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MFP Copier Blog

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Thirty-Nine of Sales

For some reason sleeping last night didn't go that well.  I worked late and by the time I finished last nights blog my mind was running at full speed as I tried to get to to sleep. Too many deals in my head!

Last night my wife mentioned that she wanted to go see our granddaughter today. Am I bad guy?  All I thought about was how much I wanted to get done today.  I had a 1PM appointment that I moved to 3PM with a net new suspect late yesterday.  i made the time because it's what we do.

This morning I worked on a few emails, researched a few more accounts for possible opportunities.  After a few hours of not turning up much I moved to the meeting that was scheduled for an existing account for BDR.  Meeting went well because all I needed was a couple of questions answered about the existing BDR specs. A few minutes later I relayed that information to my team so we could finish the proposal.  Later in the day I scheduled another meeting with our existing client for Monday to review (hoping for another good day).

In the last few blogs I made mention of the $20K opportunity that was created yesterday after a late Wednesday night email.  In the response email yesterday I was told, "I need to speak to my partner and I'll get back to you" and in another sentence he was asking networking questions about the proposed devices.

Many years ago I learned from someone else is that if you hear certain words or questions that the client is considering your offer.  Years ago one of those questions that we listened for was "What's the warranty on your copier?" , that question means that the client is almost there.  When my client asked about the networking I knew we were close.  Thus later in the day I sweetened the pot with a little extra.

LETS DO IT, was the email I received from that client around 11AM this morning.  I sent my email response and stated documents will be coming over later today. Problem was I was going on a lunch date with my wife to visit our granddaughter.  I got the verbal, I knew it wasn't going anywhere and off we went to our lunch date.

By the time I arrived home it was about 2:30 and I had to prep for my 3PM.  That appointment went well, it did not produce and opportunity nor a prospect yet.  However it's that technology client that will bear fruit sometime down the road.

After the meeting it was time to develop the order docs for the sales verbal this AM.  I finally go them out about 4PM?  It's now the last hour of the day and I'm still waiting on docs for the $7.5K verbal I had yesterday.  By 5PM nothing, okay I thought, I okay with sitting at $19K for the week. By 5:15 or so I had the documents in hand.  Not a bad week at $26K and documents coming on Monday for another $20K. BTW our sales team broke $200K again for the week!  WOOHOO!

Sometime late on Monday I should be sitting at $170K for the month with eleven days left. My goal is another $30k and at this time I have no clue where it's going to come from. I've closed everything that was wiggling.

Now I know next week and the week after is all about prospecting.

Everyone have a great Mothers Day and a nice weekend!

-=Good Selling=-

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Thirty-Eight of Sales

So much went on today and I'm not sure where to start.  I'm thinking I won't get back to full time prospecting until next week and that's because I've be digging to try and hit that magical number of 200K for May.

As of today I have about 30K in opportunities that could close in the next 2 days.  After that it's going to be a struggle, however after tomorrow there are still eleven selling days in the month for me.  What's good about the eleven days is that I still have more than 50% of the month left. 

That email that I sent at 9PM last night turned into an opportunity around 9:30AM today.  I was asked a question in the return email about the networking of the devices and that's a sign that it could move forward pretty quickly.  The hang up is because we're waiting on the other DM.  I'm hoping a decision one way or another will be made tomorrow.  If so, it will be another day of the dreaded processing the orders from a single screen.  Notice I mentioned orders as in plural.  That's because my 10AM appointment gave me the verbal for a 7.5K order than can be delivered asap! Thus, I'm sitting somewhere around $150K for the month.

I didn't have a lot of time today because around 2:30pm a truck decided that it wanted to hit a utility pole by my house.  No one was hut but power was knocked out for almost three hours.  I could have use my phone as a hot spot but I was already down to 10% power.  The rest of the day was spent outside with my cell monitoring emails and actually scheduling a meeting with a net new suspect tomorrow.  Not a bad afternoon especially with nice weather.

Greg & I had our COVID19 lunch chat today at Noon, and thanx for all of you that attended today.  Our chats always lead into some pretty interesting ideas and comments about our experiences.  Of course I spoke about how sales are going for me and digging a little deeper I realized that all of these orders came from essential businesses. Those businesses that are open and operate under the guidelines of New Jersey.  All but one of the companies are in the AEC (Architects, Engineers, Construction) market.  Go figure right, right place, right time and right market. 

Later in the day on another call someone mentioned that I was "lucky". Of course he was referring to "the harder you work the luckier you get".  I remember the great recession of 2008 and I was not "lucky" then, I lost at least 30% of my AEC accounts at that time.

One thought that came out of the lunch meeting is that many dealers may not come out of this pandemic in a viable financial state.  With no PPP money and the fact that they laid people off, combine that with almost zero revenue and where the does the money come from to ramp back up again?  I'm thinking there will be some fire sales for those that are still looking to acquire. Good for some, bad for others.

Another thought centered around POSTCOVID19 and the recovery phase. I've already read a few articles that made mention of how office space has to change to protect their workers in their buildings.  Offices, especially open area offices will need to be changed, PPE gear will be required or needed, walkways redesigned, safety signs, warnings, cough and sneeze guards, sanitizers, plexiglass guards installed.  Made me think about dealers that are already selling in this space to diversify and offer some of these products and services.  I've got a tremendous idea and I'm not telling anyone unless I get some bucks for it. 

Other than the two meetings one with an existing client,  my lunch chat with Greg, and then some content training internally it was a good day, not a great one but good.

Tomorrow I have two meetings on tap and hoping to deliver two sets of docs for orders.

-=Good Selling=-

Color Label Press University "Glossary of Terms" Part Sixteen, Course One

Over the last few years I've blogged about the importance for dealers to diversify to other avenues of print.  Especially if they want to stay in the "break and fix" model for servicing and selling devices that print.  One of those opportunities is color label printing. 

The list of the types of color labels is enormous.  Bumper stickers, political stickers, custom groceries, branding, safety, food labels, CBD, beer & wine, cannabis, the list goes on and on.  Post COVID19 recovery will require many companies to purchase, print labels and signs.  

Post COVID19 will also see a drop in printed pages across the world, we have all learned to do more with less.  That less means printers and copiers. What is your Post COVID19 recovery plan?  Keep doing what you've always been doing or forge a new path where print still matters.

Label Press University

At the top of each blog you'll see color label press icon.  Clicking that link which is at the top of each blog will then bring you the collection of blogs for Color Label Press University.  It's pretty neat, you'll see all of the blogs that we've posted for an easier read and simple way to toggle from blog to blog.

Color Label Presses can be used as seeding devices in larger Print4Pay opportunities, or help that dealer or rep get a conversation going with an account where they have never had any traction with MFP's or IT services.  In addition, the competition is ripe for takeover.   Let us not forget about the GP!

The market for full color digital labels in huge and the potential to make some serious commissions is enormous.  BTW, isn't that why we're in this crazy business? 

