am tryin to get it to auto select or if that doesnt work, to 10Mbps. Thank for any help you can give.

Need Minolta Di750 Print Controller

I picked up a service customer with a Minolta Di750 and they want to add printing on their network. I need the Printer Controler Option and NIC Card, not sure of the part numbers. I checked with Greater Philly and a few others and had no luck. Is there anyone who would have one for sale?

Ricoh 4420nf + Fax forward to email

I am not clear on how to set this on this fax machine. I have seen a write up for a copier but in reading the op man for this fax, it sort of indicates I will need SR Pro, whereas the copier (B089) doesnt require it. This customer only want one email...

Re: I need a Doc Mgmt Company

Ricoh has an excellent consulting group available through the Major Account Group. I'd present this to your Dealer Sales Manager for a referral to the Major Account folks. Good Luck!

Re: New Poll, MFPSPI Series from Ricoh

I would prefer that the software -- ANY third-party title-- NOT be bundled with the hardware. My sales reps would prefer to be able to configure the software proposal the way the client needs it instead of having to offer it a certain way because it comes preconfigured that way. And speaking with my Purchasing manager hat on, too many preconfigured options is needlessly confusing (the CL7000/CL7100, for a prime example).

Re: Ricoh 615C

I couldn't get the file to open. What is the Ricoh 615C?

Re: Pantone color Matching

I meant it might take a while for Ricoh to release this info for these machines, not complaining about setting it up once it's available

Re: Xerox and their single click Ledger

and if we are counting 11 x 17 as 1 it's not truly accurate. Xerox gets around this by not scheduling any preventative maintenance on their machines...maybe that is one of the reasons why their service is sometimes lower, they aren't providing the same type of maintenance.

I need help for my clients

Hello, I speak spanish, and my english is very poor. Well i work with Ricoh Product the machines must used is Aficio 2035, 1515, 2015. My problem it at moment the training a my clients. What document uses, video, documents others ??? What methods use ???

Seeking (2) More Independent Contractors

Our (3) new ITI Independent Contractors say "this is a fantastic opportunity" IT Intersection, Inc., subsidiary of VircoSoft Corporation is seeking (2) additional Independent Contractors (Sales) for an exciting, high income potential opportunity. ALL CONTACT WITH US WILL BE HELD IN STRICT CONFIDENCE Basic Requirements: Document Management Software experience (hardware sales, IT sales and/or technical support) Strong desire to work in the fast growing Document Management Software Solution

CIS Sensor for an FW7030D is $5,147.48??!!

We have a customer on cantract whose unit is needing this $5,147 part. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to handle this without paying Ricoh $5,147 for this part? Already tried to locate a unit from wholesalers to use as a parts machine but can't find anyone who has one.

$5,147 CIS Sensor??!!

We have a customer on cantract whose unit is needing this $5,147 part. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to handle this without paying Ricoh $5,147 for this part? (It is part #V34009013) Already tried to locate a unit from wholesalers to use as a parts machine but can't find anyone who has one.
-=Good Selling=-

Sales Reps... It Is All About The Bait When You Cast Out Your Digital Fishing Pole

In my last post, Sales Reps... Why writing content should be part of your sales strategy, I speak to successful sales reps recognize and learn how to not only engage the new digital buyer but to align their online and offline resources to the buyer journey.

Successful sales reps realize the one critical part of addressing the new buyer’s journey is not merely creating digital tactics, but focusing on how they engage prospects and even clients once they engage digitally.

Successful sales reps acknowledge the content they generate or curate must engage the digital buyer in conversation.

Successful sales reps augment their prospecting efforts by generating new business opportunities online by focusing on making their LinkedIn profile a destination stop for information with custom content. Why? According to the 2014 State of B2B Procurement study from the Acquity Group, 94 percent of business buyers do some form of online research:

  • 77% use Google search 
  • 84.3% check business websites (This could be your LinkedIn profile)
  • 41% read user reviews (This could be recommendations on your LinkedIn profile)

I realize writing content for sales reps doesn't come easy, however; it is a skill sales reps must develop. The old saying, "You must crawl before you walk" applies to sales reps and content. 

Crawling = Recurating Content
Walking = Writing Content

Sales reps... Let's go visit the bait and tackle shop so we can find some content to cast out into the deep blue digital ocean.

A helpful hint to sales reps... Before you visit the bait and tackle shop spend a few minutes with some of your current clients; CFO's, CIO's, IT Managers or Purchasing Managers and ask them this question...

"What sites online do you frequent when you are looking for education to help you improve what you do within your position?"

Hint... Follow those sites! Become the conduit by providing educational content to your prospects and clients. Heck, you may even learn something along the way.

