Lead for Fleet of Copiers in New York
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At the onset of the COVID pandemic response, many markets predicted a steep drop in office printing. Many business experts predicted the death knell for office printing in general. Instead, with so many working remote, home office printer sales and printing volumes increased dramatically. As people come back to the office, will they bring that thirst for printers and printing back to the office? Yes. But why?
Going digital takes time and money. First, there is the issue of converting physical documents into stored data. Then, there is the problem that employees of all ages find it beneficial to print out important pieces of information to review and make notes. Over seventy percent of employees believe they gain a deeper understanding from printed or written material than from digital. The benefits of physical note-taking are even supported by research. A 2021 study showed people who use paper for note-taking perform their note-taking tasks 25% faster than those who use digital tablets or smartphones. Their speed of recall for information was also faster than those who used digital tools for note-taking. Fortunately, office printers can easily create a bridge between the physical office and the digital world.
Employees can print out the documents they need to prepare for meetings, evaluate the information for tasks, and take necessary notations. But office printer machinery is also able to take in records and written documentation through a scanner to digitize that information for safe-keeping. Some printer equipment can even support high-volume scanning, capable of pulling in and digitizing hundreds of documents in a single task. Businesses looking to transfer years of backlogged files into a more easily accessible format can turn to office printing equipment to help and rely on these machines to transition ongoing contracts, documentation, and notes.
Despite the noble motive for companies to “go green” and move entirely to digital documentation, the truth is that a completely digital office has its downfalls. For example, today’s versions of digital solutions require two things to operate correctly; electricity and internet/intranet access. And having worked remotely for over a year, employees have felt the frustration of losing one or more of these features first-hand and, often, alone.
Electrical outages at the office have had a standard solution for decades in the form of generators. Many office buildings are already equipped with backup power as an added benefit for businesses renting the space. However, some locations, including employee home offices, are still not equipped to deal with an unexpected power outage. Companies that do not currently have backup power options should take this potential issue into account when considering moving digital records or eliminating paper records.
Another critical consideration is how to ensure ongoing intranet or internet access. When housing records in a digital format, there is always the possibility of the pathways to those records being shut down. Though housed entirely on internal office servers, intranet access requires employees to be logged directly onto the office’s in-house network or logged into remote access through a VPN. For remote employees, even intranet access requires internet connectivity. When one or more of those networks goes down, it directly affects employees’ ability to review stored documentation and perform their jobs.
It may be a good idea to consider housing essential data in some physical form as a backup in case of an emergency. As for remote employees, it is a good idea to offer secure small-footprint printers, battery backups, and other solutions that will relieve employee stress or provide options for continued productivity.
It is not only a loss of electrical availability or server or internet access that can cause problems for employees. Even well-known, big-name cloud computing and software services have a history of hiccups. Google, for instance, experienced a large-scale Gmail glitch in March of 2011 that left many individuals and businesses in a lurch for at least several hours. In addition, some locations continued to have problems with access for several days.
This was not the only instance of a Google service issue, either. In March of 2022, the company again experienced a widespread issue, this time with Google Workspace. The 2022 problem affected popular business features such as Google Meet, Gmail, and Google Drive. As a result, companies that rely on Workspace to store and share files, perform meetings, and provide reliable email communications were forced to a virtual standstill.
Accessibility issues are not relegated to the one big-name provider. Other well-known companies have had similar problems, including Oracle, Amazon, and Microsoft. There is always a risk, no matter what service is used for digital storage or whether it is an internal or external server. Especially as more businesses take on post-pandemic “hybrid” office models, creating reliable backup resources such as physical paper documentation is becoming more critical than ever.
No matter how much a business wants to go truly green, employees know that going fully digital is more complex than it appears. So, while companies look for new ways to offer convenient file sharing and access, employees turn to their trusted printers to help them make notes, provide backup documentation, and turn their most important papers back into a digital format.
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"Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving."
James E Faust
Are you truth telling with your clients?
Are you truth speaking with your clients?
Are you truth living with how you carry yourself?
Whether this be in your personal life or in business, strong relationships are built on trust.
