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February 2023

Todays Hacked!


LastPass Says DevOps Engineer Home Computer Hacked -......LastPass DevOp engineer's home computer hacked and implanted with keylogging malware as part of a sustained cyberattack.

Southeastern University network potentially hacked -.....Southeastern University officials report that their network was potentially hacked and that the university took the network offline as a ...

Avenged Sevenfold Appear to Have Been Hacked – AI Deepfake, .......Avenged Sevenfold Appear to Have Been Hacked – AI Deepfake, Phony Festival Cancelations. Joe DiVita · Joe DiVita Published: February 27, 2023.

TMC Twitter profile hacked! Account sends out tweets about crypto, NFT - ..........Ever since the account was hacked, there have been tweets promoting NFT collections made by Yuga Labs. The official Trinamool Congress (TMC) Twitter ...

Twitter account of Trinamool Congress hacked; logo & picture changed - BizzBuzz.....The official Twitter account of the Trinamool Congress has been hacked, with the picture and logo of the handle changed.

-=Stay Safe=-

Today's Hacked!


Beware rogue 2FA apps in App Store and Google Play – don't get hacked! - Naked Security....Even in Apple's and Google's "walled gardens", there are plenty of 2FA apps that are either dangerously incompetent, or unrepentantly malicious.

Most CISOs to change jobs due to growing stress from hacking threats.....CISOs are on the defence, with the only possible outcomes that they don't get hacked or they do,” said Deepti Gopal, Director Analyst, Gartner.

German minister warns of 'massive' danger from Russian hackers | Germany ....In 2020, the office of the then chancellor, Angela Merkel, was hacked. She revealed to parliament that emails had been obtained from her ...

An amateur player manages to beat an invincible AI at Go... by hacking it with a bot - Gearrice....Captain Kirk was the only one who could defeat her… hacking the system. We don't know if Pelrine was inspired by this classic Star Trek story, but ...

INEC Investigates Security Breach After Report of Portal Hacking, Shares Details on Reported Issues.....However, the commission assured Nigerians that the portal was not hacked, nor was there any sabotage involved. The statement also stated that the ...

Passkeys: the Solution to Our Password Problem? - Prime Time For Seniors.....You can access your accounts on any device, and your credentials won't work for an identity thief if they are hacked, phished, or stolen in a data ...

-=Stay Safe=-

Radical Consistency Separates Sales Professionals From Sales Reps, What Say You?

“Consistency is the belt that fastens excellence in position. If you don’t do it repeatedly, you’ll not excel in it.”
Israelmore Ayivor

What are you repeatedly doing to create sales excellence?

You can control what you can control, and you can't control what you can't control.

You may not like hearing this, you are 100% responsible for how you show up.

Therefore, on a daily basis, are you showing up prepared and committed to sales excellence?

If you were asked you to describe your work ethic, what would you say? Is it strong? Is it in need of some attention or would you even know?

Now remember, the mirror never lies only the person looking into it. So, tell the truth when it comes to your work ethic, your habits and your consistent pursuit to sales excellence.

Sales professionals are consistently consistent.

Craig Groeschel's book, The Power to Change, Mastering the Habits that Matter Most is a must read.

To quote, "Successful people are not lucky. They're consistent."

In Selling From the Heart, I write about how many in sales are inconsistently consistent, and thus the results show.

As Craig Groeschel goes on to say, "Successful people do consistently what other people do occasionally."

Successful people start and maintain the right habits and keep doing them.

Same applies to salespeople.

There is no secret hack, trick, tip or short cut to success.

It's the combination of disciplined habits, consistency and radical levels of self-accountability.

"Successful people start and maintain the right habits and keep doing them."
Craig Groeschel

Malcolm Gladwell wrote about consistency in his book, Outliers: The Story of Success. He studied successful people and uncovered one common attribute explaining their success. The answer was 10,000 hours.

Gladwell mentioned, "People who became great at something put in 10,000 hours of practice."

Let's stop for a just a moment... How many in sales, sales management or sales leadership have amassed 10,000 hours of practice?

Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.
Proverbs 13:11 NLT

Let's breakdown the Proverbs message into sales terms, "how fast can I succeed, or at least get to quota, with doing minimal amounts of work, effort and commitment?"

What sets of values, beliefs and desires do you have around working hard?

Thomas Edison nailed it,

"There is no substitute for hard work."

What are your daily habits, routines and rituals?

Are you committed to yourself?

As silly as that sounds, a strong work ethic along with self-discipline starts with the consistent commitment you make to yourself.


“Small disciplines repeated with consistency everyday lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.”
John C. Maxwell

When it comes to sales excellence, consistency separates the good from the great.

How often have you observed someone in sales having a banner year, or a series of phenomenal quarters, only to follow it up with spats of mediocrity and below average performance?

Consistency separates the successful from the unsuccessful and sales professionals from sales reps.

Radical consistency will change the course of your sales life forever! defines consistency,

"Steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc."


  • Consistency allows you to measure results.
  • Consistency yields accountability.
  • Consistency builds upon your reputation.


Salespeople today are consistently inconsistent.


"The key to success is consistency. And right now, the only way for you to actually take action is to believe in yourself."
Zak Frazer

Are you lying to yourself?

To accomplish what you tell yourself requires massive amounts of discipline.

Words with no action and discipline lead you down the path to nowhere.

Discipline means consistently doing what you tell yourself you will do without procrastination and without the excuses.

  • Do you tell yourself that tomorrow you will start prospecting, but the next day you postpone prospecting?
  • Do you promise yourself to start sales practice, but you fail to start?
  • Do you promise yourself to take better care of your clients, but then find yourself looking for excuses not to do what you promised yourself to do?

Being consistent in sales builds trust.

Consistency is mission critical, especially in challenging times when people crave certainty and reassurance.

Consistency is the foundation for long term sustainability.

Consistency builds self-confidence.

Consistency opens the sales door to new opportunities.

Consistency helps you to develop new habits.

How can you make any real changes in your sales life, improve your sales life or make any consistent progress if you're always lying to yourself?
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Short term thinking combined with instant gratification squashes any aspects of consistency.

It's concerning that when many in sales fail to gain immediate results from their actions, they start playing mental gymnastics as to why they should continue those actions.

Case in point, prospecting. And I will let all of you stew on that one.

And why my favorite quote from Selling from the Heart rings true,

Salespeople have hypnotized themselves into believing what they are not doing, doesn't work.

Why do many in sales find it difficult to remain consistent?

Call it lack of focus, vision, purpose or passion; many simply lack commitment and discipline to stick with something short-term for long-term gain.

Just stop the excuses and get to work!

There are no silver bullet moments when it comes to a commitment too consistency.

Consistency, it's all about small incremental improvements over time. The results you're after will eventually come, however; they'll come over an extended period of time when you commit to consistently doing the right things right.


"What comes into our mind, comes out in our life"
Craig Groeschel

Sales professionals realize the greatest power lies in the present moment. They understand consistency demands attentiveness, presence and a positive mindset.

It demands they remain disciplined to the moment without exception, no questions asked.

Consistency breeds...

Accountability - Becoming consistent makes you accountable for your actions. There's no one else to blame if you are the one doing the activities needed to meet your goals.

Relevance - Maintaining consistency in your actions can make you relevant and build upon your reputation to others. Consistent hard work leads to long-term results, and isn't this what you want?

Trust - Becoming consistent in your life helps build your trustworthiness with other people. It's so easy to preach to others, but it might be harder to do what you say. People who "walk the talk" and are congruent look credible and trustworthy in the eyes of other people.

Success, it's not a light switch you turn off and on


Creating consistency requires planning and practice.

Sales professionals are forward thinking. They plan, prepare and practice consistent behaviors. They understand their core activities are built around their values, purpose, a plan and goals.

If for any reason their priorities are not in alignment with these areas, they acknowledge it and realign to it.

Are you connecting with your core values, your personal mission, or the quiet voice in your head?

  • What is your mission statement?
  • What are your values?
  • What are you grateful for?
It's how you consistently start the morning that determines how you finish the day.

What specifically can you do to maintain consistency?

What is your plan?

Craig Groeschel so eloquently says, "The path to public success is always paved with private discipline."

As we think about discipline, let's refer to Hebrews 12:11 NLT,

No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening - it's painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained this way.


"The path to success is to take massive, determined action."
Tony Robbins

A professional prepares each day with consistent action. They mentally prepare themselves with daily doses of self-reflection.

They ask of themselves:

  • What actions do I need to do to achieve my goals?
  • What actions and activities do I need to repeat to achieve my goals?
  • What am I filling up my soul with to help me hit my goals?

Sales professionals are laser focused. They have a clear idea of what needs to happen to achieve their desired outcomes.

