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5 Yiddish Words That Remind Me Of Sales Reps Part 2... Oy Vey!

"The heaviest thing in the world is an empty pocket."
Yiddish Proverb

Translated to sales...

"The heaviest burden a sales rep can carry is an empty sales funnel."

In driving home a serious sales point, I made conscious decision to bring in some of my Jewish heritage into 5 Yiddish Words That Remind Me Of Sales Reps... Oy Vey!

  • Get off your Tuches and start prospecting!
  • If you fail to prospect you will have Bupkes at the end of the month
  • Tenured sales reps who feel they don't need to prospect any longer are Shmendriks

I am forever grateful to my heritage. From my grandparents through to my parents, a series of life-long lessons were instilled or should I say drilled into me.

Believe in yourself as this creates your reality, as the famous Yiddish expression goes, "Tracht gut vet zein gut – Think good and it will be good.”


Passed through time from my family to you...


Growing up with a Rocket Scientist for a father, the first question asked when he got home from work, "So, tell me son and be honest, did you complete your homework?"

Being raised with an 'Ivy League' educated father was pressure all by itself. That single question became the measuring stick throughout my early years. This is what I took into my sales career as honesty and integrity got me to where I am today. There is no greater temptation to cheat than in a business setting where one can earn massive amount of profits. As a sales rep if you can overcome this great temptation, you will reach a high level of character, one in which others revere. Your clients, fellow team members, management and future clients will covet what you have to offer. When you are honest, your business grows.


I ate a tremendous amount of humble pie as a kid. I had to learn how to accept and deal with criticism, as school wasn't my favorite thing to do. Pride, ego and fear get in our way of success. We all make mistakes and never think you're always right. Accept and encourage criticism, especially from those who know business better than you.

Some of my best sales ideas over the years have come from my clients, centers of influence and my mentors. I realized the wealth of information I had sitting so close to me. I see so many in sales who fail to capitalize by listening to their clients or even asking for help. This is a big mistake. Be humble, be genuine, take action on suggestions, and accept criticism, as you can greatly improve your sales career.


The Yiddish language is a fabulous source of rich expressions, especially terms of endearment, complaints and insults. Sounds like a day in the life of a sales rep!

Let's get this started...

Far gelt bakumt men alts, nor keyn sechel nit. Money buys everything except common sense. Trust me on this one, if a sales rep could finance common sense they would, oy vey!

KIBBITZ - Walk into a sales bullpen from 7:45 AM to 9:00 AM on most days and listen to all the sales reps discuss non work related chitter chatter. "Hey Bob, did you catch the football scores from the past weekend?", "Saw a great movie last night, you ought to check it out." Small talk amongst team members is healthy but get to work and stop the kibbitzing! You just lost an hour of productive work time. Sales professionals pay attention to what's important now, growing their business and taking care of their clients.

SCHMOOZE - Listening to a sales rep schmooze a client they haven't seen for quite some time is hilarious. You wouldn't have to schmooze if you made a conscious effort to maintain a healthy, proactive business relationship. This is what sales professionals do best!

TCHATCHKE - All the company branded USB devices, calendars, pens and notepads... stop it as your clients have enough of your Tchatchke's or crapola! Sales professionals continually educate, engage and excite their clients by building rock solid business relationships, based upon no gifts but what they bring to the business table which is themselves.

SCHLEP - “I had to schlep through traffic for over two hours for a meeting with that guy and it lasted only 15 minutes, OY VEY!” Suck it up sales reps as this stuff happens. A true sales professional will find a positive twist in those 15 minutes.

NUDNIK - Do not allow your clients to view you as a nudnik, a pain in the ass, nagger, and nuisance! Sales reps who consistently bring zero value, take their clients for granted but expect them to continue to do business with them are nudniks. A true sales professional builds a relationship plan and with consistency delivers on their promises.


Let the accolades begin... I wish you all well as you have been educated on a bit of my heritage as passed down through my family.

I feel strongly we all can learn from each other, our heritage, our upbringing, our friends, family and more importantly; our clients. With this I say...

L'CHAIM AND MAZEL TOV - Let's all lift up our business glasses full of clients and prospects; repeat after me... L'Chaim (to life)! Mazel Tov or congratulations as you continue to develop into the sales professionals I know you all can be.


Growing up in a Jewish household with all sisters, my dad and I were purely outnumbered. As we all got older, there was two things my mom cared about more than anything else: marrying my sisters to nice Jewish boys and where we all could find a good Chinese restaurant on Christmas Day. All I can say is we found the Chinese restaurants without a problem!

I understand, I get where you all are coming from. Every day, I walk in your shoes. I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects and modern strategies into your current sales process to grow new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way, the genuine way, the authentic way!

In 2016, I was recognized by ENX Magazine as, “The Difference Maker,” as someone who is making a difference inside the B2B office technology sector. I am passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image.

You can find more advanced training material inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my stories. Integrating the use of social and sharing my story on LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive office technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitterSocial Sales Academy and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart.



This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Third Week of February 2003

Going back 15 years never seems to amaze me.   Ricoh 1224C, Panasonic Copiers, Danka, Ikon, Imagistics, eCopy, it's all here.  Enjoy the popular threads from way back in 2003!

Xerox n Canon updates

l6ppm printing at an interpolated 2,400dpi resolution. The Phaser 8200 also features a powerful 500MHz processor, allowing it to handle large flies without losing performance. The Phaser 8200 series consists of four models, with the top machine going for $3,999. Canon ships Color imageRunner C2058 This recently launched color multilfunctional replaces the Color imageRUNNER 2050 in th product line. Sold as a printer, copier, or copier-printer, the 2050 is targeted for office color users (Canon

Ricoh 1060 versus Canon 5000 i

I have some good info , but am wondering if anyone out there, perhaps someone that sells both, could compare and contrast the differences between these two models, besides the obvious speed difference? I am getting killed on price, some of which is to be expected with the speed and capacity differences, but am looking for some good meat I can use to put into a side by side comparison. Also, while I know the Canon has a 5.1 GIG hard drive standard, the Canon dealer is telling the client that

Ricoh vs Ricoh

Does anyone know if there is any written or unwritten rule about how two competing Ricoh companies are supposed to compete against each other? I was in a deal and worked it for 3 weeks and beat out Canon, but then Ricoh direct got involved and not only beat my price, but destroyed it and now if I chooose to get it, if I can even get there, there is no money to be made. THANKS

Re: Ricoh vs Ricoh

There is a code of ethics between Ikon, Savin, Gestetner, Ricoh US and I believe Dealers. We have been told, to DMAP Register every account during the sales cycle. This way, the others have to back off. I know this is not alot of info, but I am sure one of us has to have something in writing.