Color Label Press University "Glossary for Pressure Sensitive Labels"  Course One (Sponsored by Muratec a Konica Minolta Company)

Application of a clear film to a label stock for the purpose of protection or to enhance graphic quality, usually done in-line on the press.
Overlap  In applying a label around a bottle or container, one end extends over the other and adheres to itself.
Overlay   In artwork, a transparent film or tissue over copy on which color breaks, instructions or corrections are indicated. Also, transparent prints which, when combined or overlaid, form a composite picture.
Overrun Production   manufactured in excess of the specified order quantity. (Industry standard +/-10%).
Oxidation   The chemical reaction involving the process of combining with oxygen to form an oxide. The deterioration of an adhesive film due to atmospheric exposure. The breakdown of a hot melt adhesive due to prolonged heating and oxide formation.
Packaging    A coordinated system for the preparation of goods for shipment, distribution and storage.
Padding    Binding sheets of paper - blank, ruled, etc., together by applying flexible glue or adhesive to one edge of the stack.
Pass   One trip for the material through a production piece of equipment. Certain constructions require additional passes to complete the production.
Pattern Coated   Refers to the width and spacing arrangement of strips of adhesive laid down parallel to machine direction and across the
width of pressure sensitive label stock during its manufacture. Also refers to adhesive coating applied in a pattern which is not related to web direction.
Pattern Varnish Spot    varnish applied to the printed surface in a desired pattern.
PCS   Print Contrast Signal.  A measurement of contract between the bars an dspaces of a symbol. A minimum PCS value is needed for a symbol to be scannable. PCS values can be calculated an displayed automatically on suitable instruments.
Pearlescent Pigments  A class of pigments consisting of particles that are essentially transparent crystals of a high refractive index. The optical
effect is one of partial reflection from the two sides of each flake. When reflections from parallel plates reinforce each other, the result is a silvery luster. Effects possible range from brillant highlighting to moderate enhancement of the normal surface  gloss.
Peel Adhesion   Peel adhesion is the force required to remove a pressure sensitive label from a standard test panel at a specified angle and speed after the label has been applied to the test panel under specified conditions for a specific time period.
Peelback   A method of separating a bond of two flexible materials or a flexible and a rigid material that have been bonded with an adhesive. The flexible material is pulled from the mating surface at a 90 or 180 degree angle to the plane in which it is adhered. The stress is concentrated only along the adhesive line of immediate separation.
Peeler Plate  A sharp edged, flat piece of metal around which the backing or carrier material is threaded, the prime function being a
mechanical device which causes a pressure sensitive label to be dispensed from the backing material.
Penetration  Change of appearance of the face material due to movement of one or more components from the adhesive or the labeled
surface. Bleed through, migration.
Perforated   Refers to a series of small incisions made in laid-on labels and/or their release liner to facilitate tearing along a predetermined
line, or for fan folding.
Permanency   A measure of an adhesive's ultimate holding power or bond strength. A permanent adhesive will develop a bond that makes label removal difficult or impossible without distorting the face stock.
Permanent Adhesive   An adhesive characterized by having relatively high ultimate adhesion to a wide variety of surfaces.
Permeability    The property of a material that allows or resists a substance to pass or flow through it; the rate of such passage.
Phosphorescent Face    A face material coated with a phosphorescent ink, that emits light in a visible spectrum.
Photoinitiator   In ultraviolet-curing systems, the chemical which, when expposed to UV light, breaks certain chemical bonds in the system
to start the chain reactions which cause polymer formation. This chemical is commonly referred to as a catalyst.
Photopolymer Plate material that is photosensitive and upon exposure, its compounds polymerize to form a tough, abrasion resistant surface which becomes the inking media.
Piecework   Describes a payroll system generally used in production environments where employees are paid according to the actual
number of pieces produced in a given time period.
Piggyback   Pressure sensitive constructions that have two release coated liners, two layers of adhesive and a face material which
allows a label to be applied, complete with backing, for future or further application.
Pigment   Finely ground, solid particles used to give color or opacity to printing inks and coatings, and usually insoluble in such a
Pin Feed    See feed slots.
Pin Register   The use of accurately positioned holes and special pins or pin bars on copy, film, plates and presses to insure proper register of color.
Pinch Roll    See nip roll or pull roll.
Pinhole    A very small hole which may permit the passage of light, moisture or electrical current.
Pinholing   Refers to the failure of a printed ink to form a complete film. This condition will become visible by the appearance of small
holes in the solid print area.
It's all up to you.
-=Good Selling=-

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Thirty-Seven of Sales

Thirty-seven business days now since I was optioned to working from my home office.  The average number of selling days is twenty-two per month.  Five days from now it will be two solid business months and 66% of the quarter.

Our fearless and blessed Governor just extended his Executive Order for his Emergency Act for another thirty days in the State of New Jersey.  

I'm kinda torn about this now, 30 more days of working from home could be a good thing since I'm on such a roll and who wants to break a streak right?  On the other hand the need to go where I want and when I want is weighing heavily on me.  Our Governor does not have the power to issue such an order yet we are being good citizens and adhering to those orders.  I believe the boiling point will happen as we get closer to Memorial Day.  We'll just have to wait and see.

I just finished up researching and existing account to see if I could launch a $20K opportunity.  Of course I did the math, figured the saving and then presented those savings via email a few minutes ago.  Did I state a monthly savings?  Hell no, I will always quote a yearly savings. Which sounds better $300 a month or more than $3,500 per year?  Yup, the annual is always better received. Thus I sent that email at 9PM tonight.

No orders today, no clients meetings today and one opportunity created for a pre-owned wide format.  Prospecting and follow up with peeps in my funnel was the focus. I was able to follow up with 6 prospects which generated nothing by the end of today.  Thinking I made a dozen calls and a dozen emails also.  

What was cool today is that I was trying to make some additional connections today via Linkedin today.  I was able to obtain a first level connection with a CEO of a technology company that caters to the healthcare market place.  Since we are both in the same space and both have healthcare accounts I decided to see if I could help his company.  My inmail stated that we both sell in the healthcare market, however I do not sell what he sells which is EMR software.  I would be more than happy to refer his company to my clients.  That's what triggered the connection.  Another inmail from me asked who would be the right person to speak with at his company.  Another reply came in a matter of minutes and we're on solid ground.  Now the fun begins because as I speak to my clients I will ask them who they are using for their EMR and if they are happy.  Of course the ones that aren't is a lead.  Sometimes you need to give in order to receive. Of course after I've proved my worthiness I will look to see if they can reciprocate.  

I've believe I have two meetings on tap for tomorrow one with an existing client and the other is an internal training meeting.  I'll be prepping first thing in the AM for my 10AM meeting and I'm hoping that will result in another order for this week.

Other wise another day of prospecting and trying to get some net new prospects on my funnel pad.

The quote I used for the picture is from General George Patton. We've all probably seen the movie, and I thought the quote was appropriate for what we're all experiencing these days.

-=Good Selling-=

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Thirty-Six of Sales

Working from home is something I never liked doing. In the past I've worked from my office when there were snow days, bad weather or days leading up to and after a major holiday.  The reason I never liked working from home is because I can get distracting with other items when my mind roams.  Whether it's watching the news, tending to the yard or just fix something that I've been itching to fix for a long time. I guess it's my adult ADD.

A few weeks ago I decided to write my self a little note every other day. I wanted it to be a motivational quote that I would see every time I was at my desk.  Of course I found all that I need with the help of google.  The picture you see at the top of this blog is my mini white board. I procured it from Amazon about three weeks ago and have found many excellent uses for it.  Getting a message across on Zoom or Teams meetings works well, but it's best right where it is on my wall reminding me to keep the pedal to the metal.  Invest in yourself right?  That $6.00 investment is sure paying off right now.