3 Sites To Help Sales Reps Find Digital Bait

Flipboard - Think of Flipboard as a social network aggregator. Flipboard collects content from social media, newsfeeds and other websites and presents it in magazine format allowing users to "flip" through their social-networking feeds and feeds from websites. Here are few sites you may want to follow; Forbes, Harvard Business Review, CFO Agenda, CIO or

Feedly - Think of feedly as a news aggregator. Feedly compiles news feeds from a variety of online sources for the user to customize and share with others. You can also customize the content aggregated by Feedly to include your own personal preference of RSS feeds. Here are a few feeds you may want to follow; Fast Company, Business Insider or CNET News. 

DrumUp - DrumUp was developed for professionals and businesses for content discovery, curation and social media management. DrumUp mines through tons of content across the web in real time then uses sophisticated algorithms to recommend fresh stories most relevant to you. You can then quickly review, create and post to social platforms such as LinkedIn or Twitter.

As part of your prospecting approach; relevant and educational content does drive conversation with the modern digitally driven B2B buyer. Successful sales reps integrate the use of content as an additional method of communication along with email and the phone.

Build A Content Library To Stay Competitive

In cases where sales and marketing may not be aligned, successful sales reps will take ownership by building a digital library of content which can then be used to teach and tailor their audience (prospects and clients) throughout the buying process.

I will leave you all with this quote from the Acquity Group, "Digital content is becoming a deal breaker for consumers who are looking for information online. Companies (I will add in sales reps) that aren’t there with answers to prospects’ questions will fall off the radar, while brands that anticipate questions and provide useful resources will win brand awareness and, eventually, conversions."

Good luck in reeling in the revenue!

If you would like some inspiration I welcome the conversation or send me a message to Your comments are greatly appreciated.

If you would like to learn more please visit the Social Sales Academy and our special reports.

Look for more information within the Social Sales Academy blog site.

Be on the look-out for upcoming special announcements from the Social Sales Academy!

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, "The Difference Maker" as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform and coach B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy 




Leaders and Dogs Chasing Squirrels

I was going through the photos on my iPhone the other day. First, I should say I am glad I set up albums – apparently I take a lot of pictures. As I was looking through the millions of photos of Buddy, my Boston terrier, who recently passed, (yes, I guess my wife and I are those pet people who never had children, so our pets were spoiled absolutely rotten) the pictures reminded me of the many times Buddy would flip his head around, his ears would stand up along with all the hair on his back, when I spoke the words – Buddy! Squirrel!

He would race to the back door, and wait impatiently for the door to open. He knew in just a few seconds, he could run and attempt to catch a squirrel. I never saw him actually catch a squirrel, however, I did witness him climb 5 feet up the 100 year old cotton wood. Buddy would have called it the squirrel high-rise condo, if he could have talked.

This trip down memory lane also reminded me of the times I myself chased squirrels – you know, the new thing, getting distracted by the noise of a better way. Like Buddy, regardless of what I was doing, that vision of something begging to be chased was sometimes irresistible.

So, in a sense, leaders are a lot like dogs; loyal to the way things are, but always eager to chase something new.

As I get older, I look back on what I chased, and for the most part, I can say the things I caught actually worked out for me. I also wonder sometimes what would have changed had I caught the things that got away. I don’t regret anything. I have always believed that what we learn from missed opportunities is much more valuable than any regret.

 Another thing about getting older is when you do find yourself chasing the squirrel, the length of the chase is much shorter. Maybe it’s the wisdom that comes with age, or maybe because we recognize more quickly that the squirrel is faster, we figure out faster that the squirrel is misleading us. Or, we simply recognize the squirrel thinks we’re nuts.

Leaders must stay focused on the present, and they must also inject the future as needed. Organizations that can bring the future to the present will be the disruptors. The distractions of every industry can become extremely misleading. As industries go through transformations, its leaders will be teased by all the squirrels sitting right outside their comfort zone, begging to be chased. The trick is determining which squirrel to chase and how long to chase it. 

The excitement of the new way is first realized when we begin the chase; we get more excited as others join in, and along with our peers, we all chase something we believe will help transform our industry. As the chase continues, we seek out help to avoid tragedy along the chase.

 Now, when there is a pack chasing the future, and everyone is feeding off each other’s energy, it usually seems like the squirrel will be caught. Then, the pack gets impatient. Some of the chasers stop, and some take detours when they see a slower squirrel.  The chasers are bound and determined to catch a squirrel, and soon even the guides are allowing them to take complete and unobstructed control.

As industries migrate through market shifts, the information overload from the consultants, the trainers, as well as the adapting pioneers will provide the interested many different approaches to chase. The struggle is in determining the best ways forward, which squirrel to chase. The reality is the best way forward must start with a mindset, then a business plan. You must see yourself catching the squirrel, and understand what that catch will give you.

