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MFP Copier Blog

EquiPro Investments saves 400 man-hours YTD with DocuWare!

EquiPro Investments saves 400 man-hours YTD with DocuWare!

With 15 years in operation and $13 billion purchases in asset receivables, EquiPro is an investment firm that works with vendors in recovering credit card debt. When the company’s old software became too slow to handle the volume of transactions, EquiPro looked for a new solution. “For us, speed is the main improvement. We were able to focus our employee resources on other issues. When it comes to dealing with document distribution, we achieved about 50 percent savings in man-hours,” says Leo Seicshnaydre, Senior Data Analyst.

Their DocuWare solution keeps track of and assigns access privileges to all documents related to EqipPro’s account acquisitions, processing and distribution to vendors.

Additional DocuWare benefits include:

  • Achieved secure storage and access of 2.7 million documents in one central database
  • Quickly and accurately distribute documents to vendors; vendors’ document access rights are stored in the company’s SQL database which DocuWare retrieves details from and assigns accordingly
  • Saved a large amount of manual labor; currently save about 6 man-hours per week, totaling 400 man-hours to date

Click here for the full success story.

Xerox's MFP "All in Plan" Reveal

A few days ago I was alerted by a Print4Pay Hotel member about the new Xerox  "All in Plan".  I had some time on my hands and paid a visit to the Xerox site and gleaned everything that I could about this new program.

For me "all in" meant that the plan was similar to KonicaMinolta's flat rate program.  Pay a monthly payment that includes the MFP along with maintenance/supplies and print as many pages as you want.  Since Xerox is a competitor I owed it to myself to learn as much as I could as fast as I could.

What I thought was unlimited is not.  The brochure is carefully wordsmithed that states you'll have a fixed monthly price no matter what you print.  That "no matter what you print" appears several times in the brochure. Thus the "no matter what you print" is more about the types of coverage that is used to print the document and has nothing to do with unlimited prints.

The web site is an e-commerce site where clients are asked simple questions to determine the type of printer or copier that is the best fit for their printing habits.  After selecting "find a printer", you're navigated to the next page to answer a series of questions which include.

  • color or black print?
  • how many people will share the print device?
  • what is your print volume (heavy, average or less than average)
  • types of documents that you print (photos, brochure or text)
  • will you need to scan, copy or fax?
  • do you need 11x17?
  • then printing from smartphones or tablet

After answering all of these questions you are then asked if you are a business to proceed. The next page will give you the pricing, in my case the site gave me a choice of three A3 color MFP's with the price per month.  The next step is to create an account. It seems that only 3 color A3 devices are offered at this time.

Okay, I'm a business and I created an account.  One I got past that I was then awarded the lease contract and the maintenance/supply agreement. Of course I did not select the buy button!  But I had the documents for review.

Here's what I found out:

  • Program is run through XFS Financial
  • All Service is routed the XBS dealer that is associated with your zip code
  • According to your answers for the questions I listed above your lease has a benchmark.  That benchmark in my case allowed me 12k per month (I picked heavy user)
  • In the Ts & Cs there is a clause that states that if you are over the benchmark volume three months in row Xerox can raise your monthly price or mandate that you get an additional print device that for an additional monthly fee.  I'm guessing that monthly fee also includes maintenance and supplies
  • Toner and meter reads are automated
  • Fusers, drums, imaging kits are not on auto shipment and the client needs to make a call to Xerox
  • 36 month FMV lease term
  • 150-60 days LOI
  • Device always has to be connected to the internet/network
  • Payments are auto charged to credit card or debit card
  • Clients may need to contact Xerox so Xerox can remote in to install patches or firmware updates
  • Clients need to notify Xerox of printer location within 10 days if the device is moved

What Happens When?

  • Your coverage volume is to high, could there be an additional charge for that also
  • You don't get your maintenance kits in a timely manner
  • You don't like your service provider.  You can only use XBS


All in all it's not a bad plan but it does have some covenants that may need to be addressed somewhere down the road such as the coverage volume. There is no auto escalator that I read about.

The most critical is the benchmarking for the monthly volume. If you're off on your calculations you'll pay the price with an increased monthly fee or you'll have to get an additional print device.

After speaking with an XBS person today I was told that anyone that creates an account is assigned to a sales person. At least I'm happy to hear that.

The All in Plan appears to be the first salvo with an e-commerce sight that delivers the lease document and the maintenance agreement document electronically and offers the ability to digitally sign the document with out every speaking with a sales rep.  Yes, it's somewhat scary and is most likely the future in an industry that is contracting. 

However the future is not here yet. I will continue to prove my worth because at some point in time we are still needed to navigate the agreements and find the best fit for the clients. I can only think about all the issues that will be created with these types of agreements when the client does not know their printing habits when it comes to type of documents and whether they are a heavy or light user.  We all know that print volumes can change and locking client in for three years could cause that predictable expense to become a non-predictable expense.

Here's a link for the conversation threads on the forums for the plan, you can also download the lease and the maintenance agreement

Here's the link take it for a spin and see what you come up with.

-=Good Selling=-

Sales Professionals Do Not Suffer From Conversational Narcissism, Are You?

"It was impossible to get a conversation going, everybody was talking too much"
Yogi Berra

Think about this statement for a moment... Sales reps who take over conversations poison their own well.

When you steal your customers voice, you lower their belief in you.

Don't suffer from conversational narcissism!

Narcissistic sales reps enjoy hearing themselves talk. Without fail, they find a way to circle back to their story. their product, their industry tenure and their support. They don’t intend to be rude, but they sure do get blinded by their sales light, their own dramas and sales crapola.


We live in a different sales world today. We're digitally driven, socially connected and mobile empowered. We can communicate and connect at lightning speed.

Many are fighting to been seen but how many are truly breaking free to be heard?

It's unfortunate but many are suffering from Social Attention Disorder or commonly known as SAD.

It's a rampant epidemic brought about by empty suits, facades and narcissistic digital behavior.

Some sure-fire signs...

  • Self-absorbed & attention seeking - love using the word "I" and "Me"
  • Lack of empathy - Do they really care how you are?
  • Lack of insight and self-awareness - fail to build deep relationships
The social emperor has no clothes!
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Do you ever stop and wonder what someone on the other end is thinking?

"Stop trying to impress me. I can make up my own mind about whether I like you; trust you; or even believe you. You don’t have to make up my mind for me."


Is having a conversation a lost sales art? Furthermore, is having a business focused conversation a lost sales art?

