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MFP Copier Blog

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The First Week in May 2008

Don't have much time today, still trying to play catch with blogging and posting.  Just arrived in Indianapolis for the Flex Show.  Stayed tuned to @artpost, here and my linkedin wall for updates!

Weekend Copier Notes from 05/04/08

-635 gloss coating system (aqueous or UV) o Incorporates a KAMA die cutter and stacker conveyor o Pricing unknown - Xerox announced that it will relabel CD-ROM duplicators made by Vinpower Digital, of Los Angeles, CA. The company also relabels LCD display from ProView and scanners from Visioneer. - Kodak announced it had sold an NexPress M700 (relabeled Canon imagePRESS C7000VP) to Antalis Graphics, a print shop in South Africa. - Kodak conducted a conference for print shop owners who use Kodak hardware


2.0 includes a new Jobs Analysis view, which tracks user printed pages, the applications and documents used, when jobs were printed and to what printer—the Who, What and When of user printer management. It provides all the printer data, analytics, notification and reports for organizations to control costs, support help desk operations and improve printer service. In addition, the new version of SiteAudit includes a Host Analysis view, which tracks print queue name, port addresses, queue use

Ricoh BK5000 Saddlestitch Unit %$#$%

1. In order to have the saddlestitcher you have to also have the SR5000 ($5,500)and then BK5000 SaddleStitch Unit ($7,360) for a total list price of $12,360. A little high if you just need to do booklets on the MP9000. 2. The BK5000 will only stack 30 finished booklets!!!!! Com on Ricoh, this is suppose to be a production unit????? 3. Needless to say, its my mistake I assumed the BK 5000 was similar to the saddlestitcher that was on the 2090 series machines, it is not and my current customer is

Canon and GBC

I am up against Canon on a big color machine. I know the Ricoh high end color machines will do GBC punching on-line. The only machines that I can find that Canon supports are the B&W 7105/7095/7086 machines. Has anybody else run across a Conon Color machine that will GBC punch?

W2400 Embedded Printing

Previously, we created 2 custom sizes for a customer (36x100 and 24x100). Both of these are longer than the customer will ever need but we created these due to the fact that all their drawings are different lengths and you could not create a custom driver for each. When they print to the W2400, the DIMM chip is set so that the printer will only print the "inked" area which is what we want it to do. The problem is that if you select the 24x100 customer size and there is no 24" paper in the

Ricoh Americas Corp. Makes Acquisition

Ricoh Americas Corp. acquired Associated Business Systems (ABS), a Ricoh dealer headquartered in Portland, OR, U.S. The acquisition signals a major expansion by Ricoh in the Pacific Northwest marketplace. Associated Business Systems will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Ricoh Americas Corporation and be known as Associated Business Systems—A Ricoh Company.

Print Management

Has anyone tried any of the products from this provider? found these guys on the web and did a Webex with Danny Byrnes.Their products seem impressive and I'm thinking about offering them.If you've tried their products,...

Re: Print Management

What does it offer that Ricoh's Print Director does not?

Re: Need Input for Color Deal

Customer bought: 2 - Savin CLP240d Color Printers 2 - PB3010 Large Capacity Trays 2 - SR3030 Finishers for Output $7,250 each CPC - $.0582 with toner for color CPC - $.0135 with toner for black

Re: Weekend Copier Notes from 05/04/08

Thanks! I always love to see this info! quote: - Netaphor Software of Irvine, CA launched new software for tracking clicks on printers and MFPs. The new software, called SiteAudit 2.0, supposedly is the only software that can track clicks without the need to load software on each individual workstation. I know of several print tracking solutions that do not require software loaded on the client. some examples off the top of my head: Canon Netspot accountant (now called imageWare something-or

Re: tracking software

John: I did a few searches and found nothing, maybe you need to use to programs to accomplish what you need. Time tracker and Print Tracker.

Re: W2400 Embedded Printing

Just found out that the problem is not resolved when printing out of Catia V5. Anyone have any knowledge of Catia and why this might be happening?

Re: SMB Scanning and conflicts

I have installed several MFP's w/ SMB Scanning on networks that have multiple workstations/domains and routers w/ wireless or no wireless. Of course you have to have one of the workgroup/domain names listed in the SMB workgroup setting on the MFP. This is the first step for ANY SMB installation. The default from Ricoh is WORKGROUP. Which fits to about 90% of the existing networks. But, occasionlly you will have to change this if there is no WORKGROUP located on the LAN. If you have 5 workgroup

Re: Print Management

Excellent question! I'm not really sure, I'm not familiar with Print Director, but have read up a little on it since reading your post. One appealing aspect of the Print Manager software is that it costs about $700 for a license for 1 print server with unlimited users. Have you sold Print Director? What has been your experience with this product? Thanks!

Re: Ode to the Copier Repairman

Oh, that was too good!! I'm printing this out and hanging up in our shop right now! Edited to say: our techs love this. John, do you get author credit?

Re: Ode to the Copier Repairman

No credit to me, I'm just a salesman! Honestly, I found it on the web this morning while I was looking for a cute copier cartoon to put on my monthly sales flyer. I cut out the pictures (inside of a copier, we've all seen them before) and pasted the rest. Glad you liked it.

Re: SP C221SF toner yield

I believe the starter cartridges are only good for 500 prints or so, and the max with new is only 2,000. estimated cost per page is .18 cents if you get the yield. Very expensive to run color, however good for LV mono, where they would only do 200 color pages a month.

Re: SP C221SF toner yield

quote: Originally posted by Art Post: I believe the starter cartridges are only good for 500 prints or so, and the max with new is only 2,000. estimated cost per page is .18 cents if you get the yield. Very expensive to run color, however good for LV mono, where they would only do 200 color pages a month. Launch info says starter is 1,000 yield but it does seem more like 500, if that.


Agreed, but lighten up on the handshake. A bone-crushing handshake is a horrible impression on anyone but especially on a woman. You would think this would be common sense, but I've had this discussion with several customers about other sales people who think a "Firm" handshake means the other person walks away in agony.

tracking software

Here is an interesting situation I happened upon yesterday. I have a P4P customer that provides workstation computers to customers at a rate of $.20 per minute and also allows them to print to devices behind the customer counter. The customers are billed on the honor system (not smart). I was told by a Manager that they used to use a program that would track the users time once they logged onto the PC and also would track the prints and to which device they had been sent. This program was

Plotbase upgrade

I've added the PS option, dwg/dfx convertor and scanning to a 240W we have in the field. After updating the TAN, I was unable to print the CAD files through Plotclient Win (there is no AutoCAD present). I received an error that the file format was not supported. In talking w/ tech-support, I understand I have Plotbase 3.3 and need to upgrade to 3.7.1 which I'm downloading from the TSC website. Can anyone give me pointers on thr proper procedures and/or things to look out for?

SMB scanning and Administrative Login

When SMB scanning from an MFP, I believe it's necessary to set up the MFP with administrative login rights. I'm running into a problem with a client who wants the scanning to go to their 2003 Small Business Server, but wants the password to change every week or month. How would you guys deal with this? The product is a Savin C2525. Thanks for any help!

Art Post - Image Source Magazine

For those that subscribe to Image Source magazine, Art has written an article in April's edition on the Sales Pipeline. Congratulations Art! on a great article. As I was reading through the article, I realized I had read most of the article before on the p4p. Thanks again for all the time and work you put into the p4p!!
-=Good Selling-=

Print Services, a Race to the Bottom or a Race for Winning

I  recently attended the Lexmark Roadshow held in Vegas. The theme was winning, and the after-hours fun was driving exotic sports cars at Speed Vegas. Lexmark can win the A4 race and here’s why. Lexmark isn’t listening to the noise of keeping things as they were or temporarily are. Lexmark has always lived in and is doubling down on A4. A4 is the future and those who dismiss this will be left in the past.

It seems amazing the speed of these small footprint output devices. All of which have duty cycles enabling them to replace Tens of millions of A3 devices. While the rest of the manufacturers are racing towards approvals from outdated dealer programs, or have pulled into the pit stops investing in production print equipment the lowest percentage of placements in the market. Production prints deliverable once controlled by one vendor now every vendor is toting their new light production printer thinking it’s as exciting as the Lamborghinis racing around the track in Vegas and as they fight to survive this small market share, they will destroy all possibilities to monetize it profitably. These manufacturers should be creating better A4 products with as few replaceable parts as possible.

