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MFP Copier Blog

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighty-Four of Sales

I had no intention of writing a blog tonight.  Last I wrote on Wednesday was to look for another blog in this series for Wednesday night.  This morning I received the email below from a long time Print4Pay Hotel member.

Art, I love reading your stuff and sharing some with our 15 sales reps. You have inspired them and me many times. We are all working from home here in the Midwest at Sumnerone. We just finished up an $850,000 hardware June which was good and 75% were new accounts. We think July will be better. Our folks are working hard and we never closed at all. We are supporting our clients and we think of them as friends and their families mean a lot to us so we check on them. And they check on us as well. 

We will all be fine if we stay the course and work through this. Art, keep us all going in the right direction like you always do.  Now,  go sell something!!!
The email was pretty awesome especially since I've had a tough couple of weeks.  That $850K is some kick ass numbers and how about the 75% net new!  That's off the charts in my book.  In addition that's a wonderful relationship the Sumnerone has going with their clients. That email gave me the kick in the ass this morning and I'm thankful for that,
Did I tell everyone I was also on vacation for a week?  I do love my vacations but usually end up hating the time after I return.  Some always needs to pay the piper so why not me?
Today was pretty cool since I was able to cross off ninety percent of the items on my to do list. In addition I had another three meetings, two of those weren't planned in advance.  One of those two meetings resulting in a verbal order for a pre-owned wide format.  That meeting was actually pretty cool because the DM was out of town when I called him on his cell.  Our conversation lasted about thirty minutes and I don't think we spoke about the wide format for more than 10 minutes of that time.  We had the chat about the current state of business in general, how is business is doing and we then somehow landed on the topic of Tequilas.  End result was the verbal and a scheduled appointment on-site for next Wednesday at 7AM.  Yes, that's 7AM, thank  goodness the account is 3 miles from my house.
My afternoon was spend making calls and sending emails. I was able to log 25 calls, set two appointments and sent another 10 emails.  One of those calls was for an existing account that was in the weeds a few weeks ago. Turns out that they will not upgrade early because they are in the entertainment business. I can't blame then for making that call since that business is in turmoil with COVID.  However the door was left open for something after Labor Day.
I did not call the one account that was making a decision today.  This is the one where it's me up against two direct branches and the third time around for proposing.  I had no idea of when their internal meeting was scheduled, thus today was a day where I let the ball travel.
Tomorrow has me for two additional meetings with one that's internal and the other with an existing prospect.  The rest of the day will be spent making more calls, pricing up a proposal for the 45K net new and sending more emails.
One of items on my to do list was to call all of my open opportunities that I had not touched in the last two weeks.  Almost all of those calls went unanswered but what the hell the way I see it is that I get to roll through more of the calls that I need to make.
-=Good Selling=-


By Michael Vosnos, ARCOA – Businesses today face numerous options and decisions in the acquisition phase of their IT assets’ lifecycle.  Myriad factors such as business requirements, the decision to lease or buy, support costs and budgetary constraints all impact a business’ decision whether to extend or shrink their overall IT refresh cycle.  Effective IT asset management is often an afterthought.  However, having a firm grasp on the real total cost of ownership over the life IT assets can yield significant cost savings and increased operational efficiency.

One of the first questions decision makers need to ask themselves is, does it make more sense to lease or buy?  Leasing is attractive to many as it offers the advantage of lower initial capital output, and often maintenance support can be included in the lease agreement.  However, the longer the lease term, the more a business will typically spend versus purchasing the equipment outright.

Purchasing comes with the advantage of ownership and the associated tax benefits of having a fixed asset as outlined in section 179 of the US tax code.  In addition to the benefits that come with capital expenditures on equipment, the depreciation of that equipment can provide significant tax savings over its life.  The downside to ownership is that businesses own the maintenance and repairs as well as their hardware.

A study done by Huntington Technology Finance examined the total cost of ownership throughout a typical three year and five year refresh cycle.  Taking into account the cost of maintenance to include software upgrades and patches, break/fix support, software development costs to support legacy systems, lost productivity when units require repair, drives become corrupted, and systems accumulate layers of software and security updates that require additional system resources and take up more drive space, the difference in total cost of ownership between a three year and a five year refresh are significant.  By hanging on to IT equipment beyond three years, where repair/upgrade costs begin to factor in on top of regular maintenance costs, businesses can end up paying for their equipment twice and by year five, these costs typically exceed the initial hardware costs.

In addition to maintenance associated savings, the study found that the typical PC laptop retained approximately 25 percent of its original value at the 36 month mark.  This residual value, if captured through a reliable ITAD vendor, can be applied to defray the cost of new hardware acquisition.  A case study based on 2,000 laptops compared the total cost of ownership between the same devices over a 36 month and 60 month period.  Over a 60 month period, the total cost of ownership for a business on a 36 month refresh cycle was $5,492,000 or $2,746 per device.  Conversely, the total cost of ownership for the business with the same devices on a 60 month refresh cycle was $6,886,000 over 60 months or $3,443 per device.

Each business will have its own unique factors and considerations that will feed into its acquisition decision making process.  However, as demonstrated above, simply “hanging on” to older equipment might not only not be in the best interest of a company in terms of operability and typically do not present the cost savings that many decision makers imagine.  It is imperative to examine the total lifecycle costs and to integrate a robust asset management plan into the decision making process that will minimize maintenance costs and capture the maximum residual value of assets.


Changing Titles Won't Change The Industry

"Those who Continue To Fool themselves will Remain Foolishly Confident In their Continued Relevance." 

I have and continue to vocalize that human capital adjustments must be part of the Document Imaging Channel's prescription to keep in relevance. I am defining these human capital adjustments as the need for new blood, over merely changing the titles of those currently in charge. This article will highlight those thoughts.

Here's my thinking; if the current leaders were going where the customers were going, they would have already changed their titles on the way there. Leaders don't wait for directions; they create the directions others will follow. Changing the title to include the word digital won't cause digital disruption. Which frankly is already long over-due inside the Document Imaging Channel.  

When this pandemic started, I said that the SMB print equipment customer would increase their digitalization speed by five years. This thinking was not of a crystal ball; most realistic businesspeople have also come to that conclusion. Over the last six months, we are all watching the world's businesses scurry towards digitalization.

For the first time, the Channel's end-users are asking tougher and new questions of themselves and their providers concerning the need for printed documents. The industry's fate resides in these new questions and those who provide relevant answers.

"As an industry's relevance faces challenges, its leaders have no choice other than to create the new relevance." 

Clarification for my friends selling and servicing print equipment is this. Digitalization won't eliminate print; it will merely rapidly decrease the need for many of the A3 MFP equipment's applications. Some say, and I agree volumes will also reduce by at least 10-12 percent per year. 

Those decreasing volume percentages and diminishing needs of equipment's applications will cause opportunities for outsiders to change the industry's business model; The how print equipment is delivered, supplied and serviced is extremely ripe for disruption to a massive percentage of the Document Imaging Channel's end-users. As the pandemic exposed, many businesses could function without going down the hallway and retrieving the sets of stapled documents for the weekly management meeting. Or printed reports to handoff from one person to another.

Today, most agree that the need to modify the decades-old deliverable of print equipment and its services is past due. However, some are not entirely in-line with the realities of what's needed to make those transitions successfully.

The Document Imaging Channel has been behind on many fronts. The Channel's obsession in saving its nostalgia and this pandemic was not the beginning of the industry's challenges. It does seem as many out-dated deliverables are now blaming the pandemic for their rapidly fading relevance. In the case of the Document Imaging Channel, its end-users have been leaving the Channel's preverbal stores for over a decade.

The obsessions for the manufacturers and the dealers who represent them to insist on every transaction being a contractual agreement forced many of their customers to seek alternatives—these alternatives aligned with the market's realities.

I predict that history will reveal that the Document Imaging Channel's obsession with controlling every printer, its services, and supplies in a managed print agreement within the SMB sector cost the Channel's dealers and those manufacturers with direct operations billions in revenues. As those end-users who wanted to buy without restraints went to alternative sources. The industry's dealers and many manufacturers made and continue making the means of getting print equipment way too complicated.

In that complication, the SMB end-users flocked to Amazon, IT Service Vars, and the Office Product Reseller's Channel. These organizations welcomed the Document Imaging Channel's customers to their customer roles with more straightforward programs such as e-commerce platforms where one can click buy now. These alternative options provide a business model that is void the complications of the Document Imaging Channel's contractual leases and MPS models. 

Even as data showed from all DCAs that there are 5-7 devices not under contract for every device under an agreement, the Channel refused to modify. Those non-contracted devices are A4, and the Imaging Channel's end-users are buying them, servicing them, and supplying them from outside the Channel's borders. These end-users will soon look for more advanced A4 MFPs as they will determine A3 and its complicated contracts are out of alignment with the new relevance the pandemic exposed.

Six Months in a Pandemic, What's changed? Hopefully, more than titles.

Today the Channel's leaders will not be able to pivot just because they got a new title. Unless these re-tilted leaders were already outspoken, determined, and already presenting arguments for changes before the pandemic. If not, the question to ask - is, why or how will they now?

The Channel needs to bring in the human capital, which understands the realities of today's buyers. The dysfunctions of the Document Imaging Channel's deliverable are clearly being exposed. A decade of some denials, and believing the comfort of current circumstances got in the way of bold action.