Re: I hope it's not true

Current acting head of Ricoh US is Tom Salierno who is the past President and COO of Savin and the current head of Direct Sales Divisions. All Ricoh personel have been asked not to comment on the allegations.

Weekly Factoid Copier Sales Discounts

Weekly Factoid - This Week's Topic; Average Discounts (Changes Weekly - last changed Jan. 28)Average discounts for connected multifunctional devices ranges between 21.4% - 23.4% depending on the speed of the device. Want to read about other exciting...

Re: Ricoh 1060 versus Canon 5000 i

How much does Global Scan cost??? We are having it launched tomorrow to our dealership. THANKS quote: Originally posted by Mike: If this has the E-Copy server on it there is no way they can match your price. If possible explain how we have nothing velcroed to the machine. If this machine is lower it could also be a demo. Now that we have Global Scan there is no way we should be beaten and my price is always lower than Canon and it has a fair amount of GP. Also your price is lower for any more

Re: Ricoh vs Ricoh

Thanks for the info. That is just it. I have them registered DMAP already. Is it possible that the other Ricoh dealer thinks they can get to that price and has not checked to see if they can get them registered, or do they have access to some incredible pricing that I cannot get??? I mean their pricing is right at DMAP cost. It is ridiculous

Re: Ricoh vs Ricoh

It all depends on the financial strength and the volume of boxes moved that will determine what the dealer buys at. I have had to be very creative on some sales to make a few dollars and push the envelope of what Ricoh offers and how it is done, I will not reveal them on this site, because one of my competitors is a member on this site (I can't give all my secrets away). Howevef youme an email, I can hopefully help you. Art

Re: 1224 not energy star complient?

Lee, If you read the last page of the 1224 Ricoh or savin brochure it is stated that the 24 is not energy star complient. Just to be clear the 1232 is stated to be complient.

Re: I hope it's not true

I hate to see even the worst person in the world accused or guilty of something like this. But on the bright side, now that Ivy will be gone, we might get someone in who is more Ricoh friendly instead of Savin, Gestetner friendly. I know we are all one big happy family, but you have to admit that Ricoh dealers have been getting the short end of every stick since Ivy has been on board. Now maybe the tide has turned

Re: Seperator Pages?

job is 1-3 page print jobs you add almost $2,100/year ($6,300 over 3 years) If you use colored paper stock the costs go up another 30%. Information compliments of David Sweetnam, Director of Research for BERTL. All that having been said, if you still want an answer, I would call Jeff Weinstein, High Volume District Sales Manager for Ricoh. He is the product manager for the 1075, 1085 and the 1105. His number is (714) 566-0641.

I hope it's not true

contact and child endangerment, said Lt. Jeff Paul, spokesman for the Morris County Prosecutor's Office. Ricoh Corp., a 39-year-old U.S. company with headquarters in West Caldwell, is a diversified office-automation equipment and electronics provider with annual sales in excess of $2.2 billion. Ivy, who was arrested Feb. 10, was accused of sexually assaulting an 8-year-old girl in his care. He also was charged with having sexual contact with a girl, now 18, between 1992 and 1998, Paul said. A third

Bright Spot for Color Wide Format

change their message; Concern about "keeping up with technological change" is also on the decline, so shops no longer see the need to acquire the latest and the greatest in order to be competitive; Prepress-related processes like preflighting, working with PC files, and PDF workflow are sharply declining. "Increasing sales personnel" is decreasing as a sales opportunity at the same time that "working with print brokers" and "partnering with other graphic arts firms" is on the rise. When it comes

Re: Bright Spot for Color Wide Format

, every new sales opportunity is a blessing. But, if you’re a print provider, you may not be thrilled about your clients and suppliers buying their own equipment. Look for finishing services to make up for some of this lost work. Finishing is one arena most would rather leave to the printers, so they may not be losing as much business as they thought." Highlights Include Among creative professionals, commercial photographers reported the highest interest in wide-format printers with 11% planning to

Re: Ricoh 1060 versus Canon 5000 i

If this has the E-Copy server on it there is no way they can match your price. If possible explain how we have nothing velcroed to the machine. If this machine is lower it could also be a demo. Now that we have Global Scan there is no way we should be beaten and my price is always lower than Canon and it has a fair amount of GP. Also your price is lower for any more 1060 since they would already have Global. With e-copy they have to but it everytime!

Re: Aficio 3006 Copy Counter/Dev Counter

Lee Rummage may kill me when he finds out I know about this, but here goes anyway. Officially, I think this is called factory SP mode. It looks like regular SP mode for the most part, but you can make changes here that you can't make anywhere else, such as going from dev. to pages again once it's been changed. You can even change the machine serial number, though that would be a rare need. This mode is usually reserved for Ricoh regional service managers and other such Ricoh personnel. To

Re: Presidents Day 2003

Art, did you ever think it was the competition that might be plowing you back in? Also, you can use this time to hit 1000 posts, and give us a chance to get ahead of you in sales!

Re: I hope it's not true

I am very sad to read this. Jim is finished I am sure. If he did do what he is accused of he very well should be. If he is a victim or false alligation he is still finished as head of Ricoh. Thanks to all you guys and gals for being here for me with laughs, info, solutions, encouragement, and yes even the sad sad news like this.

Which one?

I have a customer that called me yesterday. They are getting a solution from Laser-Fiche that requires a scanner. Laser-Fiche has built the deal with either a Ricoh IS330DC or a IS450DE scanner. My customer thought they could save some money by getting the scanner from me instead of Laser-Fiche. My question is, they are going to be scanning approximately 3,500 pages per day. Will the IS330DC be able to handle this volume?