The cost for a dealer to move into production print is enormous. The better investment is reinventing your sales and service platform to differentiate yourself. Learn how to deliver cheaper faster and focus on the space the majority of the customers you seek live segments one through four. 

The future will be unimaginable to those who still live in the eighties. The end-users who support the industry are more and more evaluating service as not how good you are when you show up. They evaluate service by how little you need to show up. 

The next decade will completely change print’s deliverable. Everything which is thought unchangeable will indeed change and those in the industry who understand the importance of continuously modifying will prevail. The future will challenge today's leasing strategies, today's billing strategies, today’s sales strategies, and most importantly today’s management strategies.

The new competitors will come from places once thought impossible. The industry must explore and welcome the introduction of ways to monetize print’s decline. Chasing clicks is not the industry’s future. Without the ability to reinvent themselves the industry’s collaborators get circumvented by the new innovator. 

So, my advice to those selling A4 stop competing against other A4’s go after A3 in all segments one through four. The volumes are low, and the end-users acceptance to replace A3 with A4 is growing quickly. The growth of the pull-economy will increase the acceptance of lighter out of the box set up, and service free equipment. All dealers must prepare and continuously modify to maintain profitability.

R.J. Stasieczko

Memoirs of a Copier Sales Person "The Tag Team Cold Call"

Who remembers Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood?  How about Mr. Fuji nd Professor Tanaka?  If not,  I'm sure you familiar with the likes of The Hardy Boyz and also the The Hart Foundation in the nineties.

If you've never watched Professional Wrestling then you've missed out on some great entertainment. Growing up and then watching Pro Wrestling with my son was always a treat when there was a tag team match.  Yeah, those matches got way out of hand and pinning ones head to the floor just so they couldn't tag their partner was wild!

All of this leads me to a few moments I had with a former rep in our office a few days ago.  That rep had stopped in for a visit and caught me for a few minutes before I was going out for appointments.  We spoke about the cool things in life for few minutes, and I then asked to tell me more about what he sells. As he got more into depth I saw that we could share many accounts.  In fact there seemed to many existing accounts that we could share with each other.

Rather than just asking for a list of names and contacts to call (because that usually goes nowhere after talking about it).  I stated why don't we go cold calling together?  I'll bring up 25 companies of existing and net new that I'd like to hit and we'll knock then out together (tag team those accounts).  You hand out yours and I'll hand out many.  Matter of fact, next week you do a list and we'll hit those 25 companies also!

After a few minutes we agreed that we would make this happen during the Month of July (he's getting married in June).  Yay!

Thus it will be the old guy tag teamed with the young guy for a few fun days in the field.  I mentioned fun, because it will be something different, yes I've gone cold calling with my manager and other reps. But being introduced to many companies where my friend has a relationship with should be awesome.

Cold calling needs to be fun, whether cold calling with a buddy (tag team), or just putting on your best attitude can be all the difference in the world.

Look for other sales people that you know that are outside of your industry and see if you can arrange one of those "tag team" events and I'm sure you'll have a blast and get a few leads.

-=Good Selling=-

Attention Sales Community... Do You Have A Sales Manifesto?

A manifesto...

Do good work every day... Stay noble... Be honest... Be perfectly clear... Be myself...

A manifesto is a declaration of one’s beliefs, opinions, motives, and intentions. It's simply a document declaring what's important to someone. This could serve as a statement of principles or even a call to action. A manifesto may challenge assumptions, foster commitment, provoke change or may even challenge the status quo.

Many of you may already have books or documents that are important to you which sum up your beliefs. For some, it might be religious text, and for others it might be parts of the Constitution.

It's a safe bet to say most sales professionals don't have a personal manifesto. Stop, think and reflect on this for a moment... could a public declaration of your intent, help you rise above the sea of sameness? May this change the perception around what you do?


What makes a manifesto so valuable is it becomes a constant source of inspiration. It becomes something that can easily be read on a daily basis.

Imagine waking up in the morning, rolling out of bed, grabbing a cup of coffee or tea, self- reflecting before you start your day as you spend a few minutes reading your manifesto. This could help keep your mind focused as you remind yourself of your priorities. On a daily basis you're reinforcing your values over and over again.

Here's where this could make a huge impact to your sales career. Imagine sharing your manifesto with others. Think about sharing with your clients, prospects and friends. Imagine how this could elevate your status within their minds? It now becomes your public creed through which you're presenting yourself, your beliefs and your future self.


As I'm near completion of my first book, "Selling From The Heart... How Your Authentic Self Sells You" I got to thinking... how about incorporating my personal selling from the heart manifesto.

On the latest episode of the Selling From The Heart podcast, my co-host Darrell Amy and I roll out parts of the manifesto... You can listen to it now... or click on the image


Here's a sampling of my manifesto...

A selling from the heart sales professional is a new class - genuine, authentic, the real deal, in touch with who they are and are brutally honest with themselves.

A selling from the heart sales professional wages a war and becomes a minister to their clients in a profession riddled with unscrupulous, fake and disingenuous sales reps.

A selling from the heart professional leads with the heart and not the wallet.

A selling from the heart sales professional brings the human approach to sales by making it about their clients and what's important to them.

A selling from the heart sales professional seeks first to be understood as they turn transactional sales opportunities into transformational experiences.


I'm not going to tell you there's a right or wrong way to write a manifesto; the style is completely up to you. You may want to make it simple, straightforward and state with passion why you believe in each principle.

Write down your beliefs, motives and the intentions around each of the topics. Your manifesto is an opportunity for you to lay it all out there by being real, genuine and staying true to YOU. Lay all the cards out on the business table for everyone to see and absorb.

One tip, clearly define your purpose and stay true to your values. When you don’t know or you haven’t clearly defined your values, you wind up drifting along in your sales career and life.

Attempting to fulfill other's expectations instead of your own is brutal. Quite frankly, before you know it, your life becomes misaligned and unmanageable. Living a sales life without core values is exhausting, leaving you feeling empty, lifeless and exhausted. Conversely, living a sales life in line with your core values brings you purpose, direction, happiness and a sense of well-being.

Here's a short list of values to help kick start your manifesto...

  • Confidence
  • Discipline
  • Integrity
  • Knowledge
  • Service
  • Servant
  • Truth


I feel confident this will elevate your status and enhance your sales career. I sincerely hope this inspires you to create your manifesto. Not only will this allow you to grow, but it will help you live out those beliefs. When all is said and done, the true hallmark of a sales professional is knowing what you believe, and having the guts to live it. This is what selling from the heart is all about.

I understand, I get where you all are coming from. Every day, I walk in your shoes. I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects and modern strategies into your current sales process to grow new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way, the genuine way, the authentic way!

I'm writing a book. The title is Selling From the Heart! I'm pouring my heart into every page of this book and I think you're going to love it.Enter your email address here in this hyperlink and you'll be updated as the book is released. You'll also become part of our launch team. As a thank you, I'll have some special bonuses waiting for you! 

In 2016, I was recognized by ENX Magazine as, “The Difference Maker,” as someone who is making a difference inside the B2B office technology sector. I am passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image.

You can find more advanced training material inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my stories. Integrating the use of social and sharing my story on LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive office technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitterSocial Sales Academy and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart.



DocuWare Cloud Solutions adopted by Major Telecommunications Contractor

General Construction Company Improves Cash Flow with Accounting Workflow Management Software

General construction contractor specializing in telecommunications, Total Environmental & Power Systems, Inc., implemented DocuWare Cloud in their accounting department to improve invoice approval times for employees in the field. Now, invoices can be approved from any mobile device. The solution boosted the accuracy of their cost accounting procedures by 90%, sped up invoice turnaround time, and improved cash flow.

Total Environmental & Power Systems, Inc. (TEPS) is one of California and Nevada’s top telecommunications contractors, helping to build and maintain cell towers throughout that region. The company also provides general facility maintenance services that includes the building and maintaining of HVAC and AC/DC power systems, radio frequency systems, distributed antenna systems, hydrogen fuel cells, generators and battery backup systems. With a fleet of more than 50 one-ton, four-wheel drive trucks, and a Sno-Cat ATV vehicle with all-terrain tracks and certified drivers, the company can make on-site service calls to any location; in any season. 