 When you become impatient with the chase, determine if the guide you have is the problem or if the squirrel just too fast. Those who have a plan and can visualize not only catching the squirrel, but also what happens when they do, will more than likely realize their guide is being bogged down by all the slower chasers.

A dog chases the squirrel with passion and focus, because dogs think every squirrel they chase is the same squirrel, and dogs live in the moment. Their future is today.  I believe Buddy caught the squirrel in his mind every time he started the chase; he had the passion to remain excited.  When you choose to pioneer something in conjunction with your peers, make sure your plan isn’t interrupted by the slower chasers who never had a plan when they started, and never visualized catching the squirrel. Keep it firmly in your mind – your future is today. Catch the squirrel – every time.

R.J. Stasieczko

Top Ten "Why Copiers Should Have Warning Labels"

I wrote this back in 2011 and thought it would be a good repost for everyone.  Enjoy!

Yes sir, 31 years in the business and counting...over those 31 years I've seen and heard some strange things happen in the copier business.  Here's some warning labels that I'd like to see on copiers. BTW, most of these threads came from Print4Pay Hotel Members forum.  Enjoy!

1. Warning:  If you don't insert the toner cartridge carefully you're gonna ruin your clothes and your co-workers are gonna have a good laugh.

2. Warning:  Excessive weight on the copier glass will cause it to break and you will suffer.

3. Warning:  Don't stare at the exposure lamp while the copier is running, it could cause temporary blindness.

4. Warning:  Don't copy or print on to glossy ink jet paper, this will cause a major cluster %$#$ in the fuser (melted plastic is never good).

5. Warning:  Don't place your cup of coffee on the copier while waiting for copies or prints.

6. Warning:  Don't put the wrong toner in the unit, if it doesn't fit.....where have I heard that's not legit!

7. Warning:  Don't scan your face or any other body part since a digital copy will be held on the hard drive for ever!

8. Warning:  Excessive use will cause the system to fail on a regular basis.

9. Warning:  Dispose of properly and in a safe manner, these systems are not eco friendly to be used as for the start of an artificial reef.

10. Warning: The printing or copying of money will land you in jail, if you don't believe me than print some money, spend it and email us to let us know what happens!

If anyone would care to add to the list, feel free!!  I'm sure there's a heck of alot more than this! 

BTW next week I'll have a Top Ten of the Funniest Copier Moments in the Industry. 

If you'd like to have one of your Funniest Copier Moments in the Industry published then log on to the Print4Pay Hotel forums, and post your thread along with the others.

Dam, I can't wait to read the threads on the forums.

-=Good Selling=-

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago The Third Week of July 2006

The thread titled  Caught this in my email "Sales Process Questions" , the thread has two different talk tracks.  One with the sales person asking the VEEP of Sales for help and the other is the VEEP looking to the sales rep for extra effort.  It's a good one.

Konica Minolta Biz Hub vs. Ricoh 3035

download attached file This document has been archived, you can unlock this document and many others with an elite membership. Please send me an email if you are interested. Konica_Minolta_bizhub_350_vs_3035.pdf

eCopy Unveils Next Generation Document Scanning

users of eCopy ScanStation OP - with Canon, Konica Minolta, Gestetner, HP, Lanier, Ricoh, Savin, Sharp, and Toshiba MFPs - to scan and distribute documents using the same easy-to-use approach. A single software standard makes it easier for IT personnel to manage multiple devices from different manufacturers. It also enables independent software vendors (ISVs) to provide their users with support for scanning on all eCopy-supported MFPs simply by developing one connector. As a result, eCopy offers the

Konica Minolta Launches New Colour Digital System At Digital Print World

Minolta is also showing the bizhub PRO C500 with a production speed of 3,000 A4 impressions an hour in either full colour or black and white. The versatile bizhub PRO C500 can produce trimmed A4 booklets in full colour. The speed and flexibility of the bizhub C500 mean that it can be used for all commercial print applications, both in colour and black and white, saving on the cost of having separate colour and mono digital printers. Visitors can also see Konica Minolta systems demonstrated with a

Konica Minolta Survey Highlights Widespread Printer Confusion

Konica Minolta Survey Highlights Widespread Printer Confusion • Only half of printer users recycle cartridges • Most are unaware of printing costs • Many don’t know a laser from an inkjet The latest frontline survey from Konica Minolta reveals that printer users are not recycling, and do not know true financial and business benefits of colour lasers 10th July 2006 – A new survey conducted on behalf of Konica Minolta Printing Solutions has found that printer users are still not recycling their

ricoh 3035 vs Xerox WPC 232

download attached document This document has been archived, you can unlock this document and many others with an elite membership. Please send me an email if you are interested. Xerox_WCP_232_vs_3035.pdf

Xerox and their single click Ledger

Xerox is at it again, pushing the fact that their machines only click once for 11 x 17. On a color system the savings can be huge. I plan to try and explain to the customer that it is just common sense that copying/printing something that is twice as big is going to cost twice as much. And to explain what happens when you pay less than you should for service/supplies. Can anyone help me squash this tactic or share any successes they've had overcoming this thorn in the side?

