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October 2023

Don’t be Like Everyone else When Presenting Copier MFP Proposals (part one)

Mini Ten Part Blog Series (1 of 10)

Don't quote the print/copy speed of your MFP,  rather quote the scan speed and features of your scanning because almost no one copies any more!

  • Quote your duplex and simple scan speeds first/highlight them
  • List features aka knock out features such a
    • Blank page scan detection (makes smaller files and uses less band width when scanning)
    • Batch scanning (you can scan many pages to a pdf even if you have a small document feeder)
    • Scan to thumb/USB drive (make those paper based documents portable for out of office use)
    • Scan2SDcard (look for a copy that may need this application)
    • Scan to url (reduces band width for scanning, can eliminate the need for a scan server)
    • Scan to cloud services (log in and scan to your preferred cloud host)
    • Browse to folders for scanning (select your scan destination folders from your MFP, saves mega time rather than scanning to email and moving to folders)
    • OCR (make each scanned page searchable)
    • Convert paper documents to Excel or Word docs (your gateway to workflow automation)
    • Paper based translation (scan your document in and print it out in the language of your choice)
    • Integration with MS Sharepoint (on premise or cloud to enhance business intelligence or business automation)

Why I Like to Quote Like This

  • Scanning, most end users are not interested in copy/print speeds anymore. More clients and prospects are now looking for faster scan speeds and having some type of document automation (what I listed above).
  • Give your clients and prospects reasons why your device is better when scanning. The reason for that is because most reps quote like this.
    1. Black and Color scan
    2. Scan to folder & email
    3. Price per month


Ask yourself which proposal would you lean to when reviewing a proposal. A proposal that lists the benefits of scanning like I outlined above or a proposal that just mentioned the MFPs scan speed at “x” amount per images per minute?


-=Good Selling=-

Embracing Authenticity: The Heartfelt Path to Remaining Relevant in a Disruptive World.

Leaders who can connect, relate, influence and inspire their teams to action are critical to business success.

And why I believe this Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast quote hits the mark,

"People would rather follow a leader that is real than one that is always right."

According to a study in the Leadership and Organization Development Journal, employees' perception of authentic leadership serves as the strongest predictor in job satisfaction and positively impacts work-related attitudes and happiness.

In addition, research detailed in the Harvard Business Review shows that a majority of employees believe authenticity in the workplace leads to:

  • Better relationships with colleagues
  • Higher levels of trust
  • Greater productivity
  • A more positive working environment

On a Greenbiz webcast, former Unilever CEO Paul Polman mentioned,

“CEOs today have a knowledge gap and a courage gap. They don’t know all. They need to ask for help. Be human and show vulnerability. Do that, and people will want to work for you."

An authentic leader who leads from the heart, soon starts to develop a culture and a team that sells from the heart.

Authentic leaders have high standards of integrity, take responsibility for their actions, and make decisions based on principle rather than short-term success.

They allow their inner compasses to guide their daily actions, which enables them to earn the trust of their employees, peers, and shareholders by creating work environments that boost team morale and performance.

Authentic leaders strive to create meaningful relationships throughout the organization as they work toward goals related to their mission and purpose, not just the bottom line.

These leaders stay true to themselves as their guide their company with authenticity and extreme focus. The constantly are looking into the mirror, asking themselves...

Why does this company exist and who does it exist for?

To remain relevant in a disruptive world, allow this quote by Wilmer Valderrama to sink in,

"There comes a time in your life where you're called to not only reinvent yourself but to rebuild your spirit. It's so relevant today."

Therefore, I ask all executives out there...

Are you willing to guide your people to adapt, adopt and adjust to the circumstances of today.

In today's highly competitive world...

Are you willing to embrace authenticity and lead with a servant's heart.

To help set up our remaining time together, allow this quote from Charles Darwin to sink in,

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”

I ask you to carefully think about this...

Let's say there are 5 companies in your marketplace, all of them provide similar services, solutions and products to that of your company...