What are your desired outcomes?

They understand what consistent repetitive activities they must do and then they take massive action.

What are you doing right now to take massive action?


Your sales life is too precious to waste. Your future rests solely in your hands. You and you alone decide what you'll focus on.

You and you alone choose to be distracted.

You and you alone can only decide to take action.

You must hold yourself radically accountable. The hardest part of being self-disciplined is doing it every day.

You may not see immediate results but over time and with consistent action you will build the foundations of a meaningful sales life.

In a sales world where trust and credibility are anemically low, think about the following:

Consistency in your character develops integrity.

Consistency in your attitude creates trust.

Consistency in your self-leadership builds influence.

Consistency & Discipline... this defines sales success.
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Welcome to the Selling From the Heart podcast as we feature Sean Litvak, the bestselling author of Proverbs For Leadership. Today, Sean talks about putting the needs of the customer before a seller's need to close and coaching people to their strengths.

Sean also discusses the thoughtful consideration of feedback and how to give and receive feedback that is based on a desire to improve rather than prescribe to others what is right. He also coaches on self-sabotage, promoting a healthy lifestyle, removing what discourages, and keeping what encourages in your life.

Learn more about Darrell and Larry:




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From Data to Dollars: The Bottom-Line Benefits of Investing in Business Intelligence

From Data to Dollars: The Bottom-Line Benefits of Investing in Business Intelligence

In today's business world, data is king. Companies are collecting more data than ever before, but many are struggling to turn that data into actionable insights. That's where business intelligence (BI) comes in. By using specialized software and tools to collect, analyze, and report on data, BI helps organizations make more informed decisions, improve their performance, and ultimately, drive revenue growth. In this blog post, we'll explore the bottom-line benefits of investing in business intelligence, and why it's critical to your company's success.

BI Helps You Make Better Decisions

The heart of business intelligence is the ability to turn raw data into actionable insights. With BI, you can quickly and easily identify patterns and trends, explore cause-and-effect relationships, and track KPIs and metrics. This means you can make faster, more informed decisions based on accurate, up-to-date information. For example, if you're a retailer, you can use BI to track inventory levels, identify your top-selling products, and forecast demand. With this information, you can make better decisions about pricing, promotions, and inventory management, ultimately driving higher profits.

BI Helps You Spot Opportunities and Risks

In addition to improving decision-making, BI can help you identify new opportunities and potential risks. For example, you can use BI to track customer behavior, such as purchase history and engagement with marketing campaigns. By analyzing this data, you can identify new product opportunities, target specific customer segments more effectively, and identify potential risks, such as a drop in customer engagement or a spike in returns. By spotting opportunities and risks early, you can take action to capitalize on them or mitigate their impact, ultimately driving revenue growth and minimizing losses.

BI Improves Operational Efficiency

Another key benefit of BI is that it can help you improve operational efficiency. By automating data collection and analysis, you can reduce the time and effort required to generate insights. For example, instead of spending hours manually pulling data from different sources and compiling it in a spreadsheet, you can use BI software to automatically aggregate and visualize the data in real-time. This not only saves time, but it also reduces the risk of errors and inconsistencies. By streamlining your data processes, you can free up resources to focus on other key areas of your business, such as product development or customer service.

BI Helps You Monitor and Track Performance

BI is also an essential tool for tracking and monitoring performance. By tracking KPIs and metrics, you can get a real-time view of how your business is performing, identify areas that need improvement, and celebrate successes. For example, you can use BI to track sales performance, monitor customer satisfaction, or analyze website traffic. With this information, you can make data-driven decisions to improve performance, such as launching a new marketing campaign, offering a new product or service, or optimizing your website for better user experience. By tracking and monitoring performance, you can ensure that your business is on track to meet its goals and objectives.

BI Helps You Stay Ahead of the Competition

Finally, BI can help you stay ahead of the competition. By using data to inform your decisions, you can spot trends and patterns before your competitors do, identify new market opportunities, and stay ahead of emerging risks. For example, if you're a retailer, you can use BI to monitor your competitors' pricing and promotions, identify gaps in the market, and develop new products or services to fill those gaps. By using data to inform your decisions, you can stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive advantage.

Investing in business intelligence is critical to your company's success. By using specialized software and tools to collect, analyze, and report on data, you can make more informed decisions, spot opportunities and risks, improve operational efficiency.

-=Good Selling=-

The True Value of Managed Print Services

The True Value of Managed Print Services

Spikes in remote and hybrid workforces have forced many business offices to go primarily digital. But, while the digital transformation came with potential savings on rent and real estate, it added on widespread software-as-a-service (SAAS) monthly expenses.

And, with inflation keeping a steady grip on the economy, costs for the electronics and services businesses need to continue to rise and remain high. It’s hardly a surprise to see companies scrambling for new ways to cut their costs.

With so much digital dependency, many businesses eyeball their printers as one of the first services to get the axe. But that’s not as good an idea as it may seem.

Most employees still consider printers an essential part of how they conduct their jobs. Well over half of office workers use printed documents as their primary way to make notes. Employees who do not leverage time away from the screen to view printed documentation often suffer from long-term eye strain and computer vision syndrome.

Companies can save money on printing without completely cutting off access. Here are a few ways businesses can leverage the true value of managed printer services to reduce expenses while realizing real benefits.

Ditch the Ghost Fees and Hidden Expenses

Beyond the equipment and supply costs, most businesses have little idea how much their printers are really costing them. But office printer costs are far more than the price to replace toner or paper. Beyond the expenses of the materials, there is also the time and energy employees put into print management – all of which could be avoided with a managed print services partner.

The real, trackable costs of paper, for instance, don’t take into account the number of sheets wasted due to reprinting. They also don’t note how often what might have been a perfectly good print was caught in a paper jam.

How much paper, toner, and ink could have been saved if employees printed internal documents in draft mode or greyscale? More importantly, how much money could have been retained if the printer was calibrated correctly?

For office printers, the right settings can mean the difference between employee benefits and budget black holes. Fortunately, managed print services providers can help any business evaluate their printing volumes and standard use to recommend the right equipment and calibrate accordingly.

But these recommendations and procedures don’t just save money when it comes to wasted supplies. They also help reduce the time employees spend fighting with printers, waiting in printer queues, or attempting to get their printed documents to look a specific way.

The right machines will help reduce delays in print production, maximize efficiency, and provide the best printing capacity for the organization. So, staff can spend less time messing with printer settings, paper jams, or waiting around, and more time focused on getting their work done.

Stop Spending too Much on IT Time and Energy

Employees print a lot because it is a necessary function in every office. But, when printers are managed in-house, that also means every time there is a printing issue, staff members contact the IT department to get it fixed.

Paper jams, scanning problems, printer driver installation, communications issues – they all end up in the Help Desk queue. In fact, fifty percent or more of help desk calls and tickets are printer related. And that number can skyrocket as printers become old, outdated, and have more trouble interacting with more updated software and equipment.

With so many printing inquiries hitting the help desk, the efficiency of workplace printers directly affects the time IT employees have available to spend on more pressing issues. Their capacity to assist in implementing broader IT strategies, improvements, and business development tasks is significantly constrained if they are busy resolving minor printing issues for other employees.

Even worse, IT employees that feel overburdened addressing help desk tickets and their other tasks may not stick around. And while big tech businesses are making headlines with mass IT layoffs, the truth is that most businesses are having a hard time finding and keeping staff members – even in IT.

Recent job numbers show there are currently 1.7 positions open for every person looking for work. Over four million people quit their jobs in June of 2022, often for other opportunities. And, when surveyed, Gen Z and Millennial respondents said the intensity of their positions and the growing demands placed on them in the workplace is pushing them to start looking elsewhere.

Managed print services partners can help reduce the time and effort the IT department is spending addressing minor and even major printing issues. These office printing experts typically take over the management of print-related problems including providing support, addressing errors, fielding maintenance and service work, and even helping schedule supply orders. So, IT departments can be more productive and focus on things that bring the company greater benefit.

Gain the Ability to Plan Ahead

Every business needs to plan and estimate expenses. Budget planning gives the company a sense of direction, concrete goals, and a plan for profits. But office printing is often one aspect of any business that never seems to fit correctly into a specific financial plan.

Fortunately, managed print services can help their business partners meet their budget goals. These services eliminate the surprise of equipment, maintenance, parts, and service costs by packaging everything up into one neat monthly expense.

And when it comes to supplies, printer services have solutions that help their partners analyze paper, ink, and toner use. From there it is possible to develop predictive ordering standards that fit into a standard monthly cost.

But it’s not just about looking ahead, managed print services partners can also help c help your business plan and avoid mistakes. That’s possible through analysis of usual trends in your printers and predictive ordering for these supplies.