Caught this in my email "Sales Process Questions"

. When will you commit to cold calling? When I look at your closing ratio, I am not pleased. You are a professional salesperson. What are you doing to increase your level of sales success? Are you continually studying the mechanics of the sales process? Your sales pipeline seems inflated. It appears that you are selling me rather than clients. What are you going to do to produce a more accurate sales forecast? I am here to help, but I am a shared resource. I cannot work with you on every deal. You

sales rep needed in Branson MO

We primarily sell new and used Ricoh family of products, but are associated with no brand. If any of you go getters would like to live and work in a beautiful area that has a slower pace than most, contact Dave:

Sales Activity / Prospect / Call Sheets

Hi, i'm looking for examples of Activity / Prospect / Call Sheets being used in other parts of the world. Thanks in advance. DB

Ricoh 2035e

Need part number for op. manual, for a Ricoh 2035e.

Ricoh is pleased to announce the availability

Ricoh is pleased to announce the availability of the DWG/DXF/DWF option for the RW-240 Controller used with the Aficio 240W. Adding this option to the RW-240 Controller can greatly improve your customers’ workflow. (This option is already available for the RW-480 Controller). Some of the smaller wide format companies that are your wide format customers may not be aware of the advantages this option provides. Please review option highlights below: Option Overview: The DWG, DXF and DWF are

Re: sc672 no a 3025

Wish I had better news, we never did fix this problem it was R/A ed back to Ricoh. They know of this issue but have no fix at this time. Good Luck

Re: MP C3500 no PCL?

If you're talking about the 2500/3000, the drivers are on Ricohs site for PCL5/6/RPCS

Re: Ricoh 2035e

you can get it from, (the actual pdf)

Re: Ricoh 2035e

OK then, you take charge and print up the pdf (duplexing of course) and 3 hole punch it. Then get a 3 ring binder that you have laying around the office and place the op. manual in the binder and deliver it to the customer. They will love you because it is on 8.5 x 11 instead of the small book that Ricoh will probably charge you for and take about 2 weeks to get to you.

Re: Pantone color Matching

More info on Pantone and Ricoh color systems Pantone Color pallettes are now available for the Aficio 3228C Aficio 3235C, Aficio 3245C, Aficio 3260C (with either the Scan/Print kit or Fiery E7000 controller),and the Aficio Color 5560 (with either the Scan/Print kit or Fiery E7000 controller).These color palettes will help users print a closer match of specific Pantone colors from supported Ricoh color devices. The enclosed Pantone Users Guide provides detailed information on importing the

Re: SMB Scanning C2820

Also, if you are trying to scan to a Win2003 server by default you cannot scan using smb because the change to the smb protocol Microsoft made with that OS. Ricoh has created new firmware for some of it mfp's to allow it.

3228c/3235c/3245c Maintenance Pricing

I've had a problem lately using Ricoh's DMAP formula of charging a per development cost while not including color toner. (ex. - $.0176 per development...including black toner but excluding color toner.) It seems all of my competition are doing an all inclusive contract that includes black & color toner. Anyone figured out another method that is competitive yet profitable?


Download attached Ricoh Press Release

Sales Reps... Why Writing Content Should Be Part Of Your Sales Strategy

Sales teams can't go one day without hearing, "You have now entered the world of buyer empowerment." Yes, thanks to Google buyers have the ability to research and make buying decisions independent of communication with sales reps. 

It is no secret, digital and online resources are playing a major role in altering the way buyers buy. The landscape is changing rapidly as buyers conduct pre-purchase research to understand their options via a combination of channels including search, social, email and numerous competitive websites. 

Successful sales reps who recognize this learn how to not only engage the new digital buyer but to align their online and offline resources to the buyer journey.

How far is today’s B2B buyer through the decision-making process before engaging a sales rep? Whether it is 57%, 67% or 77% the actual number probably doesn’t matter. What’s important is today’s self-educated B2B buyer increasingly turns to sources other than salespeople for information.

Exercise for Sales Reps...

Go face to face with one of your clients. Ask them this...

"When making a purchase with significant impact to your organization, how many people get involved? And at what point do you engage a sales rep for help?"

CEB executives Brent Adamson, Matthew Dixon and Nicholas Toman in an article published in Harvard Business Review entitled “The End of Solution Sales.” say it best, “The hardest thing about B2B selling today is that customers don’t need you the way they used to.”

Successful sales reps realize the one critical part of addressing the new buyer’s journey is not merely creating digital tactics, but focusing on how they engage prospects and even clients once they engage digitally.



