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May 2021

The Week in Copiers Fifteen Years Ago

The Week in Copiers Fifteen Years Ago

Last Week of May 2006

Another day of rain, wind and temps in the fifties.   There's a chance it may all clear out for tomorrow.  Enjoy Your Weekend!

Enjoy these awesome copier threads from 15 years ago

Re: Death of the Copier Salesperson

Solutions Guru (Guest) ·
buying cycle that it yields the same result- limited or no competition. So you ask- "How do I, regardless of tenure and current account base- has a deadly success rate with bringing people into the market?" Simple - Learn and do an objective Assessment . Analyze the customer’s output devices - you know, the copiers, printers AND fax machines. See the volumes and real costs, not industry averages which are based on assumptions that no printer in the world will ever achieve. (Feel free to discuss

Selling to a Car Dealer with Reynolds and Reynolds...

Solutions Guru (Guest) ·
The question is - does anyone know what kind of operating system R&R runs on and what print language it outputs. Second question is - has anyone successfully installed a printer or mfp to R&R and if so, how and with what hardware, middleware...? As you may already know - almost every car dealership out there runs their business on a system made by Reynolds and Reynolds ( or ADP. All of the printer output comes from this system and it is not a windows based operating system. As

Selling to a Car Dealership running Reynolds and Reynolds

Solutions Guru (Guest) ·
The question is - does anyone know what kind of operating system R&R runs on and what print language it outputs. Second question is - has anyone successfully installed a printer or mfp to R&R and if so, how and with what hardware, middleware...? As you may already know - almost every car dealership out there runs their business on a system made by Reynolds and Reynolds ( or ADP. All of the printer output comes from this system and it is not a windows based operating system. As

Re: Any comparison of Ricoh 240-480 vs Xerox 6204

Art Post (Guest) ·
bottle to be replaced. The unit will shut down if the waste toner bottle is full  The 6204 delivers prints out the front of the unit. With a full configuration of scanner and printer, this eliminates the possibility of using sophisticated finishing devices like a folder because it blocks the operator’s access in front.  The 6204 does not support DWF printing.  The cost of PDF support for the 6204 is $1400, twice the cost of the KIP 3000 PDF converter.  The BT Plot Assistant Software (print

Merger Creates Unique Reseller Program

Steven Breault (Guest) ·
the market place, directs focus towards building a quality dealer network, and provides resources for these dealerships to succeed with Member’s products verses the competition.” Chris Zumwalt Director of IT Services Denitech Corporation Member Benefits Include: Territorial Protection* Powerful, Field Validated “10 Step Process” to Making Money Selling DM Solutions Guarantee of at least two-new customer software sales to get you started Comprehensive OJT Training and “Earn-while-You-Learn

Re: Kyocera National Account Pricing

We are a Ricoh/Kyocera dealer in New York. This contract is comparable with NY. The only thing different is we now have a deferred payment plan thru KM. You that state price, divide by 36 months. Zero interest/Zero buyout. This is on select models. KM 2050,3035,4035, and 8030.

Re: FM Audit and other USB discovery devices

Solutions Guru (Guest) ·
I have used FM Audit, Print Audit and @Remote. Neal is right but I think we have spoken about that before. My results have been a bit better with FM Audit than Ricoh's lab testing but I spoke to Mark Pollack (sp?) about the FM Audit test and he told me it consistently missed 60% of the printers on the LAN network. They all have their quirks and they all only give you volumes - not costs. I need good data gathering tools as I do about 12 assessments a month now. I couldn't find anything adequate

Re: FM Audit and other USB discovery devices

We’ve used FM Audit at several locations to capture monthly print volume. I used it under ITs’ supervision of course. It’s a very useful tool. It won’t capture printers connected directly to PCs but, most of them are very low volume anyway. As for cost analysis, you can export to excel and plug in the cost per page for each model printer. Giving you the monthly or yearly cost. A very good tool for sales and cost justification.

Re: Selling to a Car Dealership running Reynolds and Reynolds

Solutions Guru (Guest) ·
It is not all that welkl known but most car dealerships that sell over 300 vehicles per month willo generate over 500k in monthly volume. Especially target teh servie department. They will print 3-5 pages per repair order/vehicle/day. It is not uncommon for a delaership this size to service 25,000 cars a month that is about 125,000 pages in just RO's- now add dealership reports, sales, parts... They can easily get up to 500k per month. The hardest part is R&R and ADP have "Closed systems

Color Cost Per Copy

Big Dog (Guest) ·
On the Ricoh color multifuction or printer, when copying or printing a set with mixed bw and color pages how many click are registered by the bw pages. Are they true black one bw click or processed black registering multiple color clicks?

Re: FM Audit and other USB discovery devices

quote: Originally posted by Solutions Guru: IF you are concerned about what Ricoh may do knowing your client name- just put a code number in as account name or something else that you can tell what client it is and Ricoh Corp will have no way of knowing anything about who your client is. Well... Not exactly. IP addresses are registered to companies, so when the data is sent, I can find the name of the owner of those IP addresses and determine their geographic location (at least to the city

Re: Selling to a Car Dealer with Reynolds and Reynolds...

Indy_Dave (Guest) ·
Good luck! Everyone is familiar with the situation. When I talk with DOT, or Objectif Lune or any VDP outfit, the issue is always, how can I determine what to do with the stream. yes we can grab it and apply it, but there is no metadata in the header to identify a sale transaction from a service request to a used car transaction so there is no way to work with the print stream when the data hits a hot folder or other virtual printer. Let me know if you discover anything ????


Art Post (Guest) ·
I received this file from a ricoh dsm, I will do a follow. Art Post


The problem is solved. In the first problem. Use batch mode. You can pull from any tray. The second problem is a little more involved. You need to go into user tools, copy settings, INput/output and set up separation sheets per job. Go back to main copy screen request the number of sets, turn off shift sort, request separation sheet per set. Place orginal in doc feeder and select start. To give credit were credit is do, my Ricoh trainer came up with this. Here name is Amy Randilla. She is great.


Once again Art, you prove that at print4pay hotel you always get more than a little "bit" of information.

KIP 3000 - problems with humidity?

I have heard that the KIP has problems with humidity that cause it too produce a solid black print and waste a lot of toner. Anyone know if there is truth to that? Any KIP dealers aware of such a thing?

Sales Professionals Ask Themselves Deep Questions, Are You?

"If I speak of myself in different ways, that is because I look at myself in different ways."
Michel de Montaigne

Let me ask you a question, how far and how much have you grown in your sales life?

Take a moment, grab a cup of coffee, sit down, and reflect... go back 5 years ago and then push to the present...

  • Are you reaching greater heights in your sales life, now?
  • Have you achieved most of your sales goals, now?
  • Do you feel extremely fulfilled with your sales life, now?
If you want to live a better sales life, you must learn to grow.

Success in sales does not come to you overnight. It is achieved through daily improvement and small consistent increments over time.

A true sales professional doesn't sleepwalk through the day nor their career.

Sales professionals actively think about the things they do. They objectively evaluate themselves on a regular basis. They look at things through an unbiased and clear set of lenses.

On a daily basis they ask themselves:

  • Am I learning from my mistakes?
  • Am I constantly pushing myself out of my comfort zone?
  • Do I still believe I can do this?


The journey to becoming a sales professional starts with understanding who you are at your core. It is becoming more in tune with your deeper self. It is the ability to recognize what fires you up, what makes you happy or sad.

As a sales society, we’re largely fixated on the outer work. We focus on the stack rankings, where we are at quarter or year to date, key performance indicators, and number of new clients... starting to the get the picture?

Take a step back and realize that these are merely outer symbols. This does not reflect your inner world.

The key to sales happiness lies in transforming yourself and your career through the inner work.

When you truly understand who you are, you can make a conscious effort to improve yourself and how you communicate better with others.

  • How do you deal with your emotions?
  • How do you react when your sales life goes astray?
  • What areas do you really excel at?
  • What areas do you need to work on in your personal growth and development?
Do you have the courage to dig in and ask yourself deep questions?


What makes your heart sing?

How would you define yourself?

I encourage you to become your own Sherlock Holmes. Become interested in what grabs your attention and tugs on your heartstrings.

Stop looking in the dictionary for words that define you.

Getting to know yourself allows you to tap into the road of happiness as this is critical to your success as a sales professional. Your beliefs, your attitude and your daily routines are mission critical.

Understanding yourself can mean recognizing your shortcomings. It's about putting them on display for others to judge.

Yes, this means getting extremely vulnerable. This starts with looking in the mirror and saying to yourself, "This is me. This is the real me. This is who I am."