Variable Data Printing

taken from large databases to a print engine without losing any speed. If you are interested in variable data printing, you can expect the vendor to provide the software that makes the conversion and places the inserted text in the right position. You may be lucky enough to get off-the-shelf software, but it’s likely the software will have to be customized to meet your requirements. Vendors such as IBM, OCE, and Xerox are dearly oriented toward this kind of back-office work. With personalization

State Government Leasing

Can anyone recommend a leasing company which will take a P.O. instead of having a lease doc signed. Ricoh has a state contract with Florida but it is in a special category and Ricoh has it as a DMAP program and left leasing up to the dealers. Ricoh will not take a P.O. like they do with GSA and the local county will not sign a lease document because the terms are not concurrent with state statutes so they will only cut a P.O. for each fiscal year. I believe Ricoh left us to hang out in the wind

High Volume Dictionary

Xerox Standard for Inserting print control statements. These are commands that are embedded by an application inside a print job that give instructions to the printer for modifying the format and layout of the job. DJDE’s commands are used to start a new page, change fonts, and so on, although its capabilities are limited in scope. DJDE commands are often embedded in Metacode. Metacode Metacode is a page description language invented by Xerox for defining laser printer jobs. It works by embedding

1045P printing from MAC

I don't want to sound like an uneducated salesman here, but is there any other way to print from a MAC without having the PS Option? I have a 1045 connected at a University Dental School with 23 folks printing from PC's and was not told about the one part time professor that has is own MAC. Now they say they're pretty sure they told me about him and I need to set it up. Ted, Graham and Art- Help Feeling Murphy's Law, John

Does anyone have...

Does anyone have any RMAP Purchase/Maintenance Forms they would like to send us. We have been ordering them since mid-January, but haven't gotten any. Now, we are competely out. About 10 or 15 would see us through until we receive some from Ricoh...whenever that will be. Thanks. The address is Peters & Walker, Inc. 2516 W. Waco Dr. Waco, TX 76710 Again, Many Thanks Ted

Aficio 3006 Copy Counter/Dev Counter

Is there any way to change the display counter from Devs to Copies. The meter is already above 0, my tech is saying there is no way, but to be sure Ricoh would know better. Your help is greatly appreciated. Greg
-=Good Selling=-

Bank Achieves AP Process Improvement with Cloud-based Digital Workflows and Secure Document Storage

Bank Achieves AP Process Improvement with Cloud-based Digital Workflows and Secure Document Storage

Southeast National Bank implemented DocuWare, a modern document management solution, to digitize its own accounts payable process. The results: invoice approval time dropped from one week to a few hours positioning the company for future growth without the need to add staff.

Southeast National Bank (SENB) is a regional bank with 5 branches and 65 employees, offering a full range of banking services. 


For their accounts payable department, SENB relied on a time-intensive paper-based system of making copies and shipping documents between branches for approval. The bank was ready to improve their accounting processes and streamline their workflow, so they contacted their IT vendor who evaluated their processes and suggested DocuWare Cloud because it offered them the flexibility, security and the quick onramp time they were looking for.


Working with an Authorized DocuWare Partner, the bank’s workflow was evaluated and a simpler process was developed using DocuWare Cloud. Employees were brought together for a training session and everyone quickly got onboard. Today, invoices and other accounts payable documents are routed through a digital workflow and approval process using electronic stamps. DocuWare interfaces with the bank’s general ledger software, Phoenix, and an accounts payable software, Banktel Systems, to streamline the entire process.

“When our vendor recommended DocuWare Cloud, we thought that was a good fit for us because we are very comfortable with the cloud software model and the security it offers our information,” said Don Schlorff, CFO and COO of Southeast National Bank.


The bank’s entire accounts payable process changed for the better. Their old process was labor and time-intensive requiring them to make copies and ship them from branch to branch. Today’s process is very transparent and invoices are never “lost” in transit or left on someone’s desk.

“Our invoice approval process used to take a week, now it’s done in a few hours. Time savings is the biggest benefit DocuWare Cloud has brought us, plus knowing that our process is now so much more efficient, secure and searchable,” said Schlorff.

With DocuWare in place, Southeast National bank is positioned to grow without needing to add more staff. Additionally, the accounts payable person has been able to take on other responsibilities, allowing the company to leverage their human resources.


“DocuWare is so flexible it could really do anything; we started with it in the accounts payable department because moving to a digital system is what had to happen. We have been very happy with the results and will look for other areas where DocuWare can streamline our processes,” said Schlorff.

DocuWare Corporation | 4 Crotty Lane, Suite 200 | New Windsor, NY 12553        (888) 565-5907 |

Relationships, Change in a Pull-Economy

That is my explanation of the Push-Economy becoming the Pull-Economy.” RJS

How will customer relationships change? Here’s my thinking.

In the product pushing sales environment of the past, the customer was sought after, courted and the seller of the product based their customer acceptance on the relationship they created with the buyer. In a Pull-Economy the buyer becomes the hunter the buyer forms relationships based on their experience in acquiring what they desire. A Pull-Economy removes the power from the seller and gives it to the buyer. The Pull-Economy redirects the search from sellers searching prospects, to sellers becoming prospects to buyers. Today choices are easily identified, researched, and acquired so, the need for the pushing of products through outdated selling strategies or marketing strategies of the past is diminishing greatly. The challenge will be for resellers to determine how they respond at the intersection when their products become more of a commodity or are no longer near as valuable to the marketplace as they once were. In today’s innovative world many organizations and industries will find themselves at this intersection. 

Here are a few quotes I penned as warnings to how one’s greatest perceived or actual customer relationship assets can prove to be inconsequential as your customer discovers the new innovator who changed the game.

“You can be the vendor with the greatest relationships and lose to the new unknown competitor who delivers a better experience.” 

 “You can be the vendor who answers the phone in two rings and lose to the new unknown competitor who doesn’t even accept phone calls.”

“You can have been recognized as the markets greatest service provider and lose to the new innovator who redefines how your product is serviced.”

“Today It’s not the competitor we know and believe we can beat that should concern us. We must be vigilant to look to our imagination for the new competitor coming from places which were once unimaginable.”

The passion organizations have of their greatness must be balanced with the reality of how the marketplace accepts the greatness of what they sell. Think about how many organizations believe that the reason for their success is their great relationships. In 2018 this could be a dangerous strategy for the continuation of their prosperity especially if their deliverable is declining in customer needs and appreciation. In these new innovative times, the patience customers used have in remaining in the old way based on great relationships is quickly eroding.“The new way’s momentum is fueled by the old way’s stubbornness.”

Today’s customer wants relevance, and more importantly, they now can seek and define on their own what they determine is relevant. Customers have the tools and the means to seek alternatives to what they once desired with little or no human intervention. Customers are building digital relationships based user experiences, and from their, they determine the value of the human component. Those organizations who can integrate with their customers over interrupting them will prevail. Today it’s not just sales and service organizations who have the availability of data mining to guide a decision processes more and more end-users are preceding their vendors in their own data mining. They are searching for solutions without involving their current vendors and forming new relationships from what they've discovered. 