Still their are significant dysfunctions much of the industry continues ignoring. Even after six months as a global pandemic, brought a new awareness to both the Channel's end-users and all the actors who service and support them. 

The Channel still struggles in selling with modern billing arrangements such as iDaaS meter-less billing or subscription-based billing. Subscription-Based billing is how nearly every other component of technology and its services is transacted. 

The Channel is still ignoring data, data that has and continues to emphasize deep-rooted issues pertaining to the services model and its cost misalignments. 

The Channel is still without digital engagement (E-Commerce) The in-ability for the Channel's end-users to purchase online is extremely contrary to the buyer's desires and marketplace realities. 

The Channel is still discussing Managed Print Services for the SMB end-users like its 2000. This out-dated MPS talk track has misled the Channel's actors. After nearly two decades, does anyone believe the SMB customers want contracts to manage print?

What customers want is printed or copied pages when they need them. It is safe to say that most print end-users know that tomorrow they will print less than today. These end-users have long ago stopped in the policing of print. 

The Channel's Dealers and Manufacturer's Direct operations are still over-spec'ing A3. Regardless of what data is telling them. The reason, many in the Channel saw no threat from outside competitors regarding the delivery of A3 equipment. What the Channel's Actors miscalculated was the outsiders had no intention of selling A3. After-all the end-users were moving towards A4, these outsiders knew that in time the A3 customers would increase in their movement to A4, and as they do they will welcome them through a much better delivery means. 

The Channel has still not diversified Into Managed IT Services past 30% of its core print revenues. They continue focusing on products first and services as a function of the product. This product's first mindset is contrary to the Managed IT Services business model. Thereby explaining the lack of diversity. 

The Channel is still attempting to close new and upgrade existing businesses by lowering out-put service costs as the out-put itself is declining. The reason they do this is to inflate the lease dollars dedicated to hardware. The business model of compensating sales on hardware revenue and profits has nearly destroyed the service profitability of the entire Document Imaging Channel Industry.  

The Channel has still not ended the lunacy of prematurely renewing leases in desperation to increase declining revenues. As deliverable increases in its commoditization along with marketplace's competitiveness. The ability to sell, supply and service in the Channel's outdated model is playing havoc on its revenues and its profits. I fear post-pandemic. We will see some very questionable deals that were written in desperation to increase Dealer or Manufacturer's cash flows over any value to the actual end-users or real profitable value to either the dealer or manufacturer. 

The Channel is still promoting the glories of production-print. However, they do not address how a 2% marketplace of production-print, which is extremely out of alignment with excessive supply versus demand, can honestly be a worthwhile endeavor. Many Dealers and Manufacturers are currently hiding the profitability of production-print. Either through unawareness or ignoring the awareness, however, as their massive customer bases of non-production print customers move from A3 to A4, Along with declining print volumes, all the misunderstanding or mismanagement of production print's losses will painfully surface. 

Unfortunately, some of the Document Imaging Channel's actors are not in-line with the skills needed to respond to their quickly changing end-users as these end-users align their print equipment needs with today's reality. It's those competitive alternative platforms residing on the Channel's border, which will continue gaining momentum as the end-users' needs and the advancements of A4 move closer and closer together.

The time for providing the needed talent for transformation is now. That transformation won't come from business card promotions. Attempting to replace one's out-dated skills with new titles such as Digital Transformationist or other buzz words without executing the needed skills the titled describes will lead to defeat.

"During evolutionary events - on the job training will not align favorably with the speed of disruption the event is causing." 

If those charged with leading digital transformation are ill-equipped, they must surround themselves with those equipped. Sadly, during times of unprecedented disruptions, egos can highjack good intentions. The Document Imaging Channel has been going through disruption for at least a decade. Many of its leaders remained silent or ill-equipped to navigate diversification and align to market realities. Pandemics don't create one's skills. However, they do expose the skills missing and the skills needed.

The Document Imaging Channel has an excellent opportunity for those willing to align with market realities regardless of its pain. Of course, those believing everything will continue as it was or are being fooled as temporally still does - have already lost. 

The Document Imaging Channel's future will result from their actions so, as the digitalization continues to challenge yesterday's deliverables. The Channel's leaders must look to their borders and welcome those who already live where their past customers went, and more and more current customers will continue heading.

The arguments are not about print going away; the arguments are about the evolutionary improvements of A4 print equipment and the evolution of end-users' awareness. As those two things continue evolving, they will align and create a massive disruption to the circumstances of The Document Imaging Channel's out-dated Business Model. 

"Status quo is the killer of all that will be invented." 

If not already Let's connect here on Linkedin and I welcome everyone to subscribe to my YouTube Channel

CEO/Founder TEASRA, The Innovation Channel, and Host of The End of The Day With Ray!

Ray Stasieczko  

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighty-Three of Sales

Only 5 more days for four full months of selling days that I've been working remote.

You may have noticed that I've been skipping a couple of days here and there with blogging on this series.  I had no idea that Covid19 would last in to the summer and usually my summers mean less posting of blogs and more time spent enjoying the great weather.

Just a short recap for Friday. I was able to secure two orders for two net new companies.  However the revenue fell short of what I was hoping for. With less than two weeks left in my month I'm starting to feel the pressure of hitting my monthly goal.

Today was spent  traveling to two accounts which were at opposite ends of the state.  One in lower Monmouth and the other in North Jersey.  I'm thinking I logged close to 200 miles of driving today.  By the time I got back to my office office it was 2:30PM and I needed a short break for lunch. 

By 3PM I was able to start making some dents into the early morning emails and within an hour I had those cleared up.  The last part of the day was spent with my third appointment of the day for a tele chat.

That last appointment was interesting to say the least.  The company is a consulting group in the healthcare industry.  For years they've been using an hi-speed color A3 Ricoh and now that device is approaching seven years of age.  Seven years is a long time and since it was a purchase there is no trigger for the upgrade.  Print volumes during COVID for them are down big time! In fact over the last five months the print volume is next to nothing.  But as we've learned to adapt during COVID this client has also redefined their process with printing.  More virtual meetings mean less print, less print will mean a smaller color device in the future.  This is our new world for many accounts.

One of my other net new prospects is suppose to be making a decision tomorrow on which vendor they will choose.  Four years ago I was second and second sucks. I found out on our last meeting then that I was the first choice four years ago. However one of the VP's did not want training outside of their office.  This lead to the client staying with their current vendor for another 4 years.  With this account this is the third time that I've been in the mix and just praying that the third time is the charm with this account.

So far July is sucking wind, I need one of my big hits to come through or it's going to **** show of smaller deals.  Look for another blog on Wednesday of this week.

-=Good Selling=-

The Week in Copiers 15 Years Ago This Week 2005

The Week in Copiers 15 Years Ago This Week 2005

I remember when digital duplicators were an import part of my prospecting efforts.  Fifteen years later I'm lucky if I sell two per year.  There was a time when I would sell one or two each month.  Those duplicator sales usually went to print shops, and fifteen years later there aren't as many of those either.  Change, be prepared, see the future and change.

Enjoy these threads from 15 years ago this week!

Ricoh Aficio 2035 forward MAIL

Guest ·
Hello, i received ordinal fax but i dont like printing this fax and the forward a e-mail account, i can configured this form but the memory to store only 100 as I can erase the memory automatically???

Re: Color Single click 11x17

Guest ·
I have also lost to Konica/Minolta, & Canon with Single Click 11 x 17. It seems that dealers do not want to bend on this and the big guys, IKON, DANKA

New Color Copiers

Guest ·
Anybody have the "new product information" bulletin on the new color machines? The Gestetner models are DSc424 and DSc428/35/45. Specifically I am looking for the Product codes and the product #s for the Manuals, & CBTs, if any. If you could post the info or e-mail me the bulletin, I would appreciate it.

print errors

Deanw ·
When our MFP has an error (paper type mismatch) until that error is cleared at the MFP it seems like no other print jobs can be printed from anyone, is that typical or do any of our competitors have products that can print other jobs even though 1 job has an error?

Re: Scanning PDF's from a 1060-75 to a Blackberry

slim463 ·
I would check with the blackberry Attachment Delivery Service from your provider. There are several limitations on PDF's. A for why th Ricoh Scans are being effected. I believe they embed the images when they create a PDF. The Blackberry service only supports embedded images as TIFF only. I woud try to find out how the copier makes the pdf conversion. Your really dealing with a Blackberry Attachment service issue

Re: seriprinter

Guest ·
I have one system in the field, I do not believe there is a paper detection size switch with the Seri Printer. I would give Ray Bauer a call at Ricoh in West Caldwell, NJ.

Re: Scanning PDF's from a 1060-75 to a Blackberry

Just an FYI check for firmware upgrades on the MFP there were some issues with the PDF scans on the 2045/Savin 4045 and Acrobat reader 7.0 when it was first released.

Re: Is anyone having problems with the 350/1035/2035 series?