If you struggle to ask yourself deep questions, then you will struggle to ask your clients deep questions?


Becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable is what ferocious self-honesty is built upon.

I encourage you to think about this one...

How can you become ferociously self-honest if you struggle to deal with any discomfort in your sales life?

Those of you who are willing to take risks, step out of your comfort zone and create some discomfort, will reap the biggest rewards.

Let this one sink in for a moment...

If YOU, can't challenge yourself to improve then how can you challenge your clients to improve?

John Simone nails it,

“The key to wisdom is knowing all the right questions.”

What questions are you asking yourself on a daily basis?

The questions you ask yourself affect the sales life you lead. The questions you ask yourself literally determine what your mind focuses on, which triggers certain thoughts, actions, and inactions, ultimately affecting your sales results.

When you can ask yourself empowering, deeply reflective questions, it shifts your mind to a whole new level and sets into motion the thinking and actions to jumpstart your sales life.

"I think self-awareness is probably the most important thing towards being a champion."
Billie Jean King
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I understand, I get where you all are coming from. Every day, I walk in your shoes. I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects and heartfelt strategies into your current sales process to grow new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way, the genuine way, the authentic way! It's about understanding value before visibility.

Selling From the Heart is making a difference! I poured my heart into every page of this book and I think you're going to love it. You can find it on Amazon in paperback, kindle and in audio. You can click on the book image below and this will take you to Amazon.

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In a world full of empty suits, I'm passionate about helping sales reps succeed by getting valuable before they get visible. I help sales teams understand the true value they bring to the market.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my stories. Integrating the use of social and sharing my story on LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive office technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart.

The Week in Copiers Five Years Ago

The Week in Copiers Five Years Ago

Last Week of May 2016

Memorial Day Weekend is finally here and the weathing is miserable!  Fifty-two degress, wind and rain for the last 16 hours and that's the forcast for another 24 hours.  At least I can catch on my my P4P Stuff.  Remember that this weekend is to honor those that have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Enjoy These Copier Threads from 5 Years Ago This Week!

KYOCERA Announces 31 New MFPs & Printers, Six Business Apps

, they’re asking for document workflow improvements, not just technology upgrades.” Kyocera apps streamline countless document-related business processes, add security and cost-control features, and enable mobile and cloud-based printing. The new apps include several “connectors,” which allow Kyocera MFPs to integrate seamlessly with many of the most popular document and content management systems. DMConnect Pro powered by Nuance A powerful addition to the DMConnect portfolio, one of Kyocera’s

Printerpoint Expands Large Format Printer Management with New KIP, Océ and Ricoh Models

. Printerpoint is only $5 per device, per month, with no contracts or monthly minimums. Sign up today at for a two-week trial. About Sepialine: Sepialine is a San Francisco-based software development company that focuses on solutions which make selling, maintaining and using printers simpler and cost-effective. Their flagship product, Argos, helps architects, engineers and law firms turn printing costs into a revenue stream while simplifying print workflow. In 2014

KYOCERA Helps Businesses to Cut Costs and Improve Workflows with Managed Print Solutions

. Managed Print Services (MPS) can help streamline printing procedures, save time and cut printing costs. MPS allows businesses to better understand their print requirements and, based on that, where they can make minimum savings of 30%. In addition to benefits such as better print management, it allows organisations to tailor document workflows to suit their needs. Print volumes can be managed and reduced with the application of company printing policies, which can then be monitored via MPS. As

Xerox to Show New High Fusion Ink, Direct to Object Inkjet Printer, Catalog Solution at drupa

– new ink that enables inkjet printing on traditional offset coated stocks eliminating the need for pre or post paper treatment A clear toner for the fifth station of the Xerox iGen 5 press Xerox Direct to Object Inkjet Printer – inkjet printing on 3D objects as small as bottle caps and as large as football helmets and shoes, eliminating the need for labels in many retail and manufacturing applications A Laser-Diode Coding and Marking Solution – working with partners Macsa I.D., S.A. and
Topic Announces Partnership with XMPie, A Xerox Company, to Deliver Personalized Communication Across Print and Digital Media

, provides powerful, variable data publishing software that unites customer databases and creative content to help print service providers, marketing service firms, and small-to-medium sized businesses and enterprises, leverage customer data and create personalized, multiphase campaigns that use today's communication vehicles including print, web, e-mail, and mobile. XMPie is headquartered in New York with an RD center in Israel , and sales, support and professional service operations in the U.S
Blog Post

12 Tips on How to Return Leased Copiers

ship the copier back early. Have an agreement as to what is going to happen with the hard drive in the copier. Some copiers actually have a feature that will scrub the hard drive for the end of the lease.If your copier does not have this feature I recommend buying a replacement hard drive and have the old hard drive removed and return to you. I’ve written this for the end user, however dealers and sales people can benefit from some of this, especially videoing the product before it is shipped and
Blog Post

3 Simple Ways To Modernize Your Prospecting Efforts As A Copier Sales Rep

attempts. (TeleNet and Ovation Sales Group) Only 2% of cold calls result in an appointment. Find new ways to reach decision-makers. (LeapJob) There is a great study out by Richardson , inside the 2016 Selling Challenges Study ; they surveyed more than 400 sales professionals and revealed the top three prospecting problems salespeople are grappling with today: Identifying triggers/sales signals that indicate issues you can resolve Identifying target accounts Qualifying prospects This is 2016 and

Fueling Customer Success: EFI’s Breakthrough

, and ensure the highest output quality in their digital print operations. Fiery is the industry’s leading digital print production workflow technology, and customers across the globe use Fiery DFEs to get maximum productivity and efficiency from their digital presses. Fiery products are also featured in EFI partner stands throughout drupa, including the Canon, Epson®, Landa, Konica Minolta®, OKI®, RICOH®, RISO and Xerox exhibits at Messe Düsseldorf. Expanding the world’s leading print and
Topic Premium

Lead for Myultiple Copiers in South Carolina

Multi-Functional Printer (MFP) Services Solicitation No. RFP #16-023 Region South Carolina Agency Beaufort County School District Due Date Jun 13, 2016 Source To access the bid document, please visit the agency's website at below and search by your matched keyword: pages/BCSD/Departments/ Operati... Bid # Description Date Due Addendums RFP #16-023 Multi-Functional Printer (MFP) Services June13, 2016

Sharp begins sales of first robot phone RoBoHon

TOKYO — It looks like a toy, speaks like a robot, it dances and sings, but most importantly answers your phone calls and sends your emails. Meet RoBoHon — the world’s first humanoid robot smartphone. The 19.5-cm-tall robot phone manufactured by Sharp Corp, officially went on sale Thursday, marking the beginning of the company’s efforts to develop next-generation communication appliances under the leadership of Taiwan’s Hon Hai, which recently took over Sharp. read more here (make sure you read

Konica Minolta South Africa receives certified carbon neutral status for third consecutive year

Distributor of the Year for the ninth time, Konica Minolta South Africa is a leader in advanced document management technologies. A division of Bidvest Office, the company focuses on complete business solutions, including production print systems, digital presses, multifunctional products (MFPs), managed print services, vertical application solutions and related services and supplies. Konica Minolta is one of the only manufacturers in the digital imaging industry, over the past 20 years, to have been

Ricoh brings true high definition visual experience to home theater

on display at InfoComm16 in the Ricoh booth #N647, alongside Ricoh's entire projector line. For more information on Ricoh's full line of projectors, please visit and follow @RicohVision on Twitter and Ricoh Innovative Solutions on LinkedIn. Also, visit to learn more about fueling collaboration for your organization to thrive in today's new world of work. | About Ricoh | Ricoh is a global technology company that has been transforming

Xerox Releases 15 New Workflow Automation Solutions

need for global collaboration and it is easy to see how an automated, streamlined system can cut time and cost. To help bring products to market faster, reduce cost structures, grow sales and create more competition, Xerox introduced five new automation solutions for leaner manufacturing. For more information on each, click here . Personalizing Banking Across Digital Screens Banks are expanding their omnichannel capabilities, enabling customers to complete banking transactions on a variety of

Compass Sales Solutions Launches Major Account Care Program

include: twice yearly calls with your dealership team and representatives from Compass to check in and assess current needs; an in-depth annual review with your Compass sales representative; two hours per year of customized Web training; an invitation to join the Beta Testing Committee to get first access to new features and help shape the future of Sherpa; and more. Some Compass partners on this program include: All Copy Products, Impact Networking, Copiers Northwest, Documation of San Antonio

Canon Road Show


Upland Software Ensures The Highest Standards For Reliability And Performance With Certification Of Kodak Alaris Scanners

Businesses today are faced with the challenge of optimizing processes, improving productivity, and reducing operational costs, while managing a remote workforce. To meet these demands, Upland Software, Inc. a leader in cloud-based Enterprise Work Management software, recently announced that it will streamline workflow and enable content capture from digital and paper sources through partnership with Kodak Alaris, a global provider of document scanners and capture software solutions. Upland

Toshiba Poised to Take More Market Share in 2016 - Buyers Lab

Key Takeaways from the Company’s Dealer and End-User Conference George Mikolay 5/25/2016 Last week, BLI attended Toshiba’s 2016 Dealer and End-User Conference in Las Vegas, and found a company that continues to solidify its relationship with its dealers, and poised to take more market share from some of the bigger players in the industry. Toshiba has run their annual conference as a joint dealer/end-user event for several years now, and according to Bill Melo Chief Marketing Officer for

Re: Lead for Wide format printer/scanner/copier in Arkansas

OMG, Teriostar?

