WooHoo! One more day we'll be at the seven month mark for working remote or least I will be.
Am I happy? Not really because going we're now into the last two months of the fiscal year. In previous years you could do the research on your clients and pick those that you wanted to pay a visit to. In most cases these were the clients that you have the best relationships with. With most businesses not being in the office or sparsely populated in New Jersey that may not work this year.
I guess the plan needs to change to from on-site to in-site visits. Over the next week I've be picking ten to fifteen accounts that I will pitch them on and "End of Year Review" in a virtual setting. Yes, more the like the quarterly but with a little more umph on ways to to reduce tax liability, curbing inflation (because we all now it's coming) by upgrading or re-configuring your fleet before the end of the year. Hey at least it's plan right?
Murphy Exits Stage Left
Today our Governor took himself "out of the field" because he was told by one of his staffers that he had come in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID19. He is going to quarantine for two weeks in his awesome mansion in the Navesink section of Middletown. It will be interesting what he'll be doing from home to say the lease. Our emergency health order expires in the next couple of days. That order is in effect for 30 days at a clip. I would expect the order to be renewed for another 30 days which means most offices will still be barren in New Jersey.
The Week so Far
My month end this Friday. My goal is $102K which I lowered to $92K about three weeks ago. I just didn't see the numbers. Right now I'm sitting somewhere around $74K. Today I received a verbal for a $10K net new order, however this is the same client that gave me the verbal three weeks ago and never signed the docs. After three weeks we finally connected again today. We did some minor changes and the docs were sent back out around 3PM. It's 5:32PM and I don't have them. They could come tonight though. I also told the client if you get me them today I'll send you a raffle ticket at no cost for a charity I work with. Time will tell.
Yesterday I logged an order for an existing client for two A3 black MFPs (yup another client that needs 11x17), that order was about $12.7K.
Moving to the last couple of days for the month I have three opportunities that could happen. The net new I just spoke about for $10K, another existing for $14K and one more existing for 8.5K. If they all go that adds another $32K. These next two days should be interesting.
Ask & You Shall Receive
Moving to another topic, I had an inmail from another sales person via Linkedin maybe 30 minutes ago. I do enjoy when I get these and I should post them more often for everyone.
Linkedin Inmail:
Over the past few months I've somewhat kept up with your blog posts as it's refreshing to know that we're not alone in these crazy times with what we do. I'm 24 and fairly green to the industry having worked for a couple smaller vendors who gave me a chance, to now working for one whos been established in the area for some time. I'd like to think I have most of the basics down, but as you know its a never-ending learning cycle. To someone who was probably in the same shoes as me at the same time, what would be your greatest advice and words of wisdom to a newbie who plans to be in the industry for years to come?
My Repsonse
Thanx for the inmail fellow copier salesperson
*Never stop educating yourself (products that you sell) read, read and read
* Out work the competition (hustle)
*Speak the clients language and act like they know nothing about our industry. Help educate them
*Make business acumen one of your core competencies
*Listen to your clients
*Never ever give up
*Be creative, think out of the box
*Offer multiple recommendations to your clients
*Never stop prospecting
I like these two quotes:
The harder you work the luckier you get
If you don't ask you don't get
Yes I was in his shoes so many years ago. Much has changed with technology and the way you go about contacting prospects, suspect and clients. Besides technology there hasn't been anything new in sales for many years.
For me it's about Desire, Dedication and Determination. In most cases this can't be taught of coached. You either have it or don't. Yes you can turn that light bulb on, however you have to want it for yourself.
It's now about 5:35PM and some fog has settled in along the coast. I've still got a couple of more hours of work this evening and you can bet your ass I'll be checking my email ever hour or so.
-=Good Selling=-