TEPS knew it was time to upgrade their accounting workflow to something electronic but the final push came when they received a request from a large customer for electronic copies of TEPS material invoices to better understand the material charges. In addition, almost 90% of the invoices TEPS received were digital and it just didn’t make sense to continue to print and process invoices in a paper-based format.

The company began looking for a solution that met these requirements: 1) mobile-ready and accessible from any device, 2) cloud-based and would not need to be tied to their server and 3) easy to implement and maintain.


After some research, TEPS choose to implement DocuWare Cloud in their accounting department as it fit all their requirements. The solution was configured and implemented remotely allowing for a quick go-live date.  Of the company’s 75 employees, about 18 people were trained to use the system.


The new solution allowed TEPS to easily offer better customer service by quickly emailing requested supplier invoices to their clients.   The system turned out to be a huge time saver as well; TEPS has shaved off 20 man-hours a month which were spent on tracking down payable invoices out for approval.  With DocuWare in place, “approvers” that are in the field on job sites can now review and approve invoices on their mobile device keeping the accounting process flowing smoothly in a timely manner.


The company’s receivable invoice turnaround time has also been reduced by 2-3 days each month, creating better cash flow predictions in a real-time setting.  With total transparency, better business decisions can be made, and more critical tasks can be taken on as a result of implementing DocuWare.


“DocuWare Cloud allows us to do our jobs a lot faster. I can see where in the process each invoice is and easily know who I need to nudge to keep the system flowing,” said Pam Souza, Controller for Total Environmental & Power Systems, Inc.

Prior to implementing DocuWare Cloud, any invoice under $1,000 was paid with no review. With the new solution in place, every invoice is easily routed through a digital approval process, solidifying that every purchase is legitimate, the price is correct, and that the cost has been assigned to the right job number.


“We found that a lot of our invoices had inaccurate job numbers. With DocuWare Cloud, we simply have our project managers look at every invoice, large and small, and make sure everything is accurate. If the job number is wrong, the approver simply makes a digital note for us to change it. It is very important to apply our costs to the correct job and I’m happy to say we’ve improved the accuracy of our cost accounting by 90%,” stated Souza.

On the accounts receivable side, TEPS has enhanced their invoice turnaround time, narrowing the gap between completing a job and invoicing for the work, positively impacting their cash flow.


The owners of TEPS are very happy with the contribution DocuWare Cloud has made to their bottom line and look forward to expanding it to other departments.

Are You Leading An Authentic Sales Life?

"If you're your authentic self, you have no competition"

Authenticity is one of the biggest challenges for salespeople in a profession riddled with scrupulous, fake and disingenuous sales reps; that quite frankly many buyers despise them. However, authenticity separates sales reps from sales professionals and this is what buyers want!

It may sound a bit touchy-feely but set aside some alone time, take a look inside yourself as sales is all about building credible, genuine and real relationships. In order to build relationships and change the way people think, you need to understand who you are and what goods you bring to the table. Here lies the issue for many sales reps, they don’t understand the value they bring to the marketplace because they haven’t spent the time investing in themselves.

Authenticity requires self-knowledge and self-awareness. Authentic sales people accept their strengths and weaknesses. They are accountable to themselves. They are connected to their values and desires and act deliberately in ways consistent with those qualities.


Self-awareness means you know yourself so well that you become amazingly happy which in turn allows you to live an enriched and balanced life.

  • Are you living as the real you and not someone else?
  • Do your thoughts match your actions?
  • Does your walk match your talk?
  • Are you emphasizing the positive aspects of your personality?

Living a lie comes out sooner or later. Living a sales lies is even worse. I guarantee this will screw with your sales career.


Getting to know yourself allows you to tap into the road of happiness and this is critical to your success as a sales professional. Your beliefs, your attitude along with your daily routines are mission critical.

Become brutally honest with yourself...

How clearly can you define YOU?

Every day ask yourself...

  • Who am I?
  • What am I most proud of?
  • What am I most grateful for?
  • What did I actually do yesterday?
  • What did I learn yesterday that I can apply to today to become a better person?


I encourage you to listen to the April 24th episode of The B2B Revenue Executive Experience where Chad Sanderson and I discuss authenticity in sales.

Link to the podcast is here...

Unfortunately, a tremendous amount of sales reps are taught old school manipulative sales tricks – strategies to sell as fast as possible. These sales strategies make it all about them and not the buyer.

"We must bring the human approach back to sales and make it about our clients, the buyer and what's important to them"

It starts by leading with the heart, not with the wallet. Breaking it down to the simplest form, sales is about helping somebody solve a problem. Your job is to tie it to your solutions or service to help solve it. Everybody is capable of finding their authentic self. It requires self-discipline.

Authenticity starts when you set the intention and muster up self-fortitude to be genuine. You must become keenly aware of what this looks and feels like, along with the willingness to act in accordance with your genuine nature. Warning, this means you may become a bit vulnerable and this is OK!


Knowing yourself is the process of understanding you. What makes you tick? Knowing yourself brings you face-to-face with self-doubts and insecurities. Self-reflecting upon this allows you to take a serious look into just how you're living your life and sales life.

Knowing yourself is a conscious effort; you must lead with intent and purpose. This is the same approach you must take with your career. You must lead your sales career with intent, purpose and authenticity.

Authenticity is a choice. It's not easy, but for sales professionals this is the difference between just getting by and making it happen. Self-reflect for a moment, asking yourself what does it means to lead an authentic lifestyle? It's hard work. It's looking right into the mirror, asking tough questions and answering them. You're in charge of your own sales career.

What's your plan, what do you need to do and when will you get there? It is totally up to you! Now go open the door to your authentic self! Watch what happens to your sales career!

I understand, I get where you all are coming from. Every day, I walk in your shoes. I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects and modern strategies into your current sales process to grow new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way, the genuine way, the authentic way!

I'm writing a book. The title is Selling From the Heart! I'm pouring my heart into every page of this book and I think you're going to love it.Enter your email address here in this hyperlink and you'll be updated as the book is released. You'll also become part of our launch team. As a thank you, I'll have some special bonuses waiting for you! 

In 2016, I was recognized by ENX Magazine as, “The Difference Maker,” as someone who is making a difference inside the B2B office technology sector. I am passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image.

You can find more advanced training material inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my stories. Integrating the use of social and sharing my story on LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive office technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitterSocial Sales Academy and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart.



Color Label Press University "Where to Find Color Packaging"

The turkey, provolone, onions, hot banana peppers and tomatoes sandwich had my full attention.  It was lunch time, I was starved since my wife had me doing this points for food thing.  Everything was no points except for the bread, and what the heck a little bread now and then isn't going to kill me right?

While reaching for my bottle of water I noticed I had no napkins, and being a polite eater I opted to search for the napkins instead of taking that first chunk out of my sandwich.  A quick glance around the restaurant and there it was, not the napkins but a beautiful stack of cardboard boxes.  I was truly in heaven!

There were twelve boxes in two stacks of six.  Each box was fully decked out with branding (the box was printed with color images) on all sides. After that wonderful distraction I was able to locate the napkins. I finished lunch and then proceeded to the counter to see what information I could get out of the employees.  I found out that the boxes were used for catering, and the location I was at used about 5 boxes per week.  I sat back down and looking up this company on the web and found that they have more than 2,000 franchise locations in the US.

Hmmm, I wonder if each franchise used 5 boxes per week per location. That's 10,000 boxes per week, 40,000 per month and almost a half a million for the year.  

Can you imagine the amount of ink that's used to imprint all four sides of the box? 

You might ask what I'm getting at right?  For a long time I've been harping about print migration and the need for dealers to follow the migration of print.  Those catering boxes is an excellent example of print migration.  


Alas, I have nothing to offer that company to either reduce their costs, or bring that printing in house (I did find out that all of these branded boxes are out- sourced).  But if you were a Dealer for Muratec America a Konica Minolta Company you'd be knocking on their door with information about the PKG-675i.