  • What makes your salespeople different?
  • What makes your salespeople standout?
  • What makes your salespeople relevant?

Relevance. Everybody wants to be and remain relevant.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “relevant” as: having direct bearing on the matter at hand; pertinent.

Conversely, “irrelevant” means: not relating or pertinent to the matter at hand; not important.

"If your customer base is aging with you, then eventually you are going to become obsolete or irrelevant. You need to be constantly figuring out who are your new customers and what are you doing to stay forever young."
Jeff Bezos


I believe the time is now for all executives to rise-up, take action and take control.

Embracing authenticity is a lifestyle, not a light switch.

Are you willing to put your arms around authenticity as you create the pathway to relevancy for you, your organization and your salespeople to thrive in today's disruptive business environment?

Are you willing to"lift up the hood" of the revenue generating portion of your organization, your sales team, to unpack the good, the bad and the opportunities to improve?

To quote my friend and strategic partner, Dave Kurlan of Kurlan and Associates,

"6% of salespeople are 'elites' who are great at selling. Another 20% are doing well but could do better. Then there are 74% who are failing. Most of the people in the 74% bracket can improve if they get training. But the bottom 25% are hopeless, because in addition to being ineffective, they aren't trainable. Those people should be doing something else."


What sets your salespeople apart? Why should businesses choose your salespeople? Or learn from them? Or listen to them? Or do business with them? Or even have a conversation with them?

Are your salespeople truly exceptional? If you answered yes, WHY do you think so?

What do they specifically bring to the business table that makes them stand out from the rest of the sales wolf pack?

I encourage you to look in the mirror, think about your salespeople and now ask yourself...

  • Are my salespeople making a difference?
  • Are my salespeople going the extra mile for our clients?
  • Are my salespeople serving others?
  • Are my salespeople developing a deep, genuine concern for our clients?

Tough questions, aren't they?

Are your salespeople traveling on the highway of relevancy, and for that matter, are you?


What are you and your salespeople doing to become RELEVANT?

The pathway to relevancy starts with authenticity. The talk must match the walk.

It's all about being congruent. And this all starts with you.

In this highly competitive digitally driven business environment, it is mission critical to stay relevant, competitive, marketable and yes, desirable.

"Truth is in the eye of the beholder."

Relatable and relevant... How well do you think this applies to you and your salespeople, as you all are building meaningful relationships with your clients?

Have you ever asked your clients how relevant your salespeople are to them and their business growth?

I will leave that one for all of you to ponder.


We as human beings want to be heard, we want to know we matter, and we just want to be loved (or even just liked). When we feel accepted, we perform better, we become a bit more relaxed and we don't come across as being insecure.

I believe being relatable will allow your salespeople to stand out from the competition. I believe your clients are waiting for your salespeople to show them who they really are and to share their story.

When you’re relatable, it’s easy to spark a conversation.

Your salespeople must be present in their client relationships. They must make their clients feel like they're the only thing that matters. They must speak from their heart.

Are you present with your salespeople?

Are you speaking from your heart with your salespeople?

Are you creating an authentic culture for your salespeople to thrive in?

The way you connect to your salespeople... Do you believe this has an impact in how they connect to their clients?


Authenticity requires action, plain and simple.

To quote Brené Brown,

“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.”

I would encourage you to start having meaningful conversations with your salespeople by offering a compelling vision of the future and how you can prepare them for it.

I would encourage you to bring a vision cemented in a deep understanding of the trends shaping the market, industry challenges and how you will help to transform your salespeople.

Authenticity comes from finding your style and your way of leading. This must reflect your ethics, values, and your personality.

Leadership and your success start with how well you embrace authenticity.

As leaders, your salespeople will trust you when you are true to yourselves. Without trust, it becomes impossible to consistently move the revenue needle.

Leaders who are clear about building trust are better able to be authentic without being irrelevant.

Your image can be either an asset or a liability for you as a leader.

I will leave you all with this to think about courtesy of Adam Grant,

"Authenticity means erasing the gap between what you firmly believe inside and what you reveal to the outside world."