When organizations or industries are going through disruption, many spend more focus on what I call “Relevance Convincing” They convince themselves and their industry peers that what they manufacture or deliver still has the relevance it once had regardless what the marketplace decided. Instead of investing in diversification or even re-inventing the how of what they do, they instead re-invest, and some even double down in the hallucinations of their past greatness. The pioneer or innovator re-invents the past or brings the future to the present. Innovators bring a new delivery system for the customers desired outcomes. SMB resellers must leave the emotional baggage of yesterday’s marketing strategies behind them. Those outdated strategies which attempt to make relevant what customers themselves have decided is irrelevant or is quickly declining in its relevance.         

As yesterday’s products become more user-friendly and require less and less human intervention, the relationships will continue shifting. Organizations who have lived and benefited by the decades-old Pull-Economy must reinvent their methods of courting customers in the new Pull-Economy. One thing will never change regardless of any economy, and that is this; your “Marketing must come second to your Remarkability and always remember your remarkability is at the mercy of its receiver.”

“Your marketing is about you cheering you; your remarkability is about your customers cheering you.”

R.J. Stasieczko

5 Yiddish Words That Remind Me Of Sales Reps... Oy Vey!

It's everywhere! Sales bullpens filled with sales reps complaining about lack of leads, crappy comp plans, too much paperwork, losing deals based on price; you name it they find something to bitch about. One could say it’s a completely natural part of the sales culture and comes with the territory.

Granted, some of the griping may be legitimate, but you'll never hear sales professionals complain as they are laser focused on finding solutions to help achieve their client's initiatives. I get it, venting makes sales reps feel better though it rarely helps their sales numbers.


Who do you think ranks hire on the complaining, whining and moaning scale; a sales rep or a Jewish grandmother? I should know as I have witnessed both in action.

Jews have a long, proud and stereotypically history of whining and complaining (aka, "kvetching"). It's wrapped up in their DNA. They enjoy complaining about all sorts of things, whether it's Hypochondria, having to go to work, having to come home from work, paying too much for something, paying too little for something and then worrying it's not good, friends' bad habits, Jewish mothers thinking they aren't good enough, or the worst, mothers themselves thinking their children aren't good enough (oh lord can I attest to this one).

Sales reps chitter chatter, their moaning, groaning and bitching is no different. "Why does Bob always get special treatment?", "Can't get anyone to return my calls", "Our prices are too high", "Our competitors are killing us", "We don't get enough support", "No one is returning my calls".


Listening to sales reps moan, gripe and bitch reminds me of my younger days and the summers I spent in New York City with my grandparents. The only thing worse than listening to sales reps complain was experiencing my grandma and three old Jewish ladies playing mah-jongg as they complained about all of their ailments or better yet, talking smack about family members.

For those not of Jewish faith and wondering, "Where is Larry going with this?" allow me to humor you with a little twist from an old Jewish comedian Marty Allen.

The Italian grandma says, I'm tired and thirsty. I must have wine.

The Scottish grandma says, I'm tired and thirsty. I must have Scotch.

The Russian grandma says, I'm tired and thirsty. I must have vodka.

The Jewish grandma says, I'm tired and thirsty. I must have diabetes.

What would a sales rep say?


My grandma would always tell me...

"Quit your kvetching and get over it"

TUCHES - Get off of your lazy butt and start prospecting! What are you waiting for? This is part of your job, now get to work!

SHMATTE - You come to work wearing business attire but your online appearance looks like you're wearing Shmatte or ragged clothes. Pay attention to how you dress online as you never know who may be window shopping for a new sales rep.

BUPKES - When you can't refresh your client base and you haven't prospected in months or in some cases years - You've put virtually no effort into developing new business, guess what? You are left with bupkes at the end of the month... nothing, zip, zero, zilch, not even a matzah ball!

SHPILKES - Walking into a new meeting with a C-level executive without being prepared and they notice you have shpilkes... nerves! Oh, would l love to be a fly on that wall!

SHMENDRIK - Seasoned, tenured sales reps with massive inflated egos who haven't prospected for months, OOOPPPS I meant years are Shmendrik's, fools! I would love to see the expression on their ego inflated faces as they are asked to articulate the value proposition they use for prospecting.

Bonus Time - One last Yiddish word for all sales reps, a true classic...

SPIEL - When you meet with a new prospect they don't want to hear your spiel... Your long winded sales presentation around how great you are, how great your company is and all the promises I know you'll break. Make it about them! Show them how much you know and care about helping them.

Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Oy Vey!



My grandfather was a self-educated man. He dropped out of school early to help support his family. He stressed to me you must have "Chutzpah" in order to succeed out in the real world.

He went on to say... "Each time you face your fears, you make a deposit into your chutzpah account." The battles in life whether won or lost produce more chutzpah.

Passed down from my Zayde to all those in sales... Chutzpah seasoned with charm translates as enthusiasm. Charm strengthened by chutzpah reminds your clients and prospects you have a respectable, professional purpose. Loaded with both, you can win and sell with confidence. Quite frankly, who wouldn’t want that combination?


I understand, I get where you all are coming from. Every day, I walk in your shoes. I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects and modern strategies into your current sales process to grow new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way, the genuine way, the authentic way!

In 2016, I was recognized by ENX Magazine as, “The Difference Maker,” as someone who is making a difference inside the B2B office technology sector. I am passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image.

You can find more advanced training material inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my stories. Integrating the use of social and sharing my story on LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive office technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitterSocial Sales Academy and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart.

Memoirs of a Copier Sales Person "Slump of Slumps"

I'm proud and excited about starting my thirty-eight year in down the street aka SMB copier sales.  Needless to say, the start of 2018 has not been terrific in fact I'm probably off to one of my worst starts ever.

I guess I could call it the perfect storm.  Right after Christmas I took two weeks to recharge the batteries and get ready for 2018.  It's a great time of the year just to stay at home, kick back and enjoy relaxing.  Nothing to do and no where to go can be a great salvation.  But that was not the case, I contracted some type of Jersey cold/bug that knocked my ass out for the two weeks of vacation and another entire week.  It was about four weeks before I felt better.   

I don't care how good of a sales person you are, four weeks out of action is going to hurt.  

One thing that I've learned in sales is that you always need to be prospecting.  Now one is going to prospect for you and you can't count on leads suddenly appearing out of thin air.  Always remembering that winners make things happen and losers wait for things to happen.

During the last two weeks I've been able to re-build a pretty decent pipeline. If you've been in copier sales for a period of time you'll have experienced "the deep freeze".  That's when your pipeline continues to fill, you have plenty of meetings, and more opportunities that you can shake a stick at.  But you can't close a deal or get those deals to move forward. It's not that the clients are buying from some else it's more like every deal is stuck in a time warp.  However, you still continue to add additional opportunities each week.  

