In the next 4-6 weeks we'll be rolling out our new style and a new user interface that's called Card Model.
The changes will impact most lists and landing page on the platform- including the "home" page and each content module's start page- and will make it much easier to browse and consume content overall.
In this mode, content lists are displayed as cards on a grid, filling the entire width of the content pane, like so:
Each content type (forum topics, blog posts, clips, surveys, etc.) will have their own dedicated color, which is used to differentiate content by type when viewing lists like this.
Blog Collections and Clips Sets are also being refreshed with this update, making those pages much more user friendly:
And of course, there will be new theme elements that allow you to easily customize the look and feel to match your own brand guidelines.
If the new design is not for you, don't worry though... existing sites will not be forced to use Card Mode (and can toggle it on or off).
We will provide more details once it is available.
-=Good Selling=-