"Sales reps must learn how to become digital fishermen and content is the bait on the hook"

Calling all sales reps, how you... Capture, Converse, Collaborate, and Connect along with providing relevant and insightful Content to grab the attention of the executive buyer will determine your sales success in the 21st century. 

Sales Reps Must Leverage Content As Bait

Writing content attracts prospects. 

I am here to inform you wisdom often comes from the mouth of salespeople.

Gather the top questions you hear from your clients and prospects during your sales meetings and answer them in a blog format. Potential prospects researching for those answers online could end up finding your blog posts.

Here are a few ideas for you (especially if you are inside the B2B Office Technology Channel)

  • Top 5 reasons why implementing Document Management is critical to your business
  • 3 reasons document scanning can enhance productivity within accounting department's
  • 3 reasons why BYOD security is important within the digital workforce

Prospects and clients today not only search by keywords but by topics or through questions entered in a search engine. If your posts are hitting on the topics your prospects are searching for then you are attracting potential customers.

Content drives conversations

My friend Jack Kosakowski says it best, "Content drives value, value drives conversation, revenue is a result of both of these combined once you go offline."  Content includes blogs, social posts, videos, webinars, white papers and more. All the content your company produces to engage customers is marketing collateral that translates directly into sales. Posting content online (LinkedIn as an example), one of the most important things to remember is that you are starting a conversation.

Important, the content posted must be relevant, educational and worth reading. As opposed to a bunch of self-centered sales propaganda. The goal is to teach, tailor and encourage conversation. 

Benjamin Franklin once said,

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about.”

Content nurtures a relationship

As sales reps speak with potential customers, they need to remember it’s a conversation involving talking, listening and hearing. Selling in today’s connected digital space is about building long-term business relationships. Before you can get to the closing opportunity, you need to understand each potential customer on a 1-1 individual level.

Learning their business challenges, what problems or concerns they have, and what they are looking for allows sales reps to make better recommendations and most importantly educate. Getting to the sale starts with small conversation and listening; as content can be a great way to keep in touch.

Content personalizes the sales process

Conversations are personal, by nature. Unfortunately, most sales funnels are not very personal. This may leave sales reps struggling to engage with prospects who may or may not know much about their brand and how they can help.

The only way to overcome any initial disconnect is through education. However, bombarding prospects with general marketing materials is not the answer; 1-1 personalizing is. It’s time to change the pace of sales by changing the way you sell. Sometimes just slowing down allows sales reps to sell faster. Check out more by reading...

Sales is just relationship-building at scale. It might impossible for sales reps to spend the time to get to know each prospect or customer personally, but this doesn’t mean they can’t personalize their approach integrating the use of content.

Let's face reality, most prospects feel sales reps are full of Sh%T. As you capture, converse, collaborate and connect with your prospects; share with them with your posts, educate them and help by guiding them in the right direction. One direction you can point them to is to your LinkedIn profile. This is where you promote your business professional brand, your story, how you have helped your clients and what your prospects can expect when the get engaged with you. You can check out my profile here...

In conclusion...

Be Honest, Share your Knowledge and Reduce the Risk

Misleading your audience is sure way to damage your professional brand and discourage prospects from trusting you. Being completely honest, accurate and genuine will greatly boost your credibility both online and face to face. If you consider yourself an expert in your field, you already have a fantastic source of credibility. Make that resource known by offering your knowledge to the rest of your community. Whenever possible, put your potential prospects at ease by reducing the amount of risk associated in doing business with you. The fewer roadblocks and red flags the more they’ll be able to trust in you. 

If you would like some inspiration I welcome the conversation or send me a message to Your comments are greatly appreciated.

If you would like to learn more please visit the Social Sales Academy and our special reports.

Look for more information within the Social Sales Academy blog site.

Be on the look-out for upcoming special announcements from the Social Sales Academy!

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, "The Difference Maker" as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform and coach B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy 



Insuring the Future

Insuring the Future

National Crop Insurance Services is using DocuWare throughout their organization to manage email, accounting records, meeting minutes, time cards, and most importantly, information distributed to its members. Having easy immediate access to essential information is invaluable for this not-for-profit.

National Crop Insurance Services is an international not-for-profit organization representing the 18 crop insurance companies that sell Federal crop insurance, as well as others that write private crop-hail insurance only.  NCIS members write crop-hail insurance, the federally-supported risk management program and privately developed crop insurance products, totaling more than $11 billion in premiums, with an insured value of nearly $150 billion in 2014. On behalf of its members, NCIS collects and manages data and information, conducts research and analysis, serves as a licensed statistical agency for the crop-hail program and conducts extensive educational activities on claims adjustment, ethics, policies and procedures.

NCIS members range in size from one-state companies to national writers, as well as international company members. The companies service all farmers participating in the federal program, including limited-resource and socially disadvantaged farmers.  In partnership with the government, these private companies deliver the safety net that equitably provides effective risk management tools to America’s farmers and ranchers.