Any business concerned with building realistic printing budgets will find managed print services the perfect partnership for accountability and predictable returns.

Bottom Line

Printing remains a crucial part of business operations. But it also brings a hefty amount of hidden expenses. Thankfully, managed printer services can help any office craft a printing solution that meets employee needs while reducing the time, energy, and expense of in-house operations.

Office printer services go well beyond the standard equipment and supply costs. Rather, they bring a wealth of hidden advantages that help organizations, no matter how digital, reach success.

Today's Hacked!


More than $140,000 stolen after email account hacked.....A Commerce Drive industrial business was defrauded out of more than $140000 after someone hacked into the business' email account.

Spanish Court Approves Twitter Hacking Suspect's Extradition - BankInfoSecurity......Spain's high court approved the U.S. Department of Justice's request that a British man be extradited to face charges that he hacked Twitter in ...

LVHN reports cyberattack from suspected Russian ransomware group - .....belonging to some Lehigh Valley Health Network patients was stolen when a widely used third-party file transfer service was hacked.

DeFi protocol Hope Finance hacked for $2M at launch - ......Hope Finance's hacked contract is different from the one it audited. The smart contract exploited by the malicious player was different from the one ...

How to Protect Yourself from Twitter's 2FA Crackdown -.....The FBI got (at least a little bit) hacked, an election-disruption firm gets exposed, Russia mulls allowing “patriotic hacking,” and more. Andy ...

Cyber Mercenaries Are Hacking Elections Globally. Here's an Example of How They Do It......Their tactics include hacking, forging blackmail material, spreading disinformation, planting false intelligence, physically disrupting elections, and ...

-=Stay Safe=-

Todays Hacked!


Activision allegedly hacked, future Call of Duty content supposedly leaked online.....Earlier today, the Twitter account below drew notice to an alleged hack at Activision dating back to December 2022. In the supposed hack, which ...

Activision got hacked in December, with internal documents exposed through phishing.....Anonymous hackers got access to some internal documents, including content roadmaps. Activision got hacked in December exposing internal content ...

GoDaddy hacked: Domain hoster's proving an insecure parent - The Stack......GoDaddy hacked for the third time in recent memory with "sophisticated" (aren't they all) hackers installing malware on its cPanel servers.

Virgin Media suffers suspected hack as broadcasting on certain channels affected....Virgin Media has been the victim of a suspected hacking attack that will affect scheduled programming on some of its channels.

The Indigo hack is bad. Will AI make cyber threats worse? - .....Plurilock CEO Ian Paterson discusses the economics of AI cyber threats and Canada's response with Bill C-26 following the recent Indigo hack.

Spain to extradite British suspect to US over Twitter hack - BBC News.....Joseph O'Connor faces several charges in connection with the hack of more than 130 Twitter accounts.

-=Stay Safe=-

MSP & MSSP Industry Notes for February 19th, 2023

IT, MSP & MSSP Industry Notes

Sponsored by

February 19th, 2023

Arcoa Group

Why partnering with ARCOA makes sense
Electronics Recycling is an important and profitable part of the IT asset lifecycle, but it can be overwhelming with all you already do, varying state regulations, and the limited resources at hand. That’s where ARCOA comes in. When you partner with ARCOA, you get all the benefits of a big company without any of the capital investment. We’ve been doing this since 1989 and have the expertise, certifications, and nationwide resources to get the most for all your clients’ retired IT assets. Plus, positioning your clients as environmental stewards not only elevates their appeal to consumers, it meets government requirements and avoids fines.

What partnering with ARCOA looks like
Our role is to make it easy for you to bring more value to your clients. We work with you to help stretch your clients’ IT budget by reducing the total cost of ownership of their electronics. We’re experts at identifying and implementing the solutions your clients need for the end-of-use remarketing, recovery, and recycling of their technology assets. The sooner you involve ARCOA, the sooner you and your clients.

Lead for IT Services (College)

ATSG Recognized on CRN's 2023 MSP 500 List

  • announced that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, has named ATSG to its Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 list in the Elite 150 category for 2023
  • CRN's annual MSP 500 list identifies the industry-leading service providers in North America
  • The MSP Elite 150 recognizes large, data center-focused MSPs with a strong mix of on- and off-premises services
  • 2023 marks the seventh consecutive year that ATSG has placed on the MSP 500 list

Verito Technologies Expand in Managed IT Service Segment, Target 100% Y-o-Y Growth in ...

  • Verito to grow further into the Managed IT services
  • Globally, the managed services market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.9% to reach the mark of US$354.8 billion by 2026
  • Major factors driving this growth are the lack of skilled IT professionals on regional scales, higher demand for secure IT infrastructure since the occurrence of the pandemic, and cost reduction

Logically Recognized on CRN's 2023 MSP 500 List

  • The Channel Company, has named Logically to its Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 list in the MSP Elite 150 category for 2023
  • CRN's annual MSP 500 list identifies the industry-leading service providers in North America
  • The MSP Elite 150 recognizes large, data center-focused MSPs with a strong mix of on- and off-premises services
  • Logically is a national Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) and Managed Service Provider (MSP)

Here Are The Emerging Technology Areas That MSP 500 Execs See Offering The Biggest ...

  • Reported on
  • CRN MSP 500 asked top managed service provider executives to tell us which emerging technology areas they saw as providing the biggest opportunity in 2023
  • What 20 had to say MSP 500 Execs See

Intellinetics Completes Digital Conversion of Vital Records for Garden City, Michigan

  • announces that Garden City, Michigan has successfully digitized its historical vital records with Intellinetics Document Scanning Services
  • new process facilitates quicker and easier fulfillment of vital records requests
  • Intellinetics, Inc. is a digital transformation solutions provide

SmartVault Accelerates Strategic Growth Initiatives with Expansion of Its Executive Team

  • announce that Bryan Brorsen, Vice President of Sales and Jonathan Young, Vice President of Marketing have joined its executive team
  • Bryan Brorsen, Vice President of Sales, will lead SmartVault’s sales team
  • Jonathan Young, Vice President of Marketing, joins SmartVault from
  • SmartVault, is a provider of cloud-based document management and secure client portals for accountants

Accenture Named a Leader in Cloud Migration and Managed Services in Asia Pacific by ...

  • named as a Leader in 'The Forrester Wave: Cloud Migration And Managed Service Partners In Asia Pacific, Q4 2022
  • Forrester Wave report includes a comprehensive 27-criteria assessment of the 14 top cloud migration and managed service providers in Asia Pacific across three high-level categories: 'Current Offering'; 'Strategy'; and 'Market Presence.' Accenture received the highest scores in all three categories

Pharos Achieves ISO 27001 Certification

  • announced it is an ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified provider whose Information Security Management System (ISMS) has received third-party certification from the International Standards Organization
  • Pharos Systems International, is a cloud services and technology company specializing in print management software

Lock in on Cyber Security with ARCOA

  • customer has a staggered refresh cycle, the value of the equipment can be issued in the form of a credit growing over time
  • identifying assets that are usually passed over and often have significant value

CDI Recognized on CRN's 2023 MSP 500 List

  • named CDI to its Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 list in the Elite 150 category for 2023
  • CRN's annual MSP 500 list identifies the industry-leading service providers in North America
  • The MSP Elite 150 recognizes large, data center-focused MSPs with a strong mix of on- and off-premises services

Windstream Enterprise Delivers North America’s First and Only Comprehensive Managed Security Service Edge (SSE) Solution with Cato Networks

  • announced North America’s first comprehensive managed Security Service Edge (SSE) solution powered by Cato Networks
  • SSE is cloud-native, it can be deployed within days
    • Secure Web Gateway (SWG)
    • Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)
    • Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)
    • Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)
    • Next-Gen Anti-Malware (NGAM)
    • Managed Detection & Response (MDR)
    • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
    • Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

DOYB Technical Solutions Specializes in Managed IT in Fayetteville and McDonough, Georgia

  • DOYB Technical Solutions provides various computer, network, and cloud-based services for businesses in multiple industries, including legal, healthcare, finance companies, and government contractors

Melbourne Airport engages KPMG for managed IT services

  • selected KPMG to manage application services across its newly implemented Microsoft Dynamics core technology platform
  • will support Melbourne Airport's Microsoft Dynamics implementation across financials, supply chain, sales, customer service and marketing

Global Managed Services Provider AireSpring Announces Partnership with Jenne

  • announced a partnership with Jenne Inc., one of the nation’s premier value-added technology solutions distributors and cloud services brokerages
  • AireSpring to expand its managed IT services and cloud solutions offerings to a wider range of customers
  • also provide Jenne's partners with access to AireSpring's advanced technology and expertise

Attention Sales World... Meaningful Connections And Healthy Relationships Are Critical To Your Sales Success.