Real connections, real conversations, and real relationships are all built on trust
In a recent study conducted by the Dale Carnegie group, they found that 73% of the respondents indicated that trust is “very” or “extremely” important to them for building relationships with salespeople.
Check this out... in the same study they found that 71% of respondents said they would rather buy from a salesperson they trusted over one who gave them the lowest price.
Hard to build a trusted relationship based on transactional and price- oriented conversations
Trust, it's the wholly grail in sales. Trust boils down to perception.
Sales leaders, please key in on this for a moment...
How many of your client's perceive your salespeople as being credible and trustworthy? How many believe your salespeople have their best interest at heart? Would you even know? This my friends is your mirror moment!
Trust drives profitable business.
Trust creates...
“Trust is built with consistency.”
Lincoln Chafee
A trustworthy professional is consistently congruent. The walk matches the talk. They will more or less use the same behavior and language in any situation.
They have radical amounts of self-control to maintain their character. They won't wear different masks or pretend they're someone they're not just to impress. They are not self-serving but self-giving.
They consistently show compassion and out care all other salespeople.
They consistently show respect, gratitude and appreciation.
They consistently respect boundaries in their relationships because they help communicate around what a person is comfortable with.
More importantly, they consistently live with the utmost of integrity.
Sales professionals who are trustworthy are reliable. They do what they say they will do over, and over, and over again. Hard to gain your clients trust when you're reliable once.
Are you consistently delivering on your commitments?
"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not."
Oprah Winfrey
In a post trust sales world, you must bring your integrity forward every single day. You must live it, breathe it and demonstrate it.
Living with integrity especially in sales takes courage.
Integrity is the practice of being honest. It is operating with a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles.
Stop right now and think about these two questions...
It has become sad and concerning that when we hear the words morals, ethics and integrity; we surely do not think of salespeople.
Integrity will shape your sales world and your career.
What is your end game in sales?
What do you want to be known for?
Will your integrity guide you? Does it sit on your shoulder?
I love what Andy Stanley says about integrity... "People with integrity do the right thing because it is the right thing even if it costs them."
Therefore, a failure of personal integrity adds stress to the people around you. Now apply this to your interactions with your clients... Do you smell what I am cooking up here?
Integrity is a universal expectation – you expect from people around you.
Why do we expect integrity from others even in times that we are not?
Will integrity guide you or will your appetite for commissions guide you?
Andy Stanley goes onto to say...
"You can’t be yourself as long as you're lying to yourself."
You can’t give your full self to your clients as long as you're lying to yourself. This will all come back to haunt you throughout your sales career. Your reputation is a terrible thing to waste.
Do you want to be known as a trust builder or trust buster?
I ask you to think about the following...
I'm here to inform you that when you breech your personal integrity, this will change/impact someone else’s and often times this just might be your clients' trust.
Think about where trust sits inside the sales world, and follow along with this...
Sales professionals with integrity are guided by integrity. They refuse not to lower themselves and the refuse to waiver from it.
What do you want to be known for in sales?
It's quite unfortunate as we live in this cancel culture. Where a little bit of bad, erase a whole lot of good.
Your integrity is what determines your reputation, and as stated in Proverbs 10:9, Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.
A single bad choice to destroy a lifetime's worth of integrity.
Often times people with integrity have the same characteristics - they're humble, have a strong sense of self, they have high self-esteem, and ooze self-confidence.
These characteristics are important, because, in sales, you'll be under intense pressure from others to make the wrong choice.
Sales professionals who carry themselves with integrity win, and those who do not, get exposed as being empty suits.
By now, you may have figured out that I am a huge Andy Stanley fan. When it comes to integrity, he goes on to say,
“If I’m overly concerned about what you think of me, I may not do what’s best for thee.”
Just curious, what is your integrity anchored to?
How are you interacting with your clients?
How are you handling yourself with your clients?
Please key in on this for a moment... If you're quick to abandon your integrity then you must ask yourself, "What's really driving me?"
Why is it in sales that many are more concerned with looking good than being good?