Re: How Many Copiers Do You Sell Every Month?

Who put in 18 plus per month? That's awesome!

Re: How Many Copiers Do You Sell Every Month?

Probably Monte. He's a machine!


Funny thing on the way home tonight

Well, at least for me it gave me a chuckle, traveling north on the Garden State Parkway, I looked to the side of the road and saw a large white repair type vehicle with ladders. I then noticed the huge Xerox logo, it was then I remembered that Xerox manages the EZ Pass on the parkway. So much for copiers, eh?

Re: Ricoh brings true high definition visual experience to home theater

This product is very interesting, bundle with copiers, bundle with printers, nice promo piece also. I would love to see one of these in action!! Geesh, I could probably project a movie on the side of my house!!

Xante Continues Seeing Significant Growth in Digital Color Envelope Printing

May 19 th , 2016, MOBILE, AL – Xante is proud to report that during April 2016 the total number of impressions produced by our customers has increased by 171% from this same period last year. In April, Xante Impressias around the world created 57 million digital color envelopes, as compared to 21 million during April 2015. “The growth in envelope printing has even been a surprise to us at Xante,” said Robert C. Ross, CEO at Xante. “ We believe this impressive growth is not only from traditional

EFI and RISO KAGAKU Partner to Bring Fiery Digital Front Ends to ComColor Printers

features." The ComColor GD series provides an entry into high-speed cutsheet inkjet printing with a low running cost for affordable color prints. Now RISO customers will have access to Fiery Command WorkStation ® , with the ubiquitous, award-winning, intuitive user interface and workflow used by more than a quarter million production print operators today. Fiery operators around the world can easily take advantage of the unique capabilities that RISO ComColor offers to answer the diverse demands of

HP Is Getting Its 3D Voxels On: What’s in It for the Channel?

HP Is Getting Its 3D Voxels On: What’s in It for theChannel? by Print Audit On May 17th, 2016, HP announced to the world that it has entered the world of 3D printing, though technically they yet have anything to sell. Many of us in the industry wondered what took them so long to put their stake in the ground. For an industry that is projected to grow to over $30 billion by 2022 with CAGR of over 28%, HP clearly sees the opportunity. Read more of this post

Re: Printerpoint Expands Large Format Printer Management with New KIP, Océ and Ricoh Models

At 5 bucks a month and no minimums that seems to be a good offer if you only want to monitor a few wide formats, right? But if you have a fleet of 500? That's $2,500 per month. I understand that not every client will want the monitoring. I'm out in the street every day, and probably the biggest complaint I get from clients is that they can't have more than one toner of each color on hand, I hear this from net new prospects also. This is a good fit for wide format market place, and I can see...

Large Format - Ink Jet - where are you placing them?

This should probably go in the canon section but since this section gets the most love I'm going to put it here... we have really amped up our wide format with canon. We have always been a toner based wide format dealer and never did much with ink but since we are no longer carrying Ricoh things have changed. i have been thinking about different vertices who can use WF outside the traditional AEC's, car dealers, retail etc. I have even heard of funeral homes using them. I

Re: Large Format - Ink Jet - where are you placing them?

This is a great topic! I just got back from a wide format training session from Canon. Here are some verticals they recommended: - Malls (Kiosk promotions and advertising) - AEC - Funeral Homes (portraits and casket wraps) - Wedding photographers (they can sell 24x36 photo's for $150 to $250 and their cost is $4 to $5) - Any company that wants to focus on corporate communications but can't afford digital signage The Canon plotters are great, but we've learned to stay away from the MFP's

Re: Large Format - Ink Jet - where are you placing them?

Canon was in my office a week or so ago and the guy mentioned funeral homes. I don't think I'll ever forget the story....apparently, some gang banger was killed and his family and friends wanted to have a big portrait of him at the funeral so they printed it out on an imageprograf. I'm looking forward to hearing others responses. Thanks Czech!

The latest release of PitStop enables the detection and correction errors in the most complex PDFs

layers and objects of a PDF should be managed or constructed. Ensuring consistency in these areas is critical for printers who do “extra” work on printed content, such as complex finishing, varnishing, embossing, braille or barcodes to name a few examples. PitStop 13 update 2 will include several new Actions and default Action Lists that introduce users to this new standard and provide details on the benefits that this standard can bring to printers in all of these markets. These new Actions can

SportsCard, the First Digitized Document Management System, Launches Kickstarter Campaign

This press release was orginally distributed by SBWire Lenexa, KS -- ( SBWIRE ) -- 05/24/2016 -- Medical Concepts, LLC has officially launched a Kickstarter campaign for SportsCard®, the first document management system for all emergency, medical, and health information. Born from a passion for consolidating life-saving information in a singular card, SportsCard® will enable users to pre-load emergency contacts, concussion baselines, important files, medications, allergies, vaccinations, birth

Service only costs for HP laser jets

There is probably not a single answer to this but I am working on a fleet management deal with a large organization. 13,000 laser printers and 20,000,000 prints per month. They want a service only option as they have a nationwide contract for supplies with large rebates. All of my TCO and cost calculators have supplies tied in. Anyone have a method to make this easy! i'm thinking the service portion per page cost would be quite small.

Intelledox Named in '2016 Hot Vendors in Digital Transaction Management' Report by Aragon Research

to fully automated business processes, allowing enterprises to quickly get started with Digital Transformation." DTM essentially is about streamlining business processes by keeping document processes fully digital. Aragon further defines DTM as a technology that automates and streamlines internal and external document-centric business processes while delivering significant ROI via both hard and soft dollar savings. What makes Intelledox "hot" is the ability to import data to generate a

Re: Large Format - Ink Jet - where are you placing them?

Thanks Art! I'm with you. My mind just goes all over with places that use wide format and from my little bit of research and prospecting in our market it seems to be quite untapped and many outsource these things to the large format print houses.

Re: How many Old Time Canon Folks remember this Card?

How many old timer Canon guys remember using this card? Vince McHugh

Re: Service only costs for HP laser jets

I don't have the answer you are asking for but I do have some thoughts. Percentage wise, parts are going to be quite small, especially if PM kits are considered supplies in your scenario. That only leaves travel and labor with travel probably being the lions share since it seldom takes long to fix a printer. I would try to establish a trust-worthy calls/printer/year estimate based on your installed fleet makeup and volume and go from there. Apply your burden rate and add a little for parts and

Re: Service only costs for HP laser jets

Great points. I think this can be a cash cow for us. I agree that we need to have some ground rules set that says we will decide when a machine will be replaced...within reason. Customer has asked for a price with "free" printer replacement and straight service. I appreciate the feedback! Art, if GAP has anything I'd surely be interested in hearing about it.

Re: Service only costs for HP laser jets

I think I read that the average Printer requires a service call once every 18 months. Hope that helps! Vince

Re: Versant 80 Press

David Thanx, the slowing down of the system for thick stocks is not printed on the brochure, thus than for that piece of information. All the brochure states is that there is no slow down for up to 220gsm. Do you know how much the slow when printing over 220gsm? The manufacturers never print their limitations on the brochures, thus the reason for these forums, where we can bounce questions off each other and find out what those limitations are. Thanx for the reply, hoping to hear more. No, I'm

Going to do the Deal Until the Cat Issue

There I was going back and forth with the client trying to figure a way to get the deal done for a couple of production devices.  Seems what ever I tried was not working. I even reached out to others in the Print4Pay Hotel community for help with how to get bring this deal home.  All of the suggestions were not working and then the client told me "I need to get this deal done so I can go rescue the cat!".  What, the cat wtf **** does that cat have to do with ordering the damn copier I thought?  You want to order the copier so you can rescue a cat I asked. The reply was "yes, let's get this done now".