Guest ·
the 350 and the 1045 had a problem with the drum end seals, they would flatten out and you would dust at the ends. change those seals with the drum and you will see a much cleaner machine.also if the waste toner collects to long it will spill out mainly on the rear side which can also look like bad seals. the 1045 dev roller on op side will build up a coating, ricoh modified the roller but same results. remove roller andscotch brite it clean,making sure it is clean before reinstalling, this

Re: 240W's dropping SP Roll Feeder Setting

Guest ·
and whatever else you have the machine configured for. We had this happen about 3 or 4 times on this one machine, the question is why is it happening? Ricoh's only answer was....... "Response (Diego Lavin) - 05/31/2005 03:32 PM There is a cutter error taking place that causes this to take place. The User Tool is strictly for this issue." I can only guess that the manual cutter, the one you use when loading a roll, wasn't returned to the home position on either side of the drawer.

Re: 240 Service Fact sheet

v-tec ·
Heres the cost fact sheet for the 240W The attached 240w cost fact sheet.mdi file has been moved to accountname: art_post username: p4pusers passcode: goodpals select the p4p user cabinet, then the wideformat folder, then Ricoh, then wide format, then 240W folder

Re: 240 Service Fact sheet

Guest ·
Vtec Thanx, what is the maximum monthly volume from Ricoh?

Re: 240W's dropping SP Roll Feeder Setting

bandit41076 ·
try service bulletin 008 posted 11/24/04 on the 240..... The attached 240w roll feed not displayed.pdf file has been moved to accountname: art_post username: p4pusers passcode: goodpals select the p4p user cabinet, then the wideformat folder, then Ricoh, then wide format, then 240W folder

Re: Riso in School systems

Guest ·
Thanks B, You are right it is McRae I was talking about and I have learned when it comes to the school systems it is not worth the time and money at least not until my company decides they want to do somthing to compete against McRae. Thanks for the info on the CRD I will check in to it if it is not to late. If you have any other leads they are always welcome and you can can call me at 704-357-300 and my name is Wes. Good selling in Pitt (GO STEELERS) long time fan.

Re: Riso 3700

Old Glory ·
Do you not sell the JP8500? Using U.S. Communities pricing, you could sell the JP8500 and the TCII 2-color system for less than the Riso RP3700. Your only other option is to get real cheap on the per copy cost of your copier to minimize the cost difference.

Re: fiery E-300

Guest ·
Have you tried Ricohs home page under "downloads"?

Re: 240 Monthly volumes

Guest ·
Art - On Aficio League Infocenter is a very good sheet that outlines several items including the AMV's and MMV's. It is the sales Launch Presentation. I have used this many times for information! Brad

Re: 240 Monthly volumes

v-tec ·
Use the product code "B125" the model is a misprint. The attached tscweb.net_ref-pubs-rfg0.mdi file has been moved to accountname: art_post username: p4pusers passcode: goodpals select the p4p user cabinet, then the wideformat folder, then Ricoh, then wide format, then 240W folder

Re: print errors

Guest ·
That is typical among all printers, the job must then be cleared at the printer. We have seen the problem many times with incorrect paper sizes

Re: print errors

Guest ·
Or Letterhead or other special paper has been set in the MFP but NOT selected in the print driver. (Oh, she said, Nobody ever told me that)

Re: print errors

Guest ·
Do you setup ACCESORIES after the install driver, setup TRAY size , the driver must be correct for each MFP. then setup PRINTER PREFERENCES, and the tab PAGE must be setup correct size paper. That is all

Re: Ricoh Info Tools

Guest ·
Do you have any manual for this tools?? I download the page TSC of Ricoh. Do you want send the manual, contact with me

Color Single click 11x17

dmurrah ·
Just lost a deal to KM C450 vs. 3245C. They did single click 11x17 @ .089. KM dealers is this possible and would you have matched it with the Ricoh?

240 Monthly volumes

Guest ·
What are Ricoh's monthly numbers for this system?

looks like the B2C product launches will be:

Guest ·
Ricoh Dealer Executive Manager, As of now, it looks like the B2C product launches will be: Aficio 3224: This afternoon or tomorrow at the latest Aficio 2228/35/45: This afternoon or tomorrow at the latest The accessories for the Aficio 3228/35/45 will fit the Aficio 2228/32/38 models although the new accessories do have different model numbers from the old accessories. The accessories for the Aficio 2228/32/38 will NOT work on the Aficio 3228/35/45. The accessories for the Aficio 3224 are the


dfrazier ·
I need to know if the seriprinter can handle longer than 18" paper. I have a customer that needs to print paint can labels that are 6" by 24". The JP5500 will run this size on "skip feed" but I also need the seriprinter to print on his glossy stock. We don't have one in the field to test. Can anyone help? Thanks! Dave

Priport Ink-Custom Ordering

Guest ·
Please be advised that GR Advanced Materials Limited (GRAM) in Scotland, the manufacturer of our Custom Color Digital Duplicator Inks, has notified Ricoh that they will be on holiday from Thursday, July 28, 2005, and reopening on Tuesday, August 16, 2005. Please note that per the manufacturer, the last order date for 7-day delivery is: Thursday, July 14, 2005 The first date for resumed 7-day delivery is: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 Please take these dates into consideration for ordering!

Attention Sales Leaders... Are Your Salespeople Providing A First Class Experience?

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”
Warren Buffett

Often times, we hear and intermix the word 'customer' and 'client', but what does it mean?

When it comes to the experience they receive the same can be said.

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, a customer is someone who buys goods or services from a store or business. The word client can also mean customer, but it has a separate definition as someone who receives professional services.

In the context of business, the two terms are often applied differently based on the types of relationships built. Customers are typically people who buy products or services you supply. Conversely, clients buy and seek out your personalized advice to their particular needs.

When it comes to the experience they receive this can be based on quite a few elements, but I believe it boils down to perception. It's the perception your clients have of your salespeople, your company and the services they receive that determines sales fate.

"Is your sales team building a customer experience or are they building an outstanding client experience?"

Think about this one for a moment... Do you and your team view your customers as customers or are they viewed as clients? How many on your team view them as clients but treat them as customers?

Would you even know?

Right now, would you know when a customer becomes a client, or the other way around?

When a client becomes a customer, this becomes a problem.

The key is when a customer walks away, thinking ‘Wow, I love doing business with them, and I want to tell others about the experience.
Shep Hyken


Are your salespeople going the extra mile to create a first class experience for your clients?

How many on your team are providing the white glove and bottle of wine experience with their clients?

To grow and prosper, your team must pursue new business which often means taking advantage of competitors’ complacency or mistakes in providing an enhanced experience to their customers.

In an ever-changing competitive landscape, sales leaders must look for smart answers to an extremely urgent question: 

How can your team protect your client base from erosion as competition intensifies? 

Simply stated... true loyalty breeds true loyalty. If you want your clients to give their hard earned corporate dollars to your company, your team must give of themselves first.

If you want your clients to be forever committed to your company, then ensure your sales team is endlessly devoted to them. It’s straightforward and that simple.

Here's a secret... all of your salespeople have a first class seat and so does the competition.

The question becomes...

What are your salespeople going to bring to the seat?


Stop imitating and start innovating!

When it comes to delivering an outstanding client experience, far too many in sales are content and complacent.

According to the Forrester analysis published in the Harvard Business Review years ago:

“13% of companies said that they’ll settle for nothing less than having the best customer experience across every industry — in other words, these companies want to be the next Apple, Disney, or Zappos.”

This leaves a whopping 87 percent of companies who will settle for less than the best when it comes to their customer experience!

How many of your sales reps talk about the outstanding level of service they will provide but ride off into the sunset once they get their commission check?

You must be committed to coach your team to build sustainable relationships with your clients who value their professional advice, rather than finding customers who make a one-time purchase.


It doesn't take a lot for your salespeople to go the extra mile. They just have to show they care! This is the core foundation of what it means to sell from the heart (check out Selling From The Heart). It's all about bringing the human approach to sales, making it about your clients and what’s important to them!

Your clients are willing to pay for the experience. Go no further than Starbucks! What's the difference between a cup of coffee from Starbucks and that of a competitor? Simple, the experience.

What are your sales reps bringing to the business table to differentiate them from the competition?

Your sales reps are the experience!

If you want your sales team to maximize profit, then they must be prepared to provide the white glove experience.

In providing a first class experience, I guarantee the following will happen:

  • An increase in profit margins
  • An increase in loyalty
  • An increase in more referrals
"Believe it or not, a customer or client frustration can become an opportunity to create new loyalty. What is loyalty? Simply a feeling of trust."
Horst Schulze, Excellence Wins


What is the one special and unique thing that each one on your team can provide to their clients? I urge you to uncover what it is because this is what will differentiate them from all the empty suits.

Start getting your clients talking about the experiences they have with your salespeople.

Encourage your salespeople to bring something amazing to the business table. It's them that makes the difference. It's not your products, your service or your company; it's your salespeople!

"Providing an outstanding client experience should be a pleasure not a headache"
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I understand, I get where you all are coming from. Every day, I walk in your shoes. I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects and heartfelt strategies into your current sales process to grow new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way, the genuine way, the authentic way! It's about understanding value before visibility.

Selling From the Heart is making a difference! I poured my heart into every page of this book and I think you're going to love it. You can find it on Amazon in paperback, kindle and in audio. You can click on the book image below and this will take you to Amazon.

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You can find more material inside Selling From The Heart.

In a world full of empty suits, I'm passionate about helping sales reps succeed by getting valuable before they get visible. I help sales teams understand the true value they bring to the market. 