Conversations are the strongest sales tool that sales reps have in order to effectively build credible relationships between their clients, their prospects, their brand and their company.

Are you having meaningful conversations?

When's the last time you had a conversation with a client or a prospect and heard this...

“Wow, this was one of the best conversations I’ve ever had!”

The way you open conversations has a direct bearing on what happens next. The direction of those conversations along with the strategy behind those conversations; all will have a direct bearing on one thing... a potential sales opportunity.

You never know when one conversation will lead to exponential sales growth.

Conversations build relationships, and relationships build businesses.

What do your clients and prospects care about? They don't care about your canned pitches and the all about you messaging. Stop pitching and puking canned crapola and start opening a human connection and conversation.

Engaging questions lead to engaging conversation which leads to relationship building
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Authenticity, it's making the conscious choice based on accurate self-knowledge. This means stepping outside the shallow world in which many in sales live. 

Authenticity and being human, it's a choice. It's not easy, but this is the difference between just getting by and making it happen. Self-reflect for a moment, asking yourself what does it mean to be a human when engaging in a business conversation? It's hard work. It's looking right into the mirror, asking tough questions and answering them. You're in charge of your own sales career.

My question to all of you... What has happened to authenticity?

It's not about you nor your company nor your wallet. It's about deeply and genuinely understanding the other person.

When you engage in conversation, remember the person you're in front of may be saying this to themselves:

  • Do you see me?
  • Do you hear me?
  • Does what I say matter to you?


Conversations are the most powerful tool you have at your disposal to foster relationships.

Having meaningful conversations is something that can be learned, with focus and practice, all those in sales can become better at it.

Let's all unite to bring about care and compassion in how we connect.

It's about bringing sincerity, substance and heart to the forefront.

Listen with intent. Listen with your heart. Listen to learn.

Conversations matter when they come from the heart.

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I understand, I get where you all are coming from. Every day, I walk in your shoes. I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects and modern strategies into your current sales process to grow new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way, the genuine way, the authentic way! It's about understanding value before visibility.

Selling From the Heart is making a difference! I poured my heart into every page of this book and I think you're going to love it. You can find it on Amazon in paperback, kindle and in audio. You can click on the book image below and this will take you to Amazon.

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You can find more material inside Selling From The Heart.

In a world full of empty suits, I'm passionate about helping sales reps succeed by getting valuable before they get visible. I help sales teams understand the true value they bring to the market. 

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my stories. Integrating the use of social and sharing my story on LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive office technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitterFacebook and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart.


The Imaging Channel's ERP!

Let's explore the reasons ECI's E-Automate is maintaining and adding to its massive customer base of Imaging Channel dealers and why I believe dealers should not, at this point, attempt to replace an ERP. 

Today there's a copious of solutions for resellers to manage individual deliverables. The imaging channel resellers, managed IT service resellers, or our friends delivering office products. These reseller groups are in-fact consolidating and even converging into each other's spaces. This convergence is what started the search for the no bolt-on ERP platform.

However, after a decade of attempts:

"The No Bolt-On Platform" does not exist and isn't a reality for resellers/dealers." And even if one comes to market what would a dealer really gain? to warrant the distraction and cost to replace.

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I believe, based on the massive customer base E-Automate has, they are, in fact, in a better position to accomplish my vision of helping dealers not only innovate but diversify as needed. Over the next five years, the print equipment and its services will see many challenges, consolidation, and new players changing the game entirely.

So, instead of replacing E-Automate, dealers should focus on building out their diversification and utilizing those systems which are relevant to the diversification's deliverable. Today's dealers must explore the technologies required for what they intend to deliver understanding; there is nothing that can do it all on its own with the expertise of the systems which are the global leaders in their respected sectors.

Some will ask. What about dealers wanting to delivering Managed IT Services? And others may suggest E-Automate is outdated.

Regarding the outdated argument, what's really out-dated. Today's dealers have not changed their print deliverable processess for decades. In all fairness when we examine E-Automate we see in fact they have modified as the dealers do. Print tracking, cloud service, and intergrading with other software providers are examples. One would imagine as the deliverable continues to modify so will E-Automate. But, frankly today they are matching the industry's changes without forcing the industries dealers through massive disruptions.

Regarding Managed IT Services, most of the Imaging Channel's actors have heard of ConnectWise, the most extensively used RMM and IT Services operating system in the world. Today the vast majority of dealers delivering IT Services, are using ConnectWise, again it's the most preferred MSP platform in the world.

Some suggest that the newer ERPs have better data. I ask, does the replacement have enough better data to warrant the investment and disruption to change? Again, I believe that the data available today through the legacy players is more data than most dealers use. Frankly, they should be using what's available before investing both time and financially impacting their bottom lines. After all, replacing operating systems is extremely costly in both money and time. 

The Channel has the data, Now it's time the channel uses the data they have. It seems as many are getting sidetrack by the un-proven rhetoric over the realities of what currently exist.

For example, NEXERA, a BEI Services company, has been providing detailed analytics based on the world's most extensive database of print equipment and its services for over 25 years. NEXERA, integrates with E-Automate, providing dealers data needed to improve not only performance but profit as well. It's time the channel stops and learns how to search and explore the data they have over, hoping an entirely new ERP will miraculously improve them.

If dealers spent a fraction of the time they would spend in the ripping apart their infrastructure to replace the ERP they have. These dealers would be astonished by what they would discover.

The Imaging Channel has the tools, and yes, those tools will be a collection of software. However, right now, there is no one platform doing everything, and in the foreseeable future, there won't be. Dealers should rather invest in both human capital diversification, and deliverable diversification long before an operating system investment. Using the tools you have with open minds will lead to new possibilities.

Today's most significant threat to the resellers is not its operating system. Dealers must sell based on the market realities and should be focused on delivering services to those realities. Dealers investing in their diversification and understanding how to use the data they have to defeat their status quo will have the winning advantage.

"Status quo is the killer of all that will be invented."

Ray Stasieczko  

Relationships Do Matter! Don't Become Relationally Vulnerable With Your Clients.

“To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.”
Crissi Jami

I'd like for you to grab a sheet of paper and pen. Write down your top 5 clients. Now, I'd like for you to think about them for a moment... On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your client knowledge? Go ahead and put a number score next to each one of them.

If you agree your clients mean the world to you then how well do you know them and how well do they know you?

I say this because deep meaningful relationships are necessary in this post trust sales world. 

The more you know about your clients and the more they know about you, the more the relationship grows and the more your sales grow!

Here's the deal... I'm keeping it real folks; I'm massively concerned with the weak relational skill set that many have in sales.