I guess the cat, the copier and the rescue escapade didn't sit well with me and that's when I realized it was all a really vivid dream.  When I made my way downstairs this AM I told me wife about the dream and she stated, "there was something going on because I heard you talking in your sleep trying to cut a deal".

Well, I guess the cat is now out of the bag and this isn't the first time I've been accused of trying to cut a deal in my sleep.

Even those these are dreams there have been times when a dream helped me figure out a way to get an opportunity closed.  It was more about looking at something from a difference perspective and I guess the subconscious part of my brain figured it out for me.  Mind you it does not happen often and the dream I had last night was wild and will not help to close any working opportunities today.

On the other hand the part about reaching out to others within our community is something to take note.  Sometimes as sales people we think we're understanding the client needs and wants but something went missing during the sales cycle.  I guess the moral of the dream is if you think you need help then you do and should reach out to others for help.

Curious to know if anyone else has been accused of cutting deals in your sleep.  If so I think it would be great to hear some of those stories.

-=Good Selling=-

MSP, MSSP and IT Notes Industry May 22nd, 2021

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May 22nd, 2021

Arcoa Group

Why partnering with ARCOA makes sense
Electronics Recycling is an important and profitable part of the IT asset lifecycle, but it can be overwhelming with all you already do, varying state regulations, and the limited resources at hand. That’s where ARCOA comes in. When you partner with ARCOA, you get all the benefits of a big company without any of the capital investment. We’ve been doing this since 1989 and have the expertise, certifications, and nationwide resources to get the most for all your clients’ retired IT assets. Plus, positioning your clients as environmental stewards not only elevates their appeal to consumers, it meets government requirements and avoids fines.

What partnering with ARCOA looks like
Our role is to make it easy for you to bring more value to your clients. We work with you to help stretch your clients’ IT budget by reducing the total cost of ownership of their electronics. We’re experts at identifying and implementing the solutions your clients need for the end-of-use remarketing, recovery, and recycling of their technology assets. The sooner you involve ARCOA, the sooner you and your clients will see better results.

The CIA to stop using fax machines

  • The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency announced it will retire its secure fax machines that it was using to share secret information with its private contractors
  • Will instead use new Gray Magic special encrypted email network

Lead for IT Asset Services in Missouri

Ransomware Operational Costs

(Webroot claims of ransomware victims that 49% were unaware of the infection for more than 24 hours) reported on webroot

  • 9% Less than one hour
  • 43% less than 24 hours
  • 43% less than 24 hours
  • 28% 2-3 days
  • 14% within a week
  • 4% within one month
  • 3% over a month

ABBYY solution company receives $$

  • ABBYY, with US headquarters in Milpitas, CA, is provider of OCR, document capture
    and process automation solutions
  • Announced it received a “significant investment” from Marlin Equity Partners of LosAngeles, CA

MSPAlliance Updates MSP/Cloud Verify Standard to Address Cybersecurity and MSP Assurance

  • MSPAlliance® announced the newest release of its Unified Certification Standard (UCS) for Cloud & Managed Service Providers
  • UCS v.21 adds more detail around existing Cybersecurity coverage within the standard, including further mapping to frameworks such as CMMC and ISO 27001
  • Less than 3% of the MSPs worldwide possess an MSP Verify (or equivalent) certification or audit
  • MSPAlliance® is a global industry association and accrediting body for the Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, and Managed Services Provider (MSP) industry

20 jobs forecast following merger at city firm Intuity Technologies

  • Reported on Galway Bay fm
  • 20 new jobs are forecast to be created at Ballybrit firm Intuity Technologies
  • merger between Intuity Technologies and Roscommon firm myITdepartment

Lead for IT Services in Illinois

IDC predicted that four hundred billion fewer pages would be printed in 2020

  • Demand for managed print services has fallen sharply during the Covid pandemic
  • estimations came after IDC predicted that four hundred billion fewer pages would be printed in 2020 than previous years - the equivalent of seven football fields-worth of paged every minute
  • Maruggi told CRN that, while there's a lot of speculation about how badly the print sector will be hit in the aftermath of the pandemic, Apogee is working with the assumption that it will lose around 15 to 20 per cent of normal print levels post-Covid

ATCO Australia Pivots to the Cloud with OpenText

  • OpenText™, announced ATCO Australia has moved their information management solutions to the OpenText™ Cloud
  • ATCO Australia is an energy company responsible for developing, building, owning and operating energy infrastructure assets
  • "With OpenText Cloud Managed Services, we no longer have to maintain infrastructure or worry about upgrades and patches," said Chris Marshall, General Manager IT at ATCO Australia
  • OpenText, The Information Company™, enables organizations to gain insight through market leading information management solutions, powered by OpenText Cloud Editions

TPx Awarded Most Promising in SMB Cybersecurity in the Coveted Global InfoSec Awards at RSA 2021

  • TPx, announced it was recognized with the Most Promising in SMB Cybersecurity award from Cyber Defense Magazine (CDM)
  • To see the full list of winners, visit
  • TPx is a managed services provider focused on the success of small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) with approximately 25,000 customers in more than 50,000 locations across the U.S

ReachOut Technology Remains Bullish on Infrastructure and Cybersecurity; Seeks to Acquire 75 ...

  • According to Pew Research, 64 percent of Americans have an online account involving health, financial or other sensitive data and nearly two-thirds of those have experienced some form of data theft
  • roughly half (49%) of all Americans feel their personal information is less secure than it was five years ago
  • a full 70% of Americans expect that the U.S. will experience a significant cyberattack on its public infrastructure in the next five years.1
  • In recent years, ReachOut Technology has quietly been acquiring local Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and private security companies across the U.S.
  • Founder and CEO Rick Jordan has committed to a goal of actively acquiring 75 in the next 24 months. J

Toshiba Tec is hacked with ransomware

  • A Toshiba Corp. unit said it was hacked by the DarkSide ransomware group
  • Toshiba Tec, which makes products such as printer/MFPs and is valued at $2.3 billion, was hacked by DarkSide
  • Claims “that only a minimal amount of work data had been lost”
  • "There are around 30 groups within DarkSide that are attempting to hack companies all the time, and they succeeded this time with Toshiba," said Takashi Yoshikawa, a senior malware analyst at Mitsui Bussan Secure Directions

Ricoh Canada's Document Processing Services Chooses ancora Software to Enhance their ...

  • ancora Software, Inc., announced that Ricoh Canada's Document Processing Services has signed an agreement to use ancora's flagship product ancoraDocs to enhance their Intelligent Capture ServicesA
  • ancoraDocs is available either on premise or as a true multi-tenant cloud service hosted by ancora on Microsoft Azure
  • "We are really happy to sign an agreement with Ricoh Canada's Document Processing Services group," said Noel Flynn, CEO at ancora

WBM Technologies Wins HP's North American Smart Device Services Award for Predictive Analytics in Print

  • WBM Technologies (WBM) was named HP's top partner in North America in the area of Smart Device Services
  • award acknowledges WBM's innovative and proactive use of remote monitoring technologies and predictive analytics

HP rehires Christian Slater for security push

In past, company ran video ads featuring actor Christian Slater as a hacker named “The Wolf” who access company data by hacking into printers and MFPs

  • Has brought him back for new set of ads to promote new HP Wolf Security solutions
  • New focus on potential security vulnerabilities from remote workers using devices at home
  • New report published with results of latest survey:
    • 45% of IT decision makers say they have seen evidence in their company of compromised printers being used as an attack point in past year
    • 86% have concerns around the security of their home printers
    • 1.5 attacks per minute on endpoints connected to Internet, including
      printers and MFPs
    • 91% plan on making endpoint security just as important as network security
  • HP Wolf Security solution offers:
    • Self-healing firmware
    • In-memory breach detection
    • Threat containment via virtualization
        • Cloud-based intelligence
        • Remote recovery from firmware attacks
        • Threat data collection
        • Alerts
        • Next-gen anti-virus
      • Is offering online training and resources for dealers to sell new solution
      • Is planning a series of virtual “road shows” for dealers and their customers

HP sells printer/MFP plant to Sharp’s parent

Business Korea magazine reported that HP Inc has sold a laser printer/MFP
manufacturing plant in Weihai, China

  • The buyers is Foxconn, aka Hon Hai Precision of Taiwan, which is the owner of Sharp
  • In 2017, HP bought the printer/MFP plant from Samsung for $1.05 billion
  • The Shandong plant will continue to supply HP with LaserJet branded product
  • (unknown if plant will also be used to make Sharp-branded product, or how this will impact HP’s other supplier, Canon)

CGI to continue modernization of Department of Interior's mission-critical National Trust Information ...