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my stories. Integrating the use of social and sharing my story on LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive office technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitterFacebook and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart.

MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for July 12th, 2020

MSP & MSSP Industry Notes

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Arcoa Group

ARCOA Group is here to help you successfully manage your IT Asset Disposition process. We help you recover value from retired electronic equipment through responsible methods of reuse and recycling.  We ensure proper handling of assets which may contain data, while being environment stewards for assets that have no reuse value and are headed for recycling. We’ve built a robust de-manufacturing process to offer additional options for asset value recovery by disassembling equipment for commodity grade materials, which can be diverted from landfills and be used to create new base materials.

Respond Software revamps SOC staffing and addresses critical analyst shortage Managed security services provider uses a virtual analyst product from Respond So

  • The MSSP has incorporated Respond Software's technology into its managed detection and response (MDR) service (reported on
  • Respond Analyst monitored 138M events, escalating just nine incidents in a one-month period. That is the equivalent of 2 000 human analysts working 24×7 to cover 138M events in one month
  • Respond Software's offering acts as a virtual analyst, emulating a seasoned analyst's judgement and analysing more data without adding personnel, according to the company

 HP CEO interviewed in CRN magazine

  • Plan for “as-a-service” acceleration according to CEO Enrique Lores
  • Hopes to combine managed print with Instant Ink program
  • The COVID-19 crisis has brought the opportunity to the forefront for the company and its channel partners
  • Countless businesses continuing to work from home and customers looking to reduce costs
  • "What we have seen as a consequence of the pandemic is significant growth in anything that has to do with as-a-service--whether it's Device-as-a-Service, managed print services or subscriptions"
  • "Clearly, customers are shifting in this direction very fast."
  • Many clients are now asking us to enable their employees to be able to print from home
  • They want to make sure that the cost of printing is paid by the company
  • That the printing happens in a secure way

New York Managed IT Service Provider Reviews What Is Structured Cabling

  • SeaGlass Technology, recently released a new informational article that discusses what is structured cabling and how properly setting it up can be a difference-maker for your company's organization
  • Hope it will be used as an informational resource for managers at tech companies who are looking for a more in-depth understanding of the process
  • They explain how important it is to maximize the organization of your cabling in order to maintain efficiency and minimize the chance of cable errors that result in network crashes

MNP acquires managed IT solutions firm Next Digital

  • Accounting and consulting firm MNP has acquired Next Digital, an Alberta-based managed IT solutions company
  • Next Digital’s leadership team – Andrew Jackson, Shawn Kubiski, and John McLaughlin – will join MNP as partners
  • MNP in May acquired T4G, a Toronto-based applied data firm, adding 100 professionals
  • MNP has grown to more than 85 locations and 5,500 employees coast-to-coast.

COVID-19 Affected Businesses Rescued by Managed IT Services Companies Like iTecs Promus

  • iTecs Promus, a subsidiary of iTecs IT Outsourcing and Support, is a white-glove control-panel-less cloud hosting provider
  • iTecs employee monitoring services allow managers a 360 real-time view of how the staff is performing when they are connected
  • Many have resorted to having employees use their home computer to dial into the corporate office and access resources; however, this opens them up to a sleuth of security vulnerabilities

$12 Billion Intelligence IT Contract Out for Bid

  • Defense Intelligence Agency bid out its $12.6 billion Solutions for the Information Technology Enterprise III, or SITE III, information technology services contract this week
  • The multiple-award contract—a third iteration of the DIA’s SITE and E-SITE contract vehicles that date back to 2010
  • According to the solicitation, the contract will provide “managed services directed towards improving integration, information sharing, and information safeguarding through the use of a streamlined information technology approach.”

NITOROM Launches NiTO, a Powerful, Next-Generation Monitoring Platform for Virtual, Cloud and ...

  • NITOROM Inc., a global provider of next-generation IT infrastructure monitoring software, announces the launch of NiTO
  • NiTO is a SaaS-based and affordable integrated infrastructure monitoring solution
  • NiTO is being used across a broad range of global public and private sector industries, including municipal governments, legal, manufacturing, entertainment and telecom

NiTO Features Include:

  • Real time, high-resolution monitoring for Windows and Linux
  • Ping, and TCP uptime
  • SNMP network monitoring
  • VMware & Hyper-V host and guest monitoring
  • AWS & Azure cloud monitoring
  • Website monitoring & SSL certificate checks
  • Log file monitoring
  • Parenting & flapping detection
  • Event escalation
  • Custom metrics
  • Detailed historical data
  • Performance reports

Managed Office Experts Novatech Announces New Atlanta Call Center, Expanding Support and Maximizing Business Continuity

  • Novatec announced the debut of a new Atlanta Call Center that will provide support for Managed IT and Managed Print customers
  • The center will both expand Novatech's support capabilities and serve as a redundant call center for the firm's primary call center in Nashville, Tenn
  • The platform will be delivered by RingCentral, the Unified Communications

'Keeper' hacking group behind hacks at 570 online stores

  • Hacking group known as "Keeper" is responsible for security breaches at more than 570 online e-commerce portals over the last three years (reported on
  • These types of attacks are what the cyber-security community calls web skimming, e-skimming, or "Magecart" intrusions
  • In a report published today by threat intelligence firm Gemini Advisory, the company says that Keeper has been operating since at least April 2017, and continues to operate even today


GRM Document Management Launches Zappix Back To Work Solution To Help With COVID-19 ...

  • Zappix launched a mobile-based visual solution to help GRM Document Management adapt their workforce management to COVID-19
  • Zappix “Back To Work” Solution delivers proactive daily symptom assessments pushed to employees via dynamic SMS or email links to keep employees, visitors, and customers in multiple GRM locations across the US, Brazil, Peru, and Colombia safe
  • The Back to Work Solution leverages end-to-end automation to keep the employee assessment process fast and simple for all involved

ERMProtect Cybersecurity Solutions Chosen to Sell Powerful Breach Assessment Tool by Lumu

  • EMRProtect announced today that it is partnering with Lumu to offer customers an AI-powered Continuous Compromise Assessment tool
  • Lumu product systematically collects and analyzes a wide range of network metadata sources for confirmed indications of compromise in real-time
  • ERMProtect will re-sell Lumu products as well as use the Lumu Insight product for specific engagements
  • To kick off the partnership, Lumu and ERMProtect are sponsoring the Illumination Virtual Summit at 11 a.m. on July 16 th featuring Lane Bess, former CEO of Palo Alto Networks

MSP Xchanging attacked in ransomware incident

  • Xchanging, a managed services provider (MSP) specialising in the insurance and financial services industry
  • Owned by US-based services provider DXC, alerted authorities to the incident on the evening of Sunday 5 July 2020

Syncro's Next-Gen MSP Platform Sees Massive Growth in 2020

  • According to recent studies, the growth of the Remote Monitoring & Management (RMM) and Professional Services Automation (PSA) software space is experiencing vast changes in 2020
  • MSPs finding segregated RMMs and PSAs too difficult to manage
  • Combines a full-featured PSA and embedded RMM

Channel Partner Insight Honors StorageCraft with Top MSP Innovation Award

  • StorageCraft ShadowXafe wins in “Best Backup/Continuity Offering” category
  • The annual awards are independently judged and honor vendors, distributors, and managed service providers (MSPs) across the United States

Konica Minolta announces new Channel partnership with Manchester-based specialist managed ...

  • Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Limited announces its new Channel partner, Manchester-based specialist managed print and IT services provider ITECH Managed Services
  • partnership is a key part of Konica Minolta’s continued expansion of the Channel market

Cybersecurity Update

  • Legacy Community Health Services, headquartered in Houston, TX, is notifying 19,000 patients that their PHI was exposed after email phishing attack
  • UnityPoint Health, headquartered in West Des Moines, Iowa, announced it agreed to pay $2.8 million to settle a class action lawsuit regarding a recent breach that exposed PHI of 1.4 million patients
  • Bleeping Computer magazine is reporting that a hacker group has posted the databases from 14 different companies and posted them for sales on the Dark Web
  • The State of Texas Court System and the Texas Department of Transportation both notified an unknown number of citizens that their info may have been exposed after being hit by Ransom X ransomware
  • Iowa Total Care notified 11,581 patients that their PHI was exposed after an email emailed the info without authorization.
  • UF Health (University of Florida Health of Gainesville and Jacksonville) notified 54,002 patients that their PHI was exposed after email phishing attack
  • UCSF Health (University of California – San Francisco) announced that it paid $1.14 million to a hacker to reclaim control of network after being hit by ransomware. Unknown how many patients had their PHI at risk
  • Urban Choice Charter School of Rochester, NY notified an unknown number of students that their info was exposed after being illegally accessed by a former employee
  • OneClass, a national eLearning platform, notified over 1 million students that their info may have been exposed after accidentally made available on Internet to public
  • The Maine State Police notified an unknown number of citizens that their info may have been exposed after data breach of its Maine Information and Analysis Center website
  • North Shore Pain Management, headquartered in Beverly, Massachusetts, notified 12,472 patients that their PHI was stolen after ransomware attack
  • US Cyber Command is warning that foreign state-sponsored hacking groups will try to exploit new security bug found in PAN-OS, the operating system running on firewalls and enterprise VPN appliances from Palo Alto Networks
  • Federal Trade Commission is warning users of TikTok app that its use of HTTP to move sensitive data across the Internet is allowing videos and other content to be tracked and altered
  • IOActive Security is warning that hackers are now trying to inject code into bar code scanners, in attempt to gain access to networks
  • Lucy Security is reporting that SQL databases from 945 websites have been stolen and are now for sale on the Dark Web
  • Sergey Medvedev (aka Stells, Segmed, Serjbear), originally from Russia, pleaded guilty in a U.S. court for his role in an international cyber theft ring (aka Infraud, Obnon, Rector, Helkern), causing loss of $568 million from various organizations
  • Symantec Corp. is reporting that 31 large organizations (including those on Fortune 500 list) have been hit by WastedLocker ransomware
  • ZDNet magazine published results of research that shows that one out of every 142 passwords is the classic "123456" string
  • Bleeping Computer magazine published article that researchers have discovered a new Mac malware that encrypts files on compromised systems like a piece of ransomware, but also allows its operators to steal data and take full control of an infected device
  • Initially named EvilQuest, the malware was later renamed ThiefQuest to avoid confusion as EvilQuest is the name of a video game
  • ZDNet is reporting that a hacker uploaded ransom notes on 22,900 MongoDB databases left exposed online, which is 47% of all MongoDB databases online



