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Twelve Days of Selling "Day 4"


What a day! We've all had those days where, by the end, you're completely mentally exhausted—and today was one of them for me.

The morning started with picking up another order. By 11 AM, I was at the office, ready for the next task: giving a demonstration of NSI AutoStore to our DSM. To my surprise, I gleaned some excellent additional insights during the session. It’s always a good day when you learn something new!

Tomorrow, two systems with AutoStore are being installed. While the initial workflow will simply involve "browse to folder," I’m also meeting with the same client to pitch more advanced workflows, barcodes, and creating forms directly from their ERP. I’m determined to get them to my office for a workflow demonstration we’ve set up specifically for HR and AP—it’s an eye-opener for most clients.

Later in the afternoon, I admit I let my emotions get the best of me over something beyond my control. It happens to the best of us, and I’m moving forward with a clear focus.

Now, with 72 hours left in the month, here’s the game plan:

  • Tomorrow: I have an appointment for a $17K opportunity, followed by a full day of phone calls.
  • Monday morning: Picking up another order early.
  • Saturday: Absolutely working, because I know the closer we get to Christmas, the more I’ll hear every excuse under the sun about why things can’t happen next week.

At this point, I estimate I’m about $50K short of my goal with $80K in opportunities still on the table. The finish line is near, and it’s all about making the most of every opportunity.

-=Good Selling=-

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Art, I've enjoyed reading your 12 days of selling especially the part about Saturdays. I really like that part now as when I woke up this morning I had an email from about 7am from a client who needs to spend the rest of his budget before year end. So not a bad Saturday morning start with a 25,000 order for 2 new color systems. This month should turn out well as I expect another 25,000 order on Monday and finished yesterday out with a wide format order and a small church system order.

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