"We live in a world where many of us have a lot of friends on Facebook but yet we have lost human connection."
Robin Sharma

In today's high tech, fast paced society where we can instantly reach just about anyone, what's concerning is many opt for digital connection.

While digital helps to facilitate relationships, what drives relational growth is true heart to heart conversation and connection.

Connections and relationships matter way beyond what we traditionally believe. As humans, we seek to connect to find meaning. We crave a sense of belonging.

Social networks and digital channels allow us to connect at hyper-warp speeds, but it's the one-to-one human connection that's becoming more valuable than ever.

A healthy meaningful relationship takes passion, purpose, and patience. This does not happen overnight, in a week, or in a month.

Check this out... there are two things that separate us from generations of the past:

According to the Pew Research Center, 83% US adults between the ages of 18-49 are active on at least one social media platform. Startling indeed!

Unfortunately, many can’t, won’t or struggle to be without their phones for more than an hour.

This means we have more barriers to gain mastery over when it comes to building meaningful connections with real human beings.

Just think for a moment... Is the technology of today becoming a distractor in building meaningful, healthy and abundant client connections?

“I remind myself that I’m always more satisfied by human interaction than by a digital connection.”
Maulik Pancholy

Attention to everyone in sales... if you REALLY care about your clients, and your future clients, then what are you doing to truly build connection?

I will let you stew on that one, as we continue our journey together.


First, maintaining meaningful connections has become challenging for one simple reason, technology provides an abundance of distractions that prohibit many to openly listen to and engage with those around them.

Think about how this applies to the interactions with your clients, and ask yourself... What am I doing to remove the distractions preventing me from connecting with my clients?

Let's set aside dictionary definitions of connection. A true connection, especially in a relational context is a deep almost natural bond that exist between two people.

This type of connection can be characterized by a sense of trust, respect and loyalty.

When asked, if their client relationships mean something to them, a sales majority unequivocally sayYES, but how many of those relationships are built on trust, respect and loyalty?

Would salespeople even have a clue?

“Consistency is the true foundation of trust. Either keep your promises or do not make them.”
Roy T. Bennett

Trust is the glue binding relationships together. Without trust, it's nearly impossible for any relationship to last. And yes, the same applies to your client relationships.

Here's the deal, if trust is something internal, personal and important to you, then you must trust yourself. Question becomes, what are you doing about it?

A trusted meaningful connection is a two-way street.

In a sales centric manner, you and your clients are gaining something from the relationship. This is so mission critical and becomes the key to unlocking the relational door. It's your ability to foster the environment to share vulnerability, common interests, values, purpose, dreams, aspirations and goals.

Here are some questions to ponder...

  • Are you connecting in meaningful ways with your clients?
  • Are you open to your clients' perspective and viewpoint?
  • Are you present in your conversations?
  • Do you trust your clients, and do they trust you enough to share vulnerable moments?
  • Do care about your clients. I mean truly give a rip about them?


One of my favorite sayings inside, Selling from the Heart,

If you want to have an ever-flowing sales funnel you must build an ever-flowing relationship funnel.

I love this quote courtesy of Mark Cuban,

"Business happens over years and years. Value is measured in the total upside of a business relationship, not by how much you squeezed out in any one deal."
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Join us April 19th & 20th in Raleigh, North Carolina for the Selling from the Heart Experience.

According to Gallup, an analytics and advisory company, competing on price is a losing (and unnecessary) strategy to earn business. Instead, building business relationships is the X-factor for winning more business.

Therefore, if you desire client relationships, crave relationships and this means something to you, then you must be direct and intentional about it.

Relational business matters and this has now become one of your most precious assets.

Healthy meaningful relationships create loyalty. Relationships create partnerships and relationships create referrals.

Just because people buy something from you and then you occasionally "check-in" with them, does not constitute a relationship.

Think about the following and let it sink in for a moment...

Transactional conversations lead to transactional relationships, which will always be replaced by a better transactional conversation.

A healthy relationship and connection to your clients develops based on:

  • Mutual respect
  • Trust
  • Honesty
  • Support
  • Fairness
  • Love
  • Good communication

Relationships are a necessary part of healthy living, but there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Relationships take time, effort, patience, respect, giving and caring.

Client relationships are a necessary part of a healthy business.

In healthy relationships you:

  • Can express yourselves to one another without fear of consequences
  • Trust each other
  • Are honest with each other
  • Maintain and respect each other
  • Feel secure and comfortable

Stop and think for a moment... What makes a great client business relationship?

I'm deeply concerned that the concept of a client business relationship has become lost inside the sales world.

There's minimal, insignificant depth and genuine meaning. The walk doesn't match the talk.

What many in sales think is a relationship, may not be what it really is.

I believe that before anyone in sales throws the phrases, "We have great client relationships" or "We love our clients" on the business table and out into the community, they should give some serious thought as to what it really means to them and how they will execute on it.

“So, get to know your customers. Humanize them. Humanize yourself. It’s worth it.”
Kristin Smaby


Turn to your heart. In sales, the heart tends to get ignored. “Heart-based” sounds "touchy-feely". Heart-based sounds weak and not cool.

How can heart matter when competitors are making each sale more challenging than the last one?

I believe a servant, caring, and compassionate professional lives and leads with their heart. They are difference makers. This shows and is exhibited in how they care for their clients.

By living and leading with their heart, they create meaningful, unbreakable sales bonds which last a lifetime.

Heartfelt professionals are leaders. They build relationships, cast vision, inspire, influence and motivate people to act.

Open the cage and let your heart roam free with your client relationships.


The heart is a place where one develops and gains strength. Those that embrace their heart will grow in purpose, profit and impact. Those that embrace heart will strengthen their client relationships with many stakeholders, producing long-lasting results.

I'm here to tell you that your clients crave a genuine, authentic, real-deal, and Selling from the Heart professional. I urge all of you to lead a sales life full of authenticity and integrity rather than the pursuit of lining your sales wallet.

"Actions speak louder than words when serving with the heart"

I will leave all you with a few things to think about...

  • Are you nurturing your client communities?
  • Are you connecting at the heart level with your clients?
  • Are you showing gratitude towards your clients?

Could the key to incremental sales growth be based upon well you connect to your clients?

What do you think?

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Would you like to increase your sales success and fulfillment?

This was my goal when recording all-new materials for the new Selling from the Heart Masterclass, to increasing your sales success and fulfillment in your business.

If you enjoyed the Selling from the Heart book, you’re going to love this masterclass! It takes the tools given to the next level.

Have yet to read Selling from the Heart? No worries, you will receive an audio version as a part of the Masterclass. As an option you can get a free signed copy of Selling from the Heart (just pay for shipping and handling).

You can get your copy here -

Together, we will go on a journey where we’ll dive into how to apply the ideas in the book to help you achieve even greater sales success.

With each of the 10 sessions, you’ll receive questions that will help you increase your sales in a way that also makes selling more enjoyable and fulfilling.

This masterclass is configured with you in mind where you can complete the course in chunks from any mobile device, iPad or computer, based on your availability.

You’ll also discover fun bonus materials throughout the course.


This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago

This Week in Copiers Fifteen Years Ago

Third Week of February 2008


Guide to Selling Copiers

· topic posted back in 2008!
If you were to put all these posts into a book, salespeople would line up to get a copy. Old reps and new ones alike can learn from these. Thanks!

Enjoy these awesome copier threads from 15 years ago

Ricoh Introduction of the Pricom 3100 Print Server

Art Post (Guest) ·
We are pleased to announce the Pricom 3100 Print Server from Silex Technology. This print server replaces the Network Interface Board Type 1018 (EDP 410778) that was used to connect the Printer Controller Type 1018, used in the FAX3320L, FAX4430L, and FAX4430NF, to the network. (Note: The Network Interface Board Type 1018 was discontinued several months ago, and notice was issued to this affect, due to unavailability of parts to continue manufacturing.) The Pricom 3100 attaches to the

Selling Copiers "Testimonial Letters"

Art Post (Guest) ·
Saturday, February 16, 2008 Selling Copiers "Testimonial Letters" Cleints are more skeptical than ever. How do you win the sale when your potenital cleint knows nothing about you or excellent benefits that your systems provide? About eight months ago, I lost a sale for a wide format system. I lost because the customer was buying on price only, and of course I did not have the lowest price. Well.... go here for restof blog

Xerox 7345 vs Ricoh MPC4500

Anyone familiar with this Xerox unit and if there are any dual line dealers out there can you give me a comparison between the Ricoh MPC4500 and the Xerox WC7345? Thanks, John

NEW Ricoh Introduction of the Aficio MP 2550B/2550 & MP 3350B/ MP 3550

Art Post (Guest) ·
Ricoh is pleased to announce the introduction of the new Ricoh Aficio MP 2550B/MP 2550 and MP 3350B/MP 3350 Digital Imaging Systems. Built on the strong features of the Aficio MP 2510/MP 3010, the new Aficio MP 2550 and Aficio MP 3350 are available in both standard scan/print and scan/print/fax configurations and offer COLOR SCANNING plus many enhancements including a full-color VGA control panel, auto paper sensors and advanced security functionality. In addition, we will offer a basic copier

Ricoh Americas Corporation Acquires BSA Business Solutions, Inc.