Frak, I had all of these cools notes that I wrote down about what I did today.  Where they went is a good question because I can't see them anywhere on my desk.

I had that one order sitting in my email from the day before, however before I processed it I needed to finish that proposal for a two machine deal with an existing client.  That's the one where one of my larger A3 mfp's no longer supports a fiery.  I finished up that proposal within the hour.  It was then off to creating another proposal for a net new prospect.  I received this lead yesterday from my Jersey Plotters web site. This proposal also took the better part of 45 minutes.  I don't think I have a good shot at this one just because it's so far from my home office.  But, it's always good to put up a $14K opportunity because you never know.

One thing I've noticed is that it takes me much longer to process proposals and complete order documents from the home office.  I believe it's because I was used to working with three monitors at the office. It's much easier when you can keep three screens going at the same time.  At my home office all I have is my notebook and then my two screens for my personal PC.  Disconnected and reconnected is not an option since the two screens are wire tied with a harness.

By 11AM I was ready for our weekly sales TEAMS meeting. We ended shortly before noon and it was time for that awesome lunch break.  It was not pea soup today, funny thing about pea soup and New Jersey.  On any Thursday you can order pea soup in a dinner in New Jerset. Go in another day and there's no pea soup,  just Thursdays. I would love to know the story behind that.

After lunch I took call from another sales person in NJ, way out of my territory.  He stated he was struggling with net new business and only had a small based of installed MFP's.  He was interested in how I was doing it.  I told him that I have forty years in the business and even I struggle from time to time.  I was able to share some thoughts that I had and also told him to go about branding himself via social media.  I didn't have much time to spare but offered that he can call me anytime and feel free to use the message boards on this site to get input from others.  We're all rowing the same boat boat down the same stream, we all need to row together to make sure we can support  our selves a and our families.

I had a call from one of the deals I signed last week.  Seems one of the devices they wanted to change to something faster and with additional features.  After one meeting and a flurry of emails we agreed to another device.  It was then time to do the paper work!  End result was another $12k in the revenue kitty.  With more than 60% of the month left I'm sitting around $140K with a chance for another $16k for the rest of the week.

Now is not the time to let up, now is the time to push.  By the end of the day I was finally able to get in a couple of prospecting emails and phone calls.

Tomorrow is all about prospecting and setting additional appointments along with trying to move some opportunities forward.

-=Good Selling=-

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Thirty-Five of Sales

During the month of April we posted 66 blog and videos. Special thanx to Ray and Larry for their contributions.  In my twenty years of hosting this site I've never seen this much inaction from the copier manufacturers.

Just today I heard from an unnamed source (frak I always wanted to write that), that XBS former Global has axed up to 50% of their Market Place Presidents.  A few days ago there was a another thread about lay-offs from Kyocera.  Really?  Does it really need to be this way?  When the going gets tough the tough get going!  The mentality of hunkering down and letting staff go is not the way to get through these tough times.  Leaders need to step up to the plate and present a vision for the future.  No vision from our leaders means no future!


Another day with not a lot of prospecting. Sooner or later this lack of prospecting will catch up to me so I need to make the time.  Setting aside that time in the day where you don't answer the phone, and don't answer emails.  Yes I've been busy however if I don't set aside that time in the near future I'll be back to square one.

This morning I needed to process the $60K net new order from Friday. In addition I caught up on a few emails, by the time 11AM rolled around I was ready for Monday's with Ricoh.  Every Monday at 11:00AM Ricoh hosts a webinar with various themes for their dealers and direct channel.  Since COVID19 I've had the time to check in every Monday. Every Monday is well worth the time spent.  The learning never stops on our business. 

Cool thing today!  I took my notebook into the teal room (we call it teal because of the color) and hopped on the exercise bike for 30 minutes.  Right after this blog I'll be on for another thirty minutes again.

My afternoon had two appointments and then the struggle of the afternoon was how to develop a strategy to replace two existing MFP's with new ones.  My main problem is that one of existing MFP's has a fiery and my new device does not have a fiery.  Client wants to stay with the same features. I wasn't able to get the quote out because I needed time to think and research some of my options.  I found my option just not sure if the client will like it.

Around 4PM I received one of the other orders I was waiting on for a $7k deal.  In addition I was able to schedule two additional appointments for later this week and developed another wide format opportunity from my Jersey Plotter site.  This week I'll be signing a contract to move forward with a lead generation program. 

I'm hoping on an additional two orders this week for another $20K. Just maybe I can hit my goal of $200K (I set that goal over the weekend).  It's all about how bad you want it.

Greg and I are back on for a chat this Thursday it's FREE and we're not selling any books!  You can register here

How To Sell in the Age of Coronavirus: Part Vi, "Breakdown? Breakthrough."

-=Good Selling=-

Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

We have all watched our share of post-apocalypse movies. However, not too many saw themselves being chased by Zombies.

The battle for the customer will be fought viciously by what I describe as "Zombie Companies." "A Zombie Company" is one in which its leaders continue attempting to deliver goods and services through DEAD concepts. In other words, organizations who fight against today's new market realities in hopes of lengthening the tenure of yesterday's relevance.  

This pandemic was an Evolutionary Event for many industries and their customers. So, how affected industries navigate through the changing landscape will determine if their per-virus customers will join them on the post-virus journey.

As we saw in the Walking Dead, there will be those who herd around a dead complacency, and those who will fight for a relevant future. 

Those industries which are presented a new normal must avoid at all cost bringing back to life what was defeated through the pandemic. The SMB customers have moved ahead in their digitalization processes by years.

This digital transformation will cause things to fade and bring birth to innovative solutions. Technology end-users will evaluate all technology spend and re-appropriate budgets to align with the new realities.

During the period of those things fading, it will take bold leaders to pivot their organizations in-order to intersect with their customers as to journey together on the new road towards the future. Keep in mind that innovation is about process improvements. Organizations that truly understand the outcome their customers are buying are better positioned in adjusting to a relevant process, or means to that outcome.

Remember, customers don't buy relationships; they purchase desired outcomes. This misunderstanding will cause many organizations to lose their great relationship to those innovators who deliver the customer's desired outcome through a better experience.

All organizations from all industries must re-evaluate their past relevance, relationships, and customer experiences. How past great relationship feed customer experiences pre-virus may very well be challenged post-virus. The best time for weeding out complacency is now. Those industries and their customers who are affected by new normals must defeat the Zombie Companies and Zombie Leaders. 

So, as you look at your industry and your customers, be open-minded to the needed modifications. Don't cause your end-users to invest unwisely with you. Those who do will not be forgiven as end-users continue gaining awareness.

"Products and services will, in fact, become obsolete or less desirable. However, people themselves have to choose to become obsolete."  

Regardless of your industry, as you emerge, the great lockdown focus on the desired outcome your industry or organizations end-users receive. Then with imagination based on new realities, re-align your processes and deliver your customers the most incredible experience ever.    

For my friends in the Imaging Channel who sell and service print equipment and its services, you must decide whether to become a zombie or a fighter for a future relevance. 