Casey Cavell is a growth partner specializing in helping entrepreneurs build businesses exceeding $10 million in value. With a wealth of experience, he has founded, acquired, and invested in multiple small businesses, notably turning a $9,000 investment into a $40,000,000 portfolio. His journey wasn't without challenges, as he once experienced burnout when his business became heavily reliant on him. Determined to create businesses that could thrive without his daily involvement, he developed a proven process. Now, he assists entrepreneurs and business owners in scaling their ventures and freeing themselves from day-to-day operations.

Casey's process empowers entrepreneurs to regain control of their businesses, enabling them to focus on their most essential priorities. With over 100 successful case studies under his belt, Casey is a dedicated partner for those seeking to escape the daily grind, boost their business performance, and find more time for what truly matters in their lives.


In this episode of Selling From the Heart, Casey Cavell emphasizes the importance of focusing on quality over quantity in sales. He advises salespeople to do less but do it better, rather than trying to do as much as possible. He suggests identifying the ideal prospects and following a targeted process to achieve better results. Casey also highlights the value of having a peer group or coach to challenge and inspire sales professionals. He encourages salespeople to love what they sell and understand why they sell it.


Focus on quality over quantity in sales.

Identify your ideal prospects and follow a targeted process.

Surround yourself with a peer group or coach for support and accountability.

Love what you sell and understand why you sell it.


"Do less better."

"Don't make a hundred calls, but make 20 calls and make sure they are quality calls."

"Figure out what sets you apart and have a strong selling proposition."

"Build trust with prospects before asking for the sale."

"Have a written plan and review it regularly."

Learn more about Casey Cavell:


Learn more about Darrell and Larry:

Darrell's LinkedIn:

Larry's LinkedIn:


Got a video about how you sell from the heart? Share it by texting VIDEO to 21000.

Please visit book to pre order your copy of the rerelease of the Selling from the Heart book.


/ @sellingfromtheheart

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Can Your Copy Machine Be Hacked?

Sometimes clients look at me like I'm daft when I tell then that five plus year old copier has a higher risk to be hacked.  Thus that's what happened today at an account and I didn't have any back up information.  Thus, that will never happen again because I'm going to post a collection of comments on this blog that I or we can use.

You can explain this with ease to the client with using a smart phone analogy. Just ask the client if they have a smart phone? Well, 99.9 percent will answer as YES.  Then ask them if they've see notifications from their iphone or android to update their phone?  This answer will be another BIG yes.  Your next step is to tell than what the updates do.  In most cases the updates are to modify the software (new features, firmware) and update security software).  Now you're back to telling the client that most NEW MFPs now incorporate those updates automatically.  You've now set the stage.

I've been told that seeing something in writing will resonant more than speaking the words. I was not sure thus I gave this to Chat GBT.

Is reading something in writing more powerful than hearing it?

Reflection and Comprehension: Reading allows individuals to go at their own pace, reflect on the material, and reread if necessary. This can lead to a deeper understanding and better retention of information, especially complex or abstract concepts.

I'm guessing the key word is "can".  In any case below are some of the comments I've collected from various sources which I will list below.

I like the last one the best!  Why in world are you hanging on to a copier that plus five years old? That old copier can be the gateway to additional risk.

-=Good Selling=-

ChatGBT,, Visual Edge, Spiceworks, Quocirca

Seven Reasons Why You Should To Become a Premium P4P Hotel Member

Nothing is for FREE, we've heard this over and over through out our sales careers right?

At Print4Pay we share information, we are the relentless, we drive the sales, we seek new clients, we (Print4Pay Hotel) members are the top sellers in the industry.  Our need for knowledge translates to increased sales, generates additional GP and above all helps us provide for our families. Without a doubt, the Premium Members of the Print4Pay Hotel are the best of breed.

However, we all didn't start out that way, the key for most members is that they are relentless in their search for knowledge, the Print4Pay Hotel provides us with the opportunity to share, inspire, collaborate and exchange our ideas so we can move forward.