Art Post (Guest) ·
West Caldwell, NJ, February 12, 2008 – Ricoh Americas Corporation, a leading provider of office equipment in the United States has acquired select assets and the associated customer base of BSA Business Solutions, Inc., of Tempe, AZ. BSA was an authorized Savin dealer with sales offices in Phoenix, Tempe and Tucson, AZ and also in Palm Desert, CA. “The acquisition of BSA Business Solutions, Inc., strengthens Ricoh’s position in the Arizona market,” said Nori Goto, President of Ricoh U.S., a


Art Post (Guest) ·
demonstrated well, but just weren't practical in the real world. ASM is the answer dealers have been searching for." For a dealers' existing fleet, ASM provides proactive consumables replenishment, notifying the dealer prior to the supplies running out. In addition and at no extra cost, ASM monitors competitive devices for consumable supplies up-sell opportunities. "FMAudit is the only solution that utilizes the collected data for both sales and service." stated Kevin Tetu, President and CEO with


Right, this is a Microsoft thing, not a Xerox thing. It's supported (future models of) by Xerox, Ricoh, Sharp, HP and Epson. The main advantage of this is that XPS is embedded in the operating system starting with Vista. It actually uses XPS for its print spooling. The XPS print driver is included with the OS so anyone can create XPS documents without the need to download additional software. I still like Acrobat

Ricoh DX3340 Competitor Price

I had priced a school the Savin 3180dnp version of the Ricoh DX3340. My price with the platen cover and cabinet was $3750. A competitor came in and priced the DX3340 with the same accessories at $2764. Fortunately, the principal wanted to buy from me and asked if I could match the pricing, she would give me the order. I signed her up on US Communities, and got the deal.

Ricoh Business Solutions - Any Issues

Any other people having problems with service, getting supplies, receiving equipment in a timely manner?

Re: Xerox 7345 vs Ricoh MPC4500

Art Post (Guest) ·
Copy icon Select copy features Press Start Seems rather cumbersome to me, plus the fact that users have to install drums, and fusers (ouch), plus guss with waste toner bottles! Couple of cool features: print from USB thumb drive, and media card v-fold It's late and that was some of things that popped out at me! I suggest to download the manuals from the Xerox site and give them a good going over and I'll be you'll uncover alot more. Over and Out!

docSTAR Supports Kodak Scan Station 100

Art Post (Guest) ·
. The KODAK Scan Station 100 Scanner quickly and easily turns paper documents into digital files with the touch of a button. Documents can be simultaneously shared via email, stored on the network, sent to networked printers and copiers, and saved on portable USB drives—all without a computer. It connects to existing network infrastructure and features intuitive and interactive operation—including image preview of scanned images prior to sharing—from a full color touch screen. The Scan Station 100

240w meter count?

We have a customer that has bought several used Ricoh copiers from us. They asked us to look for a wide format copier to use in their office. Since we sell mostly Ricohs we found a nice used 240w at a wholesaler. I have worked on a few wide formats and just wanted to know how does the meter count work on these. Is it based on linear feet or meters, or is it square feet or meters. I have the service manual for the Ricoh and under PM list it states that certain parts(coronas,drum blade,dev,etc


Art Post (Guest) ·
While doing research on the Xerox 7345 I ran across one of their claims to fame, which is scan2XPS. Never heard of it? Is it a big deal, so I did some searching on the net and heres what I found. What is XPS? The XML Paper Specification (XPS) format is basically an electronic representation of digital documents based on XML. It is a paginated fixed-layout format that retains the look and feel of your electronic documents. As a form of electronic paper, the XPS format provides a way in which you

Re: Sales Tips

Art Post (Guest) ·
Research your target companies individually, discovering as much information as needed before your sales call Find detailed people listings that include biographies (when available) and job titles Read about a company's products and operations so you can tailor your sales pitch to show how your product can fit their needs Access a database of over 23 million companies Receive news updates via email about your prospect companies

Re: Gas Price Check

Democrats in control. Democrats have specifically stated that they would like to impose windfall taxes on the oil companies. Since Exxon-mobil made $40 billion in 2006, I think losing even 10% of that to a new tax would far outweigh any advertising they might do (in 2007, they spent $40 million on advertising, that's 1/1000th of their profit). Here's what an Economist had to say: “As an economist, I cannot speculate on the politics that may be involved, but my recent research suggests that the recent

Re: Gas Price Check

I really did not mean that as an insult. I just have never heard the theory before and truly thought that it was specualtion only on the part of the two of you. I only meant that the fact that it is a theory held by more than just you, adds credibility to it. Because no one stated it as a Republican or Democrat issue, I assumed that it was neither. To present it as a Republican Conspiracy clears up alot of my confusion. By the way, oil always goes up in the winter months, election year or not

Re: Gas Price Check

The oil business is very complex. It's much like the stock market. Let's say you own a gas station. You buy a 1000 gallons of gas at $1.00 per gallon. You sell it for $2.00 per gallon. Your make a nice profit BUT, you call to order another 1000 gallons and it's now selling for $2.00 per gallon. There go your profits. You must raise your price to meet the new wholesale price. While your $2.00 gas is in the ground the price drops to $1.00 per gallon. What do you do? Refinery issues, pipline

Re: 240w meter count?

Thanks guys!!! I owe you each a beer! That should make things a little cheaper for us and the customer. She's paying 25 cents a square foot at the printers. We can definitely offer a better price than that!

Re: Xerox 7345 vs Ricoh MPC4500

The Ricoh Product & Solution Training Portal ( go to the resource section) has a lot of good competitive information.

Re: NEW Ricoh Introduction of the Aficio MP 2550B/2550 & MP 3350B/ MP 3550

They are available for download on the Ricoh InfoCenter.

Re: Ricoh Business Solutions - Any Issues

I expect things to get worse (but not because we are close to election time)before they get better. This is what we face... First off, Ricoh will run themselves out of the old before launching the new and they will grossly underestimate the inventory of new and we have a lot of new. Secondly, Ricoh's year-end is March 31st and they will always run their inventory down as low as possible at year's-end. That's part of running efficiently which helps to keep costs down. I don't like it, but I do

Re: Guide to Selling Copiers

If you were to put all these posts into a book, salespeople would line up to get a copy. Old reps and new ones alike can learn from these. Thanks!

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago

This Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago

Third Week of February 2013

Kodak-Alaris_See-the-Diffreence-500x100Chuck wrote this many years back..........

Art, quite a few years ago I copied from this site one of the most profound things that I had read about Customer Service. I've tried to search your archives with no luck so I'll re-type it here and if can find the source to attribute please post since it is not my intellectual property. Here goes . . .

Enjoy these awesome copier threads from 10 years ago

BTA Announces Upcoming Managed Print Services (MPS) Educational Programs

Art Post (Guest) ·
valuable insight while working on actual "live" prospects. Lecak has been in the industry since 1983, starting with ComDoc in Pittsburgh, Pa., then the largest independent dealership of both Ricoh and Lanier copier/MFPs in the East. After a successful 15-year career, he joined Toshiba as a district sales manager. After a period of running his own consulting practice, Lecek joined Print Inc. in 2004 to manage sales for the company's channel-focused PrintValue Solutions program. His team was responsible


Art Post (Guest) ·
RICOH’S NEW PRODUCTION SERIES BRINGS ENHANCED PRODUCTIVITY TO PRINTING MARKET Malvern, PA, February 13, 2013 - Ricoh Americas Corporation today announced the Ricoh Pro™ C901 Graphic Arts + and Ricoh Pro™ C901s Graphic Arts +. The latest in the brand’s digital color production system lineup continues to deliver exceptional quality and performance while offering new enhancements in productivity and paper handling that help customers remain competitive in the growing production print environment

AirPrint – How to Find Compatible Printers

Art Post (Guest) ·
includes well over 500 printers from 15 different manufacturers. Here are the 15 leading printer manufacturers who have printers on the AirPrint supported list: Brother, Canon, Dell, Epson, Fuji Xerox, Gestetner, Hewlett Packard, Infotec, Lanier, Lenovo, Lexmark, NRG, Ricoh, Samsung Savin You can see the full list of AirPrint supported printers on Apple’s AirPrint Basics page. Here are a few more useful things to be aware of in regard to AirPrint: – Some printers on the supported list will need a

Konica Minolta Delivers Updated Version of its Free App for Android Mobile Devices to

Art Post (Guest) ·
Tokyo (February 18, 2013) - Konica Minolta Business Technologies, Inc. (Konica Minolta) is pleased to announce that it has started offering an updated version of the "PageScope Mobile" (Ver. 2.0) application for Android worldwide, to work with Konica Minolta MFP*1 "bizhub" (bizhub) through Google Play free of charge. Image: MFP and mobile connection "PageScope Mobile for Android", launched in April 2012, has received high reputation among business users worldwide as an application that connects

Xerox’s CEO wants to use technology to shake up the staid business-services market.