With a staff of 45, NCIS needed a secure single location where it could store and manage their corporate documents such as internal meeting minutes, information from the federal government and bulletins it distributes to its members. They were also in need of a better way to track the different versions of notes as they worked towards making a decision and they needed to be able to easily research when and why a decision was made. The organization also needed to update its document retention policy regarding email in order free up room on its servers. In general, they saw the benefit of making their processes as paperless as possible.


NCIS spoke with their trusted IT vendor about their needs. As an Authorized DocuWare Partner, their IT vendor recommended and installed DocuWare. The software was initially rolled out to the HR department and all employees were trained on how to use the software to manage time cards, time sheets and time off requests. This was done to help the entire organization feel comfortable with DocuWare before it was rolled out to other areas with more complex work processes.

Next, DocuWare was rolled out to manage meeting minutes with long term retention schedules. Today, meeting minutes are stored in DocuWare making them available from a laptop, phone or tablet, eliminating emailing out the notes. Version control is used to help the staff keep track of high priority decisions and to document the evolution of policy decisions. NCIS decided to back scan Board of Director minutes to 1997.

“Because agriculture policy is based on long term results it is very helpful to be able to use DocuWare’s full text search feature and research our own internal database,” said Jim Crist, Chief Financial and Operations Officer for National Crop Insurance Services.

In the past, five to six times a year NCIS would mail a CD to its members containing a federal report for every county and crop in the nation. Today, member agents can login to DocuWare through NCIS’ website and download or access the information that is pertinent to them for their clients. Agents use this information to determine the premium and coverage amount for crops, so knowing that they are always looking at the most current information is critical.


The more NCIS used DocuWare the more uses they found for the software. Their DocuWare system has expanded from purely storing HR and meeting minutes to a seamless integration with Peachtree, their accounting system. NCIS can access their AP invoices and other accounting records that are stored in a DocuWare file cabinet directly from the accounting software.   When an invoice is processed in the accounting software, the index fields for the image of the actual invoice are updated automatically, keeping both software solutions working together.

“We love having all our documents in their native formats stored in one location. Peace of mind and ease of retrieval have been the biggest benefits we’ve received from DocuWare,” said Crist.

For NCIS, knowing that their members and staff have easy access to current and historical data and reports fulfills their primary objective of providing its members with the information to develop fair underwriting for crop insurance.

Using version control for meeting minutes lets NCIS manage their meeting minutes with transparency. Version 1 is the working draft, version 2 means the minutes have been approved by the Legal Department, version 3 minutes contain revisions. At the next meeting, the version 3 minutes are opened, formally approved and stored as version 4. By using version numbers, the staff can see what changes were made and where in the process they were made for complete transparency.

The organization was also able to update their document retention policy. Important email can be archived in DocuWare in its native format and easily searched. All other messages are stored for two years then deleted. By implementing this policy, the organization was able to free up needed room on its email server and guarantee that vital content was not lost.


Using DocuWare for records management has become essential for NCIS because their information is securely stored and searchable, giving the organization peace of mind similar to the way crop insurance brings peace of mind to agricultural producers. In 2014, 1.2 million policies were sold protecting more than 120 different crops covering 294 million acres, an area larger than Texas and California combined, with an insured value of $110 billion. The impact of NCIS’ work ripples out to affect us all. 

“Having immediate easy access to information, it is priceless,” concluded Crist.

---------------------------------------Bulleted Lists-----------------


Create a single location for all information

Facilitate the distribution of information to members

Track meeting minutes versions


Peace of Mind

Access to information

Ability to search for information

Long-term secure storage

National Crop Insurance Services

Industry: Not-for-profit

Location: Kansas, USA

Application: Company-wide records management

Document Types: time cards, email, accounting records, meeting minutes, bulletins

DocuWare Corporation | 4 Crotty Lane, Suite 200 | New Windsor, NY 12553   

(888) 565-5907 |

The death of King Herold & The victory of Duke Willem

When King Harold was mortally wounded (by an arrow in the right eye), the Anglo-Saxons fell back and the Norman knights could continue their victory march.

King Harold, still sitting on his horse, suffered horribly when the Norman knights surrounded him and killed him with their swords. Only a few Anglo-Saxons reached the woods and survived.

Duke Willem of Normandy set up his tent on top of the battlefield and slept between the death bodies of his enemy’s.

Are we King Herold or Duke Willem?

Are we Defenders or Conquerors?

Are we Losing or Winning ?


What strategy are you following in your day to day copier business?

Competition or Collaboration?, Quality or Price?, Volume or Value?


What do you offer your customers and prospects?

More of the same? Same as everybody?


What if King Herold and Duke Willem, instead of fighting the ‘Battle of Hastings’ in the year 1066, would have founded the ‘Treaty of Hastings’?