When I started the A4Revolution, it was a battle for the end-users a campaign based on data and my vision of what could be based on what should be. The industry must now admit that not only are customers becoming aware of their over-sold situation. So, are the new competitors who intend to challenge many of your great relationships with a better experience. 

Post-Pandemic, there are no more acceptable excuses for any Printer Manufacturer or the Dealers who represent them to maintain any past stubbornness to continue doing what goes against the channel's end-user's market realities. 

For myself, I intend to whip Zombies off the map. Who wants to join the Zombie hut, I call, The A4Revolution.  

"Status Quo is the Killer of all that will be invented."   

Ray Stasieczko  

MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for May 3rd, 2020

MSP & MSSP Industry Notes

Sponsored by

Arcoa Group

ARCOA Group is here to help you successfully manage your IT Asset Disposition process. We help you recover value from retired electronic equipment through responsible methods of reuse and recycling.  We ensure proper handling of assets which may contain data, while being environment stewards for assets that have no reuse value and are headed for recycling. We’ve built a robust de-manufacturing process to offer additional options for asset value recovery by disassembling equipment for commodity grade materials, which can be diverted from landfills and be used to create new base materials. You can find out more here.

RBRO Solutions helps the world's largest law firm migrate to the iManage Cloud

  • RBRO provides end-to-end solutions for iManage for more than 15 years
  • RBRO Solutions based in Pickering, Ontario, Canada
  • Announces engagement with world’s largest law firm of Baker McKenzie
  • Project to consolidate and migrate Baker McKenzie’s 70+ libraries to the iManage Cloud

NetDocuments Joins Onit's Strategic Alliance Program as Newest Partner

  • Onit, Inc., based in Houston, Texas provides enterprise workflow solutions, enterprise legal management, contract lifecycle management and business process automation
  • Announces NetDocuments is joining Onit’s Strategic Alliance Program
  • NetDocuments servers more than 2,750 clients worldwide and provides legal cloud based content services and platform

Zeal Announces Box Integration Combining Contract Data With Unified Cloud Content Management

  • Zeal announces they were selected to join Box’s Technology Partner Program
  • Zeal is a collaborative cloud-based contract management platform that uses machine learning to help companies automate contract functions, analyze contract data and build workflows that enhance compliance and accelerate sales

Synoptek Named to ChannelE2E Top 100 Vertical Market MSPs: 2020 Edition

  • Synoptek is a global systems integrator, also provides managed IT services
  • Named to After Nines Inc.’s ChannelE2E Top 100 Vertical Market MSPs list and research ( for 2020
  • This year’s research revealed several key MSP market trends
  • Honorees generated a combined $1.12 billion in vertical market annual recurring revenue (ARR) in 2019, up from $699.1 million in 2018. The surge involved organic growth, combined with accelerated merger and acquisition (M&A) activity
  • The most successful vertical market MSPs are zeroing in on financial services and healthcare, while MSPs in the legal and manufacturing sectors also showed particularly strong growth
  • The Top 100 Vertical Market MSPs now manage more than 2.8 million users across their customer sites in 2019, up from 2.6 million in 2018
  • MSPs consider their top vertical market technology partners to be Microsoft (56%), Dell Technologies (22%), Cisco Systems (21%), Datto (19%), ConnectWise (11%) and Ingram Micro (11%)

PrivX® chosen as the Privileged Access Management solution by Fujitsu for their Customer Management Environment (CME) platform

  • COM today announced that Fujitsu has selected to implement PrivX as a critical tool in their CME environment
  • COM helps organizations access, secure, and control their digital core – their critical data, applications, and services
  • PrivX is lean, quick-to-implement, and easy-to-use access management software for privileged access to on-premise and cloud environments.

ADDING MULTIMEDIA NTT and Tanium Announce Intent for Strategic Partnership to Deploy Security Solutions for the Smart World

  • NTT Corporation (“NTT”) and Tanium Inc. (“Tanium”) today announced their intention to enter into a strategic partnership to provide secure, highly reliable solutions for IT, IoT and OT environments to support Smart World deployments
  • NTT is a Global Technology and Business Solutions Provider
  • Tanium offers a unified endpoint management and security platform that is built for the world's most demanding IT environments

Server Central Turning Group Provides Managed IT Services to Essential Chicago Businesses

  • Sever Central Turing Group based in Chicago, IL., provides managed IT infrastructure service
  • Announced its Essential Chicago initiative to provide managed IT services to Chicago essential businesses for the remainder of 2020

ASC receives highest Security Certification for Information Technology from the US Department of ...

  • ACS is a worldwide software provider in the field of omni-channel recording, quality management, and analytics
  • Announces approval and certification by the Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) of the United States
  • The Joint Interoperability Test Command is a wing of the DoD of Defense of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)

Jitterbit Announces Next-Generation MSP Partner Program to Help More Businesses Achieve ROI From Integration

  • Jitterbit based in Alameda, California
  • Announced a next-generation managed service provider (MSP) partner program
    • Partner readiness assessment and training program
    • Partner solution template dev/ops methodology 
    • Best practices around designing, demos and delivery of new solutions
    • Go-to-market plans with seller toolkits
  • Cloud for Good, which specializes in creating transformation value in the nonprofit and higher education sectors using Salesforce technologies, was among the first partners announced as part of the MSP program

Xantrion Named to the ChannelE2E's 2019 Top Vertical Market MSPs List Managed Service Provider Ranks #33

  • Xantrion located in Oakland,Califorinia and provides cybersecurity, technical support and outsourced IT services
  • After Nines Inc. provides timeless IT guidance for strategic partners and IT security professionals across ChannelE2E ( and MSSP Alert (
  • named to After Nines Inc.'s ChannelE2E Top 100 Vertical Market MSPs list and research ( for 2019

Cybersecurity Updates

  • Aurora Medical Center Bay Area of Marinette, WI notified an unknown number of patients that their PHI was exposed after an email phishing attack
  • Beaumont Health of Detroit, MI notified 112,000 patients that their PHI was exposed after an email phishing attack
  • Brandywine Counseling of Wilmington, DE, notified an unknown number of patients that their PHI was exposed after ransomware attack
  • The Horst Gortz Institute reports it found security vulnerability in Xilinx FPGA (field programmable gate array) chips commonly used in control systems, could data centers, cellular base stations, medical devices and aviation systems


  • Microsoft is warning customers of an uptick in malware attacks using Trickbot to deliver ransomware
  • PrimoHoagies Inc., headquartered in Westville, NJ, with locations in 8 states on East Coast, notified customers that their card payment info was exposed after hacking incident
  • Cognizant Inc., a national managed IT services headquartered in Teaneck, NJ, notified an unknown number of customers that their info may have been exposed after a Maze ransomware attack
  • Banner Health agreed to pay $8.9 million to settle claims made after breach exposed PHI of 2.9 million patients
  • Mercy Health of Muskegon, Michigan announced that it had fired a nurse named Justin Howe after illegally accessing the PHI of multiple patients
  • CTI League announced it has struck down more than 2800 cybercriminal assets on the Internet and identified 2000 security vulnerabilities in healthcare organizations
  • Bloomberg News reports a 4300% increase in spam email related to COVID-19.
    - Google reports that more than 4300 domains related to federal stimulus packages, many of them are malicious as hackers try to cash in on COVID-19 pandemic
  • Trustwave reports on 2019 cybersecurity:
    • 18% of network compromises in U.S. were ransomware, up 4%
    • 17% of attacks focused on financial data
    • Attackers were able to work inside the network for average of 86 days
    • 28% of email was spam
  • The Small Business Administration notified 7,913 businesses that their info was compromised after a breach
  • Bitdefender is reported that a spearfishing campaign named “Agent Tesla” is targeting oil and gas companies
  • Confiant Security published report stating that 60 Revive ad servers have been compromised by the Tag Barnackle hacker group to insert malicious ads into online ad inventory to direct unsuspecting viewers to malware download sites read the rest here

Sales Professionals Do Not Suffer From Social Attention Disorder, Do You?