Art Post (Guest) ·
Xerox dominated the office of yesterday with its copiers, laser printers, and fax machines. Now Ursula Burns is trying to strengthen its role in the offices of tomorrow. Since becoming CEO in 2009, she has increased Xerox’s sales of IT-related services, like processing health insurance claims and managing customer-service call centers. Nevertheless, Burns—a mechanical engineer who has worked at Xerox since an internship in 1980—told MIT Technology Review’s deputy editor, Brian Bergstein, that

Lexmark Challenges Xerox's $23M Ky. Printing Contract

Art Post (Guest) ·
Law360, New York (February 15, 2013, 5:28 PM ET) -- Lexmark International Inc. sued Xerox Corp. and the commonwealth of Kentucky on Tuesday, challenging the state's decision to award Xerox a $23.3 million printing services contract that was significantly more expensive than comparable services offered by Lexmark. Lexmark's complaint, filed in Kentucky's Franklin Circuit Court, alleges that the government evaluated the companies' bids in a way that unfairly favored Xerox and destroyed or failed

New Software for Xerox Printers

Art Post (Guest) ·
Business process and document management company Xerox Corp. (XRX - Analyst Report) recently introduced a new software for Xerox multifunction printers (MFPs) named ConnectKey to better respond to mobile workforce and address security issues across connected devices. The 16 ConnectKey MFPs, comprising the new WorkCentre 5800 and 7800 series, are protected by McAfee and support cloud services, custom applications and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) work places. The ConnectKey solutions provide easy

Canon Announces Resolution Of Patent Infringement Dispute

Art Post (Guest) ·
issued a permanent injunction prohibiting Nukote from making, using, selling and offering for sale in the U.S., and from importing into the U.S., the toner cartridges and photosensitive drums that Canon accused of infringement, including any toner cartridges containing the accused photosensitive drums. Canon had filed suit against Nukote on January 23, 2012 in the Southern District, for infringement of Canon's U.S. Patent Nos. 5,903,803 and 6,128,454. On February 8, 2013, the Court entered default

FIT by Finch Helps Ricoh InfoPrint 5000 Family of Platforms Print To G7 Specs

Art Post (Guest) ·
Original Equipment Manufacturers like Ricoh helps to ensure our print customers’ success as they adapt to new printing technologies. Integrating G7 gray balance into Ricoh’s aqueous inkjet workflow allows for consistent color output, from machine-to-machine and job-to-job, as well as ensuring color balance on Finch’s various substrates. Finch Digital Application Manager Mary Schilling, who leads the FIT color team, said “The Ricoh team has designed a user-friendly machine workflow which allows the

Select and Print Archived Documents from the MFP

Art Post (Guest) ·
finally sent the document I saw that it was just for Toshiba MFP's. Can this be done with Docuware for other MFP's like Xerox, Ricoh, KM, etc...? Attached is the document for Toshiba

Ricoh Europe: The Speed of Change is Healthcare’s Biggest Technology-led Headache

Art Post (Guest) ·
will support the standardisation of documentation, enhance information sharing, reduce administration costs and improve patient confidentiality,” says Bruhn. Best case examples of what can be achieved through automation are cited in the European Commission e-health action plan3. In Denmark savings of $120 million a year were achieved and doctors are saving on average 50 minutes per day usually spent on administrative work. In Italy, overall savings from the introduction of information and

Contex Americas to Demonstrate Latest Wide-Format Scanning Solutions at Graphics of t

Art Post (Guest) ·
Contex will be exhibiting at Graphics of the Americas (GOA) with Image Pro International Inc., a Florida-based reseller for imaging solutions. At booth #763, the companies will demonstrate Contex's newest wide format scanner, the IQ 4420 MFP2GO with Nextimage 3.1 software. Attendees are invited to bring in their wide format documents to scan on the IQ scanner and print to either an Epson or Canon printer. GOA will be held February 21-23, 2013 at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL

Ricoh 3601 wide format batch print pdf's

When printing a set of pdf files, using the Post Script drivers, the first copy is 180 degrees rotated...the rest are OK except for another occasional 180 degree flip. Multi-page file looks fine when viewing in Reader. Appreciate any thoughts/ideas. thx.

Canon U.S.A. Announces New imagePROGRAF iPF MFP M40 Large Format Solutions

Art Post (Guest) ·
, providing users with access to more editing functions than the prior models, such as invert, mirror, and black and white point adjustments and customizable default scanner and printer settings. The new iPF MFP devices also include Canon's Direct Print & Share, a cloud-based software solution that enables the viewing, sharing and printing of files from almost anywhere in the world, with 5GB of free storage available if users sign up for Google's cloud services*. The printers include a number of other

Contex Nextimage 3.1 Improves Precision of B/W Scanning; Now Supports Océ Printers

Art Post (Guest) ·
preserving details in the grayscale. The new auto-size algorithm ensures higher quality scans by precisely determining the width of documents against the background. The algorithm also optimizes documents that have very fine lines and fills. Other improvements to Nextimage 3.1 include support for 64-bit TWAIN clients, support for the Canon iPF760/765, and added bi-directional communication with Canon printers via LAN. For more information about Nextimage 3.1, visit Contex online or call 703-964

Canon Solutions America Preferred Accounts Program Improves the Management, Productiv

Art Post (Guest) ·
to modify the composition of the large format printing fleet, minimizing interruption of business activities and helping to ensure business requirements are constantly supported. Tangible Benefits Delivered by an Experienced Partner The Canon Solutions America Preferred Accounts Program delivers an approach that helps ensure a cost effective, secure and optimized large format print environment. The program also streamlines vendor interaction through a single point of contact; promotes flexible

Nubeprint to power TEKO’s MPS Program “Prisma”

Art Post (Guest) ·
PRISMA managed print solution to dealers in the 1st quarter of 2013. About TEKO Teko is one of the largest IT distributor in Russia headquartered in Moscow. Company was founded in 1990 by a few engineers and since that time Teko’s business has been grown to the corporation scale with the 7 sales offices, 6 warehouses and own R&D center. Being strictly dedicated to the office print market Teko has become one of the technological leader and currently providing official distribution for Xerox, Kyocera

Ricoh and EFI Bring New Levels of Productivity and Image Quality to PRO c901 Graphic

Art Post (Guest) ·
FOSTER CITY, Calif., Feb. 15, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EFI(TM) (EFII), a world leader in customer-focused digital printing innovation, announced that new Fiery(R) Color Controllers E-42 and E-82 are now available for Ricoh PRO c901 Graphic Arts + print engines. The E-42 and E-82 digital front ends (DFEs) are powered by EFI's new generation of system software, Fiery FS100 Pro, the most innovative, productive, scalable and integrated front-end system for digital print engines. In addition to

Canon Business Process Services Named a Top 100 Global Outsourcing Company for the Se

Art Post (Guest) ·
risk and cost. Experts apply quality management principles and tools such as Six Sigma® to advance performance to a higher level. The company offers services including BPO, imaging, records management, print, mail and eDiscovery, and is an IAOP Global Outsourcing 100 Leader in 2013 for the seventh consecutive year. Based in New York City, Canon Business Process Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canon U.S.A., Inc. Learn more at or follow us on Twitter. All referenced

EFI PrintMe Mobile Now Available in Europe

Art Post (Guest) ·
any other Wi-Fi printing solution. The software enables secure enterprise level Wi-Fi printing for Android devices, Apple iPads and iPhones, as well as email-to-print capability for Symbian, BlackBerry and Windows mobile devices. IT departments can install PrintMe Mobile and deliver mobile printing on any printer connected to the network in as little as 30 minutes (view demo here). “As the use of tablets continues to increase in the enterprise, employees are now expecting basic desktop-like

Canon opens subsidiary arm “Canon Kenya Limited” to Boost Operations in East Africa M