Do you have good relationships with your clients or great relationships?

How many of you walk around or should I say strut around saying, "My clients love me" "I have rock solid relationships with my clients" And then you get the dreaded call. We know the call. 


Heartfelt sales professionals build meaningful relationships with their clients. They get it! To build meaningful relationships, they understand as humans we crave and value relationships.

Credibility and true meaning provide:

  • Connectivity (knowing we're in this together)
  • Support (knowing we're helping each other)
  • Validation (knowing we feel the same way)

Relationships are a part of human nature. It's wired in our DNA.

"The more you give, ultimately the more you receive."

Are you personally engaging with your clients?

Are you authentically investing in building meaningful relationships?


Vulnerability is one massive key ingredient in building healthy, happy and heartfelt personal relationships. However, when it comes to being vulnerable in our sales lives, many of us struggle to open-up.

In my heart, I believe vulnerability equates to sales power because living from a vulnerable space requires tremendous strength and incredible courage.

Are you willing to throw it all out there?

It's unfortunate as many in sales hide behind, fabricated, false and fake images they’ve created, as they choose to reveal facade versions of themselves to the external world, their clients.

Many have become pseudo professionals in concealing what’s contained beneath the surface, keeping who they really are hidden within a neat little package; shielded away from outside view.

You can be credible, reliable and loving but if it’s painfully obvious you only have your own interests at heart people will see through your charade. They will call you out for what you are, an empty suit.

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In a sales world full of broken dreams, busted promises and braggadocious behavior - one can never ever build credible business relationships without eating humble pie and vulnerability for breakfast.

Vulnerability is power!

Becoming sales powerful requires vulnerability. It's those sales professionals who so bravely choose to become “Open books,” sharing human aspects of themselves and revealing the truth of who they are by leading authentic lives.

Vulnerability is power because living a sales life from a vulnerable space requires tremendous strength and incredible courage. It's truly going against the sales norm!

When you lead a sales lie that is really not you, I promise this will come back and bite you right in the ass. I'd like for you to ask yourself, are the images you’ve created really adding value and meaning to your clients, or have they made you feel like an empty suit?

Are you sensing there's something missing, preventing you from building those meaningful client relationships?

Get real

Be authentic

Be Vulnerable

Brene Brown talks about this in her book, Daring Greatly. A person who can make themselves vulnerable, exposing their weaknesses without any regard to what others will think, is saying to the world, “I don’t care what you think of me; this is who I am, and I refuse to be anyone else.”


Creating an outstanding experience is one of the biggest opportunities you will have to capture your clients' interest, get them to act and have them continue to do business with you.

Stop operating with the same mindset, delivering the same HO-HUM experiences as you expect different outcomes.

How can you build and strengthen your client relationships if your hiding behind a relational facade?

Staying vulnerable helps to consistently recognize your value as a unique, heartfelt and caring professional. It gives you the courage to reveal yourself in ways that will strengthen your client connections.

Don't become relationally vulnerable with your clients.
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I understand, I get where you all are coming from. Every day, I walk in your shoes. I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects and modern strategies into your current sales process to grow new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way, the genuine way, the authentic way! It's about understanding value before visibility.

Selling From the Heart is making a difference! I poured my heart into every page of this book and I think you're going to love it. You can find it on Amazon in paperback, kindle and in audio. You can click on the book image below and this will take you to Amazon.

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You can find more material inside Selling From The Heart.

In a world full of empty suits, I'm passionate about helping sales reps succeed by getting valuable before they get visible. I help sales teams understand the true value they bring to the market. 

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my stories. Integrating the use of social and sharing my story on LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive office technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitterFacebook and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart.



Copier dealers thrive selling content services solutions; Impact Networking, LLC and Kelley Connect share their successes as Authorized DocuWare Partners

If you want to provide real solutions for real business process challenges that organizations face every day, consider becoming an Authorized DocuWare Partner. By adding content services to your product portfolio, you can accelerate your sales with a unique selling proposition setting you apart from your competition. For complete details on the Partner Program, click here. To request to speak to someone about becoming a Partner, click here or contact

Tonight, I was able to have dinner with a friend of mine that’s also in the imaging channel aka copier business. We went from topic to topic and I finally landed on “What will our copier (MFP) business look like in five years?” It’s funny because both us of know what it’s going to look like and neither of us wanted to say it first. The business model of just selling copiers and providing service/supplies will change dramatically in the next five years because A4 devices will become more popular as manufacturers shift their focus from full featured A3 devices to full featured A4 devices. In addition, it seems there’s no short-term possibility that one of the seven copier manufacturers will get out of the copier business or sell to another manufacturer. For copiers dealers, this means lower revenue expectations along with lower profit margins.

Recently, I’ve thought a lot about how I can re-invent myself for 2020. What can I do to offset the possible loss in revenue from selling more A4 devices than A3? For me, the answer came quickly. I need to make the jump from focusing on copiers to focusing on helping clients achieve key organizational needs:

  • A cloud-based document pool for archiving documents with easy, secure access
  • Automated workflows to improve efficiency and productivity
  • Seamless integration between existing applications for consistent data across the IT landscape
  • Solid compliance and document retention policies in place

One profitable market opportunity to tap into is offering content services solutions. A recent white paper published by Nucleus Research stated, “Nucleus found that for small to medium businesses, investing in content management returns $8.55 in benefits per dollar spent. The key value drivers for these solutions are increased user productivity and cost savings from redeployed staff or avoided additional hires. As organizational transparency and the value of data continue to grow, companies that fail to fully leverage their own digital content will lag behind more savvy competitors.”

Copiers dealers need to change because keeping everything status quo isn’t going to cut it in the “Digital Twenties.” One hundred years ago, a decade was defined as the Roaring Twenties. It’s my belief that copier dealers can create their own Roaring Twenties again by offering content services solutions.

Since I have a great relationship with DocuWare, I was able to interview two leaders at highly successful copier dealers who are Authorized DocuWare Partners: Douglas Green, Sales Manager, Strategic Services at Impact Networking, LLC and Jason Ostendorf, Director of Professional Services at Kelley Connect. I brought seven questions to the table for them and I’d like to share their experiences selling content services solutions.

1. Share with us your background briefly; what is your position and company?

Green: I’m the Sales Manager for the Strategic Services Division of Impact Networking, LLC. Impact employs approximately 700 people in 20 locations across Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and Southern California. In addition to hardware and software, Impact Networking specializes in Managed IT, Design and Marketing, and ERP.