I've been in these cycles before, they suck! But there's not much work you can do but keep stepping up to the plate and take your swings.  Sooner or later the cup of opportunities will runneth over and you'll be writing plenty of orders. Geesh, I'm hoping that going to be next week, because I've only got two weeks left in my month .

We all go through slumps, some minor some major, and some you have no control over. It's our job to continue to work hard, work smart and never stop prospecting.  Thus, if you're ever in a slump, what I can tell you is that slump will end, can't tell you when, but what I can tell you is "the harder you work the luckier you will get".  

Have you experienced a sales slump, if so would love to hear about it and how you came out of it. Hit up the reply and tell us!

-=Good Selling=-

We work in a male dominated industry!

In your territory, I bet you can count on one hand how many female competitive sales reps or service techs that you are aware of.

As males usually first cold calling on female first contacts or interacting steadily with females over the course of a five year copier lease, in these current days of the widespread Twitter #MeToo female discussion about violence against women, do we need to be extra careful in how we address women is a sales/ service situation?

I generally try and not engage in anything that I think might be provocative but is it OK to introduce little compliments into a conversation to help develop empathy with the customer?

Real Copier Sales Mistakes

Often a competitive sales rep will try and convince a copier purchaser to switch product based upon how much money we can save you.

The sales rep presents convincing Total cost of ownership analysis.

The only problem being that sometimes the customers's current costs are totally made up by the sales rep.

The sales rep is counting on, in some companies, that it might be too much work for the purchaser to verify their true current costs. 

Real Copier Sales Lines

As a preamble, we knew that the potential customer probably got way over charged on their current Sharp copier lease.  The staff has being saying to three of our sales people over the last five years that they did not want to talk about copiers.

The telephone conversation started with in a slow measured voice " I am not interested in talking about copiers"

The sales person responded, " This is what I do for a living, I think I can save your business a lot of money and I have two small dogs to feed.  Can I get 5 minutes of your time"

The women on the other end of the line was disarmed and said OK (maybe she was a dog lover).  The sales person has a current quote replacing a black copier with a color copier and can decrease the potential customer's costs by approx $150.00 per month.





Top Ten Copier Proposals for December 2017

Yesterday I posted Top Ten Copier Proposals for January 2018. I don't have much time tonight, however please click that link and you'll read why I think seeing competitive proposals is key for keeping up with the latest pricing for hardware and cost per page maintenance agreements.

In addition to the pricing, the structure of the proposal is just as important as the pricing.  I've seen some proposals that I thought "WOW, that's a killer format". Thus I copied that format for my own quotes. Like I said you just never know what nuggets you can find.

To view these quotes you'll need a Premium/VIP membership.  We're running a special right now and we have four Premium/VIP membership left for $99.  Our regular price is $119 annual cost.  The special for $99 is for a Lifetime Premium/VIP membership. We only have four left, so first come first serve. Send me an email if you're interested

-=Good Selling=-

Part 2 - Hacking increasing by 1600%* - 6 issues impacting Data Security?

In this series of articles, we will cover a number of topics around security

1.    What is really going on?

2.    Why is this happening?

3.    Who are they?

4.    What are the different types of threats?

5.    What can you do about it?

Part 2 - Why is this happening and why is the security discussion different now?

In the second part of the series, in this article, we cover the key 6 reasons this happening and why you should be looking at security differently.

1. Availability of Hacking Software - “There's an app for that”

One of the biggest differences is that readily available amounts of cheap malicious code and apps that were unattainable or unaffordable in years gone by.

As an example for even as little as $7, cybercriminals can get their hands on the Russian password-stealing tool that steals information from web browsers. https://www-forbes-com.cdn.amp...-bottom-pricing/amp/

Shodan is the world's first search engine for Internet-connected devices.

2. It is now much easier to train as a hacker - “there's a class for that”

As an example, Cybercriminals can take a class on stealing credit cards

And worth a mention, that for the White Hat Hacker (Good Guys) there is a CompTIA security cert

3. HAAS - You do it for me

If you don’t want to wait or do learn you easily hire a hacker, yes, that’s right, as part of Everything as a Service, you can now pretty much get literally everything and so Haas Hacking as a service is a thing now.

As an example for $8 you can get Crypting services to hide malware

$5 for DDoS-as-service (distributed denial of service) designed to overwhelm a server/website or another network resource through sheer volume of messages, connections, or packets to causes it to grind to a halt or crash thereby denying services to legitimate users.

 DDoS as service prices are also tumbling. Hemant Jain, vice president of engineering for security company Fortinet, said that he has found providers who are selling an hour of DDoS for $5, a 24-hour day of it for $40 and a week for $260.

For $7 anyone can spread malware and cause serious damage

Ransomware will encrypt your file until you pay a ransom

There are more powerful hacking tools to use, like scrapers, browsers and

Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS) platform that offers low cost, "automated solution for the beginner scammers," allowing them to trick people into handing over their credentials.

4. The rewards can be huge

Rewards - Through May 2017, organizations have awarded hackers over $17 million in bounties on HackerOne, and over $7 million awarded in 2016 alone. o

Even something published the below example of phishing as a joke but were surprised by the high number gullible responses.2018-02-04_22-26-43Here is a more honest example

Black Market values

  • A complete medical record – $1,000 more if used for bribery or to sell on to insurance companies.
  • Credit card details :-

· $5 to $30 in the US per person in the US,

· $20 to $35 in the UK

· $20 to $40 in Canada

· $21 to $40 in Australia

· $25 to $45 in the European Union

  • Driver’s license - $20
  • Netflix password - $3.05
  • Spotify passwords - $2.80
  • Email addresses - $2.29
  • Bank login credentials :-

· for a $2,200 balance bank account: $190

· from $500 for a $6,000 account balance, to $1,200 for a $20,000 account balance

· from $700 for a $10,000 account balance, to $900 for a $16,000 account balance

  • Login credentials for online payment services such as PayPal: between $20 and $50 for account balances from $400 to $1,000; between $200 and $300 for balances from $5,000 to $8,000
  •  Login credentials to hotel loyalty programs and online auction accounts: $20 to $1,400
  • Login credentials for online premium content services such as Netflix: as little as $0.55

White hat hackers who help companies through bounty programs can also make money by finding flaws and flagging them to the companies involved, who encourage the white hat hackers by paying bounties.


 5. The number of devices out there

According to Gartner, in 2020, 25 Billion Connected "Things" Will Be in Use (up from 4.9 Billion in 2015)

There are more connected devices out there for you to connect to, IOT, fridges, ovens, Segways, even seagoing ship.