What is your goal and end game in sales?
In Selling from the Heart fashion, if you commit to leading with integrity, it won’t be how well you behave that gets people’s attention it will be how well you love that gets people’s attention.
If you would like to exponentially grow your sales, then it’s about...
If you don’t love on your clients, I promise that someone else will.
Would you like to increase your sales success and fulfillment?
This was my goal when recording all-new materials for the new Selling from the Heart Masterclass, to increasing your sales success and fulfillment in your business.
If you enjoyed the Selling from the Heart book, you’re going to love this masterclass! It takes the tools given to the next level.
Have yet to read Selling from the Heart? No worries, you will receive an audio version as a part of the Masterclass. As an option you can get a free signed copy of Selling from the Heart (just pay for shipping and handling).
You can get your copy here - https://www.sellingfromtheheart.net/book
Together, we will go on a journey where we’ll dive into how to apply the ideas in the book to help you achieve even greater sales success.
With each of the 10 sessions, you’ll receive questions that will help you increase your sales in a way that also makes selling more enjoyable and fulfilling.
This masterclass is configured with you in mind where you can complete the course in chunks from any mobile device, iPad or computer, based on your availability.
You’ll also discover fun bonus materials throughout the course.
Leads can be found almost anywhere. Since a lot of my prospecting has changed from copiers to content I'm always on the lookout for opportunities and where the low hanging fruit is. Going wider and deeper with your relationships can make a difference.
Below is from one of my clients that I follow on Linkedin. These are additional responsibilities in the job requirement section. You can view that thread here
I went through this is the early part of my copier sales career in the early eighties. Many sales people of today may not be aware that inflation and interest rates were absurd, Interest rates at 21% and inflation hit a high water mark of 14%. Thus as sales people we always spoke how leasing technology (copiers) can be a hedge inflation... here's something on that and we should be using it as one of our talk tracks
I placed this comment on the forums section of this site a few minutes ago, however I wanted to get it on the blog so I could share with others.
Leads can be found almost anywhere. Since a lot of my prospecting has changed from copiers to content I'm always on the lookout for opportunities and where the low hanging fruit is. Going wider and deeper with your relationships can make a difference.
Below is from one of my clients that I follow on Linkedin. These are additional responsibilities in the job requirement section
Keywords for me:
Not that I'm one for reading want ads, however after seeing this one, I'll be reading more want ads to see if they qualify as a suspect and warrant a call.
I'll be placing a call tomorrow to my contact and give him m thoughts @jdicarloLet me count the ways.....how many clients are opting out re-leasing their copiers, others that want to buy their existing copier from the leasing company and a few additional accounts sprinkled in that they are opting to stay status quo.
Yup the last few weeks many of my clients that were playing hide and seek finally got me the goods on where their heads were at.
One of the talk tracks today was about a Fair Market Value (FMV) lease and what is the option for the client to buy that device. Years ago FMV was worthless to me, the model number, the price, nor the meter read always meant the copier was being returned. No ifs and or buts.
Times have changed since there is demand to keep those copiers that under performed during COVID. The owner knows the copiers were hardly used and there was little to no service issues.
Supply and Demand
Prior and even during COVID none of my clients wanted to keep the existing copier. Every single one of those copiers were returned to that great copier hall waiting for another forever home.
Fair Market Value is the price an asset would sell for on the open market depending on age, and meter read. I can tell you I've made that statement to clients thousands of times and probably even dreamed about FMV a few times as well.
The preowned copier market is hot and that's because most of us can't get new A3 devices for months and most new A4 devices are a pipe dream. Thus the demand is there for used, preowned and off lease copiers. Thus my talk track and I'm sure many others have changed their position when a client asks how much is that 5 year old copier?
My talk track in recent weeks finds me quoting 50% or more of the what the lease price was.
I do find it interesting that I've never seen our industry like this in my 42 years. Yes, there was the Great Recession in 08 or 09, but you could always get a copier whenever you wanted one. When clients asked "when can I get my copier" the answer was always, "when do you want it by".