Impact Strategic Services leverages platforms like DocuWare to optimize business processes for growing companies. The Strategic Services team consists of a dozen pre-sales Specialists and Solutions Architects, backed by a team of 48 post-sales specialists that are responsible for project management, development and helpdesk support. I’ve been a part of Strategic Services since 2007 when we were a team of three people.

Ostendorf: My background is in accounting and technical sales. I am the Director of Professional Services at Kelley Connect, responsible for sales and implementation of supported software products.

2. How long has your company been an Authorized DocuWare Partner? What is your revenue percentage growth year over year?

Green: Impact has been a DocuWare Partner since 2006. We’ve been a top-selling Diamond Partner for 13 consecutive years, and the #1 DocuWare Partner in the Americas five of the last six years.

Impact Networking has averaged 27% year-over-year growth since our inception in 1999. We attribute our growth to our corporate culture, unique business model and local go-to-market strategy.

Ostendorf: We’ve been a DocuWare Partner for 5+ years and this is our second year as one of their top Diamond Partners. Revenue growth has increased dramatically in the last three years.

  • 2017 - $182,355
  • 2018 - $318,498
  • 2019 - $543,811

3. What is the best part about being an Authorized DocuWare Partner?

Green: We’ve enjoyed a long and very successful relationship with DocuWare. The DocuWare senior management team has always been engaged and responsive to Impact’s needs and product enhancement suggestions.

Ostendorf: DocuWare has a good product with a good support team. The product is stable and provides customers with a flexible platform that they can grow with. The pricing structure is also favorable.

4. How is it working with your DocuWare Regional Sales Director (RSD)?

Green: We have the opportunity to work with several directors across multiple states. Whether working on joint accounts, small lunch and learns or larger events like Impact Optimize at Navy Pier in Chicago, the DocuWare RSDs do an excellent job supporting Impact.

Ostendorf: My RSD is Caleb Wolfe. Caleb is simply the best partner manager I currently deal with or have ever dealt with throughout all of our different software partner relationships.  His knowledge, helpfulness and integrity are heads above others in his position at our other software partners.

5. Why DocuWare? What is the feedback you are getting from customers/prospects when you show them DocuWare?

Green: DocuWare offers everything both SMB and Enterprise customers are looking for: Ease of use, modular and scalable, integration capabilities and robust on-premises and cloud offerings.

Ostendorf: Easy to use with a friendly user interface; customers like the flexibility of the product in that it allows them to grow and implement it in many areas, but it also provides a favorable ROI almost immediately.

6. Can you share a story about your most memorable DocuWare deal? What were the pain points and what closed the deal?

Green: One of my favorite customers is a transportation company with locations in seven states. At the conclusion of our initial demonstration, we asked for questions and their CFO held up a sheet of paper that said “ROI.” We spent the next several months collecting financial information and conducting user interviews with over 20 departments and users. Bottom line: the ROI was overwhelming, and they became one of our largest customers. In addition, they became one of our first “managed” accounts in which we provide ongoing platform enhancement based on their requirements.

Ostendorf: My most memorable DocuWare deals have been when we have provided our customers with very high ROI’s using DocuWare. I have had multiple deals like this in the past year where their cost of doing AP approvals manually was significantly more than with the DocuWare solution.  Each company’s reasons for inefficiencies were a bit different, but all have seen significant ROI’s from adopting the DocuWare solution

   7. Why should a copier dealer sign up to be an Authorized DocuWare   Partner?

Green: Print is a declining commodity. The ability to diversify your portfolio and provide your customers value beyond the traditional copier space is critical to the long-term growth of a dealer. DocuWare has a robust product offering, is user friendly and easy to implement. They are an ideal partner.

Ostendorf: DocuWare has a very good product and support team.

-=Good Selling=-

MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for February 22nd, 2020

MSP & MSSP Industry Notes

Sponsored by

Arcoa Group

ARCOA Group is here to help you successfully manage your IT Asset Disposition process. We help you recover value from retired electronic equipment through responsible methods of reuse and recycling.  We ensure proper handling of assets which may contain data, while being environment stewards for assets that have no reuse value and are headed for recycling. We’ve built a robust de-manufacturing process to offer additional options for asset value recovery by disassembling equipment for commodity grade materials, which can be diverted from landfills and be used to create new base materials.

ComportSecure Recognized as Elite 150 Managed IT Service Provider on CRN's 2020 MSP500 List

  • ComportSecure provides managed IT services, cloud services, IT datacenters, mobility security and network solutions
  • ComportSecure is a division of Comport
  • CRN's Managed Service Provider 500 list recognizes the top technology providers and consultants whose forward-thinking approach to providing managed services is changing the landscape of the IT channel
  • Three categories that include Elite 150, Pioneer 250 and Security 100

Cohere Cyber Secure announces Fully Integrated "Cyber-Managed Security as a Service ...

  • Cohere Cyber Security headquarters in New York City, NY
  • Provides cyber security, unified communications, managed IT services and cloud hosting
  • Announces new offering “Cyber Managed Security-as-a-Service”
  • Designed for business operations looking for a single sourced set of cyber protective solutions

Loffler Companies Named to CRN's 2020 MSP 500 Elite 150 list for Excellence in Managed IT ...

  • Loffler Companies provides integrated business technology and services partnered with leading partners such as Nutanix, Arctic Wolf, Microsoft, Mitel and 8x8
  • Founded by Jim Loffler in 1986
  • Loffler Companies also provides multifunctional copiers and printers, print management services, software and workflow technology consulting, and on-site management of copy and mail centers
  • CRN's Managed Service Provider 500 list recognizes the top technology providers and consultants whose forward-thinking approach to providing managed services is changing the landscape of the IT channel
  • Three categories that include Elite 150, Pioneer 250 and Security 100

CloudScale365, Inc. Acquires eApps Hosting

  • CloudScale 365 based in Nashville, Tennessee and provides managed IT services worldwide
  • Announces acquisition of eApps Hosting and it’s Create-aCloud platform
  • eApps VCS Platform provides customers freedom to create custom Linux or Windows Virtual Private Servers, choose their RAM, CPU, Disk, and an OS template for their custom requirements
  • Rick Lingsch, CEO of eApps, will continue as the Managing Director of the division
  • eApps Hostingis a value-added provider of cloud hosting services for businesses and organizations, serving more than 2500 customers, hosting over 15,000 domains in more than 125 countries