It's also scary what can be done with these connected devices now that it possible to blend the cyber and physical worlds with hacking with cyberweapons like the Stuxnet virus that attacked Iran's Natanz nuclear facility by causing centrifuges to spin out of control.

If you were not sure what I meant about a seagoing ship, this is a 2017 tweet from a hacker.

x0rz @x0rz Duuuuuude, default creds everywhere. I'm connected to a ship as admin right now. Hacking ships is easy 10:31 AM - 18 Jul 2017

2018-02-04_22-31-30502 Retweets 755 likes

And this article shows https://thenextweb-com.cdn.amp...-hackable-now/?amp=1

A bathroom IOT tap that has been hacked


6. Not enough people to battle the new hacking onslaught

At best the number of dedicated security personnel remains steady while the numbers of attacks increases year on year

A Cisco study indicates that there’s a global shortage of more than a million IT security pros, and the gap is slated to rise to as much as 1.5 million by 2019. Consequently, many organizations are faced with vacancies in critical security posts, which lead to greater vulnerabilities and higher risks of data breaches.

To end with a quote, "you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone. For the times they are a-changin’" Bob Dylan. It's time to take security seriously.

Daniel Taylor

Top Ten Copier Proposals for January 2018

Proposals and quotes for end users. 

Canon ir5535iOur Print4Pay Hotel members contribute proposals and quotes that they've found in the field.  Many of you might say, "why do I need to see these"?  There are many reasons why viewing these proposals and quotes can be a treasure trove of information.

For starters the cost per page for black and color is always moving. Why didn't you get that last order? Was your maintenance and supply price to high?  Were you too low? Often clients take a back seat when your price is too low and opt in for a higher pricing because the believe they will have better support.

It's good to know to know as much as you can about your competition, in addition to knowing the T & C's on their contracts. It's also important to see how the competition is pricing their proposals and quotes.  Enjoy!

bizhub C3351 Konica Minolta Proposal

Ricoh MP W6700SP Pricing Proposal

Recent Konica Minolta Bid Pricing 2017

In addition to the pricing, the structure of the proposal is just as important as the pricing.  I've seen some proposals that I thought "WOW, that's a killer format". Thus I copied that format for my own quotes. Like I said you just never know what nuggets you can find.

To view these quotes you'll need a Premium/VIP membership.  We're running a special right now and we have four Premium/VIP membership left for $99.  Our regular price is $119 annual cost.  The special for $99 is for a Lifetime Premium/VIP membership. We only have four left, so first come first serve. Send me an email if you're interested

-=Good Selling=-

This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago, The Second Week of February 2008

Looks like a thread from 1996 appeared and I'm not sure how that happened.  But, it's interesting about the time frame that Danka purchased the Kodak copier unit. Danka brings back memories also since the Danka name is now gone also.  Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Canon bought Danka, right?

Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week on the Print4Pay Hotel.

Danka to Buy Kodak Copier Unit for $684 Million

By DANA CANEDY Published: September 10, 1996 The Eastman Kodak Company and Danka Business Systems P.L.C. announced yesterday that Danka would acquire the sales, marketing and equipment service operations of Kodak's office copier business for $684 million in cash. The deal would allow Kodak to shed its strategically unimportant and marginally profitable Office Imaging business while making Danka a much larger player in an industry that has been consolidating. Danka would be the principal

Japan's Ricoh to build $92 mln Thai copier plant

140,000 units, which would raise Ricoh's overall capacity by about 70 percent. Ricoh, which competes with Canon Inc (7751.T: Quote, Profile, Research) and Xerox Corp (XRX.N: Quote, Profile, Research) in the global office equipment market, said the Thai plant was part of plans to spread production geographically. Ricoh produces more than 70 percent of its copiers and printers in China. "We hope the Thai plant will grow and become our major production base in the future," Ricoh Executive Vice President

Ricoh Support Phone Numbers

Support Phone Numbers Technical Call Center (Hotline) For technician & SE technical assistance-Tech ID Required Ricoh 800-53RICOH (537-4264) Savin 800-291-6044 Gestetner 800-346-6057 Ricoh Canada 800-922-4072 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre Sales Connectivity 800-57RICOH (577-4264) For Pre Sales Connectivity support-Sales Rep’s only

Sales Tip "Found on the Web"

task at hand; to make a sale. Slowly and resolutely I would use all my resources and experience to gain the “knock out”…I was closing the sale. I’ll bet the copier salesperson never looked at selling the same way again. It is crucial that in the process of closing the sale you at some point ask for the order. It is amazing to me that this fundamental of sales is so often overlooked in the sales cycle. I have literally asked for an order many times and received the same response from my prospect

Ricoh New Model Support for IPDS (MP2500)

Ricoh is pleased to announce the release of new model support for printing IPDS in IBM zSeries (S/390) and iSeries (AS/400) environments. RA2K Integration for IPDS is an internal software solution, which resides on the hard drive of select Ricoh print devices and enables users to send AFP/IPDS print jobs directly from their S/390 or AS/400 systems. This solution is designed to allow your customers to print professional laser-quality output, access standard finishing and paper size options

Ricoh printers hit industry top spot again

Ricoh printers hit industry top spot again Printer specialist Ricoh has scooped a range of prestigious industry gongs for the second time in less than a year. InfoPrint, a joint venture between the firm and computer giant IBM, was singled out by Better Buys for Business and Buyers Laboratory for its effective provision of printer solutions. "The InfoPrint Colour 1767 provides exceptional image quality and outstanding ease of use," remarked senior printer analyst Marlene Orr. She continued

Re: c2500SPF LAN with MAC?

Message•Quote This Message Re: Ricoh Aficio MP C3500 LAN Fax driver Posted by: Chris Story (IP Logged) Date: January 31, 2008 08:22AM As Uli Stated these are usually handled by the local sales company. This is because they will have to support any issues, but we certainly don't want to cause any frustration to our customers anyway Uli has urged me to move forward... so here we are. I have a LanFax Driver built that will run on MAC and Linux. There are some technical (and legal) challenges still

Technician position in SE Wisconsin/Northern Illinois

Could you please forward this to any experienced technicians who are looking for new opportunities: Dual line Ricoh and Konica dealership is looking for an experienced technician to join our award-winning team. We have an immediate need for a field-tested pro. Competitive wages, medical insurance, paid vacation and holidays, (401)K plan, continuous training, tools, a car for business use or mileage reimbursement, and dress shirts and pants. We are a Konica Pro-Tech certified dealership, and we

Re: c2500SPF LAN with MAC?