The PKG-675i is capable of printing on corrugated materials (boxes). I'm no expert with the PKD-675i yet, but I would beat dollars to doughnuts that this company is definitely a suspect.  I told another sales person the other day that more often than not, we are sales detectives.  It's our job to investigate and find out more about the suspect with the use of the branded catering boxes.  Leave not stone unturned and you may find that these branded boxes could be a revenue bonanza.

Next time you're out and about, keeps your eyes peeled for corporate branding for boxes and or labels. I'm a firm believer that niche printing devices can be the Holy Grail for those that want to grow their print business.

You can find out more about the PKG-675i here

-=Good Selling=-

Memoirs of a Copier Sales Person "The Hunt for Wide Format"

I wasn't too excited that "The Hunt for Wide Format" was going to take place on a rainy day in Jersey.  I had two choices, one was to start the hunt in the rain or go back to office and make phone calls. I choose to do the hunt because working the phone lately has been terrible. In addition I can't afford to waste time when you can't get DM's on the phone.

My day started with a 9:30AM appointment with an existing account that has three separate equipment leases.  I placed a courtesy call a few weeks ago to see if their devices were running well. About a week later, my client called and wanted to meet. Which told me that there were some issue (none that I knew of).  By the end of the meeting I had addressed both issues and left with an upgrade opportunity. Not a bad way to start off the day I thought.

I pre-planned my hunt yesterday.  I culled my CRM for fifteen or so net new prospects for wide format and mixed in a few existing clients that I hadn't seen in sometime. The plan was for twenty-five stops after my first appointment.

I was armed with Ricoh MP6700SP wide format brochures and business cards.  In addition I carried a notebook bag that I received from a recent show that had Engineering embroidered on the out side of the bag. Thought that might help with the net new clients.

One of my stops was to an existing wide format Architect.  Luckily my Architect was in the office and what was suppose to be a meet and greet turned into a thirty minute appointment.  My client did not have a need to replace the existing device, however we yucked it up about getting old, the high taxes in New Jersey, and thought of leaving New Jersey.  My client then asked what the rest of my day was like and I responded with telling him about my next two stops.  He then told me that hew knew both principals and had worked with both principals in the past. In addition he asked that I tell both of them that my client said hello.

Alrighty then, I had a couple of additional arrows in my quiver when I tracked down the next two prospects.   Back into the car and down the road I went to my next two stops.  With those next two stops, I was not able to connect with either DM because they weren't in the office.  But, I was able to make the connection with the receptionist that I had a message for both DM's.  As soon as I got back in the car I accessed Linkedin and sent inmails to both DM's to connect. I'm good with that because I can make the connection between all three clients with the next email, inmail, or phone call.

The rest of the day proved to be unfruitful, not many of the DM's were around (I did not expect them to be). I was able to make note of three additional suspects with new construction projects that I passed.

One other funny note for today. I've been wanting to stop in this one account for sometime. I noticed that they moved about a year ago, however I kept driving by their place.  Today as I drove past their building slowly, I spied what type of wide format mfp that they have. I was stunned because the wide format was placed in front of a very large window. Soon as I saw it I knew the manufacturer.  I doubled back and then knocked on that door also.

Did I get any wide format opportunities today? No, I didn't. Did I get the opportunity to learn more about each business? Yes.  Was I able to identify future suspects?  Yup

Thus, there you have it.  One day each week every week for the rest of the year this old dog will be out in the field hunting wide format and any other copiers that I spy.

-=Good Selling=-

Memoirs of a Copier Sales Person "Vacations & Quotas"

Interesting topic came up today while I was out knocking on doors again!  Most of us (salespeople) have monthly quotas.  For those of us that care, we take pride in striving to meet those monthly and quarterly goals.  When we don't hit those quota's we start thinking about what went wrong, did we not prospect enough, was there not enough in the funnel.   Most of us do have a sinking feeling when we don't hit our quotas.  

Today, I had the debate with a fellow sales person about monthly quotas and vacations. Putting in the effort each and every day allows me the opportunity to attain my quota. 

But what happens when it's vacation time? If I take a week vacation that means I'll only have three weeks to meet the monthly quota nut.  Thus, is it really a vacation?  I caught a thread on twitter today from one of those self proclaimed sales guru's that stated "no not answer emails while on vacation".  I thought, well this butthead definitely doesn't have a monthly quota that stamped on his or her back every month.  

Do you answer emails or don't you, do you take that phone call or not, can that deal wait until you get back or will it go elsewhere if you don't respond?  

I can only remember one time when one time when I completely shut down my selling efforts while on vacation. That was sixteen years ago with a trip to Japan.

It's my belief that sales people should have a reduction in their monthly quota when they take a vacation. Because a vacation should be to kick back, enjoy time with family and use that time to recharge.  If you're not working for 25% of the month, then your monthly quota should be reduced by 25%. 

I understand that most if not all managers will disapprove and never allow this to happen.  Which means that most of us will take those calls and emails because we want to reach that monthly goal/quota.  Thus spending that time and effort offers up the question, did we take the time to recharge or are we just coming back in the same mental state that we left with?

I've been at the same company for a long time. I get a very generous amount of vacation time, but I'm always faced with,  can I afford to take more time off or not? 

For those of us that still do some work while we are vacation, should we be entitled to additional compensation for that time?  Sure, try asking your manager or Veep of Sales that one.

Just maybe someone will figure out that throwing the dog a bone every now and then will reap better rewards.

I guess I'll just have to wait another four years when every day will be a Saturday. EDIAS (Every Day Is A Saturday)

-=Good Selling=-

Attention All Executives: Three Critical Ways Sales Reps Help (or Hurt!) Your Company's Brand Image

"Great brands start inside"

You've invested countless hours, decades, and millions of dollars to build your brand reputation within your marketplace.

What steps have your sales reps done to build their brand reputation?

When people ask, "So, tell me a little bit about yourself", what are the first few things you share?

You may respond by sharing whether you're married, have kids or possibly where you live may live, however; one of the first things you're likely to share is your job title or what you do for a living. There’s a good reason, as work is a common thread in most of our lives. Sharing with someone where you work and what you do gives them a good idea of what’s important to you. This is just a part of normal "get to know" conversation.

I encourage you to think about this for a moment... In today's highly competitive business world, a quick Google search can turn up endless amounts of information regarding your company and the sales reps who represent your corporate brand. Are you proactively doing something about it?

"Personal branding is about managing your name - even if you don't own a business - in a world of misinformation, disinformation, and semi-permanent Google records. Going on a date? Chances are that your "blind" date has Googled your name. Going on a job interview? Ditto"
Tim Ferris

Your sales rep's name and social presence can become major factors in building a positive reputation with your clients and prospects. This is true in the complex and rapidly changing business environment. A sales brand just might become the primary differentiator.


In the business world, it’s not enough for sales reps to take on your corporate brand as their own. Instead, they need a well-defined and well-developed personal brand. You must encourage brand development and coach your sales reps to build their brand. This one act will equate to an increase in business and client retention.

It's happening... in sales meetings all over the place, sales reps are being told, "Run your territory as if it was your business. You're the CEO, now go out there develop new business. Go take care of our clients!"

I am going to ask all of you to stop for a moment, thinking real hard about this one word...

Would you allow your business to operate without any web presence? Of course you wouldn't. Your website is the window into your corporation portraying your brand in a business professional manner.

If you're encouraging your sales reps to be CEO's of their own territory and you accept how important your corporate website is to your brand, then why on earth would you allow your sales reps to operate their business with incomplete, non-branding and poorly positioned LinkedIn profiles?

Place yourself in your client's shoes or better yet a potential client's shoes. Based solely on your first impression of your sales reps LinkedIn profiles or any aspect of their digital footprint's (be honest) would you do business with them? Tough to digest, huh?



We operate in a business environment where connections and relationships are the most valuable assets a business can have. Your clients and prospects make choices regarding who they want to work with and buy from based on how well they connect with your sales reps. Those reps with a strong personal brand behind the corporate brand make it easier for clients and prospects to connect with meaning.

The personal brands of your sales rep's help to humanize your corporate brand. This is mission critical and extremely important in creating defining moments between your company and the competition.

"The sea of sameness is no place to swim in!"