-=Good Selling=-
Printing and copying are important enough for businesses to transcend even the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic response despite growing technology and hybrid workplaces. Well over half of all workers (59%) continued to print and copy the same amount or more while working from home. But catering to the continued need for print, already a challenge for the standard office becomes increasingly difficult for the large number of businesses moving to remote-first and hybrid formats. Here are three reasons offices should work with a reputable print and copier servicing partner.
IT and Administrative departments handling these continued print and copy difficulties have a great deal more on their hands than some may expect. They must understand each department’s copy and printing needs and work to deliver the equipment, security, and materials required. This responsibility includes managing proper equipment service schedules and ongoing maintenance.
But IT and administration are not printing experts. So while IT has a handle on security and admin has organization under control, neither department has expertise in the proper printer and copier maintenance. And it’s essential. An appropriate maintenance schedule can prevent most of the issues that lead to paper jams and mechanical failures that delay print jobs or put equipment out of commission. It also ensures consistent, high-quality printing and productivity.
Software updates and consumables like ink and toner might be in the IT and administrative wheelhouse. But what about the cleaning and lubrication of the small internal parts? Do they know how to check the rollers for wear and tear? Office printers and copiers also need regular configuration checks to calibrate them properly for maximum print performance.
As experts in the printing and copying industry, printer service businesses know the differences between the different makes and models of equipment. This knowledge includes their peculiarities as well as their required maintenance schedules. Their expertise helps them keep their clients’ printing and copying equipment in top working condition throughout its lifespan.
Dust is a known enemy for computers and other electrical devices. It is the same for printers and copiers. But, in addition to standard air particulates, loose toner is a similar problem for these sensitive instruments. Both dust and toner can build up in printing and copying components. The materials can short out circuits on electrical boards or get in gears and bearings, creating misalignments.
Inkjet printers do not have to deal with the added issue of loose toner. However, they have problems with ink build-up as pigment from the ink can cake onto the print heads. The compressed ink creates streaks or gaps on prints and copies, damaging production quality.
Due to the accumulation of dust, ink, and toner, both types of printers are subject to paper jams, breakdowns, electrical and mechanical problems. Continued issues can lead to more extensive machine breakdowns and decrease the longevity of the equipment. However, regular cleaning and maintenance services will remove unwanted debris deposits, reducing wear-and-tear on sensitive machinery.
Industry specialists, such as printer and copier servicing businesses, will know the dangerous areas for standard dust and other particulates to build up. They will also be able to advise appropriate countermeasures such as reliable toner and ink cartridges. The result will serve to increase the lifespan of the machines.
If something goes wrong with a printer or copier, the parts and service fees can add up fast. If the printer is owned outright, there may be a warranty to cover some of the costs. But printer and copier warranties often have loopholes that place costs right back on the equipment owner. In addition, expenditures for maintenance and repair vary widely by machine and servicing company, making the overall fees unpredictable. All of this is on top of the loss of productivity and delays caused when a printer or copier suddenly stops working.
It is precisely this type of time loss and budget variance which makes finance departments cringe at the idea of investing in standard or expanded print and copy services. Of course, these problems were already prevalent in the standard office setting. Adding additional machines in remote locations only exacerbates the issue. But it doesn’t have to be that difficult.
Contracting with a printer and copier servicing partner reduces costs by first helping to prevent more significant repairs and emergency service calls. They do this by keeping machines properly maintenance, calibrated, and running smoothly. But the real benefit for finance is the set and negotiated pricing they can count on for regular budgeting and bookkeeping without the inconvenience of unexpected expenses.
Even the COVID-19 pandemic response couldn’t stop employees’ needs for print and copy. It is safe to assume that these services will continue to be necessary as businesses continue to decentralize their office spaces. But more a more extensive printer network does not have to mean more headaches for IT and administrative departments – especially for general printer maintenance and services. Partnering with a reputable service and maintenance company can offer better cost controls as well as greater performance and longevity for the business’s investments.
If you’re looking for other ways to save money and increase operational efficiency, read: 3 Reasons Businesses Should Lease Their Printers.
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