“How starved you must have been that my heart became a meal for your ego.”
Amanda Torroni

We are still amid a crisis, however; one pandemic I've become witness to recently is known as SAD.

It's unfortunate but many are suffering from Social Attention Disorder or commonly known as SAD.

It's a rampant epidemic brought about by empty suits, facades and narcissistic digital behavior.

Many are fighting to been seen but how many are truly breaking free to be heard?

Self-absorbed with themselves you love using the word "I" and "Me" Folks, it's not about you!

Sales professionals are not consumed with winning the academy award for best social actor.

They are consumed with capturing the hearts and minds of their clients. They are consumed with helping their clients do better business. They are consumed with placing all their attention on their loved ones, their clients.


"Stop trying to impress me. I can make up my own mind about whether I like you; trust you; or even believe you. You don’t have to make up my mind for me."

Social platforms have become the hot spot for distortions, where the real versions of who we are remain backstage. We take selfies, photoshop, curate and upload the best we got.

Then we hold our breath and pray for some attention.

There’s a name for this mindless, self-serving appetite for attention and validation. It's called Social Attention Disorder. Others may call it digital narcissism.

Zoe Williams wrote a piece in The Guardian titled Me! Me! Me! Are We Living Through A Narcissism Epidemic?”, "the narcissist’s failure to achieve intimacy with anyone — as the result of them seeing other people like items in a vending machine, using them to service their own needs, never being able to acknowledge that others might have needs of their own, still less guess what they might be.”

Let's all stop and think for a moment... are we serving our clients own needs or fulfilling our own social egos?

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The social emperor has no clothes

Attention to all the social emperors and "grow my list" ego maniacs who promise to help grow your audience and your sales by buying their killer course for $299, what are you really doing this for? Are you really doing this because you care? Are you doing this because you love, appreciate and have compassion? Or, are you fulfilling your ego, pride and wallet?

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
Carl Jung


The antidote to digital narcissism or social attention disorder is authenticity. Rediscover who you are, commit to yourself in improving your career instead of endlessly tweaking your online persona in hopes of winning the social academy award.

Conversations, whether that be online, face to face or on the phone are the strongest sales tool you have in order to effectively build credible relationships between your clients, your prospects, your brand and your company.

Are you having meaningful conversations?

When's the last time you had a conversation and heard this...

“Wow, this was one of the best conversations I’ve ever had!”

Conversations build relationships, and relationships build businesses.

What do your clients care about? What does your marketplace care about? They don't care about your canned pitches, outlandish pattern interrupt videos, and braggadocious all about me messaging. Nobody cares that your sole intent is to win the social academy award.

Stop pitching and puking social crapola and start opening a human connection and conversation.

Put in the time to create truly, authentically connect. Remember the humanity in others.

Connect at the heart level. Connect on a real, relatable and relevant level.

A true sales professional knows their identity is not attached to winning the social academy award.

Imagine for a moment, if more ditched the empty rhetoric of the Internet and invested in their own personal and heartfelt growth, there wouldn't be as many empty suits and digital narcissists.


My question to all of you... What has happened to authenticity?

When you prance around as social painters, painting the social canvas with crap as many of you are jockeying for position to win the Oscar for best social picture, remember the person you're in front of may be saying this to themselves:

  • Do you see me?
  • Do you hear me?
  • Does what I say matter to you?

Allow me to leave you all with this... would you live in the social house you're creating?

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I understand, I get where you all are coming from. Every day, I walk in your shoes. I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects and heartfelt strategies into your current sales process to grow new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way, the genuine way, the authentic way! It's about understanding value before visibility.

Selling From the Heart is making a difference! I poured my heart into every page of this book and I think you're going to love it. You can find it on Amazon in paperback, kindle and in audio. You can click on the book image below and this will take you to Amazon.

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You can find more material inside Selling From The Heart.

In a world full of empty suits, I'm passionate about helping sales reps succeed by getting valuable before they get visible. I help sales teams understand the true value they bring to the market. 

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my stories. Integrating the use of social and sharing my story on LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive office technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitterFacebook and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart.

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago for the First Week of May 2005

Back in 2005 I was just 2 years into having a real web site for the copier industry.  I started back in 2000 with an message forum with MSN communities.  It was really cool because there was no on-line forum where sales people and principals could chat, share ideas, share war stories, share information, share competitive info and the list goes on and on.  Twenty years later there is still no site like the Print4Pay Hotel.  Did I do something right? 

We're still the only site that allows members to communicate in a secure forums format along with blogs, press releases, quotes, leads and webinars.

Enjoy these really cool threads from 15 year ago this week!

Xerox Broadens Range of Digital Papers Offered

Guest ·
various weights, sizes, finishes and grades,” said Steve Simpson, vice president, Xerox Supplies Business Group. “By offering paper that can produce offset applications on digital equipment, we’ve opened up new opportunities for print providers.” 2 Million Test Sheets Supplies engineers at Xerox’s Media and Compatibles Technology Center, an organization that develops and tests paper for digital copiers and printers, ran more than 2 million test sheets and worked directly with Xerox hardware

Equitrac releases new version

Guest ·
Equitrac releases new version of its print cost recovery and document output management solutions for campuses Friday, April 29 2005 Trying to account for every piece of paper running through your copiers and printers could be a lesson in futility ... particularly for colleges dealing with multiple constituencies, each with different printing needs and different ways of paying for the services. Equitrac, Inc., a Plantation, Florida-based company, has been handling those document accounting

toshiba e 35 "printer under preparation"

anyone know what this is about?, ive got a few tosh e series with print/net that run fine but spurraticly get this message. they say it takes an hour or so to get connected. they're right. wasnt prepared for this.

Ricoh launches 75ppm printer

The AP900 is the Aficio 2075 without the scanner. Same accessories and service training. Retail price - $19,900.

Canon 3570

We are proposing Savin 4035eSP vs. Canon 3570 - customer wants to print envelopes - canon has envelope feeder - Savin does 1 envelope thru the bypass - any tips on competing with this would be greatly appreciated.