Picked this up on the web, someone from ricoh asking for beta test users for MAC LAN FAX, I say we take advantage of this!!!! Ricoh Aficio MP C3500 LAN Fax driver Posted by: Murray (IP Logged) Date: December 05, 2007 01:34PM Is there a PPD driver (non-postscript) available for Mac OS 10.5 that will allow use of LAN-Fax capabilities of the Ricoh Aficio MP C3500 Options: Reply To This Message•Quote This Message Re: Ricoh Aficio MP C3500 LAN Fax driver Posted by: uli wehner (IP Logged) Date

Re: Sales Tips

Always ask for the order Always include a direct request for an order in your sales script after the because statement. "Can you help us meet our goal?"

GEM GSA Extension promo

Major Accounts is pleased to announce that the GEM/GSA Promotion has been extended through July 31st, 2008. All Purchase Orders must be dated by July 31st, 2008 and equipment should be shipped by August 30th, 2008. If you have any questions regarding this Bulletin please contact your Ricoh

Hold Print

I have a prospect who was printing separator sheets, which I've switched to printing to Hold Print on the Savin C4540. The problem is that when they print from MSOffice (Excel)the document is picking up the last user that print's info. I imagine it must be saved in the metadata of the document. Has anyone else run into this? Is there a solution?
-=Good Selling=-

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Second Week of February 2003

Interesting threads from 15 years ago.  Imagistics (anyone remember them), Panasonic, Mita (now Kyocera), ah does it bring back those memories.  Speaking of memories, does anyone remember when Sharp was King of the copier industry?  It was back in the mid to late eighties.  When I was selling Minolta copiers for a dealer in the early eighties whenever a client asked about a Ricoh device, we responded with "what's a Ricoh"?  Enjoy the threads from 15 years ago!

Toshiba Info

From: Digital Daddy (Original Message) Sent: 12/18/2002 4:07 AM Hey guys and gals O need ASAP as much competetive info about toshiba as you got, I have to do some traiing for a large group and I want to provide them with helpful information Please respond ASAP as I am doing this Friday a.m. Thanks Sam I do not have access to Aficio league yet or I would go there............PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First Previous 11 of 11 Next Last Delete Replies Reply Recommend Delete Message 11 of

Panasonic & Toshiba.......will copiers be next?

both companies' strengths in R&D, manufacturing and sales, thereby achieving efficient management and competitive CRT business operations on a global scale. The New Company will be the third largest TV-use CRT operation in the world. Although the CRT market is somewhat mature, annual growth of between two and three percent (based on units) is forecasted, due to brightness, color and cost performance advantages that the CRT format maintains over plasma display panels and liquid crystal displays.

Sharp Touts Software Advances

, according to Jarosław Wensker, product manager for Sharp’s copiers and printers. “In 1999 the market was better than it is now,” he said. “It was the best year of development of the market in Poland. After, the market slowed down, it began to get smaller and smaller. We started at a bad time.” He pointed out, for instance, that since then sales of photocopiers have dropped at least 6%. So to counterbalance Sharp’s ill-fated beginnings, he said it is pushing its sales forces at its dealers and

CL3000 is on Ricoh-USA website

Ricoh has info on the cl3000 on website just no link to it yet. Go to cl5000 page and change to cl3000 and walla. Makes me wonder what other info might be already posted with no direct link to it.

Re: CompTIA CDIA+(Certified Document Imaging Architech)

Jayson, I am also considering becoming CDIA certified. I'm working for a Savin dealer and I'm told that all Savin management is required to have a CDIA certification. I just recently finished taking the Ricoh U. Image Management Certification Program in an effort to prepare myself for the CDIA test. However, after finishing the Ricoh certification, I'm afraid that it may be too brand specific to do me any good on the CDIA test which I am told is completely un-brand specific. I would, however

Re: 1224/1232 Maintenance Pricing

Different toner cartridge than the CL5000? Ricoh is going to make you stock a ton of stuff for the new machines. You will have to stock MFP toner, and CL5000 toner. That really sucks!

Re: OCR and Scan Router Pro

Topic: Scan Router Pro/ OCR and 1075 (6 of 7), Read 9 times Conf: ScanRouter Discussion From: Ron Albeck ( Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 01:59 AM When using the 1075 you can scan the 300 pages if you add them as they are being fed into the copier. However you can not OCR a PDF document it must be saved as a TIFF file for most every OCR application. ScanRouter does not OCR a document at all. DeskTopBinder will OCR a document but it will only save it as a Text File

Re: Mita 3648 Wide Format

Art, Do you mean the 3648 and the FW470 are the same product? I asked that question of a Ricoh product rep recently and I was assured that the FW470 was 100% Ricoh. She said that the previous digital model was a Mita product, but that the current is not.

Re: Points added to lease rate factors

I am somewhat of a journeyman in this industry and have worked for 8 different companies over 23 years due to moves and acquisitions. I have seen it all and added points on leases is common among larger dealers. That having been said, it is also common for dealers to attempt to break even on the sale of hardware after all sales expenses have been paid...most do not hope to actually profit from the sale of the unit, only from the resulting service and supply revenue. My point is, I learned long

Re: 1224/1232 IN New RMAP pricebook

For whatever its worth, here is the Savin brochure.

Mita 3648 Wide Format

From: david147 Does anyone have info on this machine? I have an account that is doing about 10,000 lin. ft. per month I'm trying to see if Ricoh has something comparable. david147

Color lock out option setup on AP3800

OK Graham or Lee, here's another one for you. I recently installed an AP3800CDT1 with the User Account Enhance Kit. We loaded the latest version of Smart Net Monitor for Admin from the Ricoh website. When we selected the device in SNM the user access control tab was missing. And we couldn't set it up to lockout specific users from color. Question#1: Does the fact that we only have a MAC workstation connected to it right now have something to do with the tab not being there? while the tab also

1224 not energy star complient?

Does anyone know why the 1224 is not energy complient? I am not a tree hugger I just want to know how this might affect some of my government accounts and potencial sales to certain federal agencies.