Logicalis Honored on CRN's 2020 MSP 500 for Seventh Consecutive Year

  • Logicalis headquarter in New York City, New York
  • Logicalis provides international IT solutions and a managed service provider
  • Named to Security 100 category
  • CRN's Managed Service Provider 500 list recognizes the top technology providers and consultants whose forward-thinking approach to providing managed services is changing the landscape of the IT channel
  • Three categories that include Elite 150, Pioneer 250 and Security 100

Stratosphere Networks Named to CRN's 2020 Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 List

  • Stratosphere Network based in Chicago, IL, provides managed IT services
  • Named to Pioneer 250 category for the third consecutive year
  • The MSP 500 list is divided into three categories: the Pioneer 250, which includes companies with business models weighted toward managed services and largely focused on small and midsize businesses (SMBs); the Security 100, which recognizes organizations that focus mostly on cloud-based, off-premise security services; and the Elite 150, which includes large, data-center-focused MSPs with a strong mix of on- and off-premises services
  • CRN's Managed Service Provider 500 list recognizes the top technology providers and consultants whose forward-thinking approach to providing managed services is changing the landscape of the IT channel

ViON Recognized on CRN's 2020 MSP500 List

  • ViON located in Herndon, Virginia and provides cloud services for designing and delivery enterprise data solution centers for the government agencies and commercial business
  • Named to MSP Elite 150 category
  • CRN's Managed Service Provider 500 list recognizes the top technology providers and consultants whose forward-thinking approach to providing managed services is changing the landscape of the IT channel
  • Three categories that include Elite 150, Pioneer 250 and Security 100

Iron Bow Adds Cisco® Hosted Collaboration Solution for Defense to its Services Suite

  • Iron Bow located in Herndon, Virginia and provides technology solutions to government, commercial and healthcare markets
  • Announces authorization by Cisco® to offer Hosted Collaboration for Defense to clients

Atmosera Named a Top Managed Services Provider by The Channel Company

  • Atmosera located in Portland, Oregon an provides Micrsfot Azure cloud services
  • Named to Security 100 category
  • This past year, Atmosera became an Azure Expert MSP – Microsoft’s highest level of accreditation
  • CRN's Managed Service Provider 500 list recognizes the top technology providers and consultants whose forward-thinking approach to providing managed services is changing the landscape of the IT channel
  • Three categories that include Elite 150, Pioneer 250 and Security 100

Xamin Named to CRN's 2020 MSP500 List

  • Xamin located in Chicago, Illinois and managed IT services for highly regulated companies
  • Named to Pioneer 250 category
  • Xamin was honored as an MSP Pioneer for its innovative approach to managed services
  • CRN's Managed Service Provider 500 list recognizes the top technology providers and consultants whose forward-thinking approach to providing managed services is changing the landscape of the IT channel
  • Three categories that include Elite 150, Pioneer 250 and Security 100


SolarWinds Launches Head Nerds, Adding Another Key Layer to Programs Focused on Building Partner Success

  • SolarWinds headquartered in Durham, North Carolina and is a provider of IT management software
  • Announces launch of SolarWinds Head Nerds Program
  • Head Nerds serve as SolarWinds MSP partner advocates to help them learn how to create and sell services, protect their customers, demonstrate value, and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving managed services space
  • “The biggest challenge MSPs face is how to work on their business, instead of just working in it,” said Mike Cullen, group vice president, partner success, SolarWinds MSP

RADER Relocates to Oil Center District to Accommodate Growth

  • Rader provides Managed IT and Cybersecurity services
  • Moving to new facility in Lafayette’s Oil Center
  • Will allow for expanded Security and Operations Center

eMazzanti Technologies Recognized on CRN's 2020 MSP500 List

  • Headquarters in Hoboken, NJ and provides managed IT services
  • Named to Pioneer 250 category
  • eMazzanti has made the Inc. 5000 list eight consecutive years, is a 4X Microsoft Partner of the Year, the #1 ranked NYC area MSP and NJ Business of the Year
  • CRN's Managed Service Provider 500 list recognizes the top technology providers and consultants whose forward-thinking approach to providing managed services is changing the landscape of the IT channel
  • Three categories that include Elite 150, Pioneer 250 and Security 100

HP Joins Industry-Standards Initiative for Printer Security

  • HP Inc. has announced that it has joined the Buyers Lab (BLI) Security Validation Testing program for MFPs and printers to help drive more stringent industry standards for printer security

Cybersecurity Update

  • A federal grand jury in Atlanta returned an indictment last week charging four members of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) with hacking into the computer systems of the credit reporting agency Equifax and stealing Americans’ personal data and Equifax’s valuable trade secrets
    • alleges that Wu Zhiyong, Wang Qian, Xu Ke, and Liu Lei conspired with each other to hack into Equifax’s computer networks, maintain unauthorized access to those computers, and steal sensitive, personally identifiable information of approximately 145 million American victims
  • Ponemon Institue published new report on frequency of cybersecurity
    • incidents caused by insiders has increased by 47% in the past 2 years
    • 4,716 insider incidents reported in last 12 months
    • More here

 Study of CIO priorities in 2020

  • IDG’s CIO magazine released the 2020 State of the CIO research
  • 45% will spend majority of time on security management
  • 44% = aligning IT initiatives with business goals 42% = improving IT operations/systems performance
  • 39% = implementing new systems and architectures
  • 34% = driving business innovation
  • 34% = leading change efforts
  • Believe role is expanding into:
  • 46% = customer experience
  • 64% = cybersecurity
  • 49% = data privacy/compliance
  • 36% = operations
  • 36% = business development

Hey Sales Leaders... What Words Would Your Clients Use To Describe Your Team? Would You Even Know?

“Spend a lot of time talking to customers face-to-face. You’d be amazed at how many companies don’t listen to their customers.”
H. Ross Perot

How many of you would agree with the following when it comes to your clients... their needs are constantly changing and it's up to your sales to team to understand hot to help?

How well is your team keeping up with what they need?

Your clients hold the keys to your success. They're no longer at the mercy of you, your team or your company. In fact, they're more interested in the experience your team provides as opposed to the products or services.

I bet what they really crave is clarity, transparency, realness and caring; not vagueness, insincerity, fakeness and a crap ton of excuses.

Client experience goes beyond service.

With a few descriptive words, how would your clients describe the experience they're receiving from your sales team?

Come on, I'm waiting for the words. What would they be?

  • Are they personalizing the level of service?
  • Are they in continual contact?
  • Are they listening to your clients?
How well is your team creating experiences and memories?

In this highly competitive business world, where your team is being perceived as a commodity, how the heck are they standing out with your most precious asset, your clients?