When sales reps develop a strong personal brand people will pay attention. It's these branding moments that help your sales reps facilitate and build a loyal client base on behalf of your company. Helping them to build and develop their personal brand is a key strategy you must promote. The value your sales rep's have to your business isn't just measured in sales results but also the impact they have to your clients.

Foster the culture and environment to encourage your sales reps to build upon their personal brand. Encourage them to professionally network within their marketplace, speak at not for profit groups, volunteer in the community and most importantly have them build their online presence starting with their LinkedIn profile.


Encouraging and allowing your sales reps to build their personal brands will have a major effect on recruiting and retention efforts. This portrays positivities regarding the culture of your company and provides a clear window for future sales reps to gauge how they may fit into your business culture.

Retention becomes easier when you celebrate the personal brands of your sales reps rather than squashing them behind your corporate brand. Think about this from your sales rep's perspective, wouldn’t they rather work for a company that helps them build upon their brand, helping them align to the modern buyer as opposed to being taught sales tactics from years gone by?

Now more than ever a sales reps personal brand and how they promote it is not only important to their success but to the success of your company. 


Your sales reps are front and center, the face of your company. They are out in the marketplace, leading the charge to grow your revenues. You can help by fostering an environment full of skill set development, mindset development, self-development and a continual learning atmosphere. Provide them the tools necessary to perform at their highest level.

Create the internal social environment. Think of their online and offline reputation in the same manner you think about your corporate brand. When prospects are considering doing business with one of your sales reps or a client is deciding whether or not to continue doing business with your company, the reputation of your sales team for delivering value along with social proof is mission critical.

Why all of this? Today's buyer and your clients expect a certain quality of sales rep. If they have a recognizable brand or reputation, the effectiveness of retention and upselling clients greatly increases. Word of a great sales rep spreads through customer communities and greatly improves your sales rep’s relationship with new prospects.

"It's important to build a personal brand because it's the only thing you're going to have. Your reputation online, and in the new business world is pretty much the game, so you've got to be a good person. You can't hide anything, and more importantly, you've got to be out there at some level."
Gary Vaynerchuk

I understand, I get where you all are coming from. Every day, I walk in your shoes. I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects and modern strategies into your current sales process to grow new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way, the genuine way, the authentic way!

I'm writing a book. The title is Selling From the Heart! I'm pouring my heart into every page of this book and I think you're going to love it.Enter your email address here in this hyperlink and you'll be updated as the book is released. You'll also become part of our launch team. As a thank you, I'll have some special bonuses waiting for you! 

In 2016, I was recognized by ENX Magazine as, “The Difference Maker,” as someone who is making a difference inside the B2B office technology sector. I am passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image.

You can find more advanced training material inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my stories. Integrating the use of social and sharing my story on LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive office technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitterSocial Sales Academy and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart.

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The First Week in May 2003

Nice thread about the Seri Printer below. I recently sold a Seri Printer with a Ricoh HQ9000 duplicator, well it was last year.  I ran across the perfect application and pretty much knew there was no one else in the US that would even think of offering the Seri Printer and the Duplicator.  Ricoh discontinued the Seri Printer in the US about ten years ago.  To make a long story short I met the inventor of the Seri Print back in 2002 when I visited Japan.  He was England or Scotland I think.  I reached out to him about the Seri, they were still offering the product. We imported the Seri, combined it with the duplicator and made 40K GP a little over a year ago. It was AWESOME

Big, Big News from Xerox!!

Document Assessment service. To make it easier to buy from Xerox, the company is expanding its worldwide distribution channels, such as TeleWeb operations, resellers, dealers, agents and concessionaires in addition to direct sales. For the first time in the U.S., Xerox will offer selected office multifunction systems through key distributors and resellers in a pilot program aimed at providing a wider range of products to resellers who previously only sold Xerox printers. And in a break with

Ricoh IS450 Image pro Vs. Canon CD-4050?

What are the major advantages Ricoh has over the Canon?

Ricoh 6513

Does anyone know if the 6513 has an old fashion or sephia color copy mode? I know that Canon offers this feature on their CLC's and my customer requires it for their application.

Re: 1060 v Minolta Di551/Konica 7155 need help!

The silver bullet me be the new gWare Software that Ricoh is about to launch. gWare in conjuction with PCSM not only allows the law firm to track all prints but allows copies also to be tracked by a central print server and apply a cost factor to the copies/prints for billing purposes. You can even set it up to automatically email the data at a prescribed time. With this embedded software, they will no longer have to go to each copier and retrieve client code data and combine it with print data

SDK Kits for MFP's

compelling reasons for vendors to transition their businesses toward selling and delivering document solutions. The initial, short-term benefits are that solutions sales will enhance hardware sales efforts and help compensate for eroding hardware margins through: Differentiation: A focus on customer needs and processes can be the competitive edge that wins the sale. Broader, higher margin opportunities within accounts: As hardware margins decline, complete solutions including software and

printing on novel 5.1

I have a customer who is working in a novel 5.1 environment. They do not have a server, they just use straight IP and something called NDPS. One of my competitors just failed miserably with a gestetner 3502. I need to find a way to make this work....

Re: Ricoh IS450 Image pro Vs. Canon CD-4050?

Hope this helps I did not have that much time for a research. CANON U.S.A. INTRODUCES THE CD-4050 DIGITAL DOCUMENT RECORDER Compact Desktop System Features Built-in CD-R and Networking Capabilities, Maximizing Business Workflow Productivity AIIM 2000, NEW YORK, NY, April 10, 2000 - Canon U.S.A., Inc., the company whose imaging solutions give people Know How, announced today the immediate availability of the new CD-4050 Digital Document Recorder. The compact desktop system utilizes state-of


I'll see what I can gather from the Savin Connections meeting, Seri Print is here.

Re: PostScript Question

We also have systems out in the field printing from UNIX through PCL. Can't tell you what 'flavor' the UNIX is right off the top of my head. However we also have other customers printing to Ricohs from UNIX through Postscript.

Re: 1st Qtr

Yep, we got off to a slow start as well. Ricoh said we were running at the top of their growth list. Wondering where we are fairing at the moment. The light's on though. Already at 85% of this months quota and only 10% from List. Sounds like we may all have felt a little bit O' da world here at home... Thank goodness for the 1224 & 1232 for drumming up some opportunities all around. GOOD SELLING!!! -Greg

Re: Big, Big News from Xerox!!

to provide immediate value in specific business environments. Building on the integrated print, copy, fax and scan capabilities of Xerox’s line of WorkCentre® Pro digital multifunction systems announced today, eight Xerox Business Partners have developed a rich set of solutions that provide advanced, customized packages for accounting, scanning and faxing services. “Our customers demand one-stop convenience to integrate their systems into existing enterprise architectures and streamline their

Re: 1232/1224 Toner issue

Do they have it set up for Auto Color Selection as default? We haven't hade any problems with this unless they are using Processed Black (AKA Setting up the machine) in "Full Color" mode instead of auto color. The only thing is that if it is in full color mode, everything will print black and color at the color speed.

Re: Power Surge Suppressors

We require them with a pre-paid maintenance agreement We sell them or have the sales people pay for them when My tech department insists they make a difference, however,I do not have the numbers. I'll see if one of my support people can help with the last question. Art

Re: Power Surge Suppressors

we require one on all installs including faxes and printers. the cost is part of the pac.

Re: Aficio 1060/75 Scan to E-mail

Version E for the Printer/Scanner.

Re: Page Numbering

What about the new "print server in a box", will that do it? Art

Re: 1060 v Minolta Di551/Konica 7155 need help!

Thanks very much for the advice from all who responded to my call for help - the law firm is behaving as if the 1060's advantages are not important as they do not do much in the way of two sided, 5 cpm more is not that much faster, the doc server won't be used, etc. The Minolta is sort of like a 1055 with scanning would be and is leaving me with a price disadvantage. Still looking for the silver bullet to do it in! Will let you know how it turns out.

Re: 1060 v Minolta Di551/Konica 7155 need help!

How about this way ... offer the 1055 along with a network fax device. This will offer scanning without the need to tie up the copier. 55 page per minute Copier/Printer is for productivity of output ... right? Some of the fax models can do all of the scanning features of the 1060 ... plus in color - your customer might see the value of that.