Re: T-shirt transfer sheets

Guest ·
We have here a 1224c, CL7000 and CL7100. We print on heat transfer paper for t-shirts for over 8 months, and it is OK. We use heat transfer paper from "The Magic Touch Colour Laser Transfer Systems", and the prints is very good and the RICOH machines is OK. We print this type of paper only from by pass! Nobody from RICOH can tell you witch type of machine you can use for heat transfer paper, but from my experience with this 3 is OK. Only XEROX tells you that DC12 is recommended for use heat

Re: Around The World with Ricoh II

Guest ·
Ricoh would be get one share of Gestetner. The merger decision had been taken to maximise the operational efficiencies and leverage the core strengths. Both the companies are the subsidiaries of $18 billion Japanese automation major Ricoh and command a 22-percent domestic market share for digital multifunctional copiers. The merged entity is aiming at doubling sales to Rs.3 billion ($68.18 million) with 30 percent market share by 2007. --Indo-Asian News Service

Ricoh 850

Does anyone know if you can still get the CD-W for the 850?

IBM Now #1 in High Speed B&W Printer Segment

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IBM Now #1 in High Speed B&W Printer Segment IBM Captures Number One Spot in Key High Speed Printer Segment. IBM Vaults Into First Place, Growing Market Share 14%, According to Industry Analyst InfoTrends/CAP Ventures. BOULDER, CO, 05/04/2005 - IBM today announced that InfoTrends/CAP Ventures ranked IBM number one in the U.S. for 2004 in high-speed, black & white roll-fed printers. In a newly-released report, titled "2003-2004 U.S. Production Copying & Printing Placements: Summary and Trends

Two New MFP Printers from Oki Data

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our digital LED technology leadership and color excellence to provide a color creation center for all of their needs." The ES3640e MFP for Large Workgroups The ES3640e MFP from OKI Printing Solutions, powered by EFI(R) Fiery(R) technology, with its launch today immediately became one of the fastest, high-resolution color MFPs on the market. The ES3640e offers medium- to large-sized workgroups a print and copy speed of up to 36 pages per minute (ppm) in color and 40 ppm in monochrome(1) and a

The Lowdown On Longhorn

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document format and printer page-description language called Metro. Metro is aimed at Adobe's PDF document format and PostScript page-description language. Metro is also, though, tied to Longhorn's new 3D, vector-based presentation manager. Microsoft is creating a unified image display, portability, and printing solution. I believe this is the first time the company has ever made that a serious target. At one time, Microsoft attempted to take on Adobe with TrueType fonts, but this isn't just about

Re: Supply Question Savin Ricoh

I shall answer my own question. Yes and No. The Ricoh TYpe 185 will not fit the Savin 9918dp without modification. There are four tabs protruding from the side of the cartridge that is inserted into the machine. These tabs are staggered differently between the Savin and Ricoh models. However, two of the four tabs are common and one of them goes into the hole that has the switch for sensing the cartridge. So, you can remove two of the tabs (I suppose even three if you want) to make the

Re: How's Business?

Guest ·
As usual the first of the year was slow. I know we are usually slow at the first of the year, but it still seems to sneak up on me! About three weeks ago we started cranking up and now we are really overloaded on the sales side, service has been thankfully moderate.

Re: secure printing on 60sp

Guest ·
Brian: I have not run across this, what system are you trying to print to? Art

Re: CL7000 or CL7100

Guest ·
I have never done this however, you would load 12 x 18 paper into the by-pass and from there select the paper size from the application. Thus you should be able to print with no border. How I understand it is that the image will print full 11 x17 with no borders and then theuser (if they need to) will then trim the paper. Art

Leads in Wyoming

Critical Gas Content(TM) service tells operators how much natural gas is available in a coal bed. PARTNERS none stated PEOPLE Wayne Greenberg Chief Executive Officer John Pope, Ph.D. Founder and Chief Technology Officer K. C. Oren Vice President, Sales and Operations Heather Patterson Corporate Secretary and Human Resource Manager Robin Kirchenbauer Facilities and Systems Manager Alexis A. Lee Marketing and Public Relations Manager 303-543-8929 OFFICE(S) WellDog, Inc. 1482 Commerce


Guest ·
, your prospects, your customers. Allow nothing negative and focus only on how to serve your prospects and customers. Once you set your two days, fully commit to the effort regardless of the inevitable challenges, regardless of the weather (please). Fall off the inspirational horse at 2:11 on the first day? Get back on at 2:12 – no excuses. Two days. Be tough. Be sales tough. Remember, you wake with an option for your daily attitude. Challenges will come up regardless. Choose the positive attitude

Possible Wide format lead in IN

Guest ·
This may be a potential customer they have asked for a memberhip top the site. I have declined the membership. Someone please call them and find out thier needs!! Sales Drake Sales Group 219-464-3200 Construction Patrick Guinn, Vice President Construction 219-405-1216 Design Terrie Colosino, Vice President Design 219-405-1214 Finance Linda L. Smith, President and CFO 219-405-1275

CL7000 or CL7100

Guest ·
I want to print on CL7000 or Cl7100 a border free paper. Can anyone tell me if this is possible? If yes pls tell me how! Tkx, A.

New color products

Does anyone have info on the new color products coming out in the next few months? Ricoh is having a "Monster Garage" on the new products the end of this month in Dallas I think. Thanks in advance.

WebImageMonitor issues

I have a customer with many 35 & 45 and other mfds, they use dhcp - hostname to subnet, but no actual reservation. They say that sometimes when they access the webimagemonitor that it doesn't completely populate all the fields in the screen, power cycle the mfd and it may be ok for a while, also eventhough no one is using the networked aspects of the devices yet, if someone walks up to the mfd and prints a configuration page, it may lock up. We tried setting some devices to static, I think the


Re: Ricoh launches 75ppm printer

Guest ·
Jimk: Do you have any info on this printer yet??

Re: Ricoh launches 75ppm printer

Guest ·
What do you all think about the price? My first thoughts, too expensive when compared to the Aficio 4510 product! The Aficio 4510 wholesale cost divided by speed equals $43.08 per print. The new AP900 is a whopping $143 per print speed! Doesn't make sense does it?

Re: Ricoh launches 75ppm printer

Do the same math on the 2045e vs the 2075. You get $260 vs. $373. That's the same $100 difference you got on the printers. I really don't think the methodology you are using is a good judge of value. Compare the price you pay for the extra 15cpm you get on the 2090 vs the 2075. The point is, you are paying for alot more than just speed. That having been said, I agree with you that they are overpriced...I just don't agree with the methodology you used to arrive at your conclusion.

Re: Ricoh launches 75ppm printer

Guest ·
Yeah, I was trying to drive home a point, point is the system is overpriced, however when compared to other mfg's, it is probably right in line. I still see our business moving towards a more printer centric environment. Time will tell. Art

Re: Canon 3570

Bite the bullet and add a CL4000dn at cost. It will feed envelopes from the tray and will also double as a very low cost B/W and Color printer. You should be able to throw one in for around $1K

Re: Canon 3570

Good Idea, that's pretty much what we were thinking - although we are looking at adding 25ppm bw printer with envelope feeder

Re: attitude

Guest ·
Just out of curiosity, is this program original with you or tell me where you heard about it. My sales manager challenged our sales team with this same program and used the exact same verbage at a meeting on May 4.

-=Good Selling=-

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago for the First Week of May 2010

Years ago I use to burn the late night candle pretty often. In some cases I would still find myself emailing a prospect at 2AM in the morning.  In most cases the email was to schedule a meeting for later that week. 