The Week in Copiers 10 Years Ago This Week 2010

The Week in Copiers 10 Years Ago This Week 2010

There was an interesting topic on the forums 10 years ago

haha "You Wanted the Multifunctional Copier When?"

In this time of COVID I've found that prospecting by email and Linkedin is far better than making calls.  Try and think of it this way, when you're at work you don't want to be interrupted with taking a call. Thus you'll let everything go to voice mail unless that phone number is one that you know.  Emails are are opened all day long and most will read them at a later time.  One of the reasons the subject line is so important.

Enjoy these threads from 10 years ago this week!

Konica Minolta Announces Two New Print-for-Pay Service Options

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for charging capabilities on Konica Minolta’s color or monochrome bizhub® multifunctional products (MFPs – print, copy, fax, and scan all in one system). ITC Systems , a major provider of cost recovery solutions, offers a variety of industry-leading solutions for cash, credit card, store value cards and account-based systems, and is available for the first time in the digital printing industry on any compatible device from Konica Minolta. Konica Minolta bizhub C552DS With this new agreement

Konica Minolta Delivers Superior Color and Full Functionality With First A4 Color MFP

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RAMSEY, NJ -- 07/07/10 -- Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. (Konica Minolta), a leading provider of advanced imaging and networking technologies for the desktop to the print shop, today announced the availability of the bizhub® C35, Konica Minolta's first color A4 Multifunctional Product (MFP -- print, copy, fax, and scan all in one system). Combining compact design with full-functionality and advanced input/output capabilities, the bizhub C35 meets the needs of demanding work

Konica Minolta Delivers First A4 Color MFP

bizhub C35 Enhances Productivity with Streamlined Workflow and Latest Security Features Ramsey, N.J. - July 7, 2010 - Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. (Konica Minolta), a leading provider of advanced imaging and networking technologies for the desktop to the print shop, today announced the availability of the bizhub® C35, Konica Minolta's first color A4 Multifunctional Product (MFP - print, copy, fax, and scan all in one system). Combining compact design with full-functionality

Ron Corsentino Joins Konica Minolta

Ron Corsentino has been named as Regional Sales Manager, Dealer Sales, for the southern states in the Western Region. Ron is a true veteran of the Office Equipment industry having been with Ricoh Corporation for 16 years including his tenure as West Region Vice President, Dealer Sales. Ron began his career at AB Dick Corporation in San Bernadino, and also served as Director of Dealer Sales at Olivetti Office USA and Region Vice President for dealer and direct sales at Gestetner Corporation

Kyocera Mita America Launches Multifunctional Printers Offering Operational Cost Savi

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confidential data. Kyocera offers powerful printer solutions like the KX Driver, KMnet Viewer, Status Monitor, and PRESCRIBE to fit customized business needs. Kyocera’s KX Driver offers users an enhanced print driver that provides full control over your important documents. For improved ease-of-use, standard network printing includes a PowerPC440/667 MHz processor and 1200 dpi print resolution. The FS-3140MFP and FS-3040MFP support multiple page description languages, including Kyocera’s PRESCRIBE, PCL6

Mark Pollack Joins Konica Minolta!

Mark Pollack was just named Vice President, Marketing Communications and Program Development for Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A. Mark Pollack formerly led the Marketing efforts for Savin Corporation and became the VP of Marketing for Ricoh Americas Corporation. Mark will be responsible for channel marketing, advertising, events, and communications.

Xerox adds clear dry ink to production colour printing

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Xerox adds clear dry ink to production colour printing FULLSTORY Print service providers looking to expand their digital businesses now have a new option to produce sophisticated, full-colour sales collateral, direct marketing pieces and photo publishing products – the Xerox Colour 1000 Digital Press. This new colour press system – that prints at up to 100-pages-per-minute (or 6,000 sheets per hour) – can produce high-definition image quality on a wide range of paper stock. The additional clear

OKI Data Americas Hires Tim Brien As Director Of MPS Sales

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better understand a business' true printing needs and identify potential savings and continuous improvement opportunities in order to increase long-term productivity. Before assuming this position, Brien was the Vice President of Global OEM programs at PrintFleet since 2003. There he was responsible for building a sales team and creating back-end procedures for the company's go-to market MPS strategy in the BTA dealer and VAR channels. Successfully implementing sales programs in North America

Sharp Adds Two New Monochrome Laser Multifunction Products To Complete Its Hi ...

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" similarly across virtually all segments of the market. The culmination of this approach is a line of award winning products universally praised for exceptional reliability and superior performance. The MX-M623 and MX-M753 will be available exclusively via authorized Sharp dealers and direct sales. For more information, visit or visit About Sharp Electronics Corporation Sharp Electronics Corporation is the U.S. subsidiary of Japan's Sharp Corporation, a

Product Manager (MFP Products)

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all kinds of support and assistance to the entire team in achieving the planned budget in terms of revenue and profitability. Skills • Bachelor’s Degree or MBA in Marketing. • Thorough knowledge of MFP Products & MFP industry. • Minimum 10 years experience in the MFP industry. • Prior work experience with a principal / distributor company (for MFP) is a MUST, such as Xerox, Canon, Ricoh, Konica/Minolta, etc. • Strong leadership skills. • Good communication and marketing skills Education


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high volume of print materials,” said Michael Hunter, director, Product Marketing, Ricoh Americas Corporation. “With the launch of the Priport DX 3343, Ricoh addresses the need for a high-speed, high-volume printer that produces quality output while adding cost-saving value to a customer’s entire fleet.” Along with its fast output speed and impressive flexibility, the Priport DX 3343 also helps customers maintain environmentally sound printing practices. The system possesses many energy saving

Sharp brings high-end features within reach of smaller workgroups

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and data erase capability, is also available as an option. Simplified workflow The MX-C380P features Sharp’s “Direct Print” function, which allows users to access and print documents on a server directly from the printer. They can also access documents online that might be stored on an FTP server, USB drive, or stored on the printer’s hard disk drive for faster recall. The MX-C380P can print up to 38 pages per minute and is equipped with a high speed controller, a 4.3 inch Q-VGA colour display

Canon U.S.A. Earns Back-to-Back "Center of Excellence" Recognition from BenchmarkPort

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executive at the Center for Customer-Driven Quality. "Earning certification two years in a row indicates a culture of quality that is ongoing." The Systems and Technical Support Division of Canon U.S.A. provides service and support to Canon's vast network of direct and non-direct sales channels which cover a broad range of products and solutions, including the Company's imageRUNNER ADVANCE, imagePROGRAF, imageCLASS and imagePRESS product lines. Call Centers achieve the Center of Excellence

Re: Fight Over School Copy Machines Heads To Court

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A Hennepin County District judge on Tuesday denied a request for a temporary restraining order to block the Minneapolis school district from contracting with a technology company to provide copier and printing services for the school system. Judge Denise Reilly rejected the claim of a losing bidder, Imaging Alliance Group, that the district's decision to hire Ricoh Business Systems was "unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious." She said evidence the company cited was not compelling enough to

Re: bizhub C35 "Can anyone help"?

acquisition price, there's clearly no skimping here. We've firmly believed that the Konica Minolta's Emperon Print System, PageScope suite and bEST are of the highest quality, and are glad to see them incorporated into Konica Minolta's first A4 MFP. We think both Konica Minolta dealers and direct-sales executives will be delighted to have the bizhub C35 now in their arsenal.