Art Post (Guest) ·
products and complete networked technology solutions for information input, management and output. Its product range is divided between Business Solutions (developing IT products, solutions and services for both the office and professional print environments) and Consumer Imaging (photography, video and digital camera, Laser and Inkjet printers). Canon Middle East is the operational headquarters for Canon in this region, and is based in Dubai, UAE. Further information about Canon Middle East is

Canon U.S.A. Announces New imagePROGRAF iPF MFP M40 Large Format Solutions Read more

Art Post (Guest) ·
white point adjustments and customizable default scanner and printer settings. The new iPF MFP devices also include Canon's Direct Print & Share, a cloud-based software solution that enables the viewing, sharing and printing of files from almost anywhere in the world, with 5GB of free storage available if users sign up for Google's cloud services*. The printers include a number of other software applications that empower application versatility including: PosterArtist Lite poster creation software

Canon Business Process Services Named a Top 100 Global Outsourcing Company for the Se

Art Post (Guest) ·
FORTUNE 500 issue of FORTUNE® magazine, in a special section produced by IAOP. About Canon Business Process Services Canon Business Process Services, Inc. is a leading provider of managed services and technology that enable organizations to improve operational efficiency while reducing risk and cost. Experts apply quality management principles and tools such as Six Sigma® to advance performance to a higher level. The company offers services including BPO, imaging, records management, print, mail and

Re: Sharp Announces New High Performance Workgroup Document Systems With Second Generation

for mobile printing would greatly reduce this threat in the eyes of the average buyer. Sharp's approach might also make it simpler for the average user to connect and print. The user would likely have to install a Sharp app on their mobile device to make this happen but in my example they need to load a Breezy app. You can purchase a Wireless router from Staples for $30.00 so how hard can it be to put that inside a copier as a standard feature?

OfficeMax buys two print management businesses

Art Post (Guest) ·
OfficeMax Australia has made the first move to extend its business model beyond the confines of a traditional office products supplier with the acquisition of private print management businesses Complete Print Solutions (CPS) and Foxprint Solutions, the latter jointly owned by CPS and Linfox Australia. The acquisition will create a new division for the company – OfficeMax Marketing Services – and will see the CPS business in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide and the Melbourne-based Foxprint


Art Post (Guest) ·
Keeping up with the rapid pace of mobile technologies is a challenge many businesses face on a daily basis. To help alleviate the stress of keeping up with mobile technologies, Star Micronics is proud to offer end-users its "i" Series family of iOS compatible Bluetooth printers dedicated to mobile POS printing solutions. The members of this mobile-friendly series are the SM-S220i, SM-T300i, SM-T400i and TSP650II BTi. The SM-S220i is the Star's first portable Bluetooth printer to be MFi

Bizhub Copiers

Art Post (Guest) ·
Synopsis:Added: Feb 13, 2013 12:43 pm Modified: Feb 19, 2013 10:17 amTrack ChangesMODIFICATION NOTICE:Bids are being solicited under solicitation number VA25--13-q-0268. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; bids are being requested and...

Re: Image Quality Not a Main Criteria in MFP Purchase

Vince has some excellent points but I remember when selling Word Processing Systems that the highest quality available was a Diablo 630 with a Steel Printwheel and Carbon Ribbon, then came laser printers and then the highest acceptable quality became a laser copy. The bar was greatly LOWERED to accept laser quality (nothing more than a copy). Perhaps what we're seeing is the lowering of expectations as to what is acceptable (production printing notwithstanding). Scanning speeds vs output

Re: Worst Copier Web Site in the World Contest

Hello Art, I belive you were going to change the 11th site listed from to No S after copier. This site has a promo from 2005 on a printer that was only for three months and has not been updated with any new equipment for 8 years! If this one does not win I would like to know which one is worse!

Re: Ricoh Keynote Address @ BTA Winter Break 2013

Martin Brodigan, very well said! One of the best presentations on what is "Services lead Sales". He strikes the right tone speaking to the Dealer community. He even addresses their lack of trust between the independent dealers and not just Rich but any Manufacturer that sells directly. GREAT VISION! The best thing I have heard from Ricoh corporate in a long time. Now, the $64,000 question... Can he pull it off? Can he get Ricoh corporate to actually do this for their dealers? Secondly, will the

Re: Ricoh Keynote Address @ BTA Winter Break 2013

Art Post (Guest) ·
quote: Now, the $64,000 question... Can he pull it off? Can he get Ricoh corporate to actually do this for their dealers? seems to me that they are ready to do this from RAC Secondly, will the dealers let Ricoh do this? for the dealers that don't have the know how, nor the hutzpa to pull off MNS or Business Process, I think Ricoh can capture some of that business, for the advanced dealers I don't think they want Ricoh anywhere near their accounts! Maybe this is the best question to ask: What do

Re: Rumor has it.....

Art and txeagle - are you talking about the C651 and C751 Color Production Print models? Are these the Ricoh units with "color image quality issues" that your accounts are not happy with? I have heard the same elsewhere and want to know if that is what you are seeing in the field.

Re: Rumor has it.....

Art Post (Guest) ·
txeagle is right we were talking about the 6501's. However the C651 and C751 has it's own set of issues with the drum shake that causes banding. The replacement for the C6501 will be a clean sheet design (new engine) and the C651 will have improvements. KM needs to watch out as Ricoh was a late player to the production print game. Ricoh has been down for too long and will rebound with some excellent print pro devices.


Art Post (Guest) ·
Has anyone sold one of these yet? I'm extremely concerned about reliability and I believe the system is grossly over price for a 36inch color MFP. I just saw a press release for one of the new Canon's MFP40 with a 36inch plotter, scanner, copier and the MSRP is around $9K, our MRSP is almost $15K!! Would like to hear from others, please!!

Kofax Automates Accounts Payable Processes for Major Global Agricultural Products Man

Art Post (Guest) ·
-process applications. By automating what were previously labor intensive, error prone and time consuming tasks, Kofax Transformation Modules can significantly reduce labor costs, improve information quality and accelerate business processes. Kofax e-Transactions is an add-on application for Kofax Transformation Modules that automates the electronic delivery of documents to a business process via secure email, removing the need for printing, mailing, scanning and data entry. Kofax e-Transactions

Re: 3 Days !!!! You call that Service? Really?

Montecore, It was an ImageRUNNER 2525 (not the "i" series). If you look at the specs the "Color Universal Send" is optional. Most sales guys put it in when they order it. Vince

Re: Image Quality Not a Main Criteria in MFP Purchase

about is speeds & feeds, they want to reduce the discussion to that. Here is a great example of how this can go horribly wrong (with a new follow up comment that I added today). Click on the [URL=Why RFPs don't work]http://theconnectedcopier.word...opiers/#comment-1314[/URL] URL Link to read it.

Re: Ricoh Pro C901/901s+

Art Post (Guest) ·
brochure for new Ricoh C901S+ Graphic Arts plus see attached file

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago

This Week in Copiers Five Years Ago

Third Week of February 2018

Purple Modern Professional Web Designer LinkedIn Banner

Real Copier Sales

Have you ever had that suspicion that your client is not being on the up and up with you?
On multiple occasions during the sales process the DM has mentioned that they have another vendor courting them.  On every discussion when that was mentioned they followed with stating we are moving forward with your recommendation.  Push finally came shove and the signer could not make the meeting,  thus the documents were left and I now find myself playing catch up.

Enjoy these awesome copier threads from 5 years ago

Konica Minolta Addresses Continuing Demand in Monochrome Production Print Market with the Introduction of AccurioPress 6136/6136P/6120 High-Volume Digital Presses

Ramsey, NJ, Feb. 21, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. ( Konica Minolta ), a leader in smart office technology, today introduced three new monochrome production print engines to its product line: The AccurioPress 6136, AccurioPress 6136P and the AccurioPress 6120. These new products, available immediately, will meet the continual and growing needs for high-quality black and white printing in all industries. The AccurioPress 6136 series sets a new standard

Paper jam for Ricoh

acquisition of longtime U.S. partner Xerox. Ricoh currently expects to break even on a net basis for the year through March 31. Logging an impairment loss may well plunge it into the red. Worldwide, shipments of printers, copiers and multifunction devices shrank 4.1% in 2016 to just under 99.03 million units, according to U.S.-based International Data. Shipments have declined 26% over nine years. Color printers and copiers are selling well in emerging economies, but cooling demand has caused

Konica Minolta is Awarded the 2018 Document Imaging Software Line of the Year Award for Its Outstanding Portfolio from Buyers Lab

Office Copier Market by Brand Keys for 11 consecutive years and is proud to be ranked on theForbes 2016 America's Best Employers list.Konica Minolta, Inc. has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for five years in a row. We partner with our customers to give shape to ideas and work to bring value to our society.For more information, please visit: and follow Konica Minolta on Facebook , YouTube , and Twitter @KonicaMinoltaUS . About Keypoint Intelligence
Blog Post

Memoirs of a Copier Sales Person, "You Can Never Have Enough Stuff"

After years and years of selling copiers I've learned that there are certain items that you need to stuff in your car. Because you just never know when your stuff could help out an existing client or a prospect. Here's a list of some of my stuff and the reason I keep that stuff in my car. Phillips screwdriver: Every single screw on a copier requires a Phillips head.You never know when a cover needs to tightened or with the simple twist of a screw you can save someone's day and have the copier

Alexa & Sharp Copiers

Can we get a real conversation going on Alexa and the integration with Sharp MFP's? Would like to hear everyone's thoughts! Can Alexa help Sharp sell more copiers? What would you use Alexa for if it was embedded in the copier? ???