  • CGI announced an award from the Department of Interior's (DOI) Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) for continued enhancement of its Trust Asset Accounting Management System (TAAMS)
  • BIA leverages TAAMS to administer and manage natural resources on 55 million surface acres and 57 million acres of subsurface minerals estates held in trust by the United States for American Indians, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives

Bell Techlogix earns spot on CRN® Tech Elite 250 and MSP 500 lists for second consecutive year

  • Bell Techlogix, announced that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, has named the company to its annual Tech Elite 250 , Security 100 and MSP 500 lists for the second consecutive year
  • The Tech Elite 250 list is comprised of solution providers in the U.S. and Canada who have the highest level and most certifications from Amazon, Cisco, Dell, HPE and VMware
  • Fifth year Bell Techlogix has been named to the Tech Elite 250. The Managed Security 100 spotlights MSPs with cloud-based security services expertise.

NetDocuments Cloud Platform Records Unprecedented Q1 2021 Growth

  • announced unprecedented growth in Q1 2021 (1Q21), continuing its record setting sales momentum
  • 1Q21 was a record first quarter for new customer acquisition representing 27% growth over the previous largest Q1, and the biggest non-Q4 quarter on record
  • Company continued its record growth within the small-medium law firm segment, recording 84+% growth, and a record 1st quarter 2021 in new corporate legal accounts, representing a 163% increase compared to Q120

Cybersecurity Update

  • Colonial Pipeline Company, headquartered in Alpharetta, Georgia, was hit by
    ransomware and forced to shut down its fuel pipeline operation that spans 5,500 miles from Houston, TX to Linden, NJ. This may cause a further spike in gasoline cost.
  • Judge Eldon E. Fallon sentenced Edward Tolliver of New Orleans, LA to 124 months in federal prison for making and selling fake credit cards using stolen identities he acquired from Dark Web sites.
  • SmileDirectClub, headquartered in Nashville, TN, notified an unknown number of patients their PHI may have been exposed after “systems outage”
  • Owners of Tesla beware! Two researchers are warning that a hacker can use a specially equipped drone to remotely hack into and take control of the Tesla car, using the TBONE exploitation.
  • The federal Department of Health & Human Services’ Office For Civil Rights reported:
    • March there were 1,116,997 patients that had their PHI exposed due to breaches
    • April has 2,121,186 patients impacted
  • Flashpoint is reporting that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is behind ransomware campaign using a hacking group called Emen Net Pasargard.
  • The Rochester Community Technical College of Minnesota notified 5,392 students that their info was exposed after cyber security incident.
  • Check Point Research is warning that billions of Android-based mobile devices are exposed due to a security vulnerability in Qualcomm’s Mobile Station Modem chips
  • Dell Computer announced it has patched flaws in vulnerable firmware that shipped in millions of laptops, tablets and desktop PCs since 2009.
  • Peloton Corp., headquartered in New York City, NY, is notifying millions of customers of its Peloton fitness equipment that their info may have been exposed due to newly discovered vulnerability.
  • Aprima suffered outages of its cloud-based EHRs due to ransomware attack on MednetwoRX data center in Dallas, TX.
  • Lourdes Hospital of Binghamton, NY notified an unknown number of patients that their PHI was exposed after its CaptureRX pharmacy claims processing solution was hacked.
  • West Penn Hospital of Pennsylvania announced that former employee, Guy Caley, was convicted of 44 felony and 45 misdemeanor counts for illegal actions which exposed the identities of patients.
  • Mandiant Threat Intelligence is reporting of new security vulnerabilities found in Intel and AMD computer processor chips, that bypass fixes that companies issued to correct the past Spectre and Meltdown hacking attacks.
  • Wolfe Eye Clinics of Iowa notified an unknown number of patients that their PHI may have been exposed due to cyber attack.
  • SEIU 775 Benefits Group of Washington notified 140,000 patients that their PHI was exposed after cyber attack.
  • Nexelis Group, headquartered in Seattle, WA, notified an unknown number of patients of Pacific Biomarkers that their PHI was exposed after malware attack.
  • Medtronic, with US headquarters in Minnesota, notified an unknown number of patients that their PHI may have been exposed after cybersecurity incident.
  • Rx Pharmacies, headquartered in Tri-Cities area of Washington, notified an unknown number of patients that their PHI was exposed after email phishing attack.
  • Truesec Security Consulting is reporting that the Russian government is backing Evil Corp., a cybercrime organization.
  • The US State Department has fined Honeywell Corp., headquartered in Charlotte, NC, after some of its employees allegedly leaked plans for the F35 and F22 Raptor and other aircraft designs to the Chinese government.
  • Health Aid, headquartered in Parma, OH, notified 140,000 patients that their PHI was exposed after cybersecurity incident.
  • Scripps Health of San Diego, CA notified an unknown numbers of patients that their PHI may have been exposed after a ransomware attack.
  • Midwest Transplant Network, headquartered in Westwood, KS, notified 17,000 patients that their PHI was exposed after ransomware attack.
  • Gifford Health Care of Vermont notified an unknown number of patients that their PHImmay have been exposed after a cybersecurity incident.
  • Faxton St. Luke’s Healthcare of Utica, NY notified 17,655 patients that their PHI may have been exposed after cybersecurity incident.
  • Orthopedic Associates of Dutchess County in New York notified 330,000 patients that their PHI was exposed after cybersecurity incident.
  • BakerHostetler published ransomware report:
    • Average initial ransomware demand is now $4,583,000
    • In healthcare, average ransomware payout is $910,335
    • Average forensic investigation cost = $58,963
    • HIPAA fines range from $100,000 to $6.85 million
  • The Alaska Court System was forced offline after cybersecurity incident.
  • Netskope Security is warning that ransomware could be inserted into a network by usingnmalicious Microsoft Office files. The malware could be embedded in MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, etc.

The Start of Something NEW with the Managed IT Guru

You've heard it from me over and over and that's as long as you work hard and put in the effort good things will happen. Now they may not happen on your timeline however in the long run the work and the effort will pay off.

It was about three years ago when I started posting IT, MSP, MSSP and Document Management press releases on this site.  Over those years the news from those press releases and the verbiage used in them has slowly helped me to better understanding of the IT world.  When you couple that with the awesome training that Stratix offers on a weekly basis it became clear to me that sooner rather than later I would have my first managed IT client.

Today I received my first managed IT order for 10 users from an existing account and while it's not a medium nor huge client,  it's a start.  Sometimes it's more about ability to knock one down to build the confidence and then the other domino's can fall in to place.

Did I have help?  You bet your sweet butt I did and I couldn't have done it with out the members of our IT team. 

The Future

While I'm a little late to the game I can see the pay-off for younger rep because of the monthly residual for each client acquired. While the sales of copiers only pay you once every three or five years the managed IT is a gift that keeps on giving each and every month for as long as you have the relationship with your client.  I have two clients that I have a forty year relationship for copiers, and then another 15-25 for thirty years and I can only guess at the rest.  Imagine selling managed IT services for forty years and the residuals?  Now I'm thinking I was born thirty years to early!

After Memorial Day I have second appointment with a much larger company to see if we can finalize a proposal we introduced about four weeks ago.  At this time I think we have a good shot winning and that's because of the vision, the team and the IT stack that we bring to the table. 

I'm not giving up at selling copiers because there is still quite a bit of demand but you can bet the ranch that I'll be telling more clients stories about IT news that I've read.  The Columbo in me comes out with that last question before I leave, hey did you happen to hear about XYZ company that........which means a new conversation starts

-=Good Selling=-

The Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago

The Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago

Last Week of May 2011

Tomorrow is the last day of the month for me in May.  I have one small order to book, however that still leaves me $7K short of my monthly quota. I still have two $60K opps out there however one has been in the weeds for three weeks and the other opp is in the weeds for a week.  Both will get calls and emails, and after 41 years of doing this I still can't fathom why and existing client or net new won't give you the courtesy of an email or a phone call.