Those late night emails was just something I was use to.  It wasn't until one of my clients made mention of the email that arrived at 2AM.  Of course he didn't see it until he arrived at work.  But this client went on to tell me that he wished he had more sales people like me, meaning those that did not consider their job as just 9-5.  This client has been with me for more than 20 years now. 

Thinking back it was probably not the pricing, nor the brand of copier, but more about his appreciate for sales people with a great work ethic that landed me the order.

Twenty years later I'm past the point where I send emails that late anymore.  I'm not saying that you should be sending emails that late but what if that  prospecting email at 2AM did hit home with the prospect? What if he or she thought the same as my client did years ago? They could be thinking that this sales person is really working hard to get my business, maybe I should have a meeting to know more about this person.

For those of you that can't burn the candle late. I found this on google for sending delayed emails.  I've never used it but I just might give it a shot to see if it makes a difference. Maybe the same can be true for sending emails on the weekend also.

Schedule an Email to Send Later in Outlook
  1. Compose a message. ...
  2. Go to the Options tab.
  3. In the More Options group, select Delay Delivery.
  4. In the Properties dialog box, select the Do not deliver before check box.
  5. Choose the date and time when you want to send the message.
  6. Select Close.
  7. In the message window, select Send.

Enjoy these awesome threads from ten years ago this week!


Konica Minolta Integrates Fiery Color Profiler Suite 3.0 into Color Product

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® digital print controllers and solutions; VUTEk® superwide digital inkjet printers, UV and solvent inks; Rastek™ UV wide-format inkjet printers; Jetrion® industrial inkjet printing systems; print production workflow and management information software; and corporate printing solutions. EFI maintains 23 offices worldwide. Konica Minolta Contact James Norberto Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. +1 201.825.4000 EFI Contact Katie Maller EFI Public Relations

Konica Minolta Previews bizhub 423 Series

Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. is a leader in advanced imaging and networking technologies for the desktop to the print shop. For the third consecutive year, Konica Minolta was recognized as the #1 Brand for Customer Loyalty in the MFP Office Copier Market by Brand Keys. For more information, please visit and follow Konica Minolta on Facebook and Twitter. Konica Minolta Contact Doreen Maciak Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc

Canon Sees Office Equipment Market Has Hit Bottom, Gradual Recovery Ahead

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to have hit bottom and is heading for a mild recovery." Canon said in September that it would start providing its multi-functional printers to Hewlett-Packard (HPQ.N), in a move to broaden HP's lineup of office equipment and boost Canon's hardware sales. The Tokyo-based company also took over Dutch printer maker Oce NV (OCEN.AS) this year to strengthen its product lineup and broaden its distribution channels. For January-March, the maker of IXY and EOS brand digital cameras posted an operating

New Products – Including Konia Minolta’s First Color A4 MFP – Continue Legacy of Inno

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speeds of up to 31 pages per minute (ppm). Featuring Konica Minolta’s proprietary Simitri® HD Color Polymerized Toner for sharper text and enhanced fine detail, as well as the full suite of PageScope® application solutions for improved overall productivity, the bizhub C35 is the perfect solution for small workgroups and new business users. Also being previewed are two new A4 monochrome devices – the bizhub 20 and bizhub 20P – both of which offer monochrome printing at speeds up to 32 ppm. The

Kyocera Mita America Incorporates Advanced Data Security Into Multifunctional Product

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itself. Kyocera and API previewed the solution at the Kyocera Mita America Pan-American Dealer Meeting April 6-8, 2010 in Orlando, Florida, and will introduce it to government customers at the GSA Expo in Orlando May 6-7, 2010. API’s Cryptek Netgard cost-effectively brings printers, scanners and copiers into HSPD-12 compliance by enabling CAC (common access card) authentication and access, saving valuable resources in equipment upgrades and infrastructure. It enables organizations to easily


Guest ·

A Difficult "Kodak Moment" - Quarterly Profit Disappoints, Shares Dive 15%

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split between U.S. and international units, but the U.S. contributed 80% of sales this quarter. Sales in the film, photo-finishing and entertainment group fell 14% to $431 million, as film sales continued to deteriorate. Sales in the graphic communications group, which includes commercial printing, edged up 1% to $611 million. In the Graphic communications market, Kodak competes mainly with Xerox’s IGen 4 and HP’s Indigo digital platforms. Both Xerox and HP have much stronger balance sheets

Xerox CEO to Investors: Industry Leadership, Annuity Business,

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full-color personalized sales collateral, direct-marketing pieces and photo products. -- Expanding Distribution -- Since its 2007 acquisition of Global Imaging Systems, a large U.S. reseller of document technology, Xerox has continued to expand its distribution through multiple sales channels. Xerox has acquired 10 additional U.S.-based dealers and two European distributors. By broadening its technology to include more entry-level printers and multifunction systems and expanding its channels of

TTP cuts time to market for OEMs using Kyocera KJ4 printheads

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27 April 2010, TTP is pleased to announce the release of the Meteor Head Driver Card “HDC-K” for the new Kyocera KJ4 printhead types KJ4B-HD06MHG-STDV2 and KJ4A-GD06AHG-STDN2/STDC2. This new driver card enables OEMs to integrate new Kyocera KJ4 printheads with less cost, time and risk. Printer manufacturers already using a TTP Meteor controller will recognise the software interface, additionally reducing their time to bring a Kyocera-based print system to the market. TTP is also releasing a

New Xerox Mobile Print Solution to Allow Procter & Gamble to Print from Smartphones

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perspectives and views from events visit,,,, or . Xerox(R) and the sphere of connectivity design are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. (1)Gartner "Magic Quadrant for Managed Print Services Worldwide" by K. Weilerstein, et al. August 21, 2009. (2)IDC "IDC MarketScape

Kodak and ibml Look to Expand Global Relationships in Document Imaging Market

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documents images. For more information visit . About Kodak As the world's foremost imaging innovator, Kodak helps consumers, businesses, and creative professionals unleash the power of pictures and printing to enrich their lives. To learn more, visit and follow our blogs and more at . More than 75 million people worldwide manage, share and create photo gifts online at KODAK Gallery—join today at More

Does your Copier Service Contract still reflect 1970's Analog Copiers?

SalesServiceGuy ·
I have attached my most recent Service Contract. It covers most situations, that I get into in 2010. I have a very similar, seperate one for Copy Blocks. Feel free to use. I realize Sales people will not want to get into this much detail until after the sale is done.

Berlin, CT Copier Vote!

Guest ·
, superintendent of public buildings, gave an overview of the chilling/cooling tower. Built in 1973 the tower has a manufacturer’s suggested life span of 25 years. Pajor said he had observed steel filings from the chiller indicating the cooling system “was on its last legs.” He added that “it can probably make it through one last summer.” However, the entire structure needs to be replaced. Work is expected to begin in late September. Wren urged the town to renew its lease with Konica Minolta on

Medical Professionals and Organizations Receive KODAK Service and Support for Install

Guest ·
more about iPORT, visit, or call 312.440.6000 About Kodak As the world's foremost imaging innovator, Kodak helps consumers, businesses, and creative professionals unleash the power of pictures and printing to enrich their lives. To learn more, visit and follow our blogs and more at . More than 75 million people worldwide manage, share and create photo gifts online at KODAK Gallery—join today at More

Lost to a Canon 5065 today!