Premium Membership will get you access to:

  • Premium Forum:  Reserved for Premium Members threads only, located here.
  • Access to Current RFP's: Each week we post RFP's that we've found and you may have not had the time to find.  You can check out the RFP forum here.
  • Access to Industry Proposals/Document Library: We keep some of the proposals in the Document Library and we also post them in clips section titled "Pricing on the Street" & Competitive Proposals
  • Access to Download Premium Sales Documents: Go here and check out the documents that we have in our library and we're always adding to them.
  • Ability to Download Premium Documents: There's a treasure trove of documents through out the site that other members have uploaded, you'll be able to download those documents!
  • Access to Premium Blogs:  Right now I'm in the middle of posting "31 Ways to Close More Sales" which runs once a week. Starting in December I'll start running "31 Ways to Garner Net New Business". There are additional Premium Blogs that are posted on the site now and has we move forward more and more the of the Blogs that were "FREE" will become "Premium".
  • Contact Me: If you've got a Premium Membership feel free to reach out to me for sales help, product knowledge, how would I do this, and special pricing knowledge.

In fact just tonight I was asked to comment on a new sales cheat sheet that was sent to me, in fact I liked it so much that I comp'd that member a Premium Membership. The file that was created is a fantastic reminder for all of us in sales of what we should ask and do on every call. I believe this is invaluable for new reps!

An Annual membership is $117, a Lifetime Premium Membership is only $99  until the end of October 2023. You can also get Team Premium Memberships for $2,500 (annual).

-=Good Selling=-

Today's Hacked!


Backdoor Implant on Hacked Cisco Devices Modified to Evade Detection.....Discover how threat actors modified a backdoor on Cisco devices using zero-day flaws in IOS XE software, evading detection with new techniques.

Major Russian bank reportedly hacked by Ukraine....Alfa-Bank, the largest private bank in Russia, was confirmed by a source from the SBU to have been hacked in a joint operation by Ukrainian ...

Orange County, Calif., District Attorney's Office Hacked .....The Orange County District Attorney's Office information technology system was hacked over the weekend and portions of the system have ...

No, 1Password Has Not Just Been Hacked—Your Passwords Are Safe ....Pedro Canahuati, chief technology officer of the hugely popular password management platform 1Password, has published confirmation of a security incident. The October 23 posting states that suspicious activity was detected on..

Samsung Galaxy S23 hacked twice on first day of Pwn2Own Toronto .....Security researchers hacked the Samsung Galaxy S23 twice during the first day of the consumer-focused Pwn2Own 2023 hacking contest in Toronto, ...

The ransomware group that hacked Capcom has been taken down by international police....According to Europol, the criminal group Ragnar Locker, which was responsible for a ransomware strain of the same name, “made a name for itself by ...

I'm a hacking expert – you must delete email with 19 killer words inside or risk dangerous ...HACKERS have been sending tricky emails pretending to be official companies to lure you into their schemes.The emails will usually insist you act ...

'Five Eyes' warn of espionage, hacking by China |.....'Five Eyes' warn of espionage, hacking by China. October 23, 2023. The heads of intelligence from the "Five Eyes" alliance are publicly amplifying ...

European govt email servers hacked using Roundcube zero-day -.....The Winter Vivern Russian hacking group has been exploiting a Roundcube Webmail zero-day since at least October 11 to attack European government ...

How teenagers hacked into Vegas casinos using 'social engineering' - ......A group of teenage hackers are reportedly responsible for hacking some of the biggest casinos in the world, by hacking -- people.

-=Stay Safe=-

Contex IQ Quattro X large format scanner

IQ Quattro X large format scanner gives you super fast results combined with excellent image quality. It is recommended to engineering professionals for the production of high quality scans or copies of large GIS maps, site plans, engineering drawings, blueprints, architectural renderings and many other technical documents. The scanner is also ideal for copy shops. Contex A/S is the leading manufacturer of large format scanners and large format scanner software for both color and monochrome scanning solutions.