Re: printing on novel 5.1

This post is about terminology, even reading it myself I sound like a smart-ass, but all I'm trying do is give out some info, please don't take offense . Novell is the name of a company that makes a Networking product called Netware, Just like Microsoft makes Windows 2000. Novell Netware 5.1 is a server-based Product. If they actually have Novell Netware 5.1, there is no possible way they can have it without a server. NDPS is Novell Distributed Printing Services, this runs on the server and is

Re: printing on novel 5.1

Agreed! Novel networks are just like Win2K Server et all networks. If they are using novel then they must have a server somewhere. Jason, you hit the nail on the head. Yes...we can print with Novel networks NDPS there are some downloads that you have do do but it works well once you get it running! Graham

Re: printing on novel 5.1

One more thing....If they do Strait IP Printing to the PC's, then the Novel and NDPS is not an issue...That is only for printing through the server. They are probably using Microsoft Windows of some sort on their workstations with that, you can use Strait IP printing on the Workstations using Win2K, NT, and XP. On the 95/98/ME workstations, you will need to install SmartNet monitor for Client then IP Print. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. 208-870-4405. Let's get this deal

Re: Maximum volumes

My experience with in house print shops shows me that if you avg no more than 1 pm per month everything runs pm to pm with no emergency calls. I Hope this helps. I can tell you these units have been more than superb in reliability. Scott

Page Numbering

We have been told for a year now Ricoh will be updating the Page Numbering max digits to 5 instead of the current 3. For example: Page numbers are currently limited to 999; we have a number of law/court clients that need the ability to number to 99,999. It would also be nice to be able to include two letters in front of the number, again, for all the law clients out there utilizing 'bates' stamping. Anyone have the 'inside scoop' from Ricoh on this one?

Chech these prices out!

Ricoh IS01 Scanner $1,000.00 each Ricoh IS330DC Scanner $1,200.00 each Ricoh IS420 Scanner $1,800.00 each Ricoh IS450SE Scanner $1,800.00 each Ricoh IS450DE Scanner $2,200.00 each * ALL SCANNERS COME WITH STANDARD ONE YEAR WARRANTY * SECOND YEAR AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST For further info contact 585-387-9679 or reply to
-=Good Selling=-

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The First Week in May 2008

One of the threads below gives reference to the one of the first true A4 MFP's that had an optional finisher.  Hard to believe that some copier manufacturers offer an A4 MFP with finishing today. It's been ten YEARS!  Give the clients what they want!

Weekend Copier Notes from 05/04/08

-635 gloss coating system (aqueous or UV) o Incorporates a KAMA die cutter and stacker conveyor o Pricing unknown - Xerox announced that it will relabel CD-ROM duplicators made by Vinpower Digital, of Los Angeles, CA. The company also relabels LCD display from ProView and scanners from Visioneer. - Kodak announced it had sold an NexPress M700 (relabeled Canon imagePRESS C7000VP) to Antalis Graphics, a print shop in South Africa. - Kodak conducted a conference for print shop owners who use Kodak hardware

Kyocera Mita America’s Data Security Kit Offers Advanced Encryption and Overwrite Cap

FAIRFIELD, New Jersey – April 29, 2008 - Kyocera Mita America, one of the world's leading document solutions companies, announced today it has been awarded ISO 15408 Certification for Data Security Kit (C) for their monochrome workgroup multifunctional products. Data Security Kit (C) meets Evaluation Assurance Level 3 (EAL3) requirements, conforming to the standards set forth and known as Common Criteria. With the announcement of this certification, Kyocera is building on its strategy to

Canon and GBC

I am up against Canon on a big color machine. I know the Ricoh high end color machines will do GBC punching on-line. The only machines that I can find that Canon supports are the B&W 7105/7095/7086 machines. Has anybody else run across a Conon Color machine that will GBC punch?

Re: Samsung SCX-6345N

very fast when printing. Also has a document server like ricoh systems. Our average selling price with accessories is around $5,500. Let me know if you need more info, there is ton on this message board

Ricoh Americas Corp. Makes Acquisition

Ricoh Americas Corp. acquired Associated Business Systems (ABS), a Ricoh dealer headquartered in Portland, OR, U.S. The acquisition signals a major expansion by Ricoh in the Pacific Northwest marketplace. Associated Business Systems will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Ricoh Americas Corporation and be known as Associated Business Systems—A Ricoh Company.

Re: Samsung SCX-6345N

Are you selling these as an alternative to the Ricoh's when the deal is tight? Do you have a good mark-up for GP?

Re: no e-cabinet now what?

Our company has just taken on Nitix (network in a box). I am selling Docuary (P4P Capture Software)and then using google desktop as the search engine.

Re: Print Control/Mgmt

I assume these will all be Ricoh devices? If so, review Smart Accounting. This will do what you have described.

Re: Sales Tips

state as their destiny. The truth of the matter is that happiness, like anything else in life, needs to be nurtured. With this in mind, you customers can see if you are happy or unhappy at your job. If you are unhappy the negativity shows through and they wonder why? Is the product not good? Should they trust your company? If you are happy, the sales with come right along with it. They can see that you believe in your product and company, and so will the customers. Email that I subscribe to

Re: Samsung SCX-6345N

How do you get away with selling for $5,500 when they retail for $2995 and are sold on the internet for $2,700? Am I missing something?

Re: Samsung SCX-6345N

The one I just sold had an additional paper tray and the finsiher and cabinet. Muratec MSRP is $4,995 for 4550, I think $800 for finisher and $350 for paper tray and $400 for cabinet. What I have been doing is not leading with this machine, I am leading with traditional A3 systems. When I get an objection, whether competition or price, I then ask the user if 11x17 is really needed to copy, print or scan. In most cases the answer is NO, from there I proceed to tell the story about how A

Re: Samsung SCX-6345N

xerox relabels this as well correct?

Re: Need Input for Color Deal

Customer bought: 2 - Savin CLP240d Color Printers 2 - PB3010 Large Capacity Trays 2 - SR3030 Finishers for Output $7,250 each CPC - $.0582 with toner for color CPC - $.0135 with toner for black

Re: Ode to the Copier Repairman

No credit to me, I'm just a salesman! Honestly, I found it on the web this morning while I was looking for a cute copier cartoon to put on my monthly sales flyer. I cut out the pictures (inside of a copier, we've all seen them before) and pasted the rest. Glad you liked it.


Agreed, but lighten up on the handshake. A bone-crushing handshake is a horrible impression on anyone but especially on a woman. You would think this would be common sense, but I've had this discussion with several customers about other sales people who think a "Firm" handshake means the other person walks away in agony.

Re: Weekend Copier Notes from 05/04/08

Thanks! I always love to see this info! quote: - Netaphor Software of Irvine, CA launched new software for tracking clicks on printers and MFPs. The new software, called SiteAudit 2.0, supposedly is the only software that can track clicks without the need to load software on each individual workstation. I know of several print tracking solutions that do not require software loaded on the client. some examples off the top of my head: Canon Netspot accountant (now called imageWare something-or


print costs by up to 30 percent, Site Audit offers potential savings in the areas of hardware (8%), supplies (5%), help desk (5%), operations (5%), administration (4%) and governance (3%). SiteAudit is available through Netaphor’s global network of reseller partners. A free 15-day trial of the software is available at . About Netaphor Founded in 1997 and headquartered in Irvine, Calif., Netaphor Software, Inc. develops and sells asset management tools that help companies control

Need Leasing Help!

Customer wants to get rid of toshibas. I can save them money and start a new lease, however lease is 168% of MSRP plus it is over $100K. Is there anyone who will not blend at that percentage of some leasing company that will work with us better than CIT, DLL & USXL. Thanx

no e-cabinet now what?

Since Ricoh has discontinued the e-cabinet. What is everyone offering for a solution for the small to mid users for document storage?

Art Post - Image Source Magazine

For those that subscribe to Image Source magazine, Art has written an article in April's edition on the Sales Pipeline. Congratulations Art! on a great article. As I was reading through the article, I realized I had read most of the article before on the p4p. Thanks again for all the time and work you put into the p4p!