Guest ·
It was hard to believe, I lost a deal to a NEW canon 5065 with stapler and holepunch, print & scan. The other dealer sold the box for approx $9,600 with a cpp of .0050. Dam, I wsn't even close with my MP6001 on price. Is this buyer a liar, can anyone help? I uderstand the unit is discontinued with the advance series now being sold. Also is this a reliable unit for 40K per month? Any help would be appreciated!

Re: Does your Copier Service Contract still reflect 1970's Analog Copiers?

SalesServiceGuy ·
Over my 15 years as a Sales Manager to 23+ independent dealers, I have seen many situations where dealers simply has far too simplistic service contracts that had not been updated ever. They mostly involve billable Pro Services, unstable Power Supply, two competitive vendors trying to flip each other's Service Contracts and Fuel Surcharges. (I have a large geographic territory with lots of driving.) I once sold two connected copiers to a law firm. They decided to upgrade from Novell 5.0 to

Lexmark LCA cartridge study demonstrates benefit of responsible printing behaviors

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of that cartridge by up to 60 percent2. An LCA is designed to evaluate the environmental impact of a product throughout its lifetime – from raw materials extraction, production, distribution and use, until end of life. "Printer users need to first understand the impact of their current practices on the environment before they can assess what behaviors need to be changed," said Marty Canning, Lexmark vice president and president of its Printing Solutions and Services Division. "Lexmark has made

Canon 5065

Guest ·
Can anyone tell me when this machine was introduced to the market?

When NOT to save money...

txeagle24 ·
Several weeks ago, I conducted an assessment for a SMB account that is a current Ricoh Business Solutions customer, even though they initially started doing business with Lanier a number of years ago. The prospective client has over a year left on their existing lease, but since their sales rep approached them with a quote to upgrade, they were willing to see what I had to bring to the table as well. The rest of the story...


txeagle24 ·
Here is a letter that management shared with us in our Monday morning sales meeting regarding the security of Ricoh hard drives. It is at least good to know that anything on the HDD is in a proprietary format. I don't think the difficult thing is going to be to make our RFG customers feel at ease that their data is not compromised. The real challenge will be addressing the concerns on competitive systems that clients want us to send back to the leasing company for them. Of course, that is also



Re: Rumor has it.....

GIntel ·
Anyone have any idea on how many Canon and other competitor's MFPs are still in IKON's MIF base? How about the percentage of IKON's overall fleet? Whats the strategy for getting these cleared out because Canon is not making it easy to service them... Thanks!

Re: Lost to a Canon 5065 today!

txeagle24 ·
My guess is that since the product is discontinued the sales rep had a discounted cost of goods. Since $9,600 sounds high for a discontinued machine, my guess is that he/she marked up the price of the box to buy down service.

Contex Americas Enhances Wide-Format Scanning Solutions with New Indexing and Archivi

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A/S Svanevang 2 DK - 3450 Alleroed, DENMARK Phone: +45 48 14 11 22 Fax: +45 48 14 01 22 Contex Americas, Inc. 365 Herndon Parkway Herndon, VA 20170 USA Phone +1 (703) 964-9850• Fax: +1 (703)547-3375

AnyDoc Software Introduces Enterprise Capture and Workflow Solution for the Insurance

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easily identified for correction or circumvention. To facilitate the promotion of AnyDocINSURANCE Suite, AnyDoc Software has added Kent Krueger to their sales team as the Solution Account Executive for Insurance. Based near Atlanta, Georgia, Krueger brings more than 15 years experience in software solutions sales, management, and business development to the AnyDoc team, with core knowledge of the insurance industry. “I’m thrilled to join the AnyDoc team as the forerunner in educating insurance

To all participating OKI PLUS COOP Program enrollees,

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extended 7. All access to the online Shared Marketing System will be shut down effective June 30th, 2010, close-of-business. Any questions or issues that arise during the CoOP Program close-out should be directed to: Kimberly Vega-Pimiento; 856.222.7356 or Jackie Paralis; 856.222.7300 Oki Data remains committed to supporting our resellers and dealers and will be providing more cost-effective programs and incentives to drive Partner growth and sales success. Sincerely, Jackie S. Paralis Jackie

mp 5000/5001

pcb0960 ·
Good morning all, I discovered something last week if a fax board is installed on a MP5001,it MUST be the fax option for the MP5001 this is unique to this machine, any other fax board even the fax board for the MP5000 will not work it causes the machine to appear to have the fax then disappears will not show on the user tools or sp mode. Also the Ricoh website does not supply the part number for the fax board does anyone have this part number?

Sheriff's Deputies Raid LMI Solutions!

Sheriff's Deputies Raid Printer Cartridge Business PHOENIX - Sheriff's deputies raided a business near 49th Ave. and Van Buren arrested 25 people in the country illegally who were using fraudulent IDs to gain employment. Sheriff's spokesman Brian Lee says the raid was part of a potential employer sanctions case against Lasermasters, a company that supplies printer cartridges. Deputies used search warrants at Lasermasters to search records of 35 employees who were suspected to be illegal


glnsk8ter ·
I have 21 machines (mpc3500) to be relocated to another acct. Don't want to purchase new HD(s) or DOSS options, can something be done like put them in a computer and run some of the utilities that do the multiple overwrites of various bit patterns to feel fairly confident that the existing data is impracticable to recover. Or as one person suggested run large enough documents with grey pages in each function scan, print, copy, fax to fill the hdd with such images. I bet a product engineer


SalesServiceGuy ·
I have added the following line item to all my Service Contracts going forward. Hopefully, it covers me. "7). All current model copiers equipped with a Hard Drive, will have the included 128 bit AES Data Encryption feature turned on upon initial delivery. This reasonably protects the confidentiality of any customer information stored on the copier’s Hard Drive, in case that Hard Drive is replaced or the copier is eventually disposed of. It is the customer’s complete responsibility to manage


SalesServiceGuy ·
Simply handing over a copier's HDD removes the OS within the copier making it unuseable. Plus there is some labour to remove the HDD and reload the firmware onto it. At least $200 - $300.00 total vs turning on 128 Bit AES Encryption at the start - Free. Going forward, we format the HDD on all of our own brand copiers we remove. For competitors brands, where we do not know the Service Codes, we can only inform the customer of the risks.

Re: Does your Copier Service Contract still reflect 1970's Analog Copiers?

B13555 ·
Can you give us some idea - just curious - what push-back (if any) you have had? Most interested in: "...reasonably protects the confidentiality of any customer information stored on the copier’s Hard Drive, in case that Hard Drive is replaced or the copier is eventually disposed of. It is the customer’s complete responsibility to manage their Hard Drive’s information security upon disposal" (maybe too soon for you to comment). and, do you get questions about ..."Whenever possible, to allow

Re: Does your Copier Service Contract still reflect 1970's Analog Copiers?

SalesServiceGuy ·
Most copier brands now include the ability to email or fax the meter reads and service codes on a regular basis. I have never had a customer concern about this. Every Monday AM, I get a report from all of my recent copier installs. I have gotten pretty good at skimming these reports, seeing any problems and proactively dispatching a service tech. Customer really like the idea that I am electronically watching their copier.


bobsynergy ·
My company is a Canon dealer servicing 97741
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