Enjoy these awesome threads from 10 years ago this week

Konica Minolta Overhauls University of North Carolina Wilmington Print Operations

Art Post (Guest) ·
. UNCW's copier and printer program was unmanageable as students and departments had unlimited printing capabilities. With yearly volumes of over 15 million impressions and the rising costs of supplies and maintenance, the program was taking its toll on university budgets. UNCW needed to replace its antiquated system and charge back students and departments for excessive printing. Working with CopyPro, Inc., an authorized Konica Minolta dealer partner, UNCW replaced all existing printers with bizhub

Ricoh To Spend Y11bn To Boost Toner Output

Art Post (Guest) ·
, the U.S. and Europe. At the same time, the firm aims to drive up sales and operating profit by expanding growth businesses. The investment in Tohoku Ricoh is part of this effort. A string of mergers and acquisitions in the U.S. has left the company with excess workers, with sales and profit margins per employee stuck below such rivals as Konica Minolta Holdings Inc. (4902). Ricoh seeks to more than triple its group operating profit from last fiscal year to 210 billion yen or more in the year

Konica Minolta Acquires Managed IT Services Practice of Techcare, LLC to Further Stre

Art Post (Guest) ·
is willing to accelerate to a greater extent its growth in the IT services segment at KMBUS. Furthermore on a global scale, Konica Minolta continues to upgrade its offerings and provide an even wider scope of services to merge IT and document management, including Optimized Print Services for cost reduction and productivity improvement through management of enterprise output and document environment.

Toshiba LAUNCHES Two New color mfp series with increased connectivity, security and e

Art Post (Guest) ·
product planning, marketing, sales, service, support and distribution of copiers, facsimiles, multifunction printing products, network controllers, and toner products throughout the United States, Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean. MPS and PS are strategic focus areas for the company, which first developed and began marketing the Encompass™ MPS program in 2003. To find an authorized Toshiba dealer near you, or for more information on Toshiba’s wide line of document imaging


Art Post (Guest) ·
available secure MICR printers. With cutting-edge security features, Source Technologies’ secure MICR printers are engineered specifically to print checks and negotiable documents, ultimately offering the greatest protection from fraud. And by using MICR printers, customers can banish costly pre-printed stock by printing all necessary check information, including the MICR line, in a single printer pass. “Innovation has long been the cornerstone of Toshiba’s business model, and that includes

Canon imageRUNNER 2530 MFP Wins BERTL 2011 Award - Best Monochrome Multifunction Prin

Art Post (Guest) ·
instantly with Scan-to-email,scan-to-FTP,Scan-to-SMD,i-Fax and optional Super G3 Fax. But it was the sheer range of features which really set the imageRUNNER 2530 photocopier/MFP apart from rival devices. BERTL judges really rated the Department ID Management,IPv6,SNMPv1,Mac/IP Address filtering,SMTP Authentication and POP Authetication before SMTP. Also highlighted was the imageRUNNER 2530's security options, where Canon's uniFLOW Output Manager solution can be used. Canon Copiers was truly

New A4 Monochrome devices from Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
get this RIGHT! What's not right? For starters since the system is printer based the cost per page will be in line with traditional high speed laser printers. I don't understand what the big deal is, what Ricoh should have luanched is a monochrome A4 device with the cost per page model of an A3 device. Meaning, the toner should have been cartridge based and have a retail cost of .0025-.0029. With the A3 cost per page model we could sell a cost per page agreement anywhere from .008 to .0140 with

Ricoh Partners With EFI to Introduce EFI™ Plug-Ins For GlobalScan™ NX

Art Post (Guest) ·
-time two-way communications between GlobalScan NX and the EDM/ECM, systems helping users effectively streamline workflows and improve productivity. The GlobalScan solution also achieves significant cost savings through reduced paper use and time spent searching for documents. “Ricoh’s GlobalScan NX and EFI’s intelligent plug-ins allow us to meet our customers’ evolving demands and capture needs,” said Shun Sato, senior vice president, Marketing, Ricoh Americas Corporation. “Ricoh remains

Re: Rumor has it.....

What did they mention at Convergence about this... Ricoh to cut 10,000 jobs out of 109,000 global workforce Ricoh aims to triple op profit to 210 bln yen in 2013/14 Latest restructuring by Japanese firm after March 11 quake (Recasts with company confirmation) TOKYO, May 26 (Reuters) - Japanese copier and printer maker Ricoh Co said it would cut nearly 10 percent of its workforce as it looks to boost its sagging profits and fend off competition from the likes of Xerox and Canon Inc . Ricoh said

Xerox Expands E-Discovery Services with New European Offices

Art Post (Guest) ·
document technology, services, software and genuine Xerox supplies for graphic communication and office printing environments of any size. Through ACS, A Xerox Company, which Xerox acquired in February 2010, Xerox also offers extensive business process outsourcing and IT outsourcing services, including data processing, HR benefits management, finance support, and customer relationship management services for commercial and government organizations worldwide. The 134,000 people of Xerox serve clients in

Toshiba Canada launches new Colour Line

Eight A3 Colour models from 20 - 65 cpm. Very similar to previous product line. Finally includes the Xerox "Hold for Resources" feature. USA launch must be only days away.

Xerox Buys Newfield IT

·[/URL] Another solution gets snapped up

Ricoh Convergence "party at univeral"

Art Post (Guest) ·
Last night I uploaded one of the may videos I have from the Karaoke club. Go the the Print4Pay You Tube site check out Paul P's performance. It's the link on the forums with the x, and the image is lost in cyber world. The video is fun and I'll be posting additional comments, videos and pics in a few days. Art

New Xerox 7740 Wide Format Scan Solution makes colour and black-and-white scanning si

Art Post (Guest) ·
United Arab Emirates: Monday, May 23 - 2011 at 14:38 Architectural, engineering and construction companies, manufacturing firms and commercial print shops have an affordable new option for scanning their technical documents. The compact new Xerox 7740 Wide Format Scan Solution employs 600x600 dpi scan resolution to ensure crisp and accurate colour and black-and-white image quality on jobs such as construction plans, electrical wiring diagrams and mapping. With an easy-to-use interface the


Art Post (Guest) ·
focus and industry-leading customer service. Mike Marusic has been promoted to Senior Vice President of the Business Solutions Group (BSG), responsible for expanding the ProAV channel and further strengthening Sharp’s relationships with corporate accounts. “Mike has successfully led the marketing teams for several years now and we are confident that his experience will continue to help the company thrive,” said Ed McLaughlin, president of Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America. “These

DCSI And Australia-Based Print Security Execute Development And Distribution Agreemen

Art Post (Guest) ·
data stored on hard drives inside of digital copiers. Digital Copier Security, Inc. (DCSI), the California-based company which has led ground breaking research and the development of data security solutions domestically, has joined forces with Australia-based Print Security in order to serve markets in Australia and New Zealand. Print Security has extensive experience in the copier industry and with print management services. The company is associated through common management with Smartprint

Re: Rumor has it.....

As far as Canon releasing Solutions Engineers... Too often top management doesn't understand exactly what an SE does, because its hard to quantify their impact. A good pre-sales SE is to a Sales Organization like yeast is to bread, you only notice when its not there. Several years ago I was hired by RBS-Boston to reconstitute the solutions team that they had disbanded two years earlier. Of course the branches sale tanked, and they finally figured out they needed Pre-Sales SEs. They brought me

KGB returns broken copier to United Civic Party's activists in Homyel

Art Post (Guest) ·
The Committee for State Security (KGB) has returned a broken copier to the Homyel regional organization of the United Civic Party (UCP) without repairing it or compensating the party for the losses. The copier was seized during a search of the organization's office that was conducted in January in connection with a criminal investigation into the December 19, 2010 post-election protest in Minsk. The device was then in working order. "Two weeks ago, we refused to take back the copier and

Can anyone help me with this??

Art Post (Guest) ·
I'm looking for CFS "Cost Fact Sheets" for Konica Minolta Bizhub 363, 361, 423, 421, 501 Kyocera Mita KM4050, KM5050, TASKAlfa420i, TASKAlfa520i Please email if yu can help. Art

HP Buys Printellligent

· Like its a Solutions purchasing frenzy

Colortrac launch four new wide-format multi-function peripheral solutions

Art Post (Guest) ·
Released 26/05/2011 Colortrac launch four new wide-format multi-function peripheral solutions Large format scanner innovator Colortrac has launched four new wide-format professional multi-function peripheral (MFP) solutions, providing a full range of large format scan, copy, share and print capabilities for users of wide format printers. Each Colortrac professional MFP solution has been designed to satisfy the most rigorous of demands in a specific target group of customer applications. Ranging

Ricoh ewriter

Art Post (Guest) ·
While at Convergence I was able to take a look at the Ricoh ewriter or equill. I did a patent search on the internet and came up with ewriter. Goods and Services: Portable electronic device for receiving and reading text, images and sounds through wireless networking; computer hardware and software in the field or text, image and sound transmission and display. The above paragraph is what I found here ( Something else I found trade marked by

New Ricoh Legal Marketing Materials Available

Art Post (Guest) ·
Following last week’s announcement on Ricoh Legal, I am pleased to let you know that the brand new Ricoh Legal marketing materials are available at the following link, including copy of the press release, brochure, full-page advertisement, and downloadable files for the Flash presentation: http://ikonlegalresource.webex...sp?a=12&id=48791 The new web site is also live at the following address: For a copy of last week’s announcement, click here: http

Ricoh DX4542 - E21

Art Post (Guest) ·
When I turn the Ricoh DX4542 on it goes immediately E21, Help

Xerox WorkCentre 5735PT Proposal

Art Post (Guest) ·
go here for document:

32 Copier RFP in Dawson County, Georgia

Art Post (Guest) ·
#149-11-RFP PHOTOCOPIERS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALSDUE DATE: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 by 3:00 P.M.The Purchasing Department will be accepting sealed proposals from qualified vendors to provide mult-function photocopier equipment and maintenance service...