Weekend Copier Notes from 05/04/08

-635 gloss coating system (aqueous or UV) o Incorporates a KAMA die cutter and stacker conveyor o Pricing unknown - Xerox announced that it will relabel CD-ROM duplicators made by Vinpower Digital, of Los Angeles, CA. The company also relabels LCD display from ProView and scanners from Visioneer. - Kodak announced it had sold an NexPress M700 (relabeled Canon imagePRESS C7000VP) to Antalis Graphics, a print shop in South Africa. - Kodak conducted a conference for print shop owners who use Kodak hardware

Kyocera Mita America’s Data Security Kit Offers Advanced Encryption and Overwrite Cap

FAIRFIELD, New Jersey – April 29, 2008 - Kyocera Mita America, one of the world's leading document solutions companies, announced today it has been awarded ISO 15408 Certification for Data Security Kit (C) for their monochrome workgroup multifunctional products. Data Security Kit (C) meets Evaluation Assurance Level 3 (EAL3) requirements, conforming to the standards set forth and known as Common Criteria. With the announcement of this certification, Kyocera is building on its strategy to

Canon and GBC

I am up against Canon on a big color machine. I know the Ricoh high end color machines will do GBC punching on-line. The only machines that I can find that Canon supports are the B&W 7105/7095/7086 machines. Has anybody else run across a Conon Color machine that will GBC punch?

Re: Samsung SCX-6345N

very fast when printing. Also has a document server like ricoh systems. Our average selling price with accessories is around $5,500. Let me know if you need more info, there is ton on this message board

Ricoh Americas Corp. Makes Acquisition

Ricoh Americas Corp. acquired Associated Business Systems (ABS), a Ricoh dealer headquartered in Portland, OR, U.S. The acquisition signals a major expansion by Ricoh in the Pacific Northwest marketplace. Associated Business Systems will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Ricoh Americas Corporation and be known as Associated Business Systems—A Ricoh Company.

Re: Samsung SCX-6345N

Are you selling these as an alternative to the Ricoh's when the deal is tight? Do you have a good mark-up for GP?

Re: no e-cabinet now what?

Our company has just taken on Nitix (network in a box). I am selling Docuary (P4P Capture Software)and then using google desktop as the search engine.

Re: Print Control/Mgmt

I assume these will all be Ricoh devices? If so, review Smart Accounting. This will do what you have described.

Re: Sales Tips

state as their destiny. The truth of the matter is that happiness, like anything else in life, needs to be nurtured. With this in mind, you customers can see if you are happy or unhappy at your job. If you are unhappy the negativity shows through and they wonder why? Is the product not good? Should they trust your company? If you are happy, the sales with come right along with it. They can see that you believe in your product and company, and so will the customers. Email that I subscribe to

Re: Samsung SCX-6345N

How do you get away with selling for $5,500 when they retail for $2995 and are sold on the internet for $2,700? Am I missing something?

Re: Samsung SCX-6345N

The one I just sold had an additional paper tray and the finsiher and cabinet. Muratec MSRP is $4,995 for 4550, I think $800 for finisher and $350 for paper tray and $400 for cabinet. What I have been doing is not leading with this machine, I am leading with traditional A3 systems. When I get an objection, whether competition or price, I then ask the user if 11x17 is really needed to copy, print or scan. In most cases the answer is NO, from there I proceed to tell the story about how A

Re: Samsung SCX-6345N

xerox relabels this as well correct?

Re: Need Input for Color Deal

Customer bought: 2 - Savin CLP240d Color Printers 2 - PB3010 Large Capacity Trays 2 - SR3030 Finishers for Output $7,250 each CPC - $.0582 with toner for color CPC - $.0135 with toner for black

Re: Ode to the Copier Repairman

No credit to me, I'm just a salesman! Honestly, I found it on the web this morning while I was looking for a cute copier cartoon to put on my monthly sales flyer. I cut out the pictures (inside of a copier, we've all seen them before) and pasted the rest. Glad you liked it.


Agreed, but lighten up on the handshake. A bone-crushing handshake is a horrible impression on anyone but especially on a woman. You would think this would be common sense, but I've had this discussion with several customers about other sales people who think a "Firm" handshake means the other person walks away in agony.

Re: Weekend Copier Notes from 05/04/08

Thanks! I always love to see this info! quote: - Netaphor Software of Irvine, CA launched new software for tracking clicks on printers and MFPs. The new software, called SiteAudit 2.0, supposedly is the only software that can track clicks without the need to load software on each individual workstation. I know of several print tracking solutions that do not require software loaded on the client. some examples off the top of my head: Canon Netspot accountant (now called imageWare something-or


print costs by up to 30 percent, Site Audit offers potential savings in the areas of hardware (8%), supplies (5%), help desk (5%), operations (5%), administration (4%) and governance (3%). SiteAudit is available through Netaphor’s global network of reseller partners. A free 15-day trial of the software is available at . About Netaphor Founded in 1997 and headquartered in Irvine, Calif., Netaphor Software, Inc. develops and sells asset management tools that help companies control

Need Leasing Help!

Customer wants to get rid of toshibas. I can save them money and start a new lease, however lease is 168% of MSRP plus it is over $100K. Is there anyone who will not blend at that percentage of some leasing company that will work with us better than CIT, DLL & USXL. Thanx

no e-cabinet now what?

Since Ricoh has discontinued the e-cabinet. What is everyone offering for a solution for the small to mid users for document storage?

Art Post - Image Source Magazine

For those that subscribe to Image Source magazine, Art has written an article in April's edition on the Sales Pipeline. Congratulations Art! on a great article. As I was reading through the article, I realized I had read most of the article before on the p4p. Thanks again for all the time and work you put into the p4p!!
-=Good Selling=-

DocuWare Cloud Keeps Donations and Data Safe for Community Blood Center

Cloud document control software and volunteers help nonprofit positively impact society

A nonprofit blood bank in Florida is utilizing DocuWare Cloud to store donor records and standard operating procedures manuals. Digital document control speeds up retrieval times, increases staff productivity, and reduces errors. Digital records also facilitate easy compliance with FDA guidelines and reports. The solution is so easy-to-use that the nonprofit can utilize volunteers to digitize records which reduces costs and strengthens community involvement. The system helps SunCoast Blood Bank speed up the intake screening process for donors while keeping the blood supply safe for the community.

SunCoast Blood Bank is a 501 c3 nonprofit community blood center that supplies blood products to 9 different hospitals in a 4-county region. The organization has 5 permanent collection sites, 7 blood mobiles, a warehouse and a transfusion service. The blood bank holds more than 1,000 blood drives a year and collects about 38,000 units (or pints) of blood annually. SunCoast fills a vital role in the community because it is the only blood bank in the region.


SunCoast Blood Bank was utilizing an offsite, secure facility to store its paper records. Turnaround time to pull a record was slow, information was not searchable, and the long-term cost for the storage was unsustainable. The organization simply needed better and faster access to donation records.

Each unit of donated blood is labeled with an ID number. If a donor called back with additional travel information or if the testing brought up a result that made the blood unusable, the blood bank would need to swiftly access and amend the donor record and contact the hospital to find out what happened to that unit of blood. SunCoast is required to store donor records for ten years, however if for any reason a donor cannot donate blood, that record needs to be stored indefinitely. They needed to gain more control over when and how they could access their data and wanted search functionality. SunCoast decided to look for a cloud document management solution because of their small IT staff and budget.


After researching alternatives to paper files, SunCoast decided to work with their Authorized DocuWare Partner, who got them up and running with DocuWare Cloud. The cloud solution freed SunCoast from having to use their own IT staff to implement and maintain a solution.  Today, they are automatically indexing their records by donor name, donor ID number and unit ID number.

As a non-profit, SunCoast utilizes volunteers to help digitize their records.  Volunteers range in age from 6 to 87 years old, with a strong representation from high school students and seniors.  The blood bank encourages volunteers by offering scholarships to high school students willing to write an essay and donate 3 units of blood or volunteer a minimum of 30 hours. The organization uses this scholarship program to cultivate the next generation of blood donors and help make and strengthen connections within the community they serve.

Volunteer Coordinator, Joan Leonard, is a strong supporter of DocuWare because she knew the solution was so easy to use that she could train volunteers and allow them to manage the scanning program. Once a volunteer has been trained, they are able to train others.