Whose fault is it that you're being pigeon-holed as a commodity?

When's the last time you or someone on your sales team has dug deep, spoke from the heart and asked... what words would you use to describe the support being provided to you?


I'd like for you to think for a moment...

  • How well does your team really understand what your largest clients want?
  • Do they understand what they desire?
  • Are they even relevant in their eyes?

Would you even know?

How many of you can honestly answer these questions?

Gut check time, isn't it?

I would like for you to think about your largest client, got it? Think about how much they mean to you and your company.

What would it mean to you and your company if you lost your largest client?
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Your clients are the single most important factor in your long-term success. This is why the more successful your team becomes in understanding and forming meaningful relationships with your clients, the more successful you'll become.

In a sales world where trust is at rock bottom, no wonder many (yes some of your clients) are skeptical about what you say, how you say it and why you say it.

How well does your team know your clients?

What words would your clients use at this very moment to describe the support or the experiences your team is providing to them?


According to a report by Walker Information, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator by 2020.

Everyone in sales and those in leadership need a periodic gut check when it comes to client perceptions.

Cold doses of raw feedback are necessary in order to grow.

Humble pie tastes better with a nice cup of coffee.

I say this because there just might be an interesting gap between what your clients think of your team versus what's actual reality.

How your clients perceive your team just might be the key to sales growth.

  • How many of you right now, at this very moment, understand the impact this has to you?
  • How many of your clients see your team as being available and helpful to them?
  • How many of your clients think of your team as heartfelt, caring and trustworthy or unreliable, arrogant and pompous?
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I'm deeply concerned that many in sales have taken their clients for granted. They've failed at building, nurturing and growing their relationships. Building relationships with your clients is not a light switch you turn on then off. It's the emotional connection, the human connection and the heartfelt connection you make with each one of them.

How well is your team connecting with their clients?

Trust me on this one... fail to do this and I promise you at some point I know what will happen.


I'm concerned! I believe very few salespeople are having meaningful conversations with their clients outside of the selling process. How many new relationships are being developing inside your client base?

What's preventing your team from truly getting to know your clients?

How well is your team making your clients feel before, during and after doing business with them?

  • What words would they use to describe how your team makes them feel?
  • What words would they use to describe how your team cares about them?
  • What words would they use to describe how much they trust your team?
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What words would your clients use to describe your team?

Meaningful and credible relationships do matter! Discover the power of relational selling at Selling From the Heart. 

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I understand, I get where you all are coming from. Every day, I walk in your shoes. I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects and modern strategies into your current sales process to grow new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way, the genuine way, the authentic way! It's about understanding value before visibility.

Selling From the Heart is making a difference! I poured my heart into every page of this book and I think you're going to love it. You can find it on Amazon in paperback, kindle and in audio. You can click on the book image below and this will take you to Amazon.

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You can find more material inside Selling From The Heart.

In a world full of empty suits, I'm passionate about helping sales reps succeed by getting valuable before they get visible. I help sales teams understand the true value they bring to the market. 

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my stories. Integrating the use of social and sharing my story on LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive office technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitterFacebook and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart.

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Last Week of February 2015)

There's a cool thread I did years ago about the history of the fax.  We sold tons of faxes in the eighties and had a lot of fun doing it.  It was not uncommon to sell multiple units along with boxes and boxes of thermal paper.  There's also a cool thread about some fun that we had with selling fax machines.

Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week!

Konica Minolta Rewarded for Sustainable Investment Standards With Globally Renowned Distinctions

improve our customers' speed to market, manage technology costs, and facilitate the sharing of information to increase productivity.The All Covered IT Services division offers a range ofIT strategy, support, project and cloud computingsolutions across all verticals. Konica Minolta has won numerous awards and recognition, includingplacement in the Leaders Quadrant of the 2014 Magic Quadrant for Managed Print Services (MPS) and Managed Content Services (MCS). Konica Minoltahas been recognized as

Konica Minolta Announces Dispatcher Phoenix Release 5.0 With Exciting New Functionality

to increase productivity.The All Covered IT Services division offers a range ofIT strategy, support, project and cloud computingsolutions across all verticals. Konica Minolta has won numerous awards and recognition, includingplacement in the Leaders Quadrant of the 2014 Magic Quadrant for Managed Print Services (MPS) and Managed Content Services (MCS). Konica Minoltahas been recognized as the #1 Brand for Customer Loyalty in the MFP Office Copier Market by Brand Keys for eight consecutive years

Konica Minolta Included in FTSE4Good Global Index for Twelfth Consecutive Year

Minolta Business Solutions Asia Konica Minolta Business Solutions, a leading company in advanced document management technologies and Managed IT Services for the desktop to the print shop, brings together unparalleled advances in security, print quality and network integration via its award-winning line of bizhub® multi-function products (MFPs); bizhub PRESS® and bizhub PRO® production print systems; magicolor® color printers; and pagepro® monochrome printers. Konica Minolta also offers

Konica Minolta Sensing to Showcase Solutions for Efficiently Formulating, Evaluating, & Controlling the Color & Appearance of Plastic - NPE2015, Booth #S38026

on Konica Minolta Sensing's booth demonstrations at NPE2015, Booth #S38026, please visit http://sensing.konicaminolta.u...tradeshows/npe-2015/ About Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc. Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc. provides advanced technology that precisely measures and helps control the elements of color and light. These high performance measurement instruments and software solutions have become a staple in research and manufacturing environments, helping organizations to meet

Xerox Simplifies Mobile Printing with New Devices

Office workers often rely on mobile devices to do their jobs and expect to print throughout their days, whether at a desk, a conference or break room, or even a home office. However, a recent study by IDC finds only half of mobile users are able to print within their own company walls and just one-third can print on the go. New Xerox devices help simplify it so these professionals can print anytime, anywhere, with any mobile device. With an easy setup, the Xerox Phaser 6022 color printer and

Ricoh announces availability of RICOH Pro C7100X series at Graphics of the Americas

MALVERN, Pa. , Feb. 26, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Ricoh Americas Corporation today announced the availability of the RICOH Pro C7100X series, its latest production cutsheet device family that offers users a fifth color station to help enable a wider range of applications. Announced at GRAPH EXPO '14, these high-speed, production color printers and multi-function devices (MFPs) deliver the ability to print with white or clear via the fifth station. The RICOH Pro C7110X will be on display in the

All Covered Named to Managed Service Provider Elite 150 for Eighth Consecutive Year