Imagistics fourth quarter

Imagistics posts fourth-qtr profit February 06, 2003 00:27:00 AM ET TRUMBULL, Conn., Feb 6 (Reuters) - Imagistics International Inc (IGI), which sells and rents copiers, on Thursday posted a fourth-quarter profit, due in part to lower expenses and sales in Canada. The company, formerly Pitney Bowes Office Systems, reported fourth-quarter earnings were $4.1 million, or 22 cents per share, compared with a loss of $300,000, or one cent per share, for the fourth quarter of 2001. Total revenue rose


, and making documents accessible and easy to find for all employees.” The eCopy Suite of products, coupled with the high-speed scanning capabilities of a Canon digital copier or scanner, enable any user in an organization to transform paper documents into information that is easily integrated into all commonly used business applications. Using the eCopy Suite of products, companies can provide shared access to high-speed scanners or digital copiers that connect to the company’s e-mail and other

650 very slow in mixed size mode!!

Does someone know why the 650 is so slow in mixed size mode? It runs at 10 cpm - 40 originals took 4 minutes. Ran the same batch on the 1055 and it took 1.5 mins - same as the customer's current Toshiba 6550. Has updated ROM version. Thanks.
-=Good Selling=-

3 Reasons Why You Are What Your LinkedIn Profile Says You Are - A Sales Rep!

The Hall of Fame head coach Bill Parcells, when asked if his mediocre team were a bunch of 'winners or losers,' he responded by saying...

"You are what your record says you are"
Bill Parcells

Translated to the sales world...

If it looks like a sales rep, acts like a sales rep, and speaks like a sales rep, then it probably is a sales rep.

Quite frankly, quit hiding behind your business cards while dressing yourself up with fancy shmancy titles such as; Consultant, Customer Relations Manager, Senior Account Executive.

A picture speaks a thousand words...

Mirror mirror on the wall, what do sales reps LinkedIn profiles reveal about them all?


Whether you like it or not, your digital presence is out there and people can find your sales ridden footprints.

Unless you’ve been living in some remote Amazon rain forest for the last 20 years, the stark reality is we have all moved into the digital age. We have accepted the fact the internet and 'Googling' is a way of life.

Information now travels at lightning speed, network connections are made every day and first impressions are formed without your knowledge.

If you can't do the little things right, how can you do the big things right?

Think of your digital presence and how this impacts...

  • New sales opportunities
  • Having the C-Suite door opened
  • Creating unique differentiation
  • Opening up new conversations
  • Prospecting

What are you going to do about it? How are you going to fix it? Time to make adjustments to your plan. Do you even have a plan? If not, then invest the time to develop one. This article may help you... Develop a business plan containing a purpose, plan and goals.

When that 'A,' number one, targeted account, the one you have been trying to get with for years lands on your LinkedIn profile, their opinion about you will be made within seconds. Whether you believe it or not, if you fail to make a good digital impression, game over. Like it or not this is the world you must learn how to operate in.

I don't care how great of a sales rep you are! It is not about you!

Ditch the big fat ego! After all, there are plenty of well qualified, subject matter experts that your clients and prospects can connect with, I call these sales professionals!


In the 2014 State of B2B Procurement study from the Acquity Group, 94% of B2B buyers research online for purchase decisions. This should be a wakeup call to all sales reps. Pay serious attention to the fact that research starts well before they speak with you. A visit to a website, a simple Google search; alas, how much business are you potentially missing out on because your LinkedIn profile positions you as nothing more than a sales rep?

Take a serious look at your LinkedIn profile... Pretend you’re a potential client and ask yourself...

Would I buy from myself based upon what I currently see on my LinkedIn profile? What makes me any different than all the other sales reps?


Sales reps are enamored with their titles. How many C-level business executives are chomping at the bit right now to meet with you based upon your title?

The opening act to your professional story and your LinkedIn headline screams, "Hello all, I am a sales rep." Albeit, you are a sales rep but what makes you any different than all the others?

Done well, your LinkedIn headline can be used to promote your brand statement, your expertise and your all-around problem solving skills. The value you provide must be conveyed through this message.


Hey, look over here, look how great I am. With a quick 10 second glance, Mr. or Mrs. C-level executive spots your summary... BAM!

"Top-producing Sales Leader with extensive experience driving strategic sales planning & execution, enterprise account management, and business development. To date, I have been recognized with 13 President’s Clubs Awards, 4 Regional Top Sales Awards, and multiple Leadership Awards."

"A visionary with dynamic strategic analytical skills to improve sales. Pragmatic, persuasive, and a creative ability to solve unique business problems. Known for developing and maintaining internal relationships resulting in effective resolution of challenges and enhanced customer satisfaction."

What on earth is all of this crap? Who gives a rip outside of you?

What value are you bringing to the businesses you work with? How are you addressing the challenges businesses face in today's marketplace? What problems do you solve?

You must differentiate yourself from the wolf pack and get the right people engaged with you. Provide them a sense of confidence in your abilities as you share your unique promise of value.


Sales reps will copy and paste bullet points from their resumes into the experience section. Better yet, I have worked at this company from this date to this date. How original!

Here is some ingenious creativity at its finest...

"When you work with us, you work with a team of business solutions specialists who take pride in their work and reputation. Our Senior Management team has an average of 20 years of industry experience. Our tremendous growth and success is attributed to the shared goal of every team member to take care of the customer, first and foremost. It is our straightforward and honest approach to simplifying document workflows that has earned us national awards for service, support and customer retention."

Big freaking deal! Who cares?

Think of removing doubt and eliminating risk for your potential new client. What do you do for your clients? Why does it matter to them? Why does it work so well?

What value are you providing to your clients?


From generating new conversations, opening up new business opportunities or from a brand development point of view, how much traffic can you afford to lose because of the way you look?

We all know how much prospecting you're really doing! You're not fooling anyone, well maybe yourself!

Gaining trust and loyalty within your network, your clients and your prospects is the goal of sales rep. You may not like the fact that you are being judged by what they find or don't find online about you. This is reality and you must be willing to accept it.

Your online strategy drives your digital first impression. Your digital first impression is hopefully one that can secure you a meeting with a prospect or get more familiar with a current client.

In the real world you rarely get a second chance to make a good impression. In the online world all it takes is a simple mouse click and you're gone, vanished from their mind and squashed of opportunity.

Now, I ask you all to look back at your LinkedIn profile and think of Bill Parcells then recite to yourself...

I am what my LinkedIn profile says I am - A Sales Rep

What are you going to do about it?

I understand, I get where you all are coming from. Every day, I walk in your shoes. I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects and modern strategies into your current sales process to grow new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way, the genuine way, the authentic way!

In 2016, I was recognized by ENX Magazine as, “The Difference Maker,” as someone who is making a difference inside the B2B office technology sector. I am passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image.

You can find more advanced training material inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my stories. Integrating the use of social and sharing my story on LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive office technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitterSocial Sales Academy and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart.