Xerox Prioritized for Authorization from U.S. Government for Cloud-based Managed Print Services

Federal Government agencies can soon hire Xerox knowing its Managed Print Services (MPS) solutions have been carefully pre-vetted and approved. Xerox has achieved in-process status for the U.S. government's Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). This process signals that Xerox is FedRAMP ready and has been prioritized by the Joint Advisory Board - the last step before full FedRAMP authorization. The move by the government reinforces Xerox's leadership in cloud-based MPS
Blog Post

Do You Remember Minnella's Pocket Guide to Copiers?

Ah, the eighties and the nineties was an awesome time to be selling copiers. The eighties gave us many opportunities with the adoption of plain paper copiers and the late nineties proved to be just as fruitful with the change from analog copiers to digital copiers. (My demo room in the 90's Atlantic Office Systems) Ifyou sold copiers in the eighties and nineties, you carried a copy of Minnella's Pocket Guide to Copiers. Minnella's Pocket Guide to Copiers was our go to source to find out more

International Label & Printing Installs 'CEI BossJet Powered by Domino' Hybrid Press

sheeting stacker/conveyor for running roll-to-sheet applications.” When asked what types of jobs and substrates International Label Printing plans to run on the new press,Turk smiles and says, “Anything that is manufactured on a roll. Part of the decision-making process to go this route was to have the ability to run unsupported films. There are many small-quantity applications that large wide-web printers have asked us to produce. Now we can, while also featuring some of the sharpest, most

Toshiba Tec Corporation Companies Appoint Leon Roberge CIO

global team of dedicated business partners, we deliver innovative commerce solutions that transform checkout, provide seamless consumer interactions and optimize retail operations that are changing the retail landscape. To learn more, visit or engage on Twitter @toshibagcs Contacts Media Contacts: Toshiba America Business Solutions Rick Havacko, (949) 462-6094 or Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions Fredrik Carlegren, (984) 444-2769 Toshiba_Comms

Xerox shareholders Icahn, Deason urge company to sell itself to rivals

themselves would step up and offer a full buy-out on fair terms, the shareholders wrote in an open letter. ( ) The activist shareholders, who own a combined 15 percent of the U.S. printer and copier maker, have repeatedly urged shareholders to oppose the Fuji-Xerox deal. Icahn and Deason said last week the agreement dramatically undervalued Xerox, and criticized the deal structure calling it “tortured, convoluted”. FILE PHOTO: The logo of Xerox company is seen on a building in Minsk

Re: Ricoh Tier (ricotier) Color Page Cost?

I know this topic is still out there, we just lost a deal to Kyocera and the 3 tier pricing model, we have FMAudit as our MPS monitoring software, any new info on offering this with Ricoh product? Thanks

Des Plaines Office Equipment works with Alpha Baking Company on assisting in recovering from fire damage

Wacker Drive) and Rockford (Loves Park, IL). Additionally, DPOE has partnered with several Indiana companies and maintains several locations there as well. Des Plaines Office Equipment (DPOE) is a leading provider of Sharp office equipment, Oki Data, HP, Kyocera and Toshiba (telephone systems). The company offers the Sharp Aquos Board, an interactive display system, and customized video wall in its product line. DPOE provides products and services to a diverse client base that includes schools

Re: Ricoh Tier (ricotier) Color Page Cost?

I've heard it can be done with our Ricoh devices. Can anyone else help with this?

Re: Memoirs of a Copier Sales Person "Slump of Slumps"

Very true article...

HP Announces HP Indigo 12000 HD Digital + new color gamut tech & inks

HP Launches High-Definition Digital Press for Commercial Printing HP Indigo quality exceeds offset to increase high-value page opportunities for print service providers HP Indigo 12000 HD Digital Press, setting new standards for image quality, is now commercially available New HP Indigo color gamut technology – ColorUp! – and new Vivid Pink and Green, Fluorescent Yellow, Green, and Orange ElectroInks New HP PrintOS apps enable print service providers to simplify and automate production PALO
Blog Post

5 Yiddish Words That Remind Me Of Sales Reps Part 2... Oy Vey!

technology world. With great pride I transform, challenge, coach and inspire sales teams to grow new business by helping them share their story and how they communicate it out by integrating the use of social inside the sales process. You can follow me on LinkedIn , Twitter , Social Sales Academy and on my podcast by clicking on Selling from the Heart .

Re: Do You Remeber Minnella's Pocket Guide to Copiers?

I have BLI Books going back as far as 1997, I have a used copier guide called the Copier Blue Book dated Summer 1995. and an Info-Market North American Copier Guide from Fall-Winter 1990-91.

Print from Memory Storage Device

Is it just me or does this feature seem to be inconsistent and unreliable? I plug the USB drive in and I can print from it...sometimes. Other times it says the device is recognized when I plug it in but then when I go to print from it, it says it is not recognized. I've had better luck going to the feature, selecting print then inserting the device, but it still remains unreliable in my opinion. If they're going to have this feature, it should work consistently.

Dreamworks Upgrades to the Scodix Ultra2 Pro with Foil to Scodix Ultra2 Pro with Foil to

years to come.” About Dreamworks Graphic Communications Dreamworks is a top caliber boutique printing company that specializes in high impact print collateral located just outside of Chicago. The company produces cutting edge marketing materials using unique capabilities for some of the most widely known brands, agencies and corporations. While starting the company in 2009 at a time when many long-established printers were disappearing, company leadership knew they had to have a new approach to

Altec Participates at Third Party Advantage Conference (TPAC) 2018 as a Silver Sponsor

– from the CFO, AP Clerk, Accounting Manager, to an HR Manager, Sales or IT – to spend less time managing data everywhere within their company. Lauren Huynh, Channel Program Manager for Altec states, “Altec’s partners are a vital part of our business, and building strong relationships is an important measurement of our success. We do all we can to make it easy for our partners to sell our solution, and that means our sales and marketing resources are also our partners’ resources. Our channel

Step away from the computer

like,"this computer has issues", etc... Sometimes when you say things like the quote above clients feel like "it didn't have a problem before you started doing whatever you're doing". How, when and do you tell a client you're seeing things that might need attention from someone whose specialty is computer maintenance and not copier/printer/scanner installation/support? Personally, I try to say nothing and get the job done and get out. If I am unable to do so, I guess I would have to demonstrate

Sharp MX Finishers HELP!

can any of the latest and greatest finishers stack 4,000 sheets of paper? HELP!!!

Re: Toshiba BD9110

Check out this puppy? Did anyone sell this? Any good stories?

Epson Announces Projector Control Software to Easily Manage Multiple Projectors Simultaneously

and can be downloaded via the Epson website here . About Epson Epson is a global technology leader dedicated to connecting people, things and information with its original efficient, compact and precision technologies. With a lineup that ranges from inkjet printers and digital printing systems to 3LCD projectors, smart glasses, sensing systems and industrial robots, the company is focused on driving innovations and exceeding customer expectations in inkjet, visual communications, wearables and
Blog Post

My Friends in and outside the Imaging Channel, Let’s Congratulate BEI Services on their 25th Anniversary

anniversary. When a business starts out in the basement 25 years ago and is still thriving it’s an awesome accomplishment so, congratulations to its Co-Founders Wes McArtor and Greg Moseley. The two of them and their talented team have built one of the most influential resources to the profitability of the copier and printer industry, and many are benefiting greatly from its services. Yes, there have been some attempts by copycats, but there is only one original. BEI Services is the industry

SilverSun Technologies Recognized for Excellence in Managed IT Services

-thinking and innovative of these key organizations. “We’re proud to be named to the CRN MSP500 Elite 150,” said Mark Meller, CEO of both SilverSun and SWK. “Our network services team, under the leadership of John McPoyle, Kevin Snyder, Deivid Pinto and others, has done a tremendous job of helping our customers navigate the challenges and complexities of today’s cyber environment. Our team demonstrates every day how we delight our customers by providing solutions and expertise that transform their