“Not only is DocuWare helping us digitize our records, it is helping us connect to our community. I have high school students teaching retirees who have never used a computer, to scan and index documents. This has been a tremendous multi-faceted program that not only helps us better manage our information but is helping our seniors gain new skills that will allow them to get back into the workforce,” stated Leonard.


In the summer, SunCoast volunteers scan 6 days a week, 8 hours a day. Volunteer hours drop once school is back in session, but some scanning work is done every day. In one summer, SunCoast volunteers scanned 60,000 records or about 3 years’ worth of the most recent donor records. Now volunteers will work on scanning the backlog of 1500 boxes of older records stored off-site. Staff can now move through the office easier and the workplace is calmer since 60 boxes have now been removed from offices and hallways.

With DocuWare it is easier for the blood bank to comply with FDA guidelines. If there was an FDA reportable error regarding a unit of blood, the blood bank has 45 days to submit the report online and provide evidence of corrective action. The penalty for not submitting the report on time is an “observation” on FDA form 483.  With repeated observations of the same error type, the FDA can impose fines or even shutdown a facility.  Electronic documentation makes meeting regulatory compliance deadlines much simpler.

The biggest benefit SunCoast has seen since implementing the system is lightning quick document retrieval.

“With DocuWare Cloud, our turnaround time to pull up a donor’s record to verify or edit information, or post test results, happens in seconds when before it was a 24 hour wait. The difference in our productivity and response time is quite significant,” said Robert Harper, Director of Quality Assurance for SunCoast Blood Bank.

As a nonprofit utilizing volunteers to scan documents, quality assurance was a key issue for SunCoast. In the beginning they reviewed 1 in 10 records, now they only look at 1 in 25. With a goal of maintaining accurate, high-quality information, the system’s flexibility and ease-of-use, even for a rotating group of volunteers, was just what SunCoast needed and helped them lower their costs.


The system has been so well received that the nonprofit is expanding its use to other documents, including manuals, forms and purchase orders. Today, staff at the donation centers and mobile donation vehicles have digital access to a 15 system manuals of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that helps the staff know if they can accept blood donations from a donor that has traveled to specific countries or is answering other screening questions in unexpected ways. The FDA believes that closely following procedures in the “up-front” screening questions eliminates 90% of unsuitable donors before any blood is drawn.

“With the SOP manuals in DocuWare, we no longer need to worry about missing pages, or the need to call the main office with questions. Because the staff at each mobile location refer to the manual multiple times a day, having a digital searchable version speeds our intake screening process and aids us with improving accuracy, eliminating errors and calls back to the main office,” said Harper.

Moving forward, the blood bank plans to also put purchase orders, adverse reactions and finance documents into DocuWare. The solution reduced the blood bank’s document management costs by 25% a year and is playing a part in keeping the blood supply safe.

SunCoast’s CEO Scott M. Bush summed it up when he said, “DocuWare Cloud is proving to be a tremendous asset to our organization.  Because blood banks are so highly regulated, our blood products, as well as our record keeping must be meticulous. The system not only reduces costs, it improves efficiency for our donors and staff.  We look forward to customizing DocuWare to other parts of our operation, further enhancing our ability to serve the community.”

DocuWare Corporation | 4 Crotty Lane, Suite 200 | New Windsor, NY 12553        (888) 565-5907 |

Eight Baseball Idioms for the Office Equipment Industry

The smell of spring is in the air, along with the completion of the first week of the 2018 Major League baseball season here in the US. Last year Chris Polek (Owner of Polek & Polek) and I collaborated with our first baseball themed blog for the office equipment channel. "Nine Innings with Polek & Polek" was a hit  with our readers. Chris & I have teamed  up again for this year blog which uses common baseball jargon and how that jargon translates to the office equipment channel.

Eight Baseball Idioms for the Office Equipment Industry

Spring Training: For those of us that are baseball fans the thought of Spring Training reminds us that Spring is right around the corner and the renewed hope that our team has the chance to be the World Champions.  

Most copier dealerships mark the end of their year with the last calendar day of the year. Typically most opportunities are squeezed, pushed and shoved into that last month of the year. January tends to be a month of starting over or renewing your focus for the new year.

That first week of the January can be your Spring Training. Taking time to cull your CRM, review future prospects and develop a plan to achieve your personal and business sales goals.


Situational Hitting: Moving the runner over, hit and run, bunt, and the sacrifice fly are different types of hitting that you want to accomplish in different baseball scenarios. These different offensive techniques can power the offense to score runs while making an out.

In sales we can look at prospecting in the same manner. You need to step up to the plate and make things happen with in person visits, and phone calls. More often that not you’ll be making outs, but the continued stepping up to the plate with prospect will produce opportunities for new business. I’m a big believer that if you put in the work, you’ll be surprise what tomorrow will bring you.


PFP’s (Pitchers Fielding Practice): Believe it or not, most pitchers (and catchers) are the best athletes on the team. In fact most of them probably started at shortstop at the beginning of their baseball career. Playing the position of pitcher has some unwritten rules. Pitchers get out of the way when there’s a popup in or around the pitcher’s mound. They cover first base, when the first baseman has to cover a dribble to his side.

Ever notice how pitchers and catchers report earlier than the other players? It is because they have the most responsibility in the game. It is not just pitching and catching. They control the pace of the game, they give direction on the strategy, and when a ball is in play the pitcher and catcher are always moving around the field to back up throws. It is difficult to see on TV, and when you are at a game you will notice that the pitcher and catcher are active ALL the time. When you think about it, pitchers and catchers responsibilities are very similar to those of leaders and managers.


Meeting on the Mound:

A new rule this year in baseball is a limit on meetings on the mound, and a time limit. You know those meetings you have been in that never seem to end, or when will we get to the point?

We can learn from this rule. As a manager, your job is to coach your salesperson. Keep your meetings brief by being prepared and having an agenda. Agree on a strategy, and then ACT! Ultimately the most important thing is the immediate action that you take when the meeting is finished.

Can of Corn:  

For those that don’t know baseball, this is an easy to catch fly ball. In our businesses we need to make sure we devote time on the easy tasks that will help grow our business.

The Can of Corn is: focus on your loyal customers; don’t ignore them. It amazes me how many businesses put so much time and resources in only acquiring new customers to grow. Cable companies are a good example of this. Not to single out cable companies, but when you look at their behavior you start to see similar behaviors with many companies and your buying experience. Try this exercise: call five loyal customers today. Thank them for being a loyal customer. Ask them: “Is there anything new that you are working on that you think we could help you?” The answer your customers offer are about to give you new ideas on how you can do more business. They will choose you first because they know, like, and trust you. If your customer brings up an idea that you don’t handle, find a way to connect them with a person or company that can.

Caught Napping:

Caught Napping is the opposite of Can of Corn. Go ahead and ignore those loyal customers while you primarily focus on acquiring new ones, and watch what happens. Your behavior shows those customers that you don’t care that much and they are not important to you. When you do that, your value to these customers erodes, and so does their loyalty to you! Eventually you get the wake-up call that they are leaving you, and doing business with a competitor. When this happens, most people come up with every excuse in the book, except pointing the finger at themselves. Apologize to those loyal customers before it is too late, that you realized that you have not paid enough attention to them as you should, and that is going to change. Focus on treating your loyal customers well, or get Caught Napping. Your choice!

It ain’t over till it’s over: Is one of those famous Yogi Berra quotes. It ain’t over till it’s over means quitting or projecting a defeated attitude is not an option. You always have the chance to win.

Mental toughness is an important part of the game and in your business. There will always be adversity, and when you give up too easily when things get tough, the only thing that gets easier is quitting too early. Another famous Yogism: “90% of the game is half mental.”


Let The Ball Travel: In baseball this means to let the ball travel a little deeper before you swing because you’re out in front of the ball. I’ll use the term of letting the ball travel when I’ve touched all of the opportunities several times and nothing is moving forward. I then let those accounts sit for a few days or a week with no follow up. During that the let ball travel time, I’ll find time to research prospects and add new opportunities to the pipeline. Keep in mind that your clients are just as busy as you and in most cases the thought of buying office equipment is not their top priority.

I hope these baseball references have helped you re-focus on Spring Training for your business. Let’s PLAY BALL!

Good Selling from

-=Chris Polek & Art Post=-