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Software-as-a-Service based document viewing in cloud solution. For more information, go to . About Ricoh Americas Corporation Ricoh Americas Corporation, headquartered in West Caldwell, N.J., is a subsidiary of Ricoh Company, Ltd., the 74-year-old leading provider of advanced office technology and innovative document imaging products, services and software, with fiscal year 2009 sales in excess of $21 billion. Ricoh’s fully integrated hardware and customizable services and


Re: Fight Over School Copy Machines Heads To Court

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Judge To Decide Mpls Schools Copier Dispute By Weeks End A judge will need to settle a dispute over copy machines in the Minneapolis school district. The district was set to award a mult-million dollar contract to Ricoh, a company based in New Jersey. But Imaging Path, a Minnesota company also vying for the contract, says the district handled the bidding process incorrectly. A judge says the district will have to wait to engage the contract with Ricoh until she rules later this week. Imaging

Re: Fight Over School Copy Machines Heads To Court

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purchasing director, Gary Anderson, favored Ricoh Americas Corp. before bidding began. Imaging Path says selecting Ricoh will cost at least $600,000 more over five years. The district fired back that it broke no laws, picked the best company and went with a bid that was only slightly more costly. Corey Ayling, the district's lawyer, said the deal with Ricoh will cost the district only $573 more a month. He said one reason for Ricoh's higher cost is that Imaging Path proposed 46 copiers for the

Re: Rumor has it.....

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Ricoh A4 devices to hit market at the end of this year. Heard theat they are true MFP's and not combined printing and scanner. New engine design and corp is worried they'll damage A3 sales. I made a comment that what's the big deal about hurting A3 sales, since all of the money is in the consumables? Seems now there is quite a bit of profit in the A3 devices as I'm told. BTW new wide format to replaced the aged W3600 has been pushed back to November.

bizhub opens window on fax over IP

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bizhub opens window on fax over IP 07.07.10 A new enterprise IP fax software solution for Konica Minolta’s bizhub Multi-Function Devices (MFDs) provides access to fax services on the same device used for printing, scanning and copying. Jointly developed with MESSAGEmanager Solutions, the Konica Minolta Fax Connector consolidates all fax services within an enterprise, MESSAGEmanager IP Fax software enables users of MFDs, email, desktop, CRM and ERP applications to send and receive facsimiles

bizhub opens window on fax over IP

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bizhub opens window on fax over IP 07.07.10 A new enterprise IP fax software solution for Konica Minolta’s bizhub Multi-Function Devices (MFDs) provides access to fax services on the same device used for printing, scanning and copying. Jointly developed with MESSAGEmanager Solutions, the Konica Minolta Fax Connector consolidates all fax services within an enterprise, MESSAGEmanager IP Fax software enables users of MFDs, email, desktop, CRM and ERP applications to send and receive facsimiles

Ricoh Managed Document Services "Video"

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Ricoh HotSpot BlackBerry App

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MFP Wars "Bizhub C35 Scores Direct Hit"

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With monochrome pages on A3 devices declining by 40% and color increasing by 30%, it's not an attractive model anymore. But the news is different with A4 devices, while monochrome pages are decreasing by 10%, color pages printed on A4 devices will increase by 50%. Konica Minolta referred to a forecast from a market-research firm. Thus, the birth of the "mini" more here

POLL Question "What's Your Month Sales Quota"?

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Follow the link:

DocuLex Archive Studio Compatible with Canon ScanFront 220/220P Network

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DocuLex Archive Studio Compatible with Canon ScanFront 220/220P Network Scanners, Providing a Secure, Affordable Network Content Management System WINTER HAVEN, FL July 13, 2010 – DocuLex ( announces the compatibility of the company’s Archive Studio content management software with Canon’s imageFORMULA ScanFront 220/220P network scanners. The integration of the products creates a secure, affordable network system allowing various entities to manage all forms of paper and

haha "You Wanted the Multifunctional Copier When?"

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haha "You Wanted the Multifunctional Copier When?" I tell ya, sometimes this business will drive you mad. I'll try to make a long story short for you all. My month closes before the end of the month (special thanx to all you bean counters out there), I'm in this account pretty much mid month, they want "x brand and model multifunctional copier". I've got it, we're negotiating price and it comes down to they'll shop, np I'll walk and you call me when you're ready. Well the end of the month came

Print Audit is gearing up to start development on Print Audit 7

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Print Audit is gearing up to start development on Print Audit 7. Visit our discussion page to tell us what you want:

Re: bizhub C35 "Can anyone help"?

Manufactured by Konica Minolta.

Re: Konica Minolta Delivers Superior Color and Full Functionality With First A4 Color MFP

First, this is made by Konica Minolta and second, the C35 units are being ordered and shipped now. They became availble during the last week of June 2010.

10/2013 Future Lead

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Halifax Regional Municiplaity entered into a 5 year lease for a KonicaMinolta and Print on Demand System. Payments are approx $34K annually RFP #08-400R

MFP Wars "Samsung Poised for MFP Battle"

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Who said Samsung was just selling A4 MFP's. Coming to the Americas in the near future the Samsung CLX-9350ND. The Samsung CLX-9350ND is a full featured A3 (will copy, print or scan up to 11x17) that will print and copy at speeds of up to 35 pages per minute in color and monochrome. This system will offer a full color GUI (Graphic User Interface), multiple paper banks, document feeder, by-pass, duplex (copy and print) along with .......... more here

Several Ohio colleges are outsourcing their

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CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Several Ohio colleges are outsourcing their copy centers to Xerox in the latest attempt to cut costs. Cuyahoga Community College says Xerox will operate its campus copy centers and provide new copying and printing equipment, following a similar move by Cleveland State University. A Cleveland State official estimates that the copy center switch will save the school $500,000 per year. The school won't have to budget for new printers or copy machine maintenance. The copy center

Lanier LD245?

I have a question about the Lanier LD245 + fax (which is a Ricoh unit). Lets say if there is a 100 page fax that is coming in. Can you make a copy and or print while the fax line is tied up? Does the incoming fax seize up the machine? Then everything else sits in the queue. Thanks for your help!

Re: Lanier LD245?

Guest ·
If the machine is printing a fax, the user will be able to copy the document, meaning it will scan the originals and after the fax has been received the copy process will start, same is true of printing to the device while it is printing a fax.







Re: Konica Minolta Delivers Superior Color and Full Functionality With First A4 Color MFP

I think this unit is shipping later this summer. It will sell both through CPC and cartridge-based sales model and through all channels (IT, dealer, direct, major accounts). These are all big changes from the bh C20. Cons: MSRP $3500 K toner 5,200-pg $45 CMY Toner 4,600-pg $110 K Imaging Unit 30k-pg $130 CMY Imaging Unit 30k-pg $230 There are very few options: Copy desk: $299 Feeder: $279

Re: Konica Minolta Delivers Superior Color and Full Functionality With First A4 Color MFP

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When I looked at this the other day, I thought gee the op screen looks alot like a Samsung, thus I took a trip to Samsung's USA site and could not find anything on this unit. The remembering a post from "salesserviceguy" I looked the new A4 color sammy that is available in Korea. Well, you guessed it, the CLX 9350DN is the new bizhub 35.

Re: OKI Data Americas Hires Tim Brien As Director Of MPS Sales

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Just what we all needed right, another direct MPS provider. You can be the ranch they'll also be placing printers without an MPS model. Anyone care to comment on this new development?

The Week in Copiers 5 Years Ago This Week 2015

The Week in Copiers 5 Years Ago This Week 2015

There was an interesting topic on the forums 5 years ago When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

Dog days of summer are here and over the years I've always made the case that above average prospecting at this time of year will secure business for the last quarter of the year.   Now is not the time to take a break because it's summer.

Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week!

Konica Minolta Announces New Sophisticated Variable Data Printing Software Tools Integrated with Adobe InDesign Page Layout Application

Loyalty in the MFP Office Copier Market by Brand Keys for eight consecutive years. Konica Minolta, Inc. has also been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for three years in a row. For more information, please visit: and follow Konica Minolta on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter @konicaminoltaus. Konica Minolta bizhub is a registered trademark of Konica Minolta, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners

Konica Minolta Announces Comprehensive Suite of Services to Enhance the Business Mobile Experience

) or Active Directory (to ensure only authorized users can print) End-to-end encryption of print jobs Secure release of print jobs IT administration full customization via a simple user interface Integration with any printing infrastructure, from printers and mobile devices to third-party print accounting solutions EveryonePrint is available in four versions: Standalone – A per printer license that offers printing from an unlimited number of mobile devices to a single printer. Connect

gap intelligence Partners with Perform IT to Launch “SalesDrive” Managed Print Tool in North America

expect the most value to achieve their sales results.” “SalesDrive powered by gap intelligence” will provide everything needed to intuitively assess, analyze, and propose managed print engagements of all sizes, ranging from one product to enterprise fleets. “SalesDriveis the gold standard for MPS sales automation software,”said Armin Alt, perform IT’s CEO. “Powered by gap intelligence’s industry leading product data, sales professionals will have a powerful tool to close more deals and grow

Canon U.S.A. Announces New Printer Systems in the imageRUNNER and imageRUNNER ADVANCE Lineup

MELVILLE, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, today announced two new printer models based on its robust MFP technology – the color imageRUNNER ADVANCE C350P and the black-and-white imageRUNNER 1435P for everyday printing needs. Built on the success of the usability and reliability features of the imageRUNNER and imageRUNNER ADVANCE platform, these devices carry a small footprint and can easily be integrated with Canon’s solutions* and Managed

New EFI Fiery Print Server Drives CMYK+ Color Capabilities and Faster Processing for Xerox iGen 5