Re: MPS And Profit

With the Purchasing Frenzy this month Equitrac Picked up by Nuance NewField IT Picked up by Xerox Printelligent Picekd up by HP major corporations are seeing the value in MPS business software applications

Re: Advantages of Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
All manufacturers have their own spin, even Konica Minolta. My father once stated " believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you read"!

Re: Rumor has it.....

Art Post (Guest) ·
Heard yesterday and it was confirmed by some other attendees at Ricoh Convergence 2011 that Canon released 50 or so field engineers. Additionally, support is proving to be new issue in some market areas. Anyone else heard anything additional on this?? Art

Re: New A4 Monochrome devices from Ricoh

I agree with some of the comments. Ricoh could have put more thought into the CPP of these devices. Ricoh has yet to impress me with their laser printer line and now these will become their platform for A4?

Re: Thoughts on Convergence 2011??

Ricoh is stressing mds and the need for dealers to share a lot of customer info with ricoh to manage those mds accounts. I still think most dealers will be pretty leery about sharing customer info. Keynote speaker stressed how markets are moving from an ownership strategy to a rental strategy (software as a service) it seems to me that as copier dealers we have been doing that for years with our leasing programs. Louie Anderson was pretty funny

ONYX Graphics announces plug-in for Adobe Illustrator software to optimize sign and b

Art Post (Guest) ·
to higher production cost per banner. Some shops use RIP software to add grommet marks, but involving printer operators in banner setup slows production time. The Sign&Banner Plug-in enables placement of grommet data at the design stage and from within Adobe Illustrator software, saving production time and potentially costly job re-runs. Print bleeds: adding print bleed data (overprinting the media area) manually for banners is time-consuming. Complicated bleeds – such as duplicate or mirror

Re: Judge approves a $4.9 million settlement to businesses who were charged payment incre

Art Post (Guest) ·
& Bushman LLP. “Many of these being businesses here in South Florida.” Class members alleged that defendants GE Capital lT Solutions and IKON Financial Services & Office Solutions raised lease agreements for copiers by 5 percent, in violation of written terms, according to the news release. “These contracts were multi-year contracts at a fixed rate,” Harke continued. “The companies thought they had a right to raise cost per copier.” On the contrary, Harke contended, the increase was illegitimate




Re: Rumor has it.....


Re: Rumor has it.....

By engineers, do you mean copier techs or is this a higher level position? Are these guys CBS? Thanks..

Re: Toshiba Canada launches new Colour Line

Toshiba USA released the new models today! They will begin shipping within days.

Re: Rumor has it.....

Any thoughts on why Canon released the engineers? Is demand for this role down or are the sourcing this duty to CBS?

Re: Rumor has it.....

Art Post (Guest) ·
Talk at Convergence was that this was one of many moves to reduce the workforce of Oce and Canon. Not sure if that is true, it's what I heard. I also heard from a good source that this Canon dealer (dual line) is waiting up to 45 days for hardware!!!!!!!!!!

Sales Professionals Create An Alignment Of Value... Are You?

"When values, thoughts, feelings, and actions are in alignment, a person becomes focused and character is strengthened."
John C. Maxwell

Stop for a moment, sit back and now reflect upon this question...

How much value are you creating for your clients and prospects to help grow your sales and their business?

All too often, I hear salespeople, sales management and those in executive management sing praise to the importance of creating value for their clients and prospects. Inside a sea of sales sameness, VALUE; irrefutably becomes one of the single biggest aspects.

However, in order build value, how many know the true meaning of value? Why is this so important?

"Know thy value, know thy worth"

Merriam-Webster defines value as:

  • The monetary worth of something
  • A fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged
  • Relative worth, utility, or importance
  • Something (such as a principle or quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable

My question to all of you...

How many know what you're worth?


There are way too many of you in sales that act like 'walking, talking brochures', as you simply regurgitate product information. Your clients and prospects aren't buying into your facts and features.

In fact, most aren't even product oriented in their thinking; what they're focused on is finding a solution to their challenges and solving their problems. This is what creates value for them.

When you pound your chest and rattle off great wizardry about your products, you fail to position you and your knowledge as the answer to their pain, frustration or aspiration.

Instead, all you've done is position yourself as a commodity, swimming in the deep blue sales ocean known as the 'sea of sameness'.

Attention sales community...

You've allowed the buyer to base more of their purchasing decision on price, thereby pressuring profit margins as they crush you with the sales sameness hammer.

A true sales professional creates value through the eyes of their clients. With 20/20 vision, they clearly gain the opportunity to be viewed like none other in the marketplace as if they've almost created a new market segment of one.

They have effectively repositioned themselves from their competition. Price now becomes a less dominating factor within the purchasing decision. I get it, at some point price does become an issue, but if they perceive unique value, price will never be THE issue.

"Creating value not only transforms sales effectiveness, but it also provides insulation from the price hammer."


Building strong relationships and understanding holistically what value means, lays the foundation for becoming valuable.

Sales professionals create value alignment.


A sales professional understands their value. They know value is deeply cemented within the foundation of their business house.

What makes you valuable?

People won’t ever engage in a business conversation nor buy from you if they don’t even understand why they should pay attention to you.

A sales professional understands their value statement is their promise. It's the value they deliver, communicate and our held accountable for fulfilling.

Given client expectations and the competitive business landscape, a sales professional consistently reviews their value statement as part of their personal business strategy. They spend time with their clients to see if they're actually meeting and fulfilling the aspects within their value statement with them.

On a daily basis, a sales professional will ask themselves...

  • What do I represent?
  • What is my ideal self?
  • How would I describe myself?
  • What are my values?
  • What is my vision and mission?
"How well do you know your value statement?"


A sales professional always looks at things through the eyes of their clients. They develop a true understanding of what they value. They realize all clients value different things; as there's no cookie cutter model and how to create it for them.

The same can be said for different people within the same organization. A sales professional gains an understanding and builds credible relationships with all of the people making up the buying team. This is to ensure their sales communication is appropriate for each one of them.

"Sales professionals do not cut corners and assume they know their client's value"

By strengthening the relationship, a sales professional is able to get a better sense of the current business situation and where their clients want to be; as this information is used to position their value to address their clients' initiatives, goals, desires, and challenges.

A sales professional will spend as much time as is it takes to gain an understanding of their client's value. They know taking shortcuts and skimming over key details will result in a failure to create and communicate value.


Company values are the guiding principles that are most important to a sales professional about the way the company works.

They align their values to the company's to create a value based go to market strategy. Words they align to...

  • Being accountable
  • Making a difference
  • Serving others
  • Doing what is right

When alignment of values happen, people understand one another, everyone does the right things for the right reasons. Value alignment helps the company as a whole to achieve its core mission, taking care of their clients and employees.

When values are out of alignment, with people working towards different goals, with different intentions, and with different outcomes; this ultimately damages work relationships, productivity, job satisfaction, and creative potential.

"How well do you know your company's mission, vision and value statement?"

In the end, a sales professional marries both values together in harmony and uses this to take care of their clients as well as to grow new opportunities.


Done with precision, building value positions sales professionals with a greater chance to grow sales and long-term business relationships.

I encourage you to go back and analyze some of your best client relationships.

Grab a sheet of paper and start asking yourself some of the following questions:

  • Do I know what my client's value?
  • Do they know what I value?
  • Do they know what my company values?

And if you struggle at any level to answer, then I believe uncovering these could be the path to strengthening and insulating your relationships from hostile take-overs.

In order to crush your sales, I encourage you to pay close attention to the strength of your relationships, tolerance for change, your client's current situation and always ask questions.