, project and cloud computingsolutions across all verticals. Konica Minolta has won numerous awards and recognition, includingplacement in the Leaders Quadrant of the 2014 Magic Quadrant for Managed Print Services (MPS) and Managed Content Services (MCS). Konica Minoltahas been recognized as the #1 Brand for Customer Loyalty in the MFP Office Copier Market by Brand Keys for eight consecutive years. Konica Minolta, Inc. has also been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for three years in

Ricoh gives companies broad new power to optimize performance of large MFP fleets

Packager NX and Advanced Driver Distribution applications. Administrators can quickly and economically configure the printer drivers these employees use, adding user-friendly icons, modifying values, locking settings and enforcing economical duplex printing, for example. The solution also helps eliminate the need for expensive print servers. RICOH Device Manager NX Pro supports up to 5,000 devices. RICOH Device Manager NX Enterprise offers virtually unlimited scalability. For further mobility, a

Canon Solutions America Introduces Oce VarioPrint i300 Digital Press to U.S. Customers

customer sites in the U.S. with general availability of the OcÉ VarioPrint i300 is slated for summer 2015. About the OcÉ VarioPrint i300 Featuring a patented four-color ink system, the OcÉ VarioPrint i300 prints on a wide range of media, including uncoated, coated and inkjet treated paper. It leverages proven technologies from Canon, worldwide leader in production inkjet solutions, including OcÉ ColorStream® inkjet printhead technology and solid OcÉ VarioPrint media handling. It offers

Kodak Leading Market Transformation with Digital Inkjet Technology

transactional printing, Leaderform has chosen the KODAK PROSPER 6000C Press as well as a KODAK NEXPRESS SX3900 Digital Production Color Press to both offer high-quality customization options and help expand its operation globally. “About 90% of our printed products are customized, so being able to match digitally-printed products to offset quality is a winning strategy for us,” said Federico Cozza, CEO, Leaderform. “Kodak technology has helped us reassure our customers of our quality results while

Ricoh Unveils 'New Dawn' of Workflow Efficiency For Multichannel Campaign Management

clients’ communications will be delivered where and how they desire, with high integrity and security.” Benefits and features of the new version of Ricoh ProcessDirector include: • Unified workflow for management of disparate channels – many production print operations today rely on various workflows that are operated in silos and don’t speak to each other. With Ricoh ProcessDirector, these printers can implement a unified workflow that helps manage, control and distribute output to multiple channels

Canon teams up with 3D Systems to enter UK 3D printing market

Canon Europe has moved into 3D printing by announcing a distribution agreement with 3D Systems. The ProJet 4500 will be available from Canon from the beginning of March Under the arrangement Canon will market, sell and support 3D Systems’ manufacturing 3D printers, including the ProJet 1200, 3500 series, 4500, 6000 and 7000, in the UK and Ireland, with a view to rolling out across Europe. More here

Canon U.S.A. Introduces Océ VarioPrint i300 First-of-Its-Kind Digital Press

and entry-level continuous-feed inkjet presses. Bydoing so, Canon helps print service providers find the right printsolution for their needs and helps to address new market opportunities,applications while transforming business models. “As a worldwide leader in inkjet, Canon is leading the change and filling a need where no current products exist today,” said Junichi Yo****ake, senior vice president and general manager, Business Imaging Solutions Group, Canon U.S.A., Inc. “Our customers are

Xerox Propels Inkjet Accessibility with First-Ever, Fully-Integrated Roll-to-Cut Sheet Press

NORWALK, Conn. –Xerox’s newest press will make inkjet technology a reality for more print service providers by breaking down barriers such as high print volumes, large footprint and cost. TheXerox Rialto™ 900 Inkjet Pressoffers first-of-its kind features and carves out a new space within the boomingproductioncolor inkjet segment. The world’s only fully-integrated roll-to-cut sheet, narrow web inkjet press is designed for print providers who produce 1.5 to 5 million impressions per month. It has

Paratore Signs Triples Throughput and Improves Quality with Newest-model EFI VUTEk UV Inkjet Printer

senior vice president of worldwide sales and marketing. “ Paratore Signs’ new printer provides more flexibility in high-end inkjet printing with a lower total cost of ownership. We look forward to continuing our longstanding partnership with John Paratore and his team as they continue to grow their business .” For more information about EFI VUTEk printers, visit or contact 800-875-7117 . About EFI EFI™ ( ) is a worldwide provider of products, technology and services

Canon is Developing Semiconductor Lithography Equipment Employing Nanoimprint Technology

Fortune Magazine's World’s Most Admired Companies in 2014. In 2014, Canon U.S.A. received the Readers’ Choice Award for Service and Reliability in the digital camera and printer categories for the 11th consecutive year. Canon U.S.A. is committed to the highest level of customer satisfaction and loyalty, providing 100 percent U.S.-based consumer service and support for all of the products it distributes. Canon U.S.A. is dedicated to its Kyosei philosophy of social and environmental

Toshiba Announces Availability of Cloud Client Manager

$45 per seat. Connect with Toshiba on Facebook at ,on Twitter at ,on LinkedIn at and on YouTube at . About Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. (TAIS) Headquartered in Irvine, Calif., TAIS is comprised of four business units: Business Solutions Division, Digital Products Division, Imaging Systems Division, and Telecommunication Systems Division. Together,these divisions provide digital

RTI Digital Expands Dealer Network for the Memjet-Powered Vortex 4200 Wide Format Printer

. Both Miller Blueprint and United Reprographics chose the Vortex 4200 to drive new equipment sales where customers benefit from the unprecedented quality and speed offered by the Vortex 4200 printer, and ultimately its ability to help end users reach greater efficiencies in print operations. The 42 inch wide full color Vortex 4200 printer is based on Memjet's unique Waterfall Print Technology(R), which provides revolutionary high print speed and superior quality. Compared to traditional wide format

3D Printer Market has Reached its Inflection Point and Taking a New Shape

Printer market for the period 2014-2019 . To calculate the market size, the report considers revenue generated from the sales of 3D printers, worldwide. The report does not consider the following in calculating the market size: • 3D printing materials and services • Components or devices used in the production of 3D printers • Any type of device that does not fall under the 3D printer category • Service and maintenance of 3D printers • Counterfeit brands that are similar to 3D printer Key Regions

Production Copier Needed in Kentucky


RICOH®. MP 4054/MP 5054/MP 6054 Brochure

New USA brochure is here
Blog Post

Black Cost Per Page Poll for Segment 2 (produce 21-30 pages) Copier MFP

the latest Black Cost Per Page Poll for Segment 2 (21-30 ppm) Copier MFP here. -=Good Selling=-