Now 950 years went by! Will we ever learn?

The Conference

Recently I attended a technology conference; the technology industry has never been short on having conferences. This particular conference was hosted by a manufacturer and it had roughly 800 attendees. The article I am writing today is not about the vendor or the conference host; I wanted to explore the meeting of the minds. It’s interesting to discover the way many define what they see, or what they miss, all very differently.  

All of us have attended conferences. The conferences within the technology community are more than likely the same as most industries as it relates to the attendees. The conference is the place to bring organizations and people together in a quest for collaboration, sharing best practices, sharing war stories, looking for the next secret weapon for their sales arsenal, and finally and most importantly, participating in good fun with their peers. I personally love conferences.

The attitudes of the attendees is what I personally find the most interesting, starting with the guy who hates the world. Everything he heard at last year’s conference didn’t work, so he’s determined this conference would probably be a waste of time too. Ok - obviously no one would come out and say those things, but all reading this have translated a conversation similarly.  Then there’s the guy or gal who is so excited about what they do, they can overwhelm people. I admit, this could be me sometimes.  All the attendees are there to be inspired, to learn something new, to uncover a more profitable opportunity, and to find new connections to help solve old problems.  

Everyone wants the secret weapon; they would pay a lot if someone was selling it. They would travel across the country or across the world to find it. What most miss is - they are the secret weapon, they just need to ignite the fuse. Nothing learned, no matter the cost of tuition, no consultant regardless of their knowledge, or their reputation, and no sales advantage or gimmick will become a secret weapon. The facts are - your secret weapon can only be you, and you will uncover it when you commit to your passion causing action. It’s commitment which harness ones passions into accomplishments.

 The value of the face to face time and the collaboration that conferences provide the venue for is priceless. When I attend conferences, I ask other attendees a couple questions. What did you learn last year? And how did you benefit? Most answer like this: well, I can’t really say one particular thing or another stood out, and they go on and explain how much they enjoyed all the peer to peer sharing, and will try a couple things.

This answer was a lot of times my answer, and what a stupid answer it is. What we are saying is, we love collaborating, learning new things, listening to the dreams and goals of others. This is so important to us, that as soon as the conference ends, we lock all this knowledge up in our own procrastination vault, where it stays - in the catacombs of our minds, right next to the last un-acted on knowledge from the conference the year before.

 The talking part of collaboration is useless if you don’t apply action. Here is my strategy for conference attending: talk to as many people as possible. However, determine the value of the conversation by the length of conversation; the last day, decide what two things elevated your passion on something you would actually consider committing to. Once you define those two things, that last day, put together an action plan on what it will take to move forward. Revisit the individuals who inspired you, and make sure you both have executed an agreement on action for next steps. Make it your goal from the conference - don’t let your passion for doing something different be swallowed up by the status quo monster when you return back to the office.

I believe if someone or something can wake up and fuel your passion, and then your response is procrastination - you are committing what I have defined as –

Aspiration Malpractice, when you procrastinate from doing what your goals demand you do.”

 Everyone has an understanding of what changes are needed for success in every field, but not everyone has the passion to change or accept the new or better ways. This fact provides the value prop for those who execute the changes needed. So at your next conference, seek out the conversations which scare or challenge your status quo. Learn something different, and if it stirs your emotions, act on it. These results of action will provide you conference dialogue next year.

So if someone were to ask, what did you learn last year? And, how did you benefit when executed? You will have not only brought value to yourself, you will be sharing value with others. This, after all, is why we all go. See you at the next conference.

R.J. Stasieczko

C-Level Executive, seeking to help the right organization navigate

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago The Second Week of July 2006

IS200e+Savin CLP27dn = Duplex Copy?

Does anyone know if the Savin IS200e provide duplex "copying" when it is paired with a printer that has duplex standard such as the CLP26dn or CLP27dn?

Re: Another Scan Tool Problem!

Don't know if this will help...But, the scans are typically saved to the Work folder in program files under RW-240, you'll have to drill down to them. If the customer is scanning to a set, scantool always tries to open the last set you worked with when you open the application. If one of the tif files have been moved it will display a similar error to what it seems you're experiencing. Try creating a set and saving it, then closing scantool and reopening it. If this works that is probably your

Re: 480W technical defect

One issue I know with the Ricoh plotters "cutting off the drawing" is when prining PDF files. Acrobat 6 has this issue and a fix is to upgrade Acrobat to version 7. If you have more information about the circumstances under which the drawings are printing incorrectly, we will be glad to help.

Re: Typical Prospect

Do you mean to tell me that no one is selling Document Mall????

Re: @ Remote is Here!!

I ran into a deal where the toshiba dealer was telling the prospect that their machine automatically emails them when mpm's are due and meters. So I checked their website and it seems to be true. I don't see why are products can't do the same. Sometimes it seems the manufacturers are more concerned with how secure they can make the product than user-friendliness.