It's imperative that in today's competitive business landscape, sales professionals must marry their value, their client's value and their company's value together in complete harmony; one that is uniquely suited to promote growth and better business.

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I understand, I get where you all are coming from. Every day, I walk in your shoes. I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects and heartfelt strategies into your current sales process to grow new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way, the genuine way, the authentic way! It's about understanding value before visibility.

Selling From the Heart is making a difference! I poured my heart into every page of this book and I think you're going to love it. You can find it on Amazon in paperback, kindle and in audio. You can click on the book image below and this will take you to Amazon.

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In a world full of empty suits, I'm passionate about helping sales reps succeed by getting valuable before they get visible. I help sales teams understand the true value they bring to the market.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my stories. Integrating the use of social and sharing my story on LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive office technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart.

COVID19 Remote Working at Three Hundred Days of Selling Copiers

COVID19 Remote Working at Three Hundred Days of Selling Copiers

It's been eight days since my last blog and tomorrow marks three hundred business days of working remote since March of 2020.

Jersey is just about wide open at this point however we are the only state in the continental US that still has a mask mandate and social distancing for indoor activities.  The only other state with mask mandate is Hawaii.


May has been kind of up and down and with three days left in the month I may end $5 or $6k short of my monthly quota.  A good thing is that there's still more than 10% of the month left.

The month has been somewhat frustrating since one large existing account has decided the get lost in the weeds for the last three weeks.  Emails, calls and nothing seems to get them to poke their head out for a chat.  Patience.....I keep telling myself that because sooner or later something will happen.  One of the good things that came from this week is that another existing account that went into the weeds for four months made an appearance and I was told they need asap 5-7 A3 color MFPs.  That's a nice one. We'll see if this can come to fruition before the month closes on Monday the 24th.  So far crickets for the last 24 hours.

Now if just if I could get both of those well that would be a nice way to end a so so month.


The past three hundred days have been a long long journey during COVID19.  I know the blogs have tailed off as of late and I guess the reason for that is two fold.  One it's almost summer time again and I do love my summers and the other is because with the transitioning to a post COVID19 era, I've been more active with in person meetings.  In addition I've actually populated the NJ office for a couple of days in the last two weeks.

I couldn't have done this without many of you.  The zoom chats, the phone calls and the emails helped me make it through one of the toughest times our industry has ever faced.  It will be interesting to see the changes now that we're in a post COVID recovery and I'm sure I'll have something to write about the changes that I'm seeing in the field.

Special Thanx

I guess the first person I need to thank is my dealer principal, he's the one didn't cut staff and believed in his people. To him I owe a heartfelt thank you because if I had been furloughed who knows what the next step would have been.  Next is my VP of Sales, he has that no quit mentality like me and helped me believe that if you have faith you can accomplish anything.  Guess what?  We accomplished EVERYTHING!

Greg Walters our early zoom meetings were the bomb and I know we both helped each other and others as well. John Anderson, what can I say I love John like a brother and our consistent chats kept the juices flowing.  Larry Kirsch, the old veteran that knows more than me and I'm still learning from him.  Dayna Karron, what can I say but I wish I could be more like her. We had an early Zoom call in early April about the use of Linkedin and what I learned (can you believe I'm still learning) helped so much. Chris Pierson, was the only guy I could chat with that understood what it was like in Jersey for the past 300 days.  Gonna miss Chris because he's transitioned out of the industry.

Eddie Jones, Jason Habbal, Monte Jensen, Deon Beshoff, Joe Escamillia, Frank Vasquez and everyone else that attending our early zoom calls was amazing.  Having the ability to talk about our markets and what's working or not working was key!

Martin Hoffman (Copier Store), Chris Polek (Polek & Polek), Brent Martin (Arlington), Brett Apold (Arcoa) our calls and zoom chats helped me to understand what was happening with our vendors.  Funny story with Chris it was in mid February that we did a chat about COVID19  in China and how that might affect our supply chain.  It's 300 business days later and there are still major supply chain issues!  Guess Chris and I knew something but never thought it would be this bad.

To my wife, one amazing women that puts up with my crazy ideas, my workaholic attitude and ADD, Could not have gotten through this without you dear.

The End

At 300 business days I'm calling this blog series a wrap.  I can only hope that I've helped someone along the way and if I did it makes all 300 days something very special.

-=Good Selling=-

OMG, it's a Brother "Part 5"

It's been almost two years since I wrote my last blog on finding a full brother alive and well living in Arizona.  If you're not familiar with the blog it's about my fraternal twin and I being adopted back in the summer of 1960.  We were a tad over three years old and to this day I remember the ride we took down the NJ Turnpike to meet our new parents.  We always knew we were adopted and that lead to some issues especially with me as I got older.

Fast forward to two and a half years ago when I received the results of my DNA and was notified that I have a full brother living in Arizona.  Yes, we connected and yes me met in Vegas two years ago this week.  We look more alike than my fraternal twin and I did.

The Saga Continues

In the last two years I've been able to connect with two half sisters to learn more about my birth parents or at lease my birth fathers side of the family.  Both are up there in age and both are sweethearts for allowing me to test and pry their memory banks.  I received a shocker that one day last summer when speaking to one of the sisters. My birth father had eight children with his wife and then my birth mother had 3 children with her husband.  My birth mothers husband had left her after WW2. Some where in Bergen County, NJ my birth mother and father met and I believed they had three children (Peter full bro in Arizona and me and my twin). So between half brother/sisters and full siblings there was 14 of us.  The shocker was that my birth mother and birth father produced 6 children and not the three I was led to believe.  By my count that makes 17 of us!  To date I've not been able to track down the other three siblings and one of the reasons is that they probably never took a DNA test. In addition my twin and I were the youngest. My birth fathers age when I was born was 47!  Well at least he was a player.

Just This Week

Every now and then I get some "hints" sent to me from I'll open the email and see if it's something new or just some of the same old hints that have been coming across for years now.  There was a new name that I was not aware of so I logged into Ancestry.  That new name didn't go anywhere but there was a PM from someone. Okay, let's check it out because just maybe it's a hit from a full sibling. The PM was from a women in NY and stated that I was showing up as a 1st cousin with a 15% DNA hit.  Sometimes with Ancestry a DNA hit like that could also mean a full sibling thus I was willing to check it our further.  Stuff just started to click, this person was adopted out two days after birth and not the legit way but given to another family. The year was 1963 and the location of the birth was in North Jersey which is right in line with my birth family.

DNA Does Not Lie

Okay, 15% DNA hit, North Jersey birth, adopted out not the legit way and all of this was adding up that this could be a close family member.  Of course I reached out to her and she shared with me that she knew and had met her birth mother. She gave me her full name and maiden name and both of those names were names I was not familiar with birth family circle.  Right, back to the DNA, I then asked her who else she share DNA with and then the names fell into place.  One was my full brother and one was a nephew of mine that were on Ancestry. So it had to be from my birth fathers side of the family and yea that was probably the right conclusion from the start, however take it from one who knows birth certifications from that era can have false information.

All She Wanted Was...

Like me many years ago all I wanted was to find some type of connection in the world.  Who came before me, how did I get here, where were we from and who were my birth parents.  It was more like needing closure to to along standing puzzle that couldn't be finished because you didn't have all of the pieces.  Today I was one of those pieces that could help her put a name and a face of her birth father.

I felt on top of the world today because I thought I had the contacts that could help her figure out who her father was.  For me it was a choice of two people my father (the man about town) or one of his sons.  There were only two sons and one was killed in a car accident in 57 and that only left the one son.

I called my "go to" nephew in PA and we chatted about the names and threw around some scenario's an in the end he need to reach out to his Aunt/my half sister to she what she remembered.

By the End of the Day

Turns out that my half brother had a short marriage back int the early sixties and was then involved with another woman who turns out to be the mother of the person who contacted me.  I was told that my half brother and her had a baby although he wasn't around anymore because he decided to change teams if you get my drift.  That baby was her! My half brother also passed away back in 1990.

End result is the person that contact me is my niece and I'm her uncle.  She was  elated that after all of this time she finally had solved the puzzle of who her father was. I felt awesome that I could help this stranger that turned out to be family in finding that last piece of the puzzle. Thus the reason I just had to write this tonight.


As with many adoptions it's more about be careful of what you wish for. In most cases adoptions back in that day (at least in northern NJ) were from unwed mothers that were Catholic and since they were Catholic those mothers carried the babies to term and many made local arrangements for the adoptions.

In closing I'm never been so thankful for the faith that people put on lives in the Catholic Church for born and unborn.