Estimating the cost per print

Does anyone have a reliable way of estimating the cost of prints on a Inkjet color plotter, we are selling the Epson T series product and have had a lot of interest, however many of the customers are asking what it costs to print.
Blog Post

This History of the Fax Machine According to Art

. My son's children will have the same reaction when they enter the work force if they get the chance to see a fax machine. History of Fax (Condensed) Facsimile "make similar", "make a copy" was invented in 1843 by Scottish mechanic and inventor Alexander Bain . He received a British patent for “improvements in producing and regulating electric currents and improvements in timepieces and in electric printing and signal telegraphs”, and the fax was born. Alexander Bain's fax machine transmitter

Re: Ricoh ICE Update

In addition, my SE told me the new smart op panels also allow for NFC printing

considerations when purchasing wide format printer


Color Me Crazy: The Shocking Truth About Hyperlinks

Color Me Crazy: The Shocking Truth AboutHyperlinks by Print Audit What drives your customers crazy? Many, many things drive them nuts. A good portion of them are crazy already, or at least unstable. Why else do they lie to you, or snap their crayons over trivial issues that are easily resolved with a bit of communication?

I need some help please....

Yesterday, I learned about passing of Leonard Nimoy. Thus I'm writing a blog about what Spock would consider illogical about the copier industry. I have a few but need some more, will give you kudos on the blog for some ideas. Art

Auxilio, Inc. Announces Lead Sponsorship at HIMSS Privacy and Security Forum 2015

turbulent and unprecedented times," continued Mr. Gentile. By visiting Auxilio's booth, attendees will have an opportunity to speak with Mike Gentile, co-author of The CISO Handbook, and receive a signed copy of this popular book used as course material for numerous advanced education and Master's programs on security leadership around the world, it is the definitive guide to establishing and managing an effective security program. HIMSS National Sales Director, Jane Bogue, says, "We are excited

Re: Your thoughts on Sandbagging

I understand the sentiment but if I sell 2X, should I make the same as 2 reps selling 1X? Think of the salary and benefits the company has saved by me doing twice the sales. Then there is the incentive piece. There really is incentive in bonuses. We would all like to say that we put in 100% all the time, but who hasn't put in those extra hours in order to reach a bonus. Many of us followed with great interest, Art's daily accounting of his days leading up to the end of the year as he labored

Re: Your thoughts on Sandbagging

Originally Posted by Old Glory: I understand the sentiment but if I sell 2X, should I make the same as 2 reps selling 1X? Think of the salary and benefits the company has saved by me doing twice the sales. Fair point. If you can consistently sell 2x more than other reps, then you have other negotiation power for other things. Ask for a higher commission percentage on each deal, negotiate a better salary, more territory, or ask for a small percentage of the service profit as an incentive to

Re: Estimating the cost per print

Ink Usage and Cost per Copy HP Designjet T920* uses 1.04ml/sqm of ink at a cost per copy of £0.37** per ml. The Designjet offers 3 sizes of Matte Black ink (69ml, 130ml and 300ml) and 2 sizes of all of the other colours (C, G, M, PK, Y - 40ml and 130ml). Broken down, it uses 0.30ml/sqm for mono lines, 0.22ml/sqm for colour lines, 6.14ml/sqm for render, 4.3ml for normal cleaning, 7.7ml for strong cleaning. Canon iPF 765* uses 1.41ml/sqm of ink at a cost per copy of £0.56** per ml. The Canon


Need Copy of Plotworks for MPW7140en

I am looking for a copy of Plotworks for a Ricoh MP W7140 unit. Hope that someone has an unused copy that came with a unit you sold and the customer did not need. Very urgent situation as Ricoh is not helping out (no suprise there). Willing to pay dealer cost of software. Please contact me directly @352-665-0168 John Anderson
Blog Post

3 tips for being HIPAA-compliant in the healthcare industry

an easier time facing breaches and become HIPAA-compliant. While healthcare organizations may have greater restrictions on how they file their data and keep their information organized, HIPAA compliance keeps sensitive documents safe for patients and employees. David Bailey is Senior Vice President at Protected Trust. Protected Trust is a sponsor of the Print4Pay Hotel. I urge members and readers to visit their site to see their full line of products and services. More and more we need to


Well we have had a really good success of placing the Canon C350if and 250If systems in the field. The feedback I have been getting from my reps and techs is that they, and the customers love the product. On top of that most of the systems we have sold have been closeto retail price. I was curious what everyone elses take on these machines were and if there was any bad feedback from others who are placing them.

factors to consider before scanning

vital so retention guidelines can be followed after the scanning. And Optical Character Recognition (OCR), the conversion of printed text into machine-encoded text, allows retention information to be easily pinpointed through keyword searches. Moving forward with confidence Document scanning is an effective solution for reducing paper dependence in your company. Incorporate an assessment of cost, accessibility and retention compliance into the scope of your imaging project to ensure your imaging

Re: Convergence

John Hewitt from the Print Audit office will be there. Any Premier members attending give me a call in the office I'd be happy to put you in touch with him during the show.

Re: MFP Dumb Bypass

OK, I tried this and everything else I can think of. I set the Tray Setting PriorityBypass to Driver/Command and also Machine: Any Type with no success. The only way I can get it to work successfully is to set the Printer Bypass Paper Size to 81/2 x 14 (for printing legal). But the customer doesn't want to have to do this. Any thoughts? My only thought is if to set the Bypass to Driver/Command and if the customer doesn't know if they have the proper size loaded they need to select the bypass.

Re: Your thoughts on Sandbagging

Salespeople get paid to sell. If the management structures a comp plan that incentivizes sandbagging then the fault is theirs. Write a comp plan that does not encourage sandbagging and it won't happen.

Re: Your thoughts on Sandbagging

Originally Posted by Monte: Salespeople get paid to sell. If the management structures a comp plan that incentivizes sandbagging then the fault is theirs. Write a comp plan that does not encourage sandbagging and it won't happen. Amen to that!!

Re: Your thoughts on Sandbagging

Originally Posted by Monte: Salespeople get paid to sell. If the management structures a comp plan that incentivizes sandbagging then the fault is theirs. Write a comp plan that does not encourage sandbagging and it won't happen. ^^^This. As long as it doesn't negatively impact a client, a rep has to sell in the way that makes the most money. After all, while we may be loyal to our companies, the ultimate loyalty lies with the families that count on us to support them.