MSOffice Printing Defaults

I have a customer with a Savin CLP18, they called out of the blue after having it over a year and said the default settings keep changing to whatever the last setting was (if they print to the bypass once from then on everything wants to go there until they change it back) After working on this for some time in our office and finding that I could not reproduce the problem in MSWord 2002, but did in Word 2003 I found that they upgraded their MSOffice to 2003 recently. Is there anyone who can

Independent Contractor(s) Opportunity

IT Intersection, Inc., subsidiary of VircoSoft Corporation is seeking (5) Independent Contractors (Sales) for an exciting, high income potential opportunity. ALL CONTACT WITH US WILL BE HELD IN STRICT CONFIDENCE Basic Requirements: Document Management Software experience (hardware sales, IT sales and/or technical support) Strong desire to work in the fast growing Document Management Software Solution Industry Excellent communication skills Organized Tenacious, persistent and able to work with

Print Collate CLP27dn and Adobe

I know that the hard drive is recommended for collate printing on the Savin CLP27dn. So, I wasn't surprised when I selected Collate in the driver and printed a PDF and it wasn't collated. I selected collate in the driver and the application and then in the driver alone, then the application alone. No collate. I was surprised when I printed from MSWord and it did collate. My question know is if I do add the hard drive to the CLP27dn will I then be able to collate when printing a PDF?
Note from Art:
Looks like it was a slow week!!!!

Sales Managers... Eliminate The Number One Roadblock Keeping You From Recruiting Top Sales Reps

For sales professionals, LinkedIn has become the single best platform to build personal brand awareness and drive thought leadership to help facilitate building personal business relationships. Of course, this all starts with how you position yourself on LinkedIn. Positioning yourself is not bragging about how great you are. It is positioning yourself in the eyes of your clients. What is it you can do and provide to help them?

Well this got me thinking........ How can V.P. of Sales and Sales Managers help themselves to attract high quality sales professionals? 

My last blog, Attention Sales Reps... Your LinkedIn Profile Is Your Storefront - Are The Windows Broken? got me thinking... V.P. of Sales and Sales Managers, are the windows to your LinkedIn profile broken? Is this preventing you from attracting high quality sales talent? Think about repairing the cracks and removing the roadblocks.

Social should matter when recruiting and hiring sales reps as well. When a socially savvy sales manager goes to hire a salesperson, they’ll check the sales candidate's social media channels to monitor activity. They may look at the quality of the content posted and the frequency of how often that person engages, as this may have some influence inside the hiring process.

What do you think that sales candidate is doing as well? Don't you think he/she is looking at your website, your social channels and more importantly your LinkedIn profile? What opinions are they forming about what you have to offer to help them?


Let's open up the LinkedIn Window and Remove the Roadblocks!

 Reposition Your LinkedIn Profile and Dangle the Virtual Carrot

Eliminate The Roadblocks With a Few Minor Tweaks To Your LinkedIn Profile










  1.  Professional Headline - This is your moment to grab the attention of the ideal candidate. Most people are not aware your professional headline follows you wherever you go on LinkedIn. This means every post, every comment, group discussion and published article. Would a professional headline of "Sales Manager at XYZ Company" entice someone to want to know more versus "Providing Sales Professionals Growth Opportunities by Fostering a Culture of Leadership, Coaching and Collaboration"
  2. Summary Section - This is the one powerful part of your LinkedIn profile. I love this section! In 2,000 characters, share with potential sales candidates who you are, what motivates you, why you do what you do and how you can help them get to the next level in their careers. I am a huge fan of storytelling. Why not tell your story of how you can help? Appeal to their emotional side and position yourself as a relationship builder.
"Design Your Summary to What Great Salespeople are Attracted to..."
  • Leaders with a clear vision and great team
  • Access to resources
  • Clear expectations
  • Company culture fostering growth opportunities
  • Company growth potential

Think about utilizing the summary section from the perspective of the sales candidate and what would entice them to come work for your company.

Inside your Summary Answer Questions such as:

  • What do I (Insert your name) want to be professionally known for?
  • What do I love most about what I do?
  • What do our clients consistently use to describe the work of my sales team and their support?
  • What kind of environment I (Insert your name) provide to my sales team?

With a few minor tweaks clearly communicate why the best candidates should join your company and what you offer to help them succeed.

Create the value, be proactive and promote yourself. Get out there on LinkedIn and become visible to other sales professionals!

Look for more information within the Social Sales Academy blog site.

Be on the look-out for upcoming special announcements from the Social Sales Academy!

Please enjoy my other posts on LinkedIn Publisher and on SlideShare

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, "The Difference Maker" as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform and coach copier sales professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help independent office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy 