FREMONT, Calif., July 7, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EFI ™ (Nasdaq: EFII ) and Xerox ® have partnered to deliver the first digital print server featuring the new Fiery ® FS200 Pro digital front end (DFE) platform, which will power Xerox's new iGen ® 5 Press. Designed to drive excellent quality and productivity on the iGen 5, the Xerox EX-P 5 Print Server Powered by Fiery features EFI Fiery HyperRIP. Fiery DFEs are powered by EFI's proprietary ASIC (application specific integrated circuit) with

EFI and Konica Minolta wide format

that provide advanced color imaging and production capabilities on Konica Minolta digital presses and printers. High-quality imaging, and an even higher return on investment EFI's top-selling hybrid roll/flatbed wide-format product, the EFI H1625 LED printer, is the first printer available in KMBS sales channels through the new agreement. The versatile, 65-inch wide printer gives KMBS customers the benefit of higher-end imaging using four color grayscale printheads producing near-photographic

Ricoh Enhances Its ProcessDirector Software and Announces the Availability of the Pro C7100

of users. Watch the video below to see how. These enhancements continue Ricoh’s work to help its customers drive efficiencies and increase control in their output environments. For more information on how Ricoh can help your business, watch this video series . Ricoh Americas also announced the availability of the Ricoh Pro C7100 product line, its latest addition to its production print portfolio that offers customers color printing technologies with the ability to print on textured media and


Leading mortgage solutions company leverages Ricoh’s inkjet technology to better streamline the printing of millions of documents daily Malvern, PA, July 8, 2015 - Ricoh Americas Corporation today announced that Urban Fulfillment Services (UFS), a wholly owned subsidiary of Urban Lending Solutions, has upgraded its print operations by adding multiple InfoPrint 5000 continuous feed inkjet systems, helping to increase throughput and efficiency. UFS, the nation’s largest minority-owned business
Blog Post Premium

10 Ways to Close Net New Business #2 of #10

Technologies last month, I spoke briefly about lock out features. I asked the crew. "what is a lock out feature"? Too my surprise there was no raise of hands. I then explained that a lock out feature is a feature that you have on your device that the competitor does not have. However, there may be many different features that Canon may have and Ricoh does not. Your job is to drill down with the customer and find that "lock out feature" that the client is ecstatic about and can't be with out it
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10 Ways to Close Net New Business #3 of #10

We all remember FAB right? For those of you that don't the what the acronym stands for. It'sFeature, Advantage and Benefit. Back in the eighties and nineties I can remember making a bullet list of all of the features for the Minolta copiers I sold. In the next column I would list the Advantage of the Feature to the client and then in the final column was the Benefit that was derived from those features. During the demonstration we would drill every feature, then the advantage and then the

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

Jay, We typically go after about any machine other than a Xerox. If someone wants us to service their machine and its not a complete piece of junk we will take it on and will get parts and supplies from dealers etc. until we can upgrade toone of our lines;Savin, Canon, or Samsung. We expect our reps to go out and take service agreements and we pay them the first months billing. Most don't like to mess with 30.00 agreements but they add up and eventually you find a big one. We had a rep who

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

We do almost the exact same thing... anything but Canon, Toshiba, Xerox. If I could get Reps tobring in 4 figure maintenance agreements, life would be spectacular!

New Canon Office Document Scanner Compatible with Document Management System

news from Canon U.S.A., sign up for the Company's RSS news feed by visiting and follow us on Twitter @CanonUSA. ‡ Based on weekly patent counts issued by United States Patent and Trademark Office. Best Regards, Steve -- Steve Behm Vice President Sales, Americas ------------------------------------------------------------------ DocuWare. Join the Revolution in Filing Paper.


presentment. “We work with a lot of print service providers, many of whom have been trying to make the jump to multi-channel communications,” said John Fulena, Vice President, Production Printing Business Group, Ricoh Americas Corporation. “We identified the struggles they are experiencing as they try to efficiently operate additional communication channels. For some of our customers, three times as many channels could mean three times as much work – so we see an opportunity to enhance components of our

Xerox Appoints Joseph Hanania as Head of Growing Global Document Outsourcing Services Business Group

'); googletag.enableServices(); googletag.display('ad-teads'); slotMachine.add('Teads', slot, 'ad-teads'); }); // ]] Hanania is responsible for expanding and evolving Xerox’s managed print services (MPS) portfolio of enterprise offerings and capabilities. He will also oversee the ongoing global strategy, deployment and direction of Xerox’s MPS business as it continues to help clients simplify how work gets done. “Joseph is committed

Digitek and Print Audit Co-Sponsor Webinar on the Future of Managed Print on July 21

business through recurring revenue streams.” To register for this webinar click here . For more information on how Print Audit significantly lowers the cost and environmental impact of printing and photocopying, visit For information on Digitek’s Managed Print Services , contact Aaron Dyck at 888-353-0301 x 1196 or at . About Print Audit Established in 1999 and headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Print Audit’s mission is to help office equipment dealers
Blog Post

It's the 21st Century, Is your Sales Team Stuck in the 1990's?

before they contact a salesperson, then as sales professionals we must place and position ourselves in the world they are now living in. Adapting to social selling platforms such as LinkedIn allow sales professionals to gain the attention of the new buyer in a competitive market. Social selling is the method in which sales people identify prospects, nurture them, share relevant information and generate a sales pipeline. This pipeline I like to refer to as the relationship funnel. According to

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

I've always learned the two terms separately: Net New Business: Placing an MFP into a new account that had no existing MFP Competitive Knockout: Displacing a competitor's MFP with your own Base Upgrade: Upgrading one of your current MFP's Base Net New: Adding a new MFP into one of your current accounts The terms would be based based on the department. So for your car dealer example, you would be an existing account for their service department but net new business for their sales department. If

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

We were staying away from Toshiba for a long time until we had a friend who could sell us parts, supplies, and give us manuals etc. those 4 figure contracts certainly do help. Seems few and far between but I'll take them when I can get them.

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

for their sales department. If you get paid higher percentages for competitive knockouts than base upgrades, I can imagine the frustration if your company tells you knocking out competitive MFP's in your existing account is not a knockout!! Amen to that Czech!

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

In my opinion, Net New is any revenue stream you did not previously have. Take over service of a competitor's equipment = Net New. Replace that machine purchased from a competitor with one of your own = Net New. Take over management of their print fleet or IT infrastructure = Net New. Replace those printers or computers, Net New. Time comes to renew those contracts at a lower or identical service payment= Upgrade. But, if their monthly payment increases, the difference between the old payment

Re: Ricoh's PrintNX

I haven't installed it primarily because I prefer applications that are more manufacturer agnostic can be embedded in any compatible manufacturer's product that we sell or that may exist from a previous vendor. The only time I've proposed it was with a prospect that wanted single sign-on via HID card for advanced scanning, copy tracking secure print release. This can be done with Streamline NX Globalscan.

Ricoh's InfoPrint Manager


Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

I was wondering if the subject of those customers who were acquired through service was going to come up, & Jason's comment is certainly "food for thought"... In his example, he brought on the service customer (with the obvious intention of upgrading them at the first opportunity) & the dealer gets a contract & machine sale that they otherwise wouldn't have. Sounds like net new to me. In my experience, though, most of these service to machine sale conversions are from customers...

Papercut Sellers?

of it And nuance told us they wouldn't sell us the product. The customer is going to throw Ricoh out the door when he gets word from them about the payment of back support Charges. It will be great when we sell them something as we will win the deal, nuance will lose out, and Ricoh will lose out. Mix of of ricohs and canons and they need to track copies, prints, and scans. With limited knowledge of my account is there anyone who can let me know the basics of the tracking and also if anyone has

3D Systems Expands International Education Reach With Douglas Stewart EDU

computing technologies. 3DS' products and services disrupt traditional methods, deliver improved results and empower its customers to manufacture the future now. Leadership through Innovation and Technology •3DS invented 3D printing with its Stereolithography (SLA) printer and was the first to commercialize it in 1989. •3DS invented Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) printing and was the first to commercialize it in 1992. •3DS invented the ColorJet Printing (CJP) class of 3D printers and was the

Re: Global Imaging aquires Conestoga Business Solution

document management systems such as printers , copiers and multifunction devices ; network integration services; and electronic presentation systems.As an office technology dealer, Global Imaging Systems sells products from various suppliers including Xerox . Xerox acquired Global Imaging Systems in 2007, and operates it as a wholly owned subsidiary within Xerox’s North American operations. About Xerox Xerox is a globalbusiness services, technology and document management companyhelping

Re: Single Line MFP/Copier Dealer or Dual Line? Which Are You?

Xerox and Samsung

5 Business Lessons the New Horizons Mission to Pluto Can Teach Us

5 Business Lessons the New Horizons Mission to Pluto Can Teach Us Posted on July 14, 2015 by Print Audit By West McDonald, Vice President of Business Development, Print Audit / Owner, FocusMPS Today marks an incredible moment in the history of humankind: The New Horizons spacecraft will finally reach Pluto, whizzing by at a blazing 30,800 miles per hour (49,600 kilometres/hour for the rest of the Space community!). It has already delivered some of the highest resolution images of our 9th

How to Create an Elevator Pitch that Wins New Business

range of training and mentoring services. They choose me because I used to be a print buyer. Over my career I have received sales approaches from over 1,400 printing companies: I know what works and what doesn’t. I find this pitch works well with my prospects. But some people do not get the results they want from their elevator pitches. Here’s a key error to avoid with elevator pitches Many people make their elevator pitches too general. It’s best to focus on a specific type of prospect. You can’t

Most Annoying Facts about the HP T2500MFP

So, maybe we can make a string of these for many different copiers? I would say as we get them to post them here, since this string is for the HP T2500MFP, maybe more of us can chime in. This was stated by one of my prospects today about the T2500MFP. It is a pain the butt to replace the paper most annoying is the auto-dates, whenever there is an update (usually at night), the system unrolls the paper

Still looking for Software Solution! HELP!

We want to take an existing print stream. When it sends to the printer, multiple pages can only print on one side of the page, there is no duplex option. We would like to manipulate print stream to print duplex when seeing more than one page, in addition we would also want to have a staple command for multiple pages. Stethos can do this, however customer wants to see a video of the process! Stethos has nothing. Does anyone have any ideas? Art

Re: Single Line MFP/Copier Dealer or Dual Line? Which Are You?

Please if you can list your lines after casting your vote. Art

Photizo Group Benchmarks Best-in-Class MPS Partners

, including: partner profile financial and performance metrics customer profile team structure sales and marketing approach service, support, and operations metrics key performance benefits “As the managed services landscape reaches maturity in many markets, we continue to see a demonstrated need for measurable best practices and benchmarks built on real-world results by recognized leaders in managed print and document services,” said Ken Stewart, vice president of services for Photizo Group. “These MPS

Teamwork Retail Selects Epson to Complete its Cloud-Based Omni-Channel POS Solution

-channel' approach supports all of these activities on a single platform. Epson TM-T88V Epson's mobile POS-friendly TM-T88V is a fast, reliable and easy to configure POS thermal printer that supports all the leading mobile operating systems including iOS, Android and Windows. It features fast printing up to 300mm/second, multiple ease-of-use features, dual interfaces and print options that reduce paper usage up to 30%. Epson Mobilink P20 Epson's Mobilink P20 is an ultra compact 2" receipt

Re: Papercut Sellers?

Why not Print Audit??? Have you looked into them?

Re: Papercut Sellers?

Thank you both. I will check into them. We have never really been strong with software selling (hate that term solution) but have recently come across more clients wanting some type of Doc Mgt system or in this case a bill back system.

Re: Papercut Sellers?

Jason, there is also , one of our P4P members went to work for them awhile back. They play in the legal market for all MFP's, just not sure of their pricing. Personally, I'm a fan of Print Audit for two reasons, simple software with excellent support. In addition to their sponsorship here. Art

Re: Papercut Sellers?

I would also recommend Print Audit since their embedded client is compatible with most manufacturers, including single-function printers with touch screens. Additionally, they have a simple process for getting client billing info into numerous practice management systems.

Re: Papercut Sellers?

Jason H, You can get great support for ACDI (A Value added reseller out of Arkansas). They can do the install remotely with one of your people on site. Canon recently released their embedded Papercut MEAP app. Here is their Web site. Hope this helps, Vince


Global Imaging aquires Conestoga Business Solution

·;utm_medium=email Interesting, I didn't see this coming. Have known Tom for several years now and I'm...

BTA's FIX: Cost Management for Service 2.0 Scheduled for Aug. 5-6

Capture the Magic district event ( ), hosted by BTA West. Attendees to the workshop will receive free registration to Capture the Magic. Successful BTA dealers use their service departments to maintain profit margins as new equipment sales margins decline. FIX, BTA's popular service workshop, teaches attendees how to compute the cost of the service labor hour (service burden rate) and improve overall service department profitability. Workshop instructors Ronelle Ingram and

EFI expands inkjet portfolio by acquiring Matan

Electronics For Imaging (EFI) has acquired privately held Matan Digital Printers, a provider of technologies for super-wide-format display graphics and other industrial printing applications. “This acquisition gives EFI an even broader range of products to help our customers capture important opportunities in super-wide-format display graphics printing,” said EFI CEO Guy Gecht. “Matan’s strong RD capabilities will further accelerate EFI’s inkjet innovation, while filling a key spot in EFI’s

The End Of The Day With Ray! Talking With Joe Odore

Note from Art:

FYI Panasonic is a Print4Pay Hotel Sponsor,  please click their banner ad and have a talk with them about desktop scanners. My son went to Staples and Best Buy the other day to get a new printer. Since his wife is working from home as a para-legal she still needs to print.  They had an older inkjet but even I couldn't get the heads unclogged. I recommended that he get a small black laser print.  After visiting both Staples and Bet Buy neither of them had any laser printers under $500 in stock.  That tells me that there is probably a need for desktop scanners also. Let your clients know!

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighty-One of Sales

Just a little heads up on a recent chat I had with my son a few days ago.

My son went to Staples and Best Buy the other day to get a new printer. Since his wife is working from home as a para-legal she still needs to print.  They had an older inkjet but even I couldn't get the heads unclogged. I recommended that he get a small black laser print.  After visiting both Staples and Bet Buy neither of them had any laser printers under $500 in stock!  Yes, standalone printers sales are up.

That tells me that there is probably a need for desktop scanners also. Panasonic Scanners is a Print4Pay Hotel sponsor please click their banner ad and find you how good the pricing and their scanners are. If you don't ask you don't get and some us maybe missing the boat for multiple placements of desktop scanners.

Let me start with tomorrow, I have two appointments one on site and another scheduled phone chat.  The on-site appointment is going to have to be rescheduled because we'll be under a tropical storm warning here on the coast.  Three to five inches of rain along with a potential for winds in excess of 60mph.  Nice way to finish the week, and hoping we don't lose power because the humidity for the last week has been terrible.

I just received an email (when I started writing this blog) with order docs for a net new client and it's for an A3 color MFP for a total of about $7K.  Around 5PM I had to revise yet another set of order docs for the other net new client that I've had on tap for some time. I should see those documents tomorrow, but it's only for one MFP out of the three I had hoped for.  That's 4K tops.  Nothing else will be closing tomorrow unless a long shot comes to fruition.  I'll be sitting at a crappy $14K for the month.  Monday I'm on site for a 40K appointment which means I'll be putting in time late tomorrow to prep for that appointment.

Another day with 4 appointments which brings me to 12 for the week ( I was off on Monday ) and so far one for tomorrow with the other one to be rescheduled.

It's not easy working alone. For more than 40 years I've always had people around me, whether it was in the office or out on sales calls.  At times I miss being able to stop at someones desk and have a chat about the industry or a chat about our personal lives.  

Today Jason Habbal posting something on Linkedin about he wasn't sure if he was liking this "first bumping" intros instead of hand shakes. I replied with "I wish I had someone to fist bump with".  So far summer in New Jersey has not been summer with not going to places or doing things that you do every summer.  Jason replied back with "I hear you" to my thread and then I posted that my summer is now "The Summer of Isolation" .

Here's another factoid about my summer, my home office does not have air conditioning. Since it's an older home central air is only in half of the house where we spend most of our time.  Who knew that I would be spending 8 hours a day in my home office. Yes I do have an AC unit that I could put in, however I'm kinda of liking working through the heat, it's the humidity that gets you. Maybe I'll get the AC unit in as soon as my back clears up.

Tomorrow will be an excellent day to play catch up and prep for the last two weeks of the month.

-=Good Selling-=

DocuWare’s preconfigured cloud solutions receive massive updates in justreleased version 7.3

DocuWare’s preconfigured cloud solutions receive massive updates in just-released version 7.3

New Windsor NY, July 9, 2020 – DocuWare provider of document management and workflow automation solutions, has added significant updates to their preconfigured cloud solutions in the latest version of their flagship product.

DocuWare recently polled more than 500 US based business owners and managers to determine how prepared they were to accommodate a remote workforce. Results showed that only 40 percent had digitized their employee management and only 36 percent had automated finance and accounting processes. The lack of readiness in these departments has led to a growing demand for user-friendly, cloud-based solutions that are quick to implement.

With many businesses accelerating plans to digitize finance and HR departments, DocuWare’s preconfigured cloud solutions for invoice processing and employee management can be implemented and running in two to three days and customers are taking advantage of this! Since the beginning of the year, DocuWare has added almost 500 new cloud customers worldwide who are seeking to automate their core business processes and enable a distributed workforce. Of these, about a third have opted for preconfigured solutions. The company applied its legendary focus on customer experience and process flexibility with the newly enhanced preconfigured cloud solutions.

The most notable new capabilities include:

• The invoice processing solution is now activated with richer predefined default settings and approval workflows are immediately published, making it easier to test features with their business processes from the start.

• The new GL coding table simplifies entering and viewing accounts payable data while the “maximum” button offers a larger view of the table, further improving customer experience.

• Reconciling monthly statements is fast and seamless with new lists for invoices paid by credit card.

• For free 30-day trial accounts, users can opt to test with sample data including vendor records and chart of accounts.

• The employee management solution now offers a corporate assets allocation feature allowing HR to securely track equipment provided to new employees during onboarding.

For more information, please visit

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About DocuWare
Headquartered in Germany & the US, DocuWare provides document management and workflow automation solutions in the cloud. DocuWare has helped 14,000 customers across 90 countries simplify their work through digitizing, automating and transforming key processes.

For More